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七月的内蒙古到处是一片绿,绿色的草丛,绿色的树木,绿色的麦田……绿的可爱,绿的温馨。蓝蓝的天空,偶尔有几片白云,在流动,云朵,像雪白的棉花堆一样,时而堆集,时而分散,看上去是那样的悠闲,那样的自然,真让人陶醉。进入了丘陵地带,这里有村庄、有麦田,还有黄黄的油菜地,一条一条地分散在绿色的田野里,远远地看上去真是美极了。草原的路是笔直的,视线很好,一眼顺路望的很远。路的两旁大多都是草原,部分草原上近年来有些沙化,一丛一丛的野苜蓿,顽强地在那守护着,在沙化严重的地带里显得尤  相似文献   

来到辽西的人,谁能不为白狼山所心动?山的前面还是山。古老的燕山山脉提起精神,从河北平原北侧的潮白河谷启程,越过努鲁儿虎山,向着蔚蓝的渤海湾,一口气跋涉了600余公里,历苍茫而雄浑,聚烟霞而秀气,在辽西建昌县城东5公里处,惊讶于原野的广袤,仰天一声长叹,白狼山拔地而  相似文献   

泥石流一般发育在岩性强度低、岩性较为破碎的地区,由于岩性差,岩体较为破碎,它易形成泥石流的物源,配合一定的地形条件和气象条件,造成泥石流发生.硬质岩区由于其强度高,不容易发生崩塌、滑坡等,形成泥石流物源.本文通过一个硬质岩区发生的泥石流调查表明:在硬质岩区,由于不合理的人类活动,造成降雨水时,水从高处经过硬质岩崩塌坡积物向下流动时,由于在高比降情况下,水的侵蚀能力强,坡形陡,硬质岩崩塌坡积物容易垮塌为其提供了物源.它的发生频率高,对下游危害大,因此,在这种地区进行工程活动时,必须对这种现象引起高度的重视.  相似文献   

曹锁庆 《地理教学》2008,(12):27-27
每天清晨,我早起跑步,蒙蒙亮的街道上,匆匆而过的自行车载着一群辛苦的人,菜贩子,教师和学生。作为一名教育工作者,心中苦苦的,更多的是迷惘的困惑。学生大多数是未成年人,他们需要充足的睡眠,这样的学习是对身心的发展还是摧残?德国哲学家康德说:“快乐是我们的需求得到了满足”。的确,快乐是一种美好的状况,对于学生而言,也就是他感觉自己处在一个安全的环境中,可以自由自在地、轻松自如地学习。  相似文献   

欧洲大陆现今仅存的大公国世界仅有古堡多的千堡之国戴菊荣称国鸟卢森堡,全称为卢森堡大公国,是现今欧洲大陆仅存的大公国,位于欧洲西北部,东邻德国,南毗法国,西部和北部与比利时接壤。由于其地形富于变化,在历史上卢森堡处于德法要道,地形险要,一直是西欧重要的军事要塞,有北方直布罗陀的称  相似文献   

很早就有进入玛瑙湖的打算. 一直想找机会,看一看长河落日圆,大漠孤烟直的塞外风光,或者闲暇时接一接地气,捡一捡石头,朝拜心中祈盼已久的玛瑙湖,这一切对我来说真的是一种莫大的消遣和受用. 然而,每当听说我要进湖时,几位石商朋友总是笑着摇头对我说,“还是别去了,现在什么也没有了,石头都被人捡完了.不去后悔一阵子,去了后悔一辈子……”然而,无论朋友怎样劝,我还是坚持一定要去,因为我和他们的追求不一样,心境也不大一样.  相似文献   

湘东,是指湖南境内湘江以西,罗霄山以东,北到岳阳市的平江县,南到郴州市的安仁县,以现株洲市所辖各县、市、区为主体的广大地域。其中以红色资源、红色名人命名的乡(镇)有3个,即炎陵县的策源乡,茶陵县的思聪乡,平江县的咏生乡。  相似文献   

郑书  刘迎曦  黄莺 《地理教学》2010,(22):33-35
在重庆市渝中区朝天门码头,嘉陵江在纳细流、汇小川、纵流1119千米后,于此注入长江。碧绿的嘉陵江水与褐黄色的长江水激流撞击,漩涡滚滚,清浊分明,其势如野马分鬃,十分壮观。长江融嘉陵江水后,声势益发浩荡,穿三峡,通江汉,一泻千里,成为长江上游的“黄金水段”。俗话说“一方水土养一方人”,一个区域内公民的素质与这个区域的水土是密切联系的,区域内的自然环境和历史积淀孕育着特色鲜明的地域文化。  相似文献   

世界上没有一样东西是绝对强的,也没有一样东西是绝对弱的,兔子还能登瞎老鹰的眼睛。植物没腿没手没牙没爪,可它也会反击——只要你做得过了头。饭是人吃的,可如果不依规矩,饭也会吃人的。这不是危言耸听,铁案如山。吃的少是人吃饭,吃得多是饭吃人。饭吃得够人体消耗了,而且在消化机器的负荷之内,就正好,有益,是人吃饭;如果吃多了,超出消化机器的负荷,就不舒服,时间一久,消化机器就会  相似文献   

<正>我爱呆在湿地,这里是我的天堂。汉石桥湿地并不大,但却独具特色,与世俗隔离,与喧嚣绝缘。这块恢复中的湿地没有清澈见底的水,看不见鱼翔浅底,水面上还常有繁茂的植物,纷乱的、毫无秩序地生长,但它是那么真实,这种真实本身就是一种美。  相似文献   

This review aims to distill and synthesize the existing information on the use of models to describe and predict the distribution and movement of metals in lacustrine sediments. As such it examines the causes of metal diagenesis, the origin and form of the equations that govern these phenomena, and the predictability or measurability of the parameters that appear in the models. The paper concludes by highlighting some seminal results from modelling studies, including the determination of the factors controlling the formation of surficial Mn-Fe-enriched zone or layers, the substantial contribution possible from metal reduction to organic matter regeneration, the calculation of mixing-corrected metal input histories to lakes, and the prediction of growth rates and morphologies for both deep-sea and lacustrine ferromanganese nodules.  相似文献   

独龙江流域地貌   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章首先概述独龙江流域的地貌基本形态结构,分析现代地貌作用的外营力,讨论地质构造和地表物质对研究区地貌形成的作用和影响。作者着重根据现代冰川分布及其特征、古冰川遗迹、冰缘地貌类型和古冰缘地貌遗迹,研究独龙江流域全新世以来的构造抬升和气候演变。最后分析研究区坡地形成过程,河流地貌的发展与演变,阐述独龙江流域的地貌发育史。总之,文章坚持将今及古的观点,反对泛冰川和泛构造的解释  相似文献   

过去50年气候变化下中国潜在植被NPP的脆弱性评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
借助动态植被模型IBIS,首先模拟了过去50年(1961-2010年)气候变化下中国潜在植被NPP的动态变化,然后采用IPCC第五次评估报告选定的标准气候态时段(1986-2005年)平均气候状态作为“标准年气候”,并将该气候条件下的潜在植被NPP作为评价基准。通过与基准进行比较,计算每一年潜在植被NPP的波动情况,进而评价该年的气候条件是否使潜在植被“不适应”以及“不适应”的程度,最后根据过去50年的“不适应”次数和程度综合判断气候变化下潜在植被NPP的脆弱性。评价结果显示:在过去50年的气候变化下,天山以南的暖温带荒漠生态系统、北方温带草原生态系统以及青藏高原西部的高寒草原生态系统更容易受到气候变化的不利影响,NPP呈现出较高的脆弱性;而大部分以森林为主的生态系统则不容易受到气候变化的影响,NPP脆弱性较低,其中以常绿阔叶林和针叶林为主的生态系统NPP脆弱性更低。此外,天山以北的温带荒漠生态系统以及青藏高原中部和东部的高寒草原草甸生态系统NPP也呈现出较低的脆弱性。  相似文献   

The nature of the transition between the Zagros intra-continental collision and the Makran oceanic subduction is a matter of debate: either a major fault cutting the whole lithosphere or a more progressive transition associated with a shallow gently dipping fault restricted to the crust. Microearthquake seismicity located around the transition between the transition zone is restricted to the west of the Jaz-Murian depression and the Jiroft fault. No shallow micro-earthquakes seem to be related to the NNW–SSE trending Zendan–Minab–Palami active fault system. Most of the shallow seismicity is related either to the Zagros mountain belt, located in the west, or to the NS trending Sabzevaran–Jiroft fault system, located in the north. The depth of microearthquakes increases northeastwards to an unusually deep value (for the Zagros) of 40 km. Two dominant types of focal mechanisms are observed in this region: low-angle thrust faulting, mostly restricted to the lower crust, and strike-slip at shallow depths, both consistent with NS shortening. The 3-D inversion of P traveltimes suggests a high-velocity body dipping northeastwards to a depth of 25 km. This high-velocity body, probably related to the lower crust, is associated with the deepest earthquakes showing reverse faulting. We propose that the transition between the Zagros collision and the Makran subduction is not a sharp lithospheric-scale transform fault associated with the Zendan–Minab–Palami fault system. Instead it is a progressive transition located in the lower crust. The oblique collision results in partial partitioning between strike-slip and shortening components within the shallow brittle crust because of the weakness of the pre-existing Zendan–Minab–Palami faults.  相似文献   

Geomorphic, lithologhic, and stratigraphic field studies as well as pollen data and mineralogical study have been used to propose Pliocene and Pleistocene paleogeographic reconstructions of the El’gygytgyn meteorite crater area. The moment of impact is recorded above the early Pliocene hill denudation plain as a “chaotic horizon” consisting of fragments of impactite rocks. This chaotic horizon lies between layers of late Pliocene alluvial sediments. During the second half of the late Pliocene, the region was tectonically active, when the Anadyr lowland was uplifted causing alluvial sediments to accumulate in the basins to the south of the crater. Regional climatic cooling, which supported the spread of tundra and the formation of permafrost is characteristically to late Pliocene. The 35–40 m high terrace that roughly follows the 530 m contour interval along the Enmyvaam River formed during the middle Pleistocene. This terrace represents the maximum lake level. Erosion and incision of the upper Enmyvaam River increased due to another wave of uplift. Additionally, El’gygytgyn Lake discharge increased causing lake level to begin to drop in the Middle Pleistocene. Cooling continued, which led to the development of herb-dominated arctic tundra. middle and late Pleistocene glaciations did not reach the El’gygytgyn lake region. The 9–11 m high lacustrine terrace was formed around the lake during the late Pleistocene and the 2–3 m high lacustrine terrace formed later during the Holocene. During the last 5000 years, the lake level has continued to drop as the modern coastline developed. This is the third in a series of eleven papers published in this special issue dedicated to initial studies of El’gygytgyn Crater Lake and its catchment in NE Russia. Julie Brigham-Grette, Martin Melles, Pavel Minyuk were guest editors of this special issue.  相似文献   

Spillover effect offsets the conservation effort in the Amazon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diverse conservation efforts have been expanding around the globe, even under the stress of increasing agricultural production. A striking example is the supply-chain agreements put upon the Amazon forest which had reduced deforestation by 80% from the early 2000s (27,772 km2) to 2015 (6207 km2). However, evaluation of these conservation efforts usually focused on the impacts within the Amazon biome only, while the effects that spill over to other areas (e.g., displacement of environmental pressure from one area to another) were rarely considered. Ignoring spillover effects may lead to biased or even wrong conclusions about the effectiveness of these conservation efforts because the hidden cost outside the target area of conservation may offset the achievement within it. It is thus important to assess the spillover effects of these supply-chain agreements. In this study, we used the two supply-chain agreements (i.e., Soy Moratorium and zero-deforestation beef agreement) implemented in the Amazon biome as examples and evaluated their spillover effects to the Cerrado. To achieve a holistic evaluation of the spillover effects, we adopted the telecoupling framework in our analysis. The application of the telecoupling framework includes the interactions between distant systems and extends the analytical boundaries beyond the signatory areas, which fill the gap of previous studies. Our results indicate that the supply-chain agreements have significantly reduced deforestation by half compared to projections within the sending system (i.e., Pará State in the Amazon, which exports soybeans and other agricultural products), but at the cost of increasing deforestation in the spillover system (i.e., a 6.6 time increase in Tocantins State of the Cerrado, where deforestation was affected by interactions between the Amazon and other places). Our study emphasizes that spillover effects should be considered in the evaluation and planning of conservation efforts, for which the telecoupling framework works as a useful tool to do that systematically.  相似文献   

2001-2013年川西高原旱情监测及其地形分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2001-2013年EOS-MODIS归一化植被指数产品数据,应用距平植被指数法(AVI)对川西高原进行了干旱监测,并分析年平均干旱发生频率与海拔高度、坡度和坡向地形因子的关系,进一步结合研究区土地利用数据,分析了不同地形因子干旱频率差异的原因。研究表明:(1)受积雪覆盖的影响,川西地区干旱监测只在一定区域内适用,该适宜区为川西海拔4 300 m以下区域。(2)川西高原干旱发生频率同各地形因子都具有较强的相关性,其中,高程影响最为复杂,与不同高度带地表覆被类型的差异性有关;坡向影响非常明确,主要受稳定水汽来源输入的影响;坡度的影响具有较强的局域性,与不同坡度的保水蓄水能力及覆被类型有关。  相似文献   

《更路簿》与潭门地方性的建构与再现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新文化地理学提倡关注文本中的地理。运用内容分析与文本分析相结合的方法对《更路簿》与潭门地方性的建构和再现进行案例分析,探究文本与地方性之间的关系和作用。研究发现:① 内容记载是文本与地方性作用的首要维度,独特地方性内容的再现是地方性挖掘的必要前提;② 价值表征是文本参与地方性构建的象征基础,文本的价值基于且超越于文本的内容,与其所处的社会环境密切相关;③ 象征解译是文本参与地方性构建的重要方式,文本的意义价值体系不仅内含创作者或创作群体的语气,还包括“他者”群体对于文本价值的认知和阐释;④ 文本与地方性建构和再现之间的作用是相互的,地方文化符号和品牌的形成反之可促进对文本的保护。  相似文献   

对广州市越秀区解放中路考古遗址剖面进行了年代学、岩性、硅藻和软体动物鉴定等研究,发现广州珠江北岸古城区南部在先秦时期为河道及河口湾湿地/洼地;因河流-河涌的淡水注入使河口盐度降低,故而沉积物中未见较高盐度的微体生物,仅发现了河口型咸水-半咸水硅藻;此时堆积的贝壳大多为淡水种,半咸水种少见,表明先秦(东周)时期,广州地区...  相似文献   

杨希  马航  张力智  宋科 《地理研究》2021,40(4):958-976
客家是一支在一定时期内处于流迁状态的民系。在其迁徙过程中,宗族组织化的群体自身的文化惯性对撞地理环境与社会环境的差异,使客家民系对于生存空间关系的处理呈现多样的态度。为厘清广东主要客居地内不同传统客家村居形态之间的关联性及其发展脉络,本研究从类型学角度,分别在微观建筑形态与中观聚落格局两个层面,依据关键空间属性来划分空间形制的基本类型,并整理比较建筑类型与聚落类型的地理分布。而后,从历史地理学角度挖掘客家民系在广东省内的流迁历程,并顺沿多条流迁动线分别探讨不同建筑类型、不同聚落类型之间的承袭、交融与分异关系,进而得出以下结论:① 在“建筑”与“聚落”两个尺度层面上的空间营造活动中,建筑形制决策倾向于依附民系内生文化,聚落模式决策倾向于呼应局域地区的社会经济与自然环境;② 在沿迁徙路径的时空推移过程中,主要建筑类型沿主干河流由上游向中下游传播承袭,韩江水系和东江水系之间的支线水陆途径促进了建筑类型在规模、围合防卫程度、聚合组织形式等方面的渐变过渡;③ 相对于客家文化核心区,“广府-客家”“福姥-客家”文化锋面上客家建筑“中轴”对空间组织的主导力发生急剧弱化,意味着宗族组织出现扁平化的变化态势,主要表现为该地带宗族“房系”发达度下降,以及宗祠的经济文化凝聚力衰退;④ 从空间概念的历时性承袭与发展视角来看,空间形态控制性基因应为明确的“属性”化因子,而非具象化要素,聚居空间的基因分析,应当分别基于“人”“地”的不同线索,探索不同尺度人居空间形态的控制因子。  相似文献   

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