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The Wadi Allaqi ophiolite along the Egyptian-Sudanese border defines the southernmost ophiolitic assemblage and suture zone in the Eastern Desert. Ophiolite assemblages comprise nappes composed mainly of mafic and ultramafic rocks that were tectonically emplaced and replaced by serpentine and carbonates along shear zones probably due to CO2-metasomatism. Serpentinites, altered slices of the upper mantle, represent a distinctive lithology of dismembered ophiolites of the western YOSHGAH suture. Microscopically, they are composed of more than 90 % serpentine minerals with minor opaque minerals, carbonate, brucite and talc. The mineral chemistry and whole-rock chemical data reported here indicate that the serpentinized peridotites formed as highly-depleted mantle residues. They show compositions consistent with formation in a suprasubduction zone environment. They are depleted in Al2O3 and CaO similar to those in fore-arc peridotites. Also, high Cr# (Cr/ (Cr+Al)) in the relict chrome spinels (average ~0.72) indicates that these are residual after extensive partial melting, similar to spinels in modern fore-arc peridotites. Therefore, the studied serpentinites represent fragments of an oceanic lithosphere that formed in a fore-arc environment, which belongs to an ophiolitic mantle sequence formed in a suprasubduction zone.  相似文献   

The ophiolitic peridotites in the Wadi Arais area, south Eastern Desert of Egypt, represent a part of Neoproterozoic ophiolites of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). We found relics of fresh dunites enveloped by serpentinites that show abundances of bastite after orthopyroxene, reflecting harzburgite protoliths. The bulk-rock chemistry confirmed the harzburgites as the main protoliths. The primary mantle minerals such as orthopyroxene, olivine and chromian spinel in Arais serpentinites are still preserved. The orthopyroxene has high Mg# [=Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)], ~0.923 on average. It shows intra-grain chemical homogeneity and contains, on average, 2.28 wt.% A12O3, 0.88 wt.% Cr2O3 and 0.53 wt.% CaO, similar to primary orthopyroxenes in modern forearc peridotites. The olivine in harzburgites has lower Fo (93?94.5) than that in dunites (Fo94.3?Fo95.9). The Arais olivine is similar in NiO (0.47 wt.% on average) and MnO (0.08 wt.% on average) contents to the mantle olivine in primary peridotites. This olivine is high in Fo content, similar to Mg-rich olivines in ANS ophiolitic harzburgites, because of its residual origin. The chromian spinel, found in harzburgites, shows wide ranges of Cr#s [=Cr/(Cr + Al)], 0.46?0.81 and Mg#s, 0.34?0.67. The chromian spinel in dunites shows an intra-grain chemical homogeneity with high Cr#s (0.82?0.86). The chromian spinels in Arais peridotites are low in TiO2, 0.05 wt.% and YFe [= Fe3+/(Cr + Al + Fe3+)], ~0.06 on average. They are similar in chemistry to spinels in forearc peridotites. Their compositions associated with olivine’s Fo suggest that the harzburgites are refractory residues after high-degree partial melting (mainly ~25?30 % partial melting) and dunites are more depleted, similar to highly refractory peridotites recovered from forearcs. This is in accordance with the partial melting (>20 % melt) obtained by the whole-rock Al2O3 composition. The Arais peridotites have been possibly formed in a sub-arc setting (mantle wedge), where high degrees of partial melting were available during subduction and closing of the Mozambique Ocean, and emplaced in a forearc basin. Their equilibrium temperature based on olivine?spinel thermometry ranges from 650 to 780 °C, and their oxygen fugacity is high (Δlog ?O2?=?2.3 to 2.8), which is characteristic of mantle-wedge peridotites. The Arais peridotites are affected by secondary processes forming microinclusions inside the dunitic olivine, abundances of carbonates and talc flakes in serpentinites. These microinclusions have been formed by reaction between trapped fluids and host olivine in a closed system. Lizardite and chrysotile, based on Raman analyses, are the main serpentine minerals with lesser antigorite, indicating that serpentines were possibly formed under retrograde metamorphism during exhumation and near the surface at low T (<400 °C).  相似文献   


The dismembered ophiolites in Wadi Arais area of the south Eastern Desert of Egypt are one of a series of Neoproterozoic ophiolites found within the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS). We present new major, trace, and rare earth element analyses and mineral composition data from samples of the Wadi Arais ophiolitic rocks with the goal of constraining their geotectonic setting. The suite includes serpentinized ultramafics (mantle section) and greenschist facies metagabbros (crustal section). The major and trace element characteristics of the metagabbro unit show a tholeiitic to calc-alkaline affinity. The serpentinized ultramafics display a bastite, or less commonly mesh, texture of serpentine minerals reflecting harzburgite and dunite protoliths, and unaltered relics of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and chrome spinel can be found. Bulk-rock chemistry confirms harzburgite as the main protolith. The high Mg# (91.93–93.15) and low Al2O3/SiO2 ratios (0.01–0.02) of the serpentinized peridotite, together with the high Cr# (>0.6) of their Cr-spinels and the high NiO contents (0.39–0.49 wt.%) of their olivines, are consistent with residual mantle rocks that experienced high degrees of partial melt extraction. The high Cr# and low TiO2 contents (0.02–0.34 wt.%) of the Cr-spinels are most consistent with modern highly refractory fore-arc peridtotites and suggest that these rocks probably developed in a supra-subduction zone environment.  相似文献   

Gebel Filat granites form one of Egyptian younger granite intrusions in Wadi Allaqi region, South Eastern Desert of Egypt. They are perthitic monzogranites composed mainly of K-feldspars, plagioclase, and quartz with minor biotite. Plagioclase feldspars are Na-rich and have low anorthite content (An2–3). Potash feldspars are mainly perthitic microcline and have chemical formula as (Or96–96.6 Ab3.4–4 An0). Biotite is Mg-rich and seems to be derived from calc-alkaline magma. Chlorite is pycnochlorite with high Mg content, revealing its secondary derivation from biotite. The estimated formation temperatures of biotite and chlorite are (689–711°C) and (602–622°C), respectively. Gebel Filat monzogranites are metaluminous, high-K calc-alkaline, I-type granites. They are late orogenic granites related to subduction-related volcanic arc magmatism. They are enriched in LILE and depleted in HSFE indicating highly differentiation character. The REE patterns display an enrichment in LREE due to presence of zircon and allanite as accessories and depletion in HREE with slight negative Eu anomaly $ \left( {{\text{Eu}}/{\text{Eu}} * = 0.51 - 0.97} \right) $ . The parent magma of Gebel Filat monzogranites were emplaced at moderate depths (20–30 km) under moderate conditions of water-vapor pressure (1–5 kbar) and crystallization temperature [700–750°C]. The source magma of these granites seems to be derived from partial melting of lower crust material rather than upper mantle. The geochemical characteristics of pegmatites revealed that they are related to post orogenic within plate magmatism and not genetically related to the parent magma of Gebel Filat monzogranites. Distribution of radioactive elements (U and Th) in the studied rocks indicates normal U–Th contents for Filat monzogranites and U–Th bearing pegmatites. The positive correlations of each of Zr and Y versus U and Th are attributed to presence of zircon and allanite as accessories which incorporate U and Th in their crystal lattice.  相似文献   

The Dungash historic gold mine is located in the South Eastern Desert of Egypt. The gold-bearing quartz veins are hosted by the metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic rocks along an ENE–WSW trending shear zone. Alteration types recorded in the wall rocks are sericitization, silicification, carbonatization, chloritization, sulfidization, ferruginization, and listwanitization. The ore mineral assemblage comprises arsenopyrite, pyrite, native gold, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and galena. The primary sulfide mineral assemblage formed during a hypogene hydrothermal stage whereas anglesite and goethite occur as secondary supergene phases. Microthermometric fluid inclusion analysis revealed that the auriferous quartz precipitated from a moderately saline (5 to 11.22 wt% NaClequiv) solution at temperatures above the recorded homogenization temperatures (T h), which range from 380 to 177 °C. The minimum pressures of trapping are between 350 and 400 bars. The fluid evolution during mineralization is explained by mixing of a magmatic fluid with meteoric waters. Initially, the high temperature and moderately saline magmatic fluid dominated and progressively became diluted with meteoric waters. Highest gold content is recorded in the carbonatized zone and the quartz veins. However, gold content in the carbonatized zone of the footwall exceeds several times its content in the quartz veins and the carbonatized zone of the hanging wall.  相似文献   

Ophiolites are key components of the Neoproterozoic Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS). Understanding when they formed and were emplaced is crucial for understanding the evolution of the ANS because their ages tell when seafloor spreading and terrane accretion occurred. The Yanbu–Onib–Sol Hamed–Gerf–Allaqi–Heiani (YOSHGAH) suture and ophiolite belt can be traced  600 km across the Nubian and Arabian shields. We report five new SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages from igneous rocks along the Allaqi segment of the YOSHGAH suture in southernmost Egypt and use these data in conjunction with other age constraints to evaluate YOSHGAH suture evolution. Ophiolitic layered gabbro gave a concordia age of 730 ± 6 Ma, and a metadacite from overlying arc-type metavolcanic rocks yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 733 ± 7 Ma, indicating ophiolite formation at  730 Ma. Ophiolite emplacement is also constrained by intrusive bodies: a gabbro yielded a concordia age of 697 ± 5 Ma, and a quartz-diorite yielded a concordia age of 709 ± 4 Ma. Cessation of deformation is constrained by syn- to post-tectonic granite with a concordia age of 629 ± 5 Ma. These new data, combined with published zircon ages for ophiolites and stitching plutons from the YOSHGAH suture zone, suggest a 2-stage evolution for the YOSHGAH ophiolite belt ( 810–780 Ma and  730–750 Ma) and indicate that accretion between the Gabgaba–Gebeit–Hijaz terranes to the south and the SE Desert–Midyan terranes to the north occurred as early as 730 Ma and no later than 709 ± 4 Ma.  相似文献   

Gabbroic intrusions of the El-Aradiya area are a part of the Neoproterozoic basement cropping out in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt. They are composed mainly of gabbroic cumulates (diopside-plagioclase cumulate and plagioclase-augite cumulate) and fine-grained noncumulate gabbro. Mineral chemistry data indicate that the plagioclase core compositions of the gabbroic cumulates range between An90 and An60, whereas fine-grained noncumulate gabbro plagioclase core compositions are An61−56 and rim compositions are An54−42. The clinopyroxenes are diopside and augite in the gabbroic cumulate, and augite in the fine-grained noncumulate gabbro. Chemical re-equilibration between pyroxenes of gabbroic cumulates vary from 1150-900°C and for fine-grained noncumulate gabbro range from 1200-1100°C. The amphiboles are calcic, varying from tschermakite and tschermakitic hornblende, and Mg-hornblende in the gabbroic cumulate and only Mg-hornblende in the fine-grained noncumulate gabbro. They indicate an island-arc tholeiitic setting for gabbroic intrusions of the El-Aradiya area. Major and trace element data suggest arc tholeiite characters, a comagmatic suite and subduction-related magma with enrichment of LILE and depletion in HFSE relative to MORB. The estimated parent magma is similar to tholeiitic Aleutian arc primary magma. The gabbroic intrusions are analogous to intrusions emplaced in an immature island-arc setting in which the oceanic crust was thin.  相似文献   

Calc-alkaline and alkaline intrusions of the late Neoproterozic form essential part of the Arabian–Nubian Shield. They were formed during the collision between East- and West-Gondwana. Sharm El-Sheikh area, Sinai, includes wide compositional array of these intrusions that can be considered as a case study. Variations in both tectonic and thermobarometric condition for granitic intrusions are studied. Four mappable granitic types are recognized namely monzogranite, syenogranite, alkali feldspar granites, and riebeckite-bearing granites. The monzogranite and the syenogranite of the study area are mostly I-type, whereas the alkali feldspar granite and the riebeckite-bearing granite belong to A-type granitoid. The calc-alkaline intrusions were formed in compressional setting due to decompressional melting of mafic lower crust. Partial melting and anatexing of crustal rocks are suggested to explain the protolith of the alkaline intrusions. The transition from the calc-alkaline magma to the alkaline one occurred as a result of the tectonic transition from compression regime to tectonic relaxation (extension setting) during the last stage of the Pan-African Orogeny. The amphiboles of the studied granites are classified as calcic- and alkali-amphiboles. The calcic-amphiboles are ferro-edenite while the alkali-amphiboles are typically riebeckite. Both amphibole types are of magmatic nature. Coexisting amphiboles and plagioclases are used to estimate the physicochemical parameters of magma crystallization. The syenogranite underwent temperature and pressure of formation range of 520–730 °C, <3 kbar. The alkali feldspar granite records 450–830 °C, <4 kbar, while the riebeckite-bearing granite records the lowest temperature condition among all varieties and estimate formation at 350–650 °C, <4 kbar.  相似文献   

The studied serpentinites occur as isolated masses, imbricate slices of variable thicknesses and as small blocks or lenses incorporated in the sedimentary matrix of the mélange. They are thrusted over the associated island arc calc-alkaline metavolcanics and replaced by talc-carbonates along shear zones. Lack of thermal effect of the serpentinites upon the enveloping country rocks, as well as their association with thrust faults indicates their tectonic emplacement as solid bodies. Petrographically, they are composed essentially of antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite with subordinate amounts of carbonates, chromite, magnetite, magnesite, talc, tremolite and chlorite. Chrysotile occurs as cross-fiber veinlets traversing the antigorite matrix, which indicate a late crystallization under static conditions. The predominance of antigorite over other serpentine minerals indicates that the serpentinites have undergone prograde metamorphism or the parent ultramafic rocks were serpentinized under higher pressure. The parent rocks of the studied serpentinites are mainly harzburgite and less commonly dunite and wehrlite due to the prevalence of mesh and bastite textures. The serpentinites have suffered regional metamorphism up to the greenschist facies, which occurred during the collisional stage or back-arc basin closure, followed by thrusting over a continental margin. The microprobe analyses of the serpentine minerals show wide variation in SiO2, MgO, Al2O3, FeO and Cr2O3 due to different generations of serpentinization. The clinopyroxene relicts, from the partly serpentinized peridotite, are augite and similar to clinopyroxene in mantle-derived peridotites. The chromitite lenses associated with the serpentinites show common textures and structures typical of magmatic crystallization and podiform chromitites. The present data suggest that the serpentinites and associated chromitite lenses represent an ophiolitic mantle sequence from a supra-subduction zone, which were thrust over the continental margins during the collisional stage of back-arc basin.  相似文献   

The studied serpentinites occur as isolated masses, imbricate slices of variable thicknesses and as small blocks or lenses incorporated in the sedimentary matrix of the mélange. They are thrusted over the associated island arc calc-alkaline metavolcanics and replaced by talc-carbonates along shear zones. Lack of thermal effect of the serpentinites upon the enveloping country rocks, as well as their association with thrust faults indicates their tectonic emplacement as solid bodies. Petrographically, they are composed essentially of antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite with subordinate amounts of carbonates, chromite, magnetite, magnesite, talc, tremolite and chlorite. Chrysotile occurs as cross-fiber veinlets traversing the antigorite matrix, which indicate a late crystallization under static conditions. The predominance of antigorite over other serpentine minerals indicates that the serpentinites have undergone prograde metamorphism or the parent ultramafic rocks were serpentinized under higher pressure. The parent rocks of the studied serpentinites are mainly harzburgite and less commonly dunite and wehrlite due to the prevalence of mesh and bastite textures. The serpentinites have suffered regional metamorphism up to the greenschist facies, which occurred during the collisional stage or back-arc basin closure, followed by thrusting over a continental margin. The microprobe analyses of the serpentine minerals show wide variation in SiO2, MgO, Al2O3, FeO and Cr2O3 due to different generations of serpentinization. The clinopyroxene relicts, from the partly serpentinized peridotite, are augite and similar to clinopyroxene in mantle-derived peridotites. The chromitite lenses associated with the serpentinites show common textures and structures typical of magmatic crystallization and podiform chromitites. The present data suggest that the serpentinites and associated chromitite lenses represent an ophiolitic mantle sequence from a supra-subduction zone, which were thrust over the continental margins during the collisional stage of back-arc basin.  相似文献   

The Wadi Sikait area lies at about 95 km southwest of Marsa Alam City along the Red Sea Coast, Eastern Desert, Egypt. It is occupied by Precambrian rocks of ophiolitic mélange, metamorphosed sandstones (MSS), gab-bros and monzogranites which were later intruded by lamprophyre dykes and quartz veins. The lamprophyre dykes were extruded in NW-SE and NE-SW trends cutting monzogranites and metamor-phosed sandstones. The lamprophyres are porphyritic and composed of clinopyroxene, olivine and amphibole phenocrysts enclosed in a fine-grained groundmass of clinopyroxene, amphibole, opaque and lithium mica. The al-teration products are represented by amphibole (tremolite-actinolite and hornblende), carbonate, epidote, chlorite, iddingsite, clay minerals, limonite and serpentine. The Sikait lamprophyre dykes can be classified as alkaline lamprophyres characterized by silica contents rang-ing from 41.65 wt% to 50.88 wt% and Na2O>K2O. They are enriched in LILE, LREE and HFSE, but strongly de-pleted in compatible elements such as Cr and Ni relative to the primitive mantle. Sikait lamprophyres have moderate Zr/Hf (35.6-52.8) and Nb/Ta (20.5-22.5) ratios. Most of these features are attributed to the origin of these dykes from the metasomatized mantle affected by subduction-related fluid. These lamprophyres are compositionally similar to Salu lamprophyres in eastern China. The Sikait lamprophyre samples have high LREE (320×10-6-419×10-6) relative to HREE (20×10-6-33×10-6) with ratios (LREE/HREE=11.6-18.7) and no negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*=0.9-1.04). The relative presence of posi-tive Ce anomaly (Ce/Ce*=1.04) in lamprophyre samples suggests the oxidizing condition under which the REEs were precipitated due to the common occurrence of fluorite and apatite.  相似文献   

The present work concerns two occurrences of Neoproterozoic volcaniclastic metasediments in the Central Eastern Desert (CED) of Egypt namely Alam occurrence and Atalla occurrence. They are mainly composed of bedded successions of feldspathic and feldspathic-lithic metagreywackes, arkosic metagreywackes, metasiltstones, and subordinate metaconglomerates. The rocks have been subjected mainly to various ductile deformational events (D1 and D2) due to NE–SW compression and later deformation (D3). The D1 deformation is synchronous with greenschist facies metamorphism (M1). The Alam metagreywackes show oceanic arc tectonic setting. The greywackes have clasts of quartz, feldspar, and metamorphic amphibole after pyroxene and show variable abundances of Cr, Ni, and V. Their provenance components are mainly of evolved felsic and mafic (bimodal) island arcs. The rocks are suggested to be deposited in a localized “intra-arc basin.” The metagreywackes of Atalla show tectonic setting affinity similar to continental sland arc or active continental margin. Their geochemical characteristics reflect the presence of felsic rocks as the main sources, together with minor inputs of intermediate rocks and reworked mineral grains of quartz and feldspar. They are deposited in a localized “retro-arc basins” of an active continental margin. The whole sequences of both Atalla and Alam sediments have been subjected to deformation and contemporaneous regional metamorphism during arc-arc or arc-continent collision. Newproterozoic clastic metasedimentary rocks in the CED appear to have been deposited in arc-related basins, including interarc or back-arc basins, intra-arc basins, and retro-arc basin of active continental margin.  相似文献   

Serpentinites in the Eastern Desert (ED) of Egypt represent integral components of the ophiolites. Metamorphic textures of the serpentinites preserve the complex mineralogical evolution from primary peridotite through metamorphism, and late-stage hydrothermal alteration. Two textural types are distinguished in the olivines of the present serpentinized peridotites, namely (a) highly-strained olivine grains with kink bands, as in the deformed mantle tectonites from ophiolites, and (b) non-strained grains. The latter may represent recrystallized crystals during later thermal metamorphic events due to the intrusion of granite. On the basis of X-ray diffraction analysis, antigorite is the main serpentine minerals with lesser chrysotile and lizardite which indicates that serpentinites were formed under prograde metamorphism. Relict primary minerals of the serpentinites are Cr-spinel, olivine and pyroxene. Chrome spinel relicts have high Cr# (0.60–0.80), whereas primary olivines are Mg-rich nature (Fo = 89–96). Geochemical compositions of serpentinites indicate that they formed not at mid-ocean ridges but at spreading centers associated with subduction zones and this could have happened in a supra-subduction zone either in the fore-arc or back-arc environments. Mineral compositions of primary chrome spinels and olivines are similar to those of modern fore-arcs. High Cr# in the relict chrome spinels and Fo in the primary olivines of serpentinites indicate that they are residual after extensive partial melting and originated by sea-floor spreading during subduction initiation.  相似文献   

Mikbi intrusion(MI) is a part of the Neoproterozoic Nubian Shield located along the NE-SW trending major fracture zones prevailing southern Eastern Desert of Egypt. In this study, we present for the first time detailed mineralogical and bulk-rock geochemical data to infer some constraints on the parental magma genesis and to understand the tectonic processes contributed to MI formation. Lithologically, it is composed of fresh peridotite, clinopyroxenite, hornblendite, anorthosite, gabbronorite, pyroxene amphibole gabbro, amphibole gabbro and diorite. All rocks have low Th/La ratios(mostly <0.2) and lack positive Zr and Th anomalies excluding significant crustal contamination. They show very low concentrations of Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf together with sub-chondritic ratios of Nb/Ta(2-15) and Zr/Hf(19-35),suggesting that their mantle source was depleted by earlier melting extraction event. The oxygen fugacity(logfO_2) estimated from diorite biotite is around the nickel-nickel oxide buffer(NNO) indicating crystallization from a relatively oxidized magma. Amphiboles in the studied mafic-ultramafic rocks indicate relative oxygen fugacity(i.e. ΔNNO; nickel-nickel oxide) of 0.28-3 and were in equilibrium mostly with 3.77-8.24 wt.% H_2 Omelt(i.e. water content in the melt), consistent with the typical values of subduction-related magmas. Moreover, pressure estimates(0.53-6.79 kbar) indicate polybaric crystallization and suggest that the magma chamber(s) was located at relatively shallow crustal levels. The enrichment in LILE(e.g., Cs, Ba, K and Sr) and the depletion in HFSE(e.g., Th and Nb) relative to primitive mantle are consistent with island arc signature. The olivine, pyroxene and amphibole compositions also reflect arc affinity. These inferences suggest that their primary magma was derived from partial melting of a mantle source that formerly metasomatized in a subduction zone setting. Clinopyroxene and bulkrock data are consistent with orogenic tholeiitic affinity. Consequently, the mineral and bulk-rock chemistry strongly indicate crystallization from hydrous tholeiitic magma. Moreover, their trace element patterns are subparallel indicating that the various rock types possibly result from differentiation of the same primary magma. These petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics show that the MI is a typical Alaskan-type complex.  相似文献   

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