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Summary The existence of long edge waves over a continental shelf is examined for a representative collection of shelf profiles. The frequencies of both trapped and leaky modes are found, when they exist, in terms of the shelf parameters. Certain theoretical trapped waves over a semi-infinite shelf are shown not to exist in the real ocean.A typical shelf profile on the east coast of Australia is modelled in four different ways from the above collection. The amplification of the leaky mode at the shoreline is found in terms of frequency for each model. Comparison of the results illustrates the severe errors introduced by crude approximations to the profile both at the shoreline and at the shelf cut-off region.
Lange Randwellen über einem Festlandsockel
Zusammenfassung Die Existenz von langen Randwellen über einem Festlandsockel wird untersucht für eine repräsentative Sammlung von Schelfprofilen. Die Frequenzen sowohl der trapped (geführten) als auch der leaky (energieoder impulsabgebenden) Eigenfunktionsformen werden — wenn sie existieren — ermittelt, ausgedrückt in Schelf-Parametern. Es wird gezeigt, daß gewisse, trapped waves (geführte Wellen) über einem semi-unendlichen Schelf im wirklichen Ozean nicht existieren.Mit Hilfe der obigen Sammlung hat man ein typisches Schelfprofil von der Ostküste Australiens in vier verschiedenen Arten modelliert. Die Verstärkung des leaky mode an der Küstenlinie wird für jedes Modell gefunden in Termen der Frequenz. Der Vergleich der Ergebnisse verdeutlicht die schweren Fehler, die durch grobe Näherungen an das Profil entstehen, sowohl an der Küstenlinie als auch in dem Gebiet des Übergangs vom Schelf in die Tiefsee.

Ondes transversales à longues crêtes au-dessus d'un plateua continental
Résumé On examine l'existence d'ondes transversales à longues crêtes au-dessus d'un plateau continental, afin de constituer une collection représentative des profils du plateau. On a trouvé les fréquences du «trapped mode» (mode captif) et du «leaky mode» (mode de transfert d'énergie et du moment) — quand ils existent — et cela en fonction des paramètres du plateau. On montre qu'il n'y a pas, dans l'océan réel, certaines ondes captées théoriques qui existeraient au-dessus d'un plateau semi-infini.Grâce à la collection dont il est parlé ci-dessus, on a modelé de quatre façons différentes un profil typique de la côte Est de l'Australie. Pour chaque modèle on a trouvé l'amplification du «leaky mode» sur la ligne de côte en fonction de la fréquence. La comparaison des résultats montre les erreurs importantes introduites par des approximations sommaires du profil, à la fois près de la ligne de côte et dans la région de transition du plateau continental en mer abyssale.

The response of a barotropic coastal ocean on a step-shaped continental shelf to a traveling sinusoidal wind stress forcing is predicted theoretically using a frictional force proportional to the alongshore current velocity. This theory is compared to a small set of observations from the northeast coast of Australia where a sudden widening of the continental shelf provides a geographical origin. The comparison is accomplished by means of frequency response functions relating alongshore wind stress with alongshore velocity. Amplitudes of the response functions are predicted to increase with alongshore distance equatorward and also to decrease with frequency at any location. These predictions are verified by the measurements. Predicted phase lags are generally less than about 30°, with observations agreeing with theory to within about 20°C. In general, the measurements provide reasonable evidence to support the theory of wind-forced continental shelf waves from a geographical origin.  相似文献   


A variational approximation to the dispersion relation for trapped waves on a flat shelf of depth h 1, bounded internally by a vertical coast and externally by a semi-infinite ocean of depth h 2>h 1, is obtained through an integral-equation formulation that accounts for all of the non-propagated modes that are excited at the discontinuity in depth (the conventional formulation of the edge-wave problem allows only for the propagated mode on the shelf and the dominant, non-propagated mode in the deep water). Coriolis effects are neglected. The exact result in the limit ω2 h 2/g↓0 (ω = angular frequency) is obtained by conformal mapping and compared with the variational approximation, which proves to be quite accurate over the entire range 1>h 2/h 1>x. The effects of the higher-order, non-propagated modes are found to be small for the long waves observed over the Southern California shelf by Snodgrass, Munk and Miller (1962).  相似文献   

The presence of an almost exact 180° change in declination in a piston-core from the continental margin off the west coast of Norway is associated with two distributions of positive inclination of the remanent directions which could have been interpreted to represent an excursion of the geomagnetic field. The over-consolidated top section, defined by anomalously low-inclination directions, reveals a magnetic fabric typical of slurries or deposits affected by water currents, as opposed to an anomalous fabric in the lower section associated with magnetic directions coinciding with the present geomagnetic field. The sampling area reveals seismic features indicative of slumping, erosion and redeposition, which are also reflected by micropalaeontological evidence. It is concluded that the pre-consolidated top-section has been transported by slumping, the anomalously low-dipping directions resulting from processes acting during the initial consolidation.  相似文献   

Seasonal and event scale variations in the distribution and growth of phytoplankton in different hydrographic regions of the continental shelf are compared and evaluated in terms of floristic composition and the evolution of density and nutrient structure across the shelf. Annual cycles of phytoplankton biomass inshore of the 1000-m isobath are characterized by a March maximum and a July minimum. Cross-shelf biomass gradients usually increase in an offshore direction, a phenomenon that is most pronounced during March and April when biomass is high, diatoms dominate, and growth rate is light limited. This is a consequence of the combined effects of growth along the stratified side of the shelf-break front and offshore transport of biomass produced nearshore. We estimate that about 90% of the diatom biomass produced during the February to April bloom period (35% of annual production) is exported from shelf to slope water. Similar but less-pronounced gradients develop during summer due to the development of a chlorophyll maximum layer below the pycnocline where growth rate is also light limited. Production and loss are more tightly coupled under these conditions and about 9% of the biomass produced during May to October appears to be exported (5% of annual production). Export during the diatom bloom period is balanced mainly by nitrate inputs from the Gulf of Maine and adjacent slope water while summer export may be balanced by anthropogenic nitrogen input. The latter could be coupled with biomass export by ammonium remineralization and nitrification in the cold pool of the mid-shelf region. In general, export is greatest when diatoms dominate, growth is light limited, and biomass distributions are physically forced. Export is lowest when nanoplankton dominate, growth is nitrogen limited, and biomass distributions are controlled by grazing.The shelf-break front plays a key role, influencing patterns of phytoplankton growth, biomass distributions, and shelf export. During the diatom bloom period, the development of stratification in nutrient-rich offshore water between storm events results in high growth rates and biomass near the surface on the shelf side of the front. Under these conditions, biomass accumulates in the mid-shelf region on a time scale of days to weeks. Export occurs during wind events with net export from the shelf occurring on a time scale of weeks to months. Blooms also develop along the shelf side of the front during summer but below the pycnocline. Most of the summer export of biomass probably takes place here with accumulation and export occurring on a time scale of hours to days. While this export is small compared to export during the diatom bloom period, it may be critical to the prevention of anoxic events such as that of 1976.  相似文献   


An analysis is presented of the propagation of barotropic non-divergent oscillations along the western side of an ocean basin along which the persistent circulation in the basin is strongly intensified and laterally sheared. Because the Rossby number of a western boundary current is near unity, the properties of these waves are strongly affected by the steady circulation pattern. It is shown that for relatively long wavelengths, these waves can travel along the shelf in both directions; however, for a small range of short wavelengths they can only propagate northward and are unstable. Along the southeastern coast of North America, the unstable waves have wavelengths of order 150 km and periods of order 10 days. However, these waves can become stable oscillations in the deeper water northeast of Cape Hatteras. These oscillations are a possible explanation of the initiation of Gulf Stream meanders along the continental rise.  相似文献   

N. P. Smith 《Ocean Dynamics》2004,54(3-4):435-440
Current meter and temperature data were collected over a 402-day period from an outer shelf and a tidal channel study site in the Exuma Cays, Bahamas. The shelf width is less than 2 km, and floods and ebbs through a nearby tidal channel extend across the entire shelf and reduce coherence of wind forcing and along-shelf flow. The data are used in perturbation analyses to investigate the across-shelf turbulent transport of heat and momentum over seasonal time scales. Data show a net landward transport of both heat and momentum over the course of the study, but the perturbation products contain distinct seasonal cycles. In fall and winter months, across-shelf heat and momentum fluxes are landward, while during spring and summer months fluxes are seaward. Comparison of shelf-water temperature with the temperature of bank water leaving on the ebb suggests that seasonal cycles of across-shelf heat and momentum in shelf waters are influenced by the seasonal export of relatively warm and cool water from Great Bahama Bank.Responsible Editor: Iris Grabemann  相似文献   

An unsteady model of secondary upwelling over the break at the edge of the continental shelf is described for bottom topography with a smooth but distinct shelf break. Numerical solutions are determined for examples using (i) a simple spin-up wind to illustrate the circulation and (ii) a moving pulse of wind to generate continental shelf waves.  相似文献   

A new mesh refinement strategy for generating high quality unstructured meshes of the Northwestern European continental shelf, the continental slope and the neighbouring ocean is presented. Our objective is to demonstrate the ability of anisotropic unstructured meshes to adequately address the challenge of simulating the hydrodynamics occurring in these three regions within a unique mesh. The refinement criteria blend several hydrodynamic considerations as the tidal wave propagation on the continental shelf and the hydrostatic consistency condition in steep areas. Several meshes illustrate both the validity and the efficiency of the refinement strategy. The selection of the refinement parameters is discussed. Finally, an attempt is made to take into account tidal ellipses, providing another cause for anisotropy in the mesh.  相似文献   

Kobashi  Daijiro  Hetland  Robert 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(11):1377-1395
Ocean Dynamics - A multi-decadal simulation of ocean circulation in the northern Gulf of Mexico produces strong submesoscale instabilities in the Mississippi/Atchafalaya plume fronts. The model...  相似文献   

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