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In the region between 30°S and northern New Zealand, vertical salinity profiles through the core of the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) show a high degree of spatial and temporal variability, and this variability is much larger than that found in nearby ocean areas. Characteristic features are interleaving of salinity layers and large changes in the salinity minimum between adjacent stations. Quantifying the changes through the calculation of an intrusion index highlights the degree of variability and the importance of boundary mixing along the New Zealand slope. However, the main cause of the variability is the meeting and mixing of higher salinity AAIW, arriving from the north‐west (having travelled around the subtropical gyre) with lower salinity AAIW arriving by more direct entry from the north‐east. These waters meet in the region through the action of the meso‐scale eddy field. Present data indicate that where strong salinity interleaving occurs, the length scales are of the order of 10 km and the time scales are of the order of a few days. Resolution of the processes at work will require studies on finer scales than presently available.  相似文献   

Fronts,baroclinic transport,and mesoscale variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC) along 115°E are examined on the basis of CTD data from two hydrographic cruises occupied in 1995 as a part of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment(WOCE cruise I9S) and in 2004 as a part of CLIVAR/CO2 repeat hydrography program.The integrated baroclinic transport across I9S section is(97.2×106±2.2×106) m3/s relative to the deepest common level(DCL).The net transport at the north end of I9S,determined by the south Australian circulation system,is about 16.5×106m3/s westward.Relying on a consistent set of water mass criteria and transport maxima,the ACC baroclinic transport,(117×106 ±6.7×10 6)m3/s to the east,is carried along three fronts:the Subantarctic Front(SAF) at a mean latitude of 44°-49°S carries(50.6×10 6 ±13.4×106)m3/s;the Polar Front(PF),with the northern branch(PF-N) at 50.5°S and the southern branch(PFS) at 58°S,carries(51.3×106 ±8.7×106)m3/s;finally,the southern ACC front(SACCF) and the southern boundary of the ACC(SB) consist of three cores between 59°S and 65°S that combined carry(15.2×106 ±1.8×106)m3/s.Mesoscale eddy features are identifiable in the CTD sections and tracked in concurrent maps of altimetric sea level anomalies(SLA) between 44°-48°S and 53°-57°S.Because of the remarkable mesoscale eddy features within the SAF observed in both the tracks of the cruises,the eastward transport of the SAF occurs at two latitude bands separating by 1°.Both the CTD and the altimetric data suggest that the mesoscale variability is concentrated around the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone(APFZ) and causes the ACC fronts to merge,diverge,and to fluctuate in intensity and position along their paths.  相似文献   

基于卫星高度计数据、模式数据和同化资料揭示了东印度沿岸流(East India Coastal Current, EICC)年周期上的时空分布特征, 并探讨了其可能的影响机制及热盐输运。在年周期上EICC呈现3种分布状态, 受季风影响, 在东北季风前期(10—12月)和后期(2—5月)为一致的南向(北向)流动; 而6—8月EICC呈3段式分布, 与另外两个时间段明显不同, 表现为9°N以南、16°N以北区域的南向流动和9°—16°N区域的北向流动。前人研究认为印度东海岸的局地风应力是EICC的主要机制, 本研究发现除局地风应力外, 来自孟加拉湾中部的艾克曼抽吸(Ekman Pumping)在全年也发挥着重要作用, 并在2—5月(10—12月)驱动EICC的北向(南向)流动, 而局地风应力则在10—12月有利于EICC的南向流动。EICC是孟加拉湾低盐水向赤道东印度洋和阿拉伯海输运的一个因素, 在海盆间的热盐交换上发挥着重要作用。EICC的热输运在6—12月(2—5月)有利于(不利于)湾内温度的升高; 盐输运则在全年都有利于孟加拉湾内盐度的增加。此外, EICC的一致南向(北向)流动以及3段式结构促进了湾内热盐的再分配, 对于维持北印度洋的热量和盐度收支平衡具有重要作用。  相似文献   

In the current study, low-background γ-spectrometry was employed to determine the 228Ra/226Ra activity ratio and 137Cs activity of 84 coastal water samples collected at six sites along the main island of Japan (Honshu Island) within the Sea of Japan, including the Tsushima Strait, and two other representative sites on Honshu Island (a Pacific shore and the Tsugaru Strait) at 1-month intervals in 2006.The 228Ra/226Ra ratio of coastal waters in the Sea of Japan exhibited similar patterns of seasonal variation, with minimum values during early summer (228Ra/226Ra = 0.6–0.8), maximum values during autumn (228Ra/226Ra = 1.5–3), and a time lag in their temporal changes ( 2.5 months and over  1300 km distance). However, the 2 other sites represented no clear periodic variation.In contrast to the positive correlation between 137Cs activity (0.6–1.7 mBq/L) and salinity (15–35), the 228Ra/226Ra ratio of coastal water samples from the Sea of Japan was not observed to correlate with salinity, and the increase in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio was not as marked (0.5–1; May–June 2004 and 2005) during the migration along Honshu Island. The input of land-derived water and/or the diffusion of radium from coastal sediments is unlikely to have affected the wide seasonal variation in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio observed in these water samples.The seasonal variation in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio recorded for the coastal waters of the Sea of Japan is considered to be mainly controlled by the remarkable changes in the mixing ratio of the 228Ra-poor Kuroshio and the 228Ra-rich continental shelf waters within the East China Sea (ECS). After passing through the Tsushima Strait, this water mass moves northeast along the coastline of the Sea of Japan as the Tsushima Coastal Branch Current (TCBC).  相似文献   

In this paper,based on the observational data of 1995in the Chinese Antarctic Great Wall Station the snowstorm is studied synoptically.It is found that there are two kinds of snowstorms with different physical characteristics and that the happening of snowstorm is always accompanied by a near-ground level inversion laycr.The function of the inversion layer is analyzed,too,It is indicated that thestrong ESE-wind type snowstorm is mainly caused by katbatic wind and gradient wind together.This idea is new and different from the general concept that there is no katabatic wind in the westerm Antarctic area.  相似文献   

As the spatio-temporal variability of the Kuroshio is highly influenced by mesoscale eddies, representing its seasonal variability characteristics requires sufficiently long term observations to reduce...  相似文献   

AnanalyticaldiagnosticmodeloftheAntarcticCircumpolarCurrent¥QiaoFangli;ZhangQinghuaandHeWen(ReceivedNovember10,1995;acceptedN...  相似文献   

We analysed mixed-layer seasonal and interannual variability in phytoplankton biomass and macronutrient (NO3 and Si(OH)4) concentrations from three decades of observations, and nitrogen uptake rates from the 1990s along Line P in the NE subarctic Pacific. Chlorophyll a concentrations near 0.35 mg m−3 were observed year-round along Line P except at the nearshore station (P4) where chlorophyll a concentrations in spring were on average 2.4 times the winter values. In contrast, the temporal variability in carbon-to-chlorophyll ratios at the two main end members of Line P (P4 and OSP) was high. Large seasonal and interannual variability in NO3 and Si(OH)4 concentration were observed along Line P. Highest upper mixed-layer (top 15 m) nutrient concentrations occurred on the continental shelf in late summer and early fall due to seasonal coastal upwelling. Beyond the shelf, maximum nutrient concentrations increased gradually offshore, and were highest in late winter and early spring due to mixing by winter storms. Interannual variations in upper mixed-layer nutrient concentrations beyond the shelf (>128°W) were correlated with E-W winds and the PDO since 1988 but were not correlated with either climate index between 1973 and 1981. Despite differences in nutrient concentration, nutrient utilization (ΔNO3 and ΔSi(OH)4) during the growing season were about 7.5 μM at all offshore stations. Variations in ΔNO3 were correlated with those of ΔSi(OH)4. The annual cycle of absolute NO3 uptake (ρNO3) and NH4 uptake (ρNH4) rates by phytoplankton in the upper mixed-layer showed a weak increasing trend from winter to spring/summer for the period 1992-1997. Rates were more variable at the nearshore station (P4). Rates of ρNO3 were low along the entire line despite abundant NO3 and low iron (Fe), at the offshore portion of Line P and sufficient Fe at the nearshore station (P4). As a result, new production contributed on average to only 32 ± 15% of the total nitrogen (N) uptake along Line P. NO3 utilization in the NE subarctic Pacific is probably controlled by a combination of environmental variables, including Fe, light and ambient NH4 levels. Elevated ambient NH4 concentrations seem to decrease the rates of new production (and f-ratios) in surface waters of the oceanic subarctic NE Pacific. Contrary to expectation, phytoplankton biomass, nutrient utilization (ΔNO3 and ΔSi(OH)4), and nitrogen uptake (ρNO3 + ρNH4) varied relatively little along Line P, despite significant differences in the factors controlling phytoplankton composition assemblages and production. Future studies would benefit from including other variables, especially light limitation, to improve our understanding of the seasonal and interannual variability in phytoplankton biomass and nutrients in this region.  相似文献   

Based upon four decades of observations in the northwestern part of the Japan Sea, the seasonal and inter-annual variations of zooplankton abundance and species composition in the epipelagic layer are considered. Seasonal characteristics of the zooplankton community are described in detail for five domains that occur within this part of the Japan Sea. Inter-decadal variation was not significant, but inter-annual variation was considerable and generally opposite to water temperature changes in the upper layer. Exceptional years such as 1996 were noted when a maximum abundance of zooplankton in summer occurred along with a slowing of the seasonal pattern of succession.  相似文献   

The macrozooplankton and micronekton community of the Lazarev Sea (Southern Ocean) was investigated at 3 depth layers during austral summer, autumn and winter: (1) the surface layer (0–2 m); (2) the epipelagic layer (0–200 m); and (3) the deep layer (0–3000 m). Altogether, 132 species were identified. Species composition changed with depth from a euphausiid-dominated community in the surface layer, via a siphonophore-dominated community in the epipelagic layer, to a chaetognath-dominated community in the deep layer. The surface layer community predominantly changed along gradients of surface water temperature and sea ice parameters, whereas the epipelagic community mainly changed along hydrographical gradients. Although representing only 1% of the depth range of the epipelagic layer, mean per-area macrofauna densities in the surface layer ranged at 8% of corresponding epipelagic densities in summer, 6% in autumn, and 24% in winter. Seasonal shifts of these proportional densities in abundant species indicated different strategies in the use of the surface layer, including both hibernal downward and hibernal upward shift in the vertical distribution, as well as year-round surface layer use by Antarctic krill. These findings imply that the surface layer, especially when it is ice-covered, is an important functional node of the pelagic ecosystem that has been underestimated by conventional depth-integrated sampling in the past. The exposure of this key habitat to climate-driven forces most likely adds to the known susceptibility of Antarctic pelagic ecosystems to temperature rise and changing sea ice conditions.  相似文献   

The seasonal and interannual variability of the air–sea CO2 flux (F) in the Atlantic sector of the Barents Sea have been investigated. Data for seawater fugacity of CO2 (fCO2sw) acquired during five cruises in the region were used to identify and validate an empirical procedure to compute fCO2sw from phosphate (PO4), seawater temperature (T), and salinity (S). This procedure was then applied to time series data of T, S, and PO4 collected in the Barents Sea Opening during the period 1990–1999, and the resulting fCO2sw estimates were combined with data for the atmospheric mole fraction of CO2, sea level pressure, and wind speed to evaluate F.The results show that the Atlantic sector of the Barents Sea is an annual sink of atmospheric CO2. The monthly mean uptake increases nearly monotonically from 0.101 mol C m− 2 in midwinter to 0.656 mol C m− 2 in midfall before it gradually decreases to the winter value. Interannual variability in the monthly mean flux was evaluated for the winter, summer, and fall seasons and was found to be ± 0.071 mol C m− 2 month− 1. The variability is controlled mainly through combined variation of fCO2sw and wind speed. The annual mean uptake of atmospheric CO2 in the region was estimated to 4.27 ± 0.68 mol C m− 2.  相似文献   

台湾暖流变化特征及机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王建丰  司广成  于非 《海洋科学》2020,44(5):141-148
台湾暖流携带高温高盐的大洋水体入侵到东海陆架区,其向岸分支可入侵到长江口外,对我国近海温、盐与环流产生重要影响。前人针对台湾暖流上游区域开展了大量研究,对其来源、温盐特征及入侵机制取得重要研究成果,而对台湾暖流下游,即向岸分支流轴及前锋的变化认识模糊。台湾暖流向岸分支入侵流轴及前锋的变化可能对长江口海域低氧和藻华等生态灾害的发生和分布具有重要影响,因此,开展台湾暖流向岸分支路径变化的研究具有重要的物理和生态学意义。通过分析积累的温、盐数据和潜标长时间观测,我们初步发现,台湾暖流向岸分支存在季节尺度和天气尺度的变化,流轴存在摆动,前锋的北界也存在变化,但对其详细特征和变化机制尚不清楚,需要通过进一步调查和研究予以阐明。  相似文献   

Based on the data and method offered by Liu et al. (2009), the direct wind and Stokes drift-induced energy inputs into the Ekman layer within the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) area are reestimated since the results of the former have been proved to be underestimated. And the result shows that the total rate of energy input into the Ekman-Stokes layer within the ACC area is 852.41 GW, including 649.75 GW of direct wind energy input (76%) and 202.66 GW of Stoke drift-induced energy input (24%). Total increased energy input, due to wave-induced Coriolis-Stokes forcing added to the classical Ekman model, is 52.05 GW, accounting for 6.5% of the wind energy input into the classical Ekman layer. The long-term variability of direct wind and Stokes drift-induced energy inputs into the Ekman layer within the ACC is also investigated, and the result shows that the Stokes drift hinders the decadal increasing trend of direct wind energy input. Meanwhile, there is a period of 4-5 a in the energy spectrums, as same as the Antarctic circumpolar wave.  相似文献   

Seasonal Variation of the Cheju Warm Current in the Northern East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The Cheju Warm Current has been defined as a mean current that rounds Cheju-do clockwise, transporting warm and saline water to the western coastal area of Cheju-do and into the Cheju Strait in the northern East China Sea (Lie et al., 1998). Seasonal variation of the Cheju Warm Current and its relevant hydrographic structures were examined by analyzing CTD data and trajectories of satellite-tracked drifters. Analysis of a combined data set of CTD and drifters confirms the year-round existence of the Cheju Warm Current west of Cheju-do and in the Cheju Strait, with current speeds of 5 to 40 cm/s. Saline waters transported by the Cheju Warm Current are classified Cheju Warm Current water for water of salinity greater than 34.0 psu and modified Cheju Warm Current for water having salinity of 33.5–34.0 psu. In winter, Cheju Warm Current water appears in a relatively large area west of Cheju-do, bounded by a strong thermohaline front formed in a "" shape. In summer and autumn, the Cheju Warm Current water appears only in the lower layer, retreating to the western coastal area of Cheju-do in summer and to the eastern coastal area sometimes in autumn. The Cheju Warm Current is found to flow in the western channel of the Korea/Tsushima Strait after passing through the Cheju Strait, contributing significantly to the Tsushima Warm Current.  相似文献   

南黄海表层沉积物粒度特征季节变化及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
卢健  李安春 《海洋科学》2015,39(3):48-58
通过对南黄海春季和秋季27个相同站位表层沉积物的粒度分析,并结合水文观测资料,研究了南黄海表层沉积物粒度的季节变化,参考文献资料初步讨论了粒度变化的影响因素。研究结果显示,按照Folk分类,南黄海表层沉积物可以分为粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂、粉砂和泥四种类型。秋季与春季相比,总体上砂和粉砂的含量增加,黏土含量降低,相应地平均粒径相对变粗,分选系数和峰态的变化较小,而偏态表现为更加正偏。季节性变化还表现出明显的区域差异,主要是受环流系统、河流来沙及波浪的季节性变化的影响。  相似文献   

The seasonal variability of tropical cyclones (CTCs) generated over the South China Sea (SCS) from 1948 to 2003 is analyzed. It peaks in occurrence in August and few generate in late winter (from January to March). The seasonal activity is attributed to the variability of atmosphere and ocean environments associated with the monsoon system. It is found that the monsoonal characteristics of the SCS basically determine the region of tropical cyclone (TC) genesis in each month.  相似文献   

Quasi-continuous fugacity of CO2 (fCO2) data were collected in the eastern Weddell Gyre and southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) of the Southern Ocean during austral autumn 1996. Full depth Total CO2 (TCO2) sections are presented for austral autumn and winter (1992) cruises. Pronounced fCO2 gradients were observed at the Southern Ocean fronts. In the Weddell Gyre, fCO2 regimes appeared to coincide with surface and subsurface hydrographic regimes. The southern ACC was supersaturated with respect to CO2, as was part of the northern Weddell Gyre. The southern Weddell Gyre was markedly undersaturated. The great potential of autumn cooling for generating undersaturation and CO2 uptake from the atmosphere was demonstrated. In the northeastern Weddell Gyre, upwelling of CO2- and salt-rich deep water was shown to play a role as the horizontal fCO2 distribution closely resembled that of the surface salinity. The total uptake of atmospheric CO2 by the Weddell Gyre in autumn (45 days) was calculated to be 7·1012 g C. The deep TCO2 distribution noticeably reflected the different water masses in the region. A new deep TCO2 maximum was detected in the ACC, which apparently characterizes the boundary between the equatorward flowing Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and the Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW). East of the Weddell Gyre, the AABW stratum is much thicker (>2000 m) than more to the west, on the prime meridian (<300 m).  相似文献   

南大洋有关大气二氧化碳分压(pCO2)冰期旋回机制的最新假说表明,冰期南极带生产力降低指示的深部流通状况减弱对CO2的封存,以及亚南极带生产力升高对CO2的固定能够圆满解释冰期大气pCO2的降低。显然,测试该假说合理性的关键是验证冰期旋回中南极带与亚南极带呈“镜像”关系的生产力演化特征。通过沉积物岩芯中生源蛋白石含量重建了MIS 5期以来南极威德尔海(南极带)生产力演化。结果显示,南极威德尔海生产力呈现暖期(MIS 5和3期)高、冷期(MIS 4和2期)低的冰期旋回特征以及总体降低的长期演化趋势。联合该生产力记录与搜集的南大洋其他海区多个生产力记录,确证了南极带与亚南极带“镜像”的生产力演化模式。进一步,通过该生产力记录与其潜在环境影响因素的对比,发现西风带经向移动和海冰张缩通过影响深部流通状况,进而控制深部营养物进入表层的可利用性,最终驱动MIS 5期以来威德尔海生产力演化的冰期旋回和长期趋势。南极威德尔海的深部流通状况对CO2的“收押”与释放很可能贡献了MIS 5期以来大气pCO2演化的冰期旋回和长期趋势。该研究确证了上述南大洋有关大气pCO2冰期旋回机制假说的合理性,表明南大洋在全球气候演化中扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

吕宋冷涡的季节变化特征及其与风应力的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜良红  胡建宇 《台湾海峡》2010,29(1):114-121
利用AVISO提供的1993年1月至2007年5月的多卫星融合海面高度距平(SLA)数据,对研究区域(15°~20°N,113°~121°E)SLA的季节变化特征进行了分析.其结果表明:吕宋冷涡发生在冬、春季,且该冷涡的发生、发展与局地风应力具有较好的相关性;当SLA变化滞后于风应力1个月时,SLA与风应力的负相关系数达-0.78;且当出现西南风时,SLA为正值;而在东北季风期间,S/A为负值.对幽进行主成分分析得到的前2个模态反映了黝的季节变化特性,其中第一模态的贡献率为54.14%,表现为以18.5°N,119.5°E附近为中心的SLA同步涨落,对风应力的响应迟滞1个月,而且此模态与风应力模第一模态的空间分布十分相似;第二模态的贡献率则为14.54%,表现为季风作用下海面高度的Ekman调整.  相似文献   

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