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小兴安岭位于黑龙江省北部,西北与大兴安岭相接,北与俄罗斯隔江相望,东、西分别与三江平原、松嫩平原接壤,南隔松花江与张广才岭相望,为我国著名的红松产地。区域内山峦起伏,群峰巍峨;森林葱郁,林美峰秀;溪流穿越,瀑布飞涧;水色山光,妙不待言,似一颗耀眼的明珠,镶嵌在祖国的东北大地。小兴安岭自然环境优美,独特的花岗岩地质地貌景观、大型斑岩型金矿矿业遗迹景观和原始森林生态景观、冰雪等旅游景观资源十分丰富,有较大的资源优势和重要的旅游观赏价值,已成为我省旅游开发的一个重要区域,具有广阔的开发前景。  相似文献   

中国海洋资源态势与问题分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王芳 《国土资源》2003,(8):27-29
海洋是富饶而未充分开发的资源宝库。海洋资源指海洋自然资源,包括海域(海洋空间)资源、海洋生物资源、海洋能源、海洋矿产资源、海洋旅游资源、海水资源等。我国是海域广阔,海洋资源丰富的沿海大国,21世纪中国的可持续发展,必然越来越多的依赖海洋。  相似文献   

GIS在中国旅游资源研究与应用中的现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代信息技术的不断发展,GIS在旅游研究与应用愈来愈深入。目前,GIS已经广泛的应用到旅游资源研究中,尤其在旅游资源空间分类、评价、旅游规划、旅游资源管理、旅游开发利用等方面取得了较大的进展。首先,本文综述了近些年来GIS在旅游资源研究中的文献资料,研究发现GIS空间分析理论与方法在旅游资源研究与开发中的应用较为广泛,但在旅游资源认知、分类及评价等方面仍存在一些尚未解决的问题。其次,在总结前人和课题组研究成果的基础上,对旅游资源认知、分类与标准化理论进行了相关论述。通过梳理GIS建模技术与空间分析方法在旅游资源信息提取与分析、旅游资源评价、旅游资源开发规划等相关研究成果中发现,旅游资源研究方法已从定性描述走向定量模型,应用成果不断增多,涉及综合评价、空间结构优化、空间布局与选址、空间发展趋势预测、空间利用规划等方面。最后,提出了未来在旅游资源知识模型、旅游资源图谱、旅游资源多维仿真以及旅游资源大数据等方面的相关展望。  相似文献   

碾子山区是齐齐哈尔市西部的一个辖区,拥有花岗岩、麦饭石、闪长岩、黑黏土等矿产资源。其中麦饭石品质纯正,探明储量约1.4亿立方米。麦饭石含有硒、锂、锌等20余种对人体有益的微量元素,极具开发价值。几年来,碾子山区委、区政府在发展经济中,紧紧依托这一资源优势,把麦饭石资源开发建设工作作为立区产业,变资源优势为经济优势,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

2013中国哈尔滨国际珠宝玉石博览会将于10月18日~22日在哈尔滨国际会展体育中心举办。 本届博览会由黑龙江检验检疫局、哈尔滨市政府、黑龙江省商务厅主办,由黑龙江省进出口宝玉石产业协会、黑龙江省金银珠宝首饰行业协会、香港亚泰(国际)展览贸易集团、黑龙江省珠宝玉石产业基地(东宁)承办。  相似文献   

中国喀斯特旅游资源类型划分及旅游价值初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
喀斯特(岩溶)地貌景观是十分重要的旅游资源,在中国乃至世界旅游业中占有重要位置,本文从中国喀斯特旅游资源类型划分以及它在旅游业中的地位和作用进行了较系统的论述,目的在于引起学术界和旅游界对此类旅游资源的关注。  相似文献   

2013年中国自然资源学会学术年会于12月21—22日在海口海南大学召开.本届年会的主题是“创新资源科学技术与方法,助推海南国际旅游岛建设”。本届年会由中国自然资源学会、海南大学主办,海南大学旅游学院承办。全国100多个科研院校(所)的400余名代表参加了学术活动。  相似文献   

四川省彭州市旅游局日前发布《彭州市丹景山旅游小镇总体规划》(初稿)以及《彭州市丹景山旅游小镇总体规划》(初稿)。鉴于银厂沟、龙门山、回龙沟等著名景区在地震中受损严重,彭州市将着手打造葛仙山、丹景山等新的旅游景点。  相似文献   

正广西旅游资源丰富,旅游产业潜力巨大。桂林被视为中国旅游业发展的"风向标"和"晴雨表",是国务院首批公布的国家重点风景旅游城市、历史文化名城和中国优秀旅游城市,是国务院确定的国家旅游综合改革试验区。联合国世界旅游组织还在阳朔设立了中国首个旅游可持续发展观测点,将桂林重点推荐为世界旅游目的地。2012年11月,经国务院同意,国家发展改革委正式批复《桂林国际旅游  相似文献   

Urban comprehensive carrying capacity is an important guarantee and external representation of regional sustainable development. Based on urban comprehensive carrying capacity, this paper constructed a performance evaluation index system of urban comprehensive carrying capacity, and used entropy method, urban comprehensive carrying capacity measurement model and urban sustainable development model to measure spatial and temporal comprehensive carrying capacity of Harbin City in Heilongjiang Province from 2012 to 2017. The results show that: 1) index weight analysis suggested the regional development mode in Harbin still followed an epitaxial development mode, which pursued the expansion of scale and the growth of total amount of regional development, neglecting the effective utilization of resources and the improvement of structural benefits. 2) In the pressure system, the index of resource support has dropped sharply. The index of environmental capacity and social progress has risen circuitously, while the degree of agglomeration and the value of transportation facilities have risen steadily;in the pressure system, the index of population development and economic growth tended to fluctuate, while energy consumption and environmental pollution showed a more synchronous change in characteristics, and the livable demand remained at a high level. 3) The carrying capacity index of resources and environment in Harbin has been declining, and the acquired carrying capacity index fluctuated. The long-term regional development model has severely impaired the carrying capacity of resources and environment. 4) The comprehensive carrying capacity of Harbin has clear spatial differentiation characteristics. Finally, the paper proposes that location conditions, economic development level, government regulation, and science and technology are the main factors influencing the spatial differentiation of urban comprehensive carrying capacity.  相似文献   

中国东北黑龙江杂岩体蓝闪石片岩岩石学研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江杂岩主要由蓝闪石片岩构成,蓝闪石片岩主要包括绿帘石、绿泥石、钠长石、钠质角闪石、多硅白云母和石英以及为数不多的榍石、钛铁矿和黑硬绿泥石。其中,钠质角闪石包括蓝闪石和镁质钠闪石。变质条件的压力(P)温度(T)评价条件为400~425℃和0.69~0.86 MPa,对应岩相为绿帘蓝闪石片岩相。黑龙江杂岩蓝闪石片岩的地球化学研究表明,其原岩是可与洋岛型(OIB)玄武岩和一些洋中脊型(E-MORB)玄武岩相对比的大洋玄武岩,这说明黑龙江杂岩蓝闪石片岩的玄武岩原岩是在海底山或者在大洋隆起条件下由富集源形成的;具有洋岛型玄武岩地球化学特征的变质玄武岩以及富锰的变质燧石、大理石、变质硬砂岩和蛇绿岩鳞片的加入证明黑龙江杂岩是消减—增生杂岩,它含有变形洋壳的碎块和在被改造的前震旦纪佳木斯岩体西边缘上形成于侏罗纪的增生楔岩石;黑龙江杂岩在原岩成分上可与活动大陆边缘许多增生的杂岩相当。  相似文献   

Abstract A new geological section recognized in Baishantou of Jiayin, Heilongjiang Province, China, was studied preliminarily in searching for the K/T boundary. An early Paleocene florule characrerized by abundant Tiliaephyllum tsagajanicum leaves and its associated plants, was collected from the Baishantou Member (new member representing the lower part of the Paleocene Wuyun Formation) overlying the possible K/T boundary. A tuff bed was found from the upper part of the Furao Formation (uppermost Cretaceous) in this section. The new findings imply that the K/T boundary is probable lying in the interval between the base of the Baishantou Member and the tuff bed, based on the correlation of the present strata with the stratotype of the Tsagajan Group spanning the K/T boundary in "Belaya Gara" of the Bureya Basin, Russia. The early Paleocene florule from the Baishantou Member and the early-middle Maastrichtian dinosaurs found from the Yuliangzi Formation underlying the Furao Formation suggest that the Baishantou section is more promising for searching for the K/T boundary in this area. Further studies of the section is needed, integrating paleontological, biostratigraphic, geochemical, paleomagnetic, and sedimentary research would benefit our understanding the mass extinction event and biotic recovery in the Heilongjiang River area, China, and even all of northeast Asia during the K/T boundary interval.  相似文献   

This article reveals the ecological features and the theories and methods of introducing pioneer plants in the process of eco-restoring in different degenerative ecosystems in the drainage basin of Erlongshan Reservoir in Heilongjiang Province by systemically studying the deteriorative ecosystems and using recovery theory. The study shows that with the rise in degenerative degrees of the ecosystems, bio-species and bio-diversity sharply decrease in the study area and microclimate becomes wanner and drier in natural ecosystem. Therefore, we must attach importance to the construction of plants and biodiversity. In the study, different pioneer plants are selected for different degenerative ecosystems to restore and maintain the service functions of the ecosystems.  相似文献   

The non-marine Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary ( KPgB) in Jiayin of Heilongjiang was first defined and reported in China by the authors' research team in 2011 . Thereafter the continuous research on the KPgB and its related Late Cretaceous biota in Jiayin has been made by the authors in 2012-2020 . The achievements of the research are mainly reflected as follows:(1) a new drilling borehole with 60 m in depth carried out in the Xiaoheyan of Jiayin in 2016 , supplemented new palynological evidence for the KPgB definition in 2011;( 2 ) some radiometric dating newly made on the strata related to the KPgB in Jiayin and its neighboring Russian area, provided the supplemental evidence for the KPgB definition in Jiayin;( 3 ) many new fossils found by the au-thors, represented by the angiosperms Dalembia and Nelumbo, refresh understanding the Late Cretaceous envi-ronment of Jiayin;and (4) the TEM method is applied in the study of pollen exine ultrastructure of Pseudoin-tegricorpus, Wodehouseia, and Aquilapollenites, promoting the late Maastrichtian ecological study in Jiayin, re-lated to the KPgB.  相似文献   

The Jiayin area along the Heilongjiang River in Northeast China has attracted stratigraphic and sediment-ological interests recently because the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary should be located in this non-marine succession. Dinosaur remains disappear suddenly at the upper part of the Maastrichtian, whereas plants gradually evolved throughout the succession. Analysis of sedimentary facies has been carried out and paleo-environments through Upper Cretaceous to lower Paleocene sections are reconstructed. Fluvial to lacustrine sedimentary environments are inferred from the facies. Several debris flow events have been identified, and it is in these deposits that the dinosaur fossils are concentrated.  相似文献   

The Jiayin area along the Heilongjiang River in Northeast China has attracted stratigraphic and sedimentological interests recently because the Cretaceous--Tertiary (K/T) boundary should be located in this non-marine succession.Dinosaur remains disappear suddenly at the upper part of the Maastrichtian,whereas plants gradually evolved throughout the succession.Analysis of sedimentary facies has been carried out and paleo-environments through Upper Cretaceous to lower Paleocene sections are reconstructed.Fluvial to lacustrine sedimentary environments are inferred from the facies.Several debris flow events have been identified,and it is in these deposits that the dinosaur fossils are concentrated.  相似文献   

西藏风光独特,瑰丽多姿:珠穆朗玛峰以她举世独有的高度和奇特的自然景观吸引着全世界的登山探险和旅游爱好者,雅鲁藏布大峡谷坡陡谷深,风光壮丽:圣湖玛旁雍错、圣山冈仁波齐峰景象万千:茶马古道、巴松错、色林错、班公错、羊卓雍错、古格尔王宫等古迹胜景令人心驰神往.目不暇接.  相似文献   

The authors discribed a new polystigmate combination, Gomphonema turris Ehr. var. okamurae (Skv.) Fan et Bao.comb.nov., and two new varieties, Gomphonema tuttis Ehr. vat. latum Fan et Wang. var.nov. and Gomphonema acum/natum var. obtusum Fan et Bao, var. nov., that were distinguished by frustule morphology under LM. The samples were collected from freshwater of Heilongjiang Province, China.  相似文献   

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