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Abstract— Clementine UV/VIS multi‐spectral data were used to map mare deposits in the eastern lunar nearside region (Mare Tranquillitatis, Mare Fecunditatis, Mare Serenitatis, Mare Crisium, Mare Nectaris) to understand the volcanic history of this region. An array of Clementine and Clementine‐derived data were used to classify mare basalts; these include: 750 nm albedo, UV/VIS ratio, 1 μm absorption signatures, and Clementine derived FeO and TiO2 contents. We have successfully identified several new geological units and have determined their spectral characteristics. For example, the relatively younger low‐Ti basalts were recognized in the eastern part of Mare Tranquillitatis. The central low‐Ti basalts in Mare Serenitatis, which had been classed as mISP, were divided into 2 groups. In Mare Nectaris, 2 types of mare basalts were identified, while only 1 group was recognized in the previous study. The stratigraphy constructed from the spectral analysis indicates that the mare deposits tend to become younger in the northern maria, including Serenitatis and Crisium, and older in the southern maria, including Tranquillitatis, Fecunditatis, and Nectaris. According to the relationship between the titanium contents of the mare units and their stratigraphy, the titanium content decreases with time in the early stage but increases toward the end of volcanism in the Serenitatis and Crisium region, while it increases with time but finally decreases in the Tranquillitatis and Fecunditatis region. In connection with the distribution of mare basalts, a large amount of high‐Ti mare basalts are found in Mare Tranquillitatis, especially in the western part, while other maria are covered by low‐Ti basalts. The iron contents show a similar distribution to that of titanium.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present the petrography and geochemistry of five 2–4 mm basalt fragments from the Apollo 16 regolith. These fragments are 1) a high‐Ti vitrophyric basalt compositionally similar to Apollo 17 high‐Ti mare basalts, 2) a very high‐Ti vitrophyric basalt compositionally similar to Apollos 12 and 14 red‐black pyroclastic glass, 3) a coarsely crystalline high‐Al basalt compositionally similar to group 5 Apollo 14 high‐Al mare basalts, 4) a very low‐Ti (VLT) crystalline basalt compositionally similar to Luna 24 VLT basalts, and 5) a VLT basaltic glass fragment compositionally similar to Apollo 17 VLT basalts. High‐Ti basalt has been reported previously at the Apollo 16 site; the other basalt types have not been reported previously. As there are no known cryptomaria or pyroclastic deposits in the highlands near the Apollo 16 site (ruling out a local origin), and scant evidence for basaltic material in the Apollo 16 ancient regolith breccias or Apollo 16 soils collected near North Ray Crater (ruling out a basin ejecta origin), we infer that the basaltic material in the Apollo 16 regolith originated in maria near the Apollo 16 site and was transported laterally to the site by small‐ to medium‐sized post‐basin impacts. On the basis of TiO2 concentrations derived from the Clementine UVVIS data, Mare Tranquillitatis (?300 km north) is the most likely source for the high‐Ti basaltic material at the Apollo 16 site (craters Ross, Arago, Dionysius, Maskelyne, Moltke, Sosigenes, Schmidt), Mare Nectaris/Sinus Asperitatis (?220 km east) is the most likely source for the low‐Ti and VLT basaltic material (craters Theophilus, Madler, Torricelli), and a large regional pyroclastic deposit near Mare Vaporum (?600 km northwest) is the most likely source region for pyroclastic material (although no source craters are apparent in the region).  相似文献   

Comparison of the Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) data to the Multiband Imager (MI) data is performed to identify the subsurface reflectors in Mare Serenitatis. The LRS is FM-CW radar (4–6 MHz) and the 2 MHz bandwidth leads to the range resolution of 75 m in a vacuum, whereas the sampling interval in the flight direction is about 75 m when an altitude of the spacecraft with polar orbit is nominal (100 km). Horizontally continuous reflectors were clearly detected by LRS in limited areas that consist of about 9% of the whole maria. The typical depth of the reflectors is estimated to be a few hundred meters. Layered structures of mare basalts are also discernible on some crater walls in the MI data of the visible bands (VIS). The VIS range has nine wavelengths of 415, 750, 900, 950, and 1000 nm, and their spatial resolution is 20 m/pixel at a nominal altitude. The stratigraphies around Bessel and Bessel-H craters in Mare Serenitatis are examined in this paper. It was revealed that the subsurface reflectors lie on the boundaries between basalt units with different chemical compositions. In addition, model calculations using the simplified radar equation indicate that the subsurface reflectors are not compositional interfaces but layer boundaries with a high-porosity contrast. These results suggest that the detected reflectors in Mare Serenitatis are regolith accumulated during so long hiatus of mare volcanisms enough for chemical composition of magma to change, not instantaneously. Therefore combination of the LRS and MI data has a potential to reveal characteristics of a series of magmatism forming each lithostratigraphic unit in Mare Serenitatis and other maria.  相似文献   

Boulder 1 at Station 2 is one of three boulders sampled by Apollo 17 at the base of the South Massif, which rises 2.3 km above the floor of a linear valley interpreted as a graben formed by deformation related to the southern Serenitatis impact. The boulders probably rolled from the upper part of the massif after emplacement of the light mantle. Orbital gravity data and photogeologic reinterpretation suggest that the Apollo 17 area is located approximately on the third ring of the southern Serenitatis basin, approximately 1.25 times larger than the analogous but fresher Orientale basin structure. The massif exposures are interpreted to represent the upper part of thick ejecta deposited by the southern Serenitatis impact near the rim of the transient cavity. Basin ring structure and the radial grabens that give the massifs definition were imposed on this ejecta at a slightly later stage in the basin-forming process. There is no clear-cut compositional, textural, or photogeologic evidence that Imbrium ejecta was collected at the Apollo 17 site.  相似文献   

Gravity results are displayed as a band of contours ≈60 km wide spanning 140° of frontside longitude. The contours traverse Grimaldi, Mare Procellarum, Copernicus, Apennines, Mare Serenitatis, Littrow, and Mare Crisium. Redundant gravity area previously mapped by Apollos 14, 15, 16, and the Apollo subsatellites are tabulated and show excellent consistency. Modeling of Grimaldi reveals a loading more than the known mascons and thus makes Grimaldi the smallest known mascon feature. Copernicus' gravity profile is best modeled with a mass defect for the basin and a mass excess for the rim. Mare Serenitatis has an irregular mass distribution with central gravity highs shifted approximately 3° in latitude.  相似文献   

A detailed study was made of the spectral reflectivity (0.3–1.1 μm) of 31 areas (10–20 km in diam) in the Humorum basin region. The results are: (1) There are at least two units in the mare portion of Humorum which are distinguishable by spectral properties. One of these units, called T-type, has a spectral reflectivity resembling that of the Apollo 11 site and also some areas in Oceanus Procellarum. The other unit in southwest Mare Humorum, resembles Mare Serenitatis in spectral character (S-type). An additional unit in the central area (I-type) with intermediate spectral properties is possible. (2) These mare units do not correlate with obvious morphological or albedo changes but agree well with shadings distinguishable on color difference photographs. (3) On the basis of studies of previously sampled sites it is suggested that the T-type unit may be higher in Ti content (similar to Apollo 11) than the S-type material (similar to Apollo 12). (4) The continuity of T-type material through the break in the northeast wall of Mare Humorum and its spectral similarity to areas in Procellarum suggest that the T-type material may result from an event that flooded parts of Mare Procellarum at a period later than the original Humorum basin filling (S-type). Relative ages derived from crater morphology studies support this sequence.  相似文献   

A new technique of deep electromagnetic sounding of the Moon using simultaneous magnetic field measurements at two lunar surface sites is described. The method, used with the assumption that deep electrical conductivity is a function only of lunar radius, has the advantage of allowing calculation of the external driving field from two surface site measurements only, and therefore does not require data from a lunar orbiting satellite. A transient response calculation is presented for the example of a magnetic field discontinuity of February 13, 1973, measured simultaneously by Apollo 16 and Lunokhod 2 surface magnetometers.  相似文献   

A study of the variation of the spectral relative ratios of reflectivity of selected mare lunar grounds between wavelengths 4000 and 8000 Å is given in comparison with lunar craters. The intensities at different wavelengths of each lunar region are corrected for the angles of illumination and viewing, and they are scaled to unity at =5538Å. Distinct variety in the spectral reflectivity values of mare grounds at short wavelengths are confirmed. The Mare Tranquillitatis type grounds (similar to Apollo-11 site), have relative ratio of reflectivity at short wavelength at =4035 Å; larger than or equal to 1.03 in addition to a bigger difference in reflectivity between the short and the long wavelength. The Mare Serenitatis type grounds (similar to Apollo-12) are characterized to give relative ratio of reflectivity less than 1.03 at =4035 Å, and smaller difference in reflectivity between short and long wavelengths. This is due to the variation in the colour of the Mare Tranquillitatis and Mare Serenitatis type ground due to compositional differences. The mare type grounds are generally different in shape than that of lunar craters grounds.Presented at the IAU-COSPAR Julian Schmidt Symposium on 100 Years of Lunar Mapping held at Lagonissi, Greece, 25–27 May, 1978.  相似文献   

New topographic data allow a reassessment of the ring structure of the Serenitatis basin and correlation with the younger Orientale basin. The northern Serenitatis basin is smaller and less well preserved than the southern Serenitatis basin. Three major rings of the main (southern) Serenitatis basin are mapped: ring 1, Linné ring, outlined by mare ridges, average diameter 420 km; ring 2, Haemus ring, outlined by basin-facing scarps and massifs with crenulated borders, 610 km; ring 3, Vitruvius ring, outlined by basin-facing linear scarps and massifs, 880 km. Ring 1 corresponds to the inner Rook Mountain ring of Orientale, ring 2 with the outer Rook ring, and ring 3 with the Cordillera Mountain ring. These ring identifications and assignments indicate that the Serenitatis basin is essentially the same size as the Orientale basin, rather than much larger, as previously proposed. The Apollo 17 site lies near the second ring, which is interpreted as the rim of the transient cavity. Apollo 15 lies at the junction of the Serenitatis and Imbrium third rings; Serenitatis ejecta should be present in significant amounts at the Apollo 15 site. The new reconstruction indicates that portions of the Serenitatis basin are better preserved than previously thought, consistent with recent stratigraphic and sample studies that suggest an age for Serenitatis which is older than, but close to, the time of formation of the Imbrium basin.  相似文献   

The Central Symmetry Analysis of Wrinkle Ridges in Lunar Mare Serenitatis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wrinkle ridges are one of the most common structures usually found in lunar mare basalts, and their formations are closely related to the lunar mare. In this paper, wrinkle ridges in Mare Serenitatis were identified and mapped via high-resolution data acquired from SELENE, and a quantitative method was introduced to analyze the degree of central symmetry of the wrinkle ridges distributed in a concentric or radial pattern. Meanwhile, two methods were used to measure the lengths and orientations of wrinkle ridges before calculating their central symmetry value. Based on the mapped wrinkle ridges, we calculated the central symmetry value of the wrinkle ridges for the whole Mare Serenitatis as well as for the four circular ridge systems proposed by a previous study via this method. We also analyzed the factors that would cause discrepancies when calculating the central symmetry value. The results indicate that the method can be used to quantitatively analyze the degree of central symmetry of the linear features that were concentrically or radially oriented and can reflect the stress field characteristics.  相似文献   

Mare basalts provide insights into the composition and thermal history of the lunar mantle. The ages of mare basalts suggest a first peak of magma activity at 3.2–3.8 Ga and a second peak at ~2 Ga. In this study, we reassess the correlation between the titanium contents and the eruption ages of mare basalt units using the compositional and chronological data updated by SELENE (Kaguya). Using morphological and geological criteria, we calculated the titanium content of 261 mare units across a representative area of each mare unit. In the Procellarum KREEP Terrane, where the latest eruptions are located, an increase in the mean titanium content is observed during the Eratosthenian period, as reported by previous studies. We found that the increase in the mean titanium content occurred within a relatively short period near approximately 2.3 Ga, suggesting that the magma source of the mare basalts changed at this particular age. Moreover, the high‐titanium basaltic eruptions are correlated with a second peak in volcanic activity near ~2 Ga. The high‐titanium basaltic eruptions occurring during the last volcanic activity period can be explained by the three possible scenarios (1) the ilmenite‐bearing cumulate rich layer in the core‐mantle boundary formed after the mantle overturn, (2) the basaltic material layers beneath the lunar crust formed through upwelling magmas, and (3) ilmenite‐bearing cumulate blocks remained in the upper mantle after the mantle overturn.  相似文献   

Analysis of seismic signals from man-made impacts, moonquakes, and meteoroid impacts has established the presence of a lunar crust, approximately 60 km thick in the region of the Apollo seismic network; an underlying zone of nearly constant seismic velocity extending to a depth of about 1000 km, referred to as the mantle; and a lunar core, beginning at a depth of about 1000 km, in which shear waves are highly attenuated suggesting the presence of appreciable melting. Seismic velocitites in the crust reach 7 km s–1 beneath the lower-velocity surface zone. This velocity corresponds to that expected for the gabbroic anorthosites found to predominate in the highlands, suggesting that rock of this composition is the major constituent of the lunar crust. The upper mantle velocity of about 8 km s–1 for compressional waves corresponds to those of terrestrial olivines, pyroxenites and peridotites. The deep zone of melting may simply represent the depth at which solidus temperatures are exceeded in the lower mantle. If a silicate interior is assumed, as seems most plausible, minimum temperatures of between 1450°C and 1600°C at a depth of 1000 km are implied. The generation of deep moonquakes, which appear to be concentrated in a zone between 600 km and 1000 km deep, may now be explained as a consequence of the presence of fluids which facilitate dislocation. The preliminary estimate of meteoroid flux, based upon the statistics of seismic signals recorded from lunar impacts, is between one and three orders of magnitude lower than previous estimates from Earth-based measurements.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April, 1973.  相似文献   

In the context of sample evidence alone, the high-alumina (HA) basalts appear to be an unique, and rare variety of mare basalt. In addition to their distinct chemistry, radiometric dating reveals these basalts to be among the oldest sampled mare basalts. Yet, HA basalts were sampled by four missions spanning a lateral range of ∼2400 km, with ages demonstrating that aluminous volcanism lasted at least 1 billion years. This evidence suggests that HA basalts may be a widespread phenomenon on the Moon. Knowing the distribution of HA mare basalts on the lunar surface has significance for models of the origin and the evolution of the Lunar Magma Ocean. Surface exposures of HA basalts can be detected with compositional remote sensing data from Lunar Prospector Gamma Ray Spectrometer and Clementine. We searched the lunar surface for regions of interest (ROIs) that correspond to the intersection of three compositional constraints taken from values of sampled HA basalts: 12-18 wt% FeO, 1.5-5 wt% TiO2, and 0-4 ppm Th. We then determined the “true” (unobscured by regolith) composition of basalt units by analyzing the rims and proximal ejecta of small impacts (0.4-4 km in diameter) into the mare surface of these ROIs. This paper focuses on two ROIs that are the best candidates for sources of sampled HA basalts: Mare Fecunditatis, the landing site of Luna 16; and northern Mare Imbrium, hypothesized origin of the Apollo 14 HA basalts. We demonstrate our technique's ability for delineating discrete basalt units and determining which is the best compositional match to the HA basalts sampled by each mission. We identified two units in Mare Fecunditatis that spectrally resemble HA basalts, although only one unit (Iltm) is consistent with the compositional and relative age of the Luna 16 HA samples. Northern Mare Imbrium also reveals two units that are within the compositional constraints of HA basalts, with one (Iltm) best matching the composition of the basalts sampled by Apollo 14.  相似文献   

Substantial indigenous abundances of siderophile elements have been found to be present in the lunar highlands. The abundances of 13 siderophile elements in the parental magma of the highlands crust were estimated by using a simple model whereby the Apollo 16 highlands were regarded as being a mixture of three components (i.e. cumulus plagioclase + intercumulus magma that was parentel to the highlands crust + meteoritic contamination by ordinary chondrites). The parental magma of the highlands was found to possess abundances of siderophile elements that were generally similar to the abundances of the unequivocally indigenous siderophile elements in primitive, low-Ti mare basalts. This striking similarity implies that these estimated abundances in the parental highlands magma are truly indigenous, and also supports the basic validity of our simple model.It is shown that metal/silicate fractionation within the Moon cannot have been the cause of the siderophile element abundances in the parental highlands magma and primitive, low-Ti mare basalts. The relative abundances of the indigenous siderophile elements in highland and mare samples seem, instead, to be the result of complex processes which operatedprior to the Moon's accretion.The abundances of the relatively involatile, siderophile elements in the parental highlands magma are strikingly similar to the abundances observed in terrestrial oceanic tholeiites. Furthermore, the abundances of the relatively volatile, siderophile elements in the parental highlands magma are also systematically related to the corresponding abundances in terrestrial oceanic tholeiites. In fact, the parental magma of the lunar highlands can be essentially regarded as having been a volatile-depleted, terrestrial oceanic tholeiite.The complex, siderophile element fractionations in the Earth's upper mantle are thought to be the result of core segregation. However, it is well-known that the siderophile element abundances do not correspond to expectations based solely upon equilibration of metal/silicate at low-pressures, as evidenced by the over-abundances of Au, Re, Ni, Co and Cu. Ringwood (1977a) has suggested that the siderophile element abundances in the Earth's upper mantle are the product of equilibration at very high-pressures between the mantle and a segregating core that contained substantial quantities of an element with a low atomic weight, such as oxygen. Comparable processes cannot have operated within the Moon due to its small internal pressures and the very small size of its possible core. Therefore, the fact that the Moon exhibits a systematic resemblance to the Earth's upper mantle is highly significant.The origin of the Moon is discussed in the context of these results. The possibility that depletion of siderophile elements occurred in an earlier generation of differentiated planetesimals similar to those which formed the basaltic achondrites, stony-irons, and irons is examined but can be dismissed on several grounds. It seems that the uniquely terrestrial siderophile signature within the Moon can be explained only if the Moon was derived from the Earth's mantle subsequent to core-formation.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.  相似文献   

The Taurus-Littrow region (Apollo 17 landing area) is located in the northeastern quadrant of the Moon in the mountainous area on the southeastern rim of the Serenitatis basin. The highlands in the Taurus-Littrow region can be divided into three broad terrain types. (1)Littrow massifs - massive, 10-20 km diam, steep-sloped (20°–30°), highland blocks often bordered by linear graben-like valleys. (2)Littrow sculptured hills - a series of closely spaced 1-5 km diam domical hills occupying broad highland plateaus which have been cratered and block faulted. Sculptured hill units stretch along the eastern edge of Serenitatis from the Apollo 17 area north to Posidonius. (3)Vitruvius front and plateau - a long irregular but generally north-trending scarp (occasionally rising over 2 km above the surrounding terrain) and its associated uplifted plateau to the east. This terrain is composed of hills ranging from 2-7 km diam, whose morphology is intermediate between the sculptured hills and the massifs. It is concluded that the highland units in the Taurus-Littrow region are primarily related to the origin of the Serenitatis basin because of their marked similarity to more well-preserved basin-related deposits in the younger Imbrium and Orientale basins: (1) the massifs and sculptured terra are morphologically similar to the Imbrium basin-related Montes Alpes and Alpes Formation, (2) the relative geographic position of the Taurus-Littrow highlands and Montes Alpes/Alpes Formation is the same, forming the second ring and spreading distally, and (3) the structures are similar in orientation and development (e.g., massifs are related to radial and concentric structure; Alpes Formation/sculptured terra are not). Interpretation of the massifs and sculptured hills as Serenitatis impact-related deposits lessens the possible role of highland volcanism in the origin and evolution of the Taurus-Littrow terrain, although extensive pre-Serenitatis volcanism cannot be ruled out. The preserved morphology of the sculptured hills suggests that the thickness of post-Serenitatis large basin ejecta (from Imbrium, for instance) is small, compared to the total highland section. This implies that the primary contributions to the highland stratigraphy are from Serenitatis and pre-Serenitatis events. The highland surface, however, may be dominated by ejecta from the latest nearby large event (formation of the Imbrium basin). Structural elements mapped in the Taurus-Littrow area include lineaments, the Vitruvius structural front, two types of grabens, and scarps. The majority of lineaments, as well as some grabens, appear to be related to a dominant NW trend and subordinate N and NE trends. These trends are interpreted to be related to a more regional lunar grid pattern which formed in the area prior to the origin of the Serenitatis basin, causing distinct structural inhomogeneities in the highland terrain. The Serenitatis event produced radial and concentric structures predominantly influenced by this pre-existing trend. Younger grabens are generally circumferential to the Serenitatis basin and appear to be related to readjustment of Serenitatis-produced structures; those that are oblique to Serenitatis follow the pre-Serenitatis structural grain. No obvious structural elements can be correlated with the post-Serenitatis, Nectaris and Crisium basins. It is believed that the origin and hence the geographic concentration of the Littrow massifs is related to the fact that Serenitatis radials in the massif area coincide with lines of pre-existing structural weakness along a general lunar grid direction (NW). Pre-existing structurally weak lunar grid trends seem to have been structurally reactivated by Serenitatis radials, causing preferential uplift of large blocks in this area. Elsewhere in the region radials would be oblique to this direction. Since Serenitatis and Imbrium radials coincide in the massif area, the post-Serenitatis Imbrium event may have reactivated Serenitatis radial fractures, possibly rejuvenating the massif terrain. The geologic and tectonic history of the Taurus-Littrow highlands began prior to the origin of Serenitatis in Tectonic Interval I. The strong NW trending structural elements are believed to have formed as part of a global stress pattern (possibly shear) sometime during this period of probable crustal formation and fragmentation. Tectonic Interval II was initiated by the origin of the Serenitatis basin. The basic topography and morphology of the region and most large grabens resulted from this event and their orientations show that they were controlled at least in part by the pre-existing grid. No other large basins forming during this interval appear to have had a major effect on the area. Tectonic Interval III is dominated by the formation of narrow grabens following structural patterns circumferential to the Serenitatis basin and tangential to it where they coincide with pre-existing grid directions. Serenitatis isostatic rebound or early mare fill may have produced this stress system. The scarp in the vicinity of the Apollo 17 landing site is the youngest obvious structural element.  相似文献   

Based on simple CIPW norms for the proposed terrestrial upper mantle material, it is shown that if the Moon fissioned from the Earth and gravitationally differentiated, it could have a 72 km thick anorthosite (An97) crust, a calcium poor (3.8% by weight) pyroxenite upper mantle 100 Mg/Mg + Fe = 75 to 80) ending at a depth of 313 km and a dunite (Fo93_95) lower mantle below a depth of 313 km. Refinements of these simple norm models, based on the cooling history, crystallization sequence and the variations of the 100 Mg/Mg + Fe ratio of the liquid and crystals during the crystallization sequence, indicate that the final form of such a Moon could have the following properties: (1) a primitive, cumulate anorthosite - minor troctolite crust with intrusive and extrusive feldspathic basalts and KREEP rich norites; the thickness of this crust would be 75 km; (2) a zone in the bottom of the crust and the top of the upper mantle which is rich in KREEP, the incompatible elements, silica, and possibly voltiles; this zone would be the source area for the upland feldspathic basalts, KREEP rich norites and KREEP and silica rich fluids; (3) an upper mantle between the depths of 75 km and 350 to 400 km which consists of peridotite containing 80–85% pyroxene (Wo10En68_72Fs18_22) and 15–20% olivine (Fo75_80); the Al2O3 content of the upper mantle is 3%; the peridotite layer would be the source area for mare basalts and; (4) a lower mantle below a depth of 350–400 km which consists of dunite (Fo93_97).The cooling history of such a moon indicates that the primitive anorthosite crust would have been completely formed within 108 yr after fission. The extrusion and intrusion of upland basalts and KREEP rich norites and the metamorphism of the crustal rocks via KREEP and silica rich fluids would have ended about 4 × 109 yr ago when cooling well below the solidus reached a depth of 150 km. As cooling continied, the only source of magmas after 4 × 109 yr ago would have been the peridotite upper mantle, i.e. the source area of the mare basalts. Extrusion of mare basalts ended when cooling below the solidus reached the top of the refractory dunite lower mantle 3-3.3 × 109 yr ago.Thus, it is shown that the chemistry, primary lithology, structure and developmental history of a fissioned Moon readily match those known for the real Moon. As such, the models presented in this paper strongly support the fission origin of the Moon.Guest Scientist, supported by the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung.Permanent Address.  相似文献   

Induced electrical currents within Europa inferred from Galileo spacecraft magnetometer instrument data have been interpreted as due to a salty europan ocean. Published compositional models for Europa's ocean, based on aqueous leaching of carbonaceous chondrites, range over five orders of magnitude in predicted magnesium sulfate concentrations. We combine the Galileo spacecraft magnetometer-derived oceanic conductivities and radio Doppler data-derived interior models with laboratory conductivity vs concentration data for both magnesium sulfate solutions and terrestrial seawater to determine empirically the range of salt concentrations permitted for Europa's ocean. Solutions for both a three-layer spherical model, and a five-layer half-space model, that satisfy current preferred best fits to magnetometer data imply high, near-saturation salt concentrations and require a europan ice shell of less than 15 km thick, with a best fit at 4 km ice thickness. Adding a conductive core and mantle has a negligible effect on the amplitude when ocean conductivities are greater than a few Siemens per meter. Similarly, we find that including a realistic ionosphere has a negligible effect. We examine the implications of these results for the subsurface habitability of Europa.  相似文献   

The Apollo 17 ALSE VHF radar provided imagery and continuous profiling data around the Moon during two revolutions. The imagery data are used to derive depth and diameter measurements of small craters (diameter <30 km). The profiling data are used to study the topography of a few large craters: the bulged floors in Hevelius, Neper, and Aitken; central peaks in Neper and Buisson; and the depressed floor of Maraldi. The same data provided accurate (better than 25 m) profiles of Mare Crisium and Mare Serenitatis.  相似文献   

Heat flow calculations based on geological and/or geophysical indicators can help to constrain the thickness, and potentially the geochemical stratification, of the martian crust. Here we analyze the Warrego rise region, part of the ancient mountain range referred to as the Thaumasia highlands. This region has a crustal thickness much greater than the martian average, as well as estimations of the depth to the brittle-ductile transition beneath two scarps interpreted to be thrust faults. For the local crustal density (2900 kg m−3) favored by our analysis of the flexural state of compensation of the local topography, the crustal thickness is at least 70 and 75 km at the scarp locations. However, for one of the scarp locations our nominal model does not obtain heat flow solutions permitting a homogeneous crust as thick as required. Our results, therefore, suggest that the crust beneath the Warrego rise region is chemically stratified with a heat-producing enriched upper layer thinner than the whole crust. Moreover, if the mantle heat flow (at the time of scarp formation) was higher than 0.3 of the surface heat low, as predicted by thermal history models, then a stratified crust rise seems unavoidable for this region, even if local heat-producing element abundances lower than average or hydrostatic pore pressure are considered. This finding is consistent with a complex geological history, which includes magmatic-driven activity.  相似文献   

The data of three-times repeated magnetic survey of the section of Lunokhod-2 route 1.5 km long are analyzed. The linear size of the regions of magnetic field anomalies disclosed is 200–300 m. The results of magnetic survey near the tectonic break of Straight Rille and near the south rim of crater Le Monnier were used for estimation of rock magnetization in situ. It is shown that mare basalts in south-east region of crater Le Monnier have oblique magnetization (at the angle ç30° to horizon). The magnitude of magnetization is × 5 × 10–5 G cm g–1. The south-east slope of the crater Le Monnier is magnetized roughly vertically, the upper limit of magnetization of the rocks of the rim is ç 1 × 10–5 G cm3 g–1. The results of an analysis of 160 magnetic field variations recorded by Lunokhod-2 indicate that the horizontal components of variations have nearly linear polarization. The principal axes of hodographs stretch in the direction north-west-south-east. Such a polarization of variations may be due to an increase of the thickness of the upper isolated layer under Mare Serenitatis.  相似文献   

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