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目前对谷坊、拦砂坝、排导槽等治理措施研究较多,但对滑坡型泥石流的治理研究较少.2008年9月24日,四川省北川县陈家坝乡黄土梁发生特大滑坡,诱发其下游的2# 沟发生特大泥石流,导致沟口103国道被掩埋,堵塞都坝河.为防止泥石流再次发生,对2
# 沟泥石流进行了工程治理及治理效果评价.治理措施采用“2# 沟中游4座浅拦坝+2# 支沟中游3座浅拦坝+下游起点设置总长34.7m 束流堤,总长156.4m 排导槽,终点设置总长22.1m 导流堤,排导槽与103国道相交处,采用桥梁工程跨越排导槽”,中游和下游统筹的治理方案,并分析了各分项治理工程的作用.与2008年9月24日暴雨相比,2013年8月7日和2016年7月21日2次强降雨活动未发生泥石流灾害,验证了黄土梁2# 沟泥石流防治工程效果较好,为类似滑坡型泥石流工程防治提供了参考.   相似文献   

石流的分布特征、性质特点与公路的交汇关系,采取因地制宜的防治方案。   相似文献   

汶川地震使文家沟内产生大型滑坡并解体成碎屑流堆积在沟道内,成为一条高频泥石流沟,在后期降雨作用下发生了多次泥石流灾害。根据文家沟泥石流的特点,采取了“水沙分离、固护拦停、监测维护”的治理措施进行综合治理,使泥石流起动方式由碎屑堆积体冲刷侵蚀转变为支沟沟床起动。治理后文家沟4个雨季内共发生了3次泥石流,治理工程有效减小了泥石流的规模和危害,但引水截流的实施也伴随了上游清淤等长期性的问题,需进一步重视。通过获得的降雨参数建立了文家沟泥石流临界雨量阈值模型,实施治理工程后泥石流临界雨量有明显提高,并逐年缓慢增长。   相似文献   

2013年7月10日,四川省汶川县映秀镇境内的麻柳沟流域暴发了大规模的泥石流灾害,给当地人民的生命财产安全造成了巨大的影响。在对麻柳沟流域野外实地调查的基础上,研究了麻柳沟流域泥石流的形成条件与动力学特征,评价了其泥石流的危险性,探讨了它们的发展趋势与防治对策。结果表明:在未来相当长的一段时期内,麻柳沟流域都将处于泥石流活跃期,在雨季强降雨的条件下,发生具有较大破坏力与危害性的中等及较大规模泥石流灾害的可能性仍然较大。因此,提出了生物与工程相结合的防治措施、选取合理的设计参数及提高泥石流的设防标准、加强监测与预警与普及泥石流基础知识等防治对策来减轻该流域的泥石流灾害。   相似文献   

新乡医学院教学大楼基础工程,经过充分论证,将原设计预制桩基础,改用粉喷桩法进行地基处理,并注重生产前试验,优化设计、严格施工。经检测,复合地基处理满足设计要求,节约了投资,缩短了工期,保证了大楼建筑按时投入使用,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

Σ岩体无显著变形时,很难从一组结构面中确定分离面λ置.为了科学加固此类Σ岩体,从2个工程案 例概化出存在不确定性分离面Σ岩体的稳定性分析模型,探讨了分离面λ置变化对倾倒式和滑移式Σ岩体稳定 性和剩余下滑力(矩)的影响规律,提出了ê固工程优化设计的标准.结果表明:两类Σ岩体潜在分离面的深度增 大时,倾覆力矩或剩余下滑力均呈现先增后减的趋势,稳定性最小λ置为关键分离面.ê固工程可采用长短不同 的ê固体,长ê杆穿过低于设计安全系数的潜在不稳定区,短ê杆穿过关键分离面和最大剩余下滑力的λ置,所 提出的优化设计方法对基岩山区地质灾害治理工程设计具有指导意义.   相似文献   

本文在研究兰州市滑坡、泥石流类型、分布与发展趋势的基础上,论述了滑坡、泥石流防治现状和存在问题,指出了加强防治工作的紧迫性,提出了滑坡、泥石流灾害防治的指导思想、目标和对策,强调了开展系统防灾的重要性。  相似文献   

祁连县八宝镇位于青海省东北部,祁连山山地地貌部位,属现代构造运动强烈上升区,山峰耸立,地势起伏大,流水侵蚀作用强烈,坡面冲沟密布,泥石流灾害频发,危害严重。本文通过对泥石流特征及危害史进行阐述,着重对泥石流的危害分析进行评价,并提出工程与生物治理相结合的综合防治对策。  相似文献   

通过湖北省秭归县屈原镇前山坡北侧滑坡防治工程实例,阐述了滑坡防治工程中抗滑桩施工工艺流程、主要施工方法及防治的效果,对我省类似的地质灾害防治工程具有一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

泰安市地处鲁中山区,地形地质条件较复杂,是山东省崩塌、滑坡、泥石流地质灾害的多发区,在强降雨条件下,地质灾害频繁发生,制约了当地社会经济的发展。本文通过对研究区崩塌、滑坡、泥石流发育现状、地质灾害特征进行统计分析,从地貌特征、岩土体特征、地质构造、降水、植被、人类工程活动等方面,深入阐述了崩塌、滑坡、泥石流与地质环境条件的关系,按照"以防为主、防治结合、科学减灾"的原则,结合泰安市崩塌、滑坡、泥石流发育特点,有针对性的提出防治对策措施,为研究区防灾减灾工作提供理论和技术依据。  相似文献   

A low-frequency debris flow took place in the north coastal range of Venezuela on Dec. 16, 1999,and scientists all over the world paid attention to this catastrophe. Four characteristics of low-frequency debris hazard are discussed: long return period and extreme catastrophe, special rare triggering factors,difficulty in distinguishing and a series of small hazards subsequent to the catastrophe. Different measures, such as preventing, forecast - warning,engineering, can be used for mitigating and controlling the catastrophe. In engineering practice, it is a key that large silt-trap dams are used to control rare large debris flow. A kind of low dam with cheap cost can be used to replace high dam in developing countries. A planning for controlling debris flow hazard in Cerro Grande stream of Venezuela is presented at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

Taiwan has disadvantageous conditions for sediment-related disasters such as debris flows. The construction of engineering structures is an effective strategy for reducing debris flow disasters. However, it is impossible to construct engineering structures in all debris flow areas in a short period. Therefore, the government aims to gradually develop non-structural preventive strategies, including evacuation planning, debris flow disaster emergency action system, disaster resistant community program, recruitment of debris flow professional volunteers, debris flow warning systems, and land management strategies, to mitigate disasters and secure the safety of residents. This review describes the processes and effects of recent debris flow non-structural preventive strategies in Taiwan. The average number of casualties prior to the year 2000 was far higher than the corresponding number after 2000 because debris flow evacuation drills have been promoted since 2000 and the debris flow disaster emergency action system has been progressively improved since 2002. Furthermore, the changes in risks caused by debris flow disasters before and after the implementation of non-structural preventive strategies were used to explain the effectiveness of these strategies at the community level. The results showed that software-based non-structural preventive strategies can effectively reduce the casualties caused by debris flows at both the national and community levels.  相似文献   

Debris flows are typical two-phase flows, which commonly accompany erosion in mountainous areas, and may destroy bridge engineering by scouring. In this study, a physically-based two-phase model is applied for the simulation of debris flow scouring of bridge pier. In this model, the shear stress of debris flow on an erodible bed is considered to be a function of the solid shear stress, fluid shear stress, and volume fraction; accordingly, the erosion is incorporated into the two-phase model. Using a highaccuracy computational scheme based on the finite volume method, the model is employed for simulating a dynamic debris flow over an erodible bed. The numerical results are consistent with the experimental data, and verify the feasibility of the two-phase model. Moreover, a simple numerical test is performed to exhibit the fundamental behaviour of debris flow scouring of bridge pier, which shows that the degree of erosion on each side of the pier is higher compared to other areas. The scouring depth is influenced by the variations of solid volume fraction and velocity of debris flow and pier width.  相似文献   

The impact effect of boulder within debris flow is the key factor contributing to peak impact as well as to the failure of debris flow control work. So accurate measuring and calculating the impact force of debris flow can ensure the engineering design strength. However, limited to the existing laboratory conditions and piezoelectric sensor performance, it is impossible, based on the conventional measurements, to devise a computing method for expressing a reliable boulder impact force. This paper has therefore designed a new measurement device according to the method of integrating Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and reinforced concrete composite beam (RCB) for measuring the impact force of debris flows, i.e. mounting FBG on the axially stressed steel bar in the composite beam at regular intervals to monitor the steel strain. RCB plays the role of contacting debris flow and protecting FBG sensors. Taking this new device as the experimental object, drop testing is designed for simulating and reflecting the boulder impact force. In a series of impacting tests, the relationship between the peak dynamic strain value of the steel bar and the impact force is analyzed, and based on which, an inversion model that uses the steel bar strain as the independent variable is established for calculating the boulder impact force. The experimental results show that this new inversion model can determine the impact force value and its acting position with a system error of 18.1%, which can provide an experimental foundation for measuring the impact force of boulders within the debris flow by the new FBG-based device.  相似文献   

Following the Chichi Earthquake (ML=7.3) in 1999, sediment-related disasters, such as landslides and debris flows, have become more frequent in Taiwan. Because engineering structures cannot be fully and rapidly emplaced, the government has initiated non-structural hazard mitigation programs. Initially, community debris flow evacuation drills were promoted in 2000. Typhoon Toraji caused numerous debris flow events in July 2001, and some communities evacuated according to the drills, significantly reducing the numbers of possible casualties. Based on that result, the government expanded the program for evacuation drills. Secondly, the early warning system created after the Chichi Earthquake will prevent many potential future casualties. Rainfall threshold values for debris flow warnings in different areas are determined from information received from local weather stations and modified for local geomorphologic situations. Realtime information is gradually being integrated to create a debris flow disaster warning system, the goal of which is to provide warnings to zones in which debris flows are likely. The warning system was launched in 2005 and has two levels of alarms: yellow and red. The final, red alarm triggers enforced evacuation. Overall, the decrease in casualties from debris flows during the decade after the Chichi Earthquake is not the result of a decrease in number or severity of sediment related disasters, but is more directly related to the gradually improved early warning and evacuation system. However, the compound hazards resulting from Typhoon Morakot in 2009 remind us of the ongoing need for improving the existing mitigation system.  相似文献   

In recent years, the increasing frequency of debris flow demands enhanced effectiveness and efficiency of warning systems. Effective warning systems are essential not only from an economic point of view but are also considered as a frontline approach to alleviate hazards. Currently, the key issues are the imbalance between the limited lifespan of equipment, the relatively long period between the recurrences of such hazards, and the wide range of critical rainfall that trigger these disasters. This paper attempts to provide a stepwise multi-parameter debris flow warning system after taking into account the shortcomings observed in other warning systems. The whole system is divided into five stages. Different warning levels can be issued based on the critical rainfall thresholds. Monitoring starts when early warning is issued and it continues with debris flow near warning, triggering warning, movement warning and hazard warning stages. For early warning, historical archives of earthquake and drought are used to choose a debris flow-susceptible site for further monitoring. Secondly, weather forecasts provide an alert of possible near warning. Hazardous precipitation, model calculation and debris flow initiation tests, pore pressure sensors and water content sensors are combined to check the critical rainfall and to publically announce a triggering warning. In the final two stages, equipment such as rainfall gauges, flow stage sensors, vibration sensors, low sound sensors and infrasound meters are used to assess movement processes and issue hazard warnings. In addition to these warnings, community-based knowledge and information is also obtained and discussed in detail. The proposed stepwise, multi-parameter debris flow monitoring and warning system has been applied in Aizi valley China which continuously monitors the debris flow activities.  相似文献   

The Digital Elevation Model(DEM) data of debris flow prevention engineering are the boundary of a debris flow prevention simulation, which provides accurate and reliable DEM data and is a key consideration in debris flow prevention simulations. Thus, this paper proposes a multi-source data fusion method. First, we constructed 3D models of debris flow prevention using virtual reality technology according to the relevant specifications. The 3D spatial data generated by 3D modeling were converted into DEM data for debris flow prevention engineering. Then, the accuracy and applicability of the DEM data were verified by the error analysis testing and fusion testing of the debris flow prevention simulation. Finally, we propose the Levels of Detail algorithm based on the quadtree structure to realize the visualization of a large-scale disaster prevention scene. The test results reveal that the data fusion method controlled the error rate of the DEM data of the debris flow prevention engineering within an allowable range and generated 3D volume data(obj format) to compensate for the deficiency of the DEM data whereby the 3D internal entity space is not expressed. Additionally, the levels of detailed method can dispatch the data of a large-scale debris flow hazard scene in real time to ensure a realistic 3D visualization. In summary, the proposed methods can be applied to the planning of debris flow prevention engineering and to the simulation of the debris flow prevention process.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to incorporate a numerical model with GIS to simulate the movement, erosion and deposition of debris flow across the three dimensional complex terrain. In light of the importance of erosion and deposition processes during debris flow movement, no entrainment assumption is unreasonable. The numerical model considering these processes is used for simulating debris flow. Raster grid networks of a digital elevation model in GIS provide a uniform grid system to describe complex topography. As the raster grid can be used as the finite difference mesh, the numerical model is solved numerically using the Leap-frog finite difference method. Finally, the simulation results can be displayed by GIS easily and used to debris flow evaluation. To illustrate this approach, the proposed methodology is applied to the Yohutagawa debris flow that occurred on 20th October 2010, in Amami- Oshima area, Japan. The simulation results that reproduced the movement, erosion and deposition are in good agreement with the field investigation. The effectiveness of the dam in this real-case is also verified by this approach. Comparison with the results were simulated by other models, shows that the present coupled model is more rational and effective.  相似文献   

Jiangjia Ravine is a world-famous debris flow valley in Dongchuan,Yunnan Province,China.Every year large numbers of landslides and collapses happened and caused enormous damages to people’s properties and lives.With longtime observation and testing in Jiangjia Ravine we had found out one kind of special landslide which had the characteristics of landslide and collapse.Landslide and collapse supplied sufficient materials for debris flow.When a debris flow broke out,some kind of intergrowth existed among rainfall,landslide and debris flow.In order to study the intergrowth and some key parameters,we carried out artificial rainfall landslide tests and model experiments to observe the phenomena such as collapse,surface slide and surface flow.By observing the experimental phenomena and monitoring water contents,the transformation process among landslide deposits and debris flow under the condition of rainfall had been analyzed.Research results revealed the relationship of this kind of intergrowth among rainfall,landslide and debris flow in Jiangjia Ravine.Meanwhile,it was found that this kind of intergrowth relationship existed only when the moisture content was in a certain range.That is,the critical state seemed to be existed in the transformation process.  相似文献   

Drainage canals are engineering structures widely used for debris flow mitigation. When passing through a drainage canal, debris flow usually scours the gully bed at the back of the rib sill of the drainage canal, which leads to failure of the rib sill. Therefore, the scour depth at the back of the rib sill is an important design problem and it is related to the economic benefits of engineering and service years. To explore the law of the depth of the scour pit after debris flow through drainage canal ribs, we first proposed a formula for the calculation of the maximum scour depth at the back of a rib sill based on energy conservation. We then conducted a series of simulation experiments to test the proposed formula. The experimental results show that the scour depth, trench slope and the distance between ribs all increase with a decrease in debris flow density. We then compared the results of experiments and formula calculations. Through the testing analysis, we found that the calculation results of the conducted formula correspond with the experimental results better. Finally, taking Qipan Gully as an example, we designed the ultimate depth of a drainage canal for debris flow using the calculation formula.  相似文献   

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