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Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to the Mullica River-Great Bay Estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Measurements of nitrate and ammonium in precipitation and associated with aerosols were conducted at Rutgers University Marine Field Station in Tuckerton, New Jersey from March 2004 to March 2005 to characterize atmospheric nitrogen deposition to the Mullica River-Great Bay Estuary. The arithmetic means of nitrate and ammonium concentrations for precipitation samples were 2.3mgL(-1) and 0.42mgL(-1), respectively. Nitrate and ammonium concentrations in aerosol samples averaged 3.7microgm(-3) and 1.6microgm(-3), respectively. Wet deposition rates appeared to vary with season; the highest rate of inorganic nitrogen deposition (nitrate+ammonium) occurred in the spring with an average value of 1.33kg-Nha(-2)month(-1). On an annual basis, the total (wet and dry) direct atmospheric deposition fluxes into the Mullica River-Great Bay Estuary were 7.08kg-Nha(-2)year(-1) for nitrate and 4.44kg-Nha(-2)year(-1) for ammonium. The total atmospheric inorganic nitrogen directly deposited to the Mullica River-Great Bay Estuary was estimated to be 4.79x10(4)kg-Nyear(-1), and the total atmospheric inorganic nitrogen deposited to the Mullica River watershed was estimated to be 1.69x10(6)kg-Nyear(-1). Only a fraction of the nitrogen deposited on the watershed will actually reach the estuary; most of the nitrogen will be retained in the watershed due to utilization and denitrification during transport. The amount of N reaching the Mullica River-Great Bay Estuary indirectly is estimated to be 5.07x10(4)kg-Nyear(-1), approximately 97% is retained within the watershed. This atmospheric nitrogen deposition may stimulate phytoplankton productivity in the Mullica River-Great Bay ecosystem.  相似文献   

珠江口横门大气氮、磷干湿沉降的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
通过对2006年12月至2007年11月中山横门的大气沉降采样分析, 初步探讨了珠江口大气氮、磷干湿沉降的特征。结果表明, 观测期间铵态氮(NH4+-N)、硝态氮(NO3--N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)降雨量加权平均浓度分别为0.82、0.52、2.14、0.039mg.L-1, 干湿总沉降通量分别为1.584、1.142、4.295和0.055g.m-2.a-1。NH4+-N、NO3--N和TN干、湿沉降通量相当, 而TP以湿沉降为主。TN大气沉降通量春、夏、秋三季相当, 均明显高于冬季, TP则以夏季最大, 秋季次之, 而冬季最小。  相似文献   

惠州大亚湾春夏季大气氮磷沉降的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对惠州大亚湾春夏季大气沉降的采样分析,探讨了大亚湾大气干湿沉降中氮磷营养盐的特征。结果表明,观测期间总氮和总磷的月均沉降通量分别为257.45和1.79kg·km-2·月-1,均以湿沉降为主。氮的干湿沉降都表现出了明显的春夏季变化差异,干沉降通量夏季比春季大,而湿沉降的结果与此相反;磷的干湿沉降在两季的观测结果均趋于稳定,无明显变化。在降雨冲刷、季风气候引起的大气传输和局部污染的共同作用下,大亚湾大气中的营养盐主要以NO3--N的形式存在。大亚湾大气中的氮盐是该地区大气污染的主要控制目标。  相似文献   

对胶州湾李村河口9个短柱状样沉积物中活性金属、AVS和有机质含量等参数进行了分析.其中AVS含量:198.4~0.4 μmol/g,平均35.8μmol/g.大部分样品活性金属含量具有 Fe > Zn > Cu > Cr >V > Ni > Pb > Co > Cd 的顺序.活性重金属 Zn, Cu, Cr, V, Ni, Pb, Co, Cd 含量之和 ( ΣM ) 为:0.53~17.39 μmol/g.通过对所测数据分析发现,大多数活性金属间具有较好的相关性,反映了它们具有相同的来源或相似的早期成岩地球化学特征.近河口区沉积物的地球化学特征与远河口区差异明显:近河口区底层水为还原环境,AVS 形成的制约因素是活性铁的可获得性,而活性重金属的分布受到AVS的控制并主要以金属硫化物或硫化物吸附态的形式存在,AVS 仍具有较大的吸附重金属的潜力,同时硫化物中重金属再次释放造成二次污染的潜在性也较大;而在离河口稍远的海域,沉积物中 AVS 形成的控制因素是有机质的供给和环境氧化还原状态的变化,活性重金属主要以铁氧化物结合态存在,表层沉积物中重金属的环境敏感性及生物有效性都较高.  相似文献   

根据收集到的有关钱塘江河口防洪、御潮、灌溉、航运、供水、旅游等方面的资料,分析、计算了该河口防洪御潮资源和水资源、滩涂、岸线及涌潮资源等的储存量。并提出了对这些资源开发和保护的初步设想,为促进钱塘江河口两岸经济可持续发展提供科学决策的依据。  相似文献   

Direct deposition of atmospheric nitrogen to shallow coastal embayments is usually estimated, since insufficient field measurements are available. Using Waquoit Bay (Cape Cod, MA. USA) as a case study, and a recent review of literature, we determined reasonable bounds on wet and dry inputs of inorganic and organic N. Since precipitation and wind vary daily, we explored the potential of episodic events to stimulate phytoplankton blooms. Many coastal waterbodies like Waquoit Bay are small relative to their watersheds. Nevertheless, direct deposition of NH(3), NO(3)(-), and HNO(3) is significant in the loading budget. For Waquoit Bay, direct deposition was calculated to be 7-15.5 kg total N ha(-1)yr(-1), representing 70-150% of the atmospheric N reported to reach the bay via the watershed, and 20-45% of the total N reaching the bay from all land-based sources. Episodic events were estimated to deliver up to 65 mg N m(-2)day(-1), representing a phytoplankton stock of 12.3 mg Chl m(-2), an amount unlikely to stimulate dense blooms in shallow coastal waters in the northeastern United States.  相似文献   

Based on the historical evolution of the Hangzhou Bay, by making use of the conclusions made by the previous research workers and the integration of concrete data, five distinct impact indicators of the sediment from the Changjiang Estuary and the East China Sea to the Hangzhou Bay are summarized. Numerical calculation and analysis indicate that the scouring and deposition of seabed in the Hangzhou Bay are subject to the direct impact of the evolution of the Changjiang Estuary, and the growth and decline and the direction of the sandy bar at Nanhuizui give traces to the sediment transport between the Changjiang Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay. The transport of sediment from the Changjiang Estuary to the Hangzhou Bay occurs mainly in winter and spring seasons and the increase of the Changjiang River runoff and the decrease of sediment charge have caused scouring in the northern coast of the Hangzhou Bay and the seabed erosion along the frontal margin of the Changjiang River Delta.  相似文献   

Based on the historical evolution of the Hangzhou Bay, by making use of the conclusions made by the previous research workers and the integration of concrete data, five distinct impact indicators of the sediment from the Changjiang Estuary and the East China Sea to the Hangzhou Bay are summarized. Numerical calculation and analysis indicate that the scouring and deposition of seabed in the Hangzhou Bay are subject to the direct impact of the evolution of the Changjiang Estuary, and the growth and decline and the direction of the sandy bar at Nanhuizui give traces to the sediment transport between the Changjiang Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay. The transport of sediment from the Changjiang Estuary to the Hangzhou Bay occurs mainly in winter and spring seasons and the increase of the Changjiang River runoff and the decrease of sediment charge have caused scouring in the northern coast of the Hangzhou Bay and the seabed erosion along the frontal margin of the Changjiang River Delta.  相似文献   

刘浩  许文姗  尹宝树 《台湾海峡》2010,29(3):402-407
应用1个改进的含有动边界技术的河口海岸动力模型模拟了泉州湾洛阳江口的潮汐潮流.结果表明M2分潮在洛阳江口的主河道占据主导地位,但是随着潮波向浅滩的传播,其能量通过海底摩擦作用或非线性耗散作用逐渐转移至浅水潮,其中尤以M4分潮的增长最为显著.浅水分潮的增长又会引起天文分潮涨、落潮流的不对称性.进一步检验洛阳江口的潮流历时(月平均的涨、落潮流历时分别为6 h 1 min 30 s和6 h 19 min 58 s)和潮汐余流特征发现:该水域以涨潮流为主,由此产生的涨、落潮流的不对称可能有利于潮滩的进一步扩展.  相似文献   

杭州湾跨海大桥对钱塘江河口水流的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过河工模型试验,研究建设在潮汐河口的特大型桥梁——杭州湾跨海大桥对水环境产生的影响。杭州湾跨海大桥河工模型上边界选在老盐仓,下边界定在金山,平面比尺为1000,铅直比尺为100,模拟总水域面积约2200km2;模型运用2000年9月杭州湾实测水下地形及大范围同步水文测验资料进行了验证,其精度较高。在此基础上,结合实测资料分析,运用定床模型试验对杭州湾跨海大桥建成后附近水域流态的变化及对钱塘江涌潮、上游行洪等的影响进行了分析和预测。建桥前后潮位、流速流向、潮流量以及涌潮高度等试验数据的变化表明,杭州湾跨海大桥建成后对钱塘江河口水流的影响主要在桥位近区,对涌潮、上游行洪基本没有影响。  相似文献   

RemotesensingstudiesintheHaikouBayCalculationofthedepositionparametersWuLongye,WuYongsen,SunYuxingandWangZhenxian(ReceivedAug...  相似文献   

利用钱塘江河口段丰富的水文、泥沙、地形资料,在分析和研究这些资料的基础上,根据闸口—盐官沿程河床形态及冲淤变化特征,将该沿程分成4个河段,分别建立了多年平均高潮位下的河床冲淤量与两次测图间的月平均流量、前期沙坎高程以及多年平均高水位下的河床容积与上游河段同次测图多年平均高水位下的容积、前期平均径流量、两次测图间的月平均潮差之间的经验关系式。经方差分析,经验关系式显著性水平均在0.01以上,回归方程计算值与实测值拟合程度良好,经验式精度较高,可以用于估算和预测。应用这些关系式,预测了由跨流域引水而造成的河口段河床淤积面貌,为进一步预测潮位抬高、河道纳污能力降低等提供依据。  相似文献   

长江口柱状沉积物中氮的形态特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究分析了长江口柱状沉积物中氮的赋存形态,并结合沉积速率和有机碳含量分析了氮的迁移转化特征和有机质来源.研究结果表明,有机物与硫化物结合态氮(OSF-N)是柱状样可转化形态氮中的主要赋存形态,碳酸盐结合态氮(CF-N)含量最低;位于长江口122°E附近测点的各形态氮的垂直分布与122.6°E附近测点的差异明显,受水动力...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONResidualcurrentanditsimpactonmasstransportareimportanttothestudyofcoastalen vironment.Althoughlotsofresearcheshavebeendoneontheresidualcurrentandmasstrans portintheHangzhouBayandtheChangjiangEstuary (Cao ,1 989;CaoandFang ,1 986 ;Chenetal.,1 992 ;HuandH…  相似文献   

张正龙  束炯  张勇 《海洋科学》2011,35(5):47-52
根据2004~ 2008年间2月和8月的营养盐监测资料,分析了长江口邻近洋山港工程海域无机氮和磷浓度的时空变化特征,结果表明:亚硝酸盐和氨氮浓度呈波动特征,硝酸盐和无机氮浓度很高,均超过四类海水水质标准;硝酸盐占无机氮总量的90.2%以上,活性磷酸盐浓度较高且基本稳定,其浓度均值处于四类海水水质标准范围.水体氮磷比值为...  相似文献   

根据杭州湾、长江口流场和物质输运的特点,引进正交曲线网格版本ECOM模型,并对斜压梯度力和物质对流扩散的计算作了改进,建立了一个以杭州湾和长江口为整体的三维联合模型,用于潮流、余流和物质输运的计算和研究.  相似文献   

长江口和杭州湾海域生物生产力锋面及其生态学效应   总被引:39,自引:10,他引:39  
通过分析海洋生态学资料并结合卫星遥感、渔场及赤潮等资料,发现长江口和杭州湾及其毗邻海域生物生产力的锋面,在离长江口门和杭州湾口约100 km的长江冲淡水中部海域出现蓝细菌丰度、浮游植物现存量和初级生产力以及浮游动物的最大值,该锋面的存在和位置被水色遥感所确认.光和营养盐在此呈现最佳的权衡.在该锋区悬浮体浓度小于5 mg/dm3,盐度为25~30.在该锋面的西侧高的悬浮体浓度造成了浮游植物的光限制,其东侧距长江口和杭州湾口较远,陆源营养盐被稀释,加之浮游植物的消耗,造成了营养盐的限制.夏季水体的层化,增强了水体的垂直稳定,使这种分布格局更加显著.由于细菌多附着在悬浮颗粒物的表面,细菌丰度的最大值出现在近口门区的最大浊度带,在向外海方向随着悬浮体的沉降细菌丰度迅速降低.在生物生产力锋面,浮游植物的旺发导致水体跃层之上高溶解氧浓度和低营养盐浓度,尤其是PO4被耗尽,同时浮游动物饵料的丰富,造成浮游动物旺发;由于蓝细菌的快速增殖,其流式细胞测定的细胞粒径变小.生物生产力锋面的出现产生了显著的生态学效应,一方面造成某些经济鱼类产卵和索饵场的形成,例如鲐鲹鱼、马鲛鱼等;另一方面造成赤潮多发区和底层水缺氧区.  相似文献   

东山湾海水中化合态无机氮的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许清辉  林峰 《台湾海峡》1993,12(3):287-292
1988年5月东山湾海水中硝酸盐、铵氮、亚硝酸盐和总化合态无机氮的平均浓度分别为3.44、1.60、0.49和5.53μmol/dm~3;8月航次这些要素的平均含量分别为1.83、0.88、0.39和3.10μmol/dm~3;11月航次这些要素的平均浓度分别为6.48、0.61、0.31和7.40μmol/dm~3;1989年2月航次这些要素的平均浓度分别为12.5、0.39、0.48和13.2μmol/dm~3。不同季节无机氮的主要外部来源不尽相同。除冬季外,其他季节无机氮的分布均在不同程度上受到浮游植物摄取的影响,其中秋季的影响最大。此外,夏季无机氮的分布还受到上升流的影响。  相似文献   

钱塘江河口段长周期泥沙冲淤和河床变形   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余炯  曹颖 《海洋学研究》2006,24(2):28-38
通过对钱塘江河口段50多年连续水下地形资料的整理和分析,给出了该河口段在遭遇连续丰、枯水文年时的长周期泥沙冲淤特点,以及相应塑造的顺直、弯曲两种河势在河床形态与演变上的差异。研究结果认为,长周期泥沙冲淤和河床变形是钱塘江河口段保持冲淤平衡的一种自动调整手段;与冲积河流不同的是,钱塘江河口段通过河型、比降、断面等因素的调整来改变进入该河口段潮流量的大小。  相似文献   

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