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我国《物权法》第123条对渔业权——养殖权和捕捞权只作了原则性的规定,难以满足日常渔业活动和司法实践的需要。通过对渔业权理论存在的问题分析,论述了渔业权的概念、种类,渔业权的主体、客体、内容,渔业权的取得、转让、消灭,渔业权的期限和渔业权的保护等,提出以司法解释的方法进一步细化渔业权——养殖权和捕捞权,以完善我国渔业权法律制度。  相似文献   

美国宪法第五修正案规定不动产征收改变了以往封建社会不动产征收为统治阶级服务的目的而转向公共利益。但最初的制度设计随着政府角色定位改变、社会经济发展繁荣等多种因素难以充分应对公共政策制定和实施过程中遇到的各种问题。该文通过分析美国不动产征收权的形成背景及对其产生影响的典型案例,探析美国不动产征收权的形成与演化。结果表明,随着社会经济多元化发展以及公共用途内涵的不断扩展,美国政府通过案例来补充和完善法律在最初界定不动产征收相关条款的概括和不足。政府在行使不动产征收权的时候,虽然部分涉及与经营性用地结合来实现提高本地居民收入、增加就业机会和改善局部市政环境等目标,但如何协调政府行为与公共利益的关键在于建立合理的公共参与制度来反映公众诉求和监督政府行为,以实现个体权益保护的目的。美国不动产征收制度的演化与发展为我国征地制度改革提供了一定的理论借鉴和案例支撑。  相似文献   

在与外交部建立密切协调沟通机制、以我国外交部的政策方针为引导的基础上,遵循"以人为本、预防为主、综合效益、统一领导"的原则,可设立"南沙涉外渔业纠纷危机应对指挥部",下设"南沙涉外渔业纠纷危机应对事务委员办公室"和"南沙涉外渔业纠纷危机应对专家顾问团"两个职责分明的常规机构,以此构建南沙涉外渔业纠纷应急组织体系,预防并降低南沙海域内突发涉外渔业纠纷可能对南沙捕捞业造成的负面影响。  相似文献   

信托制度最早起源于英国的“Use制度”。最初只是英国的一些教徒为了规避《没收法》,将其土地转让给其信任的第三人,并要求该第三人为了教会的利益管理土地,土地收益也归教会所有。随着经济的发展,英国土地信托的目的逐渐由关注静态的财产权益转变为关注动态的经营盈利和社会经济发展。19世纪中期,信托制度开始传入美国,后由美国传入东南亚等地区,并相继被一些大陆法系国家或地区移植。  相似文献   

管理策略评价(MSE)是近年来国际上渔业资源评估与管理学科发展的新趋势。MSE是通过对管理目标渔业系统的模拟,来测试和评价不同的渔业管理策略达到预期管理目标一种方法。MSE一般包含操作模型、采样模型、资源评估模型和执行模型,其中操作模型是核心。在操作模型中,通过模拟测试的方法来评估不同管理策略达到预期管理目标的程度,并充分考虑到渔业管理中的不确定性,因此渔业管理策略评价能够获得在渔业资源变动和不确定性影响下仍有较好表现的管理措施。管理策略评价一般与生物参考点、捕捞控制规则、管理规定和绩效评估有关。此外,随时间的变化的补充量、自然死亡系数和生长率,以及渔具和作业方式的选择性等,都会对MSE产生影响。由于可提高渔业管理的成功率,MSE已在渔业资源评估与管理中越来越广泛应用。通过对MSE的理论、方法和存在的问题进行总结与分析,并以实例阐述其在金枪鱼渔业管理中的发展和应用,为该领域的进一步研究提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

早在20世纪40年代就已经有学者将参与型管理作为一种独立的管理理念进行概括分析,但将其应用到渔业中进行渔业参与型管理的学术性研究尚处于初步探索阶段.我国渔政发展环境为渔业参与型管理奠定了稳固的平台,渔业参与型管理立足于渔民自身利益,能够加强渔民归属感,提升政府工作效率  相似文献   

南海是中国四大海区吕最大的海区 ,海域面积辽阔 ,其中大陆架面积约占总面积的一半以上 ,仅北部大陆架 (2 0 0 m等深线以浅 )海域面积约 3.74× 1 0 5km2 ,海区平均水深 1 2 1 2 m,海洋水文环境相对稳定 ,具有热带和亚热海洋的特征。南海北部地下自然环境优越 ,沿岸入海河流多 ,径流量大 ,水质肥沃 ,渔业资源丰富 ,渔场广阔 ,全区海底为大面积平缓地带 ,为发展海洋渔业提供了有利条件。但是 ,目前南海区海洋捕捞渔业的形势并不乐观。1 渔业现状1 .1 渔船数量及其功率不断增加  据报告 ,南海区海洋捕捞机动渔船从 1 95 3年的 4艘 ,发展到…  相似文献   

浅谈南海渔业管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南海渔业资源衰退的主要原因是捕捞过度和海洋生态环境破坏。由于海洋生态过程是动力学过程,很多生态因素的变化会相应引起生态过程的变化,同时生态动力学过程的因素又是多方面的,因此南海渔业资源的管理和生产方式应该从过去的开发型管理向着管理型管理方向转变。这种管理方式涉及面较广,必须实施从渔业资源管理、渔业水域管理、渔业水域周围环境管理到加强对渔船与船员管理、捕养并重、健全法制、强化治政队伍与执法力量配置以及开展国际渔业合作等管理措施。  相似文献   

美国土地管理的基本情况美国实行公私兼有的多元化土地所有制,其大部分土地被私人企业和个人所占有支配。在美国所有的土地中,私有土地占58%,联邦政府土地占31%,州政府土地占10%,城市政府土地约占1%。美国土地所有权分为地下资源权(含地下资源开采权)、地表权和地上空间权(含建筑物的容积率)。  相似文献   

南海渔业资源衰退的主要原因是捕捞过度和海洋生态环境破坏。由于海洋生态过程是动力学过程,很多生态因素的变化会相应引起生态过程的变化,同时生态动力学过程的因素又是多方面的,因此南海渔业资源的管理和生产方式应该从过去的开发型管理向着管理型管理方向转变。这种管理方式涉及面较广,必须实施从渔业资源管理、渔业水域管理、渔业水域周围环境管理到加强对渔船与船员管理、捕养并重、健全法制、强化治政队伍与执法力量配置以及开展国际渔业合作等管理措施。  相似文献   

Significant effects of fishing gear selectivity on fish life history   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past few decades, extreme changes have occurred in the characters of exploited fish populations. The majority of these changes have affected the growth traits of fish life history, which include a smaller size-at-age, an earlier age-at-maturation and among others. Currently, the causes of these life history traits changes still require systematic analyses and empirical studies. The explanations that have been cited are merely expressed in terms of fish phenotypic adaptation. It has been claimed that the original traits of fish can be recovered once the intensity of exploitation of the fish is controlled. Sustained environmental and fishing pressure will change the life history traits of most fish species, so the fish individual’s traits are still in small size-at-age and at earlier age-at-maturation in exploited fish populations. In this paper, we expressed our view of points that fishing gear has imposed selectiv-ity on fish populations and individuals as various other environmental factors have done and such changes are unrecoverable. Ac-cording to the existing tend of exploited fish individual’s life history traits, we suggested further researches in this field and provided better methods of fishery management and thereby fishery resources protection than those available early.  相似文献   

海洋渔业资源作为一种公共资源具有非排他性和竞争性,公地悲剧的困境使其面临强烈的搭便车诱惑,导致资源过度利用甚至枯竭。如何对海洋渔业资源进行有效管理,是维持海洋渔业可持续发展的关键所在。介绍了海洋渔业管理理念的发展与演变过程,在对基于政府集权、权利、社区以及生态系统的海洋渔业管理理念及其优缺点进行分析与研究的基础上,探讨了海洋渔业管理的未来发展趋势,并且阐述了其对我国海洋渔业管理带来的启示。  相似文献   

不确定性对北部湾二长棘鲷渔业资源评估影响的模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用蒙特卡罗模拟方法研究了生物学参考点F0.1、Fmax和当前捕捞死亡系数(current fishing mortality rate,Fcur)估计中的不确定性对北部湾二长棘鲷渔业资源评估的影响。结果表明:二长棘鲷渔业资源状态评估受到F0.1、Fmax、Fcur估计中的不确定性和管理者选取的决策置信水平的影响,二长棘鲷渔业被确定为过度捕捞的概率随着F0.1、Fmax、Fcur估计中不确定性和置信水平的增加而下降;F0.1和Fmax估计中的不确定性主要由生长参数的不确定性引起,自然死亡系数的不确定性对F0.1和Fmax估计中的不确定性的影响是有一定限度的。相比Fmax,将F0.1作为二长棘鲷渔业的管理目标更为合适。  相似文献   

权限管理是企业级应用系统中重要的一部分,决定了系统运行的安全性和稳定性.对权限的设计进行了分析和研究,同时根据DRP管理系统开发中用户对权限管理的要求,以基于角色的访问控制模型(RBAC)为基础,设计并实现了该DRP管理系统的权限子系统,保证了系统的安全性.  相似文献   

以我国普遍存在的计划生育问题为实例 ,管窥公共事业的治理之道。在我国公共事业的改革中 ,应重视重塑公众观念 ,以消除“公众失误”现象 ,将政府行为逐渐过渡到公共行为 ,改刚性管理为柔性管理 ,在重塑现代管理的同时 ,发挥公共管理应有作用。  相似文献   

Pakistani marine waters are under an open access regime.Due to poor management and policy implications,blind fishing is continued which may result in ecological as well as economic losses.Thus,it is of utmost importance to estimate fishery resources before harvesting.In this study,catch and effort data,1996-2009,of Kiddi shrimp Parapenaeopsis stylifera fishery from Pakistani marine waters was analyzed by using specialized fishery software in order to know fishery stock status of this commercially important shrimp.Maximum,minimum and average capture production of P.stylifera was observed as 15 912 metric tons(mt)(1997),9 438 mt(2009) and 11 667 mt/a.Two stock assessment tools viz.CEDA(catch and effort data analysis) and ASPIC(a stock production model incorporating covariates) were used to compute MSY(maximum sustainable yield) of this organism.In CEDA,three surplus production models,Fox,Schaefer and Pella-Tomlinson,along with three error assumptions,log,log normal and gamma,were used.For initial proportion(IP) 0.8,the Fox model computed MSY as 6 858 mt(CV=0.204,R~2=0.709) and 7 384 mt(CV=0.149,R~2=0.72) for log and log normal error assumption respectively.Here,gamma error produced minimization failure.Estimated MSY by using Schaefer and Pella-Tomlinson models remained the same for log,log normal and gamma error assumptions i.e.7 083 mt,8 209 mt and 7 242 mt correspondingly.The Schafer results showed highest goodness of fit R~2(0.712) values.ASPIC computed MSY,CV,R~2,F_(MSY)and B_(MSY) parameters for the Fox model as 7 219 mt,0.142,0.872,0.111 and 65 280,while for the Logistic model the computed values remained 7 720 mt,0.148,0.868,0.107 and 72 110 correspondingly.Results obtained have shown that P.stylifera has been overexploited.Immediate steps are needed to conserve this fishery resource for the future and research on other species of commercial importance is urgently needed.  相似文献   

Although many studies on the fishery biology of jumbo flying squid, Dosidicus gigas, have been conducted in the coastal areas within Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of various countries due to its commercial and ecological importance, limited biological information is available from waters outside these EEZs. In this paper, we examined D. gigas fishery biology from waters outside Chilean, Peruvian and Costa Rican EEZs, based on the fishery data collected by Chinese jigging vessels during 2006 to 2010. The dominant mantle lengths of D. gigas were 350–450 mm, 250–400 mm and 250–350 mm outside Chilean, Peruvian and Costa Rican EEZs, respectively. Size structure analysis show that a medium-sized group existed mostly in the waters outside the Chilean and Peruvian EEZs, whereas a small-sized group occurred mainly in the waters outside the Costa Rican EEZ. The longevity of the squid outside the Costa Rican EEZ was less than 10 months, while most of those outside Chilean and Peruvian EEZs were about 1–1.5 years and very few large individuals were 1.5–2 years old. A higher percentage of mature individuals existed outside Costa Rican EEZ implying the region as a potential spawning ground, while lower proportions of mature squid outside the Peruvian and Chilean EEZs indicated that spawning may be occurring outside our study area. Spatial differences in sizes at maturity of the squid are thought to be result from different environmental factors especially different temperature and nutrition among the three areas. Stomach-content analysis showed that cannibalism was important in the diet of D. gigas. Stress generated by jigging may increase the incidence of cannibalism.  相似文献   

For the purpose of fishery development, a hydrobiological investigation of Lake Chenhu was carried out in 1983 with reference to the productivity of various food organisms as well as fish. Of the entire lake, the annual net primary production was determined to be 27,818×106 kcal for phytoplankton, 2,898×106 kcal for macrophytes and 64,840×106 kcal for wet land vegetation. The annual secondary production chiefly from gastropods was 2,632×106 kcal. On the basis of 1981–1982 fishery data, the production of the main stocked fishes in the lake was also roughly computed. Analysing all obtained production data, we find the energy conversion rate of food organisms to fish in the water at the present stage is fairly low. Even in 1982, the year of better fishery management, food energy converted to plankton feeders or herbivores was only 1.6–1.8%; energy converted to fish yield was even lower, only 0.2–0.8%. To get a potential fish output of the ecosystem, a tentative estimation of fishery capacity of Lake Chenhu was made by using the index of food quotients and relevant conversion factors. The theoretical fish production in the lake is estimated to be around 6,000 t and, through the improvement of fishery management, an annual fish yield of 2,000 t can be expected.  相似文献   

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