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Using more than 750 estimates, we perform a meta-regression analysis of studies examining the relationship between economic growth per capita and natural disasters. The studies considered are very different with respect to the type of disasters considered, the sample of countries and time periods covered, model specification, estimators used and publication outlet. After extensive testing of our results, we conclude that there exists a negative genuine effect of natural disasters on economic growth which is increasing over the period of our analysis. Still, the magnitude differs across disasters included and country sample used. In particular, it turns out that climatic disasters in developing countries have the most significant adverse impact on economic growth. However, we also find some evidence that a part of the negative impact of natural disasters found in these studies is caused by a publication bias.  相似文献   

刘寅  邹晓蕾 《气象学报》2016,74(1):1-17
随着卫星探测技术的进步、天气学和气候学理论的不断完善,以及高性能计算机广泛应用,卫星臭氧资料的种类得到极大丰富并被应用到多个研究领域中,取得了一系列重要成果。文中介绍了主要星载臭氧探测仪的发展概况,回顾了卫星臭氧资料在气象领域的应用研究成果,主要包括卫星臭氧资料在气旋或低压过程中、全球或区域臭氧的气候分布及变化特征、高原臭氧分布及变化特点、数值应用等方面的应用研究,并展望了卫星臭氧资料研究的未来发展趋势。   相似文献   

Policymakers must understand public opinion to craft effective policies, particularly in highly polarized areas such as environmental policy. However, the literature investigating the factors that drive public opinion on environmental spending largely ignores the role of exogenous events. This article investigates the role that natural disasters, as a form of exogenous shock, play in shaping public opinion. We construct a dataset using the General Social Survey (GSS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) natural disaster data from 1980 to 2018 and use generalized ordered logistic models to analyze the relationship between disasters and environmental opinions in the US. Our findings reveal that the number of disasters that occur significantly drives public support for environmental spending and that different types of disaster have heterogeneous impacts with wildfires and severe winter weather events being the most impactful. These results shed light on the impact of environmental events on public opinion on the environment, helping both researchers and policymakers make sense of dynamic public opinions.  相似文献   

卫星和雷达资料在暴雨数值预报中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用美国风暴分析预报中心开发的中尺度模式(Advanced Regional Prediction System,ARPS)的资料分析系统ADAS(ARPS Data Analysis System),把中国CINRAD/SA、SB多普勒雷达反射率、风云-2E卫星的红外和可见光资料引入模式初始场,利用高分辨率中尺度模式WRF对2012年7月21日中国华北地区暴雨过程进行数值模拟。结果表明:加入雷达和卫星资料的WRF数值模拟,由于修正了中低层水汽,对降水系统预报有一定的调整,预报的降水落区位置和降水量中心值更接近实况;同时加入卫星和雷达资料同化后,明显改善了WRF降水系统预报偏慢的情况。雷达与卫星资料同化对WRF模式降水预报影响不同,雷达资料影响的时间短,只在6 h内预报起作用,而卫星资料影响时间较长,能够改善24 h内的预报。加入卫星和雷达资料,修正了水汽场,使降水预报在开始时间、量级和范围上均有改善,更接近实况。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国在自然灾害监测预警的各个环节均取得了可喜的发展,对减轻灾害损失、保障人民生命财产安全和社会稳定繁荣发展发挥了重要作用。但仍需清醒地认识到,在灾害规律演变、社会经济发展的新形势下,各类自然灾害对国家公共安全仍存在很大的威胁;我国目前灾害监测预警能力与国家防灾减灾“三个转变”需求以及国际先进水平相比仍存在较大差距。因此,本文简要论述了气象、海洋、地质、地震、生物五大自然灾害对国家公共安全的影响,并根据我国目前监测预警状况和存在问题,提出未来5~10 a我国自然灾害监测预警科技发展战略要从加强预测预报基础理论研究、提升综合监测能力、构建高效自然灾害预警系统以及发展减灾避灾和救灾技术四个方面着手推进。  相似文献   

The relationship between the length of the solar cycle, a good indicator of long-term change in solar activity, and natural disasters (drought, flood, and strong earthquakes) in China during the last 108 years is analyzed. The results suggest that the length of solar cycle may be a useful indicator for drought/flood and strong earthquakes. When the solar activity strengthens, we see the length of the solar cycle shorten and more floods occur in South China and frequent strong earthquakes happen in the Tibetan Plateau,but the droughts in East China as well as the strong earthquakes in Taiwan and at the western boundary of China are very few. The opposite frequencies occur when the solar activity weakens. The current study indicates that the solar activity may play an important role in the climate extremes and behavior in the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Normalizing economic loss from natural disasters: A global analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Climate change is likely to lead to an increase in the frequency and/or intensity of certain types of natural hazards, if not globally, then at least in certain regions. All other things equal, this should lead to an increase in the economic toll from natural disasters over time. Yet, all other things are not equal since affected areas become wealthier over time and rational individuals and governments undertake defensive mitigation measures, which requires normalizing economic losses if one wishes to analyze trends in economic loss from natural disasters for detecting a potential climate change signal. In this article, we argue that the conventional methodology for normalizing economic loss is problematic since it normalizes for changes in wealth over time, but fails to normalize for differences in wealth across space at any given point of time. We introduce an alternative methodology that overcomes this problem in theory, but faces many more problems in its empirical application. Applying, therefore, both methods to the most comprehensive existing global dataset of natural disaster loss, in general we find no significant upward trends in normalized disaster damage over the period 1980-2009 globally, regionally, for specific disasters or for specific disasters in specific regions. Due to our inability to control for defensive mitigation measures, one cannot infer from our analysis that there have definitely not been more frequent and/or more intensive weather-related natural hazards over the study period already. Moreover, it may still be far too early to detect a trend if human-induced climate change has only just started and will gain momentum over time.  相似文献   

应用卫星资料分析苏州夏季城市热岛效应   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
朱焱  朱莲芳 《气象科学》2009,29(1):77-83
利用苏州2004-2007年自动气象站资料以及购自中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心的Landsat 5卫星(25 m分辨率)资料,分析研究苏州地区城市热岛总体特点以及分布规律,并对可能变化做一些探讨.分析认为,由于城市热岛效应,苏州地区气温呈中间高两侧低的分布特征,气温高值中心呈西北-东南走向,沿太湖及沿江地区气温相对较低;苏州城市地表温度呈明显的放射型分布,以市区中心向四周呈放射状分布.  相似文献   

为检验臭氧卫星资料同化对臭氧分析场和预报场的影响,基于集合平方根滤波(ENSRF)理论,结合通用地球系统模式(CESM),构建了CESM-ENSRF同化预报系统。系统构建过程考虑了卡尔曼滤波同化中的关键问题:利用全场随机扰动对初始场加扰,结合一般协方差膨胀和松弛协方差膨胀方法实现协方差膨胀,使用五阶距离相关函数进行协方差局地化。将构建的系统用于微波临边探测器(MLS)臭氧廓线数据的同化,分析臭氧卫星资料同化对模式预报的影响。结果表明:构建的CESM-ENSRF同化系统有效实现了臭氧资料同化,臭氧卫星资料同化对臭氧分析场和预报场精度有较大改进。  相似文献   

基于中尺度自动气象站雨量资料和广西气象台雨量预报等资料,利用C#、SQL和MeteoInfo类库技术,建成了一个集广西气象雨量实况和预报信息的直观显示、广西地质灾害预警的制作及会商等功能于一体的图形信息平台.平台精确到地质灾害隐患点制作地质灾害气象风险预警,推进了广西地质灾害精细化预报的进程.平台的组建方式和信息的图形直观显示方式可简化工作流程,提高预报质量和工作效率.  相似文献   

利用多通道地球同步卫星资料,采用多通道阈值、基于晴空合成底图和云图时间序列的阈值和相似检测、有限区域动态阈值检测等方法,运用分步决策思路,对(60°S~60°N、45~165°E)区域内卫星云图分中高云和低云进行云地分离综合处理。经人工判断与自动云地分离结果对比分析表明,准确率达到90%以上。分析表明,考虑云和地(海)表在不同通道的亮温差异和随时间演变特点,建立并运用多种云地分离方法,有利于云地分离信息量的增加;提出的考虑云系分布时变特性的相似检测法,以及从有云和无云两个角度优先选择高可信度方法逐步检测,有利于云地分离准确率的提高。  相似文献   

在分析镇江市1991至2005年斜坡地质灾害的发生与所对应时段降水量和降水强度之间关系的基础上,建立了斜坡地质灾害气象风险度函数;研制出镇江斜坡地质灾害预报预警服务系统,在2006、2007年汛期预报服务中发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

于晓晶  韩威  马秀梅  杜娟 《暴雨灾害》2018,62(4):337-346

基于新疆区域同化预报系统(简称“DOGRAFS”),选取新疆伊犁河谷地区2016年7月31日—8月1日的强降水过程,利用常规观测资料和卫星微波辐射资料进行同化敏感试验,其中控制试验仅同化常规地面和探空资料,敏感试验在常规观测基础上分别增加微波温度(AMSU-A)、湿度(MHS)和温、湿度(AMSU-A、MHS)资料,并对2016年7月进行连续试验,以初步探究卫星微波温、湿度资料同化对新疆降水预报的影响。从关键要素增量的垂直和水平分布来看,仅同化AMSU-A资料与同时同化AMSU-A和MHS资料对初始场温度、位势高度和湿度的调整均比较显著,其低层温度和位势高度为正增量,中、高层为负增量,湿度场增量中心集中在800—600 hPa。而仅同化MHS资料对温度和位势高度的影响较小,对湿度场有所“微调”,但可更好地修正补充降水过程中的水汽信息。从降水预报和客观检验结果来看,同化AMSU-A资料总体为负效果;而同化MHS资料对于整个降水落区和大阈值降水的预报均有明显优势。


选取中国汾渭平原地区作为研究对象,利用MODIS、OMI和CALIPSO多源卫星遥感资料,同时结合环境监测国控站点污染6要素等逐小时地面环境监测数据以及能见度、霾天气现象记录等地面气象要素资料,综合分析了2013—2018年秋冬季汾渭平原空气质量状况、气溶胶的组分,探讨了卫星遥感气溶胶光学厚度(Aerosol Optical Depth,AOD)与地面污染物浓度的关系,并结合中国气象局化学天气预报系统-EMI评估模式(CUACE-EMI)资料对气象条件和污染减排影响进行评估。结果表明:11个代表城市中有6个城市秋冬季有接近或超过一半的时刻处于污染状态,且污染发生时,各代表城市大多数时刻处于中度及其以上污染级别;三门峡、临汾、运城和西安是霾和重度霾高发的城市,其重度霾爆发频率高达11.63%—14.78%;汾渭平原秋冬季首要污染物为PM2.5和PM10,以污染沙尘、沙漠沙尘和烟尘为主,出现频率分别为36.24%、25.14%和22.96%;MODIS AOD与空气质量指数(Air Quality Index,AQI)、PM2.5、PM10质量浓度之间的相关系数分别为0.72、0.70和0.64;汾渭平原2018年气象条件的变化使PM2.5浓度较2013年、2014年、2015年、2016年和2017年同期上升了17.06%、1.58%、4.34%、11.25%和5.75%,减排措施使PM2.5浓度较2013年、2014年、2015年、2016年和2017年同期分别下降了8.74%、28.01%、4.93%、3.16%和42.62%。  相似文献   

针对气象相关灾害,对3个主要全球灾害数据库进行了概述,包括比利时鲁汶大学国家灾害流行病研究中心的紧急灾害数据库(EM-DAT)、德国慕尼黑再保险公司的自然灾害数据库(NatCat)和瑞士再保险公司的数据库(Sigma),比较了各灾害数据库在建设目的、收录标准及灾害种类划分上的差异.E M-D AT由于能够访问下载,在国...  相似文献   

雷向杰  李芳  赵晓萌 《暴雨灾害》2016,34(6):521-528

利用陕西省延安市12个气象站建站至2013年7月的降水资料和延安市降水引发的地质灾害资料,从1 h、3 h、6 h、12 h、日最大降水量、3 d连续最大降水量和月降水量等方面分析了延安市2013年7月连续降水的极端性和致灾特点。结果表明:延安市2013年7月全市平均降水量419 mm,为1 000 a一遇极端降水。过程累积地质灾害次数(DL)和过程累计降水量(RL)关系密切,两者关系可以用分段函数描述。延安市RL<137 mm时,无群发地质灾害;137mm≤RL<200 mm且日降水量(RR)<50 mm时,有群发地质灾害但较少;RL≥200 mm或200 mm>RL≥137 mm且RR≥50 mm时,群发地质灾害多。经济比较发达、防灾减灾能力较强的延安市宝塔区2013年7月降水量568 mm,超过1 000 a一遇,其RL<332 mm时,无群发地质灾害;RL≥332 mm时,群发地质灾害多。


为充分发挥卫星遥感在防灾减灾工作中的应用,该文以2020年遵义市正安县汛期发生的特大暴雨洪涝灾害为研究个例,通过卫星搭载的合成孔径雷达的遥感影像反演,识别强降水影响区域,分级标识灾害风险,探索山区的三个叫应,以期发挥卫星遥感在防灾减灾中的作用,为防汛救灾和流域的上下游联防提供参考。结果表明:(1)山区防汛指挥调度,既要关注强降雨区域,也要考虑河流走向、上下游降水增叠效应,尤其是对于高大山脉前海拔高差明显区域的地表径流汇流增强作用,应加强判断联动叫应;(2)降雨量大小和地表水体增加量、存在的灾害风险隐患未必成正比,防汛工作不能一味只根据降雨量大小来做出灾害防范决定;(3)该案例作为一次天气过程造成影响的试点分析,为进一步探索对应关系提供参考基础,叫应关系的最终确立需要更多天气过程案例的统计分析。研究结果对正安县洪涝灾害防御决策指挥具有重要补充意义。  相似文献   

农业气象灾害分析子系统与业务主系统的集成处理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于ArcGIS 9.2的平台功能,在ArcGIS二次开发语言VBA环境下研制开发了"农业气象灾害分析子系统"。结果表明:通过对系统通用功能进行较大的扩充改进,增强了系统服务于省级农业气象灾害分析的稳定性、可调控性与可移植性。与"省级现代农业气象业务服务平台"主系统集成,完善了农业气象服务平台灾害监测预测方面的分析功能,可为省级农业气象干旱、洪涝等灾害监测预测提供分析处理和参考依据。  相似文献   

Aerosols make a considerable contribution to the climate system through their radiative and cloud condensation nuclei effects, which underlines the need for understanding the origin of aerosols and their transport pathways. Seasonal distribution of mineral dust around the globe and its correlation with atmospheric circulation is investigated using satellite data, and meteorological data from ECMWF. The most important sources of dust are located in North Africa, the Middle East and Southwest Asia with an observed summer maximum, and East Asia with a spring peak. Maximum dust activity over North Africa and the Middle East in summer is attributed to dry convection associated with the summertime low-pressure system, while unstable weather and dry conditions are responsible for the spring peak in dust emission in East Asia. Intercontinental transport of mineral dust by atmospheric circulation has been observed, including trans-Atlantic transport of North African dust, trans-Pacific transport of Asian dust, and transport of dust from the Middle East across the Indian Ocean. The extent of African dust over the Atlantic Ocean and its latitudinal variation with season is related to the large-scale atmospheric circulation, including seasonal changes in the position of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and variation of wind patterns. North African aerosols extend over longer distances across the North Atlantic in summer because of greater dust emission, an intensified easterly low level jet (LLJ) and strengthening of the Azores-Bermuda anticyclonic circulation. Transport of East Asian aerosol is facilitated by the existence of a LLJ that extends from East Asia to the west coast of North America.  相似文献   

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