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通过对唐山港京唐港区附近海岸演变进行调查和分析,结合唐山港京唐港区建港近二十年的现场观测资料,对港区附近的泥沙运动和港口航道泥沙淤积机理进行分析,对2003年10月强风暴潮期间,港口航道发生严重的泥沙骤於进行了研究,为解决港口航道特别是外航道的泥沙淤积问题,提出粉沙质海岸港区航道挡沙和固沙的工程措施,并通过物理模型对挡沙固沙措施的工程效果进行了模型试验。试验结果表明挡沙和固沙工程方案对航道泥沙减淤效果很明显,其中,挡沙方案目前已应用到唐山港京唐港区二期挡沙堤改造、三期挡沙堤的设计和建设工程中,已发挥其挡沙减淤的作用。 相似文献
粉沙质海岸泥沙运动特性研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
文章对粉沙质海岸的泥沙运动特性进行了系统、全面的研究.从5个方面进行了论述:粉沙质海岸的界定、泥沙基本水力特性、泥沙运移型态、航道骤淤的统计特性和航道淤积计算.提出粉沙质海岸的界定应综合考虑泥沙平均中值粒径、黏土含量和泥沙粒径分选性三方面因素;泥沙基本水力特性是起动流速小、沉降速度大、沉积密实快,泥沙运动十分活跃;泥沙... 相似文献
粉沙质海岸泥沙运动和淤积分析计算 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14
介绍了粉沙质海岸的泥沙运动特点,通过理论分析和水槽试验揭示出粉沙质海岸的泥沙淤积物中悬移质和推移质的比例,并提出粉沙质海岸淤积计算的方法。 相似文献
研究了茅家港环抱式突堤航道防护工程对茅家港犀段的海犀水动力和海犀地貌的影响,分析了该岸段海犀水动力变化和海岸地貌演变的原因,结果表明,堤内和东堤外侧的水动力变弱,滩面淤积;西堤外侧的水动力变强,滩面冲蚀;口门处的水动力增强,航道位置稳定且冲蚀加深;口门以外的水动力未变化,航道不稳定. 相似文献
粘性泥沙运动规律在淤泥质海岸工程中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
根据近年来我国淤泥质海岸粘性泥沙运动规律在海岸工程中的应用:包括对于适航水深的应用,在疏浚技术上的应用,关于航道泥沙回淤模式和计算方法的应用,关于在泥沙物理模型和数学模型上的应用以及在泥沙回淤整治技术上的应用.阐述和论证了学术成果与工程应用的有效结合,同时也突显了学术和基础研究在工程建设中的作用和价值. 相似文献
粉沙质海岸港口水域平面布局特点 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
从工程泥沙角度建议将泥沙中值粒径在0.03 mm≤d50≤0.10 mm的海岸定义为粉沙质海岸。粉沙质海岸泥沙具有易起动、沉降快、密实快的特性,由此决定了粉沙质海岸港口泥沙淤积的特点。与港口工程密切相关的近岸区域可分为淤涨型、侵蚀型和动态平衡型,同一地点,海岸地貌特征随外界影响因素的变化而变化。根据粉沙质海岸港口的泥沙淤积特点和实际经验,提出了在粉沙质海岸进行港口水域平面布局时应重点考虑的因素。根据已建港口情况,论述了适合粉沙质海岸的港口平面布局模式及应遵循的原则。 相似文献
粉沙质海岸离岸围垦后港内淤积引人关注。基于平面二维潮流数学模型,采用网格嵌套技术,模拟了渤海、曹妃甸海域潮流场;该海域泥沙为粘性沙,且围垦后港内流速很小,采用悬沙运动数学模型模拟了潮流和波浪作用下正常天气和大风天的含沙量场,分析了大风后含沙量衰减过程,计算了正常天气年淤积强度和大风天泥沙淤积厚度。计算表明,外海泥沙主要通过甸头东侧老龙沟进入港池水域。正常天气下,港内流速小,基本处于淤积环境,但由于外海含沙量小,港池水域年淤积厚度小于10 cm。大风浪作用下,曹妃甸海域含沙量明显增大,由老龙沟进入三港池的泥沙沿程落淤,港内普遍淤积,泥沙淤积厚度在5 cm以内。 相似文献
江苏淤泥质海岸海岸线分形机理研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
结合国内外分形研究进展,系统探讨了江苏淤泥质海岸海岸线的分形机理问题,指出;江苏海岸的形成受到了构造和河流泥沙淤积的双重作用,而海岸线的走向则受到了构造,河流淤积,滩面物质组成与沿海黄海沿岸流的共同作用;另外,江苏海岸线分维的变化与海岸的淤积和侵蚀有着必然的联系;再者,江苏海岸物质组成具有分形性质,这是江苏海岸线具有分形性质的物质基础。 相似文献
感潮河段船闸下引航道水沙运动及泥沙淤积 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
通过建立一维非恒定水流泥沙数学模型,对规则断面引航道中的水流泥沙运动规律及淤积特性进行了数值模拟计算,并对影响感潮河段船闸下泥沙淤积的各种因素(如干支流水位差、开通闸水头差、主流潮差等)进行了深入分析和研究。研究结果可为有关工程设计及运行管理提供参考。 相似文献
基于紊流随机理论的航槽三维流动数学模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据窦国仁的紊流随机理论,建立了一种模拟河口海岸水域中航槽三维流动的数学模型。采用控制体积法导出三维偏微分方程的离散格式;将水压力分解为动水压力和静水压力,用Patankar和Spalding提出的压力校正法求解动水压力,通过求解水位控制方程来得到自由表面;紊流模型采用安国仁提出的紊流随机理论,克服了k—ε模型中采用各向同性紊动粘滞系数的不足,而k—ε模型可作为紊流随机理论的一个特例。该模型计算了各种不同挖深比,各种航槽与水流交角的航槽流速分布,利用该模型计算得到的挖槽中的流速分布与水槽及水池试验资料相吻合。利用该模型可为开敞水域中开挖航槽的选择提供依据。 相似文献
This paper presents a finite element approach to calculate the full resistance profile of a spudcan deeply penetrating in dense sand overlying clay, in which a potential for an installing spudcan to experience a sudden uncontrolled punch-through failure exists. A modified Mohr-Coulomb model characterized by incorporating a four-phase variation of the mobilized strength and dilation parameters with an equivalent accumulated plastic strain is developed and tested for the overlying dense silica sand. An extended Tresca model is used for the strain softening of the underlying clay. A series of large deformation finite-element (LDFE) analyses are carried out, varying the strength and dilation parameters as well as the spudcan geometries. A fairly good performance of the present approach is verified by validating against groups of centrifuge tests data, allowing the numerical study to be extended parametrically. The four-phase variation of the mobilized strength and dilation parameters involved in the progressive failure of the upper dense sand is parametrically studied and extended to cover the range of sand relative densities that are of practical interest. Additionally, comparisons with the typical existing LDFE analyses using both simple and sophisticated constitutive models are carried out. It shows that the present approach performs fairly well to calculate the full resistance profile of a spudcan deeply penetration in both thin and thick dense sand overlying clay, especially the peak and post-peak resistance, within around 5% of the corresponding centrifuge tests results. 相似文献
在分析射阳港拦门沙航道一期整治工程建设后航道回淤特征的基础上,通过潮流泥沙数学模型分析研究了二期不同整治方案建设后的水流、含沙量及淤积分布特征,论证了不同方案的整治效果。研究表明:现状条件下由于导堤为潜堤,受越堤水流、口门回流等影响,一期工程建设后航道沿程普遍淤积。在一期导堤的基础上将导堤加高后有利于减小口门段航道淤积;将导堤延长后,淤积最严重的部位年淤强度有所减小,但在新的口门附近航道淤积仍然较严重;将口门宽度缩窄后,口门附近的淤积强度有所减小,但幅度有限;在航道内增加丁坝后,口门段泥沙淤积强度有所减小,但对改善中段航道淤积有限。 相似文献
A new approach for the solution of the two-dimensional guillotine-cutting problem in ship production
A. Cemil Dikili 《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(8-9):1193-1203
A new approach has been developed for the arrangement of rectangular pieces in plates for the guillotine-cutting problem as encountered in ship production and similar manufacturing processes. The algorithm is quite novel in the sense that instead of making preliminary specifications and ignoring all the alternative arrangements, as is the case for most of the current models, it selectively considers feasible arrangements by eliminating the majority of the probable arrangements that render the problem insolvable. Intermediate steps of the algorithm produce results which cannot be obtained through integer programming. Losses are distributed to the minimum number of plates. The number of arrangement plans is also minimized. Overall the solution of the problem has been drastically simplified to allow even hand calculations instead of long computer runs. 相似文献
AbstractPile foundation is the most popular option for the foundation of offshore wind turbines. The degradation of stiffness and bearing capacity of pile foundation induced by cyclic loading will be harmful for structure safety. In this article, a modified undrained elastic–plastic model considering the cyclic degradation of clay soil is proposed, and a simplified calculation method (SCM) based on shear displacement method is presented to calculate the axial degradated capacity of a single pile foundation for offshore wind turbines resisting cyclic loadings. The conception of plastic zone thickness Rp is introduced to obtain the function between accumulated plastic strain and displacement of soil around pile side. The axial ultimate capacity of single piles under axial cyclic loading calculated by this simplified analysis have a good consistency with the results from the finite element analysis, which verifies the accuracy and reliability of this method. As an instance, the behavior of pile foundation of an offshore wind farm under cyclic load is studied using the proposed numerical method and SCM. This simplified method may provide valuable reference for engineering design. 相似文献
A new method for the quantification of different redox-species of molybdenum (V and VI) in seawater 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A new method for the direct determination of reduced and oxidized Mo species (Mo (V) and Mo (VI)) in seawater was developed and used for the first time. The method includes the complexation of Mo (V) with tartrate, solid phase extraction of the Mo (V)–tartrate complex by a XAD 7HP resin, followed by elution with acidic acetone. In this study, the eluted Mo (V) was quantified by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The detection limit of this protocol was on the order of 0.2 nM. The analytical precision was 10% of ~ 10 nM. This method was successfully applied to the determination of Mo (V) and Mo (VI) in surface and bottom waters at the head of Peconic River Estuary. Total Mo (Mo (V) + Mo (VI)) ranged from 100–120 nM in most bottom saline waters, and 2.5–15 nM for surface fresher waters. Concentrations of Mo (V) in these environments ranged from 0 nM to ~ 15 nM, accounting for 0%–15% of the total dissolved Mo pool. The time series experiments showed that the Mo speciation changed within 1 h after the water collection, and therefore it is strongly suggested that speciation analysis be carried out within the first 15 min. However, since these are the first Mo speciation data in concentration ranges typical of normal marine and coastal waters, additional research may be required to optimize the methodology and further explore Mo cycling mechanisms. 相似文献