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Highly negative δC13 values, ?18 to ? 40%., for carbonate cements found in Recent barrier and beach sands of the Mississippi River Delta complex strongly suggest that considerable carbon is furnished to the CaCO3 cements by either chemical or biological oxidation of CH4. These cemented sands are commonly found on beaches of the Chandeleur barrier island chain and other sites along the Louisiana coast where Holocene sands are rapidly transgressing over highly organic marsh deposits. Generation of CH4 from underlying anoxic marsh sediments, followed by vertical migration and oxidation to CO2 in the porous overlying sand, appears to be the unique set of conditions regulating this process of carbonate cementation.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of berm development along a microtidal-high energy beach is examined. Such a beach with medium-sized sand and monsoon wave-controlled profile at Valiathura, south-west coast of India, is selected for this study. The waves which very rarely fall below 1 m, often exceed 4 m during the monsoon period of May to October. The erosion-accretion pattern of the beach shows a cyclicity and the berm development is mainly due to the onshore migration and welding of longshore bars on to the beach following the monsoon rough season. The stages of berm development in the present microtidal beach are more or less similar to the model presented by Hine for a mesotidal case, except for the following intermediate additional stages. The longshore bar develops due to the erosion of beach when the wave steepness was above 0·04, gets flattened when it falls below 0·04, and then reforms nearer to the shoreline as a swash bar. This reformed bar gets divided and the inner bar gets welded on to the beach, followed by the outer bar developing the berm. During the onshore migration of the longshore bar and berm development the beach face becomes partially reflective with the surf scaling parameter, εb between 2·5 and 33. The inshore is dissipative with the inshore surf scaling parameter, εs?33. The offshore side of the longshore bar is partially reflective with its surf scaling parameter, εbar between 2·5 and 33. The breakers are spilling or plunging. Vertical growth of the berm is mainly due to the changes in swash-limit caused by the variations in wave steepness, breaker height and type. Vertical growth stops when the beach-face attains equilibrium with the grain size-wave energy relationship, and a wave steepness below 0·02 helps to sustain this state.  相似文献   

Environmental characteristics were measured and recorded in the Skagit Marsh, a brackish intertidal marsh on Puget Sound, Washington. Four transects were placed perpendicular to a known gradient of increasing salinity which began with fresh water at the bank of one of the outlets of the Skagit River and reached a surface water salinity of 22‰ at a point alongshore 5 km north of the outlet. The environmental characteristics which were measured varied along gradients (soil texture, organic carbon in fines, soil column temperature, free soil water salinity) or had a patchy distribution (soil redox potential, soil macro-organic matter). Growth and production vary across the marsh. The maximum aboveground standing crop (1,742 g m?2 dry weight) was measured at a site with 0–4‰ free soil water salinity, dominated by the sedgeCarex lyngbyei. In more saline areas (8–12‰), the bulrushScirpus americanus was dominant and standing crop values dropped to a third of the maximum. Species performance varied in a complex manner as did the environment.C. lyngbyei had diminished growth and decreased standing crop in areas where salinity was higher.S. americanus was equally productive in low elevation, high salinity sites and in high elevation, low salinity sites. An increase in shoot density for dominant species occurred in saline areas as individual shoot weights and leaf areas decreased. Because species responded differently, environmental variation was magnified in the population and community responses of the marsh vegetation.  相似文献   

Shoreline changes are largely dependent on coastal morphology. South-west coast of India is a high energy coast characterised by monsoon high waves, steep beach face and medium-sized beach sand. Waves are generally from west and west south-west during rough monsoon season and from south-west during fair weather season. Shoreline change along this coast is studied with reference to coastal morphological features. Various morphological features, modifications and chronological positions of shoreline are analysed with the information derived from multidated satellite imageries, toposheets and GPS shoreline mapping along with extended field survey. Image processing and GIS techniques have been used for the analysis of data and presentation of results. Sediment accumulation on the leeward side of artificial structures such as harbour breakwaters and groynes is used as a sediment transport indicator. Artificial structures such as seawalls, groynes and harbour breakwaters modify morphology. Shoreline south of headlands/promontories and breakwaters are stable or accreting due to net northerly longshore sediment transport while erosion tendency is observed on the north side. Lateritic cliffs fronting the sea or with seasonal beach undergo slumping and cliff edge retreat as episodic events. Spits adjoining tidal inlets are prone to shoreline variations due to oscillations of inlet mouth. Interventions in the form of inlet stabilization and construction of coastal protection structures trigger erosion along adjoining coasts. Seawalls constructed along highly eroding coasts get damaged, whereas those constructed along monsoon berm crest with frontal beaches for protection against monsoon wave attack are retained. Fishing gaps within seawalls are areas of severe temporary erosion during rough monsoon season. Accretion or erosion accompanies construction of harbour breakwaters in a stable coastal plain. Close dependence of shoreline changes on morphology necessitates detailed understanding of impacts on morphology prior to introducing any intervention in the coastal zone.  相似文献   

The beach placer deposits in the southern coastal Orissa, India may have significant levels of radiation due to the presence of Th and U bearing minerals such as monazite and zircon. In this study, Gopalpur and Rushikulya beach regions were selected to study the ambient radiation environment. The average activity concentrations of radioactive elements such as 232Th, 238U and 40K of beach sand samples were measured by γ-ray spectrometry using a HPGe detector, and found to be much higher than the internationally accepted values. The cross plots of eTh/eU and eTh/K inferred that the sand samples of Gopalpur and Rushikulya beach placer deposit were deposited in leached uranium and an oxidising environment. The absorbed γ dose rate levels of the study areas are similar to other monazite sand-bearing HBRAs of southern and southwestern coastal regions of India and of world. Different radiation hazard indices were estimated for the present study area and were found to be much higher than the internationally accepted values. Hence, Gopalpur and Rushikulya beach placer region can be considered as a high background radiation area and a potential zone for radiogenic heavy mineral exploration.  相似文献   

The wave-induced nearshore circulation model suggested by Noda has been modified and applied for three small segments along the coast of Goa. The present model incorporates the prevailing bottom topography and considers its variation along with the radiation stress as the driving force for the circulation. We find that the flow pattern is strongly dependent on bottom topography. While normal incidence of waves results in a cellular pattern of flow, meandering flows prevail for oblique incidence along the coast. The shoreward flows are always located over shoals while the rip currents prevail over channels. The onshore/offshore flows show magnitudes as high as 3·1 m/s, while those alongshore reach a maximum of 1·1 m/s. When compared with field observations these values are slightly higher.  相似文献   

Over 500 previously unidentified, symmetric pointed stones of similar size, shape, color, and texture have been found on the barrier beach of Mantoloking, New Jersey, since 1940. Petrographic, stereo, and scanning electron microscopy analysis reveals that the stones are made of either a biomicritic packstone composed of 50% siliceous microfossil remains ( including sponge spicules and radiolaria) embedded in a micrite matrix or a limestone with abundant angular quartz grains (50–150 μm wide) surrounded by a calcite matrix. The distinctive shape of the Mantoloking stones is most similar to whetstones used for sharpening scythes. We conducted a worldwide search and discovered one producer of carbonate whetstones: a company in the town of Pradalunga in Northern Italy. Microscope analysis reveals that the Pradalunga source rocks are exact matches for the spicule‐rich limestone and angular quartz‐rich limestone found in the Mantoloking collection. The whetstones are most likely lost cargo from a wreck offshore of Mantoloking, but the exact source may never be known. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

蔡则健 《江苏地质》2008,32(1):29-33
通过多期遥感资料,在潮水位基本相同的前提下,对江苏沿海中段低潮滩的时空演变从三个方面进行了分析,进一步指出其演变趋势已由淤转蚀,并已威胁到中潮滩,滩涂资源呈逐年减少的趋势;强调海涂资源并非是取之不尽用之不竭,唤醒人们要更加珍惜和使用好每一寸自然资源的意识。  相似文献   

颜敬  方晓敏 《岩土力学》2014,35(1):167-174
支护结构前设置反压土可有效减小支护结构的内力、变形与嵌固深度,取得良好的经济、环境效益。鉴于各类有关基坑支护的规范均未涉及反压土的设计、计算问题,且业内对此问题的研究不多又观点不一,整理、分析以往反压土体的计算方法,并将其归纳为4类:(1)支护结构前附加荷载;(2)Boussinesq附加应力近似;(3)改进的弹性地基梁;(4)整体有限元协同计算。指出了各法中存在的疑点、计算的要点、适用的条件,归结了反压土作用的本质机制。基于竖向弹性地基梁理论提出了一种新的简化分析方法,该法以反压弹簧和坑底超载的方式模拟反压效应,概念清晰、计算简单,并针对某基坑支护方案,考虑不设反压土台、设置反压土台、加固反压土台等3种情况进行对比计算,验证了方法的可行性和有效性,得出了普适性的结论,以期对支护工程的设计施工提供参考。  相似文献   

A sedimentary model for hooked spit depositional systems based on ground‐penetrating radar and sedimentological data is presented. The recurved main spit of Sylt Island (southern North Sea) is dominated by migrating sand dunes; the investigated hooked spit exhibits a system of foredune ridges, oriented perpendicular to the dunes of the recurved spit. The development of the hooked spit is related closely to the presence of an adjacent tidal inlet, where strong tidal currents and a steep bathymetry prevent a further northward progradation of the main spit and trigger a deflection from northerly‐directed to easterly‐directed net sediment transport. Ground‐penetrating radar data and shallow sediment cores reveal the sedimentary architecture of the hooked spit in high resolution and allow the proposition of a genetic stratigraphic model. It is shown that the growth of the hooked spit is controlled by the interplay of alongshore migrating foreshore beach drifts under fair‐weather conditions and strong erosional events, interpreted as the result of rare severe storms. These storms may excavate scarps in the backshore, which play an important role in the development of foredune ridges. Accelerator mass spectrometry 14C ages indicate an absolute age of at least 1300 years for the hooked spit, which possibly correlates with strengthened erosion of the main spit. In contrast to the main spit, where the sediment budget is negative nowadays, growth of the hooked spit beach accelerated significantly during the last decades. This effect can probably be attributed to enhanced beach‐nourishments updrift along the main spit and makes the investigated hooked spit a natural laboratory to study the influence of increasing sediment supply into a system developing under the conditions of sea‐level rise. The study shows that the same external forces lead to distinct progradational processes along one barrier‐spit system.  相似文献   

Analysis of 75 vibracores from the backbarrier region of Kiawah Island, South Carolina reveals a complex association of three distinct stratigraphic sequences. Beach ridge progradation and orientation-controlled backbarrier development during the evolution of Kiawah Island, and resulted in deposition of: (1) a mud-rich central backbarrier sequence consisting of low marsh overlying fine-grained, tidal flat/lagoonal mud; (2) a sandy beach-ridge swale sequence consisting of high and low marsh overlying tidal creek channel and point bar sand, and foreshore/shoreface; and (3) a regressive sequence of sandy, mixed, and muddy tidal flats capped by salt marsh that occurs on the updrift end of the island. Central backbarrier deposits formed as a result of the development of the initial beach ridge on Kiawah Island. Formation of this beach ridge created a backbarrier lagoon in which fine-grained estuarine and tidal flat mud accumulated. Washovers, oyster mounds, and tidal creek deposits form isolated sand and/or shell-rich lenses in the lagoon. Spartina alterniflora low marsh prograded into the lagoon as the tidal flats aggraded. Barrier progradation and sediment bar-bypassing at Stono Inlet created digitate beach ridges on the northeast end of Kiawah Island. Within the beach-ridge swales, tidal flats were disconformably deposited on shoreface and foreshore sand of the older beach ridges. Tidal creek drainage systems evolved to drain the swales. These rapidly migrating creeks reworked the tidal flat, foreshore, and shoreface sediments while redepositing a fining-upward sequence of channel lag and point bar deposits, which served as a substrate for salt marsh colonization. This resultant regressive sedimentary package marks the culmination of barrier island development and estuary infilling. Given enough time and sedimentation, the backbarrier sequence will ultimately prograde over the barrier island, reworking dune, beach, and foreshore sediments to form the upper sand-rich bounding surface of the barrier lithosome. Preservation of the regressive sequence is dependent upon sediment supply and the relative rate of sea-level rise, but the reworking of barrier islands by tidal inlets and migrating tidal creeks greatly alter and complicate the stratigraphic sequence.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study was carried out in order to determine the radioelement and rare earth element (REE) concentrations in beach placer deposits at selected locations along the eastern coast of Andhra Pradesh in India. This was done to evaluate the economic value of these deposits. The findings of this study suggest that high Th and low K concentrations delineate the prospective regions having REE deposits. The beach placers, in general, can be characterized by high thorium and moderate uranium concentrations. The concentrations of REEs vary in the following order: Ce > La> Nd > Pr > Sm > Gd > Dy. Rapid in situ thorium prospectivity coupled with laboratory-based techniques like ICP-MS, as proposed in this study, would help in the identification of prospective REE sources along the coastal placers. The development of indigenous resources of light rare earth elements (LREEs), medium rare earth elements (MREEs), and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) would decrease the dependence on imports, which have a strategic hold on the production and supply of the REEs, globally.  相似文献   

To understand the behavior of trace metals in the salt marsh at Skallingen, Danish Wadden Sea, we investigated a profile from surface to 25?cm depth of the salt marsh sediment, focusing primarily on clay mineralogy and grain size distribution of the sediments and their relationship with trace metals. The clay assembly of the sediment consists of illite, kaolinite and much less chlorite and smectite. The major clay minerals of illite, kaolinite as well as chlorite correlate very poorly with all the trace metals investigated, due probably to the weak competing strength of these clays compared with the other adsorbents and to low availability of the mobile trace metals in the system. Correlation between trace metals and clay minerals may therefore be used as an indicator in environmental assessment. Fine grain fractions of the sediment increased markedly after salt marsh invasion in about 1931 but decreased after 1964. This increase was contributed mainly by the grains finer than 20???m while the fraction of 40?C63???m actually decreased soon after the invasion. The relation between most of the trace metals and grain size distributions is close in general but far from linear. The drastic turning point is observed at about 30???m, around where the correlation coefficient r drops from 0.8 to 0.1. Adsorption is the controlling mechanism for the behavior of trace metals in the salt marsh. Fe/Mn (hydr)oxides and organic matter play the key role.  相似文献   

The effects of wave action and horseshoe crab spawning on the topography and grain-size characteristics on the foreshore of an estuarine sand beach in Delaware Bay, New Jersey, USA were evaluated using data collected over six consecutive high tides. Data were gathered inside and outside a 25 m long exclosure constructed to create a control area free of disturbance by crabs. The density of crabs in the swash zone outside the exclosure was 8·1 organisms m−2. The maximum depth of sediment activation on the upper foreshore where spawning occurred was 0·103 m during periods characterized by low significant wave heights: < 0·08 m. This depth is greater than the depth of activation by waves alone during moderate significant wave heights of 0·16–0·18 m but less than the maximum depth (0·127 m) recorded when spawning occurred during periods of moderate wave heights. Spawning, combined with moderate wave heights, creates a concave upper foreshore that is similar to the type of profile change that occurs during storms, thus lowering the wave-energy threshold for morphological response. Spawning during low wave heights increases the mean grain size and sorting of surface sediments caused by the addition of gravel to the swash. Sedimentological differences are most pronounced on the upper foreshore, and data from this location may be most useful when using grain-size characteristics to interpret the effect of spawning in the sedimentary record. Depths of sediment reworking by horseshoe crabs can be greater than those by subsequent storm waves, so evidence of spawning can be preserved on non-eroding beaches. Greater depth of activation by horseshoe crab spawning than by waves alone, even during moderate-energy conditions, reveals the importance of crab burrowing in releasing eggs to the water column and making them available for shore birds.  相似文献   

Rates of shoreline change and overwash penetration distances were calculated for barrier islands along the Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama coasts with the orthogonal grid mapping system (OGMS). Average rates of shoreline change are exceptionally high in Louisiana, being of the order ?4.7 to ?7.4 m yr?1. Mississippi and Alabama recession rates are lower and range from ?2.0 to ?3.1 m yr?1 over the period of record. Erosion rates along the shorelines of these islands have remained relatively constant over the period of study with five exceptions in coastal Louisiana and the Chandeleur-Breton Islands Arc, and two exceptions along the Mississippi-Alabama barrier islands where they have accelerated. Mean overwash penetration is greatest along Dauphin Island, Alabama, and Cat Island, Mississippi: 207.6 and 197.9 m, respectively. The Chandeleur-Brenton Islands Arc range from 88.1 m at the central barrier to 180.4 along the flanks. The Mississippi islands range from 105.2 m on Ship Island to 200.5 m along central Horn Island. Mean overwash penetration along the Louisiana barriers is highly variable: 46.3 to 211.4 m.  相似文献   

The southern coast of Lake Michigan is the most urbanized and most densely populated area in the Great Lakes region. Development of steel mills, harbors, and municipalities in NW Indiana and in NE Illinois in the last century and a half altered the nearshore environment so much that native beach gravel (>8 mm) now exist only in the exhumed paleo-beach remnants from the Nipissing Phase (~4,500 years ago) of Lake Michigan. Native gravel, collected from paleo-beach remnants at Mount Baldy Dune and Beach House Blowout, contain predominantly beach shingle, very platy siltstones (71–78 %), with secondary crystalline pebbles (18 %) in the east, and carbonate pebbles (12 %) in the west. A large amount of anthropogenic fill (steel industry waste, waste from power generating plants, construction debris, railroad, and road fill) has been added since the late 1800s to fill Lake Michigan and expand industrial land. Four areas of major coastal structures—Michigan City Pier and Breakwater, Burns Harbor Pier and Breakwater, Gary Works Pier, and Indiana Harbor Peninsula—altered the natural littoral drift and created four independent sectors on Indiana’s coast—Northeastern, Eastern, Central, and Western—between which no natural transfers of coarse sediments occur. Downdrift from the coastal structures, severe beach erosion has prompted extensive beach nourishment with non-native sandy gravel. Four distinct populations of modern beach gravel now exist along Indiana’s coast of Lake Michigan: (1) native gravel with diluted beach nourishment influence, (2) native gravel with a minor industrial influence, (3) compact gravel of nourished origin, and (4) anthropogenic gravel of industrial origin. Native gravel with diluted nourishment influence is found in the western, downdrift areas of the Northeastern (from Long Beach to Washington Park Beach) and Eastern Sectors (from eastern Indiana Dunes State Park to western Dune Acres) and contains up to 40 % compact carbonate and crystalline pebbles in addition to native beach shingle. Native gravel with minor industrial influence is found in the Central Sector of Indiana’s coast (from central Ogden Dunes to Marquette Beach) and contains predominantly beach shingle, platy clastic lithology, but also up to 30 % of chert and other pebbles released by industry. Compact gravel of nourished origin contains 60–90 % of carbonate and crystalline pebbles, and is found in the eastern, updrift areas of the Northeastern (Michiana Beach and Duneland Beach) and Eastern Sectors (from Crescent Beach to the western Beverly Shores). Anthropogenic gravel of industrial origin contains 70–90 % compact chert and slag and is found in every beach of the Western Sector and in the westernmost beach of the Central Sector. Streams draining into southern Lake Michigan generally contain little coarse sediment except in their channels near the roads and railroads, where angular to subangular anthropogenic pebbles predominate (70–90 %). However, streams have very little influence on gravel lithology along the coast because they seldom discharge anthropogenic gravel into Lake Michigan. Recent changes in gravel lithology along the southern Lake Michigan coast may affect changes in nearshore benthic flora and fauna as well as algal and bacterial blooms during warm summer months.  相似文献   

Discrimination of particle zonation on a pebble beach   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The extent to which pebble shapes are zonally sorted on a pebble beach is examined. On the basis of comprehensive point samples from a pebble beach in west Wales, and using factor analysis, a pebble shape index for each point sample is derived. It is proposed that the sum of squares (%RSS) explained by a linear trend surface of shape index values, approximates to the degree to which the second derivative of pebble shape with respect to distance downbeach, tends towards zero. If the second derivative is zero there is no zonation of sample shape values but, rather, a uniform trend. Strength of zonation on one beach is calculated for eight beach samples during 1971. A heterogeneity index (Ht) is introduced to show the degree of difference between clustered point samples on the basis of shape and size. On the basis of %RSS and Ht value, discrimination between pebble facies type on the sample beach over time can be made.  相似文献   

Size sorting of shells and valves of transported death assemblages of Mytilus edulis is shown to have taken place, and greatly affected size-frequency distributions of shell accumulations deposited in a beach environment. Selective transport and deposition of different size grades gives histograms which may be strongly skewed or multimodal, and include numerous small shells. The usually predicted bell-shaped distributions for sorted assemblages are not always produced. Little evidence of growth and mortality rates can be deduced with confidence from the transported assemblages.  相似文献   

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