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赵孟为 《沉积学报》1996,14(3):11-21
根据伊利石K-Ar测年法研究,确定鄂尔多斯盆地存在两期与构造运动有关的成岩作用事件:即与早期燕山运动有关的侏罗纪(170—160Ma)和与晚期加里东运动有关的志留-泥盆纪(420-370Ma)成岩作用时代。为了揭示碎屑物质对K-Ar年龄的影响和伊利石成岩作用的机制,本文提出了一个通过观察K-Ar年龄随深度变化的趋势来进行判断的模式。在K-Ar年龄小于地层时代的条件下,K-Ar年龄与深度呈正相关,或者很相近的K-Ar年龄与深度变化无关均标志着没有或很少有碎屑物质的影响;同时,前者指示逐渐埋藏条件下的成岩作用,而后者则反映短暂的热事件引起的成岩作用事件。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地伊利石K-Ar等时线图解与年龄   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据伊利石40K-40Ar和40K/36Ar-40Ar/36Ar等时线图解与年龄验证了利用常规K-Ar测年法所确定的鄂尔多斯盆地的两期成岩作用时代。分析结果表明,伊利石K-Ar时钟是一个封闭体系,故能够用来确定沉积岩的成岩作用时代;常规K-Ar年龄所揭示的侏罗纪(170~160Ma)和志留—泥盆纪(420~370Ma)成岩作用时代是可靠的;K-Ar等时线图解与年龄是检验常规K-Ar测年法的有效的补充性测年手段  相似文献   

赵孟为 Ahren.  H 《地质学报》1996,70(2):186-194
利用伊利石K-Ar测年法,结合伊利石结晶度分析,首次在鄂尔多斯盆地确定出两期不同时代热事件。晚三叠世和晚二叠世<0.2μm粒级的岩石样品的K-Ar年龄(159-173Ma)反映了与燕山运动有关的伊利石化年龄,指示有一期中侏罗世的热事件;其<2μm粒级的K-Ar年龄(210-308Ma)则被解释为碎屑物和自生伊利石的混合年龄。中寒武世<0.2μm和<2μm粒级的岩石样品K-Ar年龄(368Ma与419Ma)对应于北秦岭加里东褶皱带变质作用与最早期花岗岩侵入的时代(380-420Ma),表明在志留-泥盆纪发生了一期热事件。  相似文献   

本文从准同生成岩作用、成岩作用类型及其强度、成岩环境演化等方面探讨了成岩作用与海平面升降、层序地层学的关系。研究指出,准同生期成岩作用反映海平面升降、层序界面的形成最敏感;成岩作用的类型及其成岩强度反映了海平面升降幅度、层序边界的类型:体系域的演化控制了成岩环境的演化,不同的体系域其成岩作用类型及其组合不同。成岩作用研究在白云岩地层中对层序边界及其类型的识别、体系域的划分具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文以浙江长兴地区P—T界线上的粘土岩为研究对象,对其中的成岩混层I/S进行了K—Ar和Ar—Ar测年实验研究,结果表明,沉积岩中成岩混层I/S的K—Ar年龄在没有碎屑含钾矿物混入的情况下,比其对应的地层时代要年轻。成岩混层I/S的常规^40Ar/^39Ar阶段升温测年一般情况下得不到年龄坪,只有当类蒙皂石层的含量为零时(即没有膨胀层的成岩伊利石),才能形成平坦的年龄谱。^39Ar的核反冲丢失不仅发生在矿物表面,也发生在矿物内部,最高可达48%左右,0.2μm粒级可能是^39Ar核反冲丢失量的拐点,同时也表明,用快中子照射硅酸盐样品,核反冲距离可以达到0.2μm。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯西缘二叠系为前前陆盆地层系,砂岩成岩作用仍受前陆盆地构造的影响,不同构造分区砂岩储层的成岩环境存在一定的差别。研究发现,西缘逆冲带砂体经历了浅埋藏弱压实和溶蚀作用,储集物性最优;斜坡带砂岩储层不仅残留少量粒间孔隙,而且溶蚀作用形成的次生孔隙对储集空间的改善十分明显;压实压溶作用和胶结充填作用严重损害前渊带砂岩原生孔隙,但后期的凝灰质溶蚀蚀变作用对储层性能有一定的改善,仍不失为天然气的有效储层。  相似文献   

致密砂岩储层成岩作用复杂,成岩相分布表现出明显的差异性。以物性、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、X衍射、高压压汞等测试数据为基础,对鄂尔多斯盆地东部子洲气田山32段砂岩的成岩作用和成岩相进行了研究。结果表明:岩性以石英砂岩为主,岩屑含量自西向东表现出增加趋势;残余粒间孔、溶蚀孔和晶间孔为主要孔隙类型;压实压溶作用使原生粒间孔大量损失;胶结作用对储集空间具有双重影响,但整体使物性变差;溶解作用对石英砂岩和岩屑石英砂岩的影响不同,对石英砂岩的溶蚀程度更高;综合多项成岩阶段划分指标,子洲气田山32段砂岩已进入晚成岩B期,部分指标进入C期;参考多项定性和定量参数,划分出6种成岩相,分布于水下分流河道厚砂体中的石英加大粒间孔-溶蚀孔相是最有利的成岩相带,石英加大粒间孔-晶间孔相和粘土杂基充填晶间孔-溶蚀孔相次之,成岩相的平面分布受沉积微相和碎屑组分变化影响明显。  相似文献   

为明确海陆变迁背景下障壁坝砂体成岩孔隙演化规律,运用岩石薄片、扫描电镜及配套能谱、阴极发光等资料,对延长探区石炭系本溪组障壁成因砂体储集特征与成岩作用进行综合分析,并结合砂岩初始孔隙度恢复模型与薄片孔隙定量分析技术,开展基于埋藏热演化历程的储层孔隙演化参数定量评价,建立该区本溪组障壁坝砂岩孔隙定量演化模式。结果表明:储层砂岩以石英砂岩、岩屑质石英砂岩及岩屑砂岩为主;孔隙度、渗透率平均值分别为4.72%和1.22×10^(-3 )μm^2;储集空间以溶蚀扩大孔、粒内孔、晶间孔为主;现今储层主体已达到晚成岩阶段;砂岩初始孔隙度平均值为38.1%,埋藏至今共经历了四个典型的成岩增/减孔阶段,即P_1~T_2(285~208 Ma)"低地温、快埋藏"的大幅减孔阶段(-30.7%)、T_2~J_3(208~153 Ma)"高地温、缓沉降"的溶蚀增孔阶段(+3.9%)、J_3~K_1(153~96 Ma)"高地温、稳埋深"的减孔定型阶段(-6.6%)、K_1至今(96 Ma~)"低地温、晚隆升"的弱改造阶段。  相似文献   

以鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘汭水河露头剖面延长组长9-长7辫状河三角洲沉积为例,重点讨论三级层序界面上下的砂岩储层成岩特征。通过大量的铸体薄片鉴定,扫描电镜、X衍射等实验分析,发现、汭水河延长组露头剖面层序界面对砂岩储层成岩具有控制作用,基准面下降半旋回内填隙物以浊沸石为主,基准面上升半旋回内以方沸石为主,孔隙主要为溶蚀填隙物形成的次生孔隙,界面之上面孔率好于界面之下的面孔率,有利于储层发育。  相似文献   

以鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘汭水河露头剖面延长组长9-长7辫状河三角洲沉积为例,重点讨论三级层序界面上下的砂岩储层成岩特征.通过大量的铸体薄片鉴定,扫描电镜、X衍射等实验分析,发现汭水河延长组露头剖面层序界面对砂岩储层成岩具有控制作用,基准面下降半旋回内填隙物以浊沸石为主,基准面上升半旋回内以方沸石为主,孔隙主要为溶蚀填隙物形成的次生孔隙,界面之上面孔率好于界面之下的面孔率,有利于储层发育.  相似文献   

The Silurian bituminous sandstones(SBS) in the Tarim Basin, China are important basinwide reservoirs with an estimated area of approximately 249000 km2. We investigated the ages of authigenic illites in the SBS reservoirs and constrained their formation timing by using the ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar step wise heating method. The age spectra, ~(39)Ar recoil loss and their controlling factors were investigated systematically. The ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar ages were compared with the conventional K/Ar ages of identical clay fractions. The clay in the SBS reservoirs is dominated by orderly mixed-layer illite/smectite(I/S) with 5%–30% smectite layers. The I/S minerals morphology comprises primarily honeycomb, short filamentous and curved-lath particles, characteristic of authigenic illites. The unencapsulated ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar total gas ages(UTGA) of the authigenic illites range from 188.56 ± 6.20 Ma to 491.86 ± 27.68 Ma, which are 7% to 103% older than the corresponding K/Ar ages of 124.87 ± 1.11 Ma to 383.45 ± 2.80 Ma, respectively. The K-Ar ages indicate multistage accumulations with distinct distribution patterns in the Tarim Basin: older(late Caledonian-early Hercynian) around the basin margin, younger(late Hercynian) in the basin centre, and the youngest(middle to late Yanshanian) in the Ha-6 well-block, central area of the North Uplift. The age difference is believed to have been caused by the ~(39)Ar recoil loss during the irradiation process. Compared with the K/Ar ages, the estimated ~(39)Ar recoil losses in this study are in the range from 7% to 51%. The ~(39)Ar recoil loss appears to increase not only with the decreasing particle sizes of the I/S, but also with increasing percentage of smectite layers(IR) of the I/S, and smectite layer content(SLC) of the samples. We conclude that due to significant ~(39)Ar recoil losses, UTGA may not offer any meaningful geological ages of the authigenic illite formation in the SBS and thus can not be used to represent the hydrocarbon charge timing. ~(39)Ar recoil losses during ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar dating can not be neglected when dating fine authigenic illite, especially when the ordered mixed-layer I/S containing small amount of smectite layers(IR30%) in the reservoir formations. Compared with the unencapsulated Ar-Ar method, the conventional K-Ar method is less complicated, more accurate and reliable in dating authigenic illites in petroleum reservoirs.  相似文献   

自生伊利石40Ar/39Ar法定年技术及气藏成藏期的确定   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
为了确定天然气藏的成藏期,进行了自生伊利石的^40Ar/^39Ar法同位素定年实验.实验重点解决了自生伊利石的^40Ar/^39Ar法定年的几个技术难题:第一,粘土矿物的提纯,避免伊利石以外的含K矿物混入;第二,自生伊利石与碎屑伊利石的分离;第三,克服核反冲造成的Ar原子丢失.利用冷冻一加热循环碎样技术获得高纯度的粘土矿物;通过阶段加热得到的年龄谱可以区分自生伊利石与碎屑伊利石;利用“显微包裹”技术有效克服了核照射反冲问题.对鄂尔多斯盆地北部苏里格气田研究发现。二叠系储层中的伊利石有2种年龄图谱:一种只有自生伊利石的坪年龄;另一种图谱既有自生伊利石的坪年龄,也有碎屑伊利石的年龄,形成二阶式的图谱.通过自生伊利石的形成时间推断,天然气的最早充注时间晚于169~189Ma.实验的结果表明,冷冻加热循环碎样技术可以有效地避免伊利石以外的含K矿物混入.是获得高纯度粘土矿物的关键技术;自生伊利石^40Ar/^39Ar法定年技术可以用于确定天然气藏的成藏期.  相似文献   

In the Ordos basin, two distinct thermal events of different ages have been identified for the first time by means of K-Ar dating combined with illite crystallinity analysis. For the Late Triassic and Late Permian samples, the K-Ar ages of the < 0.2μm fractions (159-173 Ma) reflect an illitization age related to the Yanshanian movement and indicate a short thermal event in the Middle Jurassic; the K-Ar ages of the <2 μm fractions (210-308 Ma) are interpreted as mixed ages of detrital material and authigenic illites. The K-Ar ages of both < 0.2μm and < 2μm fractions of a Middle Cambrian sample (368 Ma and 419 Ma) correspond to the ages of the metamorphism and earliest granite intrusion in the northern Caledonian Qinling fold zone (380-420 Ma) and show a thermal event during Silurian-Devonian time.  相似文献   

The South China Sea began to outspread in the Oligocene. A great quantity of terraneous detritus was deposited in the northern continental shelf of the sea, mostly in Pearl River Mouth Basin, which constituted the main paleo-Pearl River Delta. The delta developed for a long geological time and formed a superimposed area. Almost all the oil and gas fields of detrital rock reservoir distribute in this delta. Thirty-three oil sandstone core samples in the Zhujiang Formation, lower Miocene (23–16 Ma), were collected from nine wells. The illite samples with detrital K feldspar (Kfs) separated from these sandstone cores in four sub-structural belts were analysed by the high-precision 40Ar/39Ar laser stepwise heating technique. All 33 illite 40Ar/39Ar data consistently yielded gradually rising age spectra at the low-temperature steps until reaching age plateaus at mid-high temperature steps. The youngest ages corresponding to the beginning steps were interpreted as the hydrocarbon accumulation ages and the plateau ages in mid-high temperature steps as the contributions of the detrital feldspar representing the ages of the granitic parent rocks in the provenances. The ages of the detrital feldspar from the Zhujiang Formation in the four sub-structural belts were different: (1) the late Cretaceous ages in the Lufeng 13 fault structural belt; (2) the late Cretaceous and early Cretaceous-Jurassic ages in the Huizhou 21 buried hill-fault belt; (3) the Jurassic and Triassic ages in the Xijiang 24 buried hill-fault belt; and (4) the early Cretaceous – late Jurassic ages in the Panyu 4 oil area. These detrital feldspar 40Ar/39Ar ages become younger and younger from west to east, corresponding to the age distribution of the granites in the adjacent Guangdong Province, Southern China.  相似文献   

四川大水沟碲矿床^40Ar/^39Ar年龄研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用^40Ar/^39Ar中子活化定年法测试大水沟碲矿床12号矿脉中的白云母,得到阶段升温坪年龄91.0-94.10Ma,等时线年龄93.70Ma。  相似文献   

We propose a deformation dating method that combines XRD quantification and Ar chronology of submicroscopic illite to determine the absolute ages of folds that contain clay-bearing layers. Two folds in the frontal segment of the Mexican Fold-Thrust Belt (MFTB), which was deformed from Late Cretaceous to Eocene, are used to illustrate the method and its future potential.Variations in mineral composition, illite-polytype, crystallite-size (CS) and Ar total gas ages were analyzed in the limbs and hinge of two mesoscopic folds. This analysis examines potential effects of strain variation on illitization and the Ar isotopic system along folded layers, versus possible regional thermal overprints. The Ar total-gas ages for 9 samples in Fold 1 vary between 48.4 and 43.9 Ma. The % of 2M1 (detrital) illite vs. Ar total-gas ages tightly constrains the age of folding at 43.5 ± 0.3 Ma. Nine ages from three samples in Fold 2 range from 76.2 to 62.7 Ma, which results in a folding age of 63.9 ± 2.2 Ma. Both ages are in excellent agreement with more broadly constrained stratigraphic timing. The method offers a novel approach to radiometric dating of clay-bearing folds formed at very low-grade metamorphic conditions, and has the potential to constrain dates and rates of regional and local deformation along and across foreland orogenic belts.  相似文献   

黑龙江省鸡西盆地基性岩40Ar/39Ar同位素定年及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑龙江省鸡西盆地张新地区辉绿玢岩呈岩床状侵入晚中生代城子河组地层中;辉绿玢岩较纯净,无捕虏体,呈斑状结构,斑晶由普通辉石、斜长石组成,斑晶体积分数为35%~40%;基质由微晶斜长石、辉石、磁铁矿及玻璃质组成。辉绿玢岩40Ar/39Ar同位素定年结果表明,其等时线年龄与坪年龄在误差范围内较为接近,该辉绿玢岩的形成时代介于96~101 Ma,即形成于早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世早期的Albian-Cenomanian阶。结合区域上该期岩浆事件的特点,暗示早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世时期鸡西盆地处于古太平洋板块(Izanagi-Kula 板块 )向东亚大陆边缘斜向俯冲背景之下的弧后伸展环境。  相似文献   

流体包裹体~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar计时技术及其矿床定年应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
60年代中叶建立的40Ar39Ar计时技术,已被广泛应用于测定各种矿物岩石的年龄,探讨区域性乃至全球性的重要地质问题。高精度40Ar39Ar计时技术的建立,使微钾矿物、流体包裹体40Ar39Ar定年成为可能。本文综合了笔者十多年来从事流体包裹体...  相似文献   

东川播卡-拖布卡地区金矿是云南中部"康滇地轴"中、新元古界昆阳群岩石中发现的第一个金矿,位于接近三江褶皱带的扬子地块西缘.原生金矿化为含金黄铁矿石英脉、细脉、网脉和浸染状石英黄铁矿.四个不同产状的典型含金石英脉的石英的阶段加热40Ar/39Ar年龄谱为马鞍形,坪年龄值范围为59.93±0.21~42.38±0.32 Ma,最小视年龄范围59.30±4.30~41.90±1.8 Ma,与计算坪年龄加热阶段相应数据的40Ar-39Ar等时线年龄范围59.34±0.17~41.25±0.10 Ma,三者基本一致.等时线年龄计算的相关系数大于0.998,40Ar/3 6Ar初始值范围为293.17±1.40~295.2±0.43,与尼尔值一致.石英形成后没有受到后期地质作用.石英样品的坪年龄没有受到过剩氩和氩丢失的影响,可以作为石英和金矿的年龄.金矿形成于新生代第三纪古新世和始新世初的陆内拉张地质构造环境中.  相似文献   

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