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李绍山  段增强 《安徽地质》2002,12(3):185-190
根据农用地分等定级规程和安徽省农用地分等试点的实践工作,设计和开发了基于MapGIS地理信息系统的安徽省农用地分等信息系统.介绍了该系统的技术路线、数据库结构和功能结构,并根据该系统在安徽省明光市的应用情况进行了总结.实际验证表明该系统符合规程思想,运行可靠,分等结果与实际情况相符,并且可以大大提高农用地分等工作效率.  相似文献   

基于WebGIS的农用地分等信息系统技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对农用地分等成果在资源共享中存在的问题,提出了借助WebGIS技术,以ArcIMS为平台的解决方案。分析了WebGIS技术的特点及方法,介绍了农用地分等信息发布系统的结构及功能设计,以吉林省农用地分等信息发布系统为例进行了开发和应用。  相似文献   

以多目标区域地球化学调查、土地质量地球化学评估、农用地分等定级等国土资源大调查项目为研究对象,从土地质量生态管护的角度出发,重点研究了地球化学成果如何与农用地分等定级成果进行整合和对接,初步提出了评价单元、评价因子的整合方法。  相似文献   

土地质量地球化学等级与农用地分等是土地质量的重要组成部分,土地质量调查成果可为各级政府开展土地数量、质量管理和生态管护提供重要的科技支撑。本文在对土地质量、土地质量评价以及土地质量地球化学评估、农用地分等概念进行界定的基础上,以浙江省嘉善县和慈溪市为例,探讨了土地质量地球化学评估结果与农用地分等成果整合方法,对比研究叠加法和因素法的原理与方法、整合效果以及存在的优缺点。研究认为;因素法重新构建评价体系,较为系统全面,但现实中难以做到;而叠加法保持各自成果的独立性,虽不够系统,但操作简便易行,是现阶段两种成果整合在方法上的最佳选择。  相似文献   

以土地质量地球化学调查成果数据及收集的农用地环境综合资料为基础,对甘肃临夏地区的土地等级进行了准确划分,其方法以农业地貌和亩产量作为宏观指标,以土壤性状、土壤养分、土地清洁度、生命健康元素含量作为微观指标,对各指标进行分解、量化、赋值等整合性评价。评价结果客观全面地反映了临夏地区土地等级内涵,达到了利用宏观指标分等、微观指标定级的新观点划分土地等级的实际意义,为农用地土地质量调查地籍档案的建立和土地管理决策提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

一、试点县(市)的基本情况 根据国土资源部办公厅《关于部署开展2007年农用地分等定级与估价工作的通知》(国土资厅发[2007]143号)文件要求,浙江省有七个试点县(市)开展农用地定级与估价工作,隶属于七个地级市,分布在不同地貌类型区域,在浙江省具有典型代表性,具体情况见表1。  相似文献   

当前,我国正处于工业化、城镇化加速发展阶段,土地供求矛盾突出,耕地资源减少的趋势短期内难以逆转。同时,受多种因素的影响,粮食产量一直处于波动之中,单纯对粮食产量进行分析评价难以反映我国粮食安全状况。保障粮食安全的前提是耕地安全,耕地安全要求耕地数量不减少、质量有提高,最终达到综合生产能力的稳定。但在耕地占补平衡过程中,以往的管理侧重于数量平衡,造成新补充耕地质量降低。即使实行补充耕地数量质量按等折算,  相似文献   

近日,由国土资源部起草的《农用地质量分等规程》、《农用地定级规程》、《农用地估价规程》三个国家标准正式实施。  相似文献   

农用地自然质量等级划分是农用地分等的前提和基础,其划分合理与否直接关系到农用地分等能否川页利进行,但现有研究方法难以全面反映农用地自然质量的差异性及其性质的可变性。依据浙江省的地形地貌等自然条件差异,将其划分为六大区域,并选择性地构建了不同的农用地自然质量等级划分的因素指标(基础肥力、土壤质地、有机质、耕层厚度、灌溉、排涝、pH、地下水位、坡度等)和评分标准,在此基础上基于可拓理论建立了农用地自然质量等级划分的可拓评价模型,并运用模型对水稻、小麦和油菜作物分别进行可拓评价及多作物综合分等,最终得到浙江省农用地自然质量分等结果。研究表明,可拓评价方法能反映农用地自然质量等级的动态性和可变性,使评价更为精细化和客观化,结果更符合浙江省农用地实际情况。  相似文献   

研究解读了近期出台的上海市设施农用地管理新政的背景和意义,分析其对设施农用地管理带来的变化和影响。以浦东新区为例,分析了目前设施农用地备案管理中存在问题,如设施农用地近期需求与长远土地规划之间冲突、使用届满不及时复垦、信息化管理水平低、设施农用地分布不均等,剖析了问题产生的原因,并提出过渡期管理政策、耕作层表土剥离管理机制、将设施农用地监管具体到部门责任到人、建立区级设施农用地管理系统、编制新一轮设施农用地布局规划等对策建议。对于解决设施农用地管理现存问题、适应新形势下设施农用地管理要求、规范设施农用地管理具有参考意义。  相似文献   

沉积盆地形成的地球动力学机制及其分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沉积盆地的形成主要与地球内部的热和物质的对流密切相关,它是沉积盆地形成和演化的原始动力。软流圈上涌高度,莫霍面或地幔羽的位置是地幔对流的具体的表现.根据地球内部流变学界限,岩石圈的性质和厚度,板内应力和沉积负荷可以将原始盆地划分为克拉通盆地。拉张盆地,挤压盆地和走滑盆地。  相似文献   

目前上海出台了建设用地减量化三年实施计划,各区县在深入推进中产生了很多差异。本文通过比较分析法,从近郊地区和远郊地区两个视角展开研究,发现在政府态度方面,前者积极支持减量化,后者被动推进减量化;在"198"工业用地减量化方面,前者推进积极有序,后者缺乏动力;在宅基地减量化方面,前者农民对其比较排斥,后者农民对其总体支持。结合访谈结果和实地调查案例,本文对这些差异化现象的原因进行解释。研究表明,制定近远郊差别化的减量化政策是下一步"减量化"实施的重要保证。  相似文献   

上海市隐伏断层及活动性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为吸取阪神直下型强震的经验教训,在上海市开展隐伏断层的定位及活动性研究.本文提出应用物化探、钻探、地震、地热、地形变、地质地貌等多项勘查手段和研究方法协同工作,综合判定上海市隐伏断层的存在及活动性.通过采用该方法,效果是显著的,查明上海市延伸长度在20km以上的隐伏断层29条,其中第四纪以来活断层5条,并对其基本特征和活动性进行分析,指出大场-周浦隐伏断层是未来上海市地震活跃的主要因素,不容忽视.  相似文献   

Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has operational applications in crop mapping and monitoring in many countries due to the distinct backscatter signature at various stages of crop growth. Polarimetric analysis of SAR data from different satellites was used for information extraction from different types of scatters in imaged terrain. The scattering processes were analyzed through the received scatter matrix derived from the target decomposition of SAR data. Three decomposition techniques, namely Freeman–Durden, Cloude–Pottier and Touzi decomposition of the ALOS PALSAR-1 data, were used in this study to extract land use/cover information with a specific emphasis on agriculture. The decomposed output parameters from these techniques were classified with supervised classifier of support vector machine (SVM) using region of interest (ROI) selected land use/cover classes. An accuracy assessment for the classified output was carried out using the ROI. The Ramgarh village in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan with the predominance of agricultural land, sand dunes and settlements was chosen as the study area. Freeman–Durden decomposition resulted in the highest overall accuracy of about 85% in the land use/cover classification among the three decomposition techniques adopted in the study. It was also observed that the accuracy of land use/cover mapping derived from Cloude–Pottier and Touzi decompositions improved with the use of eigenvalues in the SVM classification. Higher accuracies in the classification of agriculture land were noted with all the three decomposition techniques. The four parameters of Cloude–Pottier (H, A, α, β) and Touzi (α s, Φ s, ψ, τ) decompositions improved the classification accuracy for all the classes due to eigenvalues. The overall classification accuracy was above 88% for both the decomposition techniques with four parameters. The soil moisture values for agriculture land and sand dunes were validated through soil moisture maps generated using Oh 1992 and 2004 models.  相似文献   

Agricultural (Ap, Ap-horizon, 0–20 cm) and grazing land soil samples (Gr, 0–10 cm) were collected from a large part of Europe (33 countries, 5.6 million km2) at an average density of 1 sample site/2500 km2. The resulting more than 2 × 2000 soil samples were air dried, sieved to <2 mm and analysed for their Hg concentrations following an aqua regia extraction. Median concentrations for Hg are 0.030 mg/kg (range: <0.003–1.56 mg/kg) for the Ap samples and 0.035 mg/kg (range: <0.003–3.12 mg/kg) for the Gr samples. Only 5 Ap and 10 Gr samples returned Hg concentrations above 1 mg/kg. In the geochemical maps the continental-scale distribution of the element is clearly dominated by geology. Climate exerts an important influence. Mercury accumulates in those areas of northern Europe where a wet and cold climate favours the build-up of soil organic material. Typical anthropogenic sources like coal-fired power plants, waste incinerators, chlor-alkali plants, metal smelters and urban agglomerations are hardly visible at continental scales but can have a major impact at the local-scale.  相似文献   

Ireland's soil regions consist largely of Luvisols, Cambisols, and Gleysols. Approximately 60% of Ireland's land area is subject to varying degrees of soil limitations. Twenty-five percent of the land area comprises wet lowland mineral soils. Ninety percent of Ireland's agricultural area comprises pasture, hay, and silage. Approximately 30% of the agricultural area is devoted to dairying, and 55% to cattle production. is devoted to dairying, and 55% to cattle production. Trends in agricultural land use indicate that tillage declined substantially while livestock showed a substantial increase particularly in the decade 1965–1975. Research concludes that over 2.8 million ha has a capacity to carry at least 100 LU/40 ha (100 acres). Levels of fertilizer use in Ireland are below EEC levels. The highest fertilizer use levels are associated with the eastern and southern areas of Ireland. Tillage crops occupy only 10% of the agricultural area, while they account for 26% of tertilizer and lime use.  相似文献   

Arsenic concentrations are reported for the <2 mm fraction of ca. 2200 soil samples each from agricultural (Ap horizon, 0–20 cm) and grazing land (Gr, 0–10 cm), covering western Europe at a sample density of 1 site/2500 km2. Median As concentrations in an aqua regia extraction determined by inductively coupled plasma emission mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) were 5.7 mg/kg for the Ap samples and 5.8 mg/kg for the Gr samples. The median for the total As concentration as determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) was 7 mg/kg in both soil materials. Maps of the As distribution for both land-use types (Ap and Gr) show a very similar geographical distribution. The dominant feature in both maps is the southern margin of the former glacial cover seen in the form of a sharp boundary between northern and southern European As concentrations. In fact, the median As concentration in the agricultural soils of southern Europe was found to be more than 3-fold higher than in those of northern Europe (Ap: aqua regia: 2.5 vs. 8.0 mg/kg; total: 3 vs. 10 mg/kg). Most of the As anomalies on the maps can be directly linked to geology (ore occurrences, As-rich rock types). However, some features have an anthropogenic origin. The new data define the geochemical background of As in agricultural soils at the European scale.  相似文献   

Compaction of the 40-m-thick, upper Shanghai soft clay contributes to land subsidence in the Shanghai region. The upper clay, a marine deposit, continuously subsides at rate of 3 mm/years despite mitigation strategies designed to control land subsidence. These strategies include the artificial injection of water into the subsurface. Data describing the particle-size distribution, pore-size distribution, microstructure, mineralogical composition, pore-solution composition, and cation-exchange capacity indicate that the clay is semidispersed, substable, and susceptible to compaction. An evaluation of soil body deformation caused by artificial injection of dilute water into a marine clay suggests that depression of the electrostatic double 1ayer in the marine clays may be responsible for the observed compaction and resulting subsidence. A decrease in the swelling pressure of the marine clays might result from a reduction in the concentration of dissolved sodium in pore fluids when calcium-bicarbonate water is injected. Thus, ironically, the strategy designed to mitigate land subsidence could be contributing to it. Increasing the concentration of dissolved salts in the injection water may prevent the collapse of the clay structure and halt or reverse the subsidence process. The analysis results indicate the deformation of soft clay by consolidation is subject to its microscopic physical and chemical features, rather than the fluctuation of groundwater level. This continuous compression contributes as a major part to the land subsidence in Shanghai. Supported by Programmer of Excellent Young Scientists of the Ministry of Land and Resources People’s Republic of China, No.2002-18.  相似文献   

借鉴国内外已有的盆地研究成果, 在盆地分析的基础上, 从岩石圈板块作用、岩石圈深部作用和岩石圈表生作用3个方面, 兼顾系统性、科学性和应用性, 确立了盆地新的分类原则, 由此深入研究了盆地形成与演化的动力学类型, 并进一步阐述了盆地形成与演化的地球动力学机制。研究结果表明: 在盆地分类中, 首先主要根据盆地形成的地球动力学环境如岩石圈板块作用环境、深部作用环境以及表生作用环境来划分大类; 再根据盆地形成与演化的各种地质作用及其动力学过程如构造作用(伸展、挤压或剪切过程)、热力作用及重力作用进行主要类型划分; 再根据盆地的基底性质和地壳类型(如陆壳、洋壳或过渡壳)以及盆地的沉积充填史和构造古地理等(如海相盆地、陆相盆地或过渡相盆地)细分亚类。盆地形成与演化的动力学类型主要包括: 单一构造或热体制下盆地演化时的原型盆地类型、单一重力体制下盆地演化的原型盆地类型、多种构造—热体制下盆地演化的叠合盆地类型以及多种构造—热体制下盆地演化的残留盆地类型。在单一构造或热体制下, 从板块作用或壳幔作用角度原型盆地动力学类型主要划分为:伸展盆地(陆内伸展盆地、陆间伸展盆地、大洋伸展盆地和弧后伸展盆地), 挠曲盆地(弧后挠曲盆地、周缘挠曲盆地、陆内挠曲盆地), 走滑盆地(走滑伸展盆地、走滑挠曲盆地)以及克拉通盆地(克拉通退缩盆地、克拉通扩展盆地和克拉通迁移盆地); 单一重力体制下原型盆地动力学类型有负载盆地和撞击盆地;多种构造—热体制下的叠合盆地动力学类型有叠加盆地和复合盆地; 多种构造—热体制下盆地演化的残留盆地动力学类型有伸展隆起下局部沉降引起的残留盆地、推覆褶皱隆起引起的残留盆地、俯冲至局部碰撞引起的残留盆地及周边抬升隆起引起的残留盆地。关于盆地形成与演化的地球动力学机制包括: 岩石圈的板块作用机制, 岩石圈的深部作用机制以及岩石圈的表生作用机制。岩石圈的板块作用机制包括板块伸展、挤压和剪切作用; 岩石圈的深部作用机制包括软流圈与超级地幔柱对岩石圈的作用, 尤其是壳幔作用; 岩石圈的表生作用机制也很重要, 包括盆地的重力作用、大气作用、海洋作用和生物作用。通过本文的研究, 可以为研究整个岩石圈演化、壳幔作用、地球动力学过程以及成藏成矿机制奠定重要理论基础; 同时, 对于沉积盆地矿产资源、能源资源、水资源勘探和开发, 以及灾害防治和环境保护也具有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

土地储备规划是土地利用总体规划的重要组成,是为城市建设发展服务和指导土地供应计划的重要实施性专项规划,将在引领城市发展、规范土地市场运作、提升土地调控能力等方面发挥重要作用。通过分析土地储备规划的定位,确定土地储备规划的范畴和目标,探索土地储备规划编制的基本方法;结合城市土地储备机构工作特点,构建土地储备规划管理的动态机制。  相似文献   

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