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Using the ground motion attenuation relation, we calculated and compared the effective peak acceleration (EPA) generated by main shocks and their strong aftershocks of 21 earthquake sequences with MS≥7 occurred in Chinese mainland and offing of China during 1966~2002. The result shows that EPA of strong aftershocks usually exceed that of main shock for 76.2% earthquake sequences and EPA of more than 50% strong aftershocks are greatly lar-ger than that of main shocks in large area, which suggests that it is necessary to take damage produced by strong aftershock into account in the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and the seismic design.  相似文献   

The technique for forecasting the spatial domain where fairly intense aftershocks should be expected after a strong earthquake is considered. The paper presents the task of estimating the area prone to the strong future aftershocks using the data for the first 12 h after the main shock. The existing aftershock identification techniques are inapplicable to this task because they either analyze the distributions of the epicenters of the aftershock process that has been already completed or only consider the parameters of the main shock and only provide rough estimates. Using the developed criteria of estimating the quality of the prediction, we quantitatively compared quite a few different candidates. The latter included the main known techniques and their modifications suggested by us. In these modifications, we took into account the results of the recent studies on the dynamics of the aftershock process. This enabled us to select the optimal procedure which demonstrated the best results of the quantitative tests for more than 120 aftershock sequences with the magnitudes starting from 6.5 all over the world. This procedure can be used in the seismological monitoring centers for forecasting the area prone to the aftershock activity after a strong earthquake based on the data of operative processing.  相似文献   

Previously, we predicted and then observed in practice the property of aftershocks which consists in the statistically regular clustering of events in time during the first hours after the main shock. The characteristic quasi-period of clustering is three hours. This property is associated with the cumulative action of the surface waves converging to the epicenter, whereas the quasi-period is mainly determined by the time delay of the round-the-world seismic echo. The quasi-period varies from case to case. In the attempt to find the cause of this variability, we have statistically explored the probable dependence of quasi-period on the magnitude of the main shock. In this paper, we present the corresponding result of analyzing global seismicity from the USGS/NEIC earthquake catalog. We succeeded in finding a significant reduction in the quasiperiod of the strong earthquakes clustering with growth in the magnitude of the main shock. We suggest the interpretation of this regularity from the standpoint of the phenomenological theory of explosive instability. It is noted that the phenomenon of explosive instability is fairly common in the geophysical media. The examples of explosive instability in the radiation belt and magnetospheric tail are presented. The search for the parallels in the evolution of explosive instability in the lithosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth will enrich both the physics of the earthquakes and physics of the magnetospheric pulsations.  相似文献   

本文对川滇地区1988年以来MS>5.0级地震前后ML≥3.0级地震活动的强度和频度变化进行了分析。结果认为,主震前ML≥3.0级地震活动的强度和频度曲线有一个非线性趋势增强的变化过程,主震后ML≥3.0级地震活动的强度和频度曲线仍然保持上升的非线性增强,曲线上升的非线性增强对整个区域一定时间段内有后续地震的判断给出了短期异常信息。  相似文献   

According to the current seismic codes, structures are designed to resist the first damaging earthquake during their service life. However, after a strong main shock, a structure may still face damaging aftershocks. The main shock‐aftershock sequence may result in major damage and eventually the collapse of a structure. Current studies on seismic hazard mainly focus on the modeling and simulation of main shocks. This paper proposes a 3‐step procedure to generate main shock‐aftershock sequences of pairs of horizontal components of a ground motion at a site of interest. The first step generates ground motions for the main shock using either a source‐based or site‐based model. The second step generates sequences of aftershocks' magnitudes, locations, and times of occurrence using either a fault‐based or seismicity‐based model. The third step simulates pairs of ground motion components using a new empirical model proposed in this paper. We develop prediction equations for the controlling parameters of a ground motion model, where the predictors are the site condition and the aftershock characteristics from the second step. The coefficients in the prediction equations and the correlation between the model parameters (of the 2 horizontal components of 1 record and of several records in 1 sequence) are estimated using a database of aftershock accelerograms. A backward stepwise deletion method is used to simplify the initial candidate prediction equations and avoid overfitting the data. The procedure, based on easily identifiable engineering parameters, is a useful tool to incorporate effects of aftershocks into seismic analysis and design.  相似文献   

解孟雨  史保平 《地震学报》2018,40(3):304-315
本文针对2008年5月12日四川汶川MW7.9地震后的余震目录,采用2004年Shcherbakov和Turcotte提出的最大余震震级推断法,给出了最大余震震级的估计值。结果表明,采用现有的余震数据,在大震级区间可能存在一定数量的余震缺失,这造成了余震数据与Gutenberg-Richter定律曲线在大震级区间的差异,导致推断的最大余震震级与使用目录中的最大余震震级存在明显差异。利用震级与断层长度或地表破裂长度之间的经验关系可以看出,由灌县—江油断裂的破裂尺度得到的震级与推断最大余震震级基本一致。根据前人给出的断层摩擦失稳时间模型和Brune近断层质点运动模型,本文进一步探讨了汶川地震北川—映秀断裂对灌县—江油断裂的触发作用,认为北川—映秀断裂破裂所辐射出的S波可以在短时间内使得灌县—江油断裂发生失稳,进而产生宏观破裂并形成地震,因此由灌县—江油断裂破裂形成的地震可能为汶川地震的最大余震。   相似文献   

According to geological tectonics and seismic activites this paper devided North China (30°–45°N, 105°–130°E) into four areas. We analyzed the North China earthquake catalogue from 1970 to 1986 (from 1965 to 1986 for Huabei, the North China, plain region) and identified forty-two bursts of aftershock. Seven of them occurred in aftershock regions of strong earthquakes and seventeen of them in the seismic swarm regions. The relation between strong earthquakes with the remaining eighteen bursts of aftershocks has been studied and tested statistically in this paper. The result of statistical testing show that the random probabilityp of coincidence of bursts of aftershock with subsequent strong earthquakes is less than six percent. By Xu’sR scoring method the efficacy of predicting strong earthquake from bursts of aftershock is estimated greater than 39 percent. Following the method proposed in the paper we analyzed the earthquake catalogue of China from 1987 to June, 1988. The results show that there was only one burst of aftershock occurred on Jan. 6, 1988 withM=3.6 in Xiuyan of Northeast China. It implicates that a potential earthquake withM S⩽5 might occur in one year afterwards in the region of Northeast China. Actually on Feb. 25, 1988 an earthquake withM S=5.3 occurred in Zhangwu of Northeast China. Another example is Datong-Yanggao shock on October 18, 1989 which is a burst of aftershock. Three hours after an expected shock withM =6.1 took place in the same area. Two examples above have been tested in practical prediction and this shows that bursts of aftershocks are significant in predicting strong earthquakes. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 273–280, 1991. Part of earthquake catalogue is from Jinbiao Chen, Peiyan Chen and Quanlin Li.  相似文献   


本文基于广西北流5.2级地震震源区震后约30天的短周期密集台阵连续观测资料,利用机器学习方法,对震后余震进行了识别,确定了可靠性较高的441个余震事件,约为同时期固定地震台网目录中余震数量的34倍.进而利用事件波形中P、S波到时信息,对299个余震事件进行了精定位,对信噪比较高的65个地震事件进行了震源机制解反演.根据余震空间分布及震源机制解特征,对该区域中强地震发震构造进行了探讨.结果表明:北流地震的余震主要集中在主震北西约1~3 km的范围内,且大部分余震震源机制解接近于前震;主震的孕震断裂为石窝断层,其走向NWW-SEE,倾角近70°;该区域还存在一条走向NEE-SWW倾角近乎直立的断裂,可能是前震的孕震断层;主震受前震的触发而产生,而后续两条断裂同时处于活动状态,产生了不同震源机制解的余震.此外,在蕉林断裂北端及石窝断裂南端同样拾取到了大量余震事件,这些事件的震源机制解多为逆冲型与走滑型,一致性较差,表明北流地震可能对这两个区域的地震活动起了一个触发作用,但具体触发机制较为复杂.


地震序列较强余震最小二乘拟合预测的方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究给出了针对地震序列较强余震发生时间进行快速预测的一种方法,即最小二乘拟合预测方法.该方法包括:最小二乘拟合预测模型的建立、预测模型的各种可信性检验及模型预测等内容.震例研究表明,该方法在大(强)地震现场震情分析中可望发挥积极作用.  相似文献   

1970年至1998年1月10日张北地震前,沿NWW向发生2级以上地震24次,其分布相对集中,呈条带状。对华北台网所记上述地震的到时数据全部重新查图核对,并补充了内蒙古台网5个台的数据以改善用于定位的台站分布,并采用主地震定位法重新定位,除一个地震外,其余地震更加集中,形成一小震条带。1998年2月中国地震局地球物理勘探中心在张北震区架设10台短周期数字化地震仪,记录了大量微震。作者采用P波和S波到时差重新进行了震源定位,得到184次微震的定位结果,连同1998年1~2月张北震区3级以上地震事件定位结果一起勾画出6.2级地震的震源破裂带。由张北地震震中向SEE向延伸存在由强震构成的张家口渤海地震带。根据精确定位结果,结合修订后主震的震源机制、宏观烈度分布和层析成像资料,讨论了张北地震和小尺度地震带(震源破裂带)、震前的中等尺度小震条带以及大尺度的张家口-渤海强震带的关系。  相似文献   

预防强震后可能发生的余震对于保护灾区安全具有重要意义。为了对余震进行一定误差水平的快速判定,对主震与余震之间的关系进行分析。选取1970年1月1日—2009年9月30日全球范围5—10级地震进行预处理,采用基于最小二乘法的线性回归方法,对主震震级与最大余震震级关联关系、主震视应力与最大余震震级关联关系进行分析,并进行结果可视化。结果表明,主震与最大余震的震级存在一定线性关系,可为主震后在一定范围内对最大余震的快速判定提供一定参考。  相似文献   

在系统介绍用随机方法模拟地震动的基础上,用该方法模拟了唐山7.1级余震地震动场。模拟结果表明,唐山地区发生MS7.1级余震时,该地区产生了强烈的地震动,很多区域加速度峰值超过400cm/s2,地震断层面长65km,宽13.5km,地震过程中断层面的平均滑动为1.08m。模拟与记录的地震动持时符合得不好,其原因是随机方法中的经验关系大都是在美国大陆得到的,所以建议加强中国大陆相应的地震动经验关系的研究,使随机方法能更好地适用于中国大陆。尽管如此,由于用随机方法模拟的地震动峰值和反应谱与记录符合得比较好,这些模拟结果可以作为建筑物抗震设防的地震动输入。  相似文献   

1970年通海地震序列与1976年唐山地震序列的对比表明,两次地震的余震衰减,余震强度和频度,余震分布区的形状等有区别.对此提出了一种解释:若余震分布区域的长轴长度a与短轴长度b之比a/b越大,则震源体越接近于一个面,在一个面上进行的调整过程应当比较简单,余震的衰减比较快,强余震比较少而小;反之则震源体越表现出一个体的形态,在一个体内进行的调整过程应当比较复杂,余震衰减比较慢,强余震比较多而大.对于那些在主震后能够很快进行定位并勾画出余震区域轮廓的情况,可以尝试利用a/b快速判断后面强余震的多少以及余震衰减的快慢.  相似文献   

在收集、整理1966年~2002年8月我国(主要为大陆地区)183个5级以上地震序列资料的基础上,应用灰色预测和最小二乘拟合预测方法,对每一地震序列较强(显著)余震发震时间进行“硬性”检验预测。结果表明,2种预测方法对7级以上地震序列和6级地震序列的较强(显著)余震具有较好的预测效能,预测效能分别为76.2%和64.7%;而对5级地震序列预测效果则不甚明显。因此,灰色预测和最小二乘拟合预测方法主要着眼于对大(强)地震的较强(显著)余震预测,可望在地震现场大(强)震应急工作中发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

基于汶川主震及余震的预警参数与震级相关性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
地震预警作为一种能够有效减轻地震灾害的手段已经被世界上越来越多的国家和地区所研究,并在实际应用中取得了显著的减灾实效.利用汶川主震及其余震P波和S波初期部分的信息,研究了最终地震震级与4个预警参数的相关性.考察的4个参数是位移幅值(Pd)、速度平方积分(IV2)、P波卓越周期和特征周期(τp和τc).使用的数据集时间跨度从2008年5月12日至2008年10月4日,共计218次震级大于等于4级的地震事件,包括主震8.0、最大余震6.5和7次大于等于6.0级的事件.Pd、IV2和τc在震级小于等于6.5级时与最终震级具有较好的相关性,没有出现震级饱和现象,验证了前人的统计结果.但是在估算主震震级时,都存在不同程度的低估现象,IV2参数尤其明显.另外,Pd和IV2统计曲线在M6级附近存在着一个斜率变化,并且Pd结果与前人统计结果相差较大.τp的统计结果表明该参数不适合应用到汶川地区的地震预警系统中.  相似文献   

研究现今地壳运动和强震机理的一种方法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文阐述了地壳形变与密度变化耦合运动的基本理论,分析了地壳形变与密度变化耦合运动引起的重力时间变化.断层位错运动是地壳形变与密度变化耦合运动的特殊形式.利用重复重力观测数据,选用稳健算法反演研究了1985-2002年滇西地震实验场主要断裂运动的时间分布和强震响应特征,获得了不同类型强震孕育过程图像.  相似文献   

基于区域地震活动频次对比的余震删除方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从尽可能科学地删除余震, 又保留有价值的地震预测信息的目的出发, 提出了一种既考虑地震序列特征, 又基于主震后孕震区内的余震活动频次与区域地震活动正常时段频次相比的删除余震方法(简称SMRZ方法), 编制了相应的计算程序。 以西北地区发生的几次较大地震为例, 对该文提出的SMRZ方法、 广泛使用的K-K方法以及G-C方法的删除余震效果进行了对比研究。 结果表明, 与其他方法相比, 笔者提出的方法识别余震时、 空分布范围比较合理, 同时保留了对未来地震有重要预测意义的前震, 有较好的实际应用效果。  相似文献   

汶川地震强余震与引潮力关系的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以汶川地震为例,统计分析2008年5月12日—2009年9月30日5级以上强余震与引潮力的关系,发现平行断层方向的线应变引潮力峰(谷)值时间与汶川地震及强余震发震时间的对应关系较好,且其对应程度与断层性质有关。综合分析认为,引潮力可能是地震的诱发因素之一。  相似文献   

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