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21世纪的矿产资源预测评价是在GIS平台下,通过建立地质、物探、化探、遥感等信息的空间数据库,并对各数据库进行空间分析和信息转换、提取,最终圈定综合异常的.这项工作的前提是具有高质量的空间数据库.要提高空间数据库的质量,确保入库数据的正确性和完备性是关键,因此数据检查是一个不可回避的难题.矿产预测评价基础空间数据库具有数据量庞大、数据结构复杂、数据类型多样等特点,因此,提出通过元数据技术检查和控制数据的完备性和时效性,通过数据字典技术确保数据的属性精度,借助质量规则控制数据的逻辑一致性和位置精度的数据检查策略,并运用到全国重要成矿区带的基础空间数据库数据检查中,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

Recommendations for the certification of reference materials, as published by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), are reviewed and proposals made as to how they can be adapted for the certification of new geological reference materials. Whilst acknowledging the important contribution made by the large number of existing matrix-matched geological reference materials, it is recommended that future characterisation programmes should follow the ISO guidelines for certification, not the least so that laboratories can readily use the resultant samples to establish the traceability of geoanalytical results.  相似文献   

以西南岩溶区特殊的资源和环境特点为导向,利用多源、多时相、多尺度遥感数据,采用遥感信息计算机自动提取和人机交互解译相结合的技术方法,将遥感技术系统应用于岩溶区1:50000区域地质调查工作中,提供系列的基础图件辅助岩溶区区域地质填图,提高了岩溶区1:50000区域地质调查的效率。初步建立了适合西南岩溶区的1:50000区域地质调查遥感技术方法体系,快速准确地解译出了岩溶区特殊的地质、地貌、环境、水文等要素,为特殊地质地貌区地质填图提供技术支持。   相似文献   

东北地区基础地质数据库建设与维护是在中国地质调查局已建各类基础地质数据库(包含区域地质图空间数据库、矿产地数据库、工作程度数据库、地球化学数据库等)基础上做进一步维护建设,保证数据库现势性和稳定运行,创新数据管理方式和手段,提高数据管理和维护水平,对公益性地质数据进行综合、整理和二次开发,为地质调查信息化建设和数据资料社会化服务提供基础数据支撑.  相似文献   

地质图数据库现状与地质制图发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地质图是地质信息最重要的载体之一,凝聚了人们对地质理论的研究成果和对地质过程的理解。随着大数据时代的到来,地质制图的指导理论和方法手段发生了翻天覆地的变化,全球的科学家运用新方法新技术建立了OneGeology、OpenGeoscience、NGMDB、地质云等一系列地质图相关的优秀数据库,这些数据库的有效运行为全球的地质工作者提供了海量的地学数据和便捷的信息服务。此次研究重点调研了国内外已有的地质图相关数据库及运行情况,为Deep-Time Digital Earth(DDE)计划整合全球地质图相关数据库、建设相关数据平台提供经验和基础;同时,回顾了地质制图的发展历史,介绍了与地质制图相关的技术手段和常用软件;最后,为了满足大数据时代经济社会对地质图信息资料服务的需求,结合DDE相关任务,对深化国际合作编图、创新计算机智能地质制图及网络共享服务等核心技术提出了新的展望。  相似文献   


Oil and gas exploration data for the Northern Somalia and Horn of Africa region have been utilised for deep freshwater resources exploration. This unique geophysical and petrophysical dataset is integrated into a regional hydrogeological study and it allows for targeting of unmapped and unknown deep aquifers that would otherwise be beyond the conventional reach of the groundwater sector. The database includes open-hole well logging surveys (resistivity, gamma ray, and spontaneous potential), mud logging and drill stem test (DST) data. The results from the data analysis are combined with the geological interpretation to assess the freshwater potential of each mapped hydrostratigraphic unit in the region. The results highlight the presence of several previously unknown deep low-to-medium salinity (<9  g/L total dissolved solids (TDS)) aquifers within the Jurassic to Eocene units, including the Adigrat, Hamanlei, Gabredarre, Gumburo, Jessoma, and Auradu formations. With tested intervals of water containing less than 3.8 g/L total dissolved solids, the Auradu, Jessoma, and Gumburo formations are the most promising deep freshwater aquifers. Additional results on the analysis of groundwater parameters, such as hydraulic head, provide the basis for further groundwater modelling. The results show that the method has good potential, in particular for use in drought-stricken areas of arid regions. Ultimately, the results from this region have global significance, as the method can provide a new means of boosting fresh groundwater resources in water-poor regions, and supporting sustainable development and utilization of the resources in the medium and long term.


Tsunami hazard assessment begins with a compilation of past events that have affected a specific location. Given the inherent limitations of historical archives, the geological record has the potential to provide an independent dataset useful for establishing a richer, chronologically deeper time series of past events. Recent geological studies of tsunami are helping to improve our understanding of the nature and character of tsunami sediments. Wherever possible, geologists should be working to improve the research ‘tool kit’ available to identify past tsunami events. Marine foraminifera (single celled heterotrophic protists) have often been reported as present within tsunami-deposited sediments but in reality, little information about environmental conditions, and by analogy, the tsunami that deposited them, has been reported even though foraminifera have an enormous capacity to provide meaningful palaeo-environmental data. Here, we review what foraminifera are, describe their basic form and significance, summarise where they have been reported in tsunami sediments and identify what can be learnt from them. We review the gaps in our understanding and make recommendations to assist researchers who examine foraminiferal assemblages in order to enhance their use within tsunami geology.  相似文献   

海南省海洋地质调查主要进展与成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中央和地方的共同推动下,海南省海洋地质调查工作取得了长足的进步。为进一步提升海南省海洋地质工作效果,对近年来实施的海洋地质调查工作的主要进展进行了综述,其成果可分为4个方面,即海洋区域地质调查、海岸带与海湾地质环境综合调查与评价、海砂资源调查与评价和岛礁综合地质调查。其中: 1∶100万的海洋区域地质调查已实现了全覆盖,1∶25万的已开展3个图幅工作; 海岸带与海湾地质环境综合调查与评价工作已全面开展,基本查明了本岛沿岸20 m水深以浅的地质概况,重点岸段调查比例尺可达1∶5万,较系统地梳理了海岸带的地质资源与环境现状; 海砂资源调查与评价主要针对锆、钛砂矿和建筑用海砂开展,初步查明了海南岛周边陆架区沉积物类型和海砂潜力分布区,对成矿条件较好的海域开展了详细勘查,圈定了多个海砂开发矿产地; 岛礁综合地质调查工作主要查明了其基础地质条件和开发利用现状,对海岛的进一步开发和管理提出了建议,同时系统地开展了西沙群岛的海陆统筹地质调查工作,掌握了大比例尺的基础地质数据,并研究了其形成和演化过程,为三沙的海岛建设提供了依据。通过地质调查,获得了海南省基础海洋地质数据,查明了海洋资源和环境概况,为海南省的海洋经济发展提供了可靠的地质支撑。  相似文献   

杨佳佳  林楠 《地质学报》2016,90(10):2908-2918
综合信息成矿预测是复杂高维非线性系统的建模与评价过程,通过识别和提取地、物、化、遥等多源地学观测数据中的综合致矿地质异常信息,并以此为依据进行成矿预测。成矿预测是在科学预测理论的指导下,应用地质成矿理论和数理统计方法对地质、物探、化探、遥感等信息进行充分挖掘,剖析成矿地质条件,总结成矿规律,建立综合信息成矿模型并应用于成矿预测,从而圈定和评价成矿远景区,为区域找矿工作部署和矿产资源开发利用的统筹规划提供科学依据。本次研究将证据加权模型引入到成矿预测研究中,通过建立和评价地质信息、化探信息、遥感蚀变信息、遥感线环形构造密度信息与已知矿化点的关系,然后用贝叶斯公式计算成矿后验概率,推出研究区成矿预测结果。研究结果表明:综合信息成矿模型预测结果符合研究区地质成矿规律,和已知成矿点吻合率达71.4%。  相似文献   

我国地质分析测试技术发展现状及趋势   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7  
尹明 《岩矿测试》2009,28(1):37-52
论述了地质实验测试工作在多目标生态地球化学中的作用;重点介绍了近年来国内外分析测试领域的研究动向和进展,包括无机元素分析测试技术、元素形态分析测试技术、有机地球化学实验测试技术(环境有机地球化学实验测试技术和能源有机地球化学实验测试技术)、同位素分析测试技术、野外现场分析测试技术、无污染或低污染的"绿色"分析技术和样品制备技术方法、科学仪器设备的研发、实验室基础性工作和科研条件平台建设等方面的进展和取得的成果。探讨了我国地质分析技术研究工作存在的主要问题、与国外的差距和研究工作的有利条件和发展前景。全文引用文献178篇。  相似文献   

近20万年来地球生物多样性及地球环境经历了多种多样的变化,尤其是过去11000年以来人类活动加剧了地球环境的恶化和物种的快速消亡,有部分学者提出人类正经历地质历史上的第六次生物集群灭绝事件。古今生物多样性研究的融通,将现代生物多样性问题放进地质历史的框架中分析,是认识生物和环境协同演变规律的重要途径,也是预估人类、生态系统以及地球环境未来发展的重要手段。基于此,依赖于数据积累的一门新型学科:保育古生物学正在兴起,越来越多的学者开始重视化石数据资料的积累,并建立了多种门类和不同用途的数据库,如启动于1998年的PBDB(Paleobiology Database)等。这些优秀的数据库提供了高质量的在线免费服务,并已产出不少重要成果。文章介绍了国内外古脊椎动物学领域的相关数据库及数据驱动下的重要研究实例,希望借此为深时数字地球计划(Deep-time Digital Earth)整合和共享开源的古脊椎动物大数据提供参考。  相似文献   

地矿勘查工作信息化的理论与方法问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
实现地矿勘查工作信息化的有效途径与方法是根据地矿勘查工作自身的特点, 建立以主题式地矿点源数据库(包括空间数据库和属性数据库)为基础的共用数据平台; 利用信息系统技术对地矿勘查工作主流程进行充分改造, 实现全程计算机辅助化; 进行“多S”的技术集成、网络集成、数据集成和应用集成, 同时实现勘查数据的三维可视化.为此, 需要加强地质信息科学和地矿勘查工作信息化的理论框架、技术体系和方法论研究, 重视与地矿勘查工作相适应的集成化信息技术开发.   相似文献   

Advances in the chemical and isotopic characterisation of geological and environmental materials can often be ascribed to technological improvements in analytical hardware. Equally, the creation of novel methods of data acquisition and interpretation, including access to better reference materials, can also be crucial components enabling important breakthroughs. This biennial review highlights key advances in either instrumentation or data acquisition and treatment, which have appeared since January 2010. This review is based on the assessments by scientists prominent in each of the given analytical fields; it is not intended as an exhaustive summary, but rather provides insight from experts of the most significant advances and trends in their given field of expertise. In contrast to earlier reviews, this presentation has been formulated into a unified work, providing a single source covering a broad spectrum of geoanalytical techniques. Additionally, some themes that were not previously emphasised, in particular thermal ionisation mass spectrometry, accelerator‐based methods and vibrational spectroscopy, are also presented in detail.  相似文献   

当前地质找矿工作的某些新动向与岩矿测试的新贡献   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
王登红  屈文俊 《岩矿测试》2013,32(4):532-537
近年来地质找矿取得了一系列的新进展,也出现了以人为本的新趋势,现代的矿产地质工作面临着不分地区、不分矿种、不分专业的新动向,开拓国内和国外两个市场,利用国内和国外两种资源的新格局,要求地质找矿工作与岩矿测试工作密切结合.地质人员要充分了解现代测试技术的特点,充分发挥实验室和仪器设备的作用;实验室也需要主动为地质找矿工作提供支撑,针对“现、散、快、廉、难、全”的新特点研发相应的分析测试技术与设备,而不是被动地“来样品、出数据”;主管部门也需要在制定政策、规划立项时就安排好地质与测试工作的结合.  相似文献   

Tong  Xin  Illman  Walter A.  Berg  Steven J.  Luo  Ning 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(5):1979-1997

The sustainable management of groundwater resources is essential to municipalities worldwide due to increasing water demand. Planning for the optimized use of groundwater resources requires reliable estimation of hydraulic parameters such as hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (Ss). However, estimation of hydraulic parameters can be difficult with dedicated pumping tests while municipal wells are in operation. In this study, the K and Ss of a highly heterogeneous, multi-aquifer/aquitard system are estimated through the inverse modeling of water-level data from observation wells collected during municipal well operations. In particular, four different geological models are calibrated by coupling HydroGeoSphere (HGS) with the parameter estimation code PEST. The joint analysis of water-level records resulting from fluctuating pumping and injection operations amounts to a hydraulic tomography (HT) analysis. The four geological models are well calibrated and yield reliable estimates that are consistent with previously studies. Overall, this research reveals that: (1) the HT analysis of municipal well records is feasible and yields reliable K and Ss estimates for individual geological units where drawdown records are available; (2) these estimates are obtained at the scale of intended use, unlike small-scale estimates typically obtained through other characterization methods; (3) the HT analysis can be conducted using existing data, which leads to substantial cost savings; and (4) data collected during municipal well operations can be used in the development of new groundwater models or in the calibration of existing groundwater models, thus they are valuable and should be archived.


城市地下普遍蕴藏着地下空间、地下水、浅层地热能和地质材料4 种地质资源。它们共生共存于同一地质环境系统中,彼此之间相互联系,一种资源的开发可能会对其它资源的开发潜力产生显著影响。为充分发挥地下各种资源对城市可持续发展的支撑作用,减少资源开发之间的冲突,城市地下开发的观念需要从片面的满足“一时一己”之需的单一资源开发转变为全局的多资源兼顾的协同开发。本文通过国内外文献调研,识别和概化出了9 种城市地下开发过程中地质资源相互影响的典型模式,总结出其相互影响具有互馈性、连锁性和动态变化性的特征,并列举了一些多种地质资源协同开发的典型案例,以期为城市地下开发效益的最大化提供支撑。  相似文献   

实施找矿突破战略行动是保障我国经济社会可持续发展、提高矿产资源保障能力的重大举措,整装勘查是实现找矿突破的重要途径。整装勘查信息系统利用地理信息系统技术、数据库技术,整合全国、整装勘查区、重点工作区、实施项目等四层次的基础地理、地质、矿产地、矿业权、潜力评价成果等数据,实现数据管理、信息浏览、地图浏览、查询检索、统计分析、数据输出、地图制作及动态评估跟踪等功能,为全面了解掌握整装勘查区地质背景、找矿潜力及找矿进展,开展整装勘查业务支撑与研究、整装勘查区进展与成果展示提供了平台支持。通过整装勘查信息系统建设,笔者建议建设全国矿产勘查信息系统,集成基础地质、物化遥、潜力评价预测成果、矿业权等,及时跟踪补充重大进展地区的空间位置、地形地质图、重要勘探线剖面图、重要进展描述等矿产勘查数据,为国内矿产勘查的宏观决策、微观工作部署提供信息支持。  相似文献   

泛珠三角地区地质环境综合调查工程进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,由中国地质调查局组织实施的“泛珠三角地区地质环境综合调查工程”取得了一批重要成果和认识。梳理了支撑泛珠三角地区绿色发展的优势资源环境条件: ①富硒耕地资源优势显著,可有力支撑富硒产业发展; ②地下水资源丰富,水质总体优良,应急/后备供水保障能力强; ③地质遗迹类型较多,典型稀有,价值高,可助推旅游产业发展; ④地热资源保有量大,有利于清洁能源产业布局和发展; ⑤海岸带资源禀赋优越,但局部存在海岸侵蚀、淤积等环境地质问题; ⑥矿产资源区域特色鲜明,海上能源资源开发潜力大; ⑦工程地质条件整体较好。指出了区内需要关注的重大地质环境问题及局部存在的崩滑流地质灾害、岩溶塌陷、水土污染和地面沉降等环境地质问题。查明了珠江口土壤中硒含量高背景值是富硒大米形成的基础,探查了红层盆地压性构造带找水优势区域,研究了泛珠三角城市群经济社会发展与资源环境绿色生态保持间的协调程度。这些进展可为区域国土空间规划、绿色产业发展、生态环境保护提供支撑。  相似文献   

三维地质建模的关键技术, 是如何利用专业地理信息系统(GIS)的立体空间平台将三维空间地质实体真实地再现, 实现地质体的三维可视化和相关空间分析, 为地质研究和矿产资源勘查提供技术支撑。本文以东昆仑造山带为研究对象, 利用Micromine软件系统对地质体三维实体建模中的关键技术和建模方法进行了探索性研究, 初步总结出三维地质建模的主要技术和方法流程。   相似文献   

Song  Suihong  Mukerji  Tapan  Hou  Jiagen 《Mathematical Geosciences》2021,53(7):1413-1444

Conditional facies modeling combines geological spatial patterns with different types of observed data, to build earth models for predictions of subsurface resources. Recently, researchers have used generative adversarial networks (GANs) for conditional facies modeling, where an unconditional GAN is first trained to learn the geological patterns using the original GAN’s loss function, then appropriate latent vectors are searched to generate facies models that are consistent with the observed conditioning data. A problem with this approach is that the time-consuming search process needs to be conducted for every new conditioning data. As an alternative, we improve GANs for conditional facies simulation (called GANSim) by introducing an extra condition-based loss function and adjusting the architecture of the generator to take the conditioning data as inputs, based on progressive growing of GANs. The condition-based loss function is defined as the inconsistency between the input conditioning value and the corresponding characteristics exhibited by the output facies model, and forces the generator to learn the ability of being consistent with the input conditioning data, together with the learning of geological patterns. Our input conditioning factors include global features (e.g., the mud facies proportion) alone, local features such as sparse well facies data alone, and joint combination of global features and well facies data. After training, we evaluate both the quality of generated facies models and the conditioning ability of the generators, by manual inspection and quantitative assessment. The trained generators are quite robust in generating high-quality facies models conditioned to various types of input conditioning information.


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