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作为关键生态保护区域边界线,生态红线划定当前已经上升为中国国家层面战略部署,然而当前生态红线的研究尚处于探索阶段,对于如何针对红线区域具体设计法规保障、制定管理规则、限定开发行为等方面的研究较为匮乏。鉴于英国已经较为成熟的科研专用区相关保护管理的历史经验,梳理和定位了英国科研专用区的3个发展阶段,探讨了各个发展阶段的基本原则、管理机制和实施保障的演变过程,总结英国科研专用区的规划与管理经验,提出了完善法律保障与规程规范、实施统一监管和区域统筹、并行生态补偿与保护自住、签订标准化管理协议、加强公众参与与研讨机制、提升资金保障与使用效率等对我国生态红线区管理与保障的有益借鉴。  相似文献   

In 1976, the U.S. Congress enacted the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) to further address the problem of increasing industrial and municipal waste. The main objectives of RCRA were to responsibly manage hazardous and solid waste and to procure materials made from recovered wastes. To fulfill these objectives, four main programs of waste management were developed. These programs were defined under Subtitle C, the Hazardous Waste Program; Subtitle D, the Solid Waste Program; Subtitle I, the Underground Storage Tank Program; and Subtitle J, the Medical Waste Program. Subtitle D illustrates the solid waste dilemma occurring in the United States. Under this program, states are encouraged to develop and implement their own waste management plans. These plans include the promotion of recycling solid wastes and the closing and upgrading of all environmentally unsound dumps.Correspondence should be directed to Earle B. Amey, U.S. Geological Survey, National Center 983, Reston, Virginia 20192.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了英国空间经济规制的背景,然后详细地介绍了英国在土地、新城镇以及空间结构等方面的规制。在我国实施西部大开发战略的今天,英国空间经济规制战略对我国具有重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a rapid rise in the political saliency of the ever growing volumes of municipal waste produced in the UK. In this paper, we examine how one particular part of the municipal waste stream – biodegradable waste – has come under the policy spotlight. As targets to divert biodegradable waste from landfill under the Landfill Directive come into force, the need to focus explicitly on recovering value from biodegradable materials has risen up national and local policy agendas, not least with the introduction of the Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme. Accompanying this new rationality for managing waste has been a suite of different policy interventions. In this paper we examine the impact of the changing nature of municipal waste policy and the ways in which it has sought to rework the disposal and collection of biodegradable waste. We argue that the predominantly technical framing and instrumental rationality of these interventions does not sufficiently challenge entrenched understandings regarding the boundaries between public and private responsibility for waste, and thus short-circuits their capacity to engage with everyday community/individual waste practices. In conclusion, we suggest that, in order to move waste management towards sustainability, there is a need both to engage with the institutional and infrastructural dimensions of the systems of provision within which waste management occurs, and to take seriously the everyday contexts within which making waste is practiced.  相似文献   

In this article I consider the initial period of solid waste management planning in the US state of Hawaii. The State encountered a number of economic and ecological controversies during its solid waste management planning, a process that was prompted by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Some issues, like project financing, were common across the US, while others, such as the potential of waste materials to reduce reliance on imported food and materials, were more unique to Hawaii. The controversies from this initial planning period were never quite fully resolved; as they lingered, they were interpreted differently across the Islands. Based on a close reading of government, advocacy group, waste industry and news media documents, I examine the controversies over solid waste management of the time and consider how the ‘dual nature’ of waste in Hawaii—simultaneously an ecological threat and (potential) economic input—shaped the adoption of solid waste management systems there. This article adds to an expanding literature examining infrastructure in environmental and technology histories.  相似文献   

Sustainable economic development strategies promote mutually-beneficial environmental, social and economic progress. Such strategies now form an essential basis for local and regional development. Various models of sustainable economic and environmental industry development have been introduced in recent years, some of which have proved to be of particular value. The theory and practice of sustainable economic development has made rapid progress, and this approach to local and regional development is now generally accepted as offering the opportunity to solve a range of environmental and economic problems and to promote new economic activities that can generate jobs in socially excluded communities.  相似文献   

Illegal disposal of waste is a significant management issue for contemporary governments because of the hazards posed to both human and ecosystem health. Understanding the complex distribution pattern of illegal waste and the range of economic, environmental and social factors influencing this distribution is valuable for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of waste management efforts. This article examines the applicability of mapping illegal waste disposal in the Sunshine Coast (Queensland, Australia) through the identification and integration of predictive spatial data in a geographic information system. A statistical model of illegal waste disposal was developed using a binary logistic regression analysis to identify explanatory variables suitable for predicting the distribution of illegal waste. Five statistically significant explanatory variables were identified through this analysis: population density, primary land use, distance to the nearest road, waste facility and roadside amenity. The generated statistical model had a predictive success of 86.1% with all indicators suggesting good model fit (χ2 = 474.3, P = 0 with df = 22) across the study area. Standardised spatial data on each explanatory variable were combined using a weighted linear combination analysis and the results were classified into five categories from very low to very high illegal waste disposal potentials using the equal interval method. The resultant mapping identified 6.9% of the study area as having very high illegal waste disposal potential, and subsequent validation indicated that 32.9% of known illegal waste disposal sites were located within these areas.  相似文献   

俄罗斯在反思发期向西方一边倒政策的过程中,开始重视东方外交,改善与东方国家的关系,本文在分析俄罗斯东进背景的基础上,重点阐述了俄罗斯政治、外交东进快、经贸合作东进慢的特点与趋向,并探讨了俄罗斯东进的动机。  相似文献   

This paper outlines pressures on agricultural land in periurban Kumasi, Ghana. A survey of agricultural practices underlines the recent and rapid transition from agricultural to urban land use in the periurban interface, and shows how farmers are reacting by reducing fallow periods. Farmers are also intensifying agriculture near streams and rivers through increased use of irrigation, in response to growing urban markets for a wider range of vegetables. We identify specific problems of water resource pollution and waste management, with particular reference to farmland irrigation. We report results of composting interventions as a community‐based waste management strategy. We consider integrated organic waste recycling as a generic strategy to help protect periurban natural resources, to enhance food production through nutrient recycling, and to improve community sanitation.  相似文献   

中国城市文化创意产业现状、布局及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张蔷 《地理科学进展》2013,32(8):1227-1236
城市文化创意产业正日益成为中国国民经济的重要组成部分和第三产业的支柱,中国共产党第十八次代表大会报告提出了大力发展文化创意产业、建设文化强国的战略决策,研究城市文化创意产业对促进城市产业升级转型、推进城市实现可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。本文在对城市文化创意产业基本内涵进行梳理的基础上,总结了中国城市文化创意产业发展的现状与存在的问题,并从国家宏观层面及城市层面揭示了文化创意产业的布局特点和模式。结果表明,中国城市文化创意产业呈持续快速发展态势,已成为大城市经济的支柱产业和转型发展的新动力,初步形成了六大文化创意产业集群,以及中心城区、中心城区外围、邻近高科技园和远郊县(区)四大空间布局模式。未来城市文化创意产业的发展需要进一步加大力度,着力将其培育成为城市经济的支柱;将创意人才培养作为发展城市文化创意产业的首要智力支撑;继续加强城市文化创意产业集聚区建设,形成集群化的空间发展格局;制定优惠政策,设立发展基金,为城市文化创意产业的发展提供资金保障;推动建立国际文化创意城市联盟,加速城市文化创意产业发展的国际化步伐。  相似文献   

我国周边安全环境与安全战略   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
国家安全是国家生存和发展的首要问题。在不同时期的国际秩序中,安全环境具有不同的含义。冷战结束后,维系国际政治经济格局的两极对峙不复存在,国际政治舞台上各种力量均势正地进行着较量和变化;国际安全环境中极端民族主义、宗教势力等社会因素的地位上升,地区性冲突成为全球安全的主要特征;全球经济向一体化、信息化转轨加大了发展中国家与发达国家之间的差距;全球技术的飞跃进步和技术发展与 应用的差距也成为影响当代国际政治经济安全秩序的重要条件。全球政治经济格局的这种变化不仅更新了安全环境的内容和安全观念,也为国家安全战略提出挑战。我国是一个多邻国众多的国家,维护国家安全具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

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