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In order to understand better the chemistry of soil proteinaceous material, there is a need for an effective extraction and purification method for different types of soil. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of different extractants and of phenol extraction for the extraction and purification of native soil proteinaceous material and the added protein (bovine serum albumin, BSA) from different types of soil, and to test the applicability of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionizationtime-of-flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI–TOF-MS) for the analysis of soil proteinaceous material. Extraction of three types of boreal soil was carried out with water or different buffers. Purification of the extracted proteinaceous material was carried out with phenol extraction, the concentration being measured using Bradford’s method, and the analysis performed with MALDI–TOF-MS. The concentration of extracted proteinaceous material was dependent on the soil and the extractant, and the amount of N in the extracted material was ca. 3–90% of soil total N, being highest for sandy soil and lowest for highly organic forest floor and fine-textured clay soil. Non-purified extracts contained high amounts of non-proteinaceous (e.g. humic) material, especially the highly organic soil; this material may cause artifacts with Bradford’s method. The recovery of BSA was dependent on soil and extractant, suggesting a different sorption mechanism for different types of soil. MALDI–TOF-MS spectra suggested that the molecular weight of the extracted compounds was mainly <10 kDa, but compounds in the range ca. 15–50 kDa were also detected. However, individual compounds could not be identified.  相似文献   

吴二鲁  朱俊高  王龙  陈鸽 《岩土力学》2020,41(3):831-836
提出了一个适用于描述粗粒料连续级配的单参数级配方程,研究了方程的基本性质,分析了方程对连续级配粗粒料两种典型级配曲线的反映能力,利用多个土石坝工程粗粒料级配曲线验证该方程的适用性,推导了方程表示良好级配的参数范围。结果表明:提出的级配方程能够描述反S形和双曲线形两种典型的粗粒料级配曲线。方程参数β的范围为(0,1),当β值较小时,方程表示的级配曲线为双曲线形;当β值较大时,方程表示的级配曲线为反S形。提出的级配方程对土石坝工程中各种粗粒料的级配具有较好的适用性。与分形级配方程和连续级配方程相比,该单参数级配方程更具有实用价值。当β>0.13时,方程表示的级配为良好级配,该范围的确定可以为筑坝粗粒料的级配设计提供依据。  相似文献   

Geostatistical and statistical analyses were combined to examine the spatial distribution of soil water content under four vegetation types during the dry season, in the peak-cluster depression in the karst region in northwest Guangxi, southwest China. The soil water content significantly increased from farmland to plantation, secondary forest, and primary forest; whereas the variation coefficients, the sill (C 0+C), and total spatial variance increased, although the range decreased. The spatial distribution of soil water content in the different vegetation types had a high spatial autocorrelation. Different models produced a best fit for the semivariograms of the four vegetation types. Elevation and slope position were the primary factors influencing the spatial distribution of soil water content, with other key factors differing between the four vegetation types. Moreover, even though different specific factors influenced soil water content in the four vegetation types, the correlations and degrees of associations between the soil water content and these various factors differed. Therefore, the corresponding strategies for rational usage and management of water resources should be different for the four vegetation types in this region.  相似文献   

文章在世界自然遗产地贵州荔波茂兰保护区采集土壤全钙数据,分析采用地理加权回归(GWR)方法进行空间分析的有效性,筛选识别影响土壤全钙空间分布的主要因子,建立喀斯特地区土壤全钙含量空间分布计算模型,获取研究土壤全钙空间分布基础数据。通过土壤流失方程(USLE)计算土壤侵蚀状况,对比分析土壤全钙与土壤侵蚀空间关联,揭示土壤全钙的空间迁移规律。结果表明:(1)在岩性一致条件下,相对高差和坡度是影响土壤全钙空间分布的主导因子;(2)GWR模型的预测精度优于全局回归的(OLS),相关系数分别是0.41和0.39;(3)通过土壤全钙含量空间估算模型,计算得到研究区土壤全钙空间分布特征,土壤全钙为0 ~37.68 gkg-1。研究结论说明,在湿润气候的喀斯特地区,尽管植被覆盖度大,但土壤全钙空间分布仍然深受成土母质影响,喀斯特峰林土壤侵蚀强度大,土壤全钙含量高,物质迁移以流失为主,峰丛洼地土壤侵蚀强度小,土壤全钙含量低,物质迁移以淋溶流失为主。   相似文献   

通过对喀斯特地区乔木林、灌木林和草丛不同植被类型覆盖下的土面、石面、石缝、石沟、石洞、石槽和石坑7类小生境土壤样品分析测定,探讨了小生境土壤矿物组成及有机碳的空间异质性特征。结果表明:(1)不同植被类型下土壤矿物组成存在明显差异,即从草丛→灌木林→乔木林,小生境土壤中的石英、高岭石基本保持不变,但草丛土壤中的白云石矿物全部消失,灌木林、乔木林土壤中逐渐出现绿泥石;(2)随着植被正向演替,土壤有机碳含量显著增加,小生境土壤有机碳含量在不同植被类型条件下存在明显的异质性,表现为草丛>乔木林>灌木林。与此同时,以小生境土壤有机碳含量及变异系数为评价因子,分别对乔木林、灌木林及草丛中小生境有机碳进行聚类分析,结果显示,小生境微地貌特征是土壤有机碳含量及空间变异性的重要影响因子。对于土壤有机碳保护,草丛及灌木林区应以提高植被覆盖率为主;乔木林区则主要是保持现有良好的植被状况,减少人为干扰。   相似文献   

Precise estimation of unsaturated hydraulic properties of porous media is indispensable in various study areas, such as analyzing the moisture flow, the drying process occurring from the surface, and the pollutant migration beneath the ground surface. Although many empirical/theoretical models describing the unsaturated hydraulic properties have been proposed by several previous researchers, the best model for the different types of soil/rock may not be identical. Thus, the model selection process and the estimation technique of the parameters included in the models should be developed. In the present study, the inverse technique based on the transient evaporation change was investigated to select the model and estimate the model parameters. The experimental work was based on a relatively low permeable soft rock and a relatively high permeable sandy soil (Toyoura standard sand). Experimental equipment was developed to precisely measure the evaporation rate for the high permeable sandy soil. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) was adopted in the inverse technique as an optimization tool. In order to simplify the problem, only the drying process from the saturated condition was considered. It was established that the information concerning the transient evaporation change could be used for the model selection and parameter estimation. Further, the saturation distribution could be used for the selection of the models. The present study provides important information for the development of the model selection process.  相似文献   

矿山环境治理模式及其适用性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
着重探讨了矿山环境治理模式,提出具体治理模式的组合方式、逐一分析各种模式对应的理念、技术组成与应用特征,并引用实际案例讨论治理模式的适用性。  相似文献   

不同土壤类型与含水率对水平埋管换热性能影响数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示地源热泵系统水平埋管换热器在不同土壤类型中的换热性能,基于土壤毛管水理论知识,结合数值模拟的研究手段,探讨了蓄能不同类型土体内(砂土、壤土、黏土)三相组成的差异对水平埋管换热器换热特性的影响规律。结果表明,在通入308.15 K制冷工况下,水平管在壤土中的出水温度降低至303.3 K,进出口水温差为4.9 K,埋管单位延米换热量37.1 W/m,水平管在壤土中的制冷换热效益显著;不同土壤(砂土、壤土、黏土)在经历相同制冷周期下,水平管的换热过程对壤土的温度场分布影响最小,管体在壤土中运行时热堆积风险系数最低。研究表明,水平管与土壤的换热性能同时受土壤比热容与土壤导热系数的影响,提高土壤导热系数比提高土壤比热容获得的效益更加显著。可以通过压实回填、减少土壤孔隙率、提高固相回填材料导热系数、加大布管深度以提高回填材料含水率等方法来强化埋管的换热性能。   相似文献   

通过高压罐密闭消解、微波消解与聚四氟乙烯坩埚常压消解,等离子质谱法测量土壤中重金属铅、镉、铬,结果表明三种方法均满足土壤质量评价要求,其中聚四氟乙烯坩埚常压消解除铬元素系统稍偏低。聚四氟乙烯坩埚常压消解具有简单,快速,稳定,方法线性范围为(0~200)ng/m L,相关系数均在0.999以上,铅、镉、铬检出限分别是0.7,0.03,3 ng/m L,能满足农业土壤重金属测量要求。  相似文献   

通过网格(5 m×5 m)取样,用地统计学方法研究了喀斯特峰丛洼地4个典型植被类型表层土壤(0~10 cm)水分的空间异质特征,探讨了其生态学过程和机制。结果表明,随着干扰强度的降低,植被产生了由农作物(Ⅰ)?人工林(Ⅱ)?次生林(Ⅲ)?原生林(Ⅳ)的变化,土壤水分显著提高,空间变异特征明显不同,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ分别符合指数模型、高斯模型、指数模型和球状模型,块金值与基台值之比(C0/(C0+C))在0.269~0.500之间,具有中等的空间相关性,Ⅰ和Ⅳ土壤水分的空间结构相似,(C0/(C0+C))值较大,随机因素和自相关异质性各占50%,分维数D值较大,空间依赖性较小,Ⅱ和Ⅳ相反;农业耕作区土壤水分的空间延续范围较大,变程达252.9 m,其他3个植被类型的变程均较小(141.2~163.2 m);Kriging等值线图从不同位置和方向上清楚地表明Ⅰ和Ⅳ土壤水分的空间分布均呈凸型分布,Ⅱ呈单峰分布,Ⅲ呈凹型分布;影响土壤水分空间分布的因子很多,其中干扰通过对植被的调控发挥了关键作用,降低干扰是喀斯特峰丛洼地脆弱生态系统水资源改善、合理利用及生态恢复重建的重要举措。   相似文献   

Adsorption studies were carried out on soil samples of high organic and low organic content to analyze the distribution coefficient and mobility of phenols. The results show that the amount of phenols adsorbed by the soil varies linearly with the fraction of organic carbon. Soils that are highly organic compared to those with low organic matter content retain the phenols to a greater extent. Adsorption studies on the different soil types indicated that the extent of adsorption of phenols by different kinds of soils is important, as a smaller amount of adsorption by the soil increases the risk of contamination of the groundwater supply.  相似文献   

Genetic diagnostics of paleosols are based on the morphology of soil profiles, on the combination of the stable properties of microstructure and on the mineral composition of soils (taking into account diagenetic transformations). As a result of spatial paleopedological reconstructions performed both at a level of the structure of soil cover (study of paleosols in the catena) and at the zonal-provincial level allowed to compile soil maps of Eastern Europe for the Mikulino Interglacial (125 ka BP), the Bryansk Interstadial (32 to 24 ka) and the Holocene climatic optimum (5.5 ka). These data can be used for paleoclimatic reconstructions.  相似文献   

非饱和土壤溶质迁移转化模型参数优化估算   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
王超  顾斌杰 《水科学进展》2002,13(2):184-190
在分析非饱和土壤中水分和溶质迁移转化规律的基础上,采用与坐标网格相适应的分块连续作用的水动力函数,研究模型参数最优化估算技术.运用Gauss-Newton最小化计算的Levenberg-Marquardt修正法来实现反求模型的迭代问题.该方法被应用于估算一维土柱和二维土槽试验研究模型的参数,探讨了参数给定与估算数量对参数的置信区间和预测效果的影响.经验证表明,参数优化估算技术是可行的,以此参数进行模型预测,其结果是可信的.  相似文献   

全过程沉降量预测的Logistic生长模型及适用性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
地基的全过程沉降量与时间的关系呈S形曲线,可用Logistic生长模型来描述。目前应用的Logistic生长模型,较少考虑模型的适用范围和预测精度等问题。结合工程实例,比较了模型参数估计的三种方法,研究结果表明,采用非线性回归法估计模型参数,可取得较好的预测效果;根据混沌理论,研究了模型的适用范围和预测性能。Logistic生长模型的动态行为由参数α(瞬时沉降速率)决定,当参数α的取值范围在[0,2]之内,该模型预测的最终沉降量是稳定的。  相似文献   

李向东  罗晓辉 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z2):114-118
非饱和土应力状态是采用有效应力( –ua)和基质吸力(ua–uw)作为应力状态变量,相应的Mohr-Coulomb破坏包面是在有效应力、基质吸力和剪应力的三维坐标系中的曲面(通常在应用中假定为平面)。根据应变等效性原理定义损伤变量,由非饱和土给出损伤变量与偏应力的曲线,并得到非饱和土的损伤阈值与基质吸力呈指数函数关系。采用一非饱和土土坡开挖过程的算例,说明基于损伤演化描述的稳定性数值分析方法可行。  相似文献   

全过程沉降量预测的Logistic生长模型及其适用性研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
徐洪钟  施斌  李雪红 《岩土力学》2005,26(3):387-391
地基的全过程沉降量与时间的关系呈S形曲线,可用Logistic生长模型来描述。目前应用的Logistic生长模型,较少考虑模型的适用范围和预测精度等问题。结合工程实例,比较了模型参数估计的三种方法,研究结果表明,采用非线性回归法估计模型参数,可取得较好的预测效果;根据混沌理论,研究了模型的适用范围和预测性能。Logistic生长模型的动态行为由参数a(瞬时沉降速率)决定,当参数a的取值范围在[0, 2]之内,该模型预测的最终沉降量是稳定的。  相似文献   

膨胀土壤标准吸湿含水率及其试验方法   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
姚海林  杨洋  程平  吴万平 《岩土力学》2004,25(6):856-859
提出了土壤标准吸湿含水率的概念,说明了其物理意义,并给出了试验标准。通过试验结果可以看出,土壤标准吸湿含水率与膨胀土的蒙脱石含量、阳离子交换量、比表面积之间是线性相关的,反映了膨胀土的本质属性。土壤标准吸湿含水率不仅在膨胀土的分类中,而且在细粒材料的表面物理性质方面具有很大的应用前景。  相似文献   

利用pH计法来研究西南岩溶区4类土地利用类型11个样地20cm、40cm和60cm土层碳酸酐酶(Carbonic Anhydrase,CA)的剖面分异特征,并与非岩溶样地进行对比。结果表明:西南岩溶区不同土地利用类型不同土层的CA活性存在较大差异。在林地中,40cm和60cm土层的CA活性明显高于20cm土层;而在乔灌丛、灌丛和耕地中,土壤CA活性表现出60cm土层处最高,20cm土层处最低,并与弃耕地不同土壤层CA活性变化趋势截然相反,这是因为弃耕地受人类活动干扰导致土壤CA活性出现逆转。进一步分析还可以看出林地、乔灌丛、灌丛和耕地4种土地利用类型下土壤CA活性总体呈现出随植物根系深度增加而增加的变化趋势,从而说明土地利用类型是导致土壤碳酸酐酶剖面产生分异的主要因素,并为进一步研究土壤CA在自然界碳酸盐岩风化过程中的作用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

土壤矿物和粒级组成及其与土壤元素关系的研究对土壤生态环境和肥力评价具有重要意义。对安徽铜陵地区土壤的研究发现,不同粒级段土壤中元素富集程度不同,不同元素的富集粒级也不尽相同,-200目细粒级中各种元素含量最低。研究表明,土壤不同粒级段的矿物组成不同,伊利石和针铁矿对Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、As等元素具有较强的吸附作用。  相似文献   

非饱和土本构模型在预测地表沉降中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪东林  栾茂田  杨庆 《岩土力学》2008,29(12):3311-3317
地下水位降低将导致非饱和土体中净平均应力和基质吸力发生变化,从而引起土体体积变化。利用GDS非饱和土三轴仪,研究了重塑非饱和黏土在干燥过程中试样含水率变化和总体积变化。针对某一典型基坑,运用大型有限元软件ABAQUS模拟了井点降水而形成的二维饱和-非饱和稳态渗流。饱和土区域和非饱和土区域沉降变形有着本质的区别,基于试验和数值模拟结果,根据Fredlund非饱和土弹性体变本构模型和饱和土有效应力原理,分别估算了饱和土区和非饱和土区沉降变形量。结果表明,在总沉降量中非饱和土区的沉降量是不可忽略的。随着降水深度的增大,非饱和土区域沉降量在总沉降量中所占比例将逐渐增大。  相似文献   

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