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G. Till 《Marine Policy》1984,8(3):271-274
Over one hundred years ago William Seward, then US Secretary of State, remarked, ‘Henceforth, European commerce, European politics and European activity, although becoming actually more intimate, will nevertheless sink in importance, while the Pacific Ocean, its shores, its islands and the vast region beyond, will become the chief theatre of events in the world's great hereafter’. The idea that the Asia/Pacific area is one which the USA will have to take more seriously has clearly attracted increasing support in US policy making circles over the past few years. Since the USA faces the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, it has naturally been vitally concerned with both over the years and has accorded priority first to one and then to the other. All the signs are that the pendulum is now swinging more in favour of the Pacific than it used to do  相似文献   

Although overexploitation of commercial fish stocks in European waters has been in the public debate now for more than 20 years, the European Union has so far failed to implement sustainable fisheries management. Millions in subsidies paid to the fishing industry have led to significant excess capacity in the fishing fleet. Various feeble attempts to stop overexploitation of marine resources have failed. The cause is that fishing policy is highly dominated by short-term socioeconomic interests. There is an urgent need for a new fisheries management system in Europe that supports reductions in the fishing fleet, increases responsibility among fishers and guarantees long-term conservation of natural marine resources.Transferable rights to fish have proved a reliable and effective means of creating incentives to conserve marine resources. By strengthening individual fishing rights under flexible quota management systems, the EU Member States could, within the Common Fisheries Policy, make a significant contribution to conserving fish stocks, to reducing excess capacity and to raising the profitability of the fisheries industry. A closer look at existing reservations against a flexible management system shows most of the objections to be overstated or capable of resolution.  相似文献   

The EU Green Paper on Maritime Policy is the European response to the new generation of ocean strategies based on science, technology and innovation aimed at new objectives, such as the strengthening of security and access to new resources. The European character of the proposal is found in the presence of social, cultural and historical elements, what is called the “European vision”. The viability of a European vision of the oceans and the idea of maritime empire as an extension of the current concept of empire within the general context of emerging ocean strategies are the elements offered up for debate on this European Union initiative.  相似文献   

In the period 1983-2007, The European Union controlled the evolution of the capacity of its fishing fleet through the so-called Multi-Annual Guidance Programmes (MAGPs). As a result, The European Union reduced the number of fishermen, fishing vessels, gross tonnage and power. However, the end of this period saw an increase in the average size of the fishing vessel and a reduction in crew size. The new “average fishing-vessel” was a more technologically advanced vessel with a greater fishing capacity and a higher degree of autonomy. The aim of the study presented here is to determine the degree of inequality to be found between the fishing capacities of the fleets of the European Union, and to verify whether the evolution of the “average fishing-vessel” responds to a homogenous trend shared by all of the fishing fleets of the European Union or whether it is in fact more unequal. The study formalises a methodology, using Theil indices, which enables the inequalities found between the capacities of the fishing fleets during the period of application of the MAGP adjustment polices to be analysed. The study uses data on fishermen, boats and tonnages from 13 countries of the European Union and results are obtained for the inequality indices of the average size of the fishing vessels, their degree of technological advance and their average crews.  相似文献   

The European principles of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) are often viewed as central, defining features of the EC approach to ICZM, enshrined within the EC Recommendation (2002/413/EC) and endorsed by the European Commission in its Communication on ICZM (COM(2007) 308 final). This paper presents the findings of COREPOINT surveys which evaluated the extent to which the ICZM principles are addressed and interpreted across the North West European region. An interpretation of these findings is undertaken in order to provide an assessment of local ICZM development against the European ICZM Progress Indicator. The surveys revealed rather mixed adherence to with the EC ICZM principles at national, regional and local levels, although there were some promising results related to the principles of local specificity and stakeholder engagement. The principles providing the greatest challenge were those promoting the broad holistic approach, the long-term approach and adaptive management. The surveys demonstrated the value of using a structured, clearly designed ‘expert’ survey for providing an insight into operational aspects of the ICZM principles and provided a means of assessing ICZM progress. As such, this paper provides a useful contribution to the ongoing European and wider debate about the principles and their evaluation.  相似文献   

The 2004 enlargement of the European Union (EU), as well as the further enlargements planned from 2007 onwards (Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Turkey), entail changes of a geo-political nature that not only imply an increase in size (a rise in the number of States, new boundaries), but, more especially, also involve a shift in the EU's maritime status, with its projection towards the Atlantic now being checked by a swing towards continental Europe and its inland seas. In view of the new political map being drawn up, two questions beg to be asked: to what extent is Europe's maritime condition being strengthened; and, does the new maritime Europe constitute an opportunity, or does it aggravate the already-existing problems and threats?  相似文献   

The European Atlas of the Seas is a web-based information system aimed at the general public, but it is also capable of supporting selected nonspecialist professionals in addressing environmental issues, human activities, and policies related to the coast and sea. It includes a collection of maps and associated fact sheets based on data originating primarily from the European Commission and its agencies, which present a snapshot of key natural and socio-economic elements of the coastal and marine regions of the European Union. It provides a suite of basic instruments for map analysis and data combination to derive ad hoc maritime indicators.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of the socio-economic dimension of the use of marine waters, there has been little research in the field until recently, when interest has grown in the concept of ‘blue growth'. This paper aims to contribute to filling this gap with a socio-economic assessment of the main maritime sectors, focused on the Spanish part of the European Atlantic Arc. To this end, it first proposes a theoretical structure for the maritime economy and then collects and classifies comparable and reliable maritime socio-economic indicators. The data obtained allows us to assess the size of the Spanish maritime sector and the position of the Spanish Maritime Cluster in the wider context of the maritime economy of the European Atlantic, as well as discuss the appropriateness of a strategy of forming clusters at the national level vs. a transnational approach. The results indicate differences between regions in the European Atlantic Arc that complicate the development of integrated policies to stimulate blue growth. Extending our knowledge of the maritime economy of the European Atlantic Arc will make it possible to design strategies that address the real issues, increasing the likelihood of these being effective.  相似文献   

海洋是生物资源的宝库,海洋生物技术是开发和保护海洋生物资源的重要基础。欧、美、日等发达国家十分重视发展海洋生物技术,纷纷制定各自的海洋生物技术发展战略。其中,欧洲2010年发布的"欧洲海洋生物技术发展新的远景与战略"行动报告是迄今为止国际上最新、最全和最详细的区域海洋生物技术发展战略之一。本研究结合这一行动报告,对欧洲海洋生物技术发展现状、优先方向、政策建议等进行了梳理,分析了我国海洋生物技术发展的优势与挑战,提出了我国今后发展海洋生物技术的若干建议。  相似文献   

The Continuous Plankton Recorder has been deployed for 70 years. Although modifications to the machine have been relatively minor, there has been a steady increase in the speed at which it is towed, creating a need to quantify what effects this may have had on its sampling characteristics. Additionally, because the CPR database is one of the longest and most geographically extensive biological time series in the world, and scientists are currently focusing on gaining understanding about climate-induced ecological changes, there is increasing pressure to quantify the sampling performance and relate the CPR data to data collected by other plankton samplers. Many of these issues of consistency and comparability have been investigated throughout the decades of the CPR survey. The primary aim of this study is to draw together the results of those investigations, updating or integrating them where applicable. A secondary aim is to use the CPR database to address other previously unexamined issues. We show that the increase in speed of tow has had no effect on the depth of sampling and the mechanical efficiency of the internal mechanism, but that at the highest tow speeds there is some evidence that flow may be reduced. Depth of tow may also be dependent on the ship operating a particular route. We describe the processing procedures used to ensure consistency of analysis and detail the changes in taxonomic resolution that have occurred through the course of the survey. Some consistency issues remain unresolved, such as the effects of adding heavy instrumentation to the attitude of the CPR in the water and possible effects on sampling performance. The reduction of flow caused by clogging of the filtering mesh has now been quantified through the addition of flowmeters and each CPR sample can now be calibrated for measured, or derived, filtered volume. Although estimates of abundances for large areas have been shown to be unaffected by recalibration, absolute quantification of plankton abundance is necessary to enable comparisons with other sampling devices. Several studies have now been undertaken that compare plankton abundances obtained with the CPR with those obtained using vertical nets at specific locations on the European continental shelf. Although catches by the CPR are almost always lower, seasonal cycles are replicated in each comparison, and interannual variability generally agrees between time series. The relative catch rates for an individual species by each device appear to be consistent, probably because of the organisms’ behaviour and attributes of the sampling device. We are now able to develop calibration factors to convert CPR catches to absolute abundances that can be integrated with other data sets where appropriate, which should increase the applicability and utility of CPR data.  相似文献   

海洋酸化是21世纪人类面临的重大环境问题,酸化将对钙化生物造成非常严重的损害,给海洋生态系统带来目前还无法准确评估的影响。海洋酸化是人类强烈干预地球系统背景下的自然过程,是与全球变暖相关的重大全球性环境问题,对人类赖以生存的海洋生态系统的维系和持续利用有着及其深刻的影响。美国、欧盟以及英国等发达国家均在近期加强了对海洋酸化问题的研究,启动多项相关计划。扼要综述了最近10年来海洋酸化对海洋生态系统影响的若干进展。  相似文献   

The ambitious Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) has been the focus of much marine research across Europe in the pursuit of achieving Good Environmental Status in the four European Union marine regions; Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and North-east Atlantic. This research addresses the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of the current European marine governance structures and its relationship to implement the MSFD. Results of the SWOT analysis were acquired through a combination of approaches with MSFD experts and stakeholders including: 30 face-to-face interviews, an online survey with 264 stakeholder respondents and focus groups within each European marine region. The SWOT analysis concurrently identifies common strengths and weakness and key governance issues for implementing the MSFD for European marine regions. This paper forms one assessment within the governance component of the Options for Delivering Ecosystem Based Marine Management (ODEMM) project and presents timely issues that can be of benefit to national and European Union policy makers.  相似文献   

Examination of available samples and of ecological knowledge of Galaxias burrowsius Phillipps (Galaxiidae) suggests that this species is confined to the Canterbury Plains and is now nearly extinct.

Possible reasons for its decline are analysed and it is suggested that this decline may have started nearly 1,000 years ago with the changes in the climate‐vegetation pattern. It has been hastened by the recent drastic transformation of the environment by European settlers. Distribution and habitats of two other New Zealand mudfishes, Neochanna apoda and N. diversus (Galaxiidae) are related to those of G. burrowsius  相似文献   

The new diatom species Mediopyxis helysia was described to science from clones found in 2003 in the North Sea, northern Wadden Sea, and the Gulf of Maine. Seven years after its first occurrence, we observed Mediopyxis to contribute up to almost 50% of the biovolume of the diatoms during a diatom spring bloom in the western Wadden Sea. Grazing experiments based on the dilution technique could not detect any microzooplankton grazing impact on the bloom community. Mediopyxis is now also well established in the western Wadden Sea and does have the potential to become a dominant species. The reasons for its success remain largely unresolved but avoidance of being grazed might be one factor. Future research on this new species is needed to understand the success and forecast the ecological footprint of this large diatom species arriving in the western European Seas.  相似文献   

This article addresses the institutional ambiguity that exists between the European, Regional and Member State levels in the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The two main reasons for the emergence of institutional ambiguity are (1) the MSFD being a framework directive and (2) Member States are required to coordinate the implementation of the MFSD through the Regional Sea Conventions. Institutional ambiguity refers to the interference zone between different institutional settings that come together in new policy practices. New rules of the game are needed to bring these institutional settings together and the room to manoeuvre for the actors who negotiate these rules is a defining feature of institutional ambiguity. This article analyses the institutional ambiguity associated with MSFD implementation on the European and regional level for four European Seas: the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. The results indicate different levels of institutional ambiguity in each of the four regions, with the lowest level of ambiguity in the Baltic Sea and the highest in the Mediterranean Sea. Institutional ambiguity also exists on the European level, as coordination efforts have not resulted in clear directions for the implementation of the MSFD as yet. The level of institutional ambiguity is influenced by the relative number of EU member states bordering the particular sea and whether they consider implementation of the MFSD to be urgent. Member States bordering the Mediterranean and the Black Seas lack the support of Regional Sea Conventions in addition to receiving limited direction from the European level.  相似文献   

Since it was first documented in 1998, a trend of decreasing mean trophic level (MTL) has been reported in several ecosystems around the world. Some scientists have proposed that MTL may be used as an indicator of biodiversity and fishery sustainability. The use of this measure has been supported by several international bodies, including the Convention on Biological Diversity, European Union, and Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem and Adjacent Project. Recently, the use of MTL as an ecosystem health indicator has been called into question by the publication of studies examining the underlying cause of decreasing MTL. Evidence now shows that there are three primary mechanisms that could be driving the observed change: fishing down, fishing through, and increase to overfishing. Each of these scenarios corresponds to a specific sequence of fishery evolution over time. Additionally, the underlying ecology associated with these scenarios suggests that very different governance responses should be employed for each method. Rather than relying only on MTL trends for broad-based management decisions, MTL must be carefully examined in conjunction with historic catch data to determine the mechanism of change. Only then should this indicator be used to make management decisions, and such decisions should only be applied at the regional or ecosystem level.  相似文献   

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) necessitates not only an understanding of the coastal environments to be managed but also an understanding of the nature of the governance systems in place. The latter not only vary between individual European Member States but also within States. This paper explores the governance systems in operation and focuses on the approaches taken in completing the ICZM stocktakes and strategies in North West Europe, as required by the European ICZM Recommendation. The paper not only synthesises existing European documentation, but also incorporates some of the key experiences of ICZM from the COREPOINT project and its partners. The paper findings suggest that effective inter-organisational linkages and coordinated efforts are required to deliver ICZM and the European ICZM Recommendation's principles of good governance. However, such aspects are largely non-existent in North West Europe.  相似文献   

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is the European Commission's flagship initiative for the protection of the European Seas, and the first holistic approach to ensuring that European Seas reach and are maintained at what is called a ‘Good Environmental Status’ by the year 2020. Regional cooperation, especially between neighbouring countries, and involvement of all interested parties, are horizontal principles of the MSFD, and particularly apply to the definition of programmes of measures, the principal instrument through which each Member State will implement its marine strategy. This paper presents the results from a dedicated, participatory, structured decision-making process that was implemented within the framework of the ActionMed project, which aimed to bring experts and policy/decision-makers from Mediterranean neighbouring countries together, to discuss and agree upon common measures for implementation in their sub-regions. It shows that a participatory approach, supported by customised, case specific intelligent tools, that follows expertly facilitated, structured workshops can be a successful way to enhance sub-regional collaboration. The paper also presents the top ranking measures, selected by experts and decision-makers for common implementation in two Mediterranean sub-regions.  相似文献   

欧洲为了与美国、日本在IODP中处于同等重要的地位,成立了由ODP成员参加的欧洲大洋钻探科学指导委员会(ESCOD)和JEODI组织,并开展了IODP之前的一系列准备活动。在其中的APLACON会议上,论证了IODP中第三类特定钻探平台的必要性,讨论了该类平台在某些研究范围内的重要作用,包括研究地球历史中的极端气候(北极海区)、重建白垩纪-第三纪的水文地理学、气候的快速变化、沉积盆地形成与过程以及固体地球过程等。  相似文献   

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