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Farm households in New Zealand have responded to the changing political and economic environment since the mid-1980s in a variety of ways. This paper explores the various farm adjustment strategies adopted by farm households in Waihemo (East Otago) and ways in which these influence both the household and enterprise domains of the family farm unit. It examines the complex interrelationships between specific farm adjustments, drawing attention to the ways in which these are redefining the nature of family farming in the area.  相似文献   

Farm Size Change in New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The size of farm holdings is a commonly used indicator of change in rural societies and economies. This paper reviews the explanation for changes in farm size in developed western countries and identifies the inadequacy of national data in presenting an accurate explanation of change. The literature is characterised by relative neglect of the influence of different farming systems, policy and legislative changes and other factors. In New Zealand, national farm size has decreased since the mid-1970s, but the experiences of different parts of the country has varied considerably. Farm size has decreased the most where subdivision and intensification of land use have taken place, whilst in some pastoral regions farm size has been maintained or has even increased.  相似文献   

As the foundation of farm household structure, livelihood asset status is the basis for farmers to gain opportunities, adopt livelihood strategies, resist livelihood risk, and engage in positive livelihood achievements. Quantifying farm household assets identifies future development trends that are fundamentally necessary to predict farm household vulnerability and strategy, as well as understanding farmers’ current living situations. Using Zunyi City in China’s western mountainous area as a case study, we conducted stratified sampling and participatory rural investigation appraisal to collect data on the attributes of farm households’ livelihood assets and livelihood strategies to establish an index evaluation system and enable evaluation and analysis of farm households with different livelihood strategies. Our research indicates that due to structural differences, total livelihood assets of farm households with different livelihood strategies are similar. Rural households have an abundance of natural and material assets and deficiencies in human, financial and social assets. Non-rural households and part- time households are abundant in human, financial and social assets and deficient in natural and material assets.  相似文献   

制度变迁是城镇空间演化的重要驱动,农垦城镇作为一类特殊且重要的城镇类型,受制度因素影响更直接、更显著。鉴于现有研究较少基于制度变迁探究农垦城镇空间演化,论文系统梳理了农场制度变迁的总体情况,并以湖北省五三农场为例,采用综合研究方法,揭示了制度变迁下农垦城镇空间演化及其动力机制。研究发现:① 农垦城镇空间演化主要体现在空间形态、空间关系和功能结构3个方面,即空间形态从缓变到剧变,空间关系从生产协作关系转为城乡关系,功能结构不断从公办到私营、从生产主导到消费主导、从单一化到多元化;② 制度变迁通过改变农场身份、利益关系和资源配置推动农垦城镇空间演化,其中农场身份变化直接影响农垦城镇空间的发展方向,利益关系变化促使农垦城镇空间产业化、市场化,资源配置变化通过改变资源配置主体、类型、尺度和速度作用于农垦城镇空间演化。通过研究,以期能更有针对性地指导农垦城镇在新时期的发展,同时也可丰富城镇空间演化的理论内涵。  相似文献   

Farm production practices often focus on mitigating negative consequences of cropping – particularly annual crops like corn, cereals and oilseeds. Some of North America’s most-intensive farmlands are rapidly converting their remaining perennial cover to annual crops. While perennial cover like woodlands, grasslands and wetlands are valued for the many landscape services they provide, they are vulnerable to conversion to other cover types under drivers of landscape change. Conversions within farms constitute nuances rather than new land uses, yet landscape composition effects can be substantial when considering habitat, biodiversity, soil and water quality, carbon sequestration, and aesthetics. As the farm landscape becomes increasingly dominated by annual crop vegetation, the key drivers behind land cover types and management merit critical examination. This paper reviews recent studies on farmland composition and management in central Canada and the United States, identifying trajectories and magnitudes of landscape changes. To consider forces, both speculative examination of policies and information from farmer interviews help identify motivations for changes in perennial or annual proportions of farm landscapes. The paper concludes with forces that increase perennialization and existing or prospective pathways to improve the balance between annual and perennial vegetation.  相似文献   

Multifunctionality is today a keyword to understand rural areas in Europe. Depending on the context, it may refer to farm households, areas, or the agricultural sector. For farm households, it can be defined as their capacity to respond adequately to societal and consumer demands through the provisioning of a variety of goods, services, and non-market functions. These farm household practices are often categorized as ‘deepening’, ‘broadening’, or ‘regrounding’. In the article, the multifunctional practices of farm households in Greece are discussed within this conceptual framework with the presentation of specific examples that are derived from fieldwork. The case studies represent different spatial units and practices, covering deepening (organic farming, integrated management), broadening (agrotourism, short food supply chains), and regrounding (pluriactivity) practices of Greek farm households. The most important findings link multifunctionality mostly to pluriactivity, with complex and diverse strategies. Finally, some of the most important activities are not practised by farm households but by upstream actors.  相似文献   

Land fragmentation is widely known to have an impact on farm performance. However, previous studies investigating this impact mainly focused on a single crop, and only limited data from China are available. This study considers multiple crops to identify the impact of land fragmentation (LF), as well as cropping system (CS), on farm productivity and the efficiency of grain producers in the North China Plain (NCP), using Cangxian County of Hebei Province as an example. Detailed household- and plot-level survey data are applied and four stochastic frontier and inefficiency models are developed. These models include different sets of key variables in either the production function or the inefficiency models, in order to investigate all possibilities of their influences on farm productivity and efficiency. The results show that LF plays a significant and detrimental role, affecting both productivity and efficiency. A positive effect is evident with respect to the CS variable, i.e., multiple cropping index (MCI), and the wheat-maize double CS, rather than the maize single CS, is usually associated with higher farm productivity and efficiency. In addition to LF and CS, four basic production input variables (labor, seed, pesticide and irrigation), also significantly affect farmers’ productivity, while the age of the household head and the ratio of the off-farm labor to total labor are significantly relevant to technical inefficiency. Policies geared toward the promotion of land transfer and the rational adjustment of cropping systems are recommended for boosting farm productivity and efficiency, and thus maintaining the food supply while mitigating the overexploitation of groundwater in the NCP.  相似文献   

中国行政区划调整的尺度政治   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王丰龙  刘云刚 《地理学报》2019,74(10):2136-2146
行政区划调整是人文地理学研究中的重要议题,但目前相关理论研究仍显不足。本文借助“尺度政治”理论,尝试对行政区划调整的诸多类型进行理论化梳理。具体而言,行政区划调整主要涉及行政等级变更、领域幅员调整、区划类型更替3种类型;从尺度政治视角出发,行政区划调整可以理解为行政区划的尺度生产和权力的尺度修复两大过程,其中涉及各种形式的尺度上推、尺度下推和尺度更替。基于这些尺度特征,本文探讨了行政区划调整的尺度重构和尺度政治的综合性、动态性和辩证性。本研究对于深化行政区划及尺度政治的理论研究具有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

中国农业结构调整基本态势与区域效应   总被引:68,自引:5,他引:63  
刘彦随  陆大道 《地理学报》2003,58(3):381-389
根据1997~2001年中国统计年鉴和典型调研资料,在分析新时期农业结构调整基本内涵和构建评价指标体系的基础上,分别对各省区农业结构调整比较优势及其调整区域效应进行了评价和关联分析。结果表明:全国80%的省区能够立足当地比较优势,农业结构调整有序展开,农业生产的优势区、产业带新格局初步形成,特色农业产值增长率达3.1%。但区域效应差异也较为明显,总体上是北方优于南方,黄河流域优于长江流域,传统农区优于一般地区。农业结构调整比较优势与调整效应匹配较好的省区有蒙、吉、豫、鲁、琼、陕、甘、宁、新和藏,匹配较差的省区有京、津、黑、鄂、桂、青。区域政策调控在农业结构调整中发挥着特殊重要的作用。  相似文献   

新疆观光农业类型、发展格局与趋势   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
新疆是发展观光农业较早的省区 ,主要是特色观光农业。进入 90年代 ,则出现了市郊观光农业、和远郊的观光牧业、观光渔业区。新疆的观光农业向着综合化、生态化、立体化、园林化、庭院化等更加丰富多样的方向发展。  相似文献   

湿地保护是公众参与性很强的一项工作,湿地保护要以公众自觉积极参与作为重要突破口。选取三江平原最具科研历史和生态保护意识的洪河农场为调查对象,对不同参与主体(学生、居民、外来务工人员、媒体、中国科学院三江平原沼泽试验站和洪河国家级自然保护区领导)的湿地保护参与意识进行调查,了解不同参与主体对湿地的认知程度及其参与湿地保护的主动性和积极性,分析存在的问题,最后从生态学、社会经济学的角度提出促进人与湿地和谐共处,实现生态可持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

基于可持续生计框架,采用统计分析和深度访谈法,将研究区293户农户按生计活动类型划为牧户(牛户、羊户、牛羊户和马户)、种植户和非农户,并按农户生计资产总值进一步划为高、中、低3个等级类型,进而分析了不同类型和不同等级农户的生计资产与生计活动及方式的依存关系。研究发现:各类农户的生计资产均值差距明显,牧户最高,为0.37,种植户为0.25,非农户为0.21;牧户的劳动力、草场、牲畜、现金、贷款等资产均值最高,种植户的农机和耕地资产均值最高,非农户的社会资产均值最高。目前,半农半牧区的农户仍然以旱作种植业和草地畜牧业为主要生计,但农牧业生产均面临较大的资源环境压力;非农户只占15.3%,且面临非农就业机会不足、个人技能缺失、语言障碍和务农时间与用工季节的冲突。最后,提出了提高农户收入和改善农户生计的对策建议。  相似文献   

李翠珍  徐建春  孔祥斌 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1039-1049
以北京市大兴区为例,采用农户调查数据,设计不同资源群体农户分类评价指标体系,利用非系统聚类方法将农户划分为5类(①中等资源禀赋,中等非农收入;②高等资源禀赋,中等非农收入;③中等资源禀赋,低等非农收入;④纯农户;⑤非农户),进而分析了不同资源群体农户的生计多样化特点及对土地利用的影响。研究表明:(1)在大都市郊区,农户类型1~3、纯农户和非农户分别采取了农业和非农兼顾、留在农业和脱离农业的生计策略。(2)农户类型1~3和纯农户中,70%农户生计多样化指数分布在2~3之间,且依然呈现粮食作物播种面积较大,选择比例最高,其次是经济作物。(3)农户类型1~3和非农户中,以就地转移方式非农就业是农户家庭劳动力安排的主要选择,且非农就业劳动力年龄最轻和教育水平最高。(4)大都市郊区土地非农化的转型特点促使农户从类型1~4被动地向类型5转化,土地利用效益低下也持续推动了农户生计多样化,同时,农户生计多样化会引发粮食生产能力停滞不前、土地流转和产权调整大规模顺势而生、土壤养分富集等土地利用现象。  相似文献   

孙庆祥  周华荣 《干旱区地理》2020,43(5):1327-1336
以阿尔泰山森林生态系统为研究对象并依据《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》(LY/T 1721—2008),通过利用空间分析的方法对阿尔泰山森林资源二类调查数据处理分析,得到了阿尔 泰山不同类型森林生态系统的生态服务价值和阿尔泰山生态服务价值的影响因素。结果表明:阿 尔泰山森林生态服务价值量为 47 957.79×106 元·a-1,价值量的大小为:涵养水源>固碳释氧>保护 生物多样性>净化大气环境>保育土壤>积累营养物质,其中涵养水源是主导服务功能;不同林 龄的生态服务价值量呈现为:成熟林>过熟林>近熟林>中龄林>幼龄林;按照林场划分,各个林 场的生态服务价值呈现富蕴林场>阿勒泰林场>新疆阿尔泰山两河源自然保护区>布尔津林场 >青河林场>哈巴河林场>福海林场的顺序。  相似文献   

Knowledge generation and the interactions that allow for knowledge exchange are key processes of innovation. Yet these processes are not well understood at the farm level, nor are they well reflected in policy approaches for agricultural innovation. Farmers in New South Wales have used diverse ways to implement innovations in land management. They employ a range of strategies including observing signals from the landscape, independent testing and trialling, use of agronomists, participation in farmer groups and in farmer-driven research programmes. Steps to foster farmer-driven innovations and knowledge-intensive agricultural systems require greater subtlety to enable flexibility, the incorporation of contemporary scientific knowledge and support for sustainable initiatives. More research on innovation and on policy engagement is required to foster on-farm innovative capacity.  相似文献   

刘东  付强 《地理科学》2008,28(3):380-384
近年来,由于水田面积迅速增加,导致三江平原低湿地井灌水稻区地下水位普遍下降,"吊泵"、局部超采现象时有发生,因此,三江平原的地下水资源平衡急需恢复。为解决上述问题,以853农场为例,应用小波理论对853农场实测年降水时间序列的多时间尺度变化特征及突变特征进行分析,揭示该区年降水变化的主要周期及旱涝变化趋势,为853农场乃至整个三江平原充分利用天然降水、地下水资源恢复及可持续利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The dominant livelihood types of farm households have become increasingly differentiated in recent years, which has attracted the attention of researchers. Identifying the characteristics and driving factors of household livelihood differentiation is of great significance for revealing man-land relationship and policy making. Based on the interview data of farm households in typical villages in key ecological function areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China, we analyzed the pattern of the dominant diversified livelihood types and the livelihood characteristics among different farm households. Then we assessed the driving forces of livelihood diversification by optimal scaling regression. The results indicated that: (1) In the study area, the dominant livelihood types show two trends of agriculturally dominant livelihood (accounting for 53.07%) and non-agriculturally dominant livelihood (accounting for 46.93%). Moreover, farm households in the agro-pastoral areas are mainly agriculturally dominated (accounting for 75.68%), while farm households in the mountainous areas are mainly non-agriculturally dominated (accounting for 66.93%). (2) The labor allocation and income source of different types of farm households are consistent with their dominant livelihood types. The farm households with agriculturally dominant livelihoods have more natural resources than those with non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods. In terms of housing conditions, farm households with agriculturally dominant livelihoods are inferior to those with non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods. (3) The farm labor, dependency ratio, agricultural income, supplemental income and locational conditions have negative impacts on the non-agricultural trend of farm household livelihood decisions, while off-farm labor, non-farm income, education level and the per capita amount of compensation have significant positive impacts on it.  相似文献   

El Hatillo is a rural community in the Sébaco valley in Nicaragua, which suffers from an eroding resource base, high levels of poverty and malnutrition, and a high susceptibility to hazards. Structural adjustment policies have been devastating for small and subsistence farmers and have increased the level of economic, social and environmental marginalisation in rural Nicaragua. This paper explores initiatives to promote sustainable development in Nicaragua in the context of structural adjustment and environmental degradation. Drawing on qualitative research conducted in El Hatillo, it outlines the ways in which women in this community are attempting to address the multiple challenges of rural poverty and environmental risk and considers the potential of these strategies for gender equality.  相似文献   

流动性语境中,流动群体因其承载的源地文化基因与在地饮食文化的碰撞,不可避免地陷入维系源地饮食与融入在地饮食的两难境地,从而引发了饮食调适与身份焦虑等问题。尽管学界探讨了流动群体在不同饮食文化影响下的调适策略,但大多将固守源地文化与接纳在地文化进行对立,忽视了个体能动的协商过程。论文基于文化地理学视角,以广州流动群体为研究对象,分析他们在跨地方饮食适应过程中采取的多元策略及身份协商。研究发现,在不同地方饮食文化的影响下,流动群体跨地方饮食适应的策略包括饮食同化、饮食融合、饮食隔离与饮食边缘化。在不同策略之下,流动群体的日常饮食实践呈现出差异化的特征,并使得原本单一的源地身份认同趋于复杂化。论文提出了跨地方饮食适应的分析框架,讨论了饮食适应的多元策略与身份协商之关系,为文化地理学视角下的移民与饮食研究提供了新的理论视野,在实践层面上有利于促进流动群体的饮食适应与社会融入。  相似文献   

张家口地区有丰富的湿地资源,张家口的河流、湖淖等湿地对京津地区的水资源供应与调节、生物多样性保护、生态环境的平衡与区域可持续发展关系重大,本文对该区域主要湿地现状、导致其退化的主要原因与问题进行了探讨,并提出了当前湿地保护的建议与对策。  相似文献   

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