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Composition and abundance of benthic and planktonic foraminifera in surface sediments of the brine-filled Shaban and Kebrit Deeps and some bathyal-slope environments in the northern Red Sea were examined for correlation with environmental conditions (e.g., bathymetry, sediment grain-size, organic matter, and carbonates) of the brine-filled deeps and normal Red Sea water. About 67 benthic foraminiferal species were recorded in these sediments. The lowest faunal density and diversity were recorded in the Shaban and Kebrit Deeps, whereas the highest density and diversity were recorded in the bathyal-slope sediments. Cluster analysis divided the benthic foraminiferal species into three major faunal assemblages. Buccella granulataGyroidinoides soldaniiBolivina persiensis assemblage dominated the 650–1,300 m depth due to predominance of oligotrophic, highly oxygenated bottom waters. The Melonis novozealandicumSpirophthalmidium acutimargo assemblage was recorded in the deep and bathyal-slope sediments indicating its tolerance for wider ranges of environmental conditions. The deeps were only dominated by the Brizalina spathulata assemblage indicating existence of un-totally anoxic conditions. The deeps yielded also very low planktonic foraminiferal density that may be attributed to occurrence of the seawater–brine interface which not only minimized the deposition of high buoyancy, large-test species (Globigerinoides sacculifer, Globigerinella siphonifera, and Orbulina universa), but also overestimated the small-test species (Globigerinoides ruber, Globoturborotalita rubescens, and Globigerinita glutinata) in the sediments. These findings should be taken into consideration when reconstructing paleoceanographic conditions of the Red Sea using core sediments from the brine-filled deeps.  相似文献   

A decrease in temperature (ΔT up to 45.5 °C) and chloride concentration (ΔCl up to 4.65 mol/l) characterises the brine–seawater boundary in the Atlantis-II, Discovery, and Kebrit Deeps of the Red Sea, where redox conditions change from anoxic to oxic over a boundary layer several meters thick. High-resolution (100 cm) profiles of the methane concentration, stable carbon isotope ratio of methane, and redox-sensitive tracers (O2, Mn4+/Mn2+, Fe3+/Fe2+, and SO42−) were measured across the brine–seawater boundary layer to investigate methane fluxes and secondary methane oxidation processes.

Substantial amounts of thermogenic hydrocarbons are found in the deep brines (mostly methane, with a maximum concentration up to 4.8×105 nmol/l), and steep methane concentration gradients mainly controlled by diffusive flow characterize the brine–seawater boundary (maximum of 2×105 nmol/l/m in Kebrit Deep). However, locally the actual methane concentration profiles deviate from theoretical diffusion-controlled concentration profiles and extremely positive δ13C–CH4 values can be found (up to +49‰ PDB in the Discovery Deep). Both, the actual CH4 concentration profiles and the carbon-13 enrichment in the residual CH4 of the Atlantis-II and Discovery Deeps indicate consumption (oxidation) of 12C-rich CH4 under suboxic conditions (probably utilizing readily available—up to 2000 μmol/l—Mn(IV)-oxihydroxides as electron acceptor). Thus, a combined diffusion–oxidation model was used to calculate methane fluxes of 0.3–393 kg/year across the brine–seawater boundary layer. Assuming steady-state conditions, this slow loss of methane from the brines into the Red Sea bottom water reflects a low thermogenic hydrocarbon input into the deep brines.  相似文献   

Phanerozoic volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposits (VMSD) were subdivided into the Kuroko, Besshi, Cyprus, and Ural types, which differ in their ore geochemistry and mineralogy, in their composition of volcanic ore-hosting rock associations, and in the proportions of felsic and basaltic volcanics and sedimentary rocks in the volcanic successions. The earliest deposits that can be reliably attributed to the above types originated during the Neoproterozoic during the Pangea supercontinental cycle. Archean and Paleoproterozoic VMSD can be accepted as analogues of these types, resembling them in many respects, although differing from the classic deposits of these types in some characteristics. The formation history of Cyprus-type VMSD is traceable to the Paleoproterozoic when deposits in the Outocumpu area dated at approximately 1970 Ma originated during the early stage of Pangea-I amalgamation, whereas the most ancient Besshi-type deposits 1440 million years old originated during the breakup of that supercontinent. Most of the Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic VMSD are similar in some of their principal features to those of the Ural and Kuroko types. Deposits of both these types and their ancient analogues evolved in the process of the Earth’s evolution and demonstrated unidirectional changes in their ore composition.  相似文献   

Kuroko-type massive sulfide deposits of the Eastern Black Sea province of Turkey are related to the Upper Cretaceous felsic lavas and pyroclastic rocks, and associated with clay and carbonate alteration zones in the footwall and hangingwall lithologies. A complete upward-vertical section of a typical orebody consists of a stringer-disseminated sulfide zone composed mainly of pyrite and chalcopyrite; a massive pyrite zone; a massive yellow ore consisting mainly of chalcopyrite and pyrite; a black ore made up mainly of galena and sphalerite with minor amounts of chalcopyrite, bornite, pyrite and various sulfosalts; and a barite zone. Most of the deposits in the province are associated with gypsum in the footwall or hangingwall. The paragenetic sequence in the massive ore is pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, bornite, galena and various sulfosalts, with some overlap between the mineral phases. Massive, stringer and disseminated sulfides from eight kuroko-type VMS deposits of the Eastern Black Sea province have a 34S range of 0–7 per mil, consistent with the 34S range of felsic igneous rocks. Sulfides in the massive ore at Madenköy (4.3–6.1 per mil) differ isotopically from sulfides in the stringer zone (6.3–7.2 per mil) suggesting a slightly increased input of H2S derived from marine sulfate with time. Barite and coarse-grained gypsum have a 34S range of 17.7–21.5 per mil, a few per mil higher than the 34S value of contemporaneous seawater sulfate. The deposits may, therefore, have formed in restricted basins in which bacterial reduction of sulfate was taking place. Fine-grained, disseminated gypsum at Kutlular and Tunca has 34S values (2.6–6.1 per mil) overlapping those of ore sulfides, indicating sulfide oxidation during waning stages of hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in ophiolite complexes are usually attributed to the Cyprus type. They associate with basaltic volcanics that are formed in mid-ocean or back-arc spreading centers and much less frequently in intra-plate settings. The deposits are characterized by copper or copper-zinc ores that are enriched in Ni, Co, and in places Mn and As, but are very poor in Pb and demonstrate a low to moderate content of Ag and Au. Typically, the deposits are low to very low in ore and metal reserves. Cyprus-type deposits were irregularly distributed during geological history. The most ancient of them were formed in the Neoproterozoic, while the bulk of the deposits are Ordovician or Cretaceous in age. Their possible Paleoproterozoic analogues can be found in the Svecofennian belt (Outokumpu ore district), while modern ones are confined to the Explorer and Endeavour Ridges and southern segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge.  相似文献   

Parasound profiles across the Shaban Deep in the Red Sea indicate turbiditic transport of surface sediments from the topographic height (basalt ridge) into the interior of the deep. This is supported by petrographical and (isotope-) geochemical evidence in the East Basin of the Shaban Deep where the presence of variable mixtures of authochtonous and allochthonous sediment compounds had been found.The uppermost 170 cm of both sediment cores 17008-1 and 17009-3 reveal “normal” stable oxygen isotope values for the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber near ?1‰ which is indicative for carbonate formation in Red Sea surface water around 27 °C. However, below 182 cm in core 17008-1 highly variable δ 18O values for G. ruber between 0.26 and ?10.68‰ occur which are not the result of temperature-controlled oxygen isotope fractionation between foraminiferal carbonate and Red Sea surface water. The lowest δ18O values of ?10.68‰ measured for highly-altered foraminifera shells suggests carbonate precipitation higher than 90 °C.Organic petrographical observations show a great diversity of marine-derived macerals and terrigenous organic particles. Based on petrographical investigations sediment core 17008-1 can be subdivided in intervals predominantly of authochtonous character (i.e. 1, 3, 5 corresponding to core depths 0–170 cm, 370–415 cm, 69–136 cm), and allochthonous/thermally altered character (e.g. 2 and 4 corresponding to core depths 189–353 cm and 515–671 cm). Allochthonous/thermally altered material displays a wide to an extremely wide range of maturities (0.38–1.42% Rr) and also natural coke particles were found.Similarly, the organic geochemical and pyrolysis data indicate the predominance of well-preserved, immature algal and bacterial remains with a minor contribution of land plant material. Sediments below 170 cm (core 17008-1) contain contributions of re-sedimented pre-heated material most likely from the area of the basaltic ridge. This is documented by individual coke particles reduced hydrogen indices and elevated Tmax values up to 440 °C.An “oil-type” contribution (evidenced by mature biomarkers, hopene/hopane ratios, elevated background fluorescence, n-alkane distribution) is also present in the sediments which most likely originated at greater depth and impregnated the surface sediments.The heat source responsible for recrystallisation of foraminiferal carbonate and maturation of organic particles in Shaban Deep sediments most likely is attributed to modern basalt extrusions which now separate the Shaban Deep subbasins.  相似文献   

Subsea-floor replacement in volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research on volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VMS) deposits indicates that syngenetic subsea-floor replacement ores form an important component of many deposits. In the context of VMS deposits, subsea-floor replacement can be defined as the syn-volcanic formation of sulfide minerals within pre-existing volcanic or sedimentary deposits by infiltration and precipitation in open spaces (fractures, inter- and intra-granular porosity) as well as replacement of solid materials.There are five criteria for distinguishing subsea-floor replacement in massive sulfide deposits: (1) mineralized intervals are enclosed within rapidly emplaced volcanic or sedimentary facies (lavas, intrusions, subaqueous mass-flow deposits, pyroclastic fallout); (2) relics of the host facies occur within the mineral deposit; (3) replacement fronts occur between the mineral deposit and the host lithofacies; (4) the mineral deposit is discordant to bedding; and (5) strong hydrothermal alteration continues into the hanging wall without an abrupt break in intensity. Criteria 1–3 are diagnostic of replacement, whereas criteria 4 and 5 may suggest replacement but are not alone diagnostic. Because clastic sulfide ores contain accessory rock fragments collected by the parent sediment gravity flow(s) during transport, criteria 2 can only be applied to massive, semi-massive, disseminated or vein style deposits, and not clastic ores.The spectrum of VMS deposit types includes deposits that have accumulated largely subsea-floor, and others in which sedimentation and volcanism were synchronous with hydrothermal activity, and precipitation of sulfides occurred at and below the sea floor over the life of the hydrothermal system. Deposits that formed largely subsea-floor are mainly hosted by syn-eruptive or post-eruptive volcaniclastic facies (gravity flow deposits, water-settled fall, autoclastic breccia). However, some subsea-floor replacement VMS deposits are hosted by lavas and syn-volcanic intrusions (sills, domes, cryptodomes). Burial of sea-floor massive sulfide by lavas or sediment gravity flow deposits can interrupt sea-floor mineralization and promote subsea-floor replacement and zone-refining.The distance below the sea floor at which infiltration and replacement took place is rarely well constrained, with published estimates ranging from less than 1 to more than 500 m, but mainly in the range 10–200 m. The upper few tens to hundreds of metres in the volcano-sedimentary pile are the favoured position for replacement, as clastic facies are wet, porous and poorly consolidated in this zone, and at greater depths become progressively more compacted, dewatered, altered, and less amenable to large scale infiltration and replacement by hydrothermal fluids. Furthermore, sustained mixing between the upwelling hydrothermal fluid and cold seawater is regarded as a major cause of sulfide precipitation in VMS systems, and this mixing process generally becomes less effective with increasing depth in the volcanic pile.The relative importance of subsea-floor replacement in VMS systems is related principally to four factors: the permeability and porosity patterns of host lithofacies, sedimentation rate, the relative ease of replacement of host lithofacies (especially glassy materials) and early formed alteration minerals during hydrothermal attack, and physiochemical characteristics of the hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   

Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits contain variable amounts of gold, both in terms of average grade and total gold content, with some VMS deposits hosting world-class gold mines with more than 100?t Au. Previous studies have identified gold-rich VMS as having an average gold grade, expressed in g/t, exceeding the total abundance of base metals, expressed in wt.%. However, statistically meaningful criteria for the identification of truly anomalous deposits have not been established. This paper presents a more extensive analysis of gold grades and tonnages of 513 VMS deposits worldwide, revealing a number of important features in the distribution of the data. A large proportion of deposits are characterized by a relatively low gold grade (<2?g/t), with a gradual decrease in frequency towards maximum gold grades, defining a log-normal distribution. In the analysis presented in this paper, the geometric mean and geometric standard deviation appear to be the simplest metric for identifying subclasses of VMS deposits based on gold grade, especially when comparing deposits within individual belts and districts. The geometric mean gold grade of 513 VMS deposits worldwide is 0.76?g/t; the geometric standard deviation is +2.70?g/t Au. In this analysis, deposits with more than 3.46?g/t Au (geometric mean plus one geometric standard deviation) are considered auriferous. The geometric mean gold content is 4.7?t Au, with a geometric standard deviation of +26.3?t Au. Deposits containing 31?t Au or more (geometric mean plus one geometric standard deviation) are also considered to be anomalous in terms of gold content, irrespective of the gold grade. Deposits with more than 3.46?g/t Au and 31?t Au are considered gold-rich VMS. A large proportion of the total gold hosted in VMS worldwide is found in a relatively small number of such deposits. The identification of these truly anomalous systems helps shed light on the geological parameters that control unusual enrichment of gold in VMS. At the district scale, the gold-rich deposits occupy a stratigraphic position and volcanic setting that commonly differs from other deposits of the district possibly due to a step change in the geodynamic and magmatic evolution of local volcanic complexes. The gold-rich VMS are commonly associated with transitional to calc-alkaline intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks, which may reflect a particularly fertile geodynamic setting and/or timing (e.g., early arc rifting or rifting front). At the deposit scale, uncommon alteration assemblages (e.g., advanced argillic, aluminous, strongly siliceous, or potassium feldspar alteration) and trace element signatures may be recognized (e.g., Au?CAg?CAs?CSb ± Bi?CHg?CTe), suggesting a direct magmatic input in some systems.  相似文献   

Tellurium-bearing minerals are generally rare in chimney material from mafic and bimodal felsic volcanic hosted massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, but are abundant in chimneys of the Urals VMS deposits located within Silurian and Devonian bimodal mafic sequences. High physicochemical gradients during chimney growth result in a wide range of telluride and sulfoarsenide assemblages including a variety of Cu-Ag-Te-S and Ag-Pb-Bi-Te solid solution series and tellurium sulfosalts. A change in chimney types from Fe-Cu to Cu-Zn-Fe to Zn-Cu is accompanied by gradual replacement of abundant Fe-, Co, Bi-, and Pb- tellurides by Hg, Ag, Au-Ag telluride and galena-fahlore with native gold assemblages. Decreasing amounts of pyrite, both colloform and pseudomorphic after pyrrhotite, isocubanite ISS and chalcopyrite in the chimneys is coupled with increasing amounts of sphalerite, quatz, barite or talc contents. This trend represents a transition from low- to high sulphidation conditions, and it is observed across a range of the Urals deposits from bimodal mafic- to bimodal felsic-hosted types: Yaman-Kasy → Molodezhnoye → Uzelga → Valentorskoye → Oktyabrskoye → Alexandrinskoye → Tash-Tau → Jusa.  相似文献   

The Archean Murchison greenstone belt, Limpopo Province, South Africa, represents a rifted epicontinental arc sequence containing the largest volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VMS) district in Southern Africa. The so-called Cu–Zn line is host to 12 deposits of massive sulfide mineralization including: Maranda J, LCZ, Romotshidi, Mon Desir, Solomons, and Mashawa with a total tonnage of three million metric tons of very high grade Zn, subordinate Cu, and variable Pb and Au ore. The deposits developed during initial phases of highly evolved felsic volcanism between 2,974.8 ± 3.6 and 2,963.2 ± 6.4 Ma and are closely associated with quartz porphyritic rhyolite domes. Elevated heat supply ensured regional hydrothermal convection along the entire rift. Recurrent volcanism resulted in frequent disruption of hydrothermal discharge and relative short-lived episodes of hydrothermal activity, probably responsible for the small size of the deposits. Stable thermal conditions led to the development of mature hydrothermal vent fields from focused fluid discharge and sulfide precipitation within thin layers of felsic volcaniclastic rocks. Two main ore suites occur in the massive sulfide deposits of the “Cu–Zn line”: (1) a low-temperature venting, polymetallic assemblage of Zn, Pb, Sb, As, Cd, Te, Bi, Sn, ±In, ±Au, ±Mo occurring in the pyrite- and sphalerite-dominated ore types and (2) a higher temperature suite of Cu, Ag, Au, Se, In, Co, Ni is associated with chalcopyrite-bearing ores. Sphalerite ore, mineralogy, and geochemical composition attest to hydrothermal activity at relatively low temperatures of ≤250 °C for the entire rift, with short-lived pulses of higher temperature upflow, reflected by proportions of Zn-rich versus Cu-rich deposits. Major- and trace-metal composition of the deposits and Pb isotope signatures reflect the highly evolved felsic source rock composition. Geological setting, host rock composition, and metallogenesis share many similarities not only with Archean VMS districts in Canada and Australia but also with recent arc–back-arc systems on the modern seafloor where fragments of continental crust and areas of elevated heat flow are involved in petrogenetic and associated metallogenic processes.  相似文献   

Gold and silver are ubiquitous, sometimes minor but economically important metals in massive base metal sulfide ores. Their content, proportions and distribution in the ores depend on complex, interrelated factors of their source, mobilization, transport and deposition.Different types of these deposits are formed by similar seafloor hydrothermal systems operating, however, in widely differing tectono-stratigraphic environments which span a spectrum from ensimatic-oceanic, through continent-margin to ensialic-continental ones. Like those of the base metals, the proportions and distribution of the precious metals in the ores vary regionally with these changing depositional environments. This suggests that precious metal content of the sub-seafloor rocks in which the generative fluids circulate is one factor that governs the amounts and distribution in the ores. The lithology of these source-rocks is also important. Pillowed, tholeiitic basalts have high permeability, golddepleted crystalline pillow interiors and relatively gold-rich palagonitic rims, and are consequently particularly favorable sources.Mobilization of gold from the sub-seafloor rocks may require basalt-water, and/or carbonaceous sediment-water reactions to produce strongly reduced bisulfide, carbonyl or cyanide complexes that promote gold transport. Chloride complexing and transport are less important for gold but more so for silver and the base metals.Seafloor hydrothermal discharge at shallow depth is commonly accompanied by boiling, steamblast explosions in the vent and resulting deep penetration and mixing of cool, oxygenated seawater with rising hot, reduced metalliferous fluid. This results in deposition of both chloride- and isulfide-complexed gold at depth and centrally in the footwall stockwork or in copper ore in the base of the massive body. Chloride-complexed silver, stable to lower temperatures, is carried farther and deposited with higher-level and more distal, massive zinc-lead ores. Boiling in deep water, however, although possible, is rare. This fact minimizes deep fluid mixing and allows transport of lower temperaturestable, bisulfide-complexed gold to the seafloor and outward from the vent. Gold too, is then deposited with the shallower, distal, massive zinc-lead-silver ore. Late-stage changes in fluid Eh, salinity and activity of sulfur during evolution of the generative hydrothermal system, and by discharge through previously deposited, early stage sulfides around the vent also cause diagenetic remobilization of gold, moving it to shallower, more distal locations in the system. In combination, these relationships explain the three associations of gold in primary, in-situ massive sulfide deposits; in central, deep footwall stockwork mineralization with or without copper, in central copper ore in the base of the massive body and in shallow, peripheral pyritic zinclead-silver ore.Primary, in-situ ore near the vent is sometimes reworked by seafloor density flows which transport clasts of the primary sulfides down-slope, mix them with rock and sedimentary detritus and redeposit them to form secondary, transported ore. Gold, like iron and the base metals, is diluted during this clastic transport. But silver and barite may be enriched indicating transport in the density flows not only as clasts of primary ore but partly also m solution in the hydrothermal fluids that, in this case, must have lubricated the density flows.
Zusammenfassung Gold- und Silbervorkommen in massiven Metallsulfid-Lagerstätten sind stets ökonomisch wichtige Metalle, auch wenn sie nur in geringen Konzentrationen vorliegen. Der Gehalt an diesen Metallen und ihre Verteilung innerhalb der Lagerstätte hängt von komplexen, sich gegenseitig beeinflussenden Faktoren wie Metallquelle, Art der Mobilisation, Transport und Fällung ab.Unterschiedliche Lagerstättentypen werden von ähnlichen hydrothermalen Systemen auf den Ozeanböden gebildet. Die tektonostratigraphischen Environments unterscheiden sich dabei allerdings beträchtlich; sie befinden sich in ensimatisch-ozeanischen, kontinentalrandlichen und ensialischkontinentalen Bereichen. Innerhalb dieser regional wechselnden Ablagerungsbedingungen variiert Konzentration und Verteilung der Edelmetalle in den Lagerstätten wie bei den einfachen Metallen. Dies bedeutet, daß der Gehalt an Edelmetallen der Gesteine, die den Meeresboden unterlagern und durch die die metallhaltigen Lösungen zirkulieren, ein Faktor ist, der Menge und Verteilung der Metalle in der Lagerstätte steuert. Ebenso ist die Lithologie dieser Gesteine von Bedeutung. Als besonders gut geeignete Quellen gelten kissenartige tholeitische Basalte mit hoher Permeabilität, goldarmen Kisseninneren und relativ goldreichem palagonitischem Rand.Um das Gold aus diesen Gesteinen mobilisieren zu können, bedarf es einer Reaktion zwischen Basalt und Wasser und/oder eines karbonatischen Sediments mit Wasser, um stark reduziertes Bisulfid, Carbonyl-oder Cyanidkomplexe zu bilden, die den Goldtransport ermöglichen. Chlorid-Komplexbildung und -Transport sind zwar wichtig für Silber und einfache Metalle, für Gold spielen sie nur eine untergeordnete Rolle.Der Austritt hydrothermaler Lösungen an Ozeanböden in geringer Tiefe wird in der Regel von Sieden und explosionsartigem Dampfaustritt begleitet und führt deshalb zu einem tiefen Eindringen und Durchmischen von kaltem, sauerstoffreichen Meereswasser mit den aufsteigenden heißen, reduzierten metallischen Lösungen. Daher kommt es zur Fällung von sowohl an Chloridkomplexe als auch an Bisulfidkomplexe gebundenem Gold. Diese Ausfällung findet in größerer Tiefe statt und zwar hauptsächlich im liegenden Stockwerk oder mit Kupfer zusammen an der Basis der massiven Lagerstätte. An Chloridkomplexe gebundenes Silber ist auch bei niedrigeren Temperaturen stabil, wird also weiter transportiert und in einem höheren Niveau in distal gelegenen Blei-Zink-Lagerstätten gefällt. In größeren Wassertiefen kommt es seltener zu dem beobachteten Sieden der austretenden Lösungen. Diese Tatsache reduziert das Durchmischen der Lösungen in größeren Tiefen und ermöglicht den Transport von Gold, das an Bisulfidkomplexe gebunden ist. In diesem Fall ist die Verbindung auch bei niedrigeren Temperaturen noch stabil also transportfähig und kann bis zum Meeresboden oder außerhalb des Schlotes in Lösung bleiben. Dabei kann das Gold zusammen mit Blei, Zink und Silber in mehr distalen Lagerstätten angereichert werden. Späte Änderungen in Eh, Salinität und Schwefelaktivität der Lösungen während der Entwicklung des hydrothermalen Systems, sowie der Austritt durch früher abgelagerte den Schlot umgebende Sulfide, können eine diagenetische Gold-Remobilisation auslösen. Auch dabei kann das Metall zu in geringer Tiefe liegenden, distalen Ablagerungsorten transportiert werden. Berücksichtigt man alle Faktoren, so erklären diese Verhältnisse die drei möglichen Goldvorkommen in primären, in-situ vorliegenden Sulfid-Lagerstätten: Mit Kupfer vergesellschaftet, allerdings nicht unbedingt, zentral im liegenden Stockwerk; an der Basis der Kupferlagerstätte und in geringer Tiefe in Verbindung mit peripheren Blei-Zink-Silber-Vorkommen.Primäre, in-situ neben Schloten vorkommende Lagerstätten werden in einigen Fällen von meeresbodennahen Masseströmen aufgearbeitet. Diese transportieren Sulfidkomponenten, die während des Transports mit Sediment und Gesteinsbruchstücken vermischt und schließlich als sekundäre sedimentäre Lagerstätte abgelagert werden. Durch diesen Transport und die Mischung der Klastika wird die Goldkonzentration in der späteren Lagerstätte stark reduziert. Silber und Barit können dagegen in Ausnahmefällen während des Transports angereichert werden, da diese Komponenten nicht nur als Sulfidbruchstücke transportiert werden, sondern auch in Lösung in den hydrothermalen Lösungen vorhanden sein können. Diese Lösungen dienen in solchen Fällen den Masseströmen als Gleithorizont.

Résumé Dans les gisements de sulfures métalliques massifs, l'or et l'argent sont des métaux ubiquistes, parfois mineurs, mais toujours d'importance économique. Leur teneur et leur distribution dans les corps minéralisés dépendent de facteurs complexes, en relation les uns avec les autres, tels que: leur source, leur mobilité, leurs modalités de transport et de dépôt.A partir des mêmes systèmes hydrothermaux en action sur le fond de la mer, divers types de gisements peuvent être engendrés, selon leur environnement tectono-stratigraphique: océanique ensimatique, de marge continentale ou continental ensialique. Les teneurs et la répartition des métaux précieux, comme celle des autres métaux varient régionalement selon ces divers milieux. Ceci suggère que le contenu en métaux précieux dans les roches sous-jacentes au fond marin à travers lesquelles circulent les solutions minéralisantes est un facteur qui détermine leurs teneurs et leurs répartitions dans les minerais. La lithologie de ces roches-sources est également importante. Une source particulièrement significative est représentée par les coussins des basaltes tholéiitiques, très perméables, avec leur coeur pauvre en or et leur couronne palagonitique relativement riche.Le lessivage de l'or dans les roches situées sous le fond marin peut impliquer des réactions eau-basalte et/ou eausédiments carbonatés, réactions susceptibles d'engendrer les bisulfures très réduits et les complexes carbonés ou cyanurés qui permettent le transport de l'or. Le transport par complexes chlorurés joue un rôle subordoné dans le cas de l'or, mais important dans le cas de l'argent et des autres métaux.L'arrivée de solutions hydrothermales sur les fonds marins peu profonds est d'ordinaire accompagnée d'ébullitons et d'émissions explosives de vapeur, ce qui provoque la pénétration profonde d'eau de mer froide et oxygénée et son mélange avec les fluides métallifères chauds et réducteurs ascendants. Il en résulte le dépôt de complexes aurifères bisulfurés et chlorurés. Cette précipitation s'opère en profondeur, particulièrement dans les roches sous-jacentes ou dans le minerai de cuivre, à la base des corps minéralisés massifs. L'argent des complexes chlorurés, stables à plus basse température, est transporté plus loin et se dépose, en situation plus distale, dans les minerals massifs de Pb-Zn. Dans les mers profondes, l'ébullition, sans être impossible, est néanmoins un phénomène rare; cette circonstance minimise le mélange des fluides en profondeur et permet le transport de l'or jusqu'à la surface du fond et même loin des évents sous la forme de complexes bisulfurés stables à basse température. L'or est alors déposé en situation distale peu profonde avec les minerals massifs de Zn-Pb-Ag. Des modifications tardives d'Eh, de salinité et d'activité du soufre dans les solutions au cours de l'évolution du système hydrothermal, de même que le lessivage des sulfures déjà accumulés autour des évents entraînent une remobilisation diagénétique de l'or vers des situations distales d'eau peu profonde. La combinaison de ces divers facteurs permet d'expliquer les trois occurrences de l'or dans les dépôts in situ de sulfures massifs primaires: dans les parties centrales des masses sous-jacentes en association ou non avec le Cu, à la base des corps minéralisés en Cu, et à faible profondeur, en liaison avec les gisements périphériques de Pb-Zn-Ag.Les gisements primaires, formés in situ près des évents sont parfois remaniés par des courants de densité, qui emportent des clastes de sulfures, les mélangent aux débris sédimentaires et les redéposent sous forme de minerais secondaires. De tels transports provoquent la dilution de l'or, en même temps que celle du fer et des autres métaux. Par contre, l'argent et la barite peuvent subir un enrichissement car leur transport dans les courants de densité ne s'effectue pas seulement sous forme de clastes, mais également en solution dans des fludies hydrothermaux, lesquels, dans ce cas, contribuent à lubrifier le courant de densité.

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The characteristics of the recent tsunami deposits threw light on some sources of deposition on the beach of the Red Sea. The studied area is delineated by latitudes 25°6′ N and 25°9′ N and longitudes 34°50′ E and 34°53′ E; it covers an elongate area of about 12 km2 along the Red Sea coast, North Marsa Alam City (4 km). The area is bounded by Wadi Asalay to the north and Wadi Sifayn from the south. For evaluation of the area, a lot of information allows us to interpret the conditions prevailing during deposition of the sediments especially at the coast. To achieve the target, five wells were drilled to study core samples, well logging measurements, and 69 vertical electrical sounding stations were carried out. The studied area and adjacent areas were geologically surveyed to note geological features related to Paleo-earthquakes. From geological and geophysical studies, the dominant rock types at the western portions of the studied area are sandstone, sandy clay, clay, clayey sandstone, and gravels; at the middle portion of the studied area, the rocks are hard, but the eastern side of the area, especially at the beach of the Red Sea, several cycles of depositions of coral reefs occurred with intercalations of clastic deposits such as clay, sand, sandstone, conglomerate, gravels, pebbles, and a lot of fossils and shell fragments. The rocks are characterized by heterogeneous properties and ill-sorted. The area includes large numbers of faults due to highly tectonism of the area. The results indicated that the area has lateral variation of sediments. The carbonate rocks at the beach contain clastic fragments, and carbonate blocks are included within clastic rocks. With increasing the distance from the beach to the west, the sediments are less heterogeneous. The beach of the Red Sea was subjected to Paleo-tsunami waves due to highly Paleo-seismic activity inside the Red Sea and left their signature in geological column especially at the beach. The observation of some geological features such as Paleo-liquefaction and landslides indicate that the area subjected to strong earthquakes related to rifting of the Red Sea.  相似文献   

We present the first platinum group elements (PGE) data on seven massive sulfide deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), one of the world largest massive sulfide provinces. Some of these deposits can contain significant PGE values. The highest PGE values were identified in the Cu-rich stockwork ores of the Aguas Teñidas Este (Σ PGE 350 ppb) and the Neves Corvo (Σ PGE 203 ppb) deposits. Chondrite normalized PGE patterns and Pd/Pt and Pd/Ir ratios in the IPB massive, and stockwork ores are consistent with the leaching of the PGE from the underlying rock sequence.  相似文献   

Boron isotope ratios (11B/10B) have been measured on 60 tourmaline separates from over 40 massive sulfide deposits and tourmalinites from a variety of geologic and tectonic settings. The coverage of these localities is global (5 continents) and includes the giant ore bodies at Kidd Creek and Sullivan (Canada), Broken Hill (Australia), and Ducktown (USA). Overall, the tourmalines display a wide range in 11B values from –22.8 to +18.3 Possible controls over the boron isotopic composition of the tourmalines include: 1) composition of the boron source, 2) regional metamorphism, 3) water/rock ratios, 4) seawater entrainment, 5) temperature of formation, and 6) secular variations in seawater 11B. The most significant control appears to be the composition of the boron source, particularly the nature of footwall lithologies; variations in water/ rock ratios and seawater entrainment are of secondary importance. The boron isotope values seem especially sensitive to the presence of evaporites (marine and non-marine) and carbonates in source rocks to the massive sulfide deposits and tourmalinites.  相似文献   

Formation of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits: The Kuroko perspective   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The main objective of this paper is to identify the geochemical, hydrological, igneous and tectonic processes that led to the variations in the physical (size, geometry) and chemical (mineralogy, metal ratios and zoning) characteristics of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits with respect to space (from a scale of mining district size area to a global scale) and time (from a < 10 000 year time scale to a geologic time scale).All volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (VMSDs) appear to have formed in extensional tectonic settings, such as at mid ocean spreading centers, backarc spreading centers, and intracontinental rifts (and failed rifts). All VMSDs appear to have formed in submarine depressions by seawater that became ore-forming fluids through interactions with the heated upper crustal rocks. Submarine depressions, especially those created by submarine caldera formation and/or by large-scale tectonic activities (e.g., rifting), become most favorable sites for the formation of large VMSDs because of hydrological, physical and chemical reasons.The fundamental processes leading to the formation of VMSDs include the following six processes:
1. (1) Intrusion of a heat source (typically a 103 km size pluton) into an oceanic crust or a submarine continental crust causes deep convective circulation of seawater around the pluton. The radius of a circulation cell is typically 5 km. The temperature of fluids that discharge on the seafloor increases with time from the ambient temperature to a typical maximum of 350°C, and then decreases gradually to the ambient temperatures in a time scale of 100 to 10 000 years. The majority of sulfide and sulfate mineralization occurs during the waxing stage of hydrothermal activity.
2. (2) Reactions between low temperature (T < 150°C) country rocks with downward percolating seawater cause to precipitate seawater SO2−4 as disseminated gypsum and anhydrite in the country rocks.
3. (3) Reactions of the “modified” seawater with higher-temperature rocks at depths during the waxing stage cause the transformation of the “seawater” to metal- and H2S-rich ore-forming fluids. The metals and sulfide sulfur are leached from the county rocks; the previously formed gypsum and anhydrite are reduced by Fe2+-bearing minerals and organic matter, providing additional H2S. The mass of high temperature rocks that provide the metals and reduced sulfur is typically 1011 tons ( 40 km3 in volume). The roles of magmatic fluids or gases are minor in most massive sulfide systems, except for SO2 to produce acid-type alteration in some systems.
4. (4) Reactions between the ore-forming fluids and cooler rocks in the discharge zone cause alteration of rocks and precipitation of some ore minerals in the stockwork ores.
5. (5) Mixing of the ore-forming fluids with local seawater within unconsolidated sediments and/or on the seafloor causes precipitation of “primitive ores” with the black ore mineralogy (sphalerite + galena + pyrite + barite + anhydrite).
6. (6) Reactions between the “primitive ores” with later and hotter hydrothermal fluids cause transformation of “primitive ores” to “matured ores” that are enriched in chalcopyrite and pyrite.
Variations in the mineralogical and elemental characteristics, the geometry, and the size of submarine hydrothermal deposits are controlled by the following four parameters:
1. (A) The chemical and physical characteristics of seawater (composition, temperature, density), which depend largely on the geographical settings (e.g., equatorial evaporating basins),
2. (B) The chemical and physical characteristics of the plumbing system (lithology, fractures),
3. (C) The thermal structure of the plumbing system, which is determined largely by the ambient geothermal gradient, and the size and temperature of the intrusive, and
4. (D) The physical characteristics of the seafloor (depth, basin topography).
For example, the submarine hydrothermal deposits developed in basaltic plumbing systems are generally poor in Pb and Ba compared to those developed in felsic plumbing systems. The lower temperature systems are generally poorer in sulfides, but richer in iron oxides and sulfates. The higher temperature and larger hydrothermal systems tend to produce chalcopyrite and pyrite rich ores. Contrasts in the metal ratios between the Noranda-type Archean VMSDs and the younger VMSDs reflect the differences in the geothermal gradient of the plumbing systems. The submarine hydrothermal deposits developed in the near equatorial regions tend to form large continuous bedded type ores because of the likeliness of creating large stratified basins.The basic processes of submarine hydrothermal mineralization have remained essentially the same throughout the geologic history, from at least 3.5 billion year ago to the present.  相似文献   

Throughout Earth??s history, all volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS)-hosting environments are associated with specific assemblages of mafic and felsic rocks with distinct petrochemistry (petrochemical assemblages) indicative of formation at anomalously high temperatures within extensional geodynamic environments. In mafic-dominated (juvenile/ophiolitic) VMS environments, there is a preferential association with mafic rocks with boninite and low-Ti tholeiite, mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), and/or back-arc basin basalt affinities representing forearc rifting or back-arc initiation, mid-ocean ridges or back-arc basin spreading, or back-arc basins, respectively. Felsic rocks in juvenile oceanic arc environments in Archean terrains are high field strength element (HFSE) and rare earth element (REE) enriched. In post-Archean juvenile oceanic arc terrains, felsic rocks are commonly HFSE and REE depleted and have boninite like to tholeiitic signatures. In VMS environments that are associated with continental crust (i.e., continental arc and back-arc) and dominated by felsic volcanic and/or sedimentary rocks (evolved environments), felsic rocks are the dominant hosts to mineralization and are generally HFSE and REE enriched with calc-alkalic, A-type, and/or peralkalic affinities, representing continental arc rifts, continental back-arcs, and continental back-arcs to continental rifts, respectively. Coeval mafic rocks in evolved environments have alkalic (within-plate/ocean island basalt like) and MORB signatures that represent arc to back-arc rift versus back-arc spreading, respectively. The high-temperature magmatic activity in VMS environments is directly related to the upwelling of mafic magma beneath rifts in extensional geodynamic environments (e.g., mid-ocean ridges, back-arc basins, and intra-arc rifts). Underplated basaltic magma provides the heat required to drive hydrothermal circulation. Extensional geodynamic activity also provides accommodation space at the base of the lithosphere that allows for the underplated basalt to drive hydrothermal circulation and induce crustal melting, the latter leading to the formation of VMS-associated rhyolites in felsic-dominated and bimodal VMS environments. Rifts also provide extensional faults and the permeability and porosity required for recharge and discharge of VMS-related hydrothermal fluids. Rifts are also critical in creating environments conducive to preservation of VMS mineralization, either through shielding massive sulfides from seafloor weathering and mass wasting or by creating environments conducive to the precipitation of subseafloor replacement-style mineralization in sedimented rifts. Subvolcanic intrusions are also products of the elevated heat flow regime common to VMS-forming environments. Shallow-level intrusive complexes (i.e., within 1?C3?km of the seafloor) may not be the main drivers of VMS-related hydrothermal circulation, but are likely the manifestation of deeper-seated mantle-derived heat (i.e., ~3?C10?km depth) that drives hydrothermal circulation. These shallower intrusive complexes are commonly long-lived (i.e., millions of years), and reflect a sustained thermally anomalous geodynamic environment. Such a thermally anomalous environment has the potential to drive significant hydrothermal circulation, and, therefore multi-phase, long-lived subvolcanic intrusive complexes are excellent indicators of a potentially fertile VMS environment. The absence of intrusive complexes, however, does not indicate an area of low potential, as they may have been moved or removed due to post-VMS tectonic activity. In some cases, shallow-level intrusive systems contribute metals to the VMS-hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

Summary This paper addresses Ag-sulfotellurides occurring in volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits of the Southern Urals. Cervelleite-like minerals were identified in ores from the Gayskoe, Yaman-Kasy, Severo-Uvaryazhskoe, Tash-Tau, and Babaryk deposits, where they occur in ores containing chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, tennantite ± bornite. Other Ag- and Te-bearing minerals (electrum, hessite, stromeyerite and Ag-bearing chalcocite) are present in the association. A benleonardite-like mineral associated with sylvanite and native tellurium was found as a metastable phase in paleohydrothermal tubes relics from the Yaman-Kasy deposit. Formation of the sulfotellurides indicates relative low fTe2 in the hydrothermal systems, insufficient for formation of most S-free tellurides. The significant Cu enrichment in cervelleite relates to the association with bornite. Broad variations in composition and physical properties of cervelleite-like sulfotellurides allow the supposition of the presence of several, as yet unnamed mineral species, which can be distinguished by Cu contents, Te/S ratios, and presumably by crystal structure.  相似文献   

Cyclic-facies analysis of stratified volcanic sequences in the ore-controlling depressions makes it possible to recognize the recurrent and genetically related sets of rock layers that make up micro-, meso-, and mega-scale eruptive cycles (elementary cycle, mesocycle, and megacycle). Massive sulfide ores occupy a specific position in geological sections. They are confined to the upper portions of elementary eruptive cycles and hosted in volcanosedimentary units, indicating their formation during the periods of waning volcanic activity. The elementary cycles are not all accompanied by ore mineralization. The mineralization is most complete in the upper elementary cycles of each eruptive meso- and megacycles.Translated from Litologiya i Poleznye Iskopaemye, No. 1, 2005, pp. 78–96.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Rudnitskii.  相似文献   

Gold-rich Fe–Cu–Zn volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits occur within strata of probable Jurassic age on Rapu Rapu Island in Albay Province, Philippines. Massive sulfides at the Ungay Malobago and Hixbar deposits are spatially associated with dacitic volcanic rocks within a highly-deformed sequence of mafic volcanic and quartzofeldspathic sedimentary rocks. The massive sulfide deposits formed at the stratigraphic contact between footwall dacites and hangingwall mafic volcanic and quartzofeldspathic rocks. The deposits and their host strata have undergone regional metamorphism with strong penetrative deformation. Metamorphic mineral assemblages and textural evidence suggest that peak metamorphism was upper-greenschist to lower-amphibolite grade and syn-D1 deformation. Based on the age of regional metamorphism, deformation is inferred to be mid-Tertiary in age. Deformation at Rapu Rapu resulted in reorientation of the strata into a broad antiform with strong shallow-plunging elongation fabrics, overturning of the volcanic sequence that hosts the Ungay Malobago deposit, and complex folding of the mineralized zones. The present highly linear form of the Ungay Malobago deposit is mainly a product of this ductile strain.Immobile element ratios for a given lithology generally remain constant in saprolitic samples, and thus provide an effective identification tool even in strongly weathered rocks. Lithogeochemical data define a bimodal volcanic suite that is comparable to bimodal assemblages that occur in several modern back-arc basins in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, including those behind the Vanuatu and the New Britain arcs. On Rapu Rapu, the dacitic rocks are enriched in light REE and have high Zr/Y ratios, which indicates a calc–alkaline affinity and suggests a mature island-arc setting. The quartzofeldspathic sedimentary rocks are more widespread than the dacites and have notably lower Zr/Y ratios; they may have been derived from erosion of a distant volcanic arc. The mafic volcanic rocks are dominantly low-K arc tholeiites of basaltic to andesitic composition, but with modest enrichment in the light REE; comparable rocks can be found in the Vanuatu and New Britain back-arc basins.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00126-003-0349-0An erratum to this article can be found at Editorial handling: O. Christensen  相似文献   

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