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The mainstream depth of a return flow can be viewed as an intrinsic depth of horizontal convection. By using a theoretical tube model combined with the application of the Maximum Entropy Production Principle (MaxEPP) in thermodynamics, the following statements can be made. Under fixed external forcing, the system chooses a particular depth as the mainstream depth of its return flow, the depth of which not only satisfies the maximum circulation rate and the maximum heat transport, but also satisfies the maximum entropy production rate. A comparison between this intrinsic depth and the container height leads to the definition of a relative partial and full-penetration pattern of the circulation. Moreover, this intrinsic depth is found to vary with the external forcing; the regulation of this variation is related to the Modified Rayleigh number.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the infrared spectra of “amino acid-clay, calcium carbonate and γ-AlOOH” and “Cu(II)-clay-amino acid” model systems, and shows that the model of the ternary surface complex is M-OHLCu (L=amino acid) for marine solid particle-Cu (II)-amino acid. Study of the formation mechanism of the ternary surface complex shows that the specific surface area, and especially the intrinsic acidity constant, determine whether the ternary surface complex is easily formed, and that factor,F TSC, quantifies the relationship between the promoting effect of organics on Mt-marine solid particle ion exchange and the intrinsic acidity constant and specific surface area.  相似文献   

Scaling analysis shows that if o(ε~2, β_1ε, γε) ~o (δ), frontal geostrophic dynamics governs the behav-ior of an isolated bottom eddy in a finite depth ambient fluid; and that the ambient flow induced bybottom eddy migration satisfies quasi-geostrophic dynamics. This two layer model includes the impor-tant processes of advection of bottom eddy due to ambient flow, baroclinic instability, and form dragintroduced by Rossby waves. The numerical results show that the three processes enhance theinstability and alter the migration speed of the bottom eddy, and that the form drag induces asignificant meridional drift of the eddy.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method for determining the intrinsic acidity constantsK a1 int andK aj int . The new method is a great improvement over the modified Langmuir plot method generally adopted in that determination of these constants is not dependent on the specific surface area of the marine solid particles. The new method was used to determineK a1 int ,K 2a int and for the main inorganic components of marine solid particles, including illite, montmorillonite, kaolinite, goethite, γ-AlOOH. amorphous ferric oxide, δ-MnO2, manganite, SiO2 and calcium carbonate, and can facilitate the study on the effect of solution constituents, solution temperature, ionic strength, etc. on the value of .  相似文献   

Air guns are important sources for marine seismic exploration. Far-field wavelet of air gun arrays, as a necessary parameter for pre-stack processing and source models, plays an important role during marine seismic data processing and interpretation. When an air gun fires, it generates a series of air bubbles. Similar to onshore seismic exploration, the water forms a plastic fluid near the bubble; the farther the air gun is located from the measurement, the more steady and more accurately represented the wavelet will be. In practice, hydrophones should be placed more than 100 m from the air gun; however, traditional seismic cables cannot meet this requirement. On the other hand, vertical cables provide a viable solution to this problem. This study uses a vertical cable to receive wavelets from 38 air guns and data are collected offshore Southeast Qiong, where the water depth is over 1000 m. In this study, the wavelets measured using this technique coincide very well with the simulated wavelets and can therefore represent the real shape of the wavelets. This experiment fills a technology gap in China.  相似文献   

通过引入一个独立的变量t和一个未知的函数w(t),给出了关于f(η)的三阶非线性边值问题f(")(η) (1 λ)f(η)f"(η) 2λ[1-f'(η)]f'(η)=0,0≤η< ∞.f(0)=0,f'(0)=β,f'( ∞)=1,的奇异积分形式,并得出上面方程凸解和凹解的不存在结果.  相似文献   

Strong fluctuation of seabed, abrupt variation in depth and dip of seabed bring seismic imaging problems, such as irregular reflection waves, obvious multiple waves, serious lateral wave development, poor imaging on base surface and depression structure, low signal-to-noise ratio of middle and deep layers. In this paper, Gaussian beam migration imaging method is used to analyze the imaging effect of rugged seabed in deep water area, and the ray tracing method of wavefront construction method is used to analyze the kinematic characteristics of seismic waves. By improving the design of seismic data acquisition and observation system, imaging quality of fine structures is improved.  相似文献   

利用常规和加密观测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及多普勒雷达资料,对2007年8月2日安徽北部地区发生的一次强对流天气过程进行综合分析.结果表明:中低空切变线是此次强对流天气的触发系统,地面湿度突变线对飑线的生成及发展具有指示意义.低层850hPa低涡较强的辐合,与位于高空大风速带入口区右侧的强辐散的耦合作用,导致强对流天气发生区上空生成次级反环流圈.该反环流圈从北(南)方携带干冷(暖湿)气流下沉(上升),两者交汇进而引发强对流天气的发生.在雷达回波上,飑线生成前期,少数单体不连续地排列成线,但并未连通;飑线生成后,带状特征清晰,并且反射率因子大,多处呈现三体钉状散射体;速度回波上有成熟阶段的速度模糊现象以及消亡阶段出现的逆风区.雹暴的回波具有明显的V型缺口以及速度场上风速的辐合,当逼近雷达测站时,测站上空速度场上出现了牛眼结构.  相似文献   

Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - The upper mixed layer depth (h) has a significant seasonal variation in the real ocean and the low-order statistics of Langmuir turbulence are dramatically...  相似文献   

The presence of horizontal fractures enhances seismic anisotropy of shales.Calculation based on the effective medium theory indicates that horizontal fractures have little effects on velocities along the direction pa-rallel to fractures,but can significantly reduce velocities along the direction normal to fractures.Seismic respon-ses of shales with horizontal fractures are calculated based on the reflector model and the anisotropic propagator matrix method,in which the reflections are a combination of the contrast in impedance due to the variations in fracture density,anisotropic propagation of waves within the shales,and the tuning and interferences associated with layer thickness.Calculated results indicate that seismic reflections are sensitive to reservoir layer thickness and fracture density.Anisotropic propagation alters amplitudes and phases of reflections.It corresponds to high-er reflection amplitudes for the case of surrounding sandstone with higher velocity because the increase in frac-ture density increases the contrast in impedance between the shale and sandstone.In contrast,the surrounding sandstone with lower velocity corresponds to lower reflection amplitudes for the increase in fracture density.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the impacts of convective momentum transport (CMT) on simulations of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation (TIO) in SAMIL. Two sets of experiments are performed, which give different reality of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). The Tiedtke cumulus parameterization scheme is used for all experiments. It is found that simulations of the TIO can be influenced by CMT, and the impacts on the simulated TIO depend on the model capability in simulating the MJO. CMT tends to have large influences to the model that can simulate the eastward propagation of the MJO. CMT can further influence the long-term mean of zonal wind and its vertical shear. Zonal wind suffers from easterlies biases at low level and westerlies biases at upper level when CMT is introduced. Such easterlies biases at low level reduce the reality of the simulated tropical intraseasonal oscillation. When CMT is introduced in the model, MJO signals disappear but the model’s mean state improves. Therefore, a more appropriate way is needed to introduce CMT to the model to balance the simulated mean state and TIO signals.  相似文献   

Marine controlled source electromagnetic signal could be used in mineral resource exploration,reservoir appraisal and communicative technique in ocean. It’s necessary to study the electromagnetic generated by MCSEM. The propagation of the electromagnetic fields from a controlled source in the marine environment was studied with virtual interface method combined with discrete complex image method. Transmitter of finite length current source is approximated by dipole (HED) . A three-layered model is accepted,with sea water as intermediate conductive layer under air and a relatively high resistive seabed as basement,possibly containing a hydrogen layer of higher resistivity. The electromagnetic fields in whole space thus computed show that: (1) the spatial distribution of field component depends on its type; (2) inline Ex component is more sensitive to reservoir layer than that in broadside; (3) The airwave affects marine electromagnetic (MEM) exploration when sea water is relatively shallow; in the case of deep water MEM exploration,the airwave influence could be neglected; and (4) an appropriate frequency should be selected in order to balance the signal strength and electromagnetic induction effect.  相似文献   

非均质各向异性油藏水平井流入动态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为分析渗透率非均质性对水平井流入动态的影响,根据质量和动量守恒定律,建立全耦合的非均质各向异性盒式油藏渗流与水平井筒变质量流的耦合模型;通过坐标变换建立各向异性油藏水平井非均质表皮计算模型,将非均质渗透率场转化为等效均质渗透率场和沿井筒变化的非均质表皮;应用源函数法和势的叠加原理得到油藏渗流模型的解,给出基于模型离散的顺序迭代解耦方法.结果表明:渗透率非均质性对水平井流量剖面和采油指数影响较大.水平井流量分布规律与近井渗透率变化规律基本相同;高渗区流量大,低渗区流量小;在等效渗透率相同的情况下,随着近井非均质性的增强,水平井平均采油指数逐渐降低,平均流量分布不均衡因数逐渐增大.该研究为非均质各向异性油藏水平井产能预测和完井参数优化提供了依据.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of wave uplift force is essential to the designs of reliable coastal and marine structures. We presents a series of laboratory work here on the impact of regular waves on horizontal panels, from which an empirical formula to estimate accurately the wave uplift force on panels is established. The laboratory measurements show that the wave uplift force depends mainly on the incident wave height, the wave period, the wave length, the panel width, and the clearance between the subsurface of the panel and the still water level. Among these factors, the impact of the panel width on uplift forces is relatively complicated. Result shows that the relative panel width(i.e., the ratio of panel width to wave length) plays a more important role in estimating the wave uplift force. Based on our comprehensive laboratory measurements, we further developed an empirical formula to compute wave uplift force on horizontal panels through dimensionless analysis. Compared with other empirical formulas, this formula uses dimensionless variables of clear physical meanings, thus can describe the interaction between waves and the panels in a better way. In addition, the efficiency of the formula to estimate wave uplift force on horizontal panels is verified against existing works. Therefore, the findings in this study shall be useful for understanding the mechanism of wave uplift force on horizontal panels and numerical model validation.  相似文献   

钻井技术的发展使多分支水平井应用于海上凝析气藏开发。根据凝析气藏开采过程中的相变特征,将气藏划分为3个区:Ⅰ区为油气同流区,Ⅱ区为气体流动、油不流动的过渡区,Ⅲ区为纯气区。建立三区复合凝析气藏多分支水平井的解析模型,采用点源函数、Fourier有限余弦积分变换、Green函数等方法求解模型,利用MATLAB软件绘制井底压力特征曲线,分析凝析气藏多分支水平井的渗流规律,对相关参数进行敏感性分析。结果表明:凝析气藏多分支水平井的渗流过程划分为9个阶段;应力敏感效应使第二径向流阶段后的压力特征曲线逐渐上翘;分支井长度增加,分支井线性流持续时间变长;分支井间距减小,两分支井间的压力波相互干扰,导致第二径向流水平段缩短;分支井数量减少使早期的压力特征曲线向上偏移;相邻两区流度比越接近1,曲线后期上移越明显;区域半径影响径向流阶段持续时间。该模型能更准确地模拟凝析气藏多分支水平井的生产动态,为凝析气藏开发提供指导。  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of some large tintinnid species (nominally > 76 μm) is investigated on samples vertically towed in the southern Yellow Sea in winters of 2001 to 2004. Nine tintinnid species are recorded: Codonellopsis morchella, Stenosemella pacifica, S. steini, Tintinnopsis schotti, T. radix, T. karajacensis, Eutintinnus tenuis, Parafavella sp., Leprotintinnus neriticus, of which C. morchella and T. radix dominated in the warm tongue-shaped zone of the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC), and S. pacifica i...  相似文献   

Wen et al.'s odhed dewiogh to obtain wind-wave frequency spectrum in deep was used toderive the spectrum in finite depth water. The spedrum S(ω) (ω bein angular frequency) when normalizedwith the zeroth moment m and peak frequercyω。 contains in adrition to the peakness factor P=ω。S(ω。)/m。, a twth parameter n=(2πm。)_(1/2)d (d being water depPth), so the spatrum behavior can bestudies for different ware growth stages and water depths.  相似文献   

In this paper, function characteristics of dispersion of ocean wave in finite depth water were analyzed systematically. The functional form of the fitting function is reasonably proposed, in which the parameters are optimally determined by the least square method (LSM). For infinitely deep and extremely shallow water,the fitting function fits strictly the dispersion to be fitted. A new technique is presented in application of LSM.An empirical formula with maximum error of less than 0.5% for computing wavelength in finite depth water is presented for practical applications.  相似文献   

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