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The Nb/U and Th/U of the primitive mantle are 34 and 4.04 respectively, which compare with 9.7 and 3.96 for the continental crust. Extraction of continental crust from the mantle therefore has a profound influence on its Nb/U but little influence on its Th/U. Conversely, extraction of midocean ridge-type basalts lowers the Th/U of the mantle residue but has little influence on its Nb/U. As a consequence, variations in Th/U and Nb/U with Sm/Nd can be used to evaluate the relative importance of continental and basaltic crust extraction in the formation of the depleted (Sm/Nd enriched) mantle reservoir.This study evaluates Nb/U, Th/U, and Sm/Nd variations in suites of komatiites, picrites, and their associated basalts, of various ages, to determine whether basalt and/or continental crust have been extracted from their source region. Emphasis is placed on komatiites and picrites because they formed at high degrees of partial melting and are expected to have Nb/U, Th/U, and Sm/Nd that are essentially the same as the mantle that melted to produce them. The results show that all of the studied suites, with the exception of the Barberton, have had both continental crust and basaltic crust extracted from their mantle source region. The high Sm/Nd of the Gorgona and Munro komatiites require the elevated ratios seen in these suites to be due primarily to extraction of basaltic crust from their source regions, whereas basaltic and continental crust extraction are of subequal importance in the source regions of the Yilgarn and Belingwe komatiites. The Sm/Nd of modern midocean ridge basalts lies above the crustal extraction curve on a plot of Sm/Nd against Nb/U, which requires the upper mantle to have had both basaltic and continental crust extracted from it.It is suggested that the extraction of the basaltic reservoir from the mantle occurs at midocean ridges and that the basaltic crust, together with its complementary depleted mantle residue, is subducted to the core-mantle boundary. When the two components reach thermal equilibrium with their surroundings, the lighter depleted component separates from the denser basaltic component. Both are eventually returned to the upper mantle, but the lighter depleted component has a shorter residence time in the lower mantle than the denser basaltic component. If the difference in the recycling times for the basaltic and depleted components is ∼1.0 to 1.5 Ga, a basaltic reservoir is created in the lower mantle, equivalent to the amount of basalt that is subducted in 1.0 to 1.5 Ga, and that reservoir is isolated from the upper mantle. It is this reservoir that is responsible for the Sm/Nd ratio of the upper mantle lying above the trend predicted by extraction of continental crust on the plot of Sm/Nd against Nb/U.  相似文献   

A group of εNd/Nb,Ba/Nb,Nb/Th diagrams are used to study mantle heterogeneity.Island-arc basalts(IAB) are distributed in a triangle of these diagrams. Three end-member components (the MORB-type depleted mantle, the fluid released from subducted oceanic crust and the sediments from the continental crust) of the source of IAB may be displayed in these diagrams. Two types of IAB are identified .They are of the two-component type (with little continental sediments), such as the basalts from Aletians and New Britain ,and the three-compeonent type, such as those from Sunda, Lesser Antilles and Andes. In addition ,the EMII type mantle-derived rocks may also be divided into two groups. One is exemplified by continental flood basalts and some peridotite xenoliths, similar to IAB, with high La/Nb and Ba/Nb and low Nb/Th ratios, The other includes the Samoa-type oceanic island basalts, with low La/Nb and Ba/Nb and high Nb/Th ratios. The corresponding two sub-components of EMII are EMIIM, which is related to the metasomatism of lithosphere mantle by fluids released from the subducted oceanic crust, and EMIISR, related to the intervention of recycling continental sediments into the convective mantle.  相似文献   

A decoupling in MORB of measured Th/U (κ = 2.5) from that calculated by Pb isotopes (κ = 3.8) for the depleted asthenosphere is well established, and has been referred to as the second Pb paradox (Kramers, J.D., and Tolstikhin, I.N., 1997. Two terrestrial lead isotope paradoxes, forward transport modelling, core formation and the history of the continental crust. Chem. Geol., 139, 75–110.) or the kappa conundrum (Elliott, T., Zindler, A., and Bourdon, B., 1999. Exploring the kappa conundrum: the role of recycling in the lead isotope evolution of the mantle. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 169, 129–145.). More controversial has been the cause and timing of this phenomenon, although a higher return flux of U6+ relative to Th4+ and(or) the recycling of crustal Pb into the mantle have become the preferred explanations of most workers. Such a combined mechanism effectively operating over the past 2.5 Ga was modelled in plumbotectonics (Zartman, R.E., and Haines, S., 1988. The plumbotectonics model for Pb isotopic systematics among major terrestrial reservoirs—a case for bi–directional transport. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 52, 1327–1339. 709.33.), and found to be quantitatively feasible.A large TIMS, SIMS and LA-ICPMS database of Th and U concentrations for kimberlite-hosted zircon, particularly from Cr-poor megacrystic suites, now exists (Kinny et al., 1989, Berryman et al., 1999, Griffin et al., 2000 and Spetsius et al., 2002; Appendix A and Appendix B, this work). Six suites comprising 10 or more zircon grains with ages between 90 and 2550 Ma reveal consistent patterns when plotted on Th/U vs. U diagrams. We interpret these patterns as resulting from fractional crystallization of a melt with kimberlite affinity presumably derived from the asthenosphere, permitting the extrapolation to an initial Th/U at the time zircon crystallization began. A two-fold decrease is seen in this ratio over the past 2.5 Ga, suggesting that during this time a similar change has occurred in the parent silicate melt. Estimates of Th and U distribution coefficients between zircon and coexisting melt permit calculation of Th/U in the melt, which, for these highly incompatible elements, presumably is the same as for its mantle source rock. Kimberlitic zircon may thus indeed give evidence of a reduction in κ, tentatively calculated as from 4 to 2, since the Archean for the depleted asthenosphere.  相似文献   

The volcanic stage of the 2.7-Ga Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada, is dominated by bimodal arc magma series and komatiite-basalt sequences. The latter represents an aerially extensive oceanic plateau erupted from an anomalously hot super-plume. Komatiites define a linear array of Nb/Th vs. Nb/U, extending from Nb/Th=8-20, and Nb/U=26-58, whereas basalts plot on a separate, but overlapping, field extending to higher Th/U but lower Nb/Th values. Inter-element ratios of Th, U, Nb, and LREE of komatiites and basalts plot with Phanerozoic and modern ocean plateau basalts. Th, U, Nb, and LREE are fractionated in subduction zones into low Nb/Th, Nb/U, and Nb/LREE arc crust, and complementary high Nb/Th, Nb/U, and Nb/LREE residual slab. Accordingly, the Archean komatiite-basalt association may be explained by a plume that likely originated from the core-mantle boundary with komatiites erupted from a hot axis containing recycled oceanic crust, and basalts erupted from the plume annulus that entrained upper mantle containing recycled oceanic and continental crust. High Nb/Th and Nb/U of plume-related volcanic sequences documented in Abitibi, Yilgarn, and Baltic Archean greenstone belts suggest that the extraction and recycling of continental crust may have occurred early in the Archean.  相似文献   

Episodic plate reorganisations abruptly change plate boundary configurations. To illustrate their role, we review the plate reorganisations that appear in the present-day oceans and in the reconstructed Tethys ocean. These time periods cover the dispersal of the Pangea super-continent and the collisions with Eurasia that foreshadow a new super-continent. Plate reorganisations have played a fundamental role in the tectonic history of the Earth, being responsible for continental break-up and, after oceanic spreading, for continental collisions. As a result, they governed the formation and dispersal of super-continents. We observe a bulk polarity in plate motion that governs continental collision and the opposite bulk polarity in plate reorganisation that governs continental break-up. Such opposite polarities show in the tectonic history that we follow since the 550 Ma formation of the Gondwana super-continent.In order to decipher the rules that govern plate reorganisation, we investigate the distribution of spreading and subduction that derives from the current plate motion. We observe a mismatch between the evolution tendency of the plate boundary network and convection in the deep mantle. The actual network of plate boundaries illustrates a compromise between the two. Based on the opposite polarities in plate motion and plate reorganisation, we propose that this compromise is maintained by plate reorganisations that counterbalance free evolution of the network in abruptly changing its boundaries. We propose that plate reorganisations are basically caused by the mismatch between the free evolution of the plate boundary network and the current convection pattern in the deep mantle.Evidence on Proterozoic rifting and continent collisions allows dating the oldest known plate reorganisation around 2 Ga, which is the age of the oldest known super-continent. Based on the geology of the Archean before 3 Ga, mantle convection appears limited under a greenstone cover and different from the current mantle convection. The distribution of the diapiric granitoids that intrude this cover points to a honeycomb convection centred on downwelling sites separated by diffuse upwelling, which fits the theory on the early Earth mantle convection when plates did not cover the globe. We propose that the plate reorganisation regime appeared sometime between 3 and 2 Ga.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene/melt pairs in strongly potassic silicate and carbonatite melts exhibit unusually high U/Th partitioning ratios of ˜ 3 and ˜ 2, respectively. These values are much higher than those found for aluminous clinopyroxenes in peridotite, and have the potential to cause significant (230Th)/(238U) isotope enrichment in volcanics. The potassic silicate (lamproite) and carbonatite melts correspond closely to the main agents of mantle metasomatism, indicating that clinopyroxene in metasomatized regions of the mantle may greatly affect U/Th disequilibria. Recycling of alkali pyroxenite veins in the oceanic lithosphere formed by solidification of melt in the extremities of the MORB melting region presents an alternative to eclogite recycling in MORB and OIB genesis.  相似文献   

A comprehensive Zr isotopic study was conducted on eleven lunar basalts and highland rocks to search for evidence of the extinct nuclide 92Nb, which decays to 92Zr with a half-life of 36 Ma. Internal isochrons were determined for two early highland rocks, 77215 and 60025. No resolvable Zr isotopic variations were detected in this wide range of lunar samples and thus there is no evidence for the former existence of live 92Nb on the Moon. The Nb/Zr ratios of lunar ilmenites and bulk rock samples vary by only a factor of two to three relative to the chondritic Nb/Zr ratio. No evidence for larger Nb/Zr fractionation was found. This limited fractionation and late isotopic closure of the source region prevents the formation of measurable 92Zr anomalies in high-Ti mare basalts. As a consequence, it is not possible to draw conclusions from the 92Nb-92Zr chronometer about the timing of early lunar differentiation and to constrain the role of ilmenite in the source region of high-Ti mare basalts. However, the fractionation is still sufficient to deduce an upper limit for the initial 92Nb/93Nb ratio of the solar system of <5 × 10−4.  相似文献   

Tungsten is a moderately siderophile high-field-strength element that is hydrophile and widely regarded as highly incompatible during mantle melting. In an effort to extend empirical knowledge regarding the behaviour of W during the latter process, we report new high-precision trace element data (W, Th, U, Ba, La, Sm) that represent both terrestrial and planetary reservoirs: MORB (11), abyssal peridotites (8), eucrite basalts (3), and carbonaceous chondrites (8). A full trace element suite is also reported for Cordilleran Permian ophiolite peridotites (12) to better constrain the behaviour of W in the upper mantle. In addition, we report our long-term averages for a number of USGS (BIR-1, BHVO-1, BHVO-2, PCC-1, DTS-1) and GSJ (JA-3, JP-1) standard reference materials, some of which we conclude to be heterogeneous and contaminated with respect to W. The most significant finding of this study is that many of the highly depleted upper mantle peridotites contain far higher W concentrations than expected. In the absence of convincing indications for alteration, re-enrichment or contamination, we propose that the W excess was caused by retention in an Os-Ir alloy phase, whose stability is dependent on fO2 of the mantle source region. This explanation could help to account for the particularly low W content of N-MORB and implies that the lithophile behaviour of W in basaltic rocks is not an accurate representation of the behaviour in the melt source. These findings then become relevant to the interpretation of W-isotopic data for achondrites, where the fractionation of Hf from W during melting is used to infer the Hf/W of the parent body mantle. This is exemplified by the differentiation chronology of the eucrite parent body (EPB), which has been modeled with a melt source with high Hf/W. By contrast, we explore the alternative scenario with a low mantle Hf/W on the EPB. Using available eucrite literature data, a maximum core segregation age of 1.2 ± 1.2 Myr after the closure of CAIs is calculated with a more prolonged time between core formation and mantle fractionation of ca. 2 Myr. This timeline is consistent with most recent published chronologies of the EPB differentiation based on the 53Mn-53Cr and 26Al-26Mg systems.  相似文献   

青藏高原壳幔形变数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨立强  邓军  陈赟 《地学前缘》2006,13(5):360-373
现有数值模拟研究已在很大程度上较合理地给出青藏高原演化运动学和动力学过程的图像。利用连续介质快速拉格朗日分析方法,笔者进行了青藏高原壳幔形变数值模拟研究。据此得到的青藏高原三维壳幔形变特征反映纬向上主碰撞带远、近程效应的差异和经向上地壳物质“逃逸”的存在,印证了青藏高原形成过程中南北双向挤压、而且南部作用大于北部作用的可能应力场特征。青藏高原壳幔形变不仅强烈依赖于随深度变化的岩石力学性质及其距离挤压作用前锋带的远近,而且存在强烈的横向不均一性。同时,强应变(剪切)带的存在对高原岩石圈形变具有重要影响,高原形变过程中地壳尺度的耦合流及壳-幔解耦共存。但是,常规数值模拟研究尚存在很大局限性:(1)物理-力学模型单一;(2)几何模型简单;(3)边界形态与条件理想化;(4)模型内部块体划分粗糙;(5)不连续体介质处理困难。借助具有可处理大形变能力的4-D数值模拟方法,将观测资料与数值模拟相互补充是深入研究青藏高原壳幔形变的关键。  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of U in nature is generally assumed to be invariant. Here, we report variations of the 238U/235U isotope ratio in natural samples (basalts, granites, seawater, corals, black shales, suboxic sediments, ferromanganese crusts/nodules and BIFs) of ∼1.3‰, exceeding by far the analytical precision of our method (≈0.06‰, 2SD). U isotopes were analyzed with MC-ICP-MS using a mixed 236U-233U isotopic tracer (double spike) to correct for isotope fractionation during sample purification and instrumental mass bias. The largest isotope variations found in our survey are between oxidized and reduced depositional environments, with seawater and suboxic sediments falling in between. Light U isotope compositions (relative to SRM-950a) were observed for manganese crusts from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, which display δ238U of −0.54‰ to −0.62‰ and for three of four analyzed Banded Iron Formations, which have δ238U of −0.89‰, −0.72‰ and −0.70‰, respectively. High δ238U values are observed for black shales from the Black Sea (unit-I and unit-II) and three Kupferschiefer samples (Germany), which display δ238U of −0.06‰ to +0.43‰. Also, suboxic sediments have slightly elevated δ238U (−0.41‰ to −0.16‰) compared to seawater, which has δ238U of −0.41 ± 0.03‰. Granites define a range of δ238U between −0.20‰ and −0.46‰, but all analyzed basalts are identical within uncertainties and slightly lighter than seawater (δ238U = −0.29‰).Our findings imply that U isotope fractionation occurs in both oxic (manganese crusts) and suboxic to euxinic environments with opposite directions. In the first case, we hypothesize that this fractionation results from adsorption of U to ferromanganese oxides, as is the case for Mo and possibly Tl isotopes. In the second case, reduction of soluble UVI to insoluble UIV probably results in fractionation toward heavy U isotope compositions relative to seawater. These findings imply that variable ocean redox conditions through geological time should result in variations of the seawater U isotope compositions, which may be recorded in sediments or fossils. Thus, U isotopes might be a promising novel geochemical tracer for paleo-redox conditions and the redox evolution on Earth. The discovery that 238U/235U varies in nature also has implications for the precision and accuracy of U-Pb dating. The total observed range in U isotope compositions would produce variations in 207Pb/206Pb ages of young U-bearing minerals of up to 3 Ma, and up to 2 Ma for minerals that are 3 billion years old.  相似文献   

Two large cold masses in the deep mantle have been delineated by using long-wavelength seismic tomographic models in conjunction with mineralogical experimental data at high pressure. These cold anomalies are found under the western Pacific and the Americas with temperatures more than 1000 degrees below the ambient mantle temperature. These strong cold anomalies existing in the lower mantle today would suggest that there might have existed not too long ago a substantial temperature jump across a thermal boundary layer between the upper and lower mantle. Numerical simulations in an axisymmetric spherical-shell model incorporating the two major phase transitions have shown that very large pools of cold material with temperatures of around 1500 K can be flushed down to the core–mantle boundary during this tumultuous gravitational instability. A correlation is found between the current locations of these very cold masses and regions of past subduction since the Cretaceous. Correlation analysis shows that the slab mass-flux into the lower mantle does not behave in a steady-state fashion. These findings may support the idea of a strong gravitational instability with origins in the transition zone, as suggested by numerical models of mantle convection.  相似文献   

Experiments on compositions along the join MgO–NaA3+Si2O6 (A=Al, Cr, Fe3+) show that sodium can be incorporated into ferropericlase at upper mantle pressures in amounts commonly found in natural diamond inclusions. These results, combined with the observed mineral parageneses of several diamond inclusion suites, establish firmly that ferropericlase exists in the upper mantle in regions with low silica activity. Such regions may be carbonated dunite or stalled and degassed carbonatitic melts. Ferropericlase as an inclusion in diamond on its own is not indicative of a lower mantle origin or of a deep mantle plume. Coexisting phases have to be taken into consideration to decide on the depth of origin. The composition of olivine will indicate an origin from the upper mantle or border of the transition zone to the lower mantle and whether it coexisted with ferropericlase in the upper mantle or as ringwoodite. The narrow and flat three phase loop at the border transition zone—lower mantle together with hybrid peridotite plus eclogite/sediments provides an explanation for the varying and Fe-rich nature of the diamond inclusion suite from Sao Luiz, Brazil.  相似文献   

Radioactivity measurements have shown evidence for long-lived 92Nb and 2.03 × 104yr 94Nb in natural niobium. The specific activity of 94Nb was observed to be 0.32 ± 0.03 dis/min. kg Nb and that of 92Nb to be 0.058 ± 0.035 dis/min. kg Nb. With t12 taken as ≈ 1.7 × 108yr, the isotopic abundance of 98Nb is 1.2 × 10?10 per cent.  相似文献   

Despite several lines of indirect evidence, there has hitherto been little unambiguous evidence of a volatile bearing phase in the upper mantle. Mica has been found as a primary phase in several specimens of peridotite and one specimen of garnet lherzolite from the Lashaine volcano, northern Tanzania.  相似文献   

According to the hypothesis of global plate tectonics the surface motions of the earth are now known in considerable detail, but very little is known about the three-dimensional flow in the earth and about the forces which maintain the motions. The motions at depth are difficult to study because they produce few surface effects. For instance, there is now no reason to believe that ridges are the surface evidence for rising convection currents at depth. Only the plate motions themselves and the gravity field observed by satellites must be consequences of three-dimensional flow beneath the plates. Other observations, such as the high heat flow near ridges or deep earthquakes beneath trenches, now appear to be explained by the production and destruction of plates.  相似文献   

The estimated rates of upper mantle sublithospheric flows in the Hawaii–Emperor Range and Ethiopia–Arabia–Caucasus systems are reported. In the Hawaii–Emperor Range system, calculation is based on motion of the asthenospheric flow and the plate moved by it over the branch of the Central Pacific plume. The travel rate has been determined based on the position of variably aged volcanoes (up to 76 Ma) with respect to the active Kilauea Volcano. As for the Ethiopia–Arabia–Caucasus system, the age of volcanic eruptions (55–2.8 Ma) has been used to estimate the asthenospheric flow from the Ethiopian–Afar superplume in the northern bearing lines. Both systems are characterized by variations in a rate of the upper mantle flows in different epochs from 4 to 12 cm/yr, about 8 cm/yr on average. Analysis of the global seismic tomographic data has made it possible to reveal rock volumes with higher seismic wave velocities under ancient cratons; rocks reach a depth of more than 2000 km and are interpreted as detached fragments of the thickened continental lithosphere. Such volumes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean were submerged at an average velocity of 0.9–1.0 cm/yr along with its opening. The estimated rates of the mantle flows clarify the deformation properties of the mantle and regulate the numerical models of mantle convection.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic results from 107 samples of the Chugwater Group near Lander, Wyoming, show a regular progression in pole positions from bottom to top of the sequence. This pole position trend of about 25° matches very well the North American apparent polar wander path between Early Permian and Early Triassic. It could be argued that this “agreement” results in a conflict between the apparent magnetic age (Permian) and the Early to Late Triassic age generally assigned to the Chugwater Group. However, similar progressions of paleomagnetic pole positions have been reported for the Early Triassic Moenkopi Formation in Colorado; thus it appears that long-term variations and swings characterized the geomagnetic field at that time. With detailed paleomagnetic sampling, these features can be utilized for stratigraphic correlation in addition to magnetic-reversal stratigraphy. This will eliminate, to some degree, part of the non-uniqueness inherently present in correlations based on reversal stratigraphy only.  相似文献   

南京直立人的U/Th和U/Pa年代   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国直立人化石的准确定年对于研究人类演化有着极为重要的意义。1993~1994年在南京汤山葫芦洞发现的两个直立人头盖骨化石和一枚牙化石被称为“南京直立人”。其中1号头盖骨化石之上的方解石钙板的U/Th年龄为53.3_(-1.2)~(+1.5)万年;但考虑到定年的准确性,则为53.3_(-3.0)~(+3.5)万年。其~(231)Pa/~(235)U活度比值为0.998±0.006。这表明“南京直立人”的年代应该大于50万年。与”南京直立人”伴生的动物牙化石U/Th年代为18.5~29.0万年;U/Pa年代为13.7~17.2万年。此外,对于同一颗牙化石,牙釉的年龄小于牙本质的年龄。同一样品的U/Pa年龄也显著小于其U/Th年龄。因此,牙化石的U摄取过程并不符合U早期摄取模式。多数牙化石分析点在~(234)U/~(238)U-~(230)Th/~(238)U图上落在位于U早期摄取和线性摄取模式曲线之间,指示牙化石的U摄取过程很可能介于上述两种模式之间。如果这一假设成立,那么牙化石的U/Th和U/Pa线性摄取模式年龄则为其年代的上限。因为不受U摄取过程~(234)U/~(238)U变化的影响,U/Pa线性摄取模式年龄比U/Th较为可靠。最小的U/Pa线性摄取模式年龄为1Ma,这是”南京直立人”上限年龄的估计。从定年结果看,”南京直立人”可能生活在海洋同位素(MIS)16阶段,但这不是最终结论。  相似文献   

The authors report a redox profile based on Mössbauer data of spinel and garnet to a depth of 210 km from mantle xenoliths of the northern (N) and southeastern (SE) Slave craton (northern Canada). The profile transects three depth facies of peridotites that form segments of different bulk composition, represented by spinel peridotite, spinel–garnet peridotite, low-temperature garnet peridotite, high-temperature garnet peridotite, and pyroxenite. The shallow, more depleted N Slave spinel peridotite records lower oxygen fugacities compared to the deeper, less depleted N Slave spinel–garnet peridotite, consistent with their different spinel Fe3+ concentrations. Garnet peridotites show a general reduction in log fO2 (FMQ)s with depth, where values for garnet peridotites are lower than those for spinel–garnet peridotites. There is a strong correlation between depletion and oxygen fugacity in the spinel peridotite facies, but little correlation in the garnet peridotite facies. The strong decrease in log fO2 (FMQ) with depth that arises from the smaller partial molar volume of Fe3+ in garnet, and the observation of distinct slopes of log fO2 (FMQ) with depth for spinel peridotite compared to spinel–garnet peridotite strongly suggest that oxygen fugacity in the cratonic peridotitic mantle is intrinsically controlled by iron equilibria involving garnet and spinel.
C. McCammonEmail: Phone: +49-921-553709Fax: +49-921-553769

Henry O.A. Meyer 《Earth》1977,13(3):251-281
The importance of ultramafic and eclogitic xenoliths in kimberlite as representing the rocks and minerals of the upper mantle has been widely perceived during the last decade. Studies of the petrology and mineral chemistry of these mantle fragments as well as of inclusions in diamond, have led to significant progress in our understanding of the mineralogy and chemistry of the upper mantle. For example, it is now known that textural differences in the ultramafic xenoliths (lherzolite, harzburgite, pyroxenite and websterite) are partially reflected in chemical differences. Thus xenoliths that display a ‘fluidal’ texture, indicative of intense deformation are less depleted in Ca, Al, Na, Fe and Ti than those xenoliths in which granular textures are predominant. It is believed this relative depletion may indicate the sheared (fluidal texture) xenoliths are representative of primary, undifferentiated mantle. This material on partial melting would produce ‘basaltic-type’ material, and leave a residuum whose chemistry and mineralogy is reflected by the granular xenoliths.Also present in kimberlite are large single phase xenoliths that may be either one single crystal (xenocryst, megacryst) or an aggregate of several crystals of the same mineral (discrete xenolith, or discrete nodule). These large single phase samples consist of similar minerals to those occurring in the ultramafic xenoliths but chemically they are distinct in being generally more Fe-rich. The relation between these xenocrysts to their counterparts in the ultramafic xenoliths is unknown. Also unknown, at the present time, is the exact relation between diamond and kimberlite. Evidence obtained from study of the mineral inclusions in diamond suggests that diamond forms in at least two chemically distinct environments in the mantle; one eclogitic, the other, ultramafic. Interestingly, this suggestion is true for diamonds from worldwide localities.The mineral-chemical results of studies on xenoliths and inclusions in diamond have been convincingly interpreted in the light of experimental studies. It is now possible based on several different geothermometers and barometers to determine relatively reasonable physical conditions for the final genesis of many of these mantle rocks. For the most part the final equilibration temperatures range between 1000 and 1400°C and pressure in the region 100–200 km. These conditions are consistent with an upper mantle origin. Future studies will undoubtedly attempt to more concisely, and accurately, define these conditions, as well as understand better the chemical and spatial relationship of the rock-types in the mantle.  相似文献   

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