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Understanding the relationship between stable isotope signals recorded in speleothems (δ13C and δ18O) and the isotopic composition of the carbonate species in the soil water is of great importance for their interpretation in terms of past climate variability. Here the evolution of the carbon isotope composition of soil water on its way down to the cave during dissolution of limestone is studied for both closed and open-closed conditions with respect to CO2.The water entering the cave flows as a thin film towards the drip site. CO2 degasses from this film within approx. 10 s by molecular diffusion. Subsequently, chemical and isotopic equilibrium is established on a time scale of several 10-100 s. The δ13C value of the drip water is mainly determined by the isotopic composition of soil CO2. The evolution of the δ18O value of the carbonate species is determined by the long exchange time Tex, between oxygen in carbonate and water of several 10,000 s. Even if the oxygen of the CO2 in soil water is in isotopic equilibrium with that of the water, dissolution of limestone delivers oxygen with a different isotopic composition changing the δ18O value of the carbonate species. Consequently, the δ18O value of the rainwater will only be reflected in the drip water if it has stayed in the rock for a sufficiently long time.After the water has entered the cave, the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the drip water may be altered by CO2-exchange with the cave air. Exchange times, , of about 3000 s are derived. Thus, only drip water, which drips in less than 3000 s onto the stalagmite surface, is suitable to imprint climatic signals into speleothem calcite deposited from it.Precipitation of calcite proceeds with time constants, τp, of several 100 s. Different rate constants and equilibrium concentrations for the heavy and light isotopes, respectively, result in isotope fractionation during calcite precipitation. Since Tex ? τp, exchange with the oxygen in the water can be neglected, and the isotopic evolution of carbon and oxygen proceed analogously. For drip intervals Td < 0.1τp the isotopic compositions of both carbon and oxygen in the solution evolve linearly in time. The calcite precipitated at the apex of the stalagmite reflects the isotopic signal of the drip water.For long drip intervals, when calcite is deposited from a stagnant water film, long drip intervals may have a significant effect on the isotopic composition of the DIC. In this case, the isotopic composition of the calcite deposited at the apex must be determined by averaging over the drip interval. Such processes must be considered when speleothems are used as proxies of past climate variability.  相似文献   

The chemical and isotopic composition of speleothem calcite and particularly that of stalagmites and flowstones is increasingly exploited as an archive of past environmental change in continental settings. Despite intensive research, including modelling and novel approaches, speleothem data remain difficult to interpret. A possible way foreword is to apply a multi-proxy approach including non-conventional isotope systems. For the first time, we here present a complete analytical dataset of magnesium isotopes (δ26Mg) from a monitored cave in NW Germany (Bunker Cave). The data set includes δ26Mg values of loess-derived soil above the cave (−1.0 ± 0.5‰), soil water (−1.2 ± 0.5‰), the carbonate hostrock (−3.8 ± 0.5‰), dripwater in the cave (−1.8 ± 0.2‰), speleothem low-Mg calcite (stalactites, stalagmites; −4.3 ± 0.6‰), cave loam (−0.6 ± 0.1‰) and runoff water (−1.8 ± 0.1‰) in the cave, respectively. Magnesium-isotope fractionation processes during weathering and interaction between soil cover, hostrock and solute-bearing soil water are non-trivial and depend on a number of variables including solution residence times, dissolution rates, adsorption effects and potential neo-formation of solids in the regolith and the carbonate aquifer. Apparent Mg-isotope fractionation between dripwater and speleothem low-Mg calcite is about 1000lnαMg-cc-Mg(aq) = −2.4‰. A similar Mg-isotope fractionation (1000lnαMg-cc-Mg(aq) ≈ −2.1‰) is obtained by abiogenic precipitation experiments carried out at aqueous Mg/Ca ratios and temperatures close to cave conditions. Accordingly, 26Mg discrimination during low-Mg calcite formation in caves is highly related to inorganic fractionation effects, which may comprise dehydration of Mg2+ prior to incorporation into calcite, surface entrapment of light isotopes and reaction kinetics. Relevance of kinetics is supported by a significant negative correlation of Mg-isotope fractionation with the precipitation rate for inorganic precipitation experiments.  相似文献   

Growth rates and morphology of stalagmites are determined by the precipitation kinetics of calcite and the supply rates of water to their apex. Current modeling attempts are based on the assumption that precipitation rates decrease exponentially with distance along the surface. This, however, is an arbitrary assumption, because other functions for decrease could be used as well. Here we give a process-oriented model based on the hydrodynamics of a water sheet in laminar radial flow spreading outwards from the apex, and the well known precipitation rates F = α(c − ceq); c is the actual calcium concentration at distance R from the growth axis, ceq the equilibrium concentration of calcium with respect to calcite, and α is a kinetic constant. This enables us to calculate the concentration profile c(R) for any point of an actual surface of a stalagmite and consequently the deposition rates of calcite there. The numerical results show that under conditions constant in time the stalagmite grows into an equilibrium shape, which is established, when all points of its surface are shifting vertically by the same distance during a time interval. We also show this by strict mathematical proof. This new model is based entirely on first principles of physics and chemistry. The results show that the modeled precipitation rates can be approximated by a Gaussian decrease along the equilibrium surface. In general from the mathematical proof one finds a relation between the equilibrium radius of the stalagmite, Q the supply rate of water, and α the kinetic constant. This is also verified by numerical calculations. An interesting scaling law is found. Scaling all stalagmites by 1/Req and presenting them with the origin at their apex yields identical shapes of all. The shapes of the modeled stalagmites are compared to natural ones and show satisfactory agreement. Finally we explore the effect of varying water supply Q and kinetic constant α on the shape of a growing stalagmite, and estimate the minimum period of change that can be imprinted into the morphology of the stalagmite.  相似文献   

We derive equations describing the evolution of the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the bicarbonate in a calcite precipitating solution on the surface of a stalagmite using a classical Rayleigh approach. The combined effects of calcite precipitation, degassing of CO2 and the buffering effect of the water reservoir are taken into account. Whereas δ13C shows a progressive increase to a final constant value, δ18O shows an initial isotopic enrichment, which exponentially decays due to the buffering effect of the water reservoir. The calculated evolution is significantly different for both carbon and oxygen isotopes than derived in a recent paper [Dreybrodt W. (2008) Evolution of the isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen in a calcite precipitating H2O-CO2-CaCO3 solution and the related isotopic composition of calcite in stalagmites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta72, 4712-4724.].Furthermore, we discuss the isotopic evolution of the bicarbonate in the solution for long residence times on the stalagmite surface, i.e., for t. The equilibrium isotope ratio of the bicarbonate is then determined by isotopic exchange between the cave atmosphere and the bicarbonate in the solution and can be calculated by equilibrium isotope fractionation. For strongly ventilated caves exchange with the cave atmosphere will result in higher δ13C and δ18O values than those observed in a pure Rayleigh distillation scenario, for sparsely ventilated caves it will result in lower δ13C and δ18O values.  相似文献   

A surface reaction kinetic model is developed for predicting Ca isotope fractionation and metal/Ca ratios of calcite as a function of rate of precipitation from aqueous solution. The model is based on the requirements for dynamic equilibrium; i.e. proximity to equilibrium conditions is determined by the ratio of the net precipitation rate (Rp) to the gross forward precipitation rate (Rf), for conditions where ionic transport to the growing crystal surface is not rate-limiting. The value of Rp has been experimentally measured under varying conditions, but the magnitude of Rf is not generally known, and may depend on several factors. It is posited that, for systems with no trace constituents that alter the surface chemistry, Rf can be estimated from the bulk far-from-equilibrium dissolution rate of calcite (Rb or kb), since at equilibrium Rf = Rb, and Rp = 0. Hence it can be inferred that Rf ≈ Rp + Rb. The dissolution rate of pure calcite is measureable and is known to be a function of temperature and pH. At given temperature and pH, equilibrium precipitation is approached when Rp (=Rf − Rb) ? Rb. For precipitation rates high enough that Rp ? Rb, both isotopic and trace element partitioning are controlled by the kinetics of ion attachment to the mineral surface, which tend to favor more rapid incorporation of the light isotopes of Ca and discriminate weakly between trace metals and Ca. With varying precipitation rate, a transition region between equilibrium and kinetic control occurs near Rp ≈ Rb for Ca isotopic fractionation. According to this model, Ca isotopic data can be used to estimate Rf for calcite precipitation. Mechanistic models for calcite precipitation indicate that the molecular exchange rate is not constant at constant T and pH, but rather is dependent also on solution saturation state and hence Rp. Allowing Rb to vary as , consistent with available precipitation rate studies, produces a better fit to some trace element and isotopic data than a model where Rb is constant. This model can account for most of the experimental data in the literature on the dependence of 44Ca/40Ca and metal/Ca fractionation in calcite as a function of precipitation rate and temperature, and also accounts for 18O/16O variations with some assumptions. The apparent temperature dependence of Ca isotope fractionation in calcite may stem from the dependence of Rb on temperature; there should be analogous pH dependence at pH < 6. The proposed model may be valuable for predicting the behavior of isotopic and trace element fractionation for a range of elements of interest in low-temperature aqueous geochemistry. The theory presented is based on measureable thermo-kinetic parameters in contrast to models that require hyper-fast diffusivity in near-surface layers of the solid.  相似文献   

Speleothem oxygen isotopes and growth rates are valuable proxies for reconstructing climate history. There is debate, however, about the conditions that allow speleothems to grow in oxygen isotope equilibrium, and about the correct equilibrium fractionation factors. We report results from a series of carbonate growth experiments in karst-analogue conditions in the laboratory. The setup closely mimics natural processes (e.g. precipitation driven by CO2-degassing, low ionic strength solution, thin solution film) but with a tight control on growth conditions (temperature, pCO2, drip rate, calcite saturation index and the composition of the initial solution). Calcite is dissolved in water in a 20,000 ppmV pCO2 environment. This solution is dripped onto glass plates (coated with seed-carbonate) in a lower pCO2 environment (<2500 ppmV), where degassing leads to calcite growth. Experiments were performed at 7, 15, 25 and 35 °C. At each temperature, calcite was grown at three drip rates (2, 6 and 10 drips per minute) on separate plates. The mass of calcite grown in these experiments varies with temperature (T in K) and drip rate (d_r in drips min−1) according to the relationship daily growth mass = 1.254 + 1.478 ∗ 10−9 ∗ e0.0679T + (e0.00248T − 2) ∗ (−0.779d_r2 + 10.05d_r + 11.69). This relationship indicates a substantial increase of growth mass with temperature, a smaller influence of drip rate on growth mass at low temperature and a non-linear relationship between drip rate and growth mass at higher temperatures. Low temperature, fast dripping conditions are found to be the most favourable for reducing effects associated with evaporation and rapid depletion of the dissolved inorganic carbon reservoir (rapid DIC-depletion). The impact of evaporation can be large so caves with high relative humidity are also preferable for palaeoclimate reconstruction. Even allowing for the maximum offsets that may have been induced by evaporation and rapid DIC-depletion, δ18O measured in some of our experiments remain higher than those predicted by Kim and O’Neil (1997). Our new results are well explained by equilibrium at a significantly higher αcalcite-water, with a kinetic-isotope effect that favours 16O incorporation as growth rate increases. This scenario agrees with recent studies by [Coplen, 2007] and [Dietzel et al., 2009]. Overall, our results suggest that three separate processes cause δ18O to deviate from true isotope equilibrium in the cave environment. Two of these drive δ18O to higher values (evaporation and rapid DIC-depletion) while one drives δ18O to lower values (preferential incorporation of 16O in the solid carbonate at faster growth rates). While evaporation and DIC-depletion can be avoided in some settings, the third may be inescapable in the cave environment and means that any temperature to δ18O relationship is an approximation. The controlled conditions of the present experiments also display limitations in the use of the Hendy test to identifying equilibrium growth.  相似文献   

To understand oxygen and carbon stable isotopic characteristics of aragonite stalagmites and evaluate their applicability to paleoclimate, the isotopic compositions of active and fossil aragonite speleothems and water samples from an in situ multi-year (October 2005-July 2010) monitoring program in Furong Cave located in Chongqing of China have been examined. The observations during October 2005-June 2007 show that the meteoric water is well mixed in the overlying 300-500-m bedrock aquifer, reflected by relatively constant δ18O, ±0.11-0.14‰ (1σ), of drip waters in the cave, which represents the annual status of rainfall water. Active cave aragonite speleothems are at oxygen isotopic equilibrium with drip water and their δ18O values capture the surface-water oxygen isotopic signal. Aragonite-to-calcite transformation since the last glaciation is not noticeable in Furong stalagmites. Our multi-year field experiment approves that aragonite stalagmite δ18O records in this cave are suitable for paleoclimate reconstruction. With high U, 0.5-7.2 ppm, and low Th, 20-1270 ppt, the Furong aragonite stalagmites provide very precise chronology (as good as ±20s yrs (2σ)) of the climatic variations since the last deglaciation. The synchroneity of Chinese stalagmite δ18O records at the transition into the Bølling-Allerød (t-BA) and the Younger Dryas from Furong, Hulu and Dongge Caves supports the fidelity of the reconstructed East Asian monsoon evolution. However, the Furong record shows that the cold Older Dryas (OD) occurred at 14.0 thousand years ago, agreeing with Greenland ice core δ18O records but ∼200 yrs younger than that in the Hulu record. The OD age discrepancy between Chinese caves can be attributable to different regionally climatic/environmental conditions or chronological uncertainty of stalagmite proxy records, which is limited by changes in growth rate and subsampling intervals in absolute dating. Seasonal dissolved inorganic carbon δ13C variations of 2-3‰ in the drip water and 5-7‰ in the pool and spring waters are likely attributed to variable degrees of CO2 degassing in winter and summer. The variable δ13C values of active deposits from −11‰ to 0‰ could be caused by kinetically mediated CO2 degassing processes. The complicated nature of pre-deposition kinetic isotopic fractionation processes for carbon isotopes in speleothems at Furong Cave require further study before they can be interpreted in a paleoclimatic or paleoenvironmental context.  相似文献   

Calcium isotope fractionation in calcite and aragonite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calcium isotope fractionation was measured on skeletal aragonite and calcite from different marine biota and on inorganic calcite. Precipitation temperatures ranged from 0 to 28°C. Calcium isotope fractionation shows a temperature dependence in accordance with previous observations: 1000 · ln(αcc) = −1.4 + 0.021 · T (°C) for calcite and 1000 · ln(αar) = −1.9 + 0.017 · T (°C) for aragonite. Within uncertainty the temperature slopes are identical for the two polymorphs. However, at all temperatures calcium isotopes are more fractionated in aragonite than in calcite. The offset in δ44/40Ca is about 0.6‰. The underlying mechanism for this offset may be related to the different coordination numbers and bond strengths of the calcium ions in calcite and aragonite crystals, or to different Ca reaction behavior at the solid-liquid interface. Recently, the observed temperature dependence of the Ca isotope fractionation was explained quantitatively by the temperature control on precipitation rates of calcium carbonates in an experimental setting (Lemarchand et al., 2004). We show that this mechanism can in principle also be applied to CaCO3 precipitation in natural environments in normal marine settings. Following this model, Ca isotope fractionation in marine Ca carbonates is primarily controlled by precipitation rates. On the other hand the larger Ca isotope fractionation of aragonite compared to calcite can not be explained by different precipitation rates. The rate control model of Ca isotope fractionation predicts a strong dependence of the Ca isotopic composition of carbonates on ambient CO32− concentration. While this model is in general accordance with our observations in marine carbonates, cultured specimens of the planktic foraminifer Orbulina universa show no dependence of Ca-isotope fractionation on the ambient CO32− concentration. The latter observation implies that the carbonate chemistry in the calcifying vesicles of the foraminifer is independent from the ambient carbonate ion concentration of the surrounding water.  相似文献   

Stable oxygen isotopic fractionation during inorganic calcite precipitation was experimentally studied by spontaneous precipitation at various pH (8.3 < pH < 10.5), precipitation rates (1.8 < log R < 4.4 μmol m− 2 h− 1) and temperatures (5, 25, and 40 °C) using the CO2 diffusion technique.The results show that the apparent stable oxygen isotopic fractionation factor between calcite and water (αcalcite–water) is affected by temperature, the pH of the solution, and the precipitation rate of calcite. Isotopic equilibrium is not maintained during spontaneous precipitation from the solution. Under isotopic non-equilibrium conditions, at a constant temperature and precipitation rate, apparent 1000lnαcalcite–water decreases with increasing pH of the solution. If the temperature and pH are held constant, apparent 1000lnαcalcite–water values decrease with elevated precipitation rates of calcite. At pH = 8.3, oxygen isotopic fractionation between inorganically precipitated calcite and water as a function of the precipitation rate (R) can be described by the expressions
at 5, 25, and 40 °C, respectively.The impact of precipitation rate on 1000lnαcalcite–water value in our experiments clearly indicates a kinetic effect on oxygen isotopic fractionation during calcite precipitation from aqueous solution, even if calcite precipitated slowly from aqueous solution at the given temperature range. Our results support Coplen's work [Coplen T. B. (2007) Calibration of the calcite–water oxygen isotope geothermometer at Devils Hole, Nevada, a natural laboratory. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71, 3948–3957], which indicates that the equilibrium oxygen isotopic fractionation factor might be greater than the commonly accepted value.  相似文献   

Ca isotope fractionation during inorganic calcite formation was experimentally studied by spontaneous precipitation at various precipitation rates (1.8 < log R < 4.4 μmol/m2/h) and temperatures (5, 25, and 40 °C) with traces of Sr using the CO2 diffusion technique.Results show that in analogy to Sr/Ca [see Tang J., Köhler S. J. and Dietzel M. (2008) Sr2+/Ca2+ and 44Ca/40Ca fractionation during inorganic calcite formation: I. Sr incorporation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta] the 44Ca/40Ca fractionation during calcite formation can be followed by the Surface Entrapment Model (SEMO). According to the SEMO calculations at isotopic equilibrium no fractionation occurs (i.e., the fractionation coefficient αcalcite-aq = (44Ca/40Ca)s/(44Ca/40Ca)aq = 1 and Δ44/40Cacalcite-aq = 0‰), whereas at disequilibrium 44Ca is fractionated in a primary surface layer (i.e., the surface entrapment factor of 44Ca, F44Ca < 1). As a crystal grows at disequilibrium, the surface-depleted 44Ca is entrapped into the newly formed crystal lattice. 44Ca depletion in calcite can be counteracted by ion diffusion within the surface region. Our experimental results show elevated 44Ca fractionation in calcite grown at high precipitation rates due to limited time for Ca isotope re-equilibration by ion diffusion. Elevated temperature results in an increase of 44Ca ion diffusion and less 44Ca fractionation in the surface region. Thus, it is predicted from the SEMO that an increase in temperature results in less 44Ca fractionation and the impact of precipitation rate on 44Ca fractionation is reduced.A highly significant positive linear relationship between absolute 44Ca/40Ca fractionation and the apparent Sr distribution coefficient during calcite formation according to the equation
Δ44/40Cacalcite-aq=(1.90±0.26)·logDSr2.83±0.28  相似文献   

Sorption and catalytic oxidation of Fe(II) at the surface of calcite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of sorption and coprecipitation of Fe(II) with calcite on the kinetics of Fe(II) oxidation was investigated. The interaction of Fe(II) with calcite was studied experimentally in the absence and presence of oxygen. The sorption of Fe(II) on calcite occurred in two distinguishable steps: (a) a rapid adsorption step (seconds-minutes) was followed by (b) a slower incorporation (hours-weeks). The incorporated Fe(II) could not be remobilized by a strong complexing agent (phenanthroline or ferrozine) but the dissolution of the outmost calcite layers with carbonic acid allowed its recovery. Based on results of the latter dissolution experiments, a stoichiometry of 0.4 mol% Fe:Ca and a mixed carbonate layer thickness of 25 nm (after 168 h equilibration) were estimated. Fe(II) sorption on calcite could be successfully described by a surface adsorption and precipitation model (Comans & Middelburg, GCA51 (1987), 2587) and surface complexation modeling (Van Cappellen et al., GCA57 (1993), 3505; Pokrovsky et al., Langmuir16 (2000), 2677). The surface complex model required the consideration of two adsorbed Fe(II) surface species, >CO3Fe+ and >CO3FeCO3H0. For the formation of the latter species, a stability constant is being suggested. The oxidation kinetics of Fe(II) in the presence of calcite depended on the equilibration time of aqueous Fe(II) with the mineral prior to the introduction of oxygen. If pre-equilibrated for >15 h, the oxidation kinetics was comparable to a calcite-free system (t1/2 = 145 ± 15 min). Conversely, if Fe(II) was added to an aerated calcite suspension, the rate of oxidation was higher than in the absence of calcite (t1/2 = 41 ± 1 min and t1/2 = 100 ± 15 min, respectively). This catalysis was due to the greater reactivity of the adsorbed Fe(II) species, >CO3FeCO3H0, for which the species specific rate constant was estimated.  相似文献   

Dissolution rates of limestone covered by a water film open to a CO2-containing atmosphere are controlled by the chemical composition of the CaCO3-H2O-CO2 solution at the water-mineral interface. This composition is determined by the Ca2+-concentration at this boundary, conversion of CO2 into H+ and in the solution, and by diffusional mass transport of the dissolved species from and towards the water-limestone interface. A system of coupled diffusion-reaction equations for Ca2+, , and CO2 is derived. The Ca2+ flux rates at the surface of the mineral are defined by the PWP-empirical rate law. These flux rates by the rules of stoichiometry must be equal to the flux rates of CO2 across the air-water interface. In the solution, CO2 is converted into H+ and . At low water-film thickness this reaction becomes rate limiting. The time dependent diffusion-reaction equations are solved for free drift dissolution by a finite-difference scheme, to obtain the dissolution rate of calcite as a function of the average calcium concentration in the water film. Dissolution rates are obtained for high undersaturation. The results reveal two regimes of linear dissolution kinetics, which can be described by a rate law F = αi(miceq − c), where c is the calcium concentration in the water film, ceq the equilibrium concentration with respect to calcite. For index i = 0, a fast rate law, which here is reported for the first time, is found with α0 = 3 × 10−6 m s−1 and m0 = 0.3. For c > m0ceq, a slow rate law is valid with α1 = 3 × 10−7 m  s−1 and m1 = 1, which confirms earlier work. The numbers given above are valid for film thickness of several tenths of a millimetre and at 20 °C. These rates are proven experimentally, using a flat inclined limestone plate covered by a laminar flowing water film injected at an input point with known flow rate Q and calcium concentration. From the concentration measured after flow distance x the dissolution rates are determined. These experiments have been performed at a carbon-dioxide pressure of 0.00035 atm and also of 0.01 atm. The results are in good agreement to the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

The calcium isotopic compositions (δ44Ca) of 30 high-purity nannofossil ooze and chalk and 7 pore fluid samples from ODP Site 807A (Ontong Java Plateau) are used in conjunction with numerical models to determine the equilibrium calcium isotope fractionation factor (αs−f) between calcite and dissolved Ca2+ and the rates of post-depositional recrystallization in deep sea carbonate ooze. The value of αs−f at equilibrium in the marine sedimentary section is 1.0000 ± 0.0001, which is significantly different from the value (0.9987 ± 0.0002) found in laboratory experiments of calcite precipitation and in the formation of biogenic calcite in the surface ocean. We hypothesize that this fractionation factor is relevant to calcite precipitation in any system at equilibrium and that this equilibrium fractionation factor has implications for the mechanisms responsible for Ca isotope fractionation during calcite precipitation. We describe a steady state model that offers a unified framework for explaining Ca isotope fractionation across the observed precipitation rate range of ∼14 orders of magnitude. The model attributes Ca isotope fractionation to the relative balance between the attachment and detachment fluxes at the calcite crystal surface. This model represents our hypothesis for the mechanism responsible for isotope fractionation during calcite precipitation. The Ca isotope data provide evidence that the bulk rate of calcite recrystallization in freshly-deposited carbonate ooze is 30-40%/Myr, and decreases with age to about 2%/Myr in 2-3 million year old sediment. The recrystallization rates determined from Ca isotopes for Pleistocene sediments are higher than those previously inferred from pore fluid Sr concentration and are consistent with rates derived for Late Pleistocene siliciclastic sediments using uranium isotopes. Combining our results for the equilibrium fractionation factor and recrystallization rates, we evaluate the effect of diagenesis on the Ca isotopic composition of marine carbonates at Site 807A. Since calcite precipitation rates in the sedimentary column are many orders of magnitude slower than laboratory experiments and the pore fluids are only slightly oversaturated with respect to calcite, the isotopic composition of diagenetic calcite is likely to reflect equilibrium precipitation. Accordingly, diagenesis produces a maximum shift in δ44Ca of +0.15‰ for Site 807A sediments but will have a larger impact where sedimentation rates are low, seawater circulates through the sediment pile, or there are prolonged depositional hiatuses.  相似文献   

Boron isotope compositions (δ11B) and B concentrations of rains and snows were studied in order to characterize the sources and fractionation processes during the boron atmospheric cycle. The 11B/10B ratios of instantaneous and cumulative rains and snows from coastal and continental sites show a large range of variations, from −1.5 ± 0.4 to +26.0 ± 0.5‰ and from −10.2 ± 0.5 to +34.4 ± 0.2‰, respectively. Boron concentrations in rains and snows vary between 0.1 and 3.0 ppb. All these precipitation samples are enriched in 10B compared to the ocean value (δ11B = +39.5‰). An empirical rain-vapour isotopic fractionation of +31‰ is estimated from three largely independent methods. The deduced seawater-vapour fractionation is +25.5‰, with the difference between the rain and seawater fractionations principally reflecting changes in the speciation of boron in the liquid with ∼100% B(OH)3 present in precipitations. A boron meteoric water line, δD = 2.6δ11B − 133, is proposed which describes the relationship between δD and δ11B in many, but not all, precipitations. Boron isotopic compositions of precipitations can be related to that of the seawater reservoir by the seawater-vapour fractionation and one or more of (1) the rain-vapour isotopic fractionation, (2) evolution of the δ11B value of the atmospheric vapour reservoir via condensation-precipitation processes (Rayleigh distillation process), (3) any contribution of vapour from the evaporation of seawater aerosols, and (4) any contribution from particulate matter, principally sea salt, continental dust and, perhaps more regionally, anthropogenic sources (burning of biomass and fossil fuels). From the δ11B values of continental precipitations, a sea salt contribution cannot be more than a percent or so of the total B in precipitation over these areas.  相似文献   

The δ18O of ground water (−13.54 ± 0.05 ‰) and inorganically precipitated Holocene vein calcite (+14.56 ± 0.03 ‰) from Devils Hole cave #2 in southcentral Nevada yield an oxygen isotopic fractionation factor between calcite and water at 33.7 °C of 1.02849 ± 0.00013 (1000 ln αcalcite-water = 28.09 ± 0.13). Using the commonly accepted value of ∂(αcalcite-water)/∂T of −0.00020 K−1, this corresponds to a 1000 ln αcalcite-water value at 25 °C of 29.80, which differs substantially from the current accepted value of 28.3. Use of previously published oxygen isotopic fractionation factors would yield a calcite precipitation temperature in Devils Hole that is 8 °C lower than the measured ground water temperature. Alternatively, previously published fractionation factors would yield a δ18O of water, from which the calcite precipitated, that is too negative by 1.5 ‰ using a temperature of 33.7 °C. Several lines of evidence indicate that the geochemical environment of Devils Hole has been remarkably constant for at least 10 ka. Accordingly, a re-evaluation of calcite-water oxygen isotopic fractionation factor may be in order.Assuming the Devils Hole oxygen isotopic value of αcalcite-water represents thermodynamic equilibrium, many marine carbonates are precipitated with a δ18O value that is too low, apparently due to a kinetic isotopic fractionation that preferentially enriches 16O in the solid carbonate over 18O, feigning oxygen isotopic equilibrium.  相似文献   

The effect of the outgassing of CO2 from a hydrothermal fluid on the C- and O-isotopic compositions of calcite, which is precipitated from this fluid, is quantitatively modelled in terms of batch and Rayleigh distillation equations. Both CO2 degassing and calcite precipitation are considered to be the removal mechanisms for dissolved carbon species from the fluid. Combined degassing-precipitation models are then developed by taking H2CO3 and HCO 3 , respectively, as the dominant dissolved carbon species. A positive correlation array between 13C and 13O values of calcite can be yielded by the precipitation of calcite from a H2CO 3 -dominant fluid, accompanied by a progressive decrease in temperature during CO2 degassing, whereas calcite precipitated from a HCO 3 -dominant fluid under the same conditions tends to display much smaller variation in 13C values than in 18O values. The combined processes of CO2 degassing and calcite precipitation result in lowering the 13C value of calcites with respect to those precipitated in a closed system simply due to temperature effect. Carbon and oxygen isotopic data for calcite from the Kushikino gold-mining area in Japan illustrate the application of quantitative modelling, and degassing of CO2 is suggested as a more likely cause for the precipitation of the calcite and quartz in this mining area.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(13-14):1981-1989
In order to better understand environmental factors controlling oxygen isotope shifts in autochthonous lacustrine carbonate sequences, we undertook an extensive one-year study (March, 1995 to February, 1996) of water-column chemistry and daily sediment trap material from a small lake in Central Switzerland. Comparisons between calculated equilibrium isotope values, using the fractionation equation of Friedman and O’Neil, (1977) and measured oxygen isotope ratios of calcite in the sediment-traps reveal that oxygen isotopic values of autochthonous calcite (δ18O) are in isotopic equilibrium with ambient water during most of the spring and summer, when the majority of the calcite precipitates. In contrast, small amounts of calcite precipitated in early-spring and again in late-autumn are isotopically depleted in 18O relative to the calculated equilibrium values, by as much as 0.8‰. This seasonally occurring apparent isotopic nonequilibrium is associated with times of high phosphorous concentrations, elevated pH (∼8.6) and increased [CO32−] (∼50 μmol/l) in the surface waters. The resulting weighted average δ18O value for the studied period is −9.6‰, compared with a calculated equilibrium δ18O value of −9.4‰. These data convincingly demonstrate that δ18O of calcite are, for the most part, a very reliable proxy for temperature and δ18O of the water.  相似文献   

Although, the kinetic reactivity of a mineral surface is determined, in part, by the rates of exchange of surface-bound oxygens and protons with bulk solution, there are no elementary rate data for minerals. However, such kinetic measurements can be made on dissolved polynuclear clusters, and here we report lifetimes for protons bound to three oxygen sites on the AlO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)127+ (Al13) molecule, which is a model for aluminum-hydroxide solids in water. Proton lifetimes were measured using 1H NMR at pH ∼ 5 in both aqueous and mixed solvents. The 1H NMR peak for protons on bound waters (η-H2O) lies near 8 ppm in a 2.5:1 mixture of H2O/acetone-d6 and broadens over the temperature range −20 to −5 °C. Extrapolated to 298 K, the lifetime of a proton on a η-H2O is τ298 ∼ 0.0002 s, which is surprisingly close to the lifetime of an oxygen in the η-H2O (∼0.0009 s), but in the same general range as lifetimes for protons on fully protonated monomer ions of trivalent metals (e.g., Al(H2O)63+). The lifetime is reduced somewhat by acid addition, indicating that there is a contribution from the partly deprotonated Al13 molecule in addition to the fully protonated Al13 at self-buffered pH conditions. Proton lifetimes on the two distinct sets of hydroxyls bridging two Al(III) (μ2-OH) differ substantially and are much shorter than the lifetime of an oxygen at these sites. The average lifetimes for hydroxyl protons were measured in a 2:1 mixture of H2O/dmso-d6 over the temperature range 3.7-95.2 °C. The lifetime of a hydrogen on one of the μ2-OH was also measured in D2O. The τ298 values are ∼0.013 and ∼0.2 s in the H2O/dmso-d6 solution and the τ298 value for the μ2-OH detectable in D2O is τ298 ∼ 0.013 s. The 1H NMR peak for the more reactive μ2-OH broadens slightly with acid addition, indicating a contribution from an exchange pathway that involves a proton or hydronium ion. These data indicate that surface protons on minerals will equilibrate with near-surface waters on the diffusional time scale.  相似文献   

Partitioning of Ni in calcite, CaCO3, was evaluated with the aim of collecting data on partition and distribution coefficients and to enhance understanding about the interaction of Ni with the calcite surface and further incorporation into the bulk. This information will aid in the interpretation of geological processes for safety assessment of waste repositories and contamination of groundwater. Coprecipitation experiments were carried out by the constant addition method at 25 °C and pCO2 = 1 and 10−3.5 atm. Ni was moderately partitioned from solution into calcite. For dilute solid solutions (XNi < 0.001), Ni partition coefficients were estimated to be ∼1 and found to be weakly dependent on calcite precipitation rate in the range of 3-230 nmol m−2 s−1. Ni molar fraction in the solid is directly proportional to Ni concentration in the solution. The fit of the data to such a model is good evidence that Ni is taken up as a true solid solution, not simply by physical trapping.  相似文献   

The experimental replacement of aragonite by calcite was studied under hydrothermal conditions at temperatures between 160 and 200 °C using single inorganic aragonite crystals as a starting material. The initial saturation state and the total [Ca2+]:[CO32−] ratio of the experimental solutions was found to have a determining effect on the amount and abundance of calcite overgrowths as well as the extent of replacement observed within the crystals. The replacement process was accompanied by progressive formation of cracks and pores within the calcite, which led to extended fracturing of the initial aragonite. The overall shape and morphology of the parent aragonite crystal were preserved. The replaced regions were identified with scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy.Experiments using carbonate solutions prepared with water enriched in 18O (97%) were also performed in order to trace the course of this replacement process. The incorporation of the heavier oxygen isotope in the carbonate molecule within the calcite replacements was monitored with Raman spectroscopy. The heterogeneous distribution of 18O in the reaction products required a separate study of the kinetics of isotopic equilibration within the fluid to obtain a better understanding of the 18O distribution in the calcite replacement. An activation energy of 109 kJ/mol was calculated for the exchange of oxygen isotopes between [C16O32−]aq and [H218O] and the time for oxygen isotope exchange in the fluid at 200 °C was estimated at ∼0.9 s. Given the exchange rate, analyses of the run products imply that the oxygen isotope composition in the calcite product is partly inherited from the oxygen isotope composition of the aragonite parent during the replacement process and is dependent on access of the fluid to the reaction interface rather than equilibration time. The aragonite to calcite fluid-mediated transformation is described by a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation mechanism, where aragonite dissolution is coupled to the precipitation of calcite at an inwardly moving reaction interface.  相似文献   

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