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The evolution of a debris‐flow cone depends on a multitude of factors in the hydrogeomorphic system. Investigations of debris‐flow history and cone dynamics in highly active catchments therefore require an integrative approach with a temporal and spatial resolution appropriate for the goals of the study. We present the use of an orthophoto time series to augment standard dendrogeomorphic techniques to describe the spatio‐temporal dynamics of debris flows on a highly active cone in the western Austrian Alps. Analysis of seven orthophotos since 1951 revealed a migration of active deposition areas with a resulting severe loss of forest cover (> 80%) and a mean tree loss per year of 10·4 (range 1·3–16·6 trees per year). Analysis of 193 Pinus mugo ssp. uncinata trees allowed the identification of 161 growth disturbances corresponding to 16 debris flows since 1839 and an average decadal frequency of 0·9 events. As a result of the severe loss of forest cover, we speculate that < 20% of the more recent events were actually captured in the tree‐ring record, giving a decadal return interval of ~7·5 events for a period of 60 years. Based on three annual field observations, it is evident that this catchment (the Bärenrüfe) produces very frequent (< 1 yr), small (in the order of a few 10 to 100 m3) debris flows with minor material relocation. The specific challenges of tree‐ring analysis in this tree species and in highly active environments are explicitly addressed in the discussion and underline the necessity of employing complementary methods of analysis in an integrative manner. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Crimean Mountains (Ukraine) are renowned for the highest occurrence of debris flows along the northern coast of the Black Sea, but information on their origin, frequency and triggers is widely lacking. This study reconstructs a regional time series of debris flows in eight catchments located on the slopes above Yalta. Dendrogeomorphic analyses were performed on 1122 increment cores selected from 566 black pines (Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana) with clear signs of external damage induced by past debris‐flow activity. The trees sampled were divided into old and young trees. The sample contains 361 young trees with post‐1930 innermost rings and 205 old trees with pre‐1930 germination dates. The two groups of trees were analyzed separately to identify possible age effects in the reconstructed debris‐flow series and to assess the ability of P. nigra to record geomorphic disturbances over time. We date a total of 215 debris flows back to ad 1701 and observe a mean decadal frequency of 6.9 events, with a peak in activity during the 1940s (20 events). The young trees record an increase in debris‐flow activity over the last 70 years, whereas the frequency of events remained fairly constant in the old trees for the same period. By contrast, the formation of reaction wood became increasingly scarce with increasing tree age whereas the occurrence of abrupt growth suppression increased. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tree‐ring records from conifers have been regularly used over the last few decades to date debris‐flow events. The reconstruction of past debris‐flow activity was, in contrast, only very rarely based on growth anomalies in broad‐leaved trees. Consequently, this study aimed at dating the occurrence of former debris flows from growth series of broad‐leaved trees and at determining their suitability for dendrogeomorphic research. Results were obtained from gray alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench), silver birch and pubescent birch (Betula pendula Roth and Betula pubescens Ehrh.), aspen (Populus tremula L.), white poplar, black poplar and gray poplar (Populus alba L., Populus nigra L. and Populus x canescens (Ait.) Sm.), goat willow (Salix caprea L.) and black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) injured by debris‐flow activity at Illgraben (Valais, Swiss Alps). Tree‐ring analysis of 104 increment cores, 118 wedges and 93 cross‐sections from 154 injured broad‐leaved trees allowed the reconstruction of 14 debris‐flow events between AD 1965 and 2007. These events were compared with archival records on debris‐flow activity at Illgraben. It appears that debris flows are very common at Illgraben, but only very rarely left the channel over the period AD 1965–2007. Furthermore, analysis of the spatial distribution of disturbed trees contributed to the identification of six patterns of debris‐flow routing and led to the determination of preferential breakout locations of events. The results of this study demonstrate the high potential of broad‐leaved trees for dendrogeomorphic research and for the assessment of the travel distance and lateral spread of debris‐flow surges. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several hot-rock avalanches have occurred during the growth of the composite dome of Mount St. Helens, Washington between 1980 and 1987. One of these occurred on 9 May 1986 and produced a fan-shaped avalanche deposit of juvenile dacite debris together with a more extensive pyroclastic-flow deposit. Laterally thinning deposits and abrasion and baking of wooden and plastic objects show that a hot ash-cloud surge swept beyond the limits of the pyroclastic flow. Plumes that rose 2–3 km above the dome and vitric ash that fell downwind of the volcano were also effects of this event, but no explosion occurred. All the facies observed originated from a single avalanche. Erosion and melting of craterfloor snow by the hot debris caused debris flows in the crater, and a small flood that carried juvenile and other clasts north of the crater. A second, broadly similar event occured in October 1986. Larger events of this nature could present a significant volcanic hazard.  相似文献   

The rheology of debris flows is difficult to characterize owing to the varied composition and to the uneven distribution of the components that may range from clay to large boulders, in addition to water. Few studies have addressed debris flow rheology from observational, experimental, and theoretical viewpoints in conjunction. We present a coupled rheological‐numerical model to characterize the debris flows in which cohesive and frictional materials are both present. As a first step, we consider small‐scale artificial debris flows in a flume with variable percentages of clay versus sand, and measure separately the rheological properties of sand–clay mixtures. A comparison with the predictions of a modified version of the numerical model BING shows a reasonable agreement between measurements and simulations. As application to a field case, we analyse a recent debris flow that occurred in Fjærland (Western Norway) for which much information is now available. The event was caused by a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) originating from the failure of a moraine ridge. In a previous contribution (Breien et al., Landslides, 2008 , 5: 271–280) we focused on the hydrological and geomorphological aspects. In particular we documented the marked erosion and reported the change in sediment transport during the event. In contrast to the laboratory debris flows, the presence of large boulders and the higher normal pressure inside the natural debris flow requires the introduction of a novel rheological model that distinguishes between mud‐to–clast supported material. We present simulations with a modified BING model with the new cohesive‐frictional rheology. To account for the severe erosion operated by the debris flow on the colluvial deposits of Fjærland, we also suggest a simple model for erosion and bulking along the slope path. Numerical simulations suggest that a self‐sustaining mechanism could partly explain the extreme growth of debris flows running on a soft terrain.  相似文献   

The November 13, 1985, eruption was characteristic of the Arenas eruptive stage of Nevado del Ruiz, the most recent of a series of twelve eruptive stages that have occurred in the past 11,000 years. Eruptive sequences, deposits and processes similar to that of 1985 have characterized the behavior of Nevado del Ruiz during three major prehistorical and historical eruptive stages: the approximately 3300-3100 yr. B.P. Hedionda, the 16th century Azufrado, and the mid-1800's Lagunillas eruptive stages, that partly destroyed the present Ruiz summit.According to the interpretation of the stratigraphic record of prehistorical eruptions and historical accounts, almost every recent magmatic event was small or short-lived. Nevertheless, rockslide-debris avalanches and catastrophic debris flows were triggered in all the eruptions owing to slope failures related to specific tectonic features of Ruiz volcano and/or to significant interactions between pyroclastic debris and the ice cap. Evidence for headward retreat of avalanche scarps during multiple eruptions reinforce the case that large slope failures can occur repeatedly at a large-volume volcano like Ruiz without reconstruction of the edifice. The latest Ruiz eruptions that involved rockslide-debris avalanches resemble in part the Shiveluch 1964 event for which evidence of lateral blast deposits are lacking, but differ in part from this type because non-eruptive and mass-wasting processes also triggered rockslide-debris avalanches.Many factors render the cluster of domes of the Ruiz summit unstable, including: (1) deeply dissected troughs opened toward the north-northeast (Azufrado), east (Lagunillas), and south (Recio) flanks; (2) strongly hydrothermally altered north and east flanks of the summit; (3) currently glaciated or recently deglaciated, high cliffs; (4) steep unstable margins of the ice cap on the north and east.Thus, in light of its past behavior, a small eruption or an earthquake might trigger catastrophic rockslide-debris avalanches. Furthermore, such avalanches as well as glacial outburst-floods and ice avalanches could induce debris flows by mobilizing weathered, water-saturated, and unconsolidated rocks or deposits.  相似文献   

We apply the process‐based, distributed TOPKAPI‐ETH glacio‐hydrological model to a glacierized catchment (19% glacierized) in the semiarid Andes of central Chile. The semiarid Andes provides vital freshwater resources to valleys in Chile and Argentina, but only few glacio‐hydrological modelling studies have been conducted, and its dominant hydrological processes remain poorly understood. The catchment contains two debris‐free glaciers reaching down to 3900 m asl (Bello and Yeso glaciers) and one debris‐covered avalanche‐fed glacier reaching to 3200 m asl (Piramide Glacier). Our main objective is to compare the mass balance and runoff contributions of both glacier types under current climatic conditions. We use a unique dataset of field measurements collected over two ablation seasons combined with the distributed TOPKAPI‐ETH model that includes physically oriented parameterizations of snow and ice ablation, gravitational distribution of snow, snow albedo evolution and the ablation of debris‐covered ice. Model outputs indicate that while the mass balance of Bello and Yeso glaciers is mostly explained by temperature gradients, the Piramide Glacier mass balance is governed by debris thickness and avalanches and has a clear non‐linear profile with elevation as a result. Despite the thermal insulation effect of the debris cover, the mass balance and contribution to runoff from debris‐free and debris‐covered glaciers are similar in magnitude, mainly because of elevation differences. However, runoff contributions are distinct in time and seasonality with ice melt starting approximately four weeks earlier from the debris‐covered glacier, what is of relevance for water resources management. At the catchment scale, snowmelt is the dominant contributor to runoff during both years. However, during the driest year of our simulations, ice melt contributes 42 ± 8% and 67 ± 6% of the annual and summer runoff, respectively. Sensitivity analyses show that runoff is most sensitive to temperature and precipitation gradients, melt factors and debris cover thickness. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Where snow avalanches descend steeply into large rivers, displacing bedload, avalanche boulder-ramparts may accumulate, retaining a record of late-Holocene snow-avalanche frequency. The age frequency of surface boulders on 12 such features in upper Jostedalen, southern Norway, was investigated using the size-frequency distribution of lichens. A model was constructed to simulate the influence of variations in avalanche frequency since AD 1325 on lichen-size-frequency distributions. Using this modelling approach it is not possible to define a unique pattern of avalanche activity to account for the observed lichen-size-frequency distributions, but it is possible to place strict limits on the range of scenarios that are acceptable. The results suggest that maximum avalanche activity occurred during the 19th century, after the peak of the Little Ice Age. This conflicts with historical records of avalanche damage to property at lower altitude in nearby valleys, which may reflect avalanche activity only during a short period of extreme climatic conditions. Close agreement between the records of snow avalanches and debris flows suggests that both reflect periods of high winter snowfall and rapid spring melting rather than low temperature. Future ‘greenhouse warming’ may therefore result in increased avalanche activity in southern Norway.  相似文献   

Slopes in fjord environments of Iceland are prone to debris‐flow initiation, responding to a wide variety of meteorological triggering factors, such as rain on snow, rapid snowmelt, long‐lasting rainfall or intense rainfall. If all fjord regions have similar debris flows with regards to their magnitude, their meteorological control is diverse both in space and in time. Debris flows in Northwest Iceland are triggered mostly by rain‐on‐snow and long‐lasting rainfall, while snowmelt is more characteristic in North Iceland, and rainfall has a clear impact in East Iceland. Most debris‐flow events occur on a single slope, and only a few are recorded at the same time in different regions. Observations of the threshold values underline the diversity of debris‐flow initiation, occurring with huge amounts of sudden water supply as well as with very moderate ones. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mt. Semeru, the highest mountain in Java (3,676 m), is one of the few persistently active composite volcanoes on Earth, with a plain supporting about 1 million people. We present the geology of the edifice, review its historical eruptive activity, and assess hazards posed by the current activity, highlighting the lahar threat. The composite andesite cone of Semeru results from the growth of two edifices: the Mahameru ‘old’ Semeru and the Seloko ‘young’ Semeru. On the SE flank of the summit cone, a N130-trending scar, branched on the active Jonggring-Seloko vent, is the current pathway for rockslides and pyroclastic flows produced by dome growth. The eruptive activity, recorded since 1818, shows three styles: (1) The persistent vulcanian and phreatomagmatic regime consists of short-lived eruption columns several times a day; (2) increase in activity every 5 to 7 years produces several kilometer-high eruption columns, ballistic bombs and thick tephra fall around the vent, and ash fall 40 km downwind. Dome extrusion in the vent and subsequent collapses produce block-and-ash flows that travel toward the SE as far as 11 km from the summit; and (3) flank lava flows erupted on the lower SE and E flanks in 1895 and in 1941–1942. Pyroclastic flows recur every 5 years on average while large-scale lahars exceeding 5 million m3 each have occurred at least five times since 1884. Lumajang, a city home to 85,000 people located 35 km E of the summit, was devastated by lahars in 1909. In 2000, the catchment of the Curah Lengkong River on the ESE flank shows an annual sediment yield of 2.7 × 105 m3 km−2 and a denudation rate of 4 105 t km−2 yr−1, comparable with values reported at other active composite cones in wet environment. Unlike catchments affected by high magnitude eruptions, sediment yield at Mt. Semeru, however, does not decline drastically within the first post-eruption years. This is due to the daily supply of pyroclastic debris shed over the summit cone, which is remobilised by runoff during the rainy season. Three hazard-prone areas are delineated at Mt. Semeru: (1) a triangle-shaped area open toward the SE has been frequently swept by dome-collapse avalanches and pyroclastic flows; (2) the S and SE valleys convey tens of rain-triggered lahars each year within a distance of 20 km toward the ring plain; (3) valleys 25 km S, SE, and the ring plain 35 km E toward Lumajang can be affected by debris avalanches and debris flows if the steep-sided summit cone fails.  相似文献   

The San Francisco Bay‐Delta estuary and its upstream watershed have been highly modified since exploration and settlement by Europeans in the mid‐18th century. Although these hydrologic alterations supported the growth of California's economy to the eighth largest in the world, they have been accompanied by significant declines in native aquatic species and subsequent efforts to reverse these declines through flow management. To inform ongoing deliberations on management of freshwater flows to the estuary, we examined a recent nine‐decade hydrologic record to evaluate seasonal and annual trends in reported Delta outflow. Statistically significant trends were observed in seasonal outflows, with decreasing trends observed in 4 months (February, April, May, and November) and increasing trends observed in 2 months (July and August). Trend significance in early‐to‐mid autumn (September and October) is ambiguous due to uncertainty associated with in‐Delta agricultural water use. In spite of increasing water use over the period examined, we found no statistically significant annual trend in Delta outflow, a result likely due to large inter‐annual variability. Linkages between outflow trends and changes in upstream flows and coincident developments such as reservoir construction and operation, out‐of‐basin imports and exports, and expansion of irrigated agriculture are discussed. To eliminate inter‐annual variability as a factor, change attribution is explored using modelled flows and fixed climatology in a companion paper.  相似文献   

Snow avalanches are a widespread natural phenomenon in steep mountain environments, where they modulate landscapes and frequently disturb forest stands. Such disturbances in trees have been used since the 1970s to retrospectively date avalanches, study their extent and reach, as well as to document their triggers. Although virtually every dendrogeomorphic paper is still based on the concepts established by Shroder (1978), important methodological improvements have been achieved in the field ever since and more particularly over the last decade. This study therefore reports on recent methodological progress and employs three different approaches (i.e. Shroder index value and Kogelnig-Mayer weighted index value) and different sets of signals in trees (i.e. inclusion of tangential rows of traumatic resin ducts as evidence of past avalanching) to record snow avalanche activity. Using 238 increment cores from 105 Picea abies (L.) Karst trees which colonize a snow avalanche path in the Romanian Carpathians, we illustrate possibilities and limitations of the different approaches for the period covered by the chronologies (1852–2013). In addition, we sampled 30 undisturbed P. abies trees from a forest stand north of the avalanche path, where no geomorphic disturbance was identified, so as to build a reference tree-ring chronology. The three avalanche chronologies constructed with the disturbed trees allow identification of past process activity, but results differ quite considerably in terms of avalanche frequency, number of reconstructed events and their temporal distribution. Depending on the approach used, 15 to 20 snow avalanches can be reconstructed, with the best results being obtained in the dataset including tangential rows of traumatic resin ducts. The addition of this anatomical feature, formed after mechanical impact enlarges the number of growth disturbances by 43.5%, and can thus explain the increase of reconstructed avalanches by one-third as compared to the results of the chronology using the “conventional” Shroder approach.  相似文献   

Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq. is an important rheophytic tree in New South Wales, Australia because it is fast growing and can tolerate flood disturbance. Widden Brook is an active sand‐bed stream that has widened substantially since initial European settlement in the early 1800s and is characterized by high flood variability and multi‐decadal periods of alternating high and low flood frequency, called flood‐ and drought‐dominated regimes. Channel contraction by bench formation is currently occurring. Conversion of coarse‐grained point bars to benches is an important process of channel contraction. When point bars grow to a height where suspended sediment is first deposited to thicknesses of at least 50 mm by sub‐bankfull floods, rapid establishment of C. cunninghamiana occurs. As the trees grow they partially block bankside flows, thereby locally reducing flow velocity and inducing further deposition on the benches. Such synergistic relationships between bar height and inundation, fine‐grained sediment deposition, tree establishment and the development of a bankside low current velocity zone are fundamental for bench development. Size‐class frequency data demonstrate that C. cunninghamiana on the benches consists of pure even‐aged stands with most trees clustering near the average diameter. Two benches have similar size class frequency distributions but a third has significantly smaller trees. Recruitment on benches is episodic, may occur in areas open to grazing and is dependent on favourable conditions that allow tree survival. These favourable conditions include high seed availability, low levels of competition, deposition of fine sediments and adequate moisture for tree growth. Although C. cunninghamiana germinates on bars, seedlings are eliminated by prolonged inundation or flood scour and do not reach maturity. Recurring catastrophic floods or a sequence of large floods in rapid succession episodically destroy benches by substantial channel widening and initiate a new phase of bar and bench development. A conceptual model of the conversion of point bars to benches by thick mud deposition and C. cunninghamiana recruitment has been developed for sand‐bed streams draining similar sandstone catchments. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lahars (volcanic debris flows) have been responsible for 40% of all volcanic fatalities over the past century. Mount Semeru (East Java, Indonesia) is a persistently active composite volcano that threatens approximately one million people with its lahars and pyroclastic flows. Despite their regularity, the behaviour and the propagation of these rain‐triggered lahars are poorly understood. In situ samples were taken from lahars in motion at two sites in the Curah Lengkong River, on the southeast flank of Semeru, providing estimates of the particle concentration, grain size spectrum, grain density and composition. This enables us to identify flow sediment from three categories of lahars: (a) hyperconcentrated flow, (b) non‐cohesive, clast‐ and matrix‐supported debris flow, and (c) muddy flood. To understand hyperconcentrated flow sediment transport processes, it is more appropriate to sample the active flows than the post‐event lahar deposits because in situ sampling retains the full spectrum of the grain‐size distribution. Rheometrical tests on materials sampled from moving hyperconcentrated flows were carried out using a laboratory vane rheometer. Despite technical difficulties, results obtained on the <63, <180, and <400 µm fractions of the sampled sediment, suggest a purely frictional behaviour. Importantly, and contrary to previous experiments conducted with monodisperse suspensions, our results do not show any transition towards a viscous behaviour for high shear rates. These data provide important constraints for future physical and numerical modelling of lahar flows. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In 1996 a large debris flow occurred on the fan of the Chalance torrent system, a tributary of the Séveraisse river, French Alps. To investigate the magnitude and frequency of such debris flows on this fan, fieldwork was carried out in the summer of 1998. Detailed investigation revealed that several debris flows have occurred in the past 200 years. Lichenometry was used as a dating technique to obtain the frequency of these debris‐flow events. Also the volume of these flows was estimated. With these data a magnitude–frequency relationship was constructed. This relationship shows a maximum magnitude of at least 50 × 103 m3. Based on data for the past c. 150 years, a debris flow of such a volume appears to have a recurrence interval of approximately 34 years. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A well-vegetated 35° slope in upland Wales, U.K., failed during a winter flood event. Failure was linked to high magnitude rainfall and diversion of flowing water onto the slope. Mass movement began with gravitational slumping, which was transformed rapidly into a debris flow. Three-dimensional characteristics of the active debris flow are reconstructed from mudlines on 58 trees still standing in the flow path. Mudline formation only on the up-flow side of trees indicates the relatively high viscosity of the debris flow. Mudline height is a function of the maximum thickness and velocity of the flow at any tree.  相似文献   

Major slope failures are a significant degradational process at volcanoes. Slope failures and associated explosive eruptions have resulted in more than 20 000 fatalities in the past 400 years; the historic record provides evidence for at least six of these events in the past century. Several historic debris avalanches exceed 1 km3 in volume. Holocene avalanches an order of magnitude larger have traveled 50–100 km from the source volcano and affected areas of 500–1500 km2. Historic eruptions associated with major slope failures include those with a magmatic component (Bezymianny type) and those solely phreatic (Bandai type). The associated gravitational failures remove major segments of the volcanoes, creating massive horseshoe-shaped depressions commonly of caldera size. The paroxysmal phase of a Bezymianny-type eruption may include powerful lateral explosions and pumiceous pyroclastic flows; it is often followed by construction of lava dome or pyroclastic cone in the new crater. Bandai-type eruptions begin and end with the paroxysmal phase, during which slope failure removes a portion of the edifice. Massive volcanic landslides can also occur without related explosive eruptions, as at the Unzen volcano in 1792.The main potential hazards from these events derive from lateral blasts, the debris avalanche itself, and avalanche-induced tsunamis. Lateral blasts produced by sudden decompression of hydrothermal and/or magmatic systems can devastate areas in excess of 500km2 at velocities exceeding 100 m s–1. The ratio of area covered to distance traveled for the Mount St. Helens and Bezymianny lateral blasts exceeds that of many pyroclastic flows or surges of comparable volume. The potential for large-scale lateral blasts is likely related to the location of magma at the time of slope failure and appears highest when magma has intruded into the upper edifice, as at Mount St. Helens and Bezymianny.Debris avalanches can move faster than 100 ms–1 and travel tens of kilometers. When not confined by valley walls, avalanches can affect wide areas beyond the volcano's flanks. Tsunamis from debris avalanches at coastal volcanoes have caused more fatalities than have the landslides themselves or associated eruptions. The probable travel distance (L) of avalanches can be estimated by considering the potential vertical drop (H). Data from a catalog of around 200 debris avalanches indicates that the H/L rations for avalanches with volumes of 0.1–1 km3 average 0.13 and range 0.09–0.18; for avalanches exceeding 1 km3, H/L ratios average 0.09 and range 0.5–0.13.Large-scale deformation of the volcanic edefice and intense local seismicity precede many slope failures and can indicate the likely failure direction and orientation of potential lateral blasts. The nature and duration of precursory activity vary widely, and the timing of slope faliure greatly affects the type of associated eruption. Bandai-type eruptions are particularly difficult to anticipate because they typically climax suddenly without precursory eruptions and may be preceded by only short periods of seismicity.  相似文献   

The assessment of the dominant flow type on alluvial fans usually refers to two categories: debris‐flow fans (i.e. sediment gravity flows) and fluvial fans (i.e. fluid gravity flows). Here we report the results of combined morphometric, stratigraphic and sedimentological approaches which suggest that hyperconcentrated flows, a transitional process rheologically distinct from debris flows and floods and sometimes referred to as debris floods, mud floods, or transitional debris flows, are the dominant fan building process in eastern Canada. These flows produce transitional facies between those of debris flows which consist of a cohesive matrix‐supported diamicton, and those of river flows which display more distinct stratification. The size of the blocks in the channels and the abrasion scars at the base of several trees attest to the high transport capacity of these flows. The fan channels are routed according to various obstacles comprised primarily of woody debris that impede sediment transit. However, these conditions of sediment storage are combined with readily available sediment due to the friable nature of the local lithology. Tree‐ring analysis allowed the reconstruction of eight hydrogeomorphic events which are characterized by a return period of 9.25 years for the period 1934–2008, although most of the analyzed events occurred after 1970. Historical weather data analysis indicates that they were related to rare hydrometeorological events at regional and local scales. This evidence led to the elaboration of weather scenarios likely responsible for triggering flows on the fan. According to these scenarios, two distinct hydrologic regimes emerge: the torrential rainfall regime and the nival regime related to snowmelt processes. Hydrogeomorphic processes occurring in a cold‐temperate climate, and particularly on small forested alluvial fans of north‐eastern North America, should receive more attention from land managers given the hazard they represent, as well as because of their sensitivity to various meteorological parameters. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Debris flows generated from landslides are common processes and represent a severe hazard in mountain regions due to their high mobility and impact energy. We investigate the dynamics and the rheological properties of a 90 000 m3 debris‐flow event triggered by a rapid regressive landslide with high water content. Field evidence revealed a maximum flow depth of 7–8 m, with an estimated peak discharge of 350–400 m3 s?1. Depositional evidence and grain‐size distribution of the debris pose the debris flow in an intermediate condition between the fluid‐mud and grain‐flow behaviour. The debris‐flow material has silt–clay content up to 15 per cent. The rheological behaviour of the finer matrix was directly assessed with the ball measuring system. The measurements, performed on two samples at 45–63 per cent in sediment concentration by volume, gave values of 3·5–577 Pa for the yield strength, and 0·6–27·9 Pa s for the viscosity. Based on field evidence, we have empirically estimated the yield strength and viscosity ranging between 4000 ± 200 Pa, and 108–134 Pa s, respectively. We used the Flo‐2D code to replicate the debris‐flow event. We applied the model with rheological properties estimated by means of direct measurements and back‐analyses. The results of these models show that the rheological behaviour of a debris‐flow mass containing coarse clasts can not be assessed solely on the contribution of the finer matrix and thus neglecting the effects of direct grain contacts. For debris flows composed by a significant number of coarse clasts a back‐analysis estimation of the rheological parameters is necessary to replicate satisfactorily the depositional extent of debris flows. In these cases, the back‐estimated coefficients do not adequately describe the rheological properties of the debris flow. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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