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Taking Huanglong Ravine and Kangding, Sichuan, and Xiage, Zhongdian, Yunnan, as examples, the authors summarize the hydrogeochemical and carbon stable isotopic features of the geothermal CO2-water-carbonate rock system and analyze the CO2 sources of the system. It was found that the hydrogeochemical and carbon stable isotopic features of such a system are different from those of shallow CO2-water-carbonate rock system, which is strongly influenced by biosphere. The former has higher CO2 partial pressure, and is rich in heavy carbon stable isotope. In addition, such a geothermal system is also different from that developed in igneous rock. The water in the latter system lacks Ca2+, and thus, there are few tufa deposits on ground surface, but it is rich in light carbon stable isotope. Further analysis shows that CO2 of the geothermal CO2-water-carbonate rock system is a mixture of metamorphic CO2 and magmatic CO2.  相似文献   

In this paper, by using concentration and carbon stable isotope the CO2 sources of soil profiles developed on limestone, dolostone and claystone basements in Central Guizhou, China are comparatively studied. The results show that CO2 concentration of soil profiles developed on different basements is different, having the following sequence: limestone>dolostone>claystone. Below the soil depth of 20 cm from the surface the ? 13C value of CO2 in soil profile developed on limestone ranges from -12.811‰ - -13.492‰(PDB), that in soil profile developed on dolostone varys from -13.212‰ - -14.271‰(PDB) and that in soil profile developed on claystone is about -20.234‰ - -21.485‰(PDB). Taking the carbon isotope of soil organic matter and carbonate rock as two isotopic endmembers, the proportion of soil CO2 generated by dissolution of carbonate rock is calculated, about 21%-25% for soil profile developed on limestone basement, 19%-21% for soil profile developed on dolostone basement. There is almost no influx of CO2 generated by the dissolution of carbonate rock in soil profile developed on claystone basement.  相似文献   

Six species of more than 20-year-old desert woody plants in the oasis-desert ecotone were selected for study. The results showed that: (1) in different growing seasons δ13 C values of assimilating organ varied between -14‰ and -16‰ for Haloxylon ammodendron (HA),-14‰ - -15‰ for Calligonum mongolicum (CM) and -25‰ - -28‰ for Caragana korshinskii (CK), Nitraria sphaerocarpa (NS) and Hedysarum scoparium (HS). (2) The net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of HA and CM was significantly higher than those of the other species. With the decrease in Pn for the six species, their intercellular CO2 concentration increased, but stomatal limitation value decreased under the intensive light. At the same time, the photochemical efficiency of PS Ⅱ dropped to different degrees. (3) The CO2 enrichment experiment demonstrated that, Pn of HA and CM increased to different extent under 450 μmol/mol, but their Pn reduced or approximated to the current condition under 650 μmol/mol. Under 450 μmol/mol the efficiency for solar energy utilization of CK and HS significantly reduced and under 650 μmol/mol their respiration rate exceeded photosynthesis rate. It can be concluded that HA and CM have some function of pathway for C4, but the other three species have the function for C3. The decline in their Pn is mainly caused by non-stomatal factors. HA, CM, CK and HS exhibited photoinhibition, which disappeared in a short time. This is a kind of positive readjustment to adapting to the desert environment. HA and CM can adapt to the high CO2 environment, but CKand HS cannot. With the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate warming, the latter two species in the oasis-desert ecotone may be gradually degraded or even disappear.  相似文献   

系统分析康定龙头沟温泉逸出气CO2的百分含量异常与该区域中强地震的对应关系.发现龙头沟温泉CO2的百分含量成组异常(3个月时间内出现多次突降,N≥2次),在该区域中强地震的中短期预报中比单次异常更为可靠,可以在日常地震分析预报中加以运用.  相似文献   

Graeme L. Scott 《Island Arc》2004,13(2):370-386
Abstract The influence of major active faults on rock alteration and stable isotope geochemistry is described for the Tongonan geothermal field, Leyte, the Philippines. In the Pliocene, acid alteration with characteristic iron enrichment (3 g/100 g) and calcium depletion (2 g/100 g) occurred along a Riedel shear fault in the Malitbog sector, and initial minor acid alteration also occurred along a similar shear in the Mahiao sector. Later, sodium metasomatism (5 g/100 g) coincided with the highest aquifer chloride (10 000 mg/kg) as a result of dissociation of saline magmatic fluids discharging through the reservoir rocks in the Upper Mahiao. The incursion of magmatic fluids (possibly δD 35‰, δ18O +7‰) set up a vigorous convection cell of meteoric water, which focused around low‐angle (L) shears centered in the Sambaloran sector. Meteoric water (δD ?35 to ?40‰, δ18O ?6 ± 1‰) depleted the reservoir in silica (6 g/100 g) and potassium (1–2 g/100 g). It also completely exchanged oxygen isotopes rapidly (within months) at high temperatures (300–400°C), and now does so continuously with fractured isotopically fresh or incompletely altered rock at small scales (centimeters or less) exposed by a 2 cm/year creep around the L shears to form a new component called geothermal water. Geothermal water mixes with meteoric water at lower temperatures (<300°C) to create the characteristic shift in δ18O of 6‰ at near constant δD (?35 ± 5‰). The 10‰ variation in δD is due to groundwater recharge derived from rain falling on steep terrain (5‰) and to enrichment of deuterium in boiling saline solutions (5‰); it is not due to two‐component mixing of meteoric with magmatic water. The low (~1) isotopic water/rock (W/R) ratios calculated from oxygen isotopes in previously published reports are meaningless, because the water contains four components (predominantly geothermal and meteoric water; <10% magmatic and rock water). W/R ratios of up to 1500 calculated from spring and rock chemistry are more realistic and, with a flow rate of approximately 50 L/s through a 30 km3 reservoir, can account for the estimated 3 My age of the system.  相似文献   

张启明 《地震研究》2001,24(3):238-244
通过对大理地区鹤庆、洱源、下关、弥渡等温泉水CO2释放特征及与区域地震活动的相关性研究,提炼出单项地震预报指标,从而进行系统合成,找出大理地区CO2的综合预报指标。  相似文献   

The Luliang and Baoshan basins are two small ba- sins in Yunnan Province. In the recent ten years or so, there have been found a number of natural gas pools of commercial importance in the two basins. Although the gas pools are small in size, the natural …  相似文献   

The δ13c values of soil CO2 are less than that of atmosphere CO2 in the karst area. On the soil-air interface, the δ13c vlaues of soil CO2 decrease with the increase in soil depth; below the soil-air interface, the δ13c values of soil CO2 are invariable. The type of vegetation on the land surface has an influence on the δ13C values of soil CO2. Due to the activity of soil microbes, the δ13C values of soil CO2 are variable with seasonal change in ps. Isotopic tracer indicates that atmosphere CO2 has a great deal of contribution to soil CO2 at the lower parts of soil proflie. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49703048 and 49833002)  相似文献   

Step heating experiments on ultra-high pressure (UHP) mcks from the Dabie Mountain shows a majority of CO2 in fluid inclusion (excluding H2O); CO is also a significant component, with a small content of N2 and CH4. Carbon isotopic composition of CO2 in fluid of metamorphic climax stage (-25%0- -30%0) is different from that of mantle carbon, indicating that UHP rocks did not experience obvious transformation by mantle fluids despite their subduction depth. CO2 was derived from carbon matter in the pmtoliths of UHP rocks in a relatively confined system, showing that the UHP rocks subsided quickly and uplifted quickly from the mantle. Current organization: Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Beijing 100083, China.  相似文献   

The Campi Flegrei (Naples, Campanian Plain, southern Italy) geothermal system is hosted by Quaternary volcanic rocks erupted before, during and after the formation of the caldera that represents one of the major structural features in the Neapolitan area. The volcanic products rest on a Mesozoic carbonate basement, cropping out north, east and south of the area. Chemical (major, minor and trace elements) and stable isotope (C, H, O) analyses were conducted on drill-core samples recovered from geothermal wells MF-1, MF-5, SV-1 and SV-3, at depths of ˜ 1100 to 2900 m. The study was complemented by petrographic and SEM examination of thin sections. The water which feeds the system is both marine and meteoric in origin. Mineral zonation typical of a high-temperature geothermal system exists in all the geothermal wells; measured temperatures in wells are as high as ˜ 400 °C. The chemical composition of the waters suggests the existence of two reservoirs: a shallow reservoir (depth < 2000 m) fed by seawater that boiled at 320 °C and became progressively diluted by steam-heated local meteoric water during its ascent; and a deeper reservoir (depth > 2000 m) of hypersaline water. The drill-cores are mainly hydrothermally altered volcanics of trachy-latitic affinity, but some altered pelites and limestones are also present. Published Na, Mg and K concentrations of selected geothermal waters indicate that the hydrothermal fluids are in equilibrium with their host rocks, with respect to K-feldspar, albite, sericite and chlorite. The measured δ18O(SMOW) values of rocks range from +4.3 to + 16.5%. The measured δD(SMOW) values range from − 79 to − 46%. The calculated isotopic composition of the fluids at equilibrium with the samples vary from + 1 to + 8.3%. δ18O and from − 52 to + 1%. δD. The estimated isotopic composition of the waters at equilibrium with the studied samples confirmed the existence of two distinct fluid types circulating in the geothermal system. The shallower has a marine water signature, while the deeper water has a signature consistent both with magmatic and meteoric origins. In the latter case, the recharge of this aquifer likely occurs at the outcrop of the Mesozoic Limestones surrounding the Campanian Plain; after infiltration, the water percolates through evaporitic layers, becoming hypersaline and D-depleted.  相似文献   

The injection of CO2 at the Ketzin pilot site commenced in June 2008 and was terminated in August 2013 after 67 kT had been injected into a saline formation at a depth of 630–650 m. As part of the site monitoring program, four 3D surface seismic surveys have been acquired to date, one baseline and three repeats, of which two were conducted during the injection period, and one during the post‐injection phase. The surveys have provided the most comprehensive images of the spreading CO2 plume within the reservoir layer. Both petrophysical experiments on core samples from the Ketzin reservoir and spectral decomposition of the 3D time‐lapse seismic data show that the reservoir pore pressure change due to CO2 injection has a rather minor impact on the seismic amplitudes. Therefore, the observed amplitude anomaly is interpreted to be mainly due to CO2 saturation. In this study, amplitude versus offset analysis has been applied to investigate the amplitude versus offset response from the top of the sandstone reservoir during the injection and post‐injection phases, and utilize it to obtain a more quantitative assessment of the CO2 gaseous saturation changes. Based on the amplitude versus offset modelling, a prominent decrease in the intercept values imaged at the top of the reservoir around the injection well is indeed associated solely with the CO2 saturation increase. Any change in the gradient values, which would, in case it was positive, be the only signature induced by the reservoir pressure variations, has not been observed. The amplitude versus offset intercept change is, therefore, entirely ascribed to CO2 saturation and used for its quantitative assessment. The estimated CO2 saturation values around the injection area in the range of 40%–60% are similar to those obtained earlier from pulsed neutron‐gamma logging. The highest values of 80% are found in the second seismic repeat in close vicinity to the injection and observation wells.  相似文献   

The Xushen gas field,located in the north of Songliao Basin,is a potential giant gas area for China in the future.Its proved reserves have exceeded 1000×10 8 m 3 by the end of 2005.But,the origin of natural gases from the deep strata is still in debating.Epimetamorphic rocks as a potential gas source are widely spreading in the northern basement of Songliao Basin.According to pyrolysis experiments for these rocks in the semi-confined system,gas production and geochemistry of alkane gases are discussed in this paper.The Carboniferous-Permian epimetamorphic rocks were heated from 300℃to 550℃,with temperature interval of 50℃.The gas production was quantified and measured for chemical and carbon isotopic compositions.Results show thatδ13C 1 is less than?20‰,carbon isotope trend of alkane gas isδ13C 1 <δ13C 2 <δ13C 3 orδ13C 1 <δ13C 2 >δ13C 3 ,these features suggest that the gas would be coal-type gas at high-over maturity,not be inorganic gas with reversal trend of gaseous alkanes (δ13C 1 >δ13C 2 >δ13C 3 ).These characteristics of carbon isotopes are similar with the natural gas from the basin basement,but disagree with gas from the Xingcheng reservoir.Thus,the mixing gases from the pyrolysis gas with coal-typed gases at high-over maturity or oil-typed gases do not cause the reversal trend of carbon isotopes.The gas generation intensity for epimetamorphic rocks is 3.0×10 8 ―23.8×10 8 m 3 /km 2 ,corresponding to Ro from 2.0%to 3.5%for organic matter.  相似文献   

张风菊  薛滨  姚书春 《湖泊科学》2018,30(1):234-244
通过对内蒙古高原呼伦湖沉积物样品总有机碳含量(TOC)及其稳定同位素(δ13Corg)、总氮含量(TN)和TOC/TN(C/N)值的测定,结合沉积岩芯AMS14C年代标尺,分析了中全新世以来呼伦湖沉积物有机碳埋藏速率随时间变化的趋势及有机质的来源,并探讨了影响呼伦湖有机碳埋藏的主要因素.结果表明,中全新世以来呼伦湖有机碳埋藏速率平均值约为2.06 g/(m~2·a),碳储量约为35.25 Tg C,且总体上呈现增加趋势.呼伦湖沉积物中有机质主要来源于外源输入,但近1000 a以来内源输入逐渐增加并占据优势.呼伦湖有机碳埋藏速率与温度和降水均呈负相关,表明在长时间尺度上,升温及降水量的增加可能对呼伦湖的碳埋藏起到一定的抑制作用.  相似文献   

Since Schlanger and Jenkyns (1976)[1] first ad-vanced the ?oceanic anoxic events ?(OAEs) model to explain the origin of the worldwide distributed Early Cretaceous Aptian-Albian (115—103 MaBP) and Late Cretaceous Cenomanian-Turonian (95—88 MaBP) black shales, the OAEs and responses to them have been one of the 揾ot spots?in geological circles. Up till now, researchers at home and abroad have exten-sively studied the sedimentary and geochemical re-sponses to the two anoxic events, espe…  相似文献   

 Numerous measurements of CO2 degassing from the soil, carried out with the accumulation chamber method, indicate that in the period April–July 1995 the upper part of the Fossa cone released a total output of 200 t d–1 of CO2, which corresponds to approximately 1000 t d–1 of steam. These large amounts of fluids are of the same order of magnitude as those released by the high temperature fumarolic field located inside the crater. The spatial distribution of soil gas fluxes shows that the main structures releasing CO2 are the inner slopes of the crater and a NW–SE line, located NE of the crater rim, which correspond to the main direction of Vulcano Island active faults. The comparison of the φCO2 maps with the soil temperature distribution, derived from both direct measurements and airborne infrared images, indicates the occurrence of extensive condensation of fumarolic steam within the upper part of the Fossa cone, whose total amount is comparable to the rainfall budget. Part of the condensate which originates from this process contributes to the recharge of the phreatic aquifer of Porto Plain, modifying the chemical and isotopic composition of the groundwater. Received: 1 September 1995 / Accepted: 8 January 1996  相似文献   

Evaluating the role of fluvial transfer of terrestrial organic carbon (OC) and subsequent burial in the global carbon cycle requires the sources and fluxes of fluvial OC to be assessed, which remains poorly constrained in the Huanghe (Yellow River). Here, we report the elemental, stable isotopic, and radiocarbon activity of particulate organic carbon (POC) sampled at the outlet of Huanghe in 2012–2013. We show that the Huanghe riverine POC can be explained by binary mixing of fossil (POCfossil) and non‐fossil (POCnon‐fossil) components, the former may reach ~40% of the total POC. The Huanghe POCnon‐fossil is mostly sourced from C3 plants, with a mean residence time of c. 2200 years. The current human‐controlled hydrological regime strongly influenced the POC sources, transport modes, and fluxes. In 2012–2013, the Huanghe delivered 0.73 Tg (1 Tg = 1012 g) of POC to the sea, and about 28% of the annual POC flux occurred within a short human induced flood event. Globally, the Huanghe should be one of the largest rivers in the transfer and re‐burial of fossil OC. However, the fate of Huanghe fossil OC is still unconstrained and needs to be further investigated. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Tarim Basin, located in Xinjiang (Fig. 1), is the largest deposit basin with an area of about 560000 km2 in China. From late Triassic period to early Miocene, two huge subbasins developed, named the Kuqa sub-basin at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains in the north and the Shaqa subbasin at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains in the south of the Tarim Basin. During the late Cretaceous to early Tertiary period, the Paleo-me- diterranean seawater repetitively invaded into the Shaqa subbas…  相似文献   

There are well coherences between annual averaged air temperatures at every meteorological station along the Qinghai-Xizang railway, and its 10-year moving average correlation coefficient is 0.92. Thus, the regional averaged annual mean temperature series along the Qinghai-Xizang railway (Trw) from 1935 to 2000 are constructed. The investigation is suggested that: Trw had significant responses to the 5-year lagged sunspot cycle length (SCL) and 15-year lagged concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), and the correlation coefficients between them are -0.76 (SCL) and 0.88 (CO2), respectively. The future SCL is predicted by the model of average generated function constructed with its main cycles of 76a, 93a, 108a, 205a and 275a. The result shows that the SCL would be becoming longer in the first half of the 21st century, and then it could be becoming shorter in the second half of the 21st century. Based on the natural change of SCL and the effect of double CO2 concentration, Trw in the 21st century is forecasted. It could warm up about 0.50℃ in the first half of the 21st century compared with the last decade of last century. The mean maximum air temperature could be likely about 0.20℃ in July and from 0.40℃ to 1.10℃ in January. The annual air temperature difference would likely reduce 0.3-1.00℃. The probability of above predictions ranges from 0.64 to 0.73.  相似文献   

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