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杨世伟 《城市地质》2019,14(1):79-83
暴雨型泥石流灾害是九华山风景区较为频发,同时也是危害最大的地质灾害,每年均会因此造成较大的经济损失。针对当地对地质灾害研究较浅的实际情况,通过对九华山风景区泥石流沟谷,尤其是三道桥泥石流灾害的现场调查,对风景区内地形地貌、物质来源、水动力条件等特征进行了论述,分析了形成泥石流的条件。采用雨洪法等定量方式确定了风景区泥石流形成的临界雨量,计算了泥石流的主要动力学参数,分析了其危害。强降雨和沟谷松散物质是诱发当地泥石流的主要原因,建议从控制物源、削弱水动力条件,改变或控制泥石流的活动规律等方面,采取综合治理的方法减轻泥石流的危害。  相似文献   

Assessing debris-flow hazard in a watershed in Taiwan   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This paper presents the results of a pilot study for assessing debris-flow hazards using geographic information system (GIS) techniques. The watershed of the Chen-Yu-Lan River is investigated in this pilot study. Factors that are believed to be critical to the occurrence of debris flow are identified and considered in the assessment of debris-flow hazards. Using the spatial analysis feature of GIS, the impact of these factors, expressed in terms of debris-flow hazard (DH) index, is calculated. By taking a simple summation of all DH indexes according to each factor, the overall debris-flow hazard at a particular watershed may be assessed. The applicability of the proposed approach for analyzing the watershed of the Chen-Yu-Lan River has been confirmed with the field observations in a recent typhoon event.  相似文献   

Geotechnical reconnaissance of a recurrent liquefaction site at a Quaternary alluvial deposit in southern Taiwan was conducted to establish a comprehensive case history for liquefaction on silty fine sand with high fines content. The liquefaction occurred at a silty fine sand layer with D50 = 0.09 mm and fines content greater than 35% and was triggered by a Mw = 6.4 earthquake on March 4, 2010, which induced maximum horizontal acceleration up to 0.189 g at the site. In situ subsurface characterizations, including standard penetration test, cone penetration test, and shear wave velocity measurement, were performed as well as cyclic simple shear tests on undisturbed specimens retrieved by a modified hydraulic piston sampler. Comparisons of cyclic resistance ratios (CRRs) indicate that CPT sounding with standard penetration rate could overestimate the resistance ratio and drainage conditions during penetration should be considered for high fines content soil in the liquefaction analysis. Additionally, variations of CRRs from different in situ tests indicate that correlations among in situ tests and CRR could be soil specific and precautions should be taken when using these curves on silty fine sands.  相似文献   

城市泥石流灾害预警问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐川 《地球科学进展》2008,23(5):546-552
随着城市灾害日益加剧,城市安全引起更广泛的关注,加强防御、控制城市泥石流灾害,增强城市综合减灾抗灾能力是泥石流减灾工作的重点。近几十年来,泥石流预警减灾的作用已得到了高度重视,探讨现代预警技术方法目的在于为城市减灾提供可靠的应急防灾对策。指出改进目前城市泥石流监测预警状况可以大大减轻泥石流暴发带来的损失。在分析国内外泥石流预警研究进展的基础上,针对目前存在的问题,提出当前城市泥石流防灾研究中应重视开展预警工作,注重将泥石流预警与形成机制、新技术方法和减灾决策系统等相结合,其中要特别加强城市数字减灾系统、城市防灾预案,以及城市风险管理和损失评估系统的综合研究。  相似文献   

新疆地质环境复杂多样、生态环境脆弱敏感,在极端天气及重大工程的扰动诱发下,地质灾害呈现频发、多发、高发态势,重大地质灾害风险的形势严峻复杂。新疆地质灾害以崩滑流为主,根据易发性划分为高、中、低3个等级。本文从地质灾害调查评价、监测预警、综合防治、应急响应、社会参与、学术研究等方面系统地总结了近年来新疆在地质灾害早期识别、预警防控、临灾避险等方面取得的显著成效。针对目前新疆地质灾害防控中存在的隐患早期识别能力不足、预警基础薄弱、理论创新不足、治理体系不够健全等问题,提出构建新疆地区地质灾害防控新机制的设想;基于重大工程扰动对新疆地质灾害进行了重点防治分区;提出构建以制度组织体系、源头管控体系、综合治理体系、科技创新体系为主要内容的新疆地质灾害防控体系,为积极防范和科学应对新疆地质灾害提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Vulnerability assessment of rainfall-induced debris flows in Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A GIS-based decision support system, which incorporates local topographic and rainfall effects on debris flow vulnerability is developed. Rainfall at a scale compatible with the digital elevation model resolution is obtained using a neural network with a wind-induced topographic effect and rainfall derived from satellite rain estimates and an adaptive inverse distance weight method (WTNN). The technique is tested using data collected during the passage of typhoon Tori-Ji on July 2001 over central Taiwan. Numerous debris flows triggered by the typhoon were used as control for the study. Our results show that the WTNN technique outperforms other interpolation techniques including adaptive inversed distance weight (AIDW), simple kriging (SK), co-kriging, and multiple linear regression using gauge, and topographic parameters. Multiple remotely-sensed, fuzzy-based debris-flow susceptibility parameters are used to describe the characteristics of watersheds. Non-linear, multi-variant regressions using the WTNN derived rainfall and topography factors are derived using self-organizing maps (SOM) for the debris flow vulnerability assessment. An index of vulnerability representing the degrees of hazard is implemented in a GIS-based decision support system by which a decision maker can assess debris flow vulnerability.  相似文献   

The evidence of coseismic uplift on the dynamic, wave-dominated Hua-tung coast fringing the active Coastal Range (eastern Taiwan) has been equivocal, due to complex controls by wave and terrestrial sediment over morphological and ecological systems of the coast. This study, by applying radiocarbon dating methods, demonstrates coseismic-uplift nature of the coast by finding synchronously killed intertidal organisms (mostly boring shell Jouannetia sp.) stranded at different sites of the coast with distinct physiographic characters. Based on these data, together with evidence from wave-cut notch sequences, two coseismic-uplift systems are recognized. One centers around the northern-middle part of the coast and yields events with uplift amounts of maximal 3–6 m and an average recurrence interval of at least several hundred years. The most recent activity of this system, influencing at least 70 km of coast, occurred at ~ 0.9 ka. The earthquake generating this event also triggered extensive landslides/debris flows in the region. Another system, exemplified by the uplift associated with the 2003 Cheng-kung earthquake, centers on the southern part of the coast and yields uplift of likely < 1 m every < 0.2 ky. Two pre-historic events of this system are identified as occurring at ~ 0.7 ka and ~ 1.1 ka. These two coseismic-uplift systems are consistent in position with two anticlinal structures defined by long-term uplift of the coast. However, the areas subjected to maximal coseismic uplift are located off where the climaxes of long-term uplift occur, implying that the latter areas have been uplifted mainly by aseismic and/or relatively frequent/small-magnitude coseismic motion.  相似文献   

Debris flows are more frequent in central Taiwan, because of its mountainous geography. For example, many debris flows were induced by Typhoon Herb in 1996. The Chi-Chi earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3, which took place in 1999 in central Taiwan, induced many landslides in this region. Some landslides turned into debris flows when Typhoon Toraji struck Taiwan in 2001. This study investigates the characteristics of the gullies where debris flows have occurred for a comparison. Aerial photos of these regions dated in 1997 (before the earthquake) and 2001 (after the earthquake) are used to identify the occurrence of gully-type debris flows. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is applied to acquire hydrological and geomorphic characteristics: stream gradient, stream length, catchment gradient, catchment area, form factor, and geology unit of these gullies. These characteristics in different study regions are presented in a statistical approach. The study of how strong ground motion affects the debris flows occurrence is conducted. The characteristics of the debris flow gullies triggered by typhoons before and after the Chi-Chi earthquake are quantitatively compared. The analysis results show that a significant transformation in the characteristics was induced by the Chi-Chi earthquake. In general, the transformation points out a lower hydrological and geomorphic threshold to trigger debris flows after the Chi-Chi earthquake. The susceptibility of rock units to strong ground motion is also examined. The analysis of debris flow density and accumulated rainfall in regions of different ground motion also reveal that the rainfall threshold decreases after the Chi-Chi earthquake.  相似文献   

L. J. STRACHAN 《Sedimentology》2008,55(5):1311-1332
The process by which slumps transform into other flow types is an understudied phenomenon; generally, sedimentologists have assumed that this is how many debris flows and turbidity currents form, yet there is a paucity of information relating to the specific processes involved. This paper aims to redress this imbalance and investigates the processes of slump flow transformation using a well‐exposed example, where the precursor slump and flows to which it was transforming have been preserved in the outcrop. A detailed field investigation of the Lower Miocene, Little Manly Slump, located within the Waitemata Basin, New Zealand, reveals a complex bi‐partite deposit, comprised of a lower slump‐debrite unit and an upper turbidite unit, separated from one another by an impersistent contact. Reconstruction of slump evolution, from preserved strain indicators, shows that slump motion was unsteady and non‐uniform, and that the slump arrested rapidly. Flow transformation is directly linked to slump evolution and progressed through the multiple processes of body transformation, fluidization transformation and surface transformation. The resultant flow comprised a very dense lower unit with slump and debris flow phases overlain by a turbidity current. This study shows that flow transformation did not result in en masse transformation to a debris flow by a single process, but rather it was characterized by partial transformation of the slump to generate a three‐phase flow. Density is thought to be the key parameter in controlling flow transformation efficiency, which appears to have varied rapidly as a function of slump unsteadiness and non‐uniformity.  相似文献   

In tropical areas, mass movements are common phenomena, especially during periods of heavy rainfall, which frequently take place in the summer season. These phenomena have caused loss of life and serious damage to infrastructure and properties. The most prominent of these phenomena are landslides that can produce debris flows. Thus, this article aims at determining affected areas using a model to predict landslide prone areas (SHALSTAB) combined with an empirical model designed to define the debris flow travel distance and area of deposition. The methodology of this work consists of the following steps: (a) elaboration of a digital elevation model (DEM), (b) application of the deterministic SHALSTAB model to locate the landslide prone areas, (c) identification of the debris flow travel distance and area of deposition, and (d) mapping of the affected areas (landslides and debris flows). This work was developed in an area in which many mass movements occurred after intense rainfall during the summer season (February 1996) in the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeast Brazil. All of the scars produced by that event were mapped, allowing for validation of the applied models. The model results show that the mapped landslide locations can adequately be simulated by the model.  相似文献   


岩石圈厚度演化为揭示深部动力学过程提供依据和重要信息。本文通过恢复松辽盆地中央凹陷区典型单井的热历史,利用实测的热物性参数和前人所确定的地壳分层结构,基于地热学相关理论计算了松辽盆地中—新生代主要地质时期的“热”岩石圈厚度。研究表明,松辽盆地中央凹陷区热流演化有两个阶段:1)晚白垩世逐渐升温阶段,此期间热流逐渐增加,最终在白垩纪末期达到最大热流值;2)新生代以来的热流衰退阶段,此阶段构造活动相对稳定,大地热流在此期间逐渐减少,现今热流平均为78.2 mW/m2。松辽盆地岩石圈厚度在早白垩世为42 km左右,白垩世末期降低至36 km左右,现今岩石圈厚度增加至55 km。这主要是由于在侏罗纪—白垩纪时期,中国东部大陆岩石圈整体处于东西拉张的环境中,地壳和岩石圈伸展减薄,导致白垩纪末期岩石圈减薄,此后盆地整体处于拗陷构造发育期,岩石圈再次增厚至现今的55 km。本文的研究成果初步揭示了松辽盆地中—新生代岩石圈演化的过程,为松辽盆地深部动力学过程提供依据,并具有重要的科学意义。


正2017年11月23日,中国地质学会第十二次全国会员代表大会在北京召开。国土资源部党组成员、副部长凌月明,中国科协党组成员、学会学术部部长、企业办公室主任宋军,民政部社会组织管理局副巡视员赵泳;中国地质学会第39届理事会理事长、国土资源部党组成员、中国地质调查局党组书记、局长、钟自然,常务副理事长孟宪来、秘书长朱立新、中国地质学会第十二次全国会员代表大会代表和国土资源部、中国地质调查局相关部门的负责同志,地勘行业等各有  相似文献   

In the Swiss National Park, debris flows are a frequent phenomenon and have repeatedly affected highways and hiking structures. In this study, we first investigated the main characteristics and dimensions of current debris flows by field work and empirical parameterization schemes. Additionally, we evaluated a topography-based flow-trajectory geographic information system model (MSF) and a flow-routing model (FLO-2D) in terms of debris flow-affected areas. Three generically different digital elevation models (DEM) with grid spacing of 25, 4, and 1 m were used in conjunction with the flow models. The evaluation of the DEM grid spacing shows that for both flow models the 25-m DEM can give an approximate estimation of the potential hazard zone. Four- and one-meter DEMs mostly confine the simulated debris flow to existing channels and are in accordance with observations of recent debris-flow events. The study shows that DEM quality and grid resolution are crucial for the resulting delineation of potentially affected areas and thus for hazard assessment and mapping.  相似文献   

河北庙安铜多金属矿床地处太行山北段,属于乌龙沟—上黄旗成矿带,本文总结了矿区成矿地质特征,分析了成矿地质条件,并确定找矿标志,为外围找矿工作提供参考依据。矿区内矿床主要由矽卡岩型铁铜矿床和热液脉型铅锌铜矿床两种类型,分别产于岩体与高于庄组白云岩接触带和北东向断裂中,燕山旋回花岗闪长岩为本次成矿热液的主要来源。  相似文献   

This paper presents a classification of debris flows in China. These are classified into four related types according to their formation factors, material components, fluid properties, and movement patterns. Details of field observations of debris flow in China are also given. Several ways of using the parameters of debris flow are listed as well as their applied results. Some equations are formulated using velocity, discharge, and impact force. In addition, the paper presents a comprehensive approach to the prevention of debris flows.  相似文献   

Numerous landslides have occurred during the construction of the Three Gorges Reservoir of the Yangtze River. Although the underlying causal factor of these landslides was heavy rainfall, the construction process was the trigger of some of them. We report here a systematic study aimed at reconstructing the geological history of an ancient landslide and, based on our results, an evaluation of the role of the history on current landslide stability. Data from detailed field surveys and the studies on geological dating revealed that the Baiyian landslide was composed of five structural parts of different geological ages, such as a sliding belt, disturbed rocks, ancient colluvium, alluvium of the Yangtze River and slope wash. The succession of ancient climates, terraces and tectonic processes in the study area were examined from 300 ka ago. The evolutionary history of the Baiyian ancient landslide can be divided into five distinct stages: development, occurrence, deposition, collapse and disintegration. Some parts of the ancient landslide are currently prone to instability due to the combination effects of heavy rainfall and construction of the reservoir.  相似文献   

During the last decade, soil degradation coupled with global climate changes has increased hydrogeological hazards in Mexico. In tropical volcanic terrains, alteration processes have enhanced the formation of clay minerals that promote water retention and result in soil/rock weakness. Intense seasonal rainfall can trigger the liquefaction and remobilization of these low-resistance terrains. During the first week of October 1999, heavy rains affected eastern Mexico, including Puebla State. As a consequence, approximately 3000 mass movements, consisting of rock and soil slides and slips, debris flows and avalanches were generated in this area. In the town of Teziutlán (Puebla), which is located on volcanic deposits, a single mass-movement event caused approximately 150 deaths. In the present work we identified two types of mass movements in the Teziutlán area—Type 1: superficial erosion of an unwelded ignimbritic sequence forming small detrital fans, and Type 2: thin soil slide/debris flow from the remobilization of a volcanic sequence composed of clay-rich paleosols interbedded with ashfall horizons. The clay-rich volcanic paleosols favored the formation of perched water tables on a hydraulic aquiclude. Positive pore-water pressures triggered the failure. Based on these results, the principal human settlement in the Teziutlán area may be threatened by future debris flows, which could cause serious harm to the dense population and severe damage to its infrastructure. It is necessary to prevent future deaths and damage by installation of mitigative measures based on detailed studies. Without any further study, it will not be possible to prevent and mitigate a natural disaster with the same magnitude as the 1999 catastrophic hydrogeological phenomena.  相似文献   

滇东地区峨眉山地幔柱活动的沉积响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴鹏  刘少峰  窦国兴 《岩石学报》2014,30(6):1793-1803
对滇东地区峨眉山玄武岩下伏茅口组灰岩进行地层对比表明,地幔柱上涌导致的隆升开始于茅口期,表现为茅口组同沉积过程中断层差异升降形成的水下隆升;而现今看到的茅口组的地层减薄正是水下隆升形成的沉积地层厚度差异和沉积后地表隆升剥蚀的共同结果,但沉积后隆升的规模远远小于前人估算的千米级别。会东大桥-普格-布拖一带发育的砾岩表明峨眉山玄武岩喷发的多期次性和砾岩的水下泥石流成因,根据其分布范围划定了第一期岩浆喷发之后滇东地区的抬升剥蚀以西昌-巧家断裂和普雄-普渡河断裂为东界。根据上述地质证据,总结了滇东地区二叠纪的构造-沉积演化模型。  相似文献   

The structural measure was the major solution for flood defense in Taiwan. However, the measure is always limited to the design standard and cannot prevent the damages when floods exceed certain scale. Therefore, non-structural measures for flood mitigation are the indispensable complements to structural solutions. The study introduces the establishment of inundation potential database that provides required information for the non-structural measures in Taiwan. The database was built by numerical simulations, based on different rainfall scenarios, and has been applied by the local governments of Taiwan for land use managements, flood warning systems, emergency responses, and flood insurance programs to reduce the flood damages and impacts.  相似文献   

In the present paper, a new stochastic framework is introduced to decompose random variables. This decomposition method is shown to better capture and reflect the medium heterogeneity for multimodal porous media than the classical Reynolds decomposition does. In particular, with this decomposition method, the variance of log conductivity is decomposed into two parts. The first one measures the mean differences of log conductivity across different units having high contrasting conductivity. The second part measures the variation of log conductivity arisen within individual units. Based on this localized decomposition, a new stochastic model is proposed for flow in a highly heterogeneous porous media. This stochastic model shall produce much sharper approximations under the assumption that only the second part of the variance of log conductivity is small. Therefore, the proposed model can partially overcome the assumption of small composite variance for log conductivity in current theory for both flow and transport.  相似文献   

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