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太平洋-印度洋贯穿流南海分支在卡里马塔海峡的十年观测回顾 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
Wei Zexun Li Shujiang Susanto R. Dwi Wang Yonggang Fan Bin Xu Tengfei Sulistiyo Budi Adi T. Rameyo Setiawan Agus Kuswardani A. Fang Guohong 《海洋学报(英文版)》2019,38(4):1-11
除印度尼西亚贯穿流之外,南海贯穿流也是太平洋向印度洋输送海水的重要分支。尽管基于数值模拟等方法的研究早已指出,南海分支在太平洋-印度洋洋际交换中有重要作用,但是直到2007年之前,南海分支在卡里马塔海峡处的观测几乎是空白。本文回顾了自2007年起,通过中印尼合作项目"南海-印度尼西亚海水交换及对鱼类季节性洄游的影响(SITE)"在卡里马塔海峡开展的近十年观测,以及在此基础上进一步开展的"印度尼西亚贯穿流海域水交换、内波和混合观测及其生态效应(TIMIT)"观测项目,并对SITE和TIMIT观测取得的成果进行了总结。 相似文献
卡里马塔海峡水体交换的季节变化 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Four trawl-resistant bottom mounts, with acoustic Doppler current profilers(ADCPs) embedded, were deployed in the Karimata Strait from November 2008 to June 2015 as part of the South China Sea-Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange and Impact on Seasonal Fish Migration(SITE) Program, to estimate the volume and property transport between the South China Sea and Indonesian seas via the strait. The observed current data reveal that the volume transport through the Karimata Strait exhibits significant seasonal variation. The winteraveraged(from December to February) transport is –1.99 Sv(1 Sv=1×10~6 m~3/s), while in the boreal summer(from June to August), the average transport is 0.69 Sv. Moreover, the average transport from January 2009 to December2014 is –0.74 Sv(the positive/negative value indicates northward/southward transport). May and September are the transition period. In May, the currents in the Karimata Strait turn northward, consistent with the local monsoon. In September, the southeasterly trade wind is still present over the strait, driving surface water northward, whereas the bottom flow reverses direction, possibly because of the pressure gradient across the strait from north to south. 相似文献
印尼贯穿流的诊断计算 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用全球大洋二维的自由表面诊断模型并采用气候态Levitus(2001)温盐资料及COADS风应力资料估算印尼贯穿流及其季节变化。结果表明,南海的Karimata海峡出流量对印尼贯穿流有显著的贡献,印尼贯穿流的平均流量为16.6Sv,流量在6月最大(18.5Sv),4月最小(12.7Sv)。与其它模式结果和观测结果一致的是,Makas-sar海峡流量在7月最大(13.8Sv),1月最小(0.2Sv),其年平均流量为6.7Sv;Karimata海峡是南海南部最大的出水口,年平均流量为2.6Sv,爪哇海水在5—9月之间流入南海,其它月份南海南部水流入爪哇海;Timor海峡是印尼贯穿流最大的出口;Lombok流量的季节变化表现为半年周期。通过模拟计算结果,结合动力计算,获取了Makassar海峡经向速度的垂向结构,结果显示Makassar海峡的经向速度有明显的垂向切变,100m层次的南向速度为30—35cm.s-1。 相似文献
从海洋动力学角度,概述了太平洋-印度洋贯穿流南海分支的主要入流和出流通道—吕宋海峡和卡里马塔海峡的研究现状。太平洋-印度洋贯穿流南海分支是太平洋、南海和印度尼西亚海域进行水体和热盐交换的传输带,对西太平洋、南海、印尼海和东印度洋的环流系统有重要影响。吕宋海峡水交换和卡里马塔海峡贯穿流都呈现冬季大夏季小的季节变化特征,对维持南海的物质、能量和动量平衡起重要作用。太平洋通过吕宋海峡向南海输运水体和热盐,并传递ENSO等气候信号,对南海的环流、水体和海洋环境都产生重要影响。卡里马塔海峡向印度尼西亚海区的水体和热盐输运对印度尼西亚贯穿流有重要意义。太平洋-印度洋贯穿流南海分支和印尼贯穿流的年际变化趋势呈反位相,两者相互调制相互影响,维持了太平洋-印度洋两大洋间的平衡关系,对全球大洋环流的结构和长期的气候变化有重要作用。 相似文献
本文基于海洋环流模式模拟的高分辨率欧拉场,利用拉格朗日追踪方法,评估了印尼贯穿流(ITF)对印度洋的热量贡献。通过计算ITF水体在印度洋的传输路径及伴随的温度变化来获取ITF水体在印度洋的热量传输过程。模拟结果表明ITF进入印度洋后主要向西流动并在到达马达加斯加后分叉,进入南、北印度洋。热收支分析表明ITF在北印度洋吸收0.41 PW热量,在南印度洋释放0.56 PW热量;这两个过程相互补偿,导致ITF对整个印度洋的净加热贡献并不显著,只有0.15 PW。进一步的检查ITF离开印度洋的出口(跨过34°S),结果表明ITF主要随着位于西边界的奥古拉斯流和位于东边界的利文流离开印度洋。约89%的ITF水体沿着西边界离开印度洋,其余的11%主要沿着东边界离开印度洋;前者对整个印度洋的净加热贡献为0.10 PW,后者的净加热贡献为0.05 PW。 相似文献
印尼贯穿流与南海贯穿流的年代际变化特征及机制 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
通过绕岛环流理论和SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)数据对印尼贯穿流(ITF)和南海贯穿流(即吕宋海峡水交换,LST)在1976年气候突变前后的特征进行分析。结果表明,1976年后吕宋海峡水交换体积输送(LSTT)异常增大,而印尼贯穿流体积输送(ITFT)异常减少。吕宋海峡东部东风分量和南海内部的北风分量的局地驱动是导致LSTT在1976年后增加的主要因素,南海内部异常北风分量对LSTT增加的贡献能够达到53%;而赤道太平洋的西风分量则是导致ITFT在1976年后减少的主要因素,其贡献大约为61%。1976年后15°N左右的NEC(North Equatorial Current)体积输送异常增强,但总NEC体积输送异常减弱。KC(Kuroshio Current)体积输送异常增强,而MC(Mindanao Current)、NECC(North Equatorial Countercurrent)、SEC(South EquatorialCurrent)体积输送异常减弱。赤道西太平洋由风场变化通过Sverdrup动力过程产生的异常气旋性环流阻碍了太平洋水体向印度洋的输入。 相似文献
Based on monthly mean Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA) products from 1958 to 2007,this study analyzes the seasonal and interannual variability of the North Equatorial Current(NEC) bifurcation latitude and the Indonesian Throughflow(ITF) volume transport. Further,Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD) method and lag-correlation analysis are employed to reveal the relationships between the NEC bifurcation location,NEC and ITF volume transport and ENSO events. The analysis results of the seasonal variability show that the annual mean location of NEC bifurcation in upper layer occurs at 14.33°N and ITF volume transport has a maximum value in summer,a minimum value in winter and an annual mean transport of 7.75×106 m3/s. The interannual variability analysis indicates that the variability of NEC bifurcation location can be treated as a precursor of El Ni?o. The correlation coefficient between the two reaches the maximum of 0.53 with a time lag of 2 months. The ITF volume transport is positively related with El Ni?o events with a maximum coefficient of 0.60 by 3 months. The NEC bifurcation location is positively correlated with the ITF volume transport with a correlation coefficient of 0.43. 相似文献
东印度洋受到印尼贯穿流(Indonesian Throughflow,ITF)等多个大洋流系影响,是太平洋水在低纬度进入印度洋的重要通道,具有显著的生态效应,是金枪鱼的重要渔场之一。为了解上述海域浮游植物群落组成、时空特征及其影响因素,基于2020年1~2月在该海域采集到的浮游植物样品及同步的环境数据,对其种类组成、生态类型、细胞丰度、优势类群等群落组成及其与环境因子关系进行了研究,并与赤道东印度洋浮游植物群落进行了比较。结果表明:研究海域共鉴定浮游植物4门57属268种(含变种、变型),其中,硅藻38属129种,甲藻17属136种,金藻1属2种,蓝藻1属1种;生态类型以热带大洋性种类、大洋暖水种和热带近岸种为主,浮游植物区系属于热带-亚热带生物区系。细胞丰度介于1.28×103~7.84×104 cells/m3之间,平均值为1.55×104 cells/m3。优势种中硅藻占绝大多数,分别为短叉角毛藻(Chaetoceros messanensis)、伏氏海毛藻(Thalas... 相似文献
基于Godfrey绕岛理论,在正压、线性模型下同时考虑了底摩擦和侧摩擦,得到带有摩擦的绕岛理论。根据两个岛屿的经向长度不同,将其分为3种情况;通过积分动量方程,分别得到了各自的带有摩擦的岛屿流函数解析解,从而得到两岛屿间流量公式。当忽略侧摩擦或底摩擦中的一个时,可得Wajsowicz的带有摩擦的绕岛理论。利用CCMP的风场数据,计算了印尼贯穿流的流量,通过比较发现,当只考虑侧摩擦时,流量会增加;当只考虑底摩擦时,流量会减少;当同时考虑底摩擦和侧摩擦时,流量会减少,减少的幅度较只考虑底摩擦时更大。与不考虑摩擦时相比,同时考虑摩擦和侧摩擦时的流量减少量不超过25%。 相似文献
本文基于2002—2016年OFAM(Ocean Forecast Australian Model)模式数据,通过谱分析与相关分析等方法,研究了龙目海域上层环流结构的季节变化特征及主要的影响因素。分析结果表明,龙目海峡(Lombok Strait)平均流量占印尼贯穿流(Indonesian throughflow, ITF)总出口流量的15%,呈现出南半球冬强夏弱的特点,具有半年和一年的周期特征;龙目海域上层环流结构具有明显的季节特征,受到卡里马塔海峡贯穿流(Karimatastraitthroughflow,KSTF)和望加锡海峡贯穿流(Makassarstrait throughflow,MSTF)的周期性影响,一年可以分为四个阶段,存在结构性差异。KSTF(MSTF)为上层龙目海峡带来高温低盐(低温高盐)水团。进一步分析发现局地风场、大气季节内振荡(Madden-Julian Oscillation, MJO)以及海底地形是龙目海域上层环流结构季节变化的主要影响因素。 相似文献
In order to quantitatively estimate the volume and property transports between the South China Sea and Indonesian Seas via the Karimata Strait, two trawl-resistant bottom mounts, with ADCPs embedded, were deployed in the strait to measure the velocity profile as part of the South China Sea-Indonesian Seas transport/exchange (SITE) program. A pair of surface and bottom acoustic modems was employed to transfer the measured velocity without recovering the mooring. The advantage and problems of the instruments in this field work are reported and discussed. The field observations confirm the existence of the South China Sea branch of Indonesian throughflow via the Karimata Strait with a stronger southward flow in boreal winter and weaker southward bottom flow in boreal summer, beneath the upper layer northward (reversal) flow. The estimate of the averaged volume, heat and freshwater transports from December 2007 to March 2008 (winter) is (-2.7 ± 1.1) × 10 6 m3/s, (-0.30 ± 0.11) PW, (-0.18 ± 0.07) × 106m3/s and from May to September 2008 (summer) is (1.2 ± 0.6) × 106m3/s, (0.14 ± 0.03) PW, (0.12 ± 0.04) × 106m3/s and for the entire record from December 2007 to October 2008 is (-0.5 ± 1.9) × 10 6 m3/s, (-0.05 ± 0.22) PW, (-0.01 ± 0.15) × 106m3/s (negative/positive represents southward/northward transport), respectively. The existence of southward bottom flow in boreal summer implies that the downward sea surface slope from north to south as found by Fang et al. (2010) for winter is a year-round phenomenon. 相似文献
On the basis of simple ocean data assimilation (SODA) reanalysis product, the interannual variability of upper-ocean Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) volume transport since the mid 1970s is examed. The wavelet analysis shows a second prominent interannual oscillation with a period of about 2~4 a. To reveal any relationship between this band-scale oscillation of upper-ocean ITF and the Indian Ocean dipole (IOD), the correlation and wavelet analyses are used. The correlation coefficient between the upper-ocean ITF and the IOD reaches -0.40 with upper-ocean ITF lagging an IOD index by eight months. The wavelet power spectrum of upper-ocean ITF shows similar structure to that of the IOD index. And the evolution of IOD is reproduced by lagged correlation between the upper-ocean ITF and the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) over the Indian Ocean. It suggests that the 2~4 a band-scale oscillation of upper-ocean ITF is related uniquely to the IOD over the tropical Indian Ocean. 相似文献
用Argo温盐资料估计印度尼西亚贯穿流多年平均地转输送 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用Argo浮标资料,估计了2003—2007年期间印度尼西亚贯穿流(ITF)出口处114.5οE断面上层(0—1000m)的地转流,并与WOA05资料进行对比。在114.5οE断面上9.5ο—18.5οS之间,依据Argo资料计算的上层(0—1000m)地转流年平均输送为4.2Sv(1 Sv = 106m3.s-1),比依据WOA05资料计算的流量大0.5Sv左右,与前人对IX1断面的估算接近。依据Argo资料计算的ITF的季节变化也与WOA05比较一致,最大输送都出现在7月份,可以达到10Sv,而冬季二者差异较大。比较了盐度资料的差异以及114.5οE断面南侧缺测对估计ITF地转流输送的影响,发现盐度资料的改善可以改进对ITF地转输送量的估计,而断面南侧的缺测对ITF年平均输送的影响较小。因此,Argo资料可以作为监测ITF输送量的一种有效手段,特别是用于年平均流量的研究。 相似文献
Takaki Hatayama 《Journal of Oceanography》2004,60(3):569-585
Numerical experiments with two-dimensional nonhydrostatic model have been performed to investigate tidally generated internal
waves at the Dewakang sill at the southern Makassar Strait where two large-amplitude “bumps” of relatively shallow water exist.
We investigate the effect of these features on vertical mixing, with emphasis on the transformation of the Indonesian throughflow
(ITF) water properties. The result shows that large-amplitude internal waves are generated at both bumps by the predominant
M2 tidal flow, even though the condition of the critical Froude number and the critical slope are not satisfied. The internal
waves induce such vigorous vertical mixing in the sill region that the vertical diffusivity attains a maximum value of 6 ×
10−3 m2s−1 and the salinity maximum and minimum core layers characterizing the ITF thermocline water are considerably weakened. Close
examination reveals that bottom-intensified currents produced mainly by the joint effect of barotropic M2 flow and internal tides generated in the concave region surrounding both bumps can excite unsteady lee waves (Nakamura et al., 2000) on the inside slopes of the bumps, which tend to be trapped at the generation region and grow into large-amplitude
waves. Such generation of unsteady lee waves does not occur in case of one bump alone. Trapping and amplification of the waves
in the sill region induce large vertical displacements (∼60 m) of water parcels during one tidal period, leading to strong
vertical mixing there. Since the K1 tidal currents are relatively weak, large-amplitude internal waves causing intense vertical mixing are not generated.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
采用经验正交分解(Empirical Orthogonal Function,EOF)分析方法对印尼贯穿流出流海域卫星测高海面高度异常资料进行了分析,分析结果显示研究海域海面高度异常存在多时间尺度变化特征。1993—2013年期间,研究海域海面高度异常场存在明显的升高趋势,其升高速率为0.6 cm/a;研究海域海面高度异常存在显著的年际变化,其与Niño3.4指数的相关系数超前滞后相关最大可达0.65,且厄尔尼诺年偏高,拉尼娜年偏低;海面高度异常年周期变化显著海域主要受印尼贯穿流、印度洋南赤道流和Eastern Gyral Current(EGC)季节变化的影响,半年周期变化则对应于爪哇沿岸流与南赤道流共同作用下形成的涡旋的半年周期变化;另外,研究海域海面高度异常还存在显著的季节内变化特征。 相似文献