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Discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) provides a powerful numerical tool for the analysis of discontinuous media. This method has been widely applied to the 2D analysis of discontinuous deformation. However, it is hindered from analyzing 3D rock engineering problems mainly due to the lack of reliable 3D contact detection algorithms for polyhedra. Contact detection is a key in 3-D DDA analysis. The limitations and advantages of existing contact detection schemes are discussed in this paper, and a new approach, called the incision body (IB), is proposed, taking into account the advantages of the existing methods. A computer code 3DIB, which uses the IB scheme as a 3D contact detection algorithm, was programmed with Visual C^++. Static and dynamic stability analysis for three realistic engineering problems has been carried out. Furthermore, the focus is on studying the stability of a gravity dam on jointed rock foundation and dynamic stability of a fractured gravity dam subject to earthquake shaking. The simulation results show that the program 3DIB and incision body scheme are capable of detecting 3D block contacts correctly and hence simulating the open-close and slide process of jointed block masses. In addition, the code 3DIB could provide an effective tool for evaluating the safety of 3D dam structures, which is quite important for engineering problems.  相似文献   

Different models were developed for evaluating the probabilistic three-dimensional (3D) stability analysis of earth slopes and embankments under earthquake loading using both the safety factor and the displacement criteria of slope failure. In the 3D analysis, the critical and total slope widths become two new and important parameters.The probabilistic models evaluate the probability of failure under seismic loading considering the different sources of uncertainties involved in the problem, i.e. uncertainties stemming from the discrepancies between laboratory-measured and in-situ values of shear strength parameters, randomness of earthquake occurrence, and earthquake-induced acceleration. The models also takes into consideration the spatial variabilities and correlations of soil properties.Five probabilistic models of earthquake-induced displacement were developed based on the non-exceedance of a limited value criterion. Moreover, a probabilistic model for dynamic slope stability analysis was developed based on 3D dynamic safety factor.These models are formulated and incorporated within a computer program (PTDDSSA).A sensitivity analysis was conducted on the different parameters involved in the developed models by applying those models to a well-known landslides (Selset landslide) under different levels of seismic hazard.The parametric study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different input parameters on the resulting critical failure width, 3D dynamic safety factor, earthquake-induced displacement and the probability of failure. Input parameters include: average values and coefficients of variations of water table, cohesion and angle of friction for effective stress analysis, scales of fluctuations in both distance and time, hypocentral distance, earthquake magnitude, earthquake strong shaking period, etc.The hypocentral distance and earthquake magnitude were found to have major influence on the earthquake-induced displacement, probability of failure (i.e. probability of allowable displacement exceedance), and dynamic 2D and 3D safety factors.  相似文献   

边坡地震稳定性分析探讨   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
传统的拟静力法和安全系数时程分析法在评价边坡地震稳定性时存在一定的局限性。在提出准确的评价边坡地震稳定性必需因素的基础上,建议对边坡地震稳定性分析方法重新进行分类。根据动力分析得到的边坡在地震作用下的破坏机制和破裂面的性质和位置,提出基于拉-剪破坏的动力时程分析法和强度折减动力分析法。第一种方法将FLAC计算得到破坏时刻的动应力施加到静力情况下边坡上,采用动力分析得到的拉-剪破裂面,结合极限平衡法求解边坡地震安全系数,是一种改进的动力有限元时程分析法;第二种方法考虑了拉-剪破坏的FLAC强度折减动力分析法,是完全动力的方法。最后通过算例分析验证了新方法的可行性,为边坡地震安全系数计算提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

坝基地震液化特性及动力稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了考虑水库大坝地基地震液化及动力特性,首先通过室内动三轴试验研究混黏土的粉土、粉砂在动荷载作用下的孔压累积特性,提出了选择双幅应变达到5%作为土样液化的标准;然后采用现场标贯试验和室内动三轴试验对水库坝基中的粉土、粉砂层进行了液化判别,并对判别结果进行了对比分析;同时在液化判别的基础上利用有效应力动力分析方法对坝基土体进行了考虑渗流和不考虑渗流的地震液化的非线性动力有限元分析,并将液化的判别结果与现场标贯试验、室内动三轴试验的判别结果进行对比,从中得出一些有益的结论可供类似工程参考。  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡稳定性定量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着海洋工程的发展,海底滑坡作为一种潜在的地质灾害逐渐成为人们关注的热点.本文采用二维极限平衡法计算并分析了海底斜坡稳定性问题.通过对斜坡模型在各种条件下安全系数的计算,定量分析了斜坡内在因素(如斜坡角度、主要土力学参数)和主要触发机制(地震、快速堆积等)对安全系数的影响.理论计算表明,静态条件下,均质斜坡角度小于20°时,均处于稳定状态;对于含软弱层的斜坡,快速堆积等引起的不排水状态下斜坡安全系数明显降低,斜坡角度大于14°时就会发生失稳.拟静态条件下,当地震动峰值加速度(PGA)小于0.15g时,对于角度小于20°的均质斜坡处于稳定状态,但PGA大于0.25g时,角度大于13°的斜坡即处于失稳状态;对于含软弱层斜坡,PGA为0.1g时,角度大于10°的斜坡即处于不稳定状态;当PGA大于0.3g时,3°以上的海底斜坡即处于失稳状态,发生海底滑坡.结合南海北部陆坡海底地形、地貌特征,在静态条件下,均处于稳定状态;但在地震加载的拟静态下,根据南海北部地震动峰值加速度分布,台湾浅滩段则处于不稳定状态.这解释了该区域大陆坡折带处海底滑坡广泛发育的原因,也表明了地震是引发南海北部滑坡最主要的触发机制之一.  相似文献   

目前分析堆石坝下游坡的抗震稳定性仍采用瑞典圆弧法和简化毕肖普法,土体的抗剪强度多用莫尔-库仑准则。试验表明堆石材料的抗剪强度更符合非线性表达式。已有文献采用非线性抗剪强度分析堆石坝的抗震稳定性,但该方法的安全标准少见论证。本文对采用线性与非线性抗剪强度的有限元法和极限平衡法分析堆石坝坝坡稳定性进行了比较。结果显示,毕肖普法安全系数比瑞典法高2%-10%,采用非线性抗剪强度计算的安全系数比采用线性抗剪强度高15%-25%。与毕肖普法容许安全系数比瑞典法高同理,用非线性抗剪强度准则进行堆石坝坝坡稳定计算,其容许安全系数也应在线性准则的基础上提高。提高的幅度有待进一步积累经验。  相似文献   

本文以含软弱夹层岩质边坡作为研究对象,基于数值软件ANSYS的模态分析给出了含不同倾角与厚度软弱夹层边坡的前5阶固有频率与振型,并分析了夹层倾角和厚度对边坡固有模态的影响。接着,结合已有的大型振动台模型试验结果,在小应变范围内讨论了边坡的固有模态与其动力响应特性之间的关系。结果表明:(1)在夹层倾角相同时,含较厚软弱夹层边坡固有频率低于含较薄软弱夹层边坡;(2)在夹层厚度相同时,随着倾角增加,夹层从反倾变化到顺倾,低阶(1、2)固有频率也逐渐增加,而高阶(3、4、5)固有频率则呈下降趋势;(3)从第3、4阶开始,边坡变形受夹层影响增强;(4)基于加速度傅里叶谱比分析得出的边坡响应放大频率与边坡前5阶固有频率范围接近,加速度和位移响应在夹层及以上部位响应强烈,与边坡前5阶振型较为一致,预示了边坡的共振响应。需要指出的是,本文得出的结论尚且不能用于准确解释边坡在大变形及破坏阶段的动力响应特征,但可为边坡动力特性及共振响应的深入研究提供思路。  相似文献   

The simplified hydraulic two-layer model for a katabatic flow is analysed using the outputs from a high-resolution mesoscale simulation. A stably stratified night is simulated for the Duero basin, a complex terrain area located in the northern Spanish plateau, with large vertical and horizontal spatial resolution. Well-defined katabatic flows on the basin slopes are generated by the simulation, that are relatively stationary and quasi-bidimensional for some areas in the central part of the night. The bulk quantities used in the two-layer approach as well as the different terms in the equations are computed from the three-dimensional information provided by the mesoscale simulation. This method allows to inspect how well the simplified approach represents the katabatic flow generated by the mesoscale model. The study shows that the hydraulic model allows for a comprehensive analysis of the basic mechanisms of the slope flows but is not able to close the budget equations, since the residuals are large.  相似文献   

采用三维有限元方法,分析了双曲砌石拱坝在不同工况下的变形和应力变化规律,以了解坝体在设计条件下的工作性态和对坝体的抗震安全性能进行评估。结果表明,坝体的应力及变形基本满足承载要求,其结论和成果对于其他同类拱坝结构分析具有参考价值。  相似文献   

基于ABAQUS的粘弹性边界单元及在重力坝抗震分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考虑了2种不同的地震输入模型,即无质量地基模型和考虑辐射阻尼的粘弹性边界模型。以大型非线性有限元程序ABAQUS为平台,采用FORTRAN语言开发了用户单元子程序VSB_UEL.for,将粘弹性边界有效地嵌入到ABAQUS中。在尽量避免求解自由场的前提下,将离散的地震荷载转化为等效结点荷载,编写的计算程序可以方便地将等效荷载施加到人工边界结点上,并通过数值算例验证了粘弹性边界单元及波动输入程序的正确性,其求解效率和计算精度均令人满意,最后将该程序应用到在建的某水电站厂房坝段的抗震分析中。结果表明,与传统的固定边界无质量地基相比,考虑了粘弹性人工边界后,坝体的动力响应峰值减小了20%~40%;在进行结构动力响应分析时,考虑无限域地基的辐射阻尼影响是很有必要的。文中的用户子程序及波动输入程序很容易扩展至三维,为同类工程的抗震分析提供了简洁、合理的计算模式。  相似文献   

In this study, the seismic stability of arch dam abutments is investigated within the framework of the probabilistic method. A large concrete arch dam is considered with six wedges for each abutment. The seismic safety of the dam abutments is studied with quasi-static analysis for different hazard levels. The Londe limit equilibrium method is utilized to calculate the stability of the wedges in the abutments. Since the finite element method is time-consuming, the neural network is used as an alt...  相似文献   

张江伟  李小军 《地震学报》2015,37(1):180-191
地震引起的滑坡已成为大地震引起的严重次生灾害现象,如2008年汶川地震引起的滑坡灾害.本文对地震作用下边坡稳定性分析的研究现状及特点进行了分析总结.地震边坡稳定性分析方法总体上可分为定性分析和定量分析两类.本文分别从工程地质与灾害调查分析、 灾害调查与地震烈度及地震动参数的统计分析、 简化模型理论分析、 数值计算分析和模型试验分析等方面,介绍了相应边坡稳定性分析理论和方法的提出及其沿革,分析了不同理论和方法的特点及适应性,并进一步提出了相关研究存在的问题和发展趋势.  相似文献   

混凝土重力坝整体动力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合金安桥混凝土重力坝工程的抗震性能研究,对大坝按整体模型和分缝模型分别进行了动力试验。试验中考虑了横缝和动水压力的影响,得到了整个坝体空库、满库时的空间动力特性。并对大坝进行了三维有限元动力分析,与模型试验结果进行了比较,两者符合得较好。  相似文献   

应用极限平衡拟静力方法进行地震边坡稳定性分析时,对粘聚力较小、内摩擦角较大的浅层滑坡而言,随着地震水平设计加速度值的增大,其临界滑动面基本保持不变;然而,对粘聚力较大而摩擦角较小的深层滑坡而言,随着地震水平设计加速度值的增大,临界滑动面越深、越宽,会呈现出发散现象,选取两个典型的均质土坡,设计了由浅及深的多条滑动面,分别采用极限平衡瑞典方法进行了相应安全系数的计算,同时比较了自重、地震力、粘聚力在抗滑力矩以及滑动力矩中所占比重的变动情况。研究发现:对于浅层滑坡,随着滑动面由浅及深的变化,粘聚力产生的抗滑力矩所占百分比下降幅度较大,自重产生的滑动力矩与总体抗滑力矩的比值下降幅度较大;而对于深层滑坡,随着滑动面由浅及深变化,自重产生的抗滑力矩所占百分比增长的幅度较大,地震力产生的滑动力矩与总体抗滑力矩比值增长幅度也较大。  相似文献   

层状结构岩质边坡动力稳定性试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了所进行的层状结构岩质边坡动力稳定性试验。结果表明,在水平地震动加速度达到0.4g时,层状结构岩质边坡就会出现局部的层间错动现象,当水平地震加速度达到0.8g时,层间结合力较弱的边坡将发生大面积的表面滑动和崩塌。而在铅直地震力作用下,当地震加速度达到1.0g时,才会出现破坏现象。因而对层状结构岩质边坡来说,其水平地震力造成的危害是主要的。  相似文献   

This paper presents a three-dimensional (3D) continuum nonlinear analysis of the Meloland Road Overpass (MRO) near El Centro, California. The modeling methodology and the computational tools are discussed in detail. The performance of the computational model is evaluated by comparing the computed responses with the responses recorded at the bridge site during the 1979 Imperial Valley and 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquakes. Amongst the recorded earthquake events at the bridge site, these two events caused the strongest shaking. The comparison shows that the 3D model is potentially an effective tool for detailed analysis of a full bridge system including foundation soils, pile foundations, embankments, supporting columns, and the bridge structure itself in a unified system without relying on any ancillary models such as Winkler springs. Additional response parameters such as displacements, rockings, and bending moments are also evaluated although none of these was measured during the seismic events.  相似文献   

Hydrological risk analysis is essential and provides useful information for dam safety management and decision-making. This study presents the application of bivariate flood frequency analysis to risk analysis of dam overtopping for Geheyan Reservoir in China. The dependence between the flood peak and volume is modelled with the copula function. A Monte Carlo procedure is conducted to generate 100,000 random flood peak-volume pairs, which are subsequently transformed to corresponding design flood hydrographs (DFHs) by amplifying the selected annual maximum flood hydrographs (AMFHs). These synthetic DFHs are routed through the reservoir to obtain the frequency curve of maximum water level and assess the risk of dam overtopping. Sensitive analysis is performed to investigate the influence of different AMFH shapes and correlation coefficients of flood peak and volume on estimated overtopping risks. The results show that synthetic DFH with AMFH shape characterized by a delayed time to peak results in higher risk, and therefore highlight the importance of including a range of possible AMFH shapes in the dam risk analysis. It is also demonstrated that the overtopping risk is increased as the correlation coefficient of flood peak and volume increases and underestimated in the independence case (i.e. traditional univariate approach), while overestimated in the full dependence case. The bivariate statistical approach based on copulas can effectively capture the actual dependence between flood peak and volume, which should be preferred in the dam risk analysis practice.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of land cover on landscape hydrology and slope stability, the representation of land cover dynamics in physically based models and their associated ecohydrological effects on slope stability is rather scarce. In this study, we assess the impact of different levels of complexity in land cover parameterisation on the explanatory power of a dynamic and process-based spatial slope stability model. Firstly, we present available and collected data sets and account for the stepwise parameterisation of the model. Secondly, we present approaches to simulate land cover: 1) a grassland landscape without forest coverage; 2) spatially static forest conditions, in which we assume limited knowledge about forest composition; 3) more detailed information of forested areas based on the computation of leaf area development and the implementation of vegetation-related processes; 4) similar to the third approach but with the additional consideration of the spatial expansion and vertical growth of vegetation. Lastly, the model is calibrated based on meteorological data sets and groundwater measurements. The model results are quantitatively validated for two landslide-triggering events that occurred in Western Austria. Predictive performances are estimated using the Area Under the receiver operating characteristic Curve (AUC). Our findings indicate that the performance of the slope stability model was strongly determined by model complexity and land cover parameterisation. The implementation of leaf area development and land cover dynamics further yield an acceptable predictive performance (AUC ~0.71-0.75) and a better conservativeness of the predicted unstable areas (FoC ~0.71). The consideration of dynamic land cover expansion provided better performances than the solely consideration of leaf area development. The results of this study highlight that an increase of effort in the land cover parameterisation of a dynamic slope stability model can increase the explanatory power of the model. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

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