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Factors that could produce the statistical relationship observed between the duration of transient processes on the Sun and the power of corresponding disturbances of the interplanetary medium are investigated. Uniform data on the soft X-radiation of more than 50000 flares made it possible to study their number distribution according to duration in four ranges of event power. It proved possible to identify three event types: impulse flares of a total duration of less than 30 min, typical (two-ribbon) flares of less than one to two hours' duration, and very prolonged events, which include phenomena in activity complexes and dynamical flares. These results are in good agreement with the expected phenomena durations, which were determined from the energy balance in the flare source of the soft X-radiation. In particular, while there is a free leakage of the generated hot plasma in impulse flares, heating near a coronal-loop apex becomes significant in two-ribbon flares and determines the entire process in prolonged flares. A comparison of the data on soft and hard X-rays demonstrated that fairly powerful impulses are as a rule followed by the formation of a coronal-loop system. This process of the formation of a flare-loop system often generates a shock wave, which gives rise to coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The possibility is discussed that, in the most prolonged flares, CMEs often lead to new flare formations, the ejection of material from coronal levels continuing and increasing disturbances in interplanetary space for a lengthy period of time.  相似文献   

The Sun is not only a source of energy but also a tremendous source of interplanetary disturbances. The continuous stream of plasma (solar wind) is propelled by a pressure gradient near the photosphere. The pressure gradient and the Sun's gravitational field drive the plasma to supersonic velocities at the Earth's orbit. Solar activity is discussed in terms of the characteristics of the origin, x-ray flare class, optical classification, radio emission, energy particle emission and geophysical effects. Solar activities during March–June 1991 and February 20–21, 1994 are but two activities in recent times which resulted in large scale Interplanetary Waves (IPW), medium-scale gravity waves and geomagnetic disturbances. The disturbances of these activities are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

利用多元逐步回归方法分析了太阳耀斑的日面经纬度、面积,持续时间、地球的日面纬度、地磁轴与日地连线的夹角和地磁扰动的关系。结果表明这6个因子对磁扰均有不同程度的影响,由太阳耀斑引起的地磁扰动除与耀斑的特征有关外,还受地球空间位置的影响。  相似文献   

Ifedili  S. O. 《Solar physics》1998,180(1-2):487-493
Using the cosmic-ray intensity data recorded with ground-based monitors at Mt. Washington and Deep River, and with cosmic-ray telescopes on Pioneer 8 and 9 spacecraft as well as the 2-hour averages of the IMF (magnitude and direction) and the solar wind bulk speed and density at 1 AU, the cosmic-ray decreases and interplanetary disturbances, that occurred during the period of solar magnetic polarity reversal in solar cycle 20, were investigated.We observed a two-step Forbush decrease on 22–23 November 1969, and a Forbush decrease on 26 November 1969, which are respectively consistent with the model of Barnden (1973), and of Parker (1963) and Barnden (1973). Only one Forbush decrease event was observed in December 1969, a period during which there was a solar magnetic polarity reversal; the Forbush decrease was attributed to a long-lived corotating high-speed solar wind stream. This is indicative that at heliolongitudes from 43° E to 70° W of S–E radial, covered by the observations, the solar magnetic polarity reversal in solar cycle 20 was not carried by, nor related to, individual transient structures, and that the reversal most probably evolved gradually.  相似文献   

We describe the design of a balloon-borne Imaging X-ray Polarimeter for Solar flares (IXPS). This novel instrument, a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for photoelectric polarimetry, will be capable of measuring polarization at the few percent level in the 20?C50 keV energy range during an M- or X-class flare, and will provide imaging information at the ??10 arcsec level. The primary objective of such observations is to determine the directivity of nonthermal high-energy electrons producing solar hard X-rays, and hence to learn about the particle acceleration and energy release processes in solar flares. Secondary objectives include the separation of the thermal and nonthermal components of the flare X-ray emissions and the separation of photospheric albedo fluxes from direct emissions.  相似文献   

Dramatic extensions of experimental possibilities (spacecraft RHESSI, CORONAS-F and others) in solar gamma-ray astronomy call for urgent, detailed theoretical consideration of a set of physical problems of solar activity and solar-terrestrial relationships that earlier may have only been outlined. Here we undertake a theoretical analysis of issues related to the production of gamma-radiation in the processes of interactions of energetic (accelerated) heavy and middle nuclei with the nuclei of the solar atmosphere (the so-called i-j interactions). We also make an estimate of the contribution of these interactions to the formation of nuclear and isotopic abundances of the solar atmosphere in the range of light and rare elements. The analysis is carried out for solar flares in the wide range of their intensities. We compare our theoretical estimates with RHESSI observations for the flare of 2002 July 23. It was shown that the 24Mg gamma-ray emission in this event was produced by the newly generated Mg nucle  相似文献   

Solar ?ares are important events for the space weather. The predic- tion of relevant parameters of solar ?ares has practical signi?cance for evaluating the effect of sudden ionospheric disturbance (SID). The data of soft X-ray ?ux observed by the GOES-8 satellite in the 23th solar cycle are used to predict the peak intensities and ending times of X-class ?ares with the method of data ?t- ting. Using this method to analyze the X-class ?ares in the 23th solar cycle, it is possible to predict the peak ?ux of an X-class ?are 17 minutes in advance at most. And the ending time of an X-class ?are may be predicted about 60 minutes in advance at most. The predicted results indicate that the prediction method has certain effectiveness and applicability.  相似文献   

本文从SGD上1989年四个大活动区中选取微波爆发和软X射线耀斑(SXR 耀斑>C5级)的相应参量进行统计分析,得到它们之间的相关系数R,一般都有0.9≤|R|<1,从而说明了SXR耀斑同微波爆发之间存在着紧密的共生关系,也证实了耀斑期间由微波爆发源区(磁环顶部)流出的大量非热电子束沿磁环两翼在下倾注到色球层时,因爆发性碰撞加热而引起色球等离子体蒸发,蒸发的高温物质沿磁环上升而发出波长为(1—8A)的SXR 耀斑辐射(10~6K相似文献   

We study the influence of the large-scale interplanetary magnetic field configuration on the solar energetic particles (SEPs) as detected at different satellites near Earth and on the correlation of their peak intensities with the parent solar activity. We selected SEP events associated with X- and M-class flares at western longitudes, in order to ensure good magnetic connection to Earth. These events were classified into two categories according to the global interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) configuration present during the SEP propagation to 1 AU: standard solar wind or interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). Our analysis shows that around 20 % of all particle events are detected when the spacecraft is immersed in an ICME. The correlation of the peak particle intensity with the projected speed of the SEP-associated coronal mass ejection is similar in the two IMF categories of proton and electron events, ≈?0.6. The SEP events within ICMEs show stronger correlation between the peak proton intensity and the soft X-ray flux of the associated solar flare, with correlation coefficient r=0.67±0.13, compared to the SEP events propagating in the standard solar wind, r=0.36±0.13. The difference is more pronounced for near-relativistic electrons. The main reason for the different correlation behavior seems to be the larger spread of the flare longitude in the SEP sample detected in the solar wind as compared to SEP events within ICMEs. We discuss to what extent observational bias, different physical processes (particle injection, transport, etc.), and the IMF configuration can influence the relationship between SEPs and coronal activity.  相似文献   

The radio emission during 201 selected X-ray solar flares was surveyed from 100 MHz to 4 GHz with the Phoenix-2 spectrometer of ETH Zürich. The selection includes all RHESSI flares larger than C5.0 jointly observed from launch until June 30, 2003. Detailed association rates of radio emission during X-ray flares are reported. In the decimeter wavelength range, type III bursts and the genuinely decimetric emissions (pulsations, continua, and narrowband spikes) were found equally frequently. Both occur predominantly in the peak phase of hard X-ray (HXR) emission, but are less in tune with HXRs than the high-frequency continuum exceeding 4 GHz, attributed to gyrosynchrotron radiation. In 10% of the HXR flares, an intense radiation of the above genuine decimetric types followed in the decay phase or later. Classic meter-wave type III bursts are associated in 33% of all HXR flares, but only in 4% are they the exclusive radio emission. Noise storms were the only radio emission in 5% of the HXR flares, some of them with extended duration. Despite the spatial association (same active region), the noise storm variations are found to be only loosely correlated in time with the X-ray flux. In a surprising 17% of the HXR flares, no coherent radio emission was found in the extremely broad band surveyed. The association but loose correlation between HXR and coherent radio emission is interpreted by multiple reconnection sites connected by common field lines.  相似文献   

对于足点被日面边缘遮挡住的耀斑的观测研究是诊断日冕硬X射线辐射的一个重要方法.通过统计分析RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager)卫星观测到的71个此类耀斑硬X射线源发现,前人提出的两类源,即日冕X射线辐射中热辐射与非热辐射源区空间分离较小的源和分离较大的源,在能谱、成像、光变曲线以及GOES持续时间等方面都没有显著的区别,其中辐射区的面积、耀斑总热能以及GOES持续时间与分离距离之间有很好的相关性.这些结果支持近年来提出的一些耀斑统一模型.同时也表明Masuda耀斑只是一类非常特殊的事件,不具有日冕硬X射线辐射的一般特征.  相似文献   

We studied the soft X-ray solar events that could be associated with the interplanetary magnetic flux ropes observed by the WIND satellite during 1995 through 1998. The timings of the launches of the magnetic flux ropes from the Sun were estimated using flux rope speeds derived by the fitting of a cylindrical model. In the reasonable time window, soft X-ray solar signatures were found in approximately 70% of the flux ropes. Parameters (e.g., axis direction, strength of magnetic field, radius, and helicity) of the magnetic flux ropes obtained by the model fitting were compared with the characteristics of the corresponding soft X-ray events observed by Yohkoh. According to the result of the comparison, the magnetic flux ropes with strong magnetic fields or high speeds were observed in association with higher soft X-ray solar activities.  相似文献   

甘为群 《天文学进展》1998,16(3):222-226
目前在太阳物理中引起巨大争议的热点问题是:究竟是高能电子还是高能质子在耀斑中起主要作用.长期以来,人们一直认为高能电子在耀班中的作用占据主导地位.然而最近的γ射线观测显示约为1MeV的质子所携带的能量可大于电子所携带的能量,从而导致电子、质子作用之争.综合介绍了各家观点,并讨论了可能的结局.  相似文献   

Spectral continua observed during solar flares may contain information about both thermal and non-thermal heating mechanisms. Using two semi-empirical flare models F2 and FLA, we synthesize the thermal continua from optical to mm–radio domains and compare their intensities with quiet-Sun values computed from a recent model C7. In this way, the far-infrared and sub-mm/mm continua are studied for the first time, and we present our results as a benchmark for further modeling and for planning new observations, especially with the ALMA instrument. Finally, we demonstrate how these continua are formed and show a close correspondence between their brightness temperature and the kinetic-temperature structure of the flaring atmosphere.  相似文献   

近年来对太阳耀斑的研究取得了重要的进展。一些新的发现主要来自高分辨率的观测,特别是来自"阳光"卫星的结果。综述的范围包括太阳耀斑中磁重联的新证据、硬X射线源(包括所谓的超热源)的分类、X射线喷流的发现、环-环相互作用的证据以及对耀斑大气动力学过程的新认识等。基于这些新的知识,讨论了有关耀斑模型的一些问题。  相似文献   

Comparative qualitative analysis of amplitude and phase delay variations was carried out along the trajectory of GQD/22.1 kHz and NAA/24.0 kHz VLF signal traces, propagating from Skelton (UK) and Maine (USA) toward Belgrade, induced by four isolated solar X-ray flare events occurred during the period from September 2005 to December 2006. For monitoring, recording and for storage of VLF data at the Institute of Physics in Belgrade, Serbia, the AbsPAL system was used. For modeling purposes of propagating conditions along GQD and NAA signal propagation paths, LWPCv21 program code was used. Occurred solar flare events induced lower ionosphere electron density height profile changes, causing perturbations in VLF wave propagation within Earth-ionosphere waveguides. As analyzed VLF signals characterize by different propagation parameters along trajectories from their transmitters to the Belgrade receiver site, their propagation is affected in different ways for different solar flare events and also for the same solar flare events.  相似文献   

Smith  C.W.  Ness  N.F.  Burlaga  L.F.  Skoug  R.M.  McComas  D.J.  Zurbuchen  T.H.  Gloeckler  G.  Haggerty  D.K.  Gold  R.E.  Desai  M.I.  Mason  G.M.  Mazur  J.E.  Dwyer  J.R.  Popecki  M.A.  Möbius  E.  Cohen  C.M.S.  Leske  R.A. 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):227-252
We present ACE observations for the six-day period encompassing the Bastille Day 2000 solar activity. A high level of transient activity at 1 AU, including ICME-driven shocks, magnetic clouds, shock-accelerated energetic particle populations, and solar energetic ions and electrons, are described. We present thermal ion composition signatures for ICMEs and magnetic clouds from which we derive electron temperatures at the source of the disturbances and we describe additional enhancements in some ion species that are clearly related to the transient source. We describe shock acceleration of 0.3–2.0 MeV nucl−1 protons and minor ions and the relative inability of some of the shocks to accelerate significant energetic ion populations near 1 AU. We report the characteristics of < 20 MeV nucl−1 solar energetic ions and < 0.32 MeV electrons and attempt to relate the release of energetic electrons to particular source regions.  相似文献   

The impulsive phase of the 23 July 2002 2B/X4.8 proton flare with a classical two-ribbon structure was observed with the Irkutsk Large Solar Vacuum Telescope (LSVT) in spectropolarimetric mode, with high spatial, spectral, and time resolution. On the basis of 49 spectrograms and 1200 spectral cuts across the flare ribbons, evidence for Hα line impact polarization has been obtained. A systematic change of the Stokes Q and U parameters has been detected across the ribbons for different flare regions measured with a scanning step of 0.85″. In the eastern side of the ribbons, the degree of polarization is 4 – 8%; its plane is oriented toward the solar disk center (radial direction). In the western side, the polarization degree runs up to 25%, and its plane is perpendicular to the disk center direction (tangential direction). A comparison of these results with hard X-ray data (RHESSI) allows us to conclude that high-energy electron beams reached the chromosphere during this flare. The observed changes of the direction of polarization and the vanishing polarization within the ribbons mean that, at the chromospheric level, the energy of electrons remaining in the beam is about 200 eV. A shift of the peak position of polarization relative to the intensity maximum in the ribbons may result from the inclination of the electron beam axis with respect to the solar surface.  相似文献   

<正>太阳耀斑、暗条爆发以及日冕物质抛射(CME)对我们生存的空间环境有着重大影响.这些爆发所释放的能量储存在剪切的或扭曲的非势性磁场中.本论文对与太阳爆发有关的剪切磁场位型及其在爆发中的重要作用进行了深入系统的研究.这对理解和预言空间灾害性天气起着至关重要的作用.本论文的研究方法包括多波段观测(从个例的深入研究到大样本的统计分析)和数值模拟.  相似文献   

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