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We present a paleolimnological record spanning the Holocene from a small lake on Russell Island (Lake PW02), in the central Canadian Arctic Archipelago (74.07° N, 97.77° W, 182 m asl). Fragilarioid diatom types in the genera Pseudostaurosira, Staurosira and Staurosirella constitute >90% of valves in fossil samples. Using modern biogeographic data which specify the temperature optima of the Fragilarioid diatom taxa, we present new inferences about the timing of paleoclimatic changes in the central Arctic islands. The early Holocene was characterized by maximum values for sediment organic matter, and lower ratios of Staurosirella pinnata to Staurosira construens v. venter, suggesting warm summer air temperatures between about 9500−6500 cal year BP. Influxes of biogenic silica and diatom valves decreased following 4000 cal year BP, the sediment accumulation rate slowed and diatom taxa of the littoral zone diversified, suggesting cooler summers and more persistent lake ice. Variations in the species composition of the assemblages indicate paleoclimatic changes that are in broad agreement with other paleoenvironmental records from the Arctic including melt records from the Agassiz Ice Cap. Although autecological data remain incomplete for Fragilarioid taxa, our results indicate differences in these taxa in responses to paleoenvironmental change and underline the potential for the increased use of these taxa in paleoenvironmental reconstructions. The record from Lake PW02, as in other records from Arctic lakes with low algal diversity throughout the Holocene, shows a pronounced increase in diatom diversity since the 1920s, and diatom production since the 1970s far exceeds any recorded during the Holocene.  相似文献   

We assess Holocene environmental change at alpine Lake Njulla(68°22N, 18°42E, 999 m a.s.l.) innorthernmost Sweden using sedimentary remains of chironomid head capsules anddiatoms. We apply regional calibration sets to quantitatively reconstruct meanJuly air temperature (using chironomids and diatoms) and lake-water pH(using diatoms). Both chironomids and diatoms infer highest temperatures(1.7–2.3°C above present-day estimates, includinga correction for glacio-isostatic land up-lift by0.6°C) during the early Holocene (c.9,500–8,500 cal. yrs BP). Diatoms suggest a decreasing lake-waterpH trend (c. 0.6 pH units) since the early Holocene. Usingdetrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA), we compare the Holocenedevelopment of diatom communities in Lake Njulla with four other nearby lakes(Lake 850, Lake Tibetanus, Vuoskkujávri, Vuolep Njakajaure) locatedalong an altitudinal gradient. All five lakes show similar initial DCCA scoresafter deglaciation, suggesting that similar environmental processes such ashigh erosion rates and low light availability associated with high summertemperature appear to have regulated the diatom community, favouring highabundances of Fragilaria species. Subsequently, the diatomassemblages develop in a directional manner, but timing and scale ofdevelopment differ substantially between lakes. This is attributed primarily todifferences in the local geology, which is controlling the lake-waterpH. Imposed on the basic geological setting, site-specific processessuch as vegetation development, climate, hydrological setting andin-lake processes appear to control lake development in northernSweden.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms are commonly used for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in Arctic regions, but interpretation of their ecology remains challenging. We studied epilithic diatom assemblages from the shallow margins of 19 lakes from three areas (coast-inland-ice sheet margin) along a climate gradient in Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland during two periods; shortly after ice-off (spring) and in the middle of the growth season (summer). We aimed to understand the distribution of Arctic epilithic diatoms in relation to water chemistry gradients during the two seasons, to investigate their incorporation into lake sediments and to assess their applicability as palaeoenvironmental indicators. Diatoms were correlated with nutrients in the spring and alkalinity/major ions in the summer, when nutrients were depleted; approximately half of the variance explained was independent of spatial factors. When categorised by functional attributes, diatom seasonal succession differed among regions with the most obvious changes in inland lakes where summer temperatures are warmer, organic nutrient processing is prevalent and silicate is limiting. These conditions led to small, motile and adnate diatoms being abundant in inland lakes during the summer (Nitzschia spp., Encyonopsis microcephala), as these functional attributes are suited to living within complex mats of non-siliceous microbial biofilms. Seasonal succession in silica-rich lakes at the coast was less pronounced and assemblages included Tabellaria flocculosa (indicating more acidic conditions) and Hannaea arcus (indicating input from inflowing rivers). The nitrogen-fixing diatom Epithemia sorex increased from the coast to the ice sheet, negatively correlating with a gradient of reactive nitrogen. The presence of this diatom in Holocene sediment records alongside cyanobacterial carotenoids during arid periods of low nitrogen delivery, suggests that it is a useful indicator of nitrogen limitation. Nitzschia species appear to be associated with high concentrations of organic carbon and heterotrophy, but their poor representation in West Greenland lake sediments due to taphonomic processes limits their palaeoenvironmental application in this region. Proportions of epilithic taxa in lake sediment records of coastal lakes increased during some wetter periods of the Holocene, suggesting that snowpack-derived nutrient delivery may offer diatom taxa living at lake margins a competitive advantage over planktonic diatoms during the “moating” ice melt period. Thus, further research investigating linkages between epilithic diatoms, snowpack and nutrient delivery in seasonally frozen lakes is recommended as these taxa live on the ‘front-line’ during the spring and may be especially sensitive to changes in snowmelt conditions.  相似文献   

Transects of surface sediment samples were taken in 4 lakes from the Sylvania Wilderness Area, Upper Peninsula of Michigan. These surface samples were compared with diatom samples from a core taken in the Northwest basin of Crooked Lake, also from the Sylvania Wilderness Area. Weighted Averaging calibration was used to reconstruct lake depths in Crooked Lake using the diatom microfossils from the core and the surface samples to infer past lake depth. During the early Holocene the lake was dominated by planktonic species and diatom-inferred water depth was large – approx. 13 m. At about 6700 BP inferred water depth was 2 m and samples were dominated by Fragilaria construens var. venter – a species characteristic of shallow parts of the surface sample transects. From 6700 to 5000 BP reconstructed water level was at its shallowest. From 5000 to 3000 BP it increased. This rise in water level was marked by increasing abundances of Aulacoseira ambigua and occurred at the same time increasing percentages of hemlock pollen indicate increasing available moisture. Modern water depth was reached about 3000 BP. The water level changes at Crooked Lake are consistent with regional climate changes in the Upper Midwest during the Holocene. The lake was shallowest during the mid-Holocene warm period documented by other investigators. It deepened as the Midwestern climate became cooler and wetter during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative diatom analyses from the north Nile Delta lakes sediments of Egypt were used to evaluate the paleoenvironmental development of the lakes and climatic changes during the late Holocene. We analyzed 565 samples taken from 19 cores from Manzala, Burullus and Edku lakes. A total of 263 diatom species and varieties were identified. Multivariate statistical analyses distinguished 17 ecological groups that reflect changes in water salinity, lake-level and trophic state of the lakes, which in turn are mainly related to climatic changes and anthropogenic impacts. Manzala and Burullus lakes experienced a series of alternation between fresh, brackish and marine episodes, which were associated with wet and dry climates. Edku Lake cores, however, contained only three ecological groups that are characteristic of brackish water conditions. The general depositional regime in the lakes indicated five environmental phases: (a) a deep freshwater phase when the Nile flood water reach the lakes during humid warm climate; (b) a shallow freshwater phase with some macrophytes during a dry climate; (c) a shallow brackish water phase when Nile floodwater ceased during a dry climate and the lakes shifted to brackish conditions; (d) a mixed environmental phase when the seawater mixed with freshwater from drains and canals (water salinity fluctuated widely from freshwater to estuarine and full marine conditions); (e) a fully marine phase when seawater entered the lakes at all stages of the tide.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic changes in diatom assemblages from four small lakes on northeastern Ellesmere Island, high Arctic, Canada, provide a proxy lake-ice cover and paleoenvironmental record. Low absolute diatom abundances and a benthic Fragilaria (sensu lata) dominated assemblage during the postglacial (< 7.6 ka B.P.) to mid-Holocene record the moderating effects of locally retreating glaciers. Around 5.5 ka B.P. diatom concentrations begin to rise, reaching their highest levels (109 valves per g dry sediment) between 4.2 and 3 ka B.P., interpreted to be the warmest period in this region. Topoclimatic differences between lakes on Hazen Plateau and those lower in Lake Hazen Basin account for the initial decline in diatom abundances in the upper lakes after 3 ka B.P. This change is thought to reflect a lowering of the regional snowline, accordant with widely recognized Neoglacial advances on Ellesmere Island and Greenland. Lakes in lower Lake Hazen Basin maintained extensive summer ice free conditions until ~ 1.9 ka B.P., after which diatom abundances declined, suggesting prolonged summer lake-ice cover through the remainder of the recovered Holocene record. Differences between the records presented here and those from coastal areas of the Canadian high Arctic highlight the unique topoclimatic characteristics and continentality of the Lake Hazen region, and possible effects that local marine environments may have had on coastal records. Such differences serve to demonstrate the inherent geographic variability of paleoenvironmental records from the high Arctic.  相似文献   

Surficial sediments of three northern Egyptian lakes (Manzala, Burullus and Edku) show differences in diatom assemblages deposited in different sites of these lakes. A total of 172 species and varieties belonging to 58 genera were identified and counted from 62 samples. Of these, 163 diatom taxa were recorded from Manzala Lake sediments, 147 taxa were found in Burullus Lake sediments, and 117 taxa were identified in Edku Lake sediments. The considerable variation in the composition and distribution of the diatom assemblages among these lakes was mainly related to differences in the water quality, salinity, the concentration of nutrients and climatic changes. The planktonic diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana was dominant in the majority of the samples from Manzala Lake, but dominant in only a few samples from the middle parts of Burullus and Edku lakes. The non-planktonic epiphytic taxa Cocconeis placentula and Epithemia sorex were the subdominant species in the surface sediments, especially in shallow and marginal parts of the lakes. Multivariate statistical techniques (hierarchical ascending clustering and canonical correspondence analysis) were used to identify ecological groups of diatoms and to investigate which environmental variables were important in explaining the variation between these groups. Eight ecological groups containing distinctive diatom assemblages reflect current environmental conditions; especially saltwater intrusion in the north and nutrient-rich freshwater in the south.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrate that an integrated approach, combining palaeolimnological records and limnological monitoring data, can increase our understanding of changing ecological patterns and processes in shallow lakes. We focused on recent regime shifts in shallow Lake Krankesjön, southern Sweden, including the collapse of the clear-water state in 1975 and its subsequent recovery in the late 1980s. We used diatom, hydrocarbon and biogenic silica sediment records, in concert with limnological data sets on nutrient concentrations, water clarity, chlorophyll-a and water depth, to investigate the shifts. The shift from clear to turbid conditions was abrupt and occurred over 1 to 2 years, whereas recovery of the clear-water state was more gradual, taking 4–5 years. In 1978, shortly after the first regime shift in water clarity, the diatom community underwent a significant shift. It became less diverse, with decreased abundance of epiphytic and planktonic taxa. Despite rising phosphorus concentrations and lower abundance of submerged macrophytes, Lake Krankesjön has remained in the clear-water state over the past 20 years, although this state seems to be increasingly unstable and susceptible to collapse. The complex reactions of the entire lake ecosystem to major changes in lake-water clarity, as shown by the palaeolimnological variables investigated in this study, emphasize the importance of careful lake and catchment management if a stable, clear-water state is desired.  相似文献   

The sedimentary diatom records of three shallow lakes in the Altai Mountains, southern Siberia, were examined to assess the nature and timing of Holocene environmental changes. Few paleoenvironmental records, especially reconstructions not based on pollen, have been reported from this region. The lakes differ in elevation, annual precipitation, and catchment vegetation. Diatom assemblages in all lakes were dominated for the entire period of record by small benthic species of Pseudostaurosira Williams & Round, Staurosira Ehrenberg, and Staurosirella Williams & Round. Planktonic taxa only occur in very low abundances (<5%). The most diverse diatom flora was found in Dzhangyskol, which is situated at the lowest elevation within a forested catchment. A lack of detailed information on the ecological preferences of the dominant taxa and the complexity of environmental drivers make direct interpretation of the diatom record difficult. However, other proxies suggest that dramatic shifts in dominance between Staurosira elliptica and Staurosirella pinnata in Grusha Ozero reflect millennial-scale variability in climate. Together, chironomids and diatoms provide evidence of a cooling possibly correlative to the Younger Dryas Stade and subsequent early-Holocene warming consistent with pollen evidence of afforestation, which also is likely linked to increased humidity. By ~6000 cal year BP, the transition to a cooler, more continental climate had begun. The diatom record of Akkol shows significantly less variation in diatom community composition, but biogenic silica accumulation rates, a proxy for diatom productivity, appear to reflect climatic variability driven by insolation trends over the past 8000 years. Long-term variability in Dzhangyskol is not clearly linked to climate.  相似文献   

Recent advances in paleolimnology have enabled reconstructions of past sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) dynamics using a number of proxy-indicators, including diatoms and stable isotopes. Thus far, studies have focused on nursery lakes with high escapement densities and low flushing rates, ensuring that levels of salmon-derived nutrients (SDN) are high and are incorporated into the food chain. This study examines three oligotrophic sockeye salmon nursery lakes in Alaska (Afognak and Saltery lakes) and British Columbia (Hobiton Lake) to determine if sockeye salmon populations can be tracked in nursery systems with lower salmon escapement densities, higher flushing rates and/or higher terrestrial input. We adopted a multi-proxy approach using diatoms, stable isotopes (15N), organic carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratios and pollen to draw inferences from 210Pb-dated sediment cores. 15N showed little response to historic variation in sockeye salmon populations, even in Saltery Lake, which has a very high escapement density, and in Afognak Lake, in which average escapement is known to have increased. Dilution effects due to high flushing rates were likely partly responsible for the low 15N and minimal variation throughout the cores, although very high terrestrial input in Hobiton Lake also dampened the salmon signal. Small changes in diatom species assemblages, however, were evident in all three lakes and may be in response to fluctuating loads of salmon-derived nutrients. Most notably, increases of mesotrophic diatom taxa, such as Asterionella formosa and Aulacoseira subarctica, corresponded to increased salmon production in Alaskan lakes as a result of enhancement (fertilization) activities and climatic changes. Changes in the relative abundance of Cyclotella pseudostelligera in Hobiton Lake may also be in response to a significant decline in sockeye salmon populations off the west coast of Vancouver Island in the 1970s. Other factors, however, such as logging and lake fertilization may also have influenced diatom species composition. These results confirm that, while salmon-derived nutrients may be of key importance in juvenile salmonid development in some lakes, this may not be the case in all systems, especially those in which flushing rates are high. Further, in these systems, diatom communities appear to respond more sensitively to fluctuations in salmon populations (and therefore nutrients) than stable isotope methods, provided that other changes in trophic status are minor.  相似文献   

The return of hundreds to millions of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), which have returned from the ocean to their natal nursery lake environment to spawn, can result in significant nutrient loading. By analyzing sedimentary diatom assemblages from nursery lakes, we demonstrated that a salmon-derived nutrient signal could be traced over time and be used to infer past sockeye salmon population dynamics. We conducted a 2,200 year paleolimnological study of two Alaskan sockeye salmon nursery lakes, Karluk and Frazer lakes. The two lakes are very similar, except that sockeye salmon were only introduced into Frazer Lake in 1951 (first spawners returned in 1956). In both lakes we found a strong correspondence between diatom assemblages and the number of adult salmon spawners recorded in the historical data (40 and 70 years for Frazer and Karluk lakes, respectively). Given this robust relationship, we then used our analyses of diatoms from Karluk Lake over the past 2,200 years to gain insight into salmon-derived nutrient loading changes (which are directly related to the number of sockeye salmon spawners). The diatom record from Karluk Lake recorded dramatic species changes on both decadal and century timescales, and was strongly correlated with an independent indicator of sockeye salmon abundances, 15N. Together, these data suggest pronounced variability in sockeye salmon abundances at Karluk Lake over the past 2,200 years. The direct impacts of regional environmental variability were not likely responsible for the patterns apparent in Karluk Lake, as the diatom and 15N profiles from Frazer Lake were relatively stable prior to the introduction of sockeye salmon. Application of total phosphorus transfer functions to the Karluk and Frazer lakes' diatom records revealed that sockeye salmon carcasses substantially increased the trophic status in these lakes, which has important implications for the health of juvenile salmon that rear in nursery lakes. Overall, this paper illustrates the potential use of diatoms in reconstructing past sockeye salmon population dynamics, which in turn can lead to a greater understanding of the mechanisms influencing abundances of sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

The water chemistry of lake systems on the edge of the Antarctic continent responds quickly to changes in the moisture balance. This is expressed as increasing salinity and decreasing lake water level during dry periods, and the opposite during wet periods. The diatom composition of the lakes also changes with these fluctuations in salinity and lake water depth. This is important, as their siliceous remains become incorporated into lake sediments and can provide long-term records of past salinity using transfer functions. In order to develop transfer functions, diatoms and water chemistry data were inter-calibrated from five different East Antarctic oases, namely the Larsemann Hills, the Bølingen Islands, the Vestfold Hills, the Rauer Islands and the Windmill Islands. Results indicate that salinity is the most important environmental variable explaining the variance in the diatom flora in East Antarctic lakes. In oligo- saline lakes the variance is mainly explained by lake water depth. This dataset was used to construct a weighted averaging transfer function for salinity in order to infer historical changes in the moisture balance. This model has a jack-knifed r2 of 0.83 and a RMSEP of 0.31. The disadvantage of this transfer function is that salinity changes in oligo-saline lakes are reconstructed inaccurately due to the edge effect and due to the low species turnover along the salinity gradient at its lower end. In order to infer changes in the moisture balance in these lakes, a second transfer function using weighted averaging partial least squares (with two components) for depth was constructed. This model has a jack-knifed r2 of 0.76 and a RMSEP of 0.22. Both transfer functions can be used to infer climate driven changes in the moisture balance in lake sediment cores from oligo-, hypo-, meso- and hyper-saline lakes in East Antarctic oases between 102–75°E. The transfer function for lake water depth is promising to track trends in the moisture balance of small freshwater lakes, where changes in shallow and deep-water sediments are readily reflected in changing diatom composition.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary diatom record from subalpine Crowfoot Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta (lat. 51° 61N; long. 116° 31W) has been analyzed. Results are related to independently inferred vegetation and climate changes. No diatoms were found in the basal diamict that predates 11330 14C yr BP. Very few occur until ca. 10 10014 C yr BP probably due to the short time between de-glaciation and an advance of the Crowfoot Glacier during the Younger Dryas Chron. Initial pioneering species were characteristic of alkaline water and calcareous organic sediments. They appeared as sediments became organic and laminated suggesting increasing water clarity, and as the Pinus-dominated forest expanded and the climate warmed. After ca. 9060 14C yr BP diatom numbers increased rapidly, reaching a maximum prior to the Mazama tephra; they remained high until ca. 3500 14C yr BP. The period between ca. 9060 and 3500 14C yr saw timberline elevation increase and the dominance of xerophytic taxa. These are consistent with early to mid-Holocene warmth and aridity. Diatom productivity reflects the warm climate and presumably longer ice-free season, a stable catchment and transparent water. Decreases in diatom productivity coincide with a vegetation change with reduction of xerophytic taxa and the appearance of a closed Picea-Abies forest, hence a cooler, wetter climate at ca. 4100 to 3500 14C yr BP. The diatom numbers during the Neoglacial were of the same magnitude as prior to ca. 9060 14C yr BP. Small species of Fragilaria (overwhelmingly Fragilaria construens v. venter) became extremely dominant during the period of high diatom productivity, and remained so thereafter. Recovery of the lake appears to have been rapid after deposition of the Mazama tephra. Maximum occurrence of Cyclotella radiosa occurred ca. 8000 14C yr BP during the warm early Holocene and may reflect this warmer climate, a longer ice-free season than presently, perhaps less turbid water, or it may reflect a subtly higher nutrient status of the lake water. The diatom record of Crowfoot Lake has responded with sensitivity, particularly in terms of productivity, to the Holocene vegetation and climate changes.  相似文献   

A paleolimnological investigation of post-European sediments in a Lake Michigan coastal lake was used to examine the response of Lower Herring Lake to anthropogenic impacts and its role as a processor of watershed inputs. We also compare the timing of this response with that of Lake Michigan to examine the role of marginal lakes as early warning indicators of potential changes in the larger connected system and their role in buffering Lake Michigan against anthropogenic changes through biotic interactions and material trapping. Sediment geochemistry, siliceous microfossils and nutrient-related morphological changes in diatoms, identified three major trophic periods in the recent history of the lake. During deforestation and early settlement (pre-1845–1920), lake response to catchment disturbances results in localized increases in diatom abundances with minor changes in existing communities. In this early phase of disturbance, Lower Herring Lake acts as a sediment sink and a biological processor of nutrient inputs. During low-lake levels of the 1930s, the lake goes through a transitional period characterized by increased primary productivity and a major shift in diatom communities. Post-World War II (late 1940s–1989) anthropogenic disturbances push Lower Herring Lake to a new state and a permanent change in diatom community structure dominated by Cyclotella comensis. The dominance of planktonic summer diatom species associated with the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) is attributed to epilimnetic nutrient depletion. Declining Si:P ratios are inferred from increased sediment storage of biogenic silica and morphological changes in the silica content of Aulacoseira ambigua and Stephanodiscus niagarae. Beginning in the late 1940s, Lower Herring Lake functions as a biogeochemical processor of catchment inputs and a carbon, nutrient and silica sink. Microfossil response to increased nutrients and increased storage of biogenic silica in Lower Herring Lake and other regional embayments occur approximately 20–25 years earlier than in a nearby Lake Michigan site. Results from this study provide evidence for the role of marginal lakes and bays as nutrient buffering systems, delaying the impact of anthropogenic activities on the larger Lake Michigan system.  相似文献   

Thirty-two northern Florida lakes were analyzed to construct a transfer function relating surface sediment diatom assemblages to lakewater pH (R 2 =0.89, s.e.=0.34). A paleoecological analysis of sediment cores from six of these lakes indicated that two have become more acidic in the last 50 years. The diatom inferred (DI) pH of L. Barco has declined between 0.56–0.82 in the 1900's and DI ANC (acid neutralizing capacity) by 28–46 eq l-1. The DI pH of nearby L. Suggs has declined 0.91 pH units and its DI ANC by 19 eq l-1. The timing of the inferred acidification is synchronous with known increases in emissions of sulfates and nitrates that are associated with acidic precipitation. Also, the increasing accumulation of substances related to emissions from the burning of fossil fuels (e.g., Pb, PAH) co-occurs with the lowering of DI pH in the sedimentary record. However, other processes may have accounted for or contributed to recent lake acidification. For instance, the drawdown of local water tables by human consumption may decrease the inseepage of ANC to seepage lakes. Such an effect would be synchronous with increasing depositions of sulfate. There is also clear evidence that Florida lakes are naturally acidic. Thus, paleoecological results indicate acidic deposition to be at certain contributor, but not necessarily the sole cause, of the recent further acidification of some naturally acidic Florida lakes.This is the tenth of a series of papers to be published by this journal which is a contribution of the Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification (PIRLA) project. Drs. D. F. Charles and D. R. Whitehead are guest editors for this series.  相似文献   

Diatom dissolution in saline lakes represents an important obstacle to the quantitative reconstruction of water chemistry and climate from lake sediment archives. This problem is here approached experimentally by artificially dissolving diatom-bearing core sediment from Lake Manyara, Tanzania. Manyara holds one of the longest continuous palaeolimnological records from tropical Africa although its interpretation is based on a fragmentary diatom record due to frustule dissolution. These experiments have revealed clear changes in assemblage composition as dissolution operated differentially with respect to diatom taxa. Differential dissolution has considerable impact on the water chemistry estimates derived from transfer functions. Taphonomy, rather than environmental change, may have been responsible for minor fluctuations in the diatom assemblages from Manyara, although major palaeohydrological changes during the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene can be identified. Particularly well represented by MANE-87 is a period of intermediate lake level between 27 500 and 23 000 14C yr BP which has regional palaeohydrological significance.  相似文献   

The diatom stratigraphy of Holocene sediment cores from two Antarctic lakes (Mondsee, Tiefersee; 62° 10 S/58° 50 W) of King George Island was investigated. The diatom assemblages were dominated by cosmopolitan species. The flora was composed of three main components: 1) taxa of submersed bryophytic habitats, which also occur in the bryophilic diatom flora of southern South America; 2) species of various terrestrial habitats, including some specific subantarctic taxa; 3) species distributed in coastal inland waters influenced by sea-spray.Changes in sediment pattern and diatom species composition seemed to reflect climatic changes. At least three different core sections were distinguished in both lakes: Two sections rich in mosses occur between approx. 7000–4700 B.P. and from 3200 B.P. to present, in general resembling present day conditions. In between is a section of high allochthonous content with generally low diatom concentrations and rising percentages of aerophilic, halophilic and alkaliphilic diatoms. An increase of melt water discharge, possible sea-spray influence, and lake- level fluctuations are discussed.Three new taxa are described: Achnanthes metakryophila nov. spec., Achnanthes renei nov. spec., Navicula australomediocris nov. spec. The taxonomy of selected taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in the diatom assemblages preserved in a sediment core taken from a small lake located north of arctic treeline on the western Taimyr Peninsula, Russia, were examined in order to investigate late Holocene (i.e., ca 5000 cal yr BP to present) climatic and environmental changes within the region. Early diatom assemblages were dominated by benthic Fragilaria taxa and indicate a transitional phase in the lake history, most likely reflecting lake development and environmental change associated with treeline retreat to the south of the study site. Concurrent with pollen and macrofossil evidence of a vegetation shift to shrub tundra in the catchment basin at ca 4200 cal yr BP, an increase in cold-water taxa, followed by little change in diatom assemblages until ca 2800 cal yr BP, suggests that conditions were relatively cool and stable at this time. The last 2000 years of the Middendorf Lake record have been marked by fluctuating limnological conditions, characterized by striking successional shifts between Fragilaria pinnata and Aulacoseira distans var. humilis. Recent conditions in Middendorf Lake indicate an increase in diatom taxa previously rare in the record, possibly associated with twentieth-century climatic warming. The Middendorf Lake record indicates that significant limnological change may occur in the absence of catchment vegetation shifts, suggesting late-Holocene decoupling of aquatic and terrestrial responses to climatic and hydrological change. Our study results represent one of the few paleoecological records currently available from northern Russia, and highlight the need for further development of calibration data sets from this region.  相似文献   

We analysed a 620-cm-long sediment record from Lake Kotokel located in East Siberia (Russia) for subfossil diatoms, chironomids and pollen to provide a reconstruction of the climate history of the area for the last 12.2 kyr. The subfossil records show differing time lags in their responses to climate change; diatoms and chironomids were more sensitive to climate change than the pollen record. Changes in the biogenic proxies seem related with changes in insolation, the temperature of the North Atlantic and solar activity. The chironomids Chironomus plumosus-type and Einfeldia carbonaria-type and the diatom Aulacoseira granulata were interpreted as markers of warm climate condition. The proxy records were divided into four periods (A, B, C and D) suggesting differing climate in East Siberia during the Holocene. Period D (12.2–9.5 kyr BP) at the beginning of the Holocene, according to chironomid and diatom records, was characterized by warm climate with summer temperatures close to modern. However, forest vegetation had not become fully established yet. During Period C (9.5–5.8 kyr BP), the climate seemed to gradually become colder and wetter from the beginning of Period C to 7 kyr BP. From 7 to 5.8 kyr BP, the climate seemed to remain cold, but aridity increased. Period B (5.8–1.7 kyr BP) was characterised by frequent and sharp alternations between warm and cold conditions. Unstable conditions during this time are also registered in records from Lakes Baikal, Khubsugul and various other shallow lakes of the region. Optimal warm and wet conditions seemed to occur ca. 4 kyr BP. During Period A (the last 1.5 kyr) the diatom and chironomid records show evidence of cold conditions at 1.5–1 kyr BP, but the forest vegetation did not change significantly.  相似文献   

Lacustrine diatoms are diverse, well preserved and abundant in cores of lake sediment to 334 m depth near the town of Tulelake, Siskiyou County, northern California. The cores have been dated by radiometric, tephrochronologic and paleomagnetic techniques, which indicate a basal age of about 3 million years (Ma) and a nearly continuous depositional record for the Tule Lake basin for the last 3 million years (My). Fossil diatoms document the late Cenozoic paleolimnologic and paleoclimatic history for the northwestern edge of the Basin and Range Province. During the last 3 My, Tule Lake was typically a relatively deep, extensive lake. The Pliocene is characterized by a diatom flora dominated by Aulacoseira solida suggesting more abundant summer precipitation and warmer winters. Increases in Fragilaria at 2.4 Ma and between 2.0 and 1.7 Ma imply cooler summers that correlate to glacial environments recorded elsewhere in the world. Stephanodiscus niagarae and Fragilaria species dominate the Pleistocene. Benthic diatoms of alkalineenriched, saline waters occur with S. niagarae between 100 and 40 m depth (0.90–0.14 Ma). Tephrochronology indicates slow deposition and possible hiatuses between about 0.6 and 0.2 Ma. Overall, the Pleistocene diatom flora reflects cooler and sometimes drier climates, especially after major glaciations began 0.85 Ma. The chronology of even-numbered oxygen isotope stages approximately matches fluctuations in the abundance in Fragilaria species since 1 Ma, suggesting that glacial periods at Tule Lake were expressed by relatively cool summers with enhanced effective moisture. Interglacial periods are represented by variable mixtures of freshwater planktonic and benthic alkaline diatom assemblages that suggest seasonal environments with winter-spring precipitation and summer moisture deficits.Glacial-interglacial environments since 150 ka were distinct from, and more variable than, those occurring earlier. The last full glacial period was very dry. Aulacoseira ambigua characterizes the late glacial and early Holocene record of Tule Lake. Its distribution indicates that warmer and wetter climates began about 15 ka in this part of the Great Basin.Fluctuations in diatom concentration suggests a 41000-yr. cycle between 3.0 and 2.5 Ma and 100000-yr. cycles after 1.0 Ma. In the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene, Aulacoseira solida percentages wax and wane in an approximately 400000-yr. cycle. The apparent response of Tule Lake diatom communities to orbitally induced insolation cycles underscores the importance of this record for the study of late Cenozoic paleoclimate change.The diatom stratigraphy records the evolution and local extinction of several species that may be biochronologically important. Stephanodiscus niagarae first appeared and became common in the Tule Lake record shortly after 1.8 Ma. Stephanodiscus carconensis disappeared about 1.8 Ma, while Aulacoseira solida is rare in the core after about 1.35 Ma. Cyclotella elgeri, a diatom characteristic of some outcrops referred to the Yonna Formation (Pliocene), is common only near the base of the core at an age of about 3 Ma. Detection of local extinctions is complicated by reworking of distinctive species from Pliocene diatomites surrounding Tule Lake.A new species, Aulacoseira paucistriata, is described from Pliocene lake deposits in the Klamath Basin.  相似文献   

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