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The Extreme Limb Photometer (ELP) has been used to measure the irradiance fluctuation of the Sun due to selected active regions. Forty-five active regions that were completely scanned at various disk positions are included in the analysis. The contribution of these active regions to a global solar irradiance fluctuation has been correlated with photometric sunspot and facular indices (PSI and PFI) using published values of sunspot and calcium plage areas. The measured ELP fluctuations are converted to a global brightness fluctuation, B/B. The sunspot component of B/B correlates with PSI with r = 0.95. The facular component of B/B correlates with PFI with r - 0.72. The expression for PFI is important to the question of energy balance between sunspots and faculae and the results presented here are not incompatible with energy balance between the two phenomena; that is the energy deficit of sunspots may be balanced by the energy excess of faculae.  相似文献   

The global signature of granulation, meso- and supergranulation is calculated using values for intensities and lifetimes from spatially resolved observations. These simulations are compared with observations from ACRIM, IPHIR and the SOVA-1 photometers. The results indicate that the overall shape of the background signal in the simulations reproduce the observations at low frequency. However when the granulation lifetimes are about 500 seconds the simulated data do not correspond to the observations between 1 and 2 mHz.  相似文献   

The rotation of the magnetic axes of sunspot groups is studied as a function of the expansion and contraction of the groups along their magnetic axes. In general, except for the extreme values of tilt-angle change, slow rates of rotation of the magnetic axes are associated with low values of expansion or contraction, and faster rotation of the magnetic axes is associated with rapid expansion or contraction. The direction of rotation of the magnetic axes is related to expansion or contraction in the sense that would be predicted by the Coriolis force. A comparison of the effect at high and low latitudes shows a difference that further supports the Coriolis force hypothesis, and an examination of the amplitude of the effect also suggests that the Coriolis force may be a factor in the tilt-angle rotation of spot groups.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under Cooperative Agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Fourteen years (November 16, 1978 through January 24, 1993) of Nimbus-7 total solar irradiance measurements have been made. The measured mean annual solar energy just outside of the Earth's atmosphere was about 0.1% (1.4 W/m2) higher in the peak years of 1979 (cycle 21) and 1991 (cycle 22) than in the quiet Sun years of 1985/86. Comparison with shorter, independent solar measurement sets and with empirical models qualitatively confirms the Nimbus-7 results. But these comparisons also raise questions of detail for future studies: in which years did the peaks actually occur and just how accurate are the models and the measurements?  相似文献   

The total solar irradiance measurements obtained by the active-cavity radiometer on board the Solar Maximum Mission have been analyzed for evidence of global oscillations. We find that the most energetic low-degree p-mode oscillations in the five-minute band have amplitudes of a few parts per million of the total irradiance, and we positively detect modes with l = 0, 1, and 2. The distribution in l differs from that of the velocity spectrum, with relatively more power at lower l values. The individual modes have narrow line widths, corresponding to values of Q greater than a few thousand, or lifetimes of at least a week. We do not detect the 160-min oscillation in the power spectrum, and place an upper limit of 5 parts per million (99.9% confidence) on its amplitude.  相似文献   

New photographic photometry at small tilt angles during the 1979 and 1981 apparitions is combined with earlier data to yield several physical parameters for Saturn's B ring in red and blue colors. Phase curves are obtained for a mean tilt angle B ? 6°. The value of the volume density D is 0.020±0.004 with no indication of dependence on either the color or the tilt angle for 6°<B<26°. This conclusion is not altered significantly if the individual ring particles have a phase function similar to the phase curves of bright solar system objects. For the geometric albedo of a single particle we derive 0.61±0.04 (red) and 0.41±0.03 (blue), which are superior to earlier estimates because of the additional data now available. These values and the derived amount of multiple scattering as a function of tilt angle constrain the particle phase function in the red to be moderately backscattering. Inferred values of the particle single-scattering albedo are 0.7≤ω0 (red) ≤0.92 and 0.5≤ω0 (blue) ≤0.7, depending on the choice of phase function. No indication was found that the particle photometric properties might depend on the vertical distance from the central plane. Our results show that the ground-based photometry is entirely consistent with the classical, many-particle-thick ring model.  相似文献   

By using a nonlinear model of an axisymmetric – dynamo, an analytical expression which gives the magnitude of the mean magnetic field as a function of rotation and other parameters for a solar-type convective zone is obtained. The mean magnetic field varies as the power of the rotation rate. The resulting theoretical relationship of the X-ray luminosity as a function of the angular velocity is in agreement with observations by Fleming, Gioia, and Maccacaro (1989).  相似文献   

The solar irradiance modulation due to active regions during 1980 has been investigated in detail. Specifically, we estimate the uncertainties caused by ground-based data used as input in the modeling effort, and by our currently incomplete knowledge of the proper parameters that describe the angular variation of sunspot and facular contrasts. We conclude that the most significant uncertainties are due to errors in area measurements and, possibly, varying spot and facular brightness. A standard model for later use is derived by a best-fit technique of the currently available ACRIM irradiance data and the predictions of our models with appropriately varied parameters. Finally, we compute the expected irradiance for the entire year of 1980.NRC Senior Research Associate on leave from the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics and the Astro-Geophysics Department, University of Colorado at Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.  相似文献   

Pyrheliometry, definition of the radiation scale in the International System of Units and monitoring the variability of solar total irradiance have been a focus of research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory since the mid 1960's. A series of automated, electrically self-calibrating, cavity pyrheliometers known as Active Cavity Radiometers (ACR's) was developed as part of this program. A series of ground based experiments in 1968–69 led to the discovery of a systematic error in the International Pyrheliometric Scale. ACR's were among the instruments used to define the World Radiometric Reference in 1975.ACR flight experiments have been conducted to determine the 1 AU total solar irradiance and monitor its variability in time. A 1969 balloon experiment yielded a 1366 W m-2 result. The value from a 1976 sounding rocket experiment was 1368.1 W m-2. The results for two additional rocket experiments in 1978 and 80, revised in accordance with recent calibrations of ACR response to elevated pressures during these flights are: 1367.6 and 1367.8 W m-2, respectively. An ACR experiment (ACRIM) on the Solar Maximum Mission satellite has shown continuous variability of the total solar flux below the ±0.05% level and two large, temporary decreases of 0.1–0.2% lasting more than a week. The mean 1 AU total flux for ACRIM's first five months' observations was 1367.7 W m-2. Inflight comparison of ACR rocket and satellite measurements in May, 1980 demonstrated agreement to within ±0.05%. The 1 AU total solar irradiance results from ACR rocket and satellite experiments between 1976 and 1980 differ from their mean of 1367.8 W m-2 by no more than ±0.02%. The less precise 1969 balloon result is 0.1% lower. Although no observations were made from 1970–75, if solar behaviour in those five years was similar to that observed since 1976 then the upper limits of long term solar total irradiance variability are ±0.2% for the 1969–1980 period and ±0.1% between 1976 and 1980, based on the set of ACR observations.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The solar irradiance below 120 nm was first predicted by astronomers. Since its accurate measurement required the solution of a variety of technological problems, little is known about the variability before 1972, though for more than two decades data have been collected. Therefore, on a quantitative basis only a very rough picture can be given for the solar cycle 19. Also, not enough data with sufficient absolute accuracy are available to describe the solar EUV flux variations of the solar cycle 20, especially during the period of solar maximum. However, due to technological improvements of space and laboratory instrumentations, an almost complete set of data has been obtained from 1972 to date. These observations exhibit strong differences of the flux variations from solar cycle 20 to 21. - For the theoretical and for semi-empirical treatments of many aeronomic processes controlled by the solar EUV radiation, its adequate representation e.g. as indices is required. The problems involved and possible solutions are discussed. Results from some relevant aeronomically oriented computations based on variable solar EUV fluxes are presented.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Until now a simple Photometric Sunspot Index (PSI) model was used (e.g. Willsonet al., 1981) to describe the contribution of sunspots to the solar irradiance deficit measurement by ACRIM. In this work we replace this model by a photometry of sunspot pictures for the period of 19 August to 4 September, 1980 taking into account the individual features, like lightbridges or umbral dots, of each spot. The main results of this preliminary analysis are: (1) theA u/A p ratios and alsos the values vary in a wide range and are by no means constant as in the PSI model; (2) the general trend of the irradiance deficit from our analysis agrees well with the ACRIM measurements; (3) on some days there are differences of more than 50% between the deficits derived from our measurements and from the PSI model.Paper presented at the 11th Eurpean Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain  相似文献   

We have extended the proxy relationship between irradiance and microwaves by using the daily solar fluxes from Toyokawa Observatory at 1000, 2000, 3750 and 9400 MHz in addition to the Ottawa 2800 MHz flux for the years 1980–1989. It turns out that the flux at 1000 MHz is better correlated with irradiance than the flux at higher frequencies-an unexpected result. We have also found that the spectrum of the flux shows shape changes that are related to the number and type of active regions. Because of this the five-frequency spectral measurements of microwave flux allow one to separate the sunspot and coronal features, providing an improved proxy of solar variability.  相似文献   

The solar ultraviolet irradiance measurements in the 120–400 nm wavelength range are reviewed and compared showing still important discrepancies between the irradiance values deduced from the most recent observations.The possible variations of the solar ultraviolet irradiances with the 27-day rotation period of the Sun and with the 11-year activity cycle are presented and discussed on the basis of the available irradiation fluxes obtained during the rising phase of solar cycle 21.The spectral features of both kinds of variation are clearly related to the solar atmospheric layer from which the corresponding radiation is emitted.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Solar irradiance measurements from the ACRIM experiment show a clear response to the rotation periods of g-mode oscillations (l = 1, 2, and 3) and their first harmonics. Peaks in the ACRIM spectrum at 16.6, 18.3, 20.7, 36.5, and - 71 days all lie within about 1% of periods arising from g-mode rotation. This means that the g-modes are a fundamental cause of irradiance fluctuations. On time scales of months and less they modulate the irradiance by means of transient flows of global scale which they stimulate in the Sun's convective envelope. Dimensional arguments indicate that the flows carry up heat at an average rate 10-3 L which is not in conflict with observed changes in the irradiance. Five additional tests for g-modes and large-scale convection are given. An instability is described which undermines diffusion models of sunspot energy storage.  相似文献   

A rocket-borne coronagraph utilizing external occulting disks was used to photograph the solar corona from 3 to 9 R s at 1931 UT on 7 March, 1970. Comparison of the rocket and ground-based observations shows a one-to-one correspondence between major streamers from the inner to the outer corona. In particular streamers over the poles are clearly visible against the background corona from 3 to 8 R s. These rocket data had a scattered light level of 1.2 × 10–10 B s. The derived quiet equatorial and polar K + F corona was within 10% of the absolute brightness of standard coronal models and displayed identical radial gradients to those models. The photometric profiles of the NE limb streamer were analyzed assuming a model in which the core density follows a Gaussian distribution in directions perpendicular to the radius vector. This streamer was assumed to be rooted on the visible disk at 55 to 60° from the plane-of-the-sky as based on K-coronameter and XUV data. An uncertainty of as much as a factor of three still remains for the value of the axis density owing to uncertainty in the line-of-sight dimension of the streamer.  相似文献   

Polarimetry in the far-infrared and submillimeter has been valuable in tracing magnetic fields in bright Galactic clouds. We discuss the techniques we have developed and trends we have found in polarization vs column density and wavelength. The polarization spectrum has proven to be more interesting than had been anticipated. It is potentially valuable in explaining grain alignment and in characterizing dust species. One can expect the infrared cirrus to be a much simpler environment than the molecular clouds that have heretofore been explored at multiple wavelengths. Although cirrus observations must deal with low signals and wide extent, it is becoming possible to measure accurately the spectral energy distribution from mid-infrared to microwave frequencies and it should soon become feasible to determine the polarization spectrum over the same range.  相似文献   

Recent ground-based astronomical short-exposure observations of Mercury have yielded more than 50000 electronic pictures of the planet at different phases and different positions relative to the Earth. The work was fulfilled in several observatories. The use of available and newly developed processing methods applied to large volumes of electronic frames allowed the images of a considerable portion of Mercury’s surface to be synthesized. We present the images of the 90°–180°W, 215°–280°W, and 50°–90°W sectors containing, among others, the longitudes not covered by spacecraft imaging. Along with the listed images, we present the results of recent observations of Mercury carried out on November 20–24, 2006 during the morning elongation at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS) (Nizhnii Arkhyz, Karachai-Circassia, the Caucasus). The 265°–350°W longitude sector of Mercury was observed. The observations were made under good weather conditions. Among the main tasks of the new observations was obtaining a complete view of the S Basin. Previously, this basin had been investigated in fragments only by the actual solar illumination conditions. During the period of November 20–24, 2006, the S Basin was on the sunlit side of the planet. The complete image of the basin was obtained from the processing of a large number of electronic frames. The appearance of the S Basin is compared with the data on its relief acquired with radar methods. In this longitude sector, a number of other unusual surface features were found; among them, are a huge “Medallion” crater and other formations. The results considered in the present and earlier published studies are compared with the Mariner 10 data (1974–1975) and with the data received from the Messenger spacecraft during its first flyby of the planet (January 2008).  相似文献   

We report results concerning the distribution and properties of galactic extinction at high galactic latitudes derived from stellar statistics using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We use the classical Wolf diagram method to identify regions with extinction, and derive the extinction and the extinction law of the dust using all five SDSS spectral bands. We estimate the distance to the extinguishing medium using simple assumptions about the stellar populations in the line of sight.
We report the identification of three extinguishing clouds, each a few tens of pc wide, producing 0.2–0.4 mag of g '-band extinction, located 1–2 kpc away or 0.5–1 kpc above the Galactic plane. All clouds exhibit grey extinction, i.e. almost wavelength independent in the limited spectral range of the SDSS. We discuss the implication of this finding on general astrophysical questions.  相似文献   

Two selection statistics are used to extract new candidate periodic variables from the epoch photometry of the Hipparcos catalogue. The primary selection criterion is a signal-to-noise ratio. The dependence of this statistic on the number of observations is calibrated using about 30 000 randomly permuted Hipparcos data sets. A significance level of 0.1 per cent is used to extract a first batch of candidate variables. The second criterion requires that the optimal frequency be unaffected if the data are de-trended by low-order polynomials. We find 2675 new candidate periodic variables, of which the majority (2082) are from the Hipparcos 'unsolved' variables. Potential problems with the interpretation of the data (e.g. aliasing) are discussed.  相似文献   

The observational data of the solar corona obtained during the solar eclipse of July 11, 1993, using both a electropolarimeter (EP) and a CCD matrix were processed. Using these data the photometry of the solar corona was carried out. The results of EP data were compared with those of the CCD data. It must be noticed here that the CCD data give us only the characteristics of the inner corona, while the EP data show the features of both the inner and the middle corona up to 4 solar radii. The standard flattening index ϵ was evaluated from both data. The dependence of ϵ on the distance from the solar limb was investigated. Three-dimensional images of the coronal intensity distribution for different spectral lines are shown. Isophotes in Na and Ca lines with unusual features are plotted. Based on these data some ideas and conclusions on the type of the solar corona and the physical conditions in it are presented.  相似文献   

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