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An inverse Monte Carlo (MC) method was developed to determine the distribution of octahedral cations (Al3+, Fe3+, and Mg2+) in bentonite illite–smectite (I–S) samples (dioctahedral 2:1 phyllosilicates) using FT–IR and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopies. FT–IR allows determination of the nature and proportion of different cation pairs bound to OH groups measuring the intensities of OH-bending bands. 27Al MAS NMR data provide information about cation configuration because 27Al MAS NMR intensity depends on Fe distribution. MC calculations based on FT–IR data alone show Fe segregation by short-range ordering (Fe clusters within 9 to 15?Å from a given Fe atom). Fe segregation increases with illite proportion. MC calculations based on IR and 27Al NMR simultaneously yield similar configurations in which Fe clusters are smaller. The latter calculations fail to build appropriate cation distributions for those samples with higher number of illite layers and significant Fe content, which is indicative of long-range Fe ordering that cannot be detected by FT–IR and 27Al MAS NMR. The proportion of Mg–Mg pairs is negligible in all samples, and calculations, in which the number of Mg atoms, as second neighbours, is minimised, create appropriate configurations.  相似文献   

X射线荧光光谱法测定叶腊石中的铝铁钾钠   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭寿兴  吴玉庆 《岩矿测试》1993,12(4):290-292
采用同一矿区已知成分含量的叶腊石配制标样系列,克服了粉末法测定叶腊石中Al2O3,Fe2O3,K2O,Na2O的矿物和粒度效应。分析结果准确度满足出口材料的检测要求。  相似文献   

Surrogate modelling is an effective tool for reducing computational burden of simulation optimization. In this article, polynomial regression (PR), radial basis function artificial neural network (RBFANN), and kriging methods were compared for building surrogate models of a multiphase flow simulation model in a simplified nitrobenzene contaminated aquifer remediation problem. In the model accuracy analysis process, a 10-fold cross validation method was adopted to evaluate the approximation accuracy of the three surrogate models. The results demonstrated that: RBFANN surrogate model and kriging surrogate model had acceptable approximation accuracy, and further that kriging model’s approximation accuracy was slightly higher than RBFANN model. However, the PR model demonstrated unacceptably poor approximation accuracy. Therefore, the RBFANN and kriging surrogates were selected and used in the optimization process to identify the most cost-effective remediation strategy at a nitrobenzene-contaminated site. The optimal remediation costs obtained with the two surrogate-based optimization models were similar, and had similar computational burden. These two surrogate-based optimization models are efficient tools for optimal groundwater remediation strategy identification.  相似文献   

以铁铝双金属离子低聚物为交联剂,制备了Fe/Al交联改性膨润土(MB),用于处理含偶氮染料的废水。通过改变吸附时间、pH和甲基橙废水浓度及掺加共存无机阴离子等因素,研究了MB对甲基橙的脱色效果。结果表明,改性后的膨润土吸附能力显著增强,对甲基橙有较好的吸附脱色性能。当材料用量0.0200 g,处理甲基橙废水20 mL,废水pH值小于4,处理时间2 h,甲基橙的脱色率可达95%。其吸附甲基橙的过程符合Fre-undlich等温吸附模式,对甲基橙的最大饱和吸附容量为384 mg/g。我国膨润土储量大、价格低,以Fe/Al交联剂为改性剂对天然膨润土进行了改性,得到的MB材料是一类很好的环境友好型吸附剂。  相似文献   

王琰  孙洛新  张帆  张华  陈志慧 《岩矿测试》2013,32(5):719-723
铝土矿具有较强的化学稳定性,常含有少量刚玉,属于比较难处理的样品。常用的四酸溶解法对不含刚玉的铝土矿能取得较好的效果,但对高铝及含刚玉的样品分解不完全且无法同时测定硅。本文对含刚玉的铝土矿样品在镍坩埚中用氢氧化钠-过氧化钠熔融,盐酸酸化后用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法同时测定硅铝铁钛四种元素。对氢氧化钠-过氧化钠的熔样效果、过氧化钠用量、熔样温度、共存离子的影响及基体干扰进行了试验,结果表明,加入3.0 g氢氧化钠和1.0 g过氧化钠在650~700℃保温10 min,能较好地熔解含少量刚玉的铝土矿样品。利用铝土矿标准物质制备标准溶液,可消除镍坩埚和熔融试剂产生的镍盐和钠盐基体对硅铝铁钛测定的干扰。方法检出限为0.0025%~0.063%,精密度小于4%。铝土矿国家标准物质的测定值与标准值相符,实际样品的测定值与其他分析方法的测定值相吻合。本方法样品分解完全,消解时间短,分析步骤简单,适用于高铝及含少量刚玉的铝土矿样品分析。  相似文献   

电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定磷矿石中磷镁铝铁   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
吴迎春  岳宇超  聂峰 《岩矿测试》2014,33(4):497-500
运用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)分析磷矿石样品中的多元素,通常采用氢氟酸+盐酸+硝酸混合酸分解石样品,其中的氢氟酸是为了彻底分解地质样品中以硅酸盐形式存在的待测元素,但赶除氢氟酸的程序繁琐。本文在实际工作中发现,仅需测定磷矿石中的磷、镁、铝、铁元素时,可不加氢氟酸,四种元素的分析结果已能满足要求,这可能是与样品处理过程中生成的少量氢氟酸有关。为了验证不加氢氟酸的样品分解能力,采用浓硝酸-浓盐酸混合酸(体积比1∶1)加热分解试样,稀酸浸取,溶液冷却定容后直接用ICP-AES测定。分析结果显示溶样酸中是否含有氢氟酸,对磷、镁、铝、铁的测定结果不存在显著影响。方法检出限为磷100μg/g、镁0.3μg/g、铝20μg/g和铁6μg/g。经国家一级标准物质分析验证,方法精密度(RSD)小于5.0%,相对误差小于1.5%。本方法针对性强,分析快速准确,适用于实际工作中不包括钙和硅元素在内的磷矿石简项测定。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a comprehensive investigation of the interaction of layered silicates with Ca(OH)2 in hydrothermal conditions. The study is intended to evaluate the stability of the clay buffer in radioactive waste repositories, at the intermediate stages of concrete leaching, when the pH is controlled by the dissolution of portlandite. The influence of layer nature, octahedral occupation, presence of tetrahedral Al and degree of crystallinity will be assessed by analysing the behaviour of a set of well-selected phyllosilicates and using the combined capabilities of 29Si and 27Al MAS-NMR spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffraction and SEM/EDX. The results show that the main factor affecting the stability of the clay is the octahedral occupation, so that trioctahedral phyllosilicates are much more stable than dioctahedral ones. The nature and expandability of the layer does not seem to much influence the stability of the clay, so that a 2:1 expandable phyllosilicate shows the same stability as a chemically analogous 1:1 non-expandable phyllosilicate. However other factors like the poor crystallinity of the starting material or the presence of Al in the tetrahedral sheet of trioctahedral phyllosilicates weaken the clay structure in alkaline conditions and favour the transformation towards other phases.  相似文献   

乔爱香  赵斌  曹磊  江冶 《江苏地质》2009,33(3):285-287
用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP—AES)法测定了镁合金中Cu、Mn、Zn、Al、Fe、Si等元素,进行了模拟基体匹配实验,消除了镁基干扰。用饱和硼酸溶液络合过量的氟离子,可准确测定溶液中微量Si元素。国家标准物质ZM3测定值与推荐值较吻合,方法检出限为0.003μg/g~0.053μg/g,相对标准偏差RSD〈4%。  相似文献   

采用微波消解白云石样品,电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定其中铁、铝、钙、镁、钾、钠、硫的氧化物,对微波消解条件和等离子体发射光谱仪的工作条件进行了选择,克服了常规化学分析方法步骤繁琐、耗时长、工作量大的不足。利用所建立的方法快速分析了白云石中铁、铝、钙、镁、钾、钠、硫的含量,结果与标准值或化学法相符,10次测定的相对标准偏差(RSD)7种元素均小于1%,可以满足生产和科研的要求。  相似文献   

Measurements of the heats of solution (ΔHsoln) in molten Pb2B2O5 at 708°C of anhydrous magnesian cordierites, prepared with a range of structural states, show that the enthalpy effect associated with Al/Si ordering is substantial (? 9.76 ± 1.56 kcal mole?1). Differences in the state of order between synthetic cordierites used in phase equilibrium studies and cordierites in the natural environment could lead to significant errors in the estimation of palaeo-pressures and temperatures. A continuous change of ΔHsoln with annealing time supports the suggestion of putnis (1980) that the hexagonal → orthorhombic transformation in cordierite, which can occur via a modulated structure, is truly continuous under metastable conditions. In addition, a linear relation between ΔHsoln and the logarithm of annealing time has been found, which provides some insight into the nature of the ordering mechanisms at an atomic level. Al and Si exchanges occur continuously between neighbouring tetrahedral sites with a net drift towards increasing order. No kinetic or thermochemical distinction can be made between the development of long range and short range order.The enthalpy of vitrification (~ 12 kcal mole?1) for a metastable stuffed β-quartz polymorph of cordierite composition is similar to that for pure quartz (on a per two oxygen basis), while the heat of vitrification for even the most disordered cordierite seen in this study is more than a factor of three greater (~40 kcal mole?1). This is consistent with the view that cordierite glass resembles the quartz structure more closely than the crystalline cordierite structure, and that crystallisation of the glass below ~900°C is controlled by a tetrahedral framework.  相似文献   

Variations in the abundance of iron in the mantle may have important consequences for mantle dynamics and geochemistry. The abundance of iron in lavas derived from mantle source regions varies during partial melting and subsequent fractionation, so that source heterogeneities are not easily resolved in iron abundances alone. However, manganese is a geochemically similar element, so that the planetary Fe/Mn ratio is approximately constant. Here, we report new Fe/Mn results for mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORBs), oceanic island basalts (OIBs) and komatiites using a precise inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric (ICP-MS) method to measure Fe/Mn to better than 0.5% (2σ). As a measure of reproducibility of Fe/Mn, five olivine and five orthopyroxene grains from a Kilbourne Hole peridotite xenolith yielded Fe/Mn 69.8 ± 0.4 and 44.3 ± 0.2, respectively. To avoid ubiquitous secondary Fe-Mn oxides, Fe/Mn ratios in Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian MORBs were determined by Laser Ablation ICP-MS. MORB Fe/Mn (53-56) corrected for crystal fractionation yielded a value of 54.0 ± 1.2 (1σ). Icelandic basalts and picrites (MgO 10-29%) had Fe/Mn ratios 56-61, with a single exception. Six relatively fresh komatiites from Belingwe (MgO 20-29%) yielded Fe/Mn values of 58.3 ± 0.2 (1σ). Basalts from Tahiti and Reunion exhibited high Fe/Mn (>65), like Hawaii. This implies that the mantle source regions of Tahiti and Reunion lavas may have been enriched in Fe relative to other mantle reservoirs (e.g., MORBs, Iceland, Belingwe). Combined with previous results for Hawaii, we now find that Fe/Mn > 65 is characteristic of at least two plumes from the Pacific Superswell. It is conceivable that this is evidence for excess Fe due to core-mantle interaction in these mantle plumes, although partial melting of secondary pyroxenites may cause similar variations in Fe/Mn. Heterogeneity of Fe/Mn in mantle-derived lavas is now clearly documented.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(5):569-581
This study examined the sorption of trace metals to precipitates formed by neutralization of 3 natural waters contaminated with acid mine drainage (AMD) in the former Ducktown Mining District, Tennessee. The 3 water samples were strongly acidic (pH 2.2 to 3.4) but had distinctively different chemical signatures based on the mole fractions of dissolved Fe, Al and Mn. One sample was Fe-rich (Fe=87.5%, Al=11.3%, and Mn=1.3%), another was Al-rich (Al=79.4%, Mn=18.0%, and Fe=2.5%), and the other was Mn-rich (Mn=51.4%, Al=25.7%, and Fe=22.9%). In addition, these waters had high concentrations of trace metals including Zn (37,700 to 17,400 μg/l), Cu (13,000 to 270 μg/l), Co (1,500 to 520 μg/l), Ni (360 to 75 μg/l), Pb (30 to 8 μg/l), and Cd (30 to 6 μg/l). Neutralization of the AMD-contaminated waters in the laboratory caused the formation of either schwertmannite at pH<4 or ferrihydrite at pH>4. Both phases were identified by XRD analyses of precipitates from the most Fe-rich water. At higher pH values (∼5) Al-rich precipitates were formed. Manganese compounds were precipitated at pH∼8. The removal of trace metals depended on the precipitation of these compounds, which acted as sorbents. Accordingly, the pH for 50% sorption (pH50) ranged from 5.6 to 7.5 for Zn, 4.6 to 6.1 for Cu, 5.4 to 7.7 for Ni, 5.9 to 7.9 for Co, 3.1 to 4.3 for Pb, and 5.5 to 7.7 for Cd. The pH dependence of sorption arose not only because of changes in the sorption coefficients of the trace metals but also because the formation and composition of the sorbent was controlled by the pH, the chemical composition of the water, and the solubilities of the oxyhydroxide-sulfate complexes of Fe, Al, and Mn.  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion and its spreading rate are the challenging problems in over-pumped coastal aquifers of arid zones like the Batinah region of Oman. The study delineates the saline plume, identifies saline/freshwater zones, and estimates the migration rate of the plume in the Al Khabourah area of the Batinah coast. Time domain electromagnetic surveys, aided by vertical electrical sounding surveys, and seismic refraction methods have defined the locus of the saline/freshwater interface in the area. The current (2007) interface position, when compared with that determined during 2002, indicates a prominent recession in the saline plume and suggests an average annual recession rate of 120 m. This recession may be attributed mainly to the recharging dam of Wadi Al Hawasinah, constructed in 1995, and the enforcement of new water resources legislation. This study reveals the shielding role of the recharging dam to counter advancing saline intrusion.  相似文献   

 Solutions from oxidized waste rock originating from an acid-leached waste dump were studied. The dissolution data suggest that after the majority of the soluble solid phases are removed, remaining solid phases continued to buffer the solutions in the acidic pH range. Incorporating the solution data into MINTEQA2 identified controls on the solubility of Al, Cu and Fe at pH values from about 2.5 to slightly over 5. Sulfate appears to play a significant role in the formation of solubility controlling solid phases for Al and Cu. This is not the case for Fe, and is suggested that Fe and Cu solubility may be controlled by cupric ferrite at low pH values. Received: 5 April 1998 · Accepted: 27 July 1998  相似文献   

刘久苗 《岩矿测试》2013,32(6):893-896
红土镍矿分析没有统一的国家标准,行业标准于2013年初刚制定,其应用处于起步阶段,且行业标准中红土镍矿各元素主要采用化学分析法测定,操作程序繁琐耗时,工作量大,分析效率低。本文建立了电感耦合等离子体发射光谱测定红土镍矿中镍、钴、镁、铝和铁含量的方法。红土镍矿样采用王水溶解,加入氢氟酸和高氯酸,加热至高氯酸烟冒尽,再用盐酸溶解盐类,对消解后溶液中镍、钴、镁、铝和铁等目标元素选择了合适的分析谱线消除干扰。方法检出限镍为2.98 μg/g,钴为1.60 μg/g,镁为1.68 μg/g,铝为3.79 μg/g,铁为9.52 μg/g;方法精密度(RSD,n=11)为1.5%~2.2%;加标回收率为96.0%~102.5%。国家标准物质分析的测定值与标准值和外检值吻合较好。该方法简便快速,单元素不需分别处理,提高了分析效率,能够满足红土镍矿冶炼生产和地质探矿样品测定及时性的要求。  相似文献   

氯代烃的污染治理已成为当今世界最热门的研究领域之一。以水体中最常见的氯代烃污染物1,1-二氯乙烯(1,1-DCE)、林丹(γ-HCH)为主要目标污染物,探讨了不同条件下负载型纳米Pd/Fe对氯代烃的去除效果。负载型纳米Pd/Fe采用浸渍→液相还原→还原沉淀的方法制备,透射电镜显示采用该方法制备的负载型金属钯和铁的平均粒径均在纳米级范围内。负载型纳米Pd/Fe具有较高的表面反应活性,当负载型纳米Pd/Fe 用量为40 g/L、反应时间达2 h时,1.1-二氯乙烯和林丹的去除率分别达到85%和100%。脱氯率与Pd/Fe投加量、钯含量、初始pH值、反应温度等因素有关,与溶液的初始浓度关系不大。负载型纳米Pd/Fe对11-DCE和γ-HCH去除均符合一级反应动力学方程,速率常数分别为0-528 3 h-1及2-012 9 h-1,反应的半衰期t1/2分别为1.31 h和0.34 h。推断在反应过程中,Fe腐蚀产生的H2为主要还原剂,Pd是良好的加氢催化剂,在金属颗粒表面形成高浓度反应相,使反应短时间内完成。  相似文献   

Neutron powder diffraction experiments in the temperature range 300–1770 K were performed at BENSC, Berlin, Germany, on synthetic (Mg0.70Fe0.23) Al1.97O4. The cation partitioning over the crystallographic tetrahedral and octahedral sites was determined as a function of temperature through joint Rietveld refinements and advanced minimization techniques. The thermal expansion coefficients of the lattice parameter and inter-atomic bond lengths were also obtained from the full-profile structure refinements. The behaviour of the polyhedral bond-lengths, especially the T−O distances, and of the cell constant upon heating, clearly indicate that the interdiffusion of tetrahedral and octahedral Mg/Al cations starts at about 950 K. This result is straightforwardly supported by the direct analysis of the neutron site scattering factors: Fe always retains tetrahedral coordination at all temperatures, and the cation rearrangement is entirely due to Mg and Al diffusion. Received: 18 November 1997 / Revised, accepted: 23 August 1998  相似文献   

Soil secondary minerals are important scavengers of rare earth elements (REEs) in soils and thus affect geochemical behavior and occurrence of REEs. The fractionation of REEs is a common geochemical phenomenon in soils but has received little attention, especially fractionation induced by secondary minerals. In this study, REEs (La to Lu and Y) associated with soil-abundant secondary minerals Fe-, Al-, and Mn-oxides in 196 soil samples were investigated to explore the fractionation and anomalies of REEs related to the minerals. The results show right-inclined chondrite-normalized REE patterns for La–Lu in soils subjected to total soil digestion and partial soil extraction. Light REEs (LREEs) enrichment features were negatively correlated with a Eu anomaly and positively correlated with a Ce anomaly. The fractionation between LREEs and heavy REEs (HREEs) was attributed to the high adsorption affinity of LREEs to secondary minerals and the preferred activation/leaching of HREEs. The substantial fractions of REEs in soils extracted by oxalate and Dithionite-Citrate-Bicarbonate buffer solutions were labile (10 %–30 %), which were similar to the mass fraction of Fe (10 %–20 %). Furthermore, Eu was found to be more mobile than the other REEs in the soils, whereas Ce was less mobile. These results add to our understanding of the distribution and geochemical behavior of REEs in soils, and also help to deduce the conditions of soil formation from REE fractionation.  相似文献   

Published experimental data for Al(III) and Fe(III) binding by fulvic and humic acids can be explained approximately by the Humic Ion-Binding Model VI. The model is based on conventional equilibrium reactions involving protons, metal aquo ions and their first hydrolysis products, and binding sites ranging from abundant ones of low affinity, to rare ones of high affinity, common to all metals. The model can also account for laboratory competition data involving Al(III), Fe(III) and trace elements, supporting the assumption of common binding sites. Field speciation data (116 examples) for Al in acid-to-neutral waters can be accounted for, assuming that 60-70 % (depending upon competition by iron, and the chosen fulvic acid : humic acid ratio) of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is due to humic substances, the rest being considered inert with respect to ion binding. After adjustment of the model parameter characterizing binding affinity within acceptable limits, and with the assumption of equilibrium with a relatively soluble form of Fe(OH)3, the model can simulate the results of studies of two freshwater samples, in which concentrations of organically complexed Fe were estimated by kinetic analysis.The model was used to examine the pH dependence of Al and Fe binding by dissolved organic matter (DOM) in freshwaters, by simulating the titration with Ca(OH)2 of an initially acid solution, in equilibrium with solid-phase Al(OH)3 and Fe(OH)3. For the conditions considered, Al, which is present at higher free concentrations than Fe(III), competes significantly for the binding of Fe(III), whereas Fe(III) has little effect on Al binding. The principal form of Al simulated to be bound at low pH is Al3+, AlOH2+ being dominant at pH >6; the principal bound form of Fe(III) is FeOH2+ at all pH values in the range 4-9. Simulations suggest that, in freshwaters, both Al and Fe(III) compete significantly with trace metals (Cu, Zn) for binding by natural organic matter over a wide pH range (4-9). The competition effects are especially strong for a high-affinity trace metal such as Cu, present at low total concentrations (∼1 nM). As a result of these competition effects, high-affinity sites in humic matter may be less important for trace metal binding in the field than they are in laboratory systems involving humic matter that has been treated to remove associated metals.  相似文献   

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