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The Hammond Hill Research Catchment (HH) is a small (120 ha), temperate, second order tributary to Six Mile Creek, Cayuga Lake, and the Great Lakes (42.42°, −76.32°). The HH has been monitored since January 2017 for the purpose of understanding how recent infiltration mixes with antecedent soil water on hillslope forest floors and the spatial and temporal patterns of Root Water Uptake (RWU) by temperate northeastern US tree species (eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis], American beech [Fagus grandifolia], and sugar maple [Acer saccharum]). These data are informing us about the hydrologic consequences of anticipated tree species composition change and supporting the development of more refined ecohydrological models. The glaciated catchment is underlain by a shallow confining siltstone layer (1–1.5 m depth) and densely covered with an approximately 60 year old regrowth mixed species forest of hemlock, beech, and other deciduous tree species common to the northeastern US. Current datasets from the HH include precipitation snow water equivalent, discharge, and associated isotopic water compositions, δ2H & δ18O. Measurements of (top 10 cm) soil water content, as well as bulk soil water and hemlock and beech xylem isotopic compositions are made at several locations across a topographic wetness gradient. The near-term role of the HH is to support an understanding of the environmental and ecological drivers of plant RWU competition. All data from the HH are publicly available. 相似文献
Testing hydrological models over different spatio‐temporal scales is important for both evaluating diagnostics and aiding process understanding. High‐frequency (6‐hr) stable isotope sampling of rainfall and runoff was undertaken during 3‐week periods in summer and winter within 12 months of daily sampling in a 3.2‐km2 catchment in the Scottish Highlands. This was used to calibrate and test a tracer‐aided model to assess the (a) information content of high‐resolution data, (b) effect of different calibration strategies on simulations and inferred processes, and (c) model transferability to <1‐km2 subcatchment. The 6‐hourly data were successfully incorporated without loss of model performance, improving the temporal resolution of the modelling, and making it more relevant to the time dynamics of the isotope and hydrometric response. However, this added little new information due to old‐water dominance and riparian mixing in this peatland catchment. Time variant results, from differential split sample testing, highlighted the importance of calibrating to a wide range of hydrological conditions. This also provided insights into the nonstationarity of catchment mixing processes, in relation to storage and water ages, which varied markedly depending on the calibration period. Application to the nested subcatchment produced equivalent parameterization and performance, highlighting similarity in dominant processes. The study highlighted the utility of high‐resolution data in combination with tracer‐aided models, applied at multiple spatial scales, as learning tools to enhance process understanding and evaluation of model behaviour across nonstationary conditions. This helps reveal more fully the catchment response in terms of the different mechanistic controls on both wave celerites and particle velocities. 相似文献
Models simulating stream flow and conservative tracers can provide a representation of flow paths, storage distributions and mixing processes that is advantageous for many predictive purposes. Compared with models that only simulate stream flow, tracer data can be used to investigate the internal consistency of model behaviour and to gain insight into model performance. Here, we examine the strengths and weaknesses of a data‐driven, spatially distributed tracer‐aided rainfall‐runoff model. The model structure allowed us to assess the influence of landscape characteristics on the routing and mixing of water and tracers. The model was applied to a site in the Scottish Highlands with a unique tracer data set; ~4 years of daily isotope ratios in stream water and precipitation were available, as well as 2 years of weekly soil and ground water isotopes. The model structure was based on an empirically based, lumped tracer‐aided model previously developed for the catchment. The best model runs were selected from Monte Carlo simulations based on dual calibration criteria using objective functions for both stream isotopes and discharge at the outlet. Model performance for these criteria was reasonable (Nash–Sutcliffe efficiencies for discharge and isotope ratios were ~0.4–0.6). The model could generally reproduce the variable isotope signals in the soils of the steeper hill slopes where storage was low, and damped isotope responses in valley bottom cells with high storage. The model also allowed us to estimate the age distributions of internal stores, water fluxes and stream flow. Average stream water age was ~1.6 years, integrating older groundwater in the valley bottom and dynamic younger soil waters. By tracking water ages and simulating isotopes, the model captured the changes in connectivity driven by distributed storage dynamics. This has substantially improved the representation of spatio‐temporal process dynamics and gives a more robust framework for projecting environmental change impacts. Copyright © 2016 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 相似文献
Joni Dehaspe Christian Birkel Doerthe Tetzlaff Ricardo Sánchez‐Murillo Ana María Durán‐Quesada Chris Soulsby 《水文研究》2018,32(21):3206-3224
Rapidly transforming headwater catchments in the humid tropics provide important resources for drinking water, irrigation, hydropower, and ecosystem connectivity. However, such resources for downstream use remain unstudied. To improve understanding of the behaviour and influence of pristine rainforests on water and tracer fluxes, we adapted the relatively parsimonious, spatially distributed tracer‐aided rainfall–runoff (STARR) model using event‐based stable isotope data for the 3.2‐km2 San Lorencito catchment in Costa Rica. STARR was used to simulate rainforest interception of water and stable isotopes, which showed a significant isotopic enrichment in throughfall compared with gross rainfall. Acceptable concurrent simulations of discharge (Kling–Gupta efficiency [KGE] ~0.8) and stable isotopes in stream water (KGE ~0.6) at high spatial (10 m) and temporal (hourly) resolution indicated a rapidly responding system. Around 90% of average annual streamflow (2,099 mm) was composed of quick, near‐surface runoff components, whereas only ~10% originated from groundwater in deeper layers. Simulated actual evapotranspiration (ET) from interception and soil storage were low (~420 mm/year) due to high relative humidity (average 96%) and cloud cover limiting radiation inputs. Modelling suggested a highly variable groundwater storage (~10 to 500 mm) in this steep, fractured volcanic catchment that sustains dry season baseflows. This groundwater is concentrated in riparian areas as an alluvial–colluvial aquifer connected to the stream. This was supported by rainfall–runoff isotope simulations, showing a “flashy” stream response to rainfall with only a moderate damping effect and a constant isotope signature from deeper groundwater (~400‐mm additional mixing volume) during baseflow. The work serves as a first attempt to apply a spatially distributed tracer‐aided model to a tropical rainforest environment exploring the hydrological functioning of a steep, fractured‐volcanic catchment. We also highlight limitations and propose a roadmap for future data collection and spatially distributed tracer‐aided model development in tropical headwater catchments. 相似文献
Thea I. Piovano Doerthe Tetzlaff Pertti Ala‐aho Jim Buttle Carl P. J. Mitchell Chris Soulsby 《水文研究》2018,32(20):3089-3107
Integrating stable isotope tracers into rainfall‐runoff models allows investigation of water partitioning and direct estimation of travel times and water ages. Tracer data have valuable information content that can be used to constrain models and, in integration with hydrometric observations, test the conceptualization of catchment processes in model structure and parameterization. There is great potential in using tracer‐aided modelling in snow‐influenced catchments to improve understanding of these catchments' dynamics and sensitivity to environmental change. We used the spatially distributed tracer‐aided rainfall‐runoff (STARR) model to simulate the interactions between water storage, flux, and isotope dynamics in a snow‐influenced, long‐term monitored catchment in Ontario, Canada. Multiple realizations of the model were achieved using a combination of single and multiple objectives as calibration targets. Although good simulations of hydrometric targets such as discharge and snow water equivalent could be achieved by local calibration alone, adequate capture of the stream isotope dynamics was predicated on the inclusion of isotope data in the calibration. Parameter sensitivity was highest, and most local, for single calibration targets. With multiple calibration targets, key sensitive parameters were still identifiable in snow and runoff generation routines. Water ages derived from flux tracking subroutines in the model indicated a catchment where runoff is dominated by younger waters, particularly during spring snowmelt. However, resulting water ages were most sensitive to the partitioning of runoff sources from soil and groundwater sources, which was most realistically achieved when isotopes were included in the calibration. Given the paucity of studies where hydrological models explicitly incorporate tracers in snow‐influenced regions, this study using STARR is an important contribution to satisfactorily simulating snowpack dynamics and runoff generation processes, while simultaneously capturing stable isotope variability in snow‐influenced catchments. 相似文献
A study designed to test the validity of an isotopic method for estimating evaporation was conducted within a small, tundra lake situated in the continental Arctic of Canada. Evaporation was determined using an isotope mass balance approach which accounted quantitatively for isotopic fractionation, progressive evaporative enrichment of δ18O and δ2H in lake water, and attenuation of enrichment by liquid inputs and atmospheric moisture. Concurrent determinations made using standard mass balance, energy balance, aerodynamic profile and class A pans permitted rigorous comparisons between methods. Results are presented for two summers which had distinct weather conditions and hydrological balances. Overall, the δ18O balance was found to be in good agreement with standard methods during both years over time intervals greater than about one week. Owing to a less systematic response of δ2H over short time periods, it use is not recommended for quantitative mass balance determinations over time intervals of less than about 50 days in this setting. 相似文献
Quantifying streamflow sources within remote, data scarce, Boreal catchments remains a significant challenge because of limited accessibility and complex, flat topography. The coupled use of hydrometric and isotopic data has previously been shown to facilitate quantification of streamflow sources, but application has generally been limited to small basins and short time scales. A lumped flow‐isotope model was used to estimate contributing streamflow sources (soil, ground, and wetland water) over a four‐year period in two large nested headwater catchments (Sapochi and Odei Rivers) in northern Manitoba, Canada. On average, the primary streamflow source was estimated as soil water (60%) in the Sapochi River, and groundwater (54%) in the Odei River. A strong seasonal influence was observed: soil water was the primary streamflow source in summer, changing to groundwater and wetlands during the winter. Interannual variability in streamflow sources was strongly linked to the presence or absence of late summer rainfall. The greatest uncertainties in source quantification were identified during the spring freshets and high precipitation events, and hence, simulations may be improved through explicit representation of the soil freeze/thaw process and data collection during this period. Assessment of primary streamflow components and qualitative uncertainty estimation using coupled isotope‐flow modelling is an effective method for first‐order identification of streamflow sources in data sparse remote headwaters. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen (δ2H and δ18O) are useful conservative tracers for tracking the movement of water in soil. But although the tracking of water infiltrating through the soil profile and its movement as run‐off and groundwater recharge are well developed, water movement through the soil can also include evaporative fractionation. Soil water fractionation factors have, until now, been largely empirical. Unlike open water evaporation where temperature, humidity, and vapour pressure gradient define fractionation, soil water evaporation includes fractionation by soil matrix effects. These effects are still poorly characterized. Here, we present preliminary results from a simple laboratory experiment with four soil admixtures with grain sizes that range from sand to silt and clay. Our results show that soil tension seems to control the isotope fractionation of resident soil water. The relationship between soil tension and equilibrium fractionation appears to be independent of soil texture and appears well supported by thermodynamic theory. Although these results are preliminary, they suggest that future work should go after soil tension effects as a possible explanatory factor of soil water and water vapour fractionation. 相似文献
Koichi Sakakibara Maki Tsujimura Sho Iwagami Yutaro Sato Kosuke Nagano Yuichi Onda 《水文研究》2019,33(6):892-904
Understanding rainfall‐runoff processes is crucial for prevention and prediction of water‐related natural disasters. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is a potential tracer, but few researches have applied it for rainfall‐runoff process studies. We observed multiple tracers including SF6 in spring water at 1‐ to 2‐hr intervals during rainstorm events to investigate the effectivity of SF6 tracer in rainfall–runoff studies through the clarification of rainfall–runoff process. The target spring is a perennial spring in a forested headwater catchment with an area of 0.045 km2 in Fukushima, Japan. The relationship between the SF6 concentration in spring water and the spring discharge volume was negative trend; the SF6 concentration in spring water becomes low as the spring discharge volume increases especially during rainstorms. The hydrograph separation using SF6 and chloride ion tracers was applied for determining the contribution of principal sources on rainfall–runoff water. It suggested more than 60% contribution of bedrock groundwater at the rainfall peak and high percentage contribution continued even in the hydrograph recession phase. Based on observed low SF6 concentration in groundwater after heavy rainfall, the replacement of groundwater near the spring with bedrock groundwater is indicated as a mechanism for water discharge with low SF6 concentration during rainfall events. Consequently, rainstorm events play an important role as triggers in discharging water stored in the deeper subsurface area. In addition, SF6 tracer is concluded as one of the strongest tracers for examining rainfall–runoff process studies. And, therefore, this study provided new insights into the dynamics of groundwater and its responses to rainfall in terms of SF6 concentration variance in water in headwater regions. 相似文献
Maximiliano Rodriguez Nils Ohlanders Francesca Pellicciotti Mark W. Williams James McPhee 《水文研究》2016,30(20):3609-3626
This paper presents a methodology for hydrograph separation in mountain watersheds, which aims at identifying flow sources among ungauged headwater sub‐catchments through a combination of observed streamflow and data on natural tracers including isotope and dissolved solids. Daily summer and bi‐daily spring season water samples obtained at the outlet of the Juncal River Basin in the Andes of Central Chile were analysed for all major ions as well as stable water isotopes, δ18O and δD. Additionally, various samples from rain, snow, surface streams and exfiltrating subsurface water (springs) were sampled throughout the catchment. A principal component analysis was performed in order to address cross‐correlation in the tracer dataset, reduce the dimensionality of the problem and uncover patterns of variability. Potential sources were identified in a two‐component U‐space that explains 94% of the observed tracer variability at the catchment outlet. Hydrograph separation was performed through an Informative‐Bayesian model. Our results indicate that the Juncal Norte Glacier headwater sub‐catchment contributed at least 50% of summer flows at the Juncal River Basin outlet during the 2011–2012 water year (a hydrologically dry period in the Region), even though it accounts for only 27% of the basin area. Our study confirms the value of combining solute and isotope information for estimating source contributions in complex hydrologic systems, and provides insights regarding experimental design in high‐elevation semi‐arid catchments. The findings of this study can be useful for evaluating modelling studies of the hydrological consequences of the rapid decrease in glacier cover observed in this region, by providing insights into the origin of river water in basins with little hydrometeorological information. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Assessing catchment runoff response remains a key research frontier because of limitations in current observational techniques to fully characterize water source areas and transit times in diverse geographical environments. Here, we report a study that combines empirical data with modelling to identify dominant runoff processes in a sparsely monitored humid tropical catchment. The analysis integrated isotope tracers into conceptual rainfall–runoff models of varying complexity (from 5 to 11 calibrated parameters) that are able to simulate discharge and tracer concentrations and track the evolving age of stream water exiting the catchment. The model structures can be seen as competing hypotheses of catchment functioning and were simultaneously calibrated against uncertain streamflow gaugings and a 2‐year daily isotope rainfall–runoff record. Comparison of the models was facilitated using global parameter sensitivity analysis and the resulting effect on calibration. We show that a variety of tested model structures reproduced water and tracer dynamics in stream, but the simpler models failed to adequately reproduce both. The resulting water age distributions of the tested models varied significantly with little similarity between the stream water age and stored water age distributions. The sensitivity analysis revealed that only some of the more complex models (from eight parameters) could be better constrained to infer more plausible water age distributions and catchment storage estimates. These models indicated that the age of water stored in the catchment is generally older compared with the age of water fluxes, with evapotranspiration age being younger compared with streamflow. However, the water age distributions followed a similar temporal behaviour dominated by climatic seasonality. Stream water ages increased during the dry season (greater than 1 year) and decreased with increased streamflow (a few weeks old) during the wet season. We further show that the ratios of the streamwater age to stored water age distribution and the water age distribution of actual evapotranspiration to the stored water age distribution from constrained models could potentially serve as useful hydrological indicators of catchment functioning. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
To assess spatial, seasonal, and source variability in stable isotopic composition of human drinking waters throughout the entire USA, we have constructed a database of δ18O and δ2H of US tap waters. An additional purpose was to create a publicly available dataset useful for evaluating the forensic applicability of these isotopes for human tissue source geolocation. Samples were obtained at 349 sites, from diverse population centres, grouped by surface hydrologic units for regional comparisons. Samples were taken concurrently during two contrasting seasons, summer and winter. Source supply (surface, groundwater, mixed, and cistern) and system (public and private) types were noted. The isotopic composition of tap waters exhibits large spatial and regional variation within each season as well as significant at‐site differences between seasons at many locations, consistent with patterns found in environmental (river and precipitation) waters deriving from hydrologic processes influenced by geographic factors. However, anthropogenic factors, such as the population of a tap's surrounding community and local availability from diverse sources, also influence the isotopic composition of tap waters. Even within a locale as small as a single metropolitan area, tap waters with greatly differing isotopic compositions can be found, so that tap water within a region may not exhibit the spatial or temporal coherence predicted for environmental water. Such heterogeneities can be confounding factors when attempting forensic inference of source water location, and they underscore the necessity of measurements, not just predictions, with which to characterize the isotopic composition of regional tap waters. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. 相似文献
Natalie Ceperley Giulia Zuecco Harsh Beria Luca Carturan Anthony Michelon Daniele Penna Joshua Larsen Bettina Schaefli 《水文研究》2020,34(25):4794-4813
Estimation of young water fractions (Fyw), defined as the fraction of water in a stream younger than approximately 2–3 months, provides key information for water resource management in catchments where runoff is dominated by snowmelt. Knowing the average dependence of summer flow on winter precipitation is an essential context for comparing regional drought severity and provides the hydrological template for downstream water users and ecosystems. However, Fyw estimation based on seasonal signals of stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen has not yet explicitly addressed how to parsimoniously include the seasonal shift of water input from snow. Using experimental data from three high-elevation, Alpine catchments (one dominated by glacier and two by snow), we propose a framework to explicitly include the delays induced by snow storage into estimates of Fyw. Scrutinizing the key methodological choices when estimating Fyw from isotope data, we find that the methods used to construct precipitation input signals from sparse isotope samples can significantly impact Fyw. Given this sensitivity, our revised procedure estimates a distribution of Fyw values that incorporates a wide range of possible methodological choices and their uncertainties; it furthermore compares the commonly used amplitude ratio approach to a direct convolution approach, which circumvents the assumption that the isotopic signals have a sine curve shape, an assumption that is generally violated in snow-dominated environments. Our new estimates confirm that high-elevation Alpine catchments have low Fyw values, spanning from 8 to 11%. Such low values have previously been interpreted as the impact of seasonal snow storage alone, but our comparison of different Fyw estimation methods suggests that these low Fyw values result from a combination of both snow cover effects and longer storage in the subsurface. In contrast, in the highest elevation, glacier dominated catchment, Fyw is 3–4 times greater compared to the other two catchments, due to the lower storage and faster drainage processes. A future challenge, capturing spatio-temporal snowmelt isotope signals during winter baseflow and the snowmelt period, remains to improve constraints on the Fyw estimation technique. 相似文献
Marie Arnoux Elisabeth Gibert‐Brunet Florent Barbecot Sophie Guillon John Gibson Aurélie Noret 《水文研究》2017,31(14):2566-2581
Interactions between lakes and groundwater are of increasing concern for freshwater environmental management but are often poorly characterized. Groundwater inflow to lakes, even at low rates, has proven to be a key in both lake nutrient balances and in determining lake vulnerability to pollution. Although difficult to measure using standard hydrometric methods, significant insight into groundwater–lake interactions has been acquired by studies applying geochemical tracers. However, the use of simple steady‐state, well‐mixed models, and the lack of characterization of lake spatiotemporal variability remain important sources of uncertainty, preventing the characterization of the entire lake hydrological cycle, particularly during ice‐covered periods. In this study, a small groundwater‐connected lake was monitored to determine the annual dynamics of the natural tracers, water stable isotopes and radon‐222, through the implementation of a comprehensive sampling strategy. A multilayer mass balance model was found outperform a well‐mixed, one‐layer model in terms of quantifying groundwater fluxes and their temporal evolution, as well as characterizing vertical differences. Water stable isotopes and radon‐222 were found to provide complementary information on the lake water budget. Radon‐222 has a short response time, and highlights rapid and transient increases in groundwater inflow, but requires a thorough characterization of groundwater radon‐222 activity. Water stable isotopes follow the hydrological cycle of the lake closely and highlight periods when the lake budget is dominated by evaporation versus groundwater inflow, but continuous monitoring of local meteorological parameters is required. Careful compilation of tracer evolution throughout the water column and over the entire year is also very informative. The developed models, which are suitable for detailed, site‐specific studies, allow the quantification of groundwater inflow and internal dynamics during both ice‐free and ice‐covered periods, providing an improved tool for understanding the annual water cycle of lakes. 相似文献
Understanding the influence of storm events on nitrate (NO3?) dynamics is important for efficiently managing NO3? pollution. In this study, five sites representing a downstream progression of forested uplands underlain by resistant sandstone to karst lowlands with agricultural, urban and mixed land‐use were established in Spring Creek, a 201 km2 mixed land‐use watershed in central Pennsylvania, USA. At each site, stream water was monitored during six storm events in 2005 to assess changes in stable isotopes of NO3? (δ15N‐NO3? and δ18O‐NO3?) and water (δ18O‐H2O) from baseflow to peakflow. Peakflow fractions of event NO3? and event water were then computed using two‐component mixing models to elucidate NO3? flow pathway differences among the five sites. For the forested upland site, storm size appeared to affect NO3? sources and flow pathways. During small storms (<35 mm rainfall), greater event NO3? fractions than event water fractions indicated the prevalence of atmospheric NO3? source contributions at peakflow. During larger storms (>35 mm rainfall), event NO3? fractions were less than event water fractions at peakflow suggesting that NO3? was flushed from stored sources via shallow subsurface flow pathways. For the urbanized site, wash‐off of atmospheric NO3? was an important NO3? source at peakflow, especially during short‐duration storms where event water contributions indicated the prevalence of overland flow. In the karst lowlands, very low fractions of event water and even lower fractions of event NO3? at peakflow suggested the dominance of ground water flow pathways during storms. These ground water flow pathways likely flushed stored NO3? sources into the stream, while deep soils in the karst lowlands also may have promoted NO3? assimilation. The results of this study illustrated how NO3? isotopes and δ18O‐H2O could be combined to show key differences in water and NO3? delivery between forested uplands, karst valleys and fully urbanized watersheds. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The paper presents the development of a lumped conceptual rainfall‐runoff model [Transformation of rainfall to runoff, Variability across timescales and Model parsimonization (TVM)] and a series of tests on various levels of model structure at different time resolutions. It is applied to the Bradford catchment in the United Kingdom. The TVM model is developed with a flexible structure through various relationships in each module that can be modified depending on the study catchments. Adopting the downward approach, parsimonious models are developed to examine at what level of complexity the model is able to capture runoff variability. The approach aims to compromise between parsimonious and complex alternatives in model development. This study shows that model structure requires data at different aggregation levels of timescales depending on its complexity. It reveals that the absence of the infiltration excess strongly affected all models. The analysis shows that the time resolution of hourly downwards must be used for the study catchment. The investigation of model complexity indicates that the combination of the most complicated model structure and timescale of quarter‐hourly is adequate to capture the catchment runoff characteristics. The downward approach in the TVM model helps to gain a deeper understanding of water balance and runoff process in the study catchment. The approach could be applicable to other catchments to obtain parsimonious models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The stable isotope analysis of all major rain events from Moinabad (MB), Rajendranagar (RN) and Osmanasagar (OS) reservoir, three closely placed locations in Hyderabad, India, were carried out during the 2005 to 2008 period. The OS station recorded the highest amount of rainfall with an average value of 1000 mm, whereas the MB station recorded the lowest average rainfall of 790 mm. The stable isotope (δ18O) values of the precipitation samples during these period varied from ?11.43‰ to ?0.03‰ for the MB station, ?8.21‰ to 0.54‰ for the RN station and ?11.47‰ to 0.72‰ for the OS station. The d‐excess of precipitation at the three stations also showed considerable variations and revealed that the precipitation in the region undergoes significant modification through secondary evaporation during its fall. The possible causes for these observed spatial and temporal variations in amount and the isotopic composition of precipitation in a small geographical area within the city were studied. The observed variations may be attributed to the regional scale differences in water budget induced by rapid urbanisation activities in the city coupled with the differences in secondary effects undergone by the falling drops. This study elucidating changes in precipitation patterns in the city and its possible causes may largely help in its water balance calculation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The terms ‘downward’ and ‘upward’ (synonymous with ‘top‐down’ and ‘bottom‐up’ respectively) are sometimes used when describing methods for developing hydrological models. A downward approach is used here to develop a lumped catchment‐scale model for subsurface stormflow at the 0·94 km2 Slapton Wood catchment. During the development, as few assumptions as possible are made about the behaviour of subsurface stormflow at the catchment scale, and no assumptions are made about its behaviour at smaller scales. (In an upward approach, in contrast, the modelling would be based on assumptions about, and data for, the behaviour at smaller scales, such as the hillslope, plot, and point scales.) The model has a single store with a relatively simple relationship between discharge and storage, based on equations describing hysteretic patterns seen in a graph of discharge against storage. Double‐peaked hydrographs have been observed at the catchment outlet. Rainfall on the channel and infiltration‐excess and saturation‐excess runoff give a rapid response, and shallow subsurface stormflow gives a delayed response. Hydrographs are successfully simulated for the large delayed responses observed in 1971–1980 and 1989–1991, then a lumped model for the rapid response is coupled to the lumped hysteretic model and some double‐peaked hydrographs simulated. A physical interpretation is developed for the lumped hysteretic model, making use of information on patterns of perched saturation observed in 1982 on a hillslope at the Slapton Wood catchment. Downward and upward approaches are complementary, and the most robust way to develop and improve lumped catchment models is to iterate between downward and upward steps. Possible next steps are described. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Jamie Lee Stevenson Christian Birkel Aaron J. Neill Doerthe Tetzlaff Chris Soulsby 《水文研究》2021,35(6):e14223
Isotopes are increasingly used in rainfall-runoff models to constrain conceptualisations of internal catchment functioning and reduce model uncertainty. However, there is little guidance on how much tracer data is required to adequately do this, and different studies use data from different sampling strategies. Here, we used a 7-year time series of daily stable water isotope samples of precipitation and streamflow to derive a range of typical stream sampling regimes and investigate how this impacts calibration of a semi-distributed tracer-aided model in terms of flow, deuterium and flux age simulations. Over the 7 years weekly sampling facilitated an almost identical model performance as daily, and there were only slight deteriorations in performance for fortnightly sampling. Monthly sampling resulted in poorer deuterium simulations and greater uncertainty in the derived parameter sets ability to accurately represent catchment functioning, evidenced by unrealistic reductions in the volumes of water available for mixing in the saturation area causing simulated water age decreases. Reducing sampling effort and restricting data collection to 3 years caused reductions in the accuracy of deuterium simulation, though the deterioration did not occur if sampling continued for 5 years. Analysis was also undertaken to consider the effects of reduced sampling effort over the driest and wettest hydrological years to evaluate effects of more extreme conditions. This showed that the model was particularly sensitive to changes in sampling during dry conditions, when the catchment hydrological response is most non-linear. Across all dataset durations, sampling in relation to flow conditions, rather than time, revealed that samples collected at flows >Q50 could provide calibration results comparable to daily sampling. Targeting only extreme high flows resulted in poor deuterium and low flow simulations. This study suggests sufficient characterization of catchment functioning can be obtained through reduced sampling effort over longer timescales and the targeting of flows >Q50. 相似文献
We conducted an integrated groundwater–surface water monitoring programme in a 3.2‐km2 experimental catchment in the Scottish Highlands by sampling all springs, seepages, and wells in six, spatially extensive synoptic surveys over a 2‐year period. The catchment has been glaciated, with steep hillslopes and a flat valley bottom. There is around 70% glacial drift cover in lower areas. The solid geology, which outcrops at higher elevations, is granite and metamorphic schist. The springs and seepages generally occur at the contact between the solid geology and drift or at breaks of slopes in the valley bottom. Samples were analysed for stable isotopes, Gran alkalinity and electrical conductivity. Despite the surveys encompassing markedly different antecedent conditions, the isotopic composition of groundwater at each location exhibited limited temporal variability, resulting in a remarkable persistence of spatial patterns indicating well‐mixed shallow, groundwater stores. Moreover, line‐conditioned excess values derived from the isotope data indicated no evidence of fractionation affecting the groundwater, which suggests that most recharge occurs in winter. The alkalinity and electrical conductivity of groundwater reflected geological differences in the catchment, being highest where more weatherable calcareous rocks outcrop at higher altitudes in the catchment. Springs draining these areas also had the most variable isotope composition, which indicated that they have shorter residence times than the drift covered part of the catchment. The study showed that even in geologically heterogeneous upland catchments, groundwater can be characterized by a consistent isotopic composition, reflecting rapid mixing in the recharge zone. Our work, thus, emphasizes the critical role of groundwater in upland catchments and provides tracer data that can help constrain quantitative groundwater models. 相似文献