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The paucity of weathering rates for quartz in the natural environment stems both from the slow rate at which quartz dissolves and the difficulty in differentiating solute Si contributed by quartz from that derived from other silicate minerals. This study, a first effort in quantifying natural rates of quartz dissolution, takes advantage of extremely rapid tropical weathering, simple regolith mineralogy, and detailed information on hydrologic and chemical transport. Quartz abundances and grain sizes are relatively constant with depth in a thick saprolite. Limited quartz dissolution is indicated by solution rounding of primary angularity and by the formation of etch pits. A low correlation of surface area (0.14 and 0.42 m2 g−1) with grain size indicates that internal microfractures and pitting are the principal contributors to total surface area.Pore water silica concentration increases linearly with depth. On a molar basis, between one and three quarters of pore water silica is derived from quartz with the remainder contributed from biotite weathering. Average solute Si remains thermodynamically undersaturated with respect to recently revised estimates of quartz solubility (<180 μM) but exceeds estimated critical saturation concentrations controlling the initiation of etch pit formation (>17–81 μM). Etch pitting is more abundant on grains in the upper saprolite and is associated with pore waters lower in dissolved silica. Rate constants describing quartz dissolution increase with decreasing depth (from 10−14.5–10−15.1 mol m−2 s−1), which correlate with both greater thermodynamic undersaturation and increasing etch pit densities. Unlike for many aluminosilicates, the calculated natural weathering rates of quartz fall slightly below the rate constants previously reported for experimental studies (10−12.4–10−14.2 mol m−2 s−1). This agreement reflects the structural simplicity of quartz, dilute solutes, and near-hydrologic saturation.  相似文献   

Rapid weathering and erosion rates in mountainous tropical watersheds lead to highly variable soil and saprolite thicknesses which in turn impact nutrient fluxes and biological populations. In the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico, a 5-m thick saprolite contains high microorganism densities at the surface and at depth overlying bedrock. We test the hypotheses that the organisms at depth are limited by the availability of two nutrients, P and Fe. Many tropical soils are P-limited, rather than N-limited, and dissolution of apatite is the dominant source of P. We document patterns of apatite weathering and of bioavailable Fe derived from the weathering of primary minerals hornblende and biotite in cores augered to 7.5 m on a ridgetop as compared to spheroidally weathering bedrock sampled in a nearby roadcut.Iron isotopic compositions of 0.5 N HCl extracts of soil and saprolite range from about δ56Fe = 0 to ? 0.1‰ throughout the saprolite except at the surface and at 5 m depth where δ56Fe = ? 0.26 to ? 0.64‰. The enrichment of light isotopes in HCl-extractable Fe in the soil and at the saprolite–bedrock interface is consistent with active Fe cycling and consistent with the locations of high cell densities and Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria, identified previously. To evaluate the potential P-limitation of Fe-cycling bacteria in the profile, solid-state concentrations of P were measured as a function of depth in the soil, saprolite, and weathering bedrock. Weathering apatite crystals were examined in thin sections and an apatite dissolution rate of 6.8 × 10? 14 mol m? 2 s? 1 was calculated. While surface communities depend on recycled nutrients and atmospheric inputs, deep communities survive primarily on nutrients released by the weathering bedrock and thus are tightly coupled to processes related to saprolite formation including mineral weathering. While low available P may limit microbial activity within the middle saprolite, fluxes of P from apatite weathering should be sufficient to support robust growth of microorganisms in the deep saprolite.  相似文献   

The prospect of changing climate has led to uncertainty about the resilience of forested mountain watersheds in the tropics. In watersheds where frequent, high rainfall provides ample runoff, we often lack understanding of how the system will respond under conditions of decreased rainfall or drought. Factors that govern water supply, such as recharge rates and groundwater storage capacity, may be poorly quantified. This paper describes 8-year data sets of water stable isotope composition (δ2H and δ18O) of precipitation (4 sites) and a stream (1 site), and four contemporaneous stream sample sets of solute chemistry and isotopes, used to investigate watershed response to precipitation inputs in the 1780-ha Río Mameyes basin in the Luquillo Mountains of northeastern Puerto Rico. Extreme δ2H and δ18O values from low-pressure storm systems and the deuterium excess (d-excess) were useful tracers of watershed response in this tropical system. A hydrograph separation experiment performed in June 2011 yielded different but complementary information from stable isotope and solute chemistry data. The hydrograph separation results indicated that 36% of the storm rain that reached the soil surface left the watershed in a very short time as runoff. Weathering-derived solutes indicated near-stream groundwater was displaced into the stream at the beginning of the event, followed by significant dilution. The more biologically active solutes exhibited a net flushing behavior. The d-excess analysis suggested that streamflow typically has a recent rainfall component (∼25%) with transit time less than the sampling resolution of 7 days, and a more well-mixed groundwater component (∼75%). The contemporaneous stream sample sets showed an overall increase in dissolved solute concentrations with decreasing elevation that may be related to groundwater inputs, different geology, and slope position. A considerable amount of water from rain events runs off as quickflow and bypasses subsurface watershed flowpaths, and better understanding of shallow hillslope and deeper groundwater processes in the watershed will require sub-weekly data and detailed transit time modeling. A combined isotopic and solute chemistry approach can guide further studies to a more comprehensive model of the hydrology, and inform decisions for managing water supply with future changes in climate and land use.  相似文献   

Sr isotope data from soils, water, and atmospheric inputs in a small tropical granitoid watershed in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico constrain soil mineral development, weathering fluxes, and atmospheric deposition. This study provides new information on pedogenic processes and geochemical fluxes that is not apparent in watershed mass balances based on major elements alone. 87Sr/86Sr data reveal that Saharan mineral aerosol dust contributes significantly to atmospheric inputs. Watershed-scale Sr isotope mass balance calculations indicate that the dust deposition flux for the watershed is 2100 ± 700 mg cm−2 ka−1. Nd isotope analyses of soil and saprolite samples provide independent evidence for the presence of Saharan dust in the regolith. Watershed-scale Sr isotope mass balance calculations are used to calculate the overall short-term chemical denudation velocity for the watershed, which agrees well with previous denudation rate estimates based on major element chemistry and cosmogenic nuclides. The dissolved streamwater Sr flux is dominated by weathering of plagioclase and hornblende and partial weathering of biotite in the saprock zone. A steep gradient in regolith porewater 87Sr/86Sr ratio with depth, from 0.70635 to as high as 0.71395, reflects the transition from primary mineral-derived Sr to a combination of residual biotite-derived Sr and atmospherically-derived Sr near the surface, and allows multiple origins of kaolinite to be identified.  相似文献   

Equilibrium relationships are defined between stream waters and weathering products, kaolinite and calcium montmorillonite, for the Rio Tanama system, west-central Puerto Rico. The major element composition of 46 water samples of springs and streams define a reaction path in the system CaO-Na2O-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O between acid waters containing low concentrations of alkali cations and detrital reactant minerals. The principal reactant phases appear to be chlorite, plagioclase and orthoclase and occasionally anhydrite or calcite. Headward erosion by the Rio Tanama supplies the reactant phases to the stream silt load.The chemical denudation rate calculated for the Rio Tanama system is about 30 m/million yr. The chemical stream load appears to be buffered by the product phases in the main river over the 15–20 km river length sampled in this study.The silt and soil mineralogy and water compositions are used to define a log K for the hydrolysis of Ca-montmorillonite at 25°C of 35.0 ± 0.8. This value is in reasonable agreement with the value of 37.1 ± 1.0 defined by Garrels and Mackenzie (1967) in a similar manner for spring waters in the Sierra Nevada.  相似文献   

马庆  刘建峰  迟效国 《地质通报》2018,37(5):853-862
扎兰屯音河岩体被音河水系分为南、北两部分,研究发现南、北岩体形成年代不同,选取南部岩体(称为二村岩体)进行研究。二村岩体主要由石英闪长岩-英云闪长岩组成,石英闪长岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为444.0±4.6Ma,时代为晚奥陶世。岩石化学组成相对富钠、贫钾,Na2O/K2O值大于1(1.73~3.17),属中钾钙碱性系列。岩石富含轻稀土元素、亏损重稀土元素,富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、K,显著亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等高场强元素。矿物组成及岩石地球化学特征指示其为I型花岗岩。岩体的形成时代、构造背景与多宝山岛弧火成岩相似,为区域多宝山岛弧西南向延伸提供了新的制约。  相似文献   

To test the relative effectiveness of stream water and sediment as geochemical exploration media in the Rio Tanama porphyry copper district of Puerto Rico, we collected and subsequently analyzed samples of water and sediment from 29 sites in the rivers and tributaries of the district. Copper, Mo, Pb, Zn, SO42?, and pH were determined in the waters; Cu, Mo, Pb, and Zn were determined in the sediments. In addition, copper in five partial extractions from the sediments was determined. Geochemical contrast (anomaly-to-background quotient) was the principal criterion by which the effectiveness of the two media and the five extractions were judged.Among the distribution patterns of metals in stream water, that of copper most clearly delineates the known porphyry copper deposits and yields the longest discernable dispersion train. The distribution patterns of Mo, Pb, and Zn in water show little relationship to the known mineralization. The distribution of SO42? in water delineates the copper deposits and also the more extensive pyrite alteration in the district; its recognizable downstream dispersion train is substantially longer than those of the metals, either in water or sediment. Low pH values in small tributaries delineate areas of known sulfide mineralization.The distribution patterns of copper in sediments clearly delineate the known deposits, and the dispersion trains are longer than those of copper in water.The partial determinations of copper related to secondary iron and manganese oxides yield the strongest geochemical contrasts and longest recognizable dispersion trains. Significantly high concentrations of molybdenum in sediments were found at only three sites, all within one-half km downstream of the known copper deposits. The distribution patterns of lead and zinc in sediments are clearly related to the known primary lead-zinc haloes around the copper deposits. The recognizable downstream dispersion trains of lead and zinc are shorter than those of copper.  相似文献   

郭华春  钟莉  李丽群 《地质通报》2006,25(8):928-931
哈尔里克山口门子一带原划石炭纪石英闪长岩的锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄为429.6Ma±6.2Ma,其围岩原被置于下中泥盆统,根据1∶5万区域地质调查和前人的资料,将其重新厘定为奥陶系。结合区域上该构造单元近年内获得的新成果,提出准噶尔南缘地区加里东构造岩浆带已越过卡拉麦里-麦钦乌拉断裂、广泛发育于哈尔里克-大南湖华力西岛弧带上的认识。  相似文献   

别里赛北铁矿床是近几年在东昆仑成矿带上新发现的一处小型矿床,在对矿区地质背景及矿床特征分析的基础上,对与成矿关系最密切的石英闪长岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,岩石地球化学研究。研究结果显示石英闪长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为(242.9±0.6)Ma,MSWD值为0.6,n=22;Si O2的含量在53.62%~63.83%,Al2O3含量在14.55%~17.57%,Na2O含量在2.95%~4.06%,K2O含量在1.60%~3.83%,为准铝质中-高钾钙碱性岩石系列;稀土元素总量中等,轻稀土元素富集,中等负铕异常;强不相容元素K、Rb、Th强烈富集,高场强元素Ta、Nb、Zr、Hf及轻稀土元素Ce、Sm中等富集,Ba、Sr富集不明显,贫P、Ti而Sm、Y、Yb元素含量高出球粒陨石值不多,反映了岩浆具有壳源为主的特点。  相似文献   

前人对东天山海西期的构造-热事件作了大量研究,得出了许多方面的重要认识.东天山印支期的构造演化到底是海西期的延续,还是受控于另一构造域,至今仍不清楚.因此,印支期岩浆岩岩相学、地球化学和同位素地质学的综合研究,对阐明本区印支期的构造演化具有重要意义.产于中天山东段的尾亚石英闪长岩形成于印支早-中期.该岩石主要组成矿物为...  相似文献   

A year-long trawl survey of the mangrove-fringed Laguna Joyuda, Puerto Rico yielded 41 species of juvenile and adult fishes. Twelve percent of the species and 55% of the individuals were residents in the lagoon; 56% of the species and 44% of the individuals were cyclic visitors, mostly juveniles of species which spawn offshore. The lagoon yielded fewer species than tropical estuaries in continental regions of the Caribbean and temperate estuaries of North America. However, paralleling other estuarine habitats, Laguna Joyuda supported three primary types of fishes, a resident small flatfish (Achirus lineatus), a complex of transient juveniles (Gerreidae, paralleling the Sciaenidae of higher latitudes), and small planktivores (Anchoa spp.). Seasonal patterns in the abundance of individual species were not strong, but overall abundance showed a wet season maximum, particularly because of recruitment of anchovies and cyclic visitors in April, May, and June. Wet season abundance corresponded with highest water column productivity and detrital input to the benthos. Fishes associated with the water column appeared to show greater variation in abundance than those associated with more stable benthic food webs.  相似文献   

安徽铜陵矿集区是我国长江中下游构造—岩浆—成矿带中一个重要的铜金多金属成矿区,区内广泛发育晚中生代以石英闪长岩和花岗闪长岩为主的中酸性闪长质侵入岩体,且其与成矿关系密切。关于铜陵矿集区侵入岩的成因,前人已有大量研究成果发表,但仍存有一定争议。本文在广泛收集前人研究资料和成果的基础上,选择区内铜官山石英闪长岩体和新屋里、胡村花岗闪长岩体开展全岩Sr-Nd同位素和锆石原位Hf-O同位素分析,以进一步探讨其成因机制。研究表明,石英闪长岩和花岗闪长岩的结构构造和矿物组成特征相似,全岩主量元素、微量元素和稀土元素组成特征也基本一致,均属高钾钙碱性岩石系列,并具有埃达克质岩石特征。石英闪长岩ISr值为0.707 2~0.709 0,εNd(t)值为-13.0~-8.3,锆石εHf(t)值为-23.5~-8.7,δ18O值为6.5‰~7.4‰;花岗闪长岩ISr值0.707 7~0.709 8,εNd(t)值为-13.6~-8.5,锆石εHf(t)值为-19.0~-7.4,δ18O值为6.7‰~8.1‰。石英闪长岩和花岗闪长岩Sr-Nd同位素组成特征和锆石Hf-O同位素组成特征亦基本一致,指示它们具有相同的成岩物质来源。结合区域地质背景和构造演化,本文认为,铜陵矿集区石英闪长岩和花岗闪长岩为富集岩石圈地幔岩浆与壳源埃达克质岩浆混合并上升侵位所形成,富集岩石圈地幔岩浆并非起源于古太平洋俯冲洋壳或俯冲洋壳析出流体交代的富集岩石圈地幔,而是新元古代华夏洋俯冲析出流体交代扬子板块岩石圈地幔所形成,壳源埃达克质岩浆为新元古代华夏板块与扬子板块碰撞之后形成的新生地壳熔融而成。铜陵矿集区晚中生代大规模岩浆作用的诱因是大陆板内构造背景下富集岩石圈地幔部分熔融岩浆上涌加热以及受古太平洋板块挤压和地壳加厚再转向拉张应力下的减压熔融。  相似文献   


西秦岭造山带位于华北板块和华南板块之间,是我国中央造山带的重要组成部分,记录了东亚古特提斯洋东北支的演化历史,对于探讨华北板块和华南板块的碰撞过程具有重要意义。西秦岭广泛发育的早-中三叠世火成岩与勉略洋壳向北俯冲有关,但勉略洋壳的闭合时限仍有争议。因此本文对采自早子沟地区的石英闪长玢岩进行锆石U-Pb年代学、Lu-Hf同位素和全岩主微量地球化学分析,查明早子沟石英闪长玢岩成因及其构造演化背景,并进一步约束勉略洋壳闭合时间。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果表明,石英闪长玢岩侵位年龄为~232Ma,为中三叠世岩浆活动的产物。石英闪长玢岩含有较高的SiO2(56.18%~68.26%),K2O为1.82%~3.70%,A/CNK值为0.73~1.07,是准铝质-弱过铝质的钙碱性-高钾钙碱性岩石。其富钾的特征,与中高钾基性下地壳部分熔融产生的熔体成分一致。轻重稀土分异明显,(La/Yb)N比值为8.10~61.2,富集大离子亲石元素(K、Sr、Ba、Cs),亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta,具有弱负铕异常(δEu=0.65~0.93),显示了典型的大陆地壳岩石特征。石英闪长玢岩较高的Mg#值(47.57~70.35)意味着有一定幔源物质的加入。εHf(t)在-12.9~-7.2之间,对应的二阶段Hf模式年龄(tDM2)为1.70~2.10Ga,表明岩浆来自于古元古代下地壳的重熔。本文认为石英闪长玢岩形成于勉略洋壳向北俯冲背景下的活动大陆边缘环境,具有碰撞前花岗质岩石特征,即勉略洋壳在~232Ma仍处在俯冲阶段。


Potshards discovered during excavation of bridge pilasters for a major expressway over the Rio Indio floodplain, a stream incised within the karsts of north‐central Puerto Rico, required large‐scale archaeological excavation. Five‐meter‐deep bridge pilaster excavations in the alluvial valley provide a 4500‐year history of deposition. Stratigraphic analysis of the exposed pilaster walls in combination with textural and organic carbon analyses of sediment cores obtained over a much broader area suggest a fluvial system dominated by overbank deposition. Six sequences of alternating light and dark layers of sediment were identified. The darker layers are largely composed of silts and clays, whereas the lighter layers are rich in sand‐sized sediment. Archaeological evidence indicates the organic‐rich dark layers, believed to be buried A horizons, coincide with pre‐historic occupation by Cedrosan Saladoid, Elenan Ostionoid, and Chican Ostionoid, extending from A.D. 450 to A.D. 1500. Lighter layers below the dark soil horizons are interpreted as overbank deposits from large magnitude flood events. The floodplain aggraded discontinuously with rapid deposition of sand followed by gradual accumulation of silt, clay, and organic material. An approximately 1‐m‐thick layer of coarse sand and gravel halfway up the stratigraphic column represents an episode of more frequent and severe floods. Based on radiocarbon ages, this layer aggraded between A.D. 1000 and A.D. 1100, which is well within the Elenan Ostionoid era (A.D. 900–1200). Rates of sedimentation during this period were approximately 8 mm per year, ten times greater than the estimates of sedimentation rates before and after this flood sequence. The cause for the change in deposition is unknown. Nonetheless the Elenan Ostionoid would have had to endure frequent loss of habitation structures and crops during these events. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

湖北铜绿山矿床石英闪长岩的矿物学及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素特征   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
铜绿山是长江中下游鄂东南矿集区最重要的、大型夕卡岩型Cu-Fe(Au)矿床。本文对该矿区中与成矿密切的石英闪长岩进行了详细的矿物成分、地球化学及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素研究。结果表明:岩石中斜长石主要为更长石(An=21~31);角闪石贫Ti(0.2),高Mg/(Mg+Fe)(0.5),属于富镁角闪石;而黑云母为镁质黑云母。岩石的地球化学具有高硅(58.86%~67.71%),富碱(Na2O+K2O=5.67%~9.63%),富集轻稀土元素(LREE)和大离子亲石元素(LILE),并强亏损元素Nb、Ta、Ti等特征。岩石的(87Sr/86Sr)i为0.7055~0.7069,εNd(t)为-7.65~-3.44;(206Pb/204Pb)i=17.66~18.00,(207Pb/204Pb)i=15.49~15.56,(208Pb/204Pb)i=37.73~38.19。矿物成分、地球化学和同位素特征说明,铜绿山岩体与阳新岩体为同源岩浆的产物,源区为深度大于40km的富集地幔,经下地壳的混染及分离结晶作用形成。岩浆熔体形成的温度应大于889℃。角闪石和黑云母的温度计估算岩浆结晶温度分别为650~800℃和500~630℃,黑云母开始结晶温度略低于角闪石结晶结束温度,压力为1.49kbar,对应侵位深度约4.9km。岩浆具有利于Cu、Fe、Au等成矿元素进入熔体的条件,可能与板块俯冲作用相关。  相似文献   

为确定罕庙地区石英二长闪长岩的形成时代、成因及地质意义,对罕庙地区石英二长闪长岩体进行了岩相学、LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄及地球化学研究。结果表明,石英二长闪长岩中的锆石为岩浆成因,~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值为134±1Ma,侵入时代属于早白垩世晚期。石英二长闪长岩中SiO_2含量为63.44%~68.96%,K_2O含量为2.04%~3.84%,Na_2O/K_2O值介于0.47~1.17之间,铝饱和指数A/CNK介于2.12~2.55之间,属于钙碱性-高钾钙碱性过铝质花岗岩类。微量元素特征为富集大离子亲石元素(如Rb、K)和活泼不相容元素(如Th、U),强烈亏损高场强元素(如Nb、Ta、P、Ti)。结合区域构造演化背景,该岩体受俯冲流体改造,与早白垩世晚期古太平洋板块斜向俯冲于欧亚大陆之下的弧后伸展减薄等综合作用有关。  相似文献   

Military activities have produced contaminated environments at many sites around the world. This contamination and the associated health risks play a large role in how these places can be redeveloped after military use. In this essay we focus on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico which was used as a bombing range by the US military for six decades until 2003. We examine the ways different groups of people perceive this formerly militarized landscape and the ways that these perceptions legitimatize certain redevelopment options over others. Through participant observation, semi-structured interviews and an analysis of textual materials we found that many local residents view the island as suffering from severe contamination while the large number of visitors, tourism promoters and North Americans now flocking to the post-militarized Vieques view it quite differently. These perceptions of purity and contamination, affected by different knowledges of the island’s history, have led to differing valuation of the landscape and contentious economic, political, and cultural battles over an island often labeled “natural” despite a history of military use and social exclusion.
Jeffrey Sasha DavisEmail:

Guo-Quan Wang 《Landslides》2012,9(1):117-130
Global positioning system (GPS) technologies have been increasingly employed to monitor landslide movements. This paper demonstrates the use of GPS in the study of a creeping landslide in Ponce, Puerto Rico. The landslide is primarily composed of chalk colluvium that extends to depths of about 30 m at the head zone and 2 to 3 m at the toe zone. The slip surface lies at the base of the chalk colluvium, which slides southeast over a weathered brown mudstone unit. GPS monitoring of the landslide began in March 2008. Both campaign rapid static and continuous static GPS surveying methods were applied. Precision at the level of 0.5 mm horizontally and 1.3 mm vertically was achieved through 24-h continuous GPS monitoring. Rainfall data from a local weather station was also integrated into the study. Rainfall heavily influenced the movements of the landslide. A heavy rainfall in September 2008, which dumped 50 cm rain on the landslide area over a 4-day period, temporarily accelerated the sliding and generated rapid movement of 1 m horizontally and 0.5 m vertically. The slide slowed markedly after this significant movement. A prolonged moderate rainfall in November 2009 also temporarily accelerated the sliding. The landslide remains active. The creeping appears likely to continue in the future with short bursts of rainfall-induced rapid movements. Potential landslide causes are investigated, and two measures to minimize future risk are proposed at the end of the article.  相似文献   

内蒙古大青山北前壕石英闪长岩锆石 U-Pb年龄及地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前壕石英闪长岩侵入到新太古界色尔腾山岩群中,它们与斜长花岗岩等共同构成了新太古代花岗岩-绿岩带,石英闪长岩岩石化学、地球化学显示为I型花岗岩系,与太古宙高铝型TTG花岗岩系特征一致,为不同源岩部分熔融的产物(可能有幔源岩浆参与).选自石英闪长岩中的锆石具岩浆型锆石的特点,5个单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素年龄不一致曲线上交点年龄(2 535±16)Ma,代表了该岩体的结晶年龄.结合色尔腾山岩群的年龄分析,大青山地区花岗岩-绿岩带形成于2 500~2 900 Ma之间.该年龄的确定为华北陆台(或华北克拉通)的地壳演化提供了新证据.  相似文献   

Siliciclastic sediments on the insular shelf of Puerto Rico are derived from a volcanic arc. The sands are feldspatholithic and subquartzose. They confirm predictions about sandstones of arc derivation in the following ways. The quartz content is low, usually less than 25 %. Feldspar is more abundant than quartz, but less so than lithic fragments. If mud rip-up clasts are excluded from the lithic suite, the ratio V/L (volcanic lithic grains to total unstable lithic grains) assumes values near 0.75. Most of the volcanic lithic grains have textures suggesting intermediate volcanics as source rocks. Ratios of plagioclase to total feldspar are high. Values of the parameter C/Q (stable lithic fragments to total lithic grains) are higher than expected for sandstones of volcanic provenance. Four compositionally and areally distinct assemblages of clay minerals are recognized. Clay suites characterized by major concentrations of both halloysite and smectite are found off the north-west coast. Sediments off the north-central and north-east coasts contain major concentrations of halloysite and lesser amounts of smectite, illite and chlorite. Major concentrations of kaolinite are present off the south-east coast. An assemblage of poorly crystallized smectite with lesser amounts of illite and chlorite occurs off the south-west and south-central coasts. Variation in the mineralogic composition of clays around the perimeter of the island reflects changes in the intensity of chemical weathering and the type of rock exposed in the immediate source area and, in instances, either early diagenetic alteration or, more likely, sorting within the clay fraction by currents on the shelf.  相似文献   

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