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Polymict ureilites DaG 164/165, DaG 319, DaG 665, and EET 83309 are regolith breccias composed mainly of monomict ureilite-like material, but containing ∼2 vol% of feldspathic components. We characterized 171 feldspathic clasts in these meteorites in terms of texture, mineralogy, and mineral compositions. Based on this characterization we identified three populations of clasts, each of which appears to represent a common igneous (generally basaltic) lithology and whose mafic minerals show a normal igneous fractionation trend of near-constant Fe/Mn ratio over a range of Fe/Mg ratios that extend to much higher values than those in monomict ureilites. The melts represented by these populations are unlikely to be impact melts, because the ubiquitous presence of carbon in polymict ureilites (the regolith of the ureilite parent body) implies that impact melts would have crystallized under conditions of carbon redox control and therefore have highly magnesian mafic mineral compositions with constant Mn/Mg ratio. Therefore, these melts appear to be indigenous products of igneous differentiation on the ureilite parent body (UPB), complementary to the olivine-pigeonite residues represented by the majority of monomict ureilites.The most abundant population is characterized by albitic plagioclase in association with pyroxenes, phosphates, ilmenite, silica, and incompatible-element enriched glass. Model calculations suggest that it formed by extensive fractional crystallization of the earliest melt(s) of precursor materials from which the most magnesian (shallowest) olivine-pigeonite ureilites formed. A less abundant population, characterized by labradoritic plagioclase, may have formed from melts complementary to more ferroan olivine-pigeonite ureilites, and derived from deeper in the UPB. The third population, characterized by the presence of olivine and augite, could only have formed from melts produced at greater depths in the UPB than the olivine-pigeonite ureilites. Many other feldspathic clasts cannot be positively associated with any of these three populations, because their mafic mineral compositions exhibit carbon redox control. However, they may be products of early crystallization of basaltic melts produced on the UPB, before carbon was exhausted by reduction.Partial melting on the ureilite parent body was a fractional (or incremental) process. Melts were produced early in UPB history, and most likely extracted rapidly, thus preserving primitive chemical and oxygen isotopic signatures in the residues.  相似文献   

Lanthanide tetrad effect in bulk chondrules from two moderately altered CM chondrites, Murchison and Yamato-793321 (Y-793321), are reported for the first time. Twenty-three chondrules were petrographically characterized and analyzed for 10 rare earth elements (REE) and other trace and major elements (Ba, Sr, Rb, K, Ca, Mg and Fe) using the precise isotope dilution technique. The results indicate systematic depletion (several times) of alkali and alkaline earths compared to CV and CO chondrules. Most of the porphyritic olivine (8 PO) and olivine-pyroxene (4 POP), porphyritic and radial pyroxene (2 PP, 1 RP), and granular olivine (1 GO) chondrules show a light-REE (L-REE) depleted, heavy-REE (H-REE) smoothly fractionated pattern composed of four (upward convex) segments possessing a relatively large negative Eu anomaly (CI-normalized La/Sm, Lu/Er and Eu/Eu* ratios = 0.3-1: Eu*, normal value). On the other hand, all barred-olivine (5 BO) chondrules, a few PO and POP indicate almost a flat L-REE pattern. In addition, regardless of their textural types, nearly half of the chondrules have a variable degree of Ce and Yb anomalies, and/or L/H-REE discontinuity, which is similar to CV and CO chondrules. The observed L- and H-convex REE patterns accompanied with the negative Eu anomaly is the first known case for chondrules as well as meteoritic materials, but have been previously reported for geological samples such as sedimentary rocks, late stage igneous and metamorphic rocks, and are explained as the lanthanide tetrad effect, which plausibly results from fluid-rock interaction. We suggest that the marked REE fractionations occurred by the selective incorporation of L-, H-REEs and Eu into alteration products in the matrix during alteration processes on the CM parent body, but that the gas/solid REE fractionation characteristics established in the nebula have basically remained unchanged. We suggest that the tetrad effects observed here represent a new index of physico-chemical conditions of fluid-rock interactions prevalent on the CM parent body.  相似文献   

Secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) oxygen isotope analyses were performed on 24 clasts, representing 9 clast types, in the Dar al Gani (DaG) 319 polymict ureilite with precisions better than 1‰. Olivine-rich clasts with typical ureilitic textures and mineral compositions have oxygen isotopic compositions that are identical to those of the monomict ureilites and plot along the CCAM (Carbonaceous Chondrite Anhydrous Mineral) line. Other igneous clasts, including plagioclase-bearing clasts, also plot along the CCAM line, indicating that they were derived from the ureilite parent body (UPB). Thus, we suggest that some of the plagioclase-bearing clasts in the polymict ureilites represent the “missing basaltic component” produced by partial melting on the UPB.Trace element concentrations (Mg, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Rb, Sr and Ba) in ureilitic plagioclase and glass from 13 clasts were obtained by using the SIMS high mass resolution method. The trace element contents of the plagioclase generally show monotonic variations with anorthite content (mol%) that are consistent with partial melting and fractional crystallization. Incompatible trace element concentrations (K, Ti, and Ba) are low and variable for plagioclase with An > 40, indicating that the parental magmas for some clasts were derived from a depleted source. We performed partial melt modeling for CI and CM precursor compositions and compared the results to the observed trace element (K, Ba, and Sr) abundances in the plagioclase. Our results indicate that (1) the UPB evolved from a alkali-rich carbonaceous chondritic precursor, (2) parent melts of porphyritic clasts could have formed by 5-20% equilibrium partial melting and subsequent fractional crystallization, and (3) parent melts of the incompatible trace element-depleted clasts could be derived from fractional melting, where low degree (<10%) partial melts were repeatedly extracted from their solid sources.Thus, both the oxygen isotopic and trace element compositions of the plagioclase bearing clasts in DaG-319 suggest that the UPB underwent localized low degree-partial melting events. The partial melts could have been repeatedly extracted from the precursor, resulting in the formation of the olivine-pigeonite monomict ureilites as the final residue.  相似文献   

We report neutron activation data for Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Co, Cs, Cu, Ga, In, Rb, Se, Te, Tl and Zn in samples of Abee heated at temperatures of 1000–1400°C in a low-pressure environment (initially ~ 10?5 atm H2) and in 9 enstatite achondrites (aubrites) and the silicate portion of the unique stony-iron, Mt Egerton. Trace element losses in heated Abee progress with temperature, the lowest retention being 2.4 × 10?6 of initial contents. These data indicate trace element loss above 1000°C via diffusion-controlled processes having apparent activation energies of 8–55 kcal/mol ; only Co exhibits a significantly higher energy. These trace element data and those for aubrites, Mt Egerton and E4–6 chondrites, and mineralogic and isotopic evidence link all enstatite meteorites to a common parent body. Volatile, mobile elements vary inversely with cobalt content in aubrites and Mt Egerton but directly in E4–6 chondrites; this is inconsistent with all genetic models positing fractionation of such elements during nebular condensation and accretion. However, the data are consistent with the idea that aubrites and Mt. Egerton reflect fractional crystallization of a magma produced from enstatite chondrite-like parent material (probably E6) and late introduction of chalcophiles and mobile elements transported by FeS-Fe eutectic from an E4–6 region experiencing open-system metamorphism. As suggested earlier, the only primary process that affected enstatite meteorites involved fractionation of non-volatile lithophiles from sulfides and metal during condensation and accretion of chondritic parent material from the nebula. If, as seems likely, volatile/mobile elements reflect secondary processes, they can only be used to establish alteration conditions within the enstatite parent body and not to estimate temperatures during primary nebular condensation and accretion.  相似文献   

The 182Hf-182W isotopic systematics of Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), metal-rich chondrites, and iron meteorites were investigated to constrain the relative timing of accretion of their parent asteroids. A regression of the Hf-W data for two bulk CAIs, various fragments of a single CAI, and carbonaceous chondrites constrains the 182Hf/180Hf and εW at the time of CAI formation to (1.07 ± 0.10) × 10−4 and −3.47 ± 0.20, respectively. All magmatic iron meteorites examined here have initial εW values that are similar to or slightly lower than the initial value of CAIs. These low εW values may in part reflect 182W-burnout caused by the prolonged cosmic ray exposure of iron meteorites, but this effect is estimated to be less than ∼0.3 ε units for an exposure age of 600 Ma. The W isotope data, after correction for cosmic ray induced effects, indicate that core formation in the parent asteroids of the magmatic iron meteorites occurred less than ∼1.5 Myr after formation of CAIs. The nonmagmatic IAB-IIICD irons and the metal-rich CB chondrites have more radiogenic W isotope compositions, indicating formation several Myr after the oldest metal cores had segregated in some asteroids.Chondrule formation ∼2-5 Myr after CAIs, as constrained by published Pb-Pb and Al-Mg ages, postdates core formation in planetesimals, and indicates that chondrites do not represent the precursor material from which asteroids accreted and then differentiated. Chondrites instead derive from asteroids that accreted late, either farther from the Sun than the parent bodies of magmatic iron meteorites or by reaccretion of debris produced during collisional disruption of older asteroids. Alternatively, chondrites may represent material from the outermost layers of differentiated asteroids. The early thermal and chemical evolution of asteroids appears to be controlled by the decay of 26Al, which was sufficiently abundant (initial 26Al/27Al >1.4 × 10−5) to rapidly melt early-formed planetesimals but could not raise the temperatures in the late-formed chondrite parent asteroids high enough to cause differentiation. The preservation of the primitive appearance of chondrites thus at least partially reflects their late formation rather than their early and primitive origin.  相似文献   

We determined the He, Ne, and Ar isotopic abundances in the four acapulcoites Dhofar (DHO) 125, DHO 290, DHO 312, and Graves Nunataks 98028, the metal-rich diogenite Northwest Africa (NWA) 1982, and a unique achondrite, NWA 1058, that resembles the acapulcoites in its chemical composition. The noble gases in these meteorites consist of three components: trapped gases, cosmic-ray produced nuclides, and nuclides produced by K, Th, and U decay. The four acapulcoites yield cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) ages in the range of 5.0-5.7 Ma and confirm earlier conclusions concerning break-up of all acapulcoites from a common S-type parent asteroid, possibly in three events 4.9, 5.9, and 14.8 Ma ago. We also discuss the other characteristics (mineralogy, chemistry, formation ages, and oxygen and trapped noble gas isotopes) of all other acapulcoites and their relatives, the lodranites. We propose that the acapulcoite/lodranite parent asteroid had a shell structure similar to that of the H chondrites: The less metamorphosed acapulcoites correspond to the H3 and H4 chondrites and originate from the exterior layers, whereas the more severely metamorphosed lodranites, similar to the H5 and H6 chondrites, represent the inner regions of their parent body. Ungrouped achondrite NWA 1982, probably a diogenite, shows a CRE age of 18.9 ± 2.0 Ma that falls on the major exposure age cluster of the diogenites. The unique achondrite NWA 1058 differs in cosmic-ray exposure age (38.9 ± 4.0 Ma) and in oxygen-isotopic composition from the acapulcoites and lodranites and is probably a winonaite.  相似文献   

The Late-Proterozoic Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layered Intrusion (BKSK) consists of andesine anorthosite, leuconorite, troctolite, norite, gabbronorite, jotunite, mangerite, quartz mangerite and charnockite. The sequence of appearance of cumulus minerals and their compositions suggest a parent magma that was evolved, had plagioclase (±olivine) on the liquidus, was sufficiently TiO2-rich for hemo-ilmenite to crystallise early, and low in CaO and CaO/Al2O3compared to basalts as reflected by the sodic plagioclases and the delayed appearance of cumulus augite. Fine- to medium-grained jotunites found along the northern contact of the BKSK consist of plagioclase (An45–53), inverted pigeonite (Mg# = 55-50), sparse augite (Mg# = 69-59), Fe-Ti oxides, K-feldspar, quartz and apatite. They are basic to intermediate rocks with relatively high FeOtotal, high TiO2, low MgO/MgO + FeO, moderate Al2O3 and low CaO and normative diopside. The jotunites have compositions that are consistent with the parental magma for the lower part of the BKSK Layered Series, and are interpreted as being marginal chills. Similar, but slightly more differentiated, jotunite magmas were subsequently emplaced into the BKSK and the surrounding region as broad dykes and small plutons. Jotunite is a minor rock type in most massif-type anorthosite provinces but may have an important petrological significance.  相似文献   

The thermal histories of Martian meteorite are important for the interpretation of petrologic, geochemical, geochronological, and paleomagnetic constraints that they provide on the evolution of Mars. In this paper, we quantify 40Ar/39Ar ages and Ar diffusion kinetics of Martian meteorites Allan Hills (ALH) 84001, Nakhla, and Miller Range (MIL) 03346. We constrain the thermal history of each meteorite and discuss the resulting implications for their petrology, paleomagnetism, and geochronology. Maskelynite in ALH 84001 yields a 40Ar/39Ar isochron age of 4163 ± 35 Ma, which is indistinguishable from recent Pb-Pb (Bouvier et al., 2009a) and Lu-Hf ages (Lapen et al., 2010). The high precision of this result arises from clear resolution of a reproducible trapped 40Ar/36Ar component in maskelynite in ALH 84001 (40Ar/36Ar = 632 ± 90). The maskelynite 40Ar/39Ar age predates the Late Heavy Bombardment and likely represents the time at which the original natural remanent magnetization (NRM) component observed in ALH 84001 was acquired. Nakhla and MIL 03346 yield 40Ar/39Ar isochron ages of 1332 ± 24 and 1339 ± 8 Ma, respectively, which we interpret to date crystallization. Multi-phase, multi-domain diffusion models constrained by the observed Ar diffusion kinetics and 40Ar/39Ar age spectra suggest that localized regions within both ALH 84001 and Nakhla were intensely heated for brief durations during shock events at 1158 ± 110 and 913 ± 9 Ma, respectively. These ages may date the marginal melting of pyroxene in each rock, mobilization of carbonates and maskelynite in ALH 84001, and NRM overprints observed in ALH 84001. The inferred peak temperatures of the shock heating events (>1400 °C) are sufficient to mobilize Ar, Sr, and Pb in constituent minerals, which may explain some of the dispersion observed in 40Ar/39Ar, Rb-Sr, and U-Th-Pb data toward ages younger than ∼4.1 Ga. The data also place conservative upper bounds on the long-duration residence temperatures of the ALH 84001 and Nakhla protolith to be  °C and  °C over the last ∼4.16 Ga and ∼1.35 Ga, respectively. MIL 03346 has apparently not experienced significant shock-heating since it crystallized, consistent with the fact that various chronometers yield concordant ages.  相似文献   

Cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of polished sections of a diamond from the Guaniamo region of Venezuela suggests a history of the diamond involving two periods of growth separated by a period of resorption and possibly brittle deformation. In situ electron probe analysis of multiple eclogitic garnet inclusions reveals a correlation between garnet composition and location in the stone. An early-formed garnet in the diamond core has higher Ca/(Ca+Mg) and lower Mg/(Mg+Fe) values than later garnets associated with the second period of diamond growth. This variation conforms to an extensive trend of variation in the suite of eclogitic garnets extracted from Venezuelan diamonds. The diamond is zoned in carbon isotope composition (in situ secondary ion mass spectrometry, SIMS, data). The core compositions (δ13C PDB), corresponding to the first stage of growth, average −17.7‰. The second period of growth is apparently in two sub-sets of CL zones with mean values of −13.0‰ and −7.9‰. Nitrogen contents of diamond are low (30–300 atomic ppm) and do not correlate with carbon isotope composition. Oxygen isotope ratios of the garnet inclusions are elevated substantially above those expected for “common mantle”; δ18O VSMOW of early garnet is approximately +10.5‰ and two late garnets average +8.8‰. The evolutionary trend of magnesium enrichment in garnet is unlikely to represent igneous fractionation. The stable isotope data are consistent with diamond formation in subducted meta-basic rocks that had interacted with sea water at low temperatures at or near the sea floor and contained a substantial biogenic carbon component. During or following subduction, diamonds continued to form in an evolving system that was progressively modified by interaction with mantle material.  相似文献   

In order to better constrain the thermochronological evolution of the IAB parent body we performed a 40Ar/39Ar age study on individual silicate inclusions of the IAB irons Caddo County, Campo del Cielo, Landes, and Ocotillo. In contrast to earlier studies, several plagioclase separates of different grain sizes and quality grades were extracted from each inclusion to reduce the complexity of the age spectra and study the influence of these parameters on the Ar-Ar ages. In nearly all inclusions we found significantly different Ar-Ar ages among the separates (Caddo County: 4.472 ± 0.02-4.562 ± 0.02 Ga; Campo del Cielo 2: 4.362 ± 0.04-4.442 ± 0.03 Ga; Landes 2: 4.412 ± 0.05-4.522 ± 0.04 Ga; Ocotillo: 4.382 ± 0.04-4.462 ± 0.03 Ga). These ages were calculated using the new 40K decay constant published by [Mundil R., Renne P. R., Min K. and Ludwig K. R. (2006) Resolvable miscalibration of the 40Ar/39Ar geochronometer. Eos Trans. AGU 87, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V21A-0543]. The ages did not systematically correlate with the respective grain size of the separate as expected, i.e., smaller grains did not necessarily show younger ages due to later closure to Ar diffusion or easier re-opening of the system in the course of a reheating event compared to larger grains. Based on the large range of Ar-Ar ages we suggest that the individual inclusions are composed of silicate grains from different locations within the IAB parent body. While some grains remained in a hot (deep) environment that allowed Ar diffusion over an extended time period—in some cases combined with grain coarsening—, others cooled significantly earlier (near surface) through the K/Ar blocking temperature. These different grains where brought together during an impact followed by mixing and reassembly of the debris as proposed by Benedix et al. [Benedix G. K., McCoy T. J., Keil K. and Love S. G. (2000) A petrologic study of the IAB iron meteorites: constraints on the formation of the IAB-Winonaite parent body. Meteorit. Planet. Sci.35, 1127-1141]. Due to rapid cooling after the impact some of the age differences among the grains could be preserved. Based mainly on our Caddo County Ar-Ar age information, the IAB parent body was destroyed by impact and reassembled between ∼4.5 and 4.47 Ga. However, IAB silicate Ar-Ar ages should depend much more on the pre- and post-impact cooling rate and burial depth than on the time of the actual impact. This is supported by a compilation of our and literature IAB and winonaite Ar-Ar ages ranging smoothly from the time of accretion of the chondritic IAB parent body down to the time of its final cooling through the K-Ar blocking temperature after impact and reassembly, instead of showing a peak in Ar-Ar ages at the time of the destructive impact.  相似文献   

Accessory minerals contain a robust and accessible record of magma evolution. However, they may reflect relatively late-stage conditions in the history of the host magmas. In the normally zoned Criffell granitic pluton (Scotland), whole-rock (WR) compositions reflect open system assimilation and fractional crystallisation at depths of >11 km, whereas amphibole barometry and the absence of inherited zircon suggest that the observed mineral assemblages crystallised following emplacement of magmas with little or no crystal cargo at depths of 4–6 km. The crystallisation history is documented by large trace-element variations amongst apatite crystals from within individual samples: decreasing LREE and Th concentrations in apatite crystals from metaluminous samples reflect broadly synchronous crystallisation of allanite, whereas lower LREE and Th, and more negative Nd anomalies in apatites from peraluminous samples reflect the effects of monazite crystallisation. WR evolution is likely to have occurred within a deep crustal hot zone where H2O-rich (~6 wt%), low-viscosity magmas segregated and ascended adiabatically in a super-liquidus state, leading to resorption of most entrained crystals. Stalling, emplacement and crystallisation resulted from intersection with the H2O-saturated liquidus at ~4 km. H2O contents are as important as temperature in the development of super-liquidus magmas during ascent, blurring distinctions between apparently ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ granites. The trace-element contents of most accessory minerals are controlled by competitive crystallisation of other accessory minerals in small melt batches, consistent with the incremental assembly of large granitic plutons.  相似文献   

In an effort to further characterize the Middle and Late Helladic pottery industry on Aegina, we have analyzed amphibole in 23 sherds imported to the coastal settlement of Asine. The sherds derive from vessels of different classes and shapes and range in age from MH I‐II to LH IIIB‐IIIC Early. All sherds come from vessels that carry manufacturing marks, and their amphiboles have compositions that are incompatible with those of Methana, Poros, and Melos. Twenty of the sherds have amphiboles that are identical in composition and overlap a narrow range of amphibole compositions found in specific lava flows on the northern portion of Aegina. Given that the dacites across Aegina contain amphiboles with a wide range in compositions, we suggest that the narrow range of amphibole compositions in the sherds indicates that they were derived from either a specific clay source on the island, located in a stream system southeast of the prehistoric settlement at Kolonna, or that the potters used a specific temper source along the same stream system. Multiple clay or temper sources would have produced sherds with a broader range of amphibole compositions reflecting the diversity of amphibole compositions found on Aegina. One sherd has amphibole compositions indicative of an additional Aeginetan component that is not found in the other sherds. Two sherds have amphiboles with compositions that do not match any known reference amphiboles for Aegina, Methana, Poros, or Melos. These may have been derived from still unsampled dacites on Aegina or have been manufactured from materials located outside the Saronic Gulf. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

DaG 896 is an olivine-rich microporphyritic rock of komatiitic composition. Both the olivine composition (Fa17.5±2.1, [Mn/Mg] = 0.0061) and the bulk oxygen isotopic composition (δ17O = +2.55, δ18O = +3.50) indicate that DaG 896 is a sample of the H-chondrite parent body. The bulk chemistry shows an H-chondritic distribution of lithophile elements, whereas chalcophile and siderophile elements are strongly depleted, indicating formation through whole-rock melting (or nearly so) of H-chondrite material, nearly complete loss of the metal plus sulfide component, and crystallization without significant igneous fractionation. Superheated, severely shocked chondritic relics (∼10 vol%), typically in the form of corroded lithic fragments <100 μm in size intimately distributed within the igneous lithology, indicate that melting was triggered by a highly energetic impact, which possibly induced shock pressures of ∼80-100 GPa. The relatively young 3.704 ± 0.035 Ga 40Ar-39Ar crystallization age is consistent with the impact melting origin, as magmatism in the asteroid belt was active only in the first hundred million years of solar system history.Based on textural data and thermodynamic crystallization modelling, we infer that DaG 896 crystallized from a liquidus temperature of ∼1630°C under relatively slow cooling rates (∼10°C h−1) to ∼1300°C, before quenching. The two-stage cooling history indicates that a reasonable formation environment might be a dike intruding cooler basement below a crater floor. Metal-silicate fractionation may have been accomplished, at least at the centimeter-scale of the studied meteorite sample, through differential acceleration of immiscible liquids of different density during the intense flow regimes associated with the excavation and modification stages of the cratering mechanism. Alternatively, DaG 896 may represent a surface sample of a differentiated melt body at the floor of an impact crater, as gravitational settling appears to be an effective process at the surface of a chondritic parent asteroid: for metal particles 1 to 10 mm in size, typically observed in partially differentiated impact melt rocks, Stokes’ Law indicates a settling velocity >1 m h −1 during the first few hours of crystallization on asteroidal bodies of >25 km radius.The ∼3.7 Ga age of DaG 896 nearly overlaps with the slightly older resetting ages of H-chondrites (all impact melts) available from the literature, indicating that the H-chondrite parent asteroid underwent extensive impact melting at the enduring of the cataclysmic bombardment of the early solar system. Such an age overlap may also indicate early disruption of the initial H-chondrite parent asteroid.The close similarity between the bulk composition and degassing age of DaG 896 and silicate inclusions in IIE iron meteorites is further evidence in support of a common origin by impact melting and metal-silicate segregation on the H-chondrite parent asteroid. Our new high-precision oxygen isotopic measurements of H-chondrites (Δ17O = 0.77 ± 0.04) should be extended to IIEs to verify this possible petrogenetic link.  相似文献   

Ion microprobe studies of magnesium isotopic composition in igneous components from several chondritic meteorites have been carried out to look for26Mg excess that may be attributed to the presence of the now-extinct radionuclide26Al(τ ∼ 1 Ma) at the time of formation of these objects. A positive evidence for the presence of26Al in the analysed objects will strengthen its case as the primary heat source for the early thermal metamorphism/melting of meteorite parent bodies. Based on calculated temperature profiles inside chondritic objects of different sizes and initial26Al/27Al ratios, we have estimated the initial abundances of26Al needed to provide the heat necessary for the wide range of thermal processing seen in various types of meteorites. The magnesium isotopic data obtained by us do not provide definitive evidence for the presence of26Al at the time of formation of the analysed igneous phases in different chondritic meteorites. Experimental evidence for a planetary scale distribution of26Al in the early solar system to serve as a significant heat source for the thermal metamorphism and melting of meteorite parent bodies (planetesimals) remains elusive.  相似文献   

The impedance spectra of single and polycrystalline olivine display two and three impedance arcs, respectively. Impedance spectra of single crystal olivine, polycrystalline olivine compacts, and natural dunite are compared to deduce the causes of the different impedance arcs. Variation of sample dimensions and use of three- and four-electrode configurations aid in the interpretation. The resistance of the two highest frequency mechanisms varies directly with the length to area ratio (l/A) of the sample. Experiments using the four-electrode configuration confirm that the lowest frequency impedance arc is caused by processes at the sample-electrode interface. In both single and polycrystalline samples the highest frequency mechanism is interpreted as bulk (grain interior) conduction, and the lowest frequency mechanism is attributed to sample-electrode interface effects. In the polycrystalline samples, the intermediate frequency mechanism is interpreted as the grain boundary conduction mechanism. The resistances of the grain interior and grain boundary mechanisms add in a series manner.  相似文献   

Metasedimentary inclusions in the crustal anatectic rhyodacites of Mt. Amiata volcanic complex can be subdivided into a silica-poor group, rich in aluminous minerals, and a small silica-rich group containing abundant quartz. Textural observations, supported by mineral chemistry provide evidence for three metamorphic events. The regional metamorphic M0 is often associated with deformation, and two subsequent progressive thermometamorphic events, M1 and M2, are caused by the magmatic heat. Mineral assemblages of M1 are indicative for the pyroxene-hornfels facies, and assemblages of M2, in combination with evidence for partial melting and sanidinization, suggest sanidinite facies conditions. The inclusions are interpreted mainly as xenolithic fragments of a contact aureole, which were remetamorphosed after incorporation by the magma. The aureole formed in pre-mesozoic formations during accumulation of the melt in a magmachamber. Constraints on pressure conditions for M1 indicate the possibility of a fairly large depth of the heat-source giving rise to Mt. Amiata geothermal field.
Zusammenfassung Metasedimentäre Einschlüsse in den krustal anatektischen Rhyodaziten des vulkanischen Komplexes Monte Amiata lassen sich untergliedern in eine Silica-arme Gruppe, reich an Aluminium-Mineralien, und eine kleine Silica-reiche Gruppe mit Quarz im Übermaß. Die beobachteten Texturen, unterstützt von der Mineralchemie weisen auf drei metamorphe Ereignisse. Die Regionalmetamorphose M0 ist häufig verbunden mit Deformation, während zwei nachfolgende progressive Thermometamorphosen M1 und M2 verursacht worden sind von der magmatischen Wärme. Die Mineralgesellschaften des M1 sind representativ für die Pyroxen-Hornfels Fazies und die Gesellschaften des M2, in Kombination mit Anweisungen für partielle Aufschmelzung und Sanidinisation, suggerieren Umstände der Sanidinit-Fazies. Die Einschlüsse werden interpretiert als xenolithische Fragmente einer Kontaktaureole, die nochmals metamorphosiert wurden nach der Aufnahme ins Magma. Die Aureole entstand in pre-mesozoischen Formationen während der Akkumulation des Schmelzes in einer Magmakammer. Die geschätzten Druckbedingungen für M1 sind im Einklang mit der Möglichkeit einer ziemlich tiefen Position der Wärmequelle gehörend zum Geothermalfeld des Monte Amiata.

Résumé Les enclaves métasédimentaires des rhyodacites anatectiques crustales du complexe volcanique du Monte Amiata se laissent subdiviser en deux groupes: l'un pauvre en silice avec des minéraux alumineux abondants, et l'autre, moins important, contenant un excès de quartz. Les textures, supportées par la minéralogie chimique témoignent de trois événements métamorphiques. Le métamorphism régional M0 est souvent associé avec une déformation tandis que deux événements successifs de métamorphisme progressif, M1 et M2, ont été causés par la chaleur magmatique. Les assemblages des minéraux de M1 représentent le faciès des cornéennes à pyroxene, et les assemblages de M2, en combinaison avec indications de fusion partielle et sanidisation, suggèrent les conditions du faciès des sanidinites. Les enclaves sont interprétées comme des fragments xénolithiques d'une auréole de contact, qui ont été remétamorphosés après incorporation par le magma. L'auréole s'est formée dans les formations pré-mésozoiques pendant l'accumulation du magma dans un réservoir. Les conditions P-T de M1 permettent de supposer que la source thermique donnant lieu au champ géothermique du Monte Amiata, occupe une position assez profonde.

: , , . , , . 0 , — M1 M2 — . M1 - , 2 , . , , . - , . M1, , , .

Noble gases in three meteoritic samples were examined by stepwise heating, in an attempt to relate peaks in the outgassing curves to specific minerals: NeKrXe in Allende (C3V) and an Allende residue insoluble in HF-HCl, and Xe in Abee (E4). In Allende, chromite and carbon contain most of the trapped Ne (20Ne/22Ne ≈ 8.7) and anomalous Xe enriched in light and heavy isotopes, and release it at ~850°C (bulk meteorite) or 1000°C (residue). Mineral Q, containing most of the trapped Ar, Kr, Xe as well as some Ne (20Ne/22Ne ≈ 10.4), releases its gases mainly between 1200 and 1600°C, well above the release temperatures of organic polymers (300–500°) or amorphous carbon (800–1000°). The high noble-gas release temperature, ready solubility in oxidizing acids, and correlation with acid-soluble Fe and Cr all point to an inorganic rather than carbonaceous nature of Q.All the radiogenic 129Xe is contained in HCl, HF-soluble minerals, and is distributed as follows over the peaks in the release curve: Attend 1000° (75%), 1300° (25%); Abee (data of Hohenberg and Reynolds, 1969) ~850° (15%), 1100° (60%), 1300° (25%). No conclusive identifications of host phases can yet be given; possible candidates are troilite and silicates for Allende, and djerfisherite, troilite and silicates for Abee.Mineral Q strongly absorbs air xenon, and releases some of it only at 800–1000°C. Dilution by air Xe from Q and other minerals may explain why temperature fractions from bulk meteorites often contain less 124–130Xe for a given enrichment in heavy isotopes than does xenon from etched chromitecarbon samples, although chromite-carbon is the source of the anomalous xenon in either case. Air xenon contamination thus is an important source of error in the derivation of fission xenon spectra.  相似文献   

Summary Peridotitic xenoliths from melanephelinites of Sal Island, Cape Verde Archipelago, have a compositional range from moderately depleted Iherzolites to refractory harzburgites. Most xenoliths have protogranular textures but porphyroclastic and mylonitic textures are not uncommon. Small amounts of glass are present in the intergranular space of these rocks which possibly, at least in part, represent quenched silicate melt which invaded these rocks just before they were excavated. These glasses contain microphenocrysts of olivine, clinopyroxene, and spinel, as well as small grains of sulphides and metallic Fe-Ni alloys. Metallic phases were most likely produced by the desulphurization of sulfides, which also resulted in very low oxygen fugacities (several logarithmic units below QFM buffer) in the interstitial glasses and associated microphenocrysts. This is reflected in the chemical composition of the newly formed spinels which are characterised by low amounts of ferric iron. In contrast, primary spinel-bearing mineral assemblages of the peridotites were formed at much higher fO2. which were similar to those estimated for the host nephelinites which have high titanomagnetite contents.
Glasführende Xenolithe von Kap Verde: Evidenz für einen heißen Erdmantel Diapir
Zusammenfassung Die ultramafischen Xenolithe aus den Melanepheliniten von der Kap Verde Insel Sal sind Spinell-Lherzolithe und Spinell-Harzburgite. Am verbreitesten sind Xenolithe mit protogranularer Textur, aber auch Xenolithe mit porphyroklastischer und mylonitischer Textur treten häufig auf. Die Xenolithe enthalten kleine Mengen von intergranularem Glas, welches, wenigstens zum Teil, abgeschreckte silikatische Schmelzen repräsentiert, welche die Gesteine vor ihrem Aufstieg aus dem Erdmantel durchdrungen haben. Dieses Glas enthält Mikrophenokristalle von Olivin, Klinopyroxen und Orthopyroxen, sowie auch kleinere Körner von Sulfiden und metallischen Fe-Ni Legierungen. Metallische Phasen sind sehr wahrscheinlich durch Entschwefelung von Sulfiden unter sehr niedrigem fO2 (einige Größenordnungen unter dem QFM Buffer) entstanden. Das wirkt sich auf die Zusammensetzung der neu gebildeten Spinelle aus, die durch einen niederen Gehalt an Fe3+ charakterisiert sind. Die Xenolithe wurden jedoch unter viel höhere fO2 gebildet. Ihre foe sind ähnlich der für die Wirtsnephelinite berechneten fO2, die hohe Titanomagnetit-Gehalte aufweisen.


Underground hard coal mining usually disrupts the mechanical equilibrium of rock sequences, creating fractures within minor permeable rocks. The present study employs a dual-continuum model to assess how both fractured and porous sandstone media influence the percolation process in postmining setups. To test the approach, the software TOUGH2 was employed to simulate laminar fluid flow in the unsaturated zone of the Ibbenbüren Westfield mining area. Compared to other coal mining districts in Germany, this area is delineated by the topography and local geology, leading to a well-defined hydrogeological framework. Results reveal good agreement between the calculated and measured mine water discharge for the years 2008 and 2017. The constructed model was capable of reproducing the bimodal flow behavior of the adit by coupling a permeable fractured continuum with a low-conductivity rock matrix. While flow from the fractured continuum results in intense discharge events during winter months, the rock matrix determines a smooth discharge limb in summer. The study also evaluates the influence of individual and combined model parameters affecting the simulated curve. A detailed sensitivity analysis displayed the absolute and relative permeability function parameters of both continua among the most susceptible variables. However, a strong a priori knowledge of the value ranges for the matrix continuum helps to reduce the model ambiguity. This allowed for calibration of some of the fractured medium parameters for which sparse or variable data were available. However, the inclusion of the transport component and acquisition of more site-specific data is recommended to reduce their uncertainty.


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