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极化干涉相干矩阵服从复Wishart分布,通过对相关系数的分析可以获得不同的地物类别。在总结极化干涉非监督Wishart ML分类流程的基础上,基于该方法对塔河地区全极化PALSAR数据进行了分类,研究结果表明:基于极化干涉的分类方法能够有效区分不同散射机制对应的地物,该分类方法具有较强的适应性,并且类间边界比较明显,这些分类信息为森林资源的开发和利用提供了参考。  相似文献   

巫兆聪  欧阳群东  李芳芳 《测绘科学》2013,38(3):115-117,139
以支持向量数和相关性分析为评估依据,结合序列前进搜寻策略,本文提出一种顾及特征优化的改进SVM分类方法,并将其应用于全极化SAR图像监督分类。真实数据的实验结果表明,该方法不仅具有小样本情况下的良好泛化性能,而且能以更少的特征个数,在更广泛的SVM参数取值范围内获得更高的分类精度。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于权重散射特征的模糊支持向量机的极化SAR数据监督分类方法。首先,对极化SAR数据进行H/SPAN/A/α散射特征提取;其次,根据样本可分离度设置最佳散射特征权重参数C,得到最优分类输入数据(H/6SPAN/A/α);最后,利用FSVM算法对数据进行监督分类。实验结果证明,所提出的FSVMH/6SPAN/A/α分类结果优于FSVM-H/SPAN/A/α。  相似文献   

应用分水岭变换与支持向量机的极化SAR图像分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合分水岭变换与支持向量机的特性,提出一种新的极化SAR图像分类算法。其基本思想是先通过分水岭变换及区域合并处理,将极化SAR图像分割成一系列同质区;再以同质区为基本单元,进行特征提取及样本选择后采用支持向量机分类。实验结果表明,该算法可有效降低相干斑对分类的影响,与传统基于像素的SVM算法相比,其分类精度有显著的提高,且结果也更易于理解。  相似文献   

全极化SAR获取的信息量远多于传统SAR,但信息量的增加并不能确保分类精度的提高,如何有效进行特征选择至关重要。针对自适应特征选择问题,提出一种顾及分类器参数的特征选择和分类方法。该方法以支持向量数为评估依据,结合遗传算法进行特征选择,并同时对分类器参数进行寻优;最后利用优选的特征集和模型参数进行分类。为验证算法的有效性,利用两组全极化数据进行了监督分类实验。实验结果表明,提出方法降低了SVM分类器对自身参数的敏感性,而且能在较少特征个数下具备良好的泛化性能,分类精度优于未经过特征选择和参数优化的方法。  相似文献   

激光技术的不断发展对利用点云数据进行地物分类的方法提出了更高的要求.基于此提出了一种结合遥感领域地物分类特点,利用地物反射率的不同来实现地物分类的方法.该方法首先提取数据的反射率信息,然后将其作为栅格化后的属性值,最后利用监督分类、非监督分类和支持向量机分类方法对栅格化后的栅格影像进行地物分类.通过实验表明,支持向量机...  相似文献   

由于SAR斜距成像几何方式及地形起伏的影响,原始SAR影像存在透视收缩、叠掩、阴影等严重的几何畸变和辐射畸变。其中,叠掩区具有强烈的后向散射回波,在极化SAR影像的分类研究中容易造成林地与居民地等地物混分,降低分类的精度。针对该问题,本文研究一种地形辐射校正方法,引入投影角计算后向散射系数γ0,有效地解决了地形起伏造成的辐射畸变问题。选取一景全极化Radarsat-2影像进行实验验证,分别对地形辐射校正前后的极化SAR影像进行了复Wishart监督分类。通过对分类结果的比较,表明经本文地形辐射校正方法处理后,极化SAR影像的分类精度得到了改善。  相似文献   

综合多特征的极化SAR图像随机森林分类算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为抑制相干斑噪声对极化SAR图像分类结果的干扰,本文提出一种综合多特征的极化SAR图像随机森林分类方法。该方法首先利用简单线性迭代聚类(SLIC)算法生成超像素作为分类单元;然后,基于高维极化特征图像,利用训练好的随机森林模型,统计决策树的分类投票数,计算各超像素的类别概率;最后,利用超像素间的空间邻域特征,采用概率松弛算法(PLR)迭代修正超像素的类别后验概率,并依据最大后验概率(MAP)准则得到分类结果;实现综合利用超像素和空间邻域特征,降低相干斑噪声干扰的极化SAR图像分类方法。实验对比结果表明:本文方法能得有效抑制极化SAR图像中相干斑噪声的干扰,得到高精度且光滑连续的分类结果。  相似文献   

为了解决模糊支持向量机(FSVM)算法应用于全极化SAR影像分类而产生的聚类中心陷入局部过适应问题,本文提出了一种基于模糊分割理论结合RBF神经网络的全极化SAR影像分类方法。主要利用模糊聚类分割、极化分解、纹理特征提取等,构建待分类地物特征集,并通过SGE进行监督降维,采用降维后的待分类地物极化表征完成RBF分类器训练,实现全极化SAR影像监督分类。最终通过C波段Randsat-2全极化SAR数据进行实测检验,结果表明,该方法使得分类结果区域一致性增强,充分地保存了待分类地物细节信息。  相似文献   

Image classification from remote sensing is becoming increasingly urgent for monitoring environmental changes. Exploring effective algorithms to increase classification accuracy is critical. This paper explores the use of multispectral HJ1B and ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) PALSAR L-band (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) for land cover classification using learning-based algorithms. Pixel-based and object-based image analysis approaches for classifying HJ1B data and the HJ1B and ALOS/PALSAR fused-images were compared using two machine learning algorithms, support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF), to test which algorithm can achieve the best classification accuracy in arid and semiarid regions. The overall accuracies of the pixel-based (Fused data: 79.0%; HJ1B data: 81.46%) and object-based classifications (Fused data: 80.0%; HJ1B data: 76.9%) were relatively close when using the SVM classifier. The pixel-based classification achieved a high overall accuracy (85.5%) using the RF algorithm for classifying the fused data, whereas the RF classifier using the object-based image analysis produced a lower overall accuracy (70.2%). The study demonstrates that the pixel-based classification utilized fewer variables and performed relatively better than the object-based classification using HJ1B imagery and the fused data. Generally, the integration of the HJ1B and ALOS/PALSAR imagery can improve the overall accuracy of 5.7% using the pixel-based image analysis and RF classifier.  相似文献   

Remote sensing data utilize valuable information via various satellite sensors that have different specifications. Image fusion allows the user to combine different spatial and spectral resolutions to improve the information for purposes such as forest monitoring and land cover mapping. In this study, I assessed the contribution of dual-polarized Advanced Land Observing Satellite/Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar data to multispectral Landsat imagery. The research investigated the separability of forested areas using different image fusion techniques. Quality analysis of the fused images was conducted using qualitative and quantitative analyses. I applied the support vector machine image classification method for land cover mapping. Among all methods examined, the à trous wavelet transform method best differentiated the forested area with an overall accuracy (OA) of 94.316%, while Landsat had an OA of 92.626%. The findings of this study indicated that optical-SAR-fused images improve land cover classification, which results in higher quality forest inventory data and mapping.  相似文献   

In remote sensing–based forest aboveground biomass (AGB) estimation research, data saturation in Landsat and radar data is well known, but how to reduce this problem for improving AGB estimation has not been fully examined. Different vegetation types have their own species composition and stand structure, thus they have different data saturation values in Landsat or radar data. Optical and radar data also have different characteristics in representing forest stand structures, thus effective use of their features may improve AGB estimation. This research examines the effects of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and ALOS PALSAR L-band data and their integrations in forest AGB estimation of Zhejiang Province, China, and the roles of textural images from both datasets. The linear regression models of AGB were conducted by using (1) Landsat TM alone, (2) ALOS PALSAR data alone, (3) their combination as extra bands, and (4) their data fusion, based on non-stratification and stratification of vegetation types, respectively. The results show that (1) overall, Landsat TM data perform better than PALSAR data, but the latter can produce more accurate estimates for bamboo and shrub, and for forests with AGB values less than 60 Mg/ha; (2) the combination of TM and PALSAR data as extra bands can greatly improve AGB estimation performance, but their fusion using the modified high-pass filter resolution-merging technique cannot; (3) textures are indeed valuable in AGB estimation, especially for forests with complex stand structures such as mixed forests and pine forests with understories of broadleaf species; (4) stratification of vegetation types can improve AGB estimation performance; and (5) the results from the linear regression models are characterized by overestimation and underestimation for the smaller and larger AGB values, respectively, and thus, selecting non-linear models or non-parametric algorithms may be needed in future research.  相似文献   

Single, interferometric dual, and quad-polarization mode data were evaluated for the characterization and classification of seven land use classes in an area with shifting cultivation practices located in the Eastern Amazon (Brazil). The Advanced Land-Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) data were acquired during a six month interval. A clear-sky Landsat-5/TM image acquired at the same period was used as additional ground reference and as ancillary input data in the classification scheme. We evaluated backscattering intensity, polarimetric features, interferometric coherence and texture parameters for classification purposes using support vector machines (SVM) and feature selection. Results showed that the forest classes were characterized by low temporal backscattering intensity variability, low coherence and high entropy. Quad polarization mode performed better than dual and single polarizations but overall accuracies remain low and were affected by precipitation events on the date and prior SAR date acquisition. Misclassifications were reduced by integrating Landsat data and an overall accuracy of 85% was attained. The integration of Landsat to both quad and dual polarization modes showed similarity at the 5% significance level. SVM was not affected by SAR dimensionality and feature selection technique reveals that co-polarized channels as well as SAR derived parameters such as Alpha-Entropy decomposition were important ranked features after Landsat’ near-infrared and green bands. We show that in absence of Landsat data, polarimetric features extracted from quad-polarization L-band increase classification accuracies when compared to single and dual polarization alone. We argue that the joint analysis of SAR and their derived parameters with optical data performs even better and thus encourage the further development of joint techniques under the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) mechanism.  相似文献   

Region-based classification of PolSAR data can be effectively performed by seeking for the assignment that minimizes a distance between prototypes and segments. Silva et al. [“Classification of segments in PolSAR imagery by minimum stochastic distances between wishart distributions.” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 6 (3): 1263–1273] used stochastic distances between complex multivariate Wishart models which, differently from other measures, are computationally tractable. In this work we assess the robustness of such approach with respect to errors in the training stage, and propose an extension that alleviates such problems. We introduce robustness in the process by incorporating a combination of radial basis kernel functions and stochastic distances with Support Vector Machines (SVM). We consider several stochastic distances between Wishart: Bhatacharyya, Kullback-Leibler, Chi-Square, Rényi, and Hellinger. We perform two case studies with PolSAR images, both simulated and from actual sensors, and different classification scenarios to compare the performance of Minimum Distance and SVM classification frameworks. With this, we model the situation of imperfect training samples. We show that SVM with the proposed kernel functions achieves better performance with respect to Minimum Distance, at the expense of more computational resources and the need of parameter tuning. Code and data are provided for reproducibility.  相似文献   

Accurate spatio-temporal classification of crops is of prime importance for in-season crop monitoring. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data provides diverse physical information about crop morphology. In the present work, we propose a day-wise and a time-series approach for crop classification using full-polarimetric SAR data. In this context, the 4 × 4 real Kennaugh matrix representation of a full-polarimetric SAR data is utilized, which can provide valuable information about various morphological and dielectric attributes of a scatterer. The elements of the Kennaugh matrix are used as the parameters for the classification of crop types using the random forest and the extreme gradient boosting classifiers.The time-series approach uses data patterns throughout the whole growth period, while the day-wise approach analyzes the PolSAR data from each acquisition into a single data stack for training and validation. The main advantage of this approach is the possibility of generating an intermediate crop map, whenever a SAR acquisition is available for any particular day. Besides, the day-wise approach has the least climatic influence as compared to the time series approach. However, as time-series data retains the crop growth signature in the entire growth cycle, the classification accuracy is usually higher than the day-wise data.Within the Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM) initiative, in situ measurements collected over the Canadian and Indian test sites and C-band full-polarimetric RADARSAT-2 data are used for the training and validation of the classifiers. Besides, the sensitivity of the Kennaugh matrix elements to crop morphology is apparent in this study. The overall classification accuracies of 87.75% and 80.41% are achieved for the time-series data over the Indian and Canadian test sites, respectively. However, for the day-wise data, a ∼6% decrease in the overall accuracy is observed for both the classifiers.  相似文献   

Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is an important alternative to optical remote sensing due to its ability to acquire data regardless of weather conditions and day/night cycle. The Phased Array type L-band SAR (PALSAR) onboard the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) provided new opportunities for vegetation and land cover mapping. Most previous studies employing PALSAR investigated the use of one or two feature types (e.g. intensity, coherence); however, little effort has been devoted to assessing the simultaneous integration of multiple types of features. In this study, we bridged this gap by evaluating the potential of using numerous metrics expressing four feature types: intensity, polarimetric scattering, interferometric coherence and spatial texture. Our case study was conducted in Central New York State, USA using multitemporal PALSAR imagery from 2010. The land cover classification implemented an ensemble learning algorithm, namely random forest. Accuracies of each classified map produced from different combinations of features were assessed on a pixel-by-pixel basis using validation data obtained from a stratified random sample. Among the different combinations of feature types evaluated, intensity was the most indispensable because intensity was included in all of the highest accuracy scenarios. However, relative to using only intensity metrics, combining all four feature types increased overall accuracy by 7%. Producer’s and user’s accuracies of the four vegetation classes improved considerably for the best performing combination of features when compared to classifications using only a single feature type.  相似文献   

In the past, researchers tried hard classification techniques with contextual information to improve classification results. While modelling the spatial contextual information for hard classifiers using Markov Random Field it has been found that the Metropolis algorithm is easier to program and it performs better when compared with the Gibbs sampler. In this study, it has been found that in the case of soft contextual classification, the Metropolis algorithm fails to sample from a random field efficiently and the Gibbs sampler performs better than the Metropolis algorithm, due to the high dimensionality of the soft classification outputs.  相似文献   

本文以北京市不动产登记领域为例,针对跨部门间数据共享无法完全互信,导致共享数据存在使用率低、推广应用难的问题,提出了一种基于区块链技术的数据安全可信共享应用新模式,并建立不动产登记区块链平台,为北京市不动产登记跨部门数据共享安全可信地使用,提供了一种切实可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

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