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Probabilistic Seismic Loss Estimation is a methodology used as a quantitative and explicit expression of the performance of buildings using terms that address the interests of both owners and insurance companies. Applying the ATC 58 approach for seismic loss assessment of buildings requires using Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA), which needs hundreds of time-consuming analyses, which in turn hinders its wide application. The Endurance Time Method (ETM) is proposed herein as part of a demand propagation prediction procedure and is shown to be an economical alternative to IDA. Various scenarios were considered to achieve this purpose and their appropriateness has been evaluated using statistical methods. The most precise and efficient scenario was validated through comparison against IDA driven response predictions of 34 code conforming benchmark structures and was proven to be sufficiently precise while offering a great deal of efficiency. The loss values were estimated by replacing IDA with the proposed ETM-based procedure in the ATC 58 procedure and it was found that these values suffer from varying inaccuracies, which were attributed to the discretized nature of damage and loss prediction functions provided by ATC 58.  相似文献   

赵杰  杨杰  李晓娜 《地震工程学报》2021,43(5):1244-1250
进水塔结构作为水电站的进水建筑物,其抗震性能对水电站的安全运行有重要意义.以沙牌水电站的高耸独立进水塔结构为研究对象,应用3条耐震时程曲线对其进行抗震性能分析与评估,并将计算结果与天然地震动下的增量动力分析结果进行比较,对比分析进水塔塔顶位移、基底剪力及地震损伤历程.实例研究表明:耐震时程法可以较好地分析结构的抗震响应...  相似文献   

An explicit predictor-corrector algorithm is derived from the implicit α-method. This explicit algorithm is shown to have better stability and accuracy properties than its Newmark-based predecessor. This algorithm is then combined with the implicit α-method, resulting in an implicit-explicit α-method which can be effectively utilized for linear and non-linear structural dynamics calculations.  相似文献   

Collapse assessment of steel moment frames using endurance time method   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In endurance time(ET) method structures are subjected to a set of predesigned intensifying excitations. These excitations are produced in a way that their response spectrum, while complying with a specifi ed spectrum, intensifi es with time so they can be used approximately to simulate the average effects of several ground motions scaled to different intensities. In this paper applicability of the ET method for evaluating collapse potential of buildings is investigated. A set of four steel moment frames is used for collapse assessment. The process of using ET method in collapse evaluation is explained and the results are compared with incremental dynamic analysis(IDA) results. It is shown that although the computational effort using the ET method is much less than the IDA analysis, the results of both methods are consistent. Finally collapse fragility curves using ET and IDA methods are produced and it is shown that the probabilities of collapse in different hazard levels are also consistent.  相似文献   

In this study, application of the spectral representation method for generation of endurance time excitation functions is introduced. Using this method, the intensifying acceleration time series is generated so that its acceleration response spectrum in any desired time duration is compatible with a time-scaled predefined acceleration response spectrum. For this purpose, simulated stationary acceleration time series is multiplied by the time dependent linear modulation function, then using a sim...  相似文献   

Conventional finite-difference modelling algorithms for seismic forward modelling are based on a time-stepping scheme with a constant (global) time step. Large contrasts in the velocity model or in the spatial sampling rate cause oversampling in time for some regions of the model. The use of locally adjustable time steps can save large amounts of computation time for certain modelling configurations. The computation of spatial derivatives across the transition zone between regions of the model with different temporal sampling requires the definition of the wavefield at corresponding time levels on both sides of the transition zone. This condition can be obtained by extrapolation in time, which is inaccurate, or by multiple time integration in the transition zone. The error in the latter solution is of the same order as the conventional time-stepping scheme because both methods are based on the same iteration formula. The technique of multiple time integration simply requires the use of different sizes of time step. It is applicable only for certain factors of variation of the time step.  相似文献   

为了减少动态时程法的计算开销,根据地震时程记录的能量在时间-频率域内主要集中在特定时间段和低频分量中的特点,用离散小波变换,变采样率重构时程记录,以达到在时程计算时减少积分步数,节约计算时间的目的。通过有限元数值实验,表明该法可有效缩短计算时间,同时计算误差不超过5%,在工程范围内可以接受。  相似文献   

评估结构抗震性能的能量方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在抗震概念设计中,虽然确立了一些准则,但这些准则基本上是定性的,目前尚缺乏简明的定量评估准则。本文结合抗震设计规范提出了一种对结构抗震性能评估的能量方法,可用于抗震设计方案的定量评估和比较,以及场地对结构影响的定量评估,减震方案的评估。该方法在实际工程设计中的应用取得预期效果。  相似文献   

选取具有较高分辨率和较低交叉项的赵—阿特拉斯—马克斯(ZAM)方法,进行数字化地震波时频处理。结果显示:(1)S波高能量密度区域处于低频段,其频带比P波高能量密度区域窄,且S波能量密度比P波大1个数量级;(2)天然地震的高能量密度分布较为离散,爆破的高能量密度分布较为集中。  相似文献   

一种改进的地震反射层析成像方法   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对复杂介质的地震反射走时层析成像存在数据拾取困难问题,本文提出了一种新的地震反射层析成像速度模型建立方法,该方法用速度和地震射线走时描述模型,用地震反射波走时、地震波在源点和接收点处的传播方向信息反演模型.为提高反演的稳定性和计算效率,引入了Hamilton函数描述射线,在相空间计算反演所需的射线路径和目标函数对模型参数的导数,对理论模型和实际地震资料进行了试算,试算表明该方法对复杂介质具有较强的适应能力.  相似文献   

地震叠前时间偏移的一种图形处理器提速实现方法   总被引:14,自引:11,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
新近发展的图形处理器(GPU,Graphic Processing Unit)通用计算技术,现已日趋实用成型,并获得诸多应用领域的广泛关注.对油气勘探专项资料处理技术的运用而言,概因GPU与中央处理器(CPU)的计算性能的甚大差异,致使GPU这一通用计算技术在石油工业中的应用研究正在有效开展.本文仅借助于油气勘探中广泛使用的叠前时间偏移,旨在于扼要阐明其基于GPU应用的有效性;文中还提出一种利用GPU实现地震叠前时间偏移的软件构件方法,并针对非对称走时叠前时间偏移所拓展的应用软件提供一种具体实现架构.与以往用个人计算机(PC,Personal Computer)或者PC集群所用的叠前时间偏移相比,本文方法可甚大地提高计算效率,从而在石油物探资料处理中可显著地节约计算成本和维护费用.文中实际例证也表明,基于GPU进行高性能并行计算,当是适应目前石油工业中大规模计算需求的一个重要发展途径.  相似文献   

基于改进云图法的结构概率地震需求分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概率地震需求分析是美国太平洋地震工程研究中心(Pacific Earthquake Engineering ResearchCenter,PEER)提出的新一代"性能化地震工程(Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering,PBEE)"理论框架的重要一环。传统的概率地震需求分析方法称为"云图法",这种方法针对确定性结构进行一系列地震动作用下的非线性动力分析,从而得到地震动强度参数与结构地震需求的"云图"。然而,传统的云图法只能考虑地震动的不确定性,而无法考虑结构的不确定性。为此,结合拉丁超立方体抽样技术,提出一种能综合考虑地震动不确定性和结构不确定性的改进云图法,并将传统的概率地震需求分析内容拓展为概率地震需求模型、概率地震需求易损性分析、概率地震需求危险性分析三个层次。以一榀五层三跨钢筋混凝土框架结构为例,分别采用传统云图法和改进云图法对其进行概率地震需求分析,得到了该结构的概率地震需求模型、地震需求易损性曲线和地震需求危险性曲线。分析结果表明:提出的方法可以有效地考虑地震动与结构的不确定性,避免不考虑结构的不确定性而低估结构的地震风险性。  相似文献   

基于改进点估计法的结构整体概率抗震能力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确定能力中位值和能力离差值是结构整体概率抗震能力分析的两个关键问题,文中分析了现有方法存在的缺点。在Zhao-Ono点估计法的基础上,引入基于随机向量边缘概率分布信息的Nataf变换,提出了改进的点估计法。将改进点估计法与Pushover分析相结合,提出了评估结构整体概率抗震能力统计矩的随机Pushover分析方法。以某五层三跨钢筋混凝土框架结构为例,应用本方法,进行结构整体概率抗震能力分析,得到了结构整体抗震能力的易损性曲线。分析表明,所提方法是一种具有较高效率和较好精度的结构整体概率抗震能力的分析方法。  相似文献   

闫伟  王海涛 《地震学报》2019,41(6):769-777
本文将动态时间规整方法引入到地震观测资料的形态匹配分析中,以解决因时间尺度不一致的两列观测数据无法定量比对的问题。基于动态时间规整技术方法原理,通过测试数据验证了动态时间规整方法的可行性,并利用云南西部地区的断层实际观测数据,分析了1996年丽江MS7.0地震前的跨断层观测数据异常形态与当前数据异常形态的相似性问题。结果表明:① 动态时间规整方法可用于地震资料时间长度不一致时的相似性匹配;② 时间不一致的两列观测数据可用累积规整路径距离来定量表征,累积距离越短,曲线形态越一致;③ 动态时间规整方法可用于给定模板的前兆数据相似度的计算机自动提取,可提高当前仅依靠人工判别的工作效率;④ 从模式识别的角度考虑,当前下关跨断层水准观测数据变化形态与1996年丽江MS7.0地震和2008年汶川MS8.0地震前的水准数据变化形态较为一致。   相似文献   

基于双程波动方程的逆时偏移被认为是目前最好的偏移成像技术,更适合于复杂构造成像.然而,大计算量和大存储量使得逆时偏移的计算成本很高而无法用于大数据量的地震成像.本文分析了目前常用的存储策略,并分别在空间和时间上对存储策略进行了研究:空间上,根据有限差分格式,在边界存储策略的基础上通过修改波场逆向传播的边界条件,提出了有效边界存储策略.该策略可在不增加任何计算量的情况下大幅降低逆时偏移对存储量的需求;在时间上,使用checkpointing技术对有效边界存储策略进行了改进,使叠前逆时偏移在增加少量计算量的情况下进一步降低存储量需求.Marmousi模型测试结果表明了有效边界存储策略的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

地震叠前逆时偏移的有效边界存储策略   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于双程波动方程的逆时偏移被认为是目前最好的偏移成像技术,更适合于复杂构造成像.然而,大计算量和大存储量使得逆时偏移的计算成本很高而无法用于大数据量的地震成像.本文分析了目前常用的存储策略,并分别在空间和时间上对存储策略进行了研究:空间上,根据有限差分格式,在边界存储策略的基础上通过修改波场逆向传播的边界条件,提出了有效边界存储策略.该策略可在不增加任何计算量的情况下大幅降低逆时偏移对存储量的需求;在时间上,使用checkpointing技术对有效边界存储策略进行了改进,使叠前逆时偏移在增加少量计算量的情况下进一步降低存储量需求.Marmousi模型测试结果表明了有效边界存储策略的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

The precise time step integration method proposed for linear time-invariant homogeneous dynamic systems can provide precise numerical results that approach an exact solution at the integration points. However, difficulty arises when the algorithm is used for non-homogeneous dynamic systems, due to the inverse matrix calculation and the simulation accuracy of the applied loading. By combining the Gaussian quadrature method and state space theory with the calculation technique of matrix exponential function in the precise time step integration method, a new modified precise time step integration method (e.g., an algorithm with an arbitrary order of accuracy) is proposed. In the new method, no inverse matrix calculation or simulation of the applied loading is needed, and the computing efficiency is improved. In particular, the proposed method is independent of the quality of the matrix H. If the matrix H is singular or nearly singular, the advantage of the method is remarkable. The numerical stability of the proposed algorithm is discussed and a numerical example is given to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

耐震时程法(ETA)仅需少量的非线性时程分析,便可以掌握结构倒塌破坏的全过程。但是,此方法目前较少应用于结构倒塌失效分析。本文探讨了耐震时程曲线的特性及拟合思路,以钢筋混凝土框架为研究对象,应用ETA方法分析了钢筋混凝土框架的地震响应及损伤发展。研究结果:(1)混凝土框架结构的地震响应分析结果表明:采用ETA方法分析时结构顶点位移和层间位移角与采用IDA方法分析时接近,而最大基底剪力会略大;但是,两种方法的结果相关系数均接近于1。(2)强震下的结构倒塌分析结果表明:ETA方法能较为准确的预测结构的塑性铰分布、塑性铰出现概率及塑性铰发展顺序。当采用多条耐震时程加速度曲线作为输入时,评估结果准确性更高。由于ETA方法仅需进行少量几条耐震时程分析且计算高效,因此ETA方法可以成为预测结构失效模式的高效方法。  相似文献   

An approximate procedure for seismic analysis of concrete arch dams which is based on the smeared crack method is described. Features include construction sequence modelling, water and foundation interaction, crack formation, opening and closing of joints and cracks, frictional sliding, presence of shear keys, action of internal water pressure, and a reliable solution algorithm. Complete solutions can be obtained in an hour on a fast workstation computer, allowing parameter studies to be run. Results suggest that an arch dam can suffer significant cracking during strong ground shaking and still remain stable. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The basic computational procedure of a newly developed seismic performance test méthod is presented and examined in this paper. This method uses a direct step-by-step integration technique to compute the displacement response of a test specimen subjected to a numerically specified seismic excitation record, utilizing the non-linear restoring forces actually developed by the specimen during the experiment. Due to the limitations of the experimental procedure and conditions, special analytical assumptions and numerical methods must be adopted. The adequacy of such analytical techniques is evaluated and possible computational errors are identified. An improved numerical integration algorithm is also proposed for this specific application. It has been found that the method can be a reliable and powerful experimental tool provided appropriate analytical and numerical criteria, as discussed in this paper, are observed.  相似文献   

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