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The Hong’an area (western Dabie Mountains) is the westernmost terrane in the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogen that preserves UHP eclogites. The ages of the UHP metamorphism have not been well constrained, and thus hinder our understanding of the tectonic evolution of this area. LA-ICPMS U–Pb age, trace element and Hf isotope compositions of zircons of a granitic gneiss and an eclogite from the Xinxian UHP unit in the Hong’an area were analyzed to constrain the age of the UHP metamorphism. Most zircons are unzoned or show sector zoning. They have low trace element concentrations, without significant negative Eu anomalies. These metamorphic zircons can be further subdivided into two groups according to their U–Pb ages, and trace element and Lu–Hf isotope compositions. One group with an average age of 239 ± 2 Ma show relatively high and variable HREE contents (527 ≥ LuN ≥ 14) and 176Lu/177Hf ratios (0.00008–0.000931), indicating their growth prior to a great deal of garnet growth in the late stage of continental subduction. The other group yields an average age of 227 ± 2 Ma, and shows consistent low HREE contents and 176Lu/177Hf ratios, suggesting their growth with concurrent garnet crystallization and/or recrystallization. These two groups of age are taken as recording the time of prograde HP to UHP and retrograde UHP–HP stages, respectively. A few cores have high Th/U ratios, high trace element contents, and a clear negative Eu anomaly. These features support a magmatic origin of these zircon cores. The upper intercept ages of 771 ± 86 and 752 ± 70 Ma for the granitic gneiss and eclogite, respectively, indicate that their protoliths probably formed as a bimodal suite in rifting zones in the northern margin of the Yangtze Block. Young Hf model ages (T DM1) of magmatic cores indicate juvenile (mantle-derived) materials were involved in their protolith formation. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The large low-grade Piaotang W–Sn deposit in the southern Jiangxi tungsten district of the eastern Nanling Range, South China, is related to a hidden granite pluton of Jurassic age. The magmatic-hydrothermal system displays a zonation from an inner greisen zone to quartz veins and to peripheral veinlets/stringers (Five-floor zonation model). Most mineralization is in quartz veins with wolframite > cassiterite. The hidden granite pluton in underground exposures comprises three intrusive units, i.e. biotite granite, two-mica granite and muscovite granite. The latter unit is spatially associated with the W–Sn deposit.Combined LA-MC-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of igneous zircon and LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of hydrothermal cassiterite are used to constrain the timing of granitic magmatism and hydrothermal mineralization. Zircon from the three granite units has a weighted average 206Pb/238U age of 159.8 ± 0.3 Ma (2 σ, MSWD = 0.3). The cathodoluminescence (CL) textures indicate that some of the cassiterite crystals from the wolframite-cassiterite quartz vein system have growth zonations, i.e. zone I in the core and zone II in the rim. Dating on cassiterite (zone II) yields a weighted average 206Pb/238U age of 159.5 ± 1.5 Ma (2 σ, MSWD = 0.4), i.e. the magmatic and hydrothermal systems are synchronous. This confirms the classical model of granite-related tin–tungsten mineralization, and is against the view of a broader time gap of >6 Myr between granite magmatism and W–Sn mineralization which has been previously proposed for the southern Jiangxi tungsten district. The elevated trace element concentrations of Zr, U, Nb, Ta, W and Ti suggest that cassiterite (zone II) formed in a high-temperature quartz vein system related to the Piaotang granite pluton.  相似文献   

A series of significant geological changes indicated by deformation, magmatic–metallogenic systems, and the climate and environment occurred in East Asia during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous time, but the timing and development of the ‘Yanshan movement’ on the north margin of the North China Craton has not been well-established. Based on the evidence of tectonic deformation and magmatic activity, previous studies resulted in two views of the beginning of the Yanshan movement: Early Jurassic vs. late Middle Jurassic. In this work, the timing of the initial Yanshan movement was investigated by examining the Jurassic Chenjiabangou section in the Ningwu–Jingle basin overlying the north-central part of the North China Craton. The timing of the initial Yanshan movement was constrained by restoration of stream flow directions, determination of boundaries of sedimentary cycles, identification of heavy mineral assemblages in clastic rocks, quantification of changes in chemical compositions, and zircon U–Pb isotope dating. The results indicate that the basal conglomerates of the Middle Jurassic Yungang Formation (Bathonian) mark the beginning of the Yanshan movements. Evidence supporting this conclusion includes the following. (1) The switch from transgressive lacustrine deposition to regressive lacustrine deposition in the Yungang Formation sedimentary succession indicates a change from extension to compression, possibly reflecting uplift. (2) Early-stage clastic rocks rich in quartz and feldspar are replaced by feldspar detritus in late-stage clastic rocks; the heavy mineral assemblage dominated by zircon at the early stages changed to garnet-dominated assemblage upsection. Moreover, the concentrations of CaO, MgO, CO2, and Fe2O3 + FeO and the Fe2O3/FeO ratio changed abruptly near the basal conglomerates of the Middle Jurassic Yungang Formation, suggesting increased denudation. (3) Conglomerates at the bottom of the Middle Jurassic Yungang Formation were deposited approximately 168 million years ago, as inferred from the age of zircons in tuffaceous micrite (160.6 ± 0.55 Ma) at the bottom of the Upper Jurassic Tianchihe Formation (Oxfordian) and the age of zircons in pyroclastic rocks (179.2 ± 0.79 Ma) in the Lower Jurassic Yongdingzhuang Formation (Toarcian). These lines of evidence indicate that initial Jurassic Yanshan movement began 168 million years ago during Middle Jurassic time.  相似文献   

The Huwan Shear Zone (HSZ) is an eclogite bearing transpressive wrench zone located along the Shangdan Suture that juxtaposes the Paleozoic Qinling and Mesozoic Hong'an–Dabie orogenic terrains. The region preserves a complex history that bridges the gap between adjacent orogenic terrains. Simultaneous in-situ trace element, U–Th–Pb and Lu–Hf‐isotope analysis of zircon grains from samples of the Xiongdian and Sujiahe eclogite identify a late Carboniferous to early Permian period of high pressure metamorphism, ca. 283 to 306 Ma. Zircon grains are observed to respond to metamorphic overprint via a two stage process: (1) An initial prograde stage of fluid catalyzed interface coupled dissolution–reprecipitation, involving exsolution of a non-ideal solid solution thorite (ThSiO4) end member and loss of highly incompatible components (LREE and Pb), (2) A second stage of coupled zircon dissolution, coarsening, and new rim growth in equilibrium with garnet at high pressure conditions.We identify Proterozoic whole rock Sm–Nd and zircon grain Lu–Hf isotopic evidence which challenges the traditional interpretation that the Xiongdian and Sujiahe eclogite formed in response to early Paleozoic mantle melting and oceanic crust generation. We argue the Huwan Shear Zone contains no conclusive evidence of early/middle Paleozoic oceanic crust, but rather Proterozoic crustal components analogous to those found in the Northern Qinling Terrain and associated with formation of the Shangdan Suture. We present a simpler geodynamic model involving continuous convergence and accretion of terrains onto the southern margin of the North China Block during the Paleozoic Qinling and Mesozoic Dabie orogenies.  相似文献   

The Zhazixi Sb–W deposit in the Xuefeng uplift, South China, exhibits a unique metal association of W and Sb, where the W orebodies are hosted by interlayer fractures and the Sb orebodies are contained within NW-trending faults. This study proposes that the W and Sb mineralization took place in two separate periods. The mineral paragenesis of the W mineralization reveals a mass of quartz, scheelite and minor calcite. The mineral assemblage of the Sb mineralization developed after W mineralization and consists of predominantly quartz and stibnite, and small amounts of native Sb, berthierite, chalcostibnite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. Fluid inclusions in quartz and coexisting scheelite are dominated by two-phase, liquid-rich, aqueous inclusions at room temperature. Microthermometric studies suggest that ore-forming fluids for W mineralization are characterized by moderate temperatures (170–270 °C), low salinity (3–7 wt% NaCl equiv.), low density (0.75–0.95 g/cm3), and moderate to high pressure (57.2–99.7 MPa) and these fluids experienced a cooling and dilution evolution during W mineralization. Ore-forming fluids for Sb mineralization are epithermal types with low temperatures (150–230 °C), low salinity (4–6 wt% NaCl equiv.), moderate density (0.82–0.94 g/cm3), and high pressure (42.2–122.5 MPa) and these fluids display an evident decline in homogenization temperature during Sb mineralization. Laser Raman analyses of the vapor phase indicate that the ore-forming fluids for both W and Sb mineralization contain a small amount of CO2.The ore-forming fluids for Sb mineralization are identified as predominantly originating from the continental crust, as suggested by the low 3He values (0.009 × 10−12 cc.STP/g) and 3He/4He ratios (0.002–0.056 Ra) as well as high 36Ar values (1.93 × 10−9 cc.STP/g) and 40Ar/36Ar ratios (909.5–2279.7). The source of S is identified to be the Neoproterozoic Wuqiangxi Formation, as traced by the δ34SV-CDT values of stibnite (3.1–9.4‰). The 208Pb/204Pb (37.643–40.222), 207Pb/204Pb (15.456–15.681), and 206Pb/204Pb (17.093–20.042) ratios suggest a mixture of lower crustal and supracrustal Pb sources.It is thus concluded that the ore genesis of the Zhazixi Sb–W deposit is related to the intracontinental orogeny during the early Mesozoic. Fluid mixing is considered to be the critical mechanism involved in W mineralization, whereas a fluid cooling process is responsible for Sb mineralization. Furthermore, the absence of Au is attributed to the low Σas content in Sb-mineralizing fluids.  相似文献   

The Huangshaping polymetallic deposit is located in southeastern Hunan Province, China. It is a world-class W–Mo–Pb–Zn–Cu skarn deposit in the Nanling Range Metallogenic Belt, with estimated reserves of 74.31 Mt of W–Mo ore at 0.28% WO3 and 0.07% Mo, 22.43 Mt of Pb–Zn ore at 3.6% Pb and 8.00% Zn, and 20.35 Mt of Cu ore at 1.12% Cu. The ore district is predominantly underlained by carbonate formations of the Lower Carboniferous period, with stocks of quartz porphyry, granite porphyry, and granophyre. Skarns occurred in contact zones between stocks and their carbonate wall rocks, which are spatially associated with the above-mentioned three types of ores (i.e., W–Mo, Pb–Zn, and Cu ores).Three types of fluid inclusions have been identified in the ores of the Huangshaping deposit: aqueous liquid–vapor inclusions (Type I), daughter-mineral-bearing aqueous inclusions (Type II), and H2O–CO2 inclusions (Type III). Systematic microthermometrical, laser Raman spectroscopic, and salinity analyses indicate that high-temperature and high-salinity immiscible magmatic fluid is responsible for the W–Mo mineralization, whereas low-temperature and low-salinity magmatic-meteoric mixed fluid is responsible for the subsequent Pb–Zn mineralization. Another magmatic fluid derived from deep-rooted magma is responsible for Cu mineralization.Chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns and trace element features of calcites from W–Mo, Pb–Zn, and Cu ores are different from one another. Calcite from Cu ores is rich in heavy rare earth elements (187.4–190.5 ppm), Na (0.17%–0.19%), Bi (1.96–64.60 ppm), Y (113–135 ppm), and As (9.1–29.7 ppm), whereas calcite from W–Mo and Pb–Zn ores is rich in Mn (> 10.000 ppm) and Sr (178–248 ppm) with higher Sr/Y ratios (53.94–72.94). δ18O values also differ between W–Mo/Pb–Zn ores (δ18O = 8.10‰–8.41‰) and Cu ores (δ18O = 4.34‰–4.96‰), indicating that two sources of fluids were, respectively, involved in the W–Mo, Pb–Zn, and Cu mineralization.Sulfur isotopes from sulfides also reveal that the large variation (4‰–19‰) within the Huangshaping deposit is likely due to a magmatic sulfur source with a contribution of reduced sulfate sulfur host in the Carboniferous limestone/dolomite and more magmatic sulfur involved in the Cu mineralization than that in W–Mo and Pb–Zn mineralization. The lead isotopic data for sulfide (galena: 206Pb/204Pb = 18.48–19.19, 207/204Pb = 15.45–15.91, 208/204Pb = 38.95–39.78; sphalerite: 206Pb/204Pb = 18.54–19.03, 207/204Pb = 15.60–16.28, 208/204Pb = 38.62–40.27; molybdenite: 206Pb/204Pb = 18.45–19.21, 207/204Pb = 15.53–15.95, 208/204Pb = 38.77–39.58 chalcopyrite: 206Pb/204Pb = 18.67–19.38, 207/204Pb = 15.76–19.90, and 208/204Pb = 39.13–39.56) and oxide (scheelite: 206Pb/204Pb = 18.57–19.46, 207/204Pb = 15.71–15.77, 208/204Pb = 38.95–39.13) are different from those of the wall rock limestone (206Pb/204Pb = 18.34–18.60, 207/204Pb = 15.49–15.69, 208/204Pb = 38.57–38.88) and porphyries (206Pb/204Pb = 17.88–18.66, 207/204Pb = 15.59–15.69, 208/204Pb = 38.22–38.83), suggesting Pb206-, U238-, and Th 232-rich material are involved in the mineralization. The Sm–Nd isotopes of scheelite (εNd(t) =  6.1 to − 2.9), garnet (εNd(t) =  6.8 to − 6.1), and calcite (εNd(t) =  6.3) from W–Mo ores as well as calcite (εNd(t) =  5.4 to − 5.3) and scheelite (εNd(t) =  2.9) from the Cu ores demonstrate suggest more mantle-derived materials involved in the Cu mineralization.In the present study we conclude that two sources of ore-forming fluids were involved in production of the Huangshaping W–Mo–Pb–Zn–Cu deposit. One is associated with the granite porphyry magmas responsible for the W–Mo and then Pb–Zn mineralization during which its fluid evolved from magmatic immiscible to a magmatic–meteoritic mixing, and the other is derived from deep-rooted magma, which is related to Cu-related mineralization.  相似文献   

The western Hunan-eastern Guizhou Zn-Pb metallogenic belt is one of the important Zn-Pb mineralization regions in China.The Dadongla deposit,located in the northeast of Guizhou Province,is one of the typical Zn-Pb deposits in the region and has estimated resources more than 12 million metric tons(Mt) with an average grade of 4.11 wt% Zn+Pb.Its orebodies are hosted in the lower Cambrian Aoxi Formation dolomite,occurring as bedded,para-bedded in shape,and in conformity with the wall rock.The ore m...  相似文献   

The Zhuxi deposit is the largest copper-tungsten polymetallic deposit in the world and is in Jiangxi Province in South China. The ore body is characterized by hydrothermal-vein deposits of copper, lead, and zinc minerals at shallow levels, skarn deposits of tungsten and copper minerals at middle levels, and altered-granite-hosted copper and tungsten minerals at depth. Such metallogenic systems are typically intrusion-related. The intrusive granites related to the Zhuxi polymetallic deposit have been dated at 152.9 Ma to 146.9 Ma. The intrusions provided the thermal energy and the source material for the ore mineralization. Skarns mineralization, the main type of ore mineralization, developed in the contact zone of Carboniferous-Permian formations with the granites. Nappe structures changed the dip of the ore bodies from steep in the top part to gentle in the bottom. NE-trending faults provided the fluid pathways and controlled the geological framework and distribution of ore deposits on a regional scale. In this study, recognition exploration criteria were analyzed based on a mineral deposit model and the geological setting. Extraction of favorable geological information and GIS-based data-integration methods were used for mineral-prospectivity mapping of Zhuxi-type polymetallic deposits. Buffering analysis was employed to extract structural information (e.g. faults) and lithologic or stratigraphic information (e.g. granites or geologic units). The singularity method and spatially weighted principal component analysis were used to enhance and delineate geochemical anomalies. The derivative norm was utilized to extract magnetic-gradient anomalies associated with intrusive granites. Student t-test of weights-of-evidence (WofE) proved to be an effective way to optimize threshold values for binarization of variables as evidence layers by evaluating the spatial correlation between known deposits and geological variables. The posterior probabilities of WofE gave a relative estimation of mineralization potential. Areas delineated by high posterior probability had much higher potentiality for the discovery of new deposits where had none had been found yet.  相似文献   

We present the first evidence of an early Paleozoic terrane in the southern Yanbian region, NE China. We used LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb and Hf isotope techniques to analyze one plagioclase gneiss and two garnet-bearing two-mica quartz schists from the early Paleozoic Jiangyu Group, as well as two tonalites that intruded the Jiangyu Group. The tonalites yield weighted mean 206Pb/238U zircon crystallization ages of 423 and 422 Ma. Zircons from the Jiangyu Group gneiss and two schist samples yield maximum depositional ages of 439 ± 4, 443 ± 2, and 443 ± 5 Ma, respectively. These constraints, together with the age of the tonalite intrusion, indicate that the Jiangyu Group was deposited between 443 and 423 Ma (i.e., Silurian). In addition, detrital zircon age spectra of the three Jiangyu Group samples exhibit prominent age peaks at 442, 473, 513, 565, 600, 635, 671, 740, 1000, and 1162 Ma, as well as secondary peaks between 1344 and 3329 Ma. The occurrence of the prominent Meso- and Neoproterozoic detrital zircon age populations for the Jiangyu Group, combined with the corresponding zircon Hf isotopic data, reveals that the Jiangyu Terrane has a tectonic affinity with northeastern Gondwana. The early Paleozoic magmatism, as suggested by the medium-K calc-alkaline I-type tonalite intrusion and Jiangyu Group detrital zircon age spectra, corresponds to coeval subduction–accretion events along the southern margin of the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Accordingly, we propose that the Jiangyu Group is part of an exotic terrane that rifted from northeastern Gondwana, drifted northward, and ultimately became involved in the early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the southern margin of the eastern CAOB after the Early Cambrian.  相似文献   

The newly discovered Dadaoshan Sn deposit is located in the eastern Guangdong Sn–W province, coastal SE China. The Sn mineralization, hosted in Jurassic porphyritic granite and the Lower Jurassic Jinji Formation sedimentary wall rocks, is considered to be granite-related. In this study, the porphyritic granite was LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dated to be 153.2 ± 1.2 Ma, consistent with the syn-mineralization molybdenite Re–Os age of 152.6 ± 1.8 Ma. The porphyritic granite samples are weakly peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.0–1.1) and high-K calc-alkaline. The rocks contain high SiO2 (72.9–75.6 wt%), moderate Rb/Sr (5–9) and low ΣREE (136–223 ppm). They are enriched in F, Li, Rb and Sn, depleted in Ba, Sr, P, Zr, Th, Nb and Y, and have distinct negative Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.09–0.18), suggesting that the porphyritic granite is highly fractionated I-type granite. The calculated initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.711582–0.715173), relatively low ɛNd(t) (−9.48 to −8.54; TDM2 = 1638–1814 Ma), and the zircon εHf(t) (−14.2 to −5.1; two-stage model ages = 1528–2103 Ma) all suggest that the granite was mainly crustal-derived with little mantle input. Sulfur isotopic compositions for the sulfides (arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite: δ34S = −1.1 to 1.4‰, average = −0.1) imply a dominantly magmatic sulfur source. The calculated zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ and EuN/EuN1 ratios of the Dadaoshan granite range from 1.0 to 112 (mean = 31.7) and from 0.04 to 0.37 (mean = 0.14), respectively, indicating a low oxygen fugacity for the magma. The reducing and highly fractionated nature of the Dadaoshan granitic magma may have played a key role in the Sn mineralization.It was previously argued that the Jurassic Sn–W mineralization and its causative magmatism were largely confined in the South China interior, e.g., the Nanling Range. Our new data suggest that the Late Jurassic Sn–W mineralization and its causative magmatism actually extended to the SE China coastal area. The Dadaoshan granite may have been generated from partial crustal melting led by underplating of mantle-derived magmas in an extensional environment. Regional extension may have been related to the west-directed, flat-slab subduction and delamination of the Paleo-Pacific (Izanagi) plate beneath the South China block. Another suite of Early Cretaceous Sn–W-bearing granitic rocks in eastern Guangdong may have mainly been crustal-derived with minor mantle input, and likely occurred under back-arc extensional setting led by the Paleo-Pacific subduction rollback.  相似文献   

Zircon is a key mineral in geochemical and geochronological studies in a range of geological settings as it is mechanically and chemically robust. However, distortion of its crystal lattice can facilitate enhanced diffusion of key elements such as U and Pb. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis of ninety-nine zircons from the Lewisian Gneiss Complex (LGC) of northwest Scotland has revealed five zircons with lattice distortion. The distortion can take the form of gradual bending of the lattice or division of the crystal into subgrains. Zircon lattices are distorted because of either post-crystallisation plastic distortion or growth defects. Three of the five distorted zircons, along with many of the undistorted zircons in the population, were analysed by ion microprobe to measure U and Pb isotopes, Ti and REEs. Comparison of Th/U ratio, 207Pb/206Pb age, REE profile and Ti concentration between zircons with and without lattice distortion suggests that the distortion is variably affecting the concentration of these trace elements and isotopes within single crystals, within samples and between localities. REE patterns vary heterogeneously, sometimes relatively depleted in heavy REEs or lacking a Eu anomaly. Ti-in-zircon thermometry records temperatures that were either low (~700 °C) or high (>900 °C) relative to undistorted zircons. One distorted zircon records apparent 207Pb/206Pb isotopic ages (?3.0 to +0.3 % discordance) in the range of ~2,420–2,450 Ma but this does not correlate with any previously dated tectonothermal event in the LGC. Two other distorted zircons give discordant ages of 2,331 ± 22 and 2,266 ± 40 Ma, defining a discordia lower intercept within error of a late amphibolite-facies tectonothermal event. This illustrates that Pb may be mobilised in distorted zircons at lower metamorphic grade than in undistorted zircons. These differences in trace element abundances and isotope systematics in distorted zircons relative to undistorted zircons are generally interpreted to have been facilitated by subgrain walls. Trace elements and isotopes would have moved from undistorted lattice into these subgrain walls as their chemical potential is modified due to the presence of the dislocations which make up the subgrain wall. Subgrain walls provided pathways for chemical exchange between crystal and surroundings. Only five per cent of zircons in this population have lattice distortion suggesting it will not have a major impact on zircon geochronology studies, particularly as three of the five distorted zircons are from strongly deformed rocks not normally sampled in such studies. However, this does suggest there may be a case for EBSD analysis of zircons prior to geochemical analysis when zircons from highly deformed rocks are to be investigated.  相似文献   

The recognition of the coeval growth of zircon, orthopyroxene and garnet domains formed during the same metamorphic cycle has been attempted with detailed microanalyses coupled with textural analyses. A coronitic garnet-bearing granulite from the lower crust of Calabria has been considered. U–Pb zircon data and zircon, garnet and orthopyroxene chemistries, at different textural sites, on a thin section of the considered granulite have been used to test possible equilibrium and better constrain the geological significance of the U–Pb ages related to zircon separates from other rocks of the same structural level. The garnet is very rich in REE and is characterised by a decrease in HREE from core to outer core and an increase in the margin. Zircons show core–overgrowth structures showing different chemistries, likely reflecting episodic metamorphic new growth. Zircon grains in matrix, corona around garnet and within the inner rim of garnet, are decidedly poorer in HREE up to Ho than garnet interior. Orthopyroxene in matrix and corona is homogeneously poor in REE. Thus, the outer core of garnet and the analysed zircon grains grew or equilibrated in a REE depleted system due to the former growth of garnet core. Zircon ages ranging from 357 to 333 Ma have been determined in the matrix, whereas ages 327–320 Ma and around 300 Ma have been determined, respectively, on cores and overgrowths of zircons from matrix, corona and inner rim of garnet. The calculated DREEzrn/grt and DREEopx/grt are largely different from the equilibrium values of literature due to strong depletion up to Ho in zircon and orthopyroxene with respect to garnet. On the other hand, the literature data show large variability. In the case study, (1) the D zrn/grt values define positive and linear trends from Gd to Lu as many examples from literature do and the values from Er to Lu approach the experimental results at about 900 °C in the combination zircon dated from 339 to 305 Ma with garnet outer core, and (2) D opx/grt values define positive trends reaching values considered as suggestive of equilibrium from Er to Lu only with respect to the outer core of garnet. The presence of a zircon core dated 320 Ma in the inner rim of garnet suggests that it, as well as those dated at 325–320 Ma in the other textural sites and, probably, those dated at 339–336 Ma showing depletion of HREE, grew after the garnet core, which sequestered a lot of HREE and earlier than the HREE rich margin of garnet. The quite uniform REE contents in orthopyroxene from matrix and corona and the low and uniform contents of HREE in the zircon overgrowths dated at about 300 Ma allow to think that homogenisation occurred during or after the corona formation around this age. The domains dated around 325–320 Ma would approximate the stages of decompression, whereas the metamorphic peak probably occurred earlier than 339 Ma.  相似文献   

The footwall volcanic rocks of the Ordovician Tanjianshan Group in the world-class Xitieshan Pb–Zn deposit have experienced prolonged arc volcanism followed by strong metamorphism and deformation. This has resulted in a complex thermal history and led to ambiguity in interpretation of zircon geochronological results. An integrated study involving textural characterization, CL imaging, trace element analysis, Ti-in-zircon thermometry and LA-ICPMS U–Pb dating has provided tight constraints on the age and genesis of the zircon groups in the volcanic rocks. The temperature of metamorphism and deformation indicated by metacryst minerals and micro-structures in the volcanic rocks ranges from 550 to 650 °C, which partially overlaps with the lower temperature range of zircon crystallization (600–750 °C) calculated using the Ti-in-zircon thermometer. Cathodoluminescence images and trace element compositions confirm a magmatic origin for the zircons, which have also been variably altered by metamorphic fluids. Two ranges of U–Pb ages, 475–470 Ma and 460–450 Ma, have been obtained on typical magmatic zircons and are interpreted to represent pre-mineralization arc volcanism in the Xitieshan deposit. A younger age group of 440–430 Ma for the fluid-modified zircons is considered to record post-ore metamorphism during the North Qadaim Orogeny. Thus, we propose that the original exhalative ores at the Xitieshan Pb–Zn deposit formed at 450–440 Ma.  相似文献   

To examine the tectonic history of the Taiwan segment of the eastern margin of South China, six rock samples from the Tailuko belt, the metamorphic basement of Taiwan, were selected for zircon SHRIMP dating. The aim was to identify evidence shedding light on the timing of the change from passive to active tectonics for this part of the continental margin since South China separated from the supercontinent of Rodinia. The results lead to two age groups, 190–200 and 88–90 Ma. These age groups, augmented by the previously published age data, suggest that they could have resulted from two Mesozoic accretion/subduction events. In addition, this mid‐late Mesozoic Tailuko belt might have also been reactivated and structurally complicated by the late Cenozoic collision/accretion of the Luzon arc with the Eurasian continent. Records of older tectonic events, such as those derived from the Japanese Islands, are absent in this metamorphic basement. An important finding of this study is the existence of the 191±10 Ma Talun metagranite, the oldest granitic intrusion ever reported in the Taiwan region and along the eastern coast area of South China. In spite of a large age uncertainty, the occurrence of this metagranite is not consistent with the apparent younging trend of Jurassic‐Cretaceous igneous activity toward the coastline in South China, and should be taken into consideration by future studies.  相似文献   

The Qianlishan granite complex, situated 16 km southeast of Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, China, hosts the Shizhuyuan W–Sn–Bi–Mo deposit. This complex, which intruded the Protozoic metasedimentary rocks and the Devonian clastic sedimentary and carbonate rocks, consists of mainly medium- to coarse-grained biotite granites and minor amounts of fine-grained biotite granite in addition to granite and quartz porphyry. K–Ar ages suggest three episodes of plutonism: the medium- to coarse-grained biotite granite (before 152 Ma), the fine-grained biotite granite (137 Ma), and the granite porphyry (129–131 Ma). Muscovite ages of the greisen are 145–148 Ma, suggesting that the W–Sn–Bi–Mo mineralization was related to the main, medium- to coarse-grained biotite granites. The K–Ar age of the hydrothermal vein mineralization is 92 Ma and is probably related to the porphyries.  相似文献   

The Weilasituo and Bairendaba Zn–Pb–Ag–Cu–(Sn–W) sulphide deposits are located in the southern part of Great Xing'an Range of Inner Mongolia in China. The deposits are located at shallow depths in the newly discovered Weilasituo porphyry hosting Sn–W–Rb mineralization. The mineralization at Weilasituo and Bairendaba consist of zoned massive sulphide veins within fractures cutting the Xilinhot Metamorphic Complex and quartz diorite. The Weilasituo deposit gradually zones from the Cu-rich Zn–Cu sulphide mineralization in the west to Zn-rich Zn–Cu sulphide mineralization in the east. The Bairendaba deposit has a Cu-bearing and Zn-rich core through a transitional zone devoid of copper to an outer zone of Zn–Pb–Ag mineralization. Three main veins contain more than 50 wt.% of the contained metal in the two deposits with their metal ratios displaying a systematic and gradual increase in Zn/Cu, Pb/Zn and Ag/Zn ratios from the western part of Weilasituo to the eastern part of Bairendaba.Three stages of vein-type mineralization are recognized. Early, sub-economic mineralization consists of a variable proportion of euhedral arsenopyrite, pyrite, quartz, and rare wolframite, scheelite, cassiterite, magnetite and cobaltite. This was succeeded by main stage mineralization with economic concentration of zoned Cu, Zn, Pb and Ag sulphide minerals along strike within the veins. The zones consist of the assemblages: (1) pyrrhotite–Fe-rich sphalerite–chalcopyrite(–quartz–fluorite) at west Weilasituo; (2) pyrrhotite–Fe-rich sphalerite–chalcopyrite(–galena–tetrahedrite–quartz–fluorite) at east Weilasituo; (3) pyrrhotite–Fe-rich sphalerite–chalcopyrite(–galena–tetrahedrite–quartz–fluorite) in the centre of Bairendaba; (4) pyrrhotite–Fe-rich sphalerite–galena(–chalcopyrite–tetrahedrite–quartz–fluorite) in the transition zone of Bairendaba; and (5) pyrrhotite–Fe-rich sphalerite–galena–tetrahedrite(–chalcopyrite–falkmanite–argentite–pyrargyrite–quartz–fluorite) in the outer zone at Bairendaba. Post-main ore stage is devoid of sulphides and characterized overprinting of fluorite, sericite, chlorite, illite, kaolinite and calcite.Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb dating, Zircon LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating, molybdenite Re–Os isochron dating, and muscovite Ar–Ar dating indicate the Beidashan granitic batholith was intruded at 140 ± 3 Ma (MSWD = 3.3), the porphyritic monzogranite from marginal facies of the Beidashan batholith was intruded at 139 ± 2 Ma (MSWD = 0.75), the mineralized quartz porphyry was intruded at 135 ± 2 Ma (MSWD = 0.91), the greisen mineralization occurred at 135 ± 11 Ma (MSWD = 7.2), and the post-main ore stage muscovite deposited at 129.5 ± 0.9 Ma. The new geochronology data show the porphyry Sn–W–Rb and vein-type sulphide mineralization are contemporaneous with granitic magmatism in the region.The metal zonation at the Weilasituo and Bairendaba deposits is a result of progressive metal deposition. This was during the evolution of a metal-bearing fluid along the strike of the veins and during the main stage of ore formation at the upper part of the deep-seated porphyry Sn–W–Rb system. This progressive zonation indicates that the deposits represent end-numbers formed from one ore-forming fluid, which moved from west to east from the porphyry. The metal zonation patterns of the major veins are consistent with metal-bearing fluid entering the system with the precipitation of chalcopyrite proximally and sphalerite, galena and Ag-bearing minerals more distally. We show that the mechanism of metal deposition is therefore controlled by thermodynamic conditions resulting in the progressive separation of sulphides from the metal-bearing fluid. The temperature gradient between the inflow zone and the outflow zone appears to be one of the key parameters controlling the formation of the metal zonation pattern. The sulphide precipitation sequence is consistent with a low fS2 and low fO2 state of the acidic metal-bearing fluid. The metal zonation pattern provides helpful clues from which it is possible to establish the nature of fluid migration and metal deposition models to locate a possible porphyry mineralization at depth in the Great Xing'an Range, which is consistent with the geology of the newly discovered porphyry Sn–W–Rb system.  相似文献   

The Xiaobaishitou W (–Mo) deposit is located in the eastern segment of the Central Tianshan, northwestern China. The deposit represents a skarn system distributed in the contact zones of biotite granite and crystalline limestone of the Mesoproterozoic Kawabulag Group. The Xiaobaishitou deposit is characterized by a typical calc-silicate mineralogy dominated by garnet, diopside and wollastonite, with minor epidote, tremolite, actinolite, chlorite, quartz, fluorite and calcite. The prograde and retrograde skarns are characterized by garnet–clinopyroxene–wollastonite and epidote–tremolite–actinolite–chlorite, respectively, intruded and replaced by mineral assemblages of scheelite–cassiterite–magnetite, quartz–sulfides and calcite–quartz–fluorite in younger order.Six molybdenite samples from the deposit yielded Re  Os isotope model ages ranging from 239.7 ± 3.6 Ma to 251.4 ± 3.6 Ma. The zircon crystals from biotite granite and Mo-mineralized granite yield weighted 206Pb/238U age of 242 ± 1.7 and 240.5 ± 2.1 Ma, respectively. Both the zircon U  Pb and the molybdenite Re  Os ages obtained in this study fall in a narrow span of 242–240 Ma, which suggest that the Xiaobaishitou W (–Mo) system was formed in the Triassic. The Re contents of the molybdenites range from 40.33 to 64.67 ppm, suggesting that the ore-forming materials were derived mainly from continental crust together with the involvement of minor mantle components. Combined with the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of tungsten-bearing quartz veins from other studies, which scatter between 0.707153 and 0.709877, demonstrating mixing between two end-member isotopic compositions of crust and mantle. It can be concluded that the Indosinian Xiaobaishitou deposit was formed in a tectonic transition from collisional crust shortening and thickening to post-collisional extension and thinning.  相似文献   

Nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore are common in Proterozoic massif-type anorthosites and layered intrusions. Their geneses have long been controversial, with existing hypotheses including liquid immiscibility between Si-rich and Fe–Ti–P-rich melts and gravitational fractionation among apatite, magnetite, ilmenite and silicates. In this paper, we report detailed field geology and mineral geochemical studies of the nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore from the Damiao anorthosite complex, NE China. Geological observations indicate that the nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore occur as irregularly inclined stratiform-like or lensoid or veins, and are in sharp contact with the anorthosite and gabbronorite. The widespread veins and lenses structure of the Damiao nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore in the anorthosite indicates their immiscibility-derived origin. The apatite in the nelsonite and gabbronorite shows evolution trends different from that in the gabbronorite in the diagrams of Sr versus REEs and Eu/Eu*, suggesting that petrogenesis of the nelsonite and gabbronorite is different from the gabbronorite. Compared with the gabbronorite, the nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore have magnetite high in Cr, plagioclase high in Sr and low in An, and apatite high in Sr, low in REEs with negative Eu anomaly. The evidence permits us to propose that the Damiao Fe–Ti oxides ore/nelsonite and gabbronorite were derived from different parental magmas. The gabbronorite was formed by solidification of the interstitial ferrodioritic magma in the anorthosite, which was the residual magma after extensive plagioclase and pyroxene crystallization and was carried upward by the plagioclase crystal mesh. In contrast, the Fe–Ti oxides ore and nelsonites and mangerite were produced by crystallization of the Fe–Ti–P-rich and SiO2-rich magmas, respectively, due to the liquid immiscibility that occurred when the highly evolved ferrodioritic magma mixed with newly replenished magmas. The variation from Fe–Ti oxides ore to nelsonite and gabbro-nelsonite upwards (as apatite content increases with height) in the steeply inclined Fe–Ti oxides orebodies suggest that gravity fractionation may have played important roles during the crystallization of the Fe–Ti–P-rich magma.  相似文献   

The North China Craton (NCC) witnessed a prolonged subduction–accretion history from the early to late Palaeoproterozoic, culminating with final collision at ca. 1.85 Ga and assembling the continental blocks into the cratonic framework. Subsequently, widespread post-collisional magmatism occurred, particularly along the Trans-North China Orogen (TNCO) that sutures the Eastern and Western blocks of the NCC. Here we present petrological, geochemical, and zircon U–Pb geochronological and Lu–Hf data from a pyroxenite (websterite)–gabbro–diorite suite at Xinghe in Inner Mongolia along the northern segment of the TNCO. The internal structures and high Th/U values of the zircons from the gabbro–diorite suite suggest magmatic crystallization. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb age data on three gabbros and one diorite from the suite yield emplacement ages of 1786.1 ± 4.8, 1783 ± 15 ,1754 ± 16 and 1767 ± 13 Ma, respectively. The εHf(t) shows mostly positive values (up to 5.8), with the lowest value at –4.2, suggesting that the magma was derived from dominantly juvenile sources. The generally low SiO2 and high MgO values, and other trace element features of the Xinghe suite are consistent with fractionation from a mantle-derived magma with a broadly E-MORB affinity, with no significant crustal contamination. Recent studies clearly establish that the major magmatic pulse associated with rifting of the NCC within the Columbia supercontinent occurred in the late Mesoproterozoic at ca. 1.3–1.2 Ga associated with mantle plume activity. This, together with the lack of robust geochemical imprints of rift-related magmatism in the Xinghe suite, prompts us to suggest a tectonic model that envisages magma genesis associated with post-collisional extension during slab break-off, following the westward subduction of the Eastern Block and its collision with the Western Block. The resulting asthenospheric upwelling and heat input might have triggered the magma generation from a heterogeneous, subduction-modified sub-lithospheric mantle source for the Xinghe rocks, as well as for similar late Palaeoproterozoic suites in the TNCO.  相似文献   

The juvenile component of accretionary orogenic belts has been declining since the Archean. As a result, there is often controversy regarding the contribution of oceanic basalts to Phanerozoic crustal growth, as in the case of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Here we report on three groups of Late Carboniferous (316–305 Ma) granitoids in the western Junggar region of northern Xinjiang, NW China, which is part of the southwestern CAOB. They consist of adakites and I and A-type granites, and as a whole have the most depleted isotopic compositions (εNd(t) = + 6–+9, (87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7030–0.7045, and εHf(t) = + 12–+16) among the granitoids of the CAOB. These features are nearly identical to those of pre-Permian ophiolites in northern Xinjiang, and are clearly different from those of Carboniferous basalts in the western Junggar region. These relationships indicate that the granitoids were mainly derived from recycled oceanic crust by melting of subducted oceanic crust (e.g., adakites), and of the middle–lower crust of intra-oceanic arc that mainly consisted of oceanic crust (e.g., I and A-type granites). Based on evidence from the CAOB, we suggest that recycling of oceanic crust has made a significant contribution to continental crustal growth and evolution during the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

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