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The Cablac Limestone, widely recorded in Timor, has its type area on Cablac Mountain where it was regarded as a Lower Miocene shallow-marine carbonate-platform succession. The Bahaman-like facies placed in the Cablac Limestone are now known to belong to the Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic rather than the Lower Miocene. On the northern slopes of Cablac Mountain, a crush breccia, formerly regarded as the basal conglomerate of the formation, is now considered to have developed along a high-angle fault separating Banda Terrane units of Asian affinity from an overthrust limestone stack containing units belonging to the Gondwana and Australian-Margin Megasequences. The Cablac breccia includes rock fragments that were probably derived locally from these tectonostratigraphic units after terrane emplacement and overthrusting. Clasts include peloid and oolitic limestones of the Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic derived from the Gondwana Megasequence, deep-water carbonate pelagites of the Cretaceous and Paleogene derived from the Australian-Margin Megasequence, Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene (Te Letter Stage) shallow-water limestone derived from the Banda Terrane, and a younger Neogene calcarenite containing clasts of mixed tectonostratigraphic affinity. There is no evidence for significant sedimentary or tectonic transport of clasts that form the breccia. The clast types and the present understanding of the geological history of Timor suggest that the crush breccia formed late in the Plio-Pleistocene uplift history of Timor. It is not the basal conglomerate of the Cablac Limestone. However, the clasts of an Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene limestone found in the breccia suggest that a shallow-marine limestone unit of this age either outcrops in the region and has not been detected in the field, or has been eroded completely during late Neogene uplift. The clasts are similar in age and lithology to an Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene formation that unconformably overlies a metamorphic complex in the Booi region of West Timor, similar to the Lolotoi Metamorphic Complex (Banda Terrane) that is juxtaposed against the crush breccia of Cablac Mountain. The Cablac Limestone at its type area includes a mixed assemblage of carbonate rock units ranging in age from Triassic to Plio-Pleistocene and representing diverse facies. As a formation, the name “Cablac Limestone” should be discarded for a Cenozoic unit. The Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene shallow-water limestone unit that is typified by outcrops in the Booi region of West Timor, and that has contributed to clasts in the Cablac breccia, is informally named the Booi limestone. It is considered part of the allochthonous Banda Terrane of Asian affinity and represents the only shallow-marine Lower Miocene unit known from Timor. The only other Miocene sedimentary unit known from Timor includes carbonate pelagites – designated the Kolbano beds – probably deposited on an Australian continental terrace at water depths between 1000 and 3000 m. On the northeastern edge of Cablac Mountain, oolitic limestone and associated units of the Gondwana Megasequence, the Kolbano beds of the Australian-Margin Megasequence, and the Booi limestone and associated metasediments of the Banda Terrane were juxtaposed by a Plio-Pleistocene high-angle fault along which the Cablac crush breccia formed.  相似文献   

The Lower to Middle Ordovician Guniutan (Kuniutan) Formation in the eastern Yangtze Gorges, China has been demonstrated to be similar to the ‘Orthoceratite Limestone’ in Baltoscandia with respect to facies, stratigraphic development and conodont biostratigraphy. Thus the ‘Orthoceratite Limestone’ appears to be a much more widely distributed and characteristically Ordovician facies than has hitherto been assumed. Five lithostratigraphic subdivisions of the Guniutan Formation are here defined in ascending order as the Nanya, Puxi, Wuguixi, Daping and Niangjiafang members. It is shown that these members, which represent considerable spans of time as indicated by their conodont stratigraphy, may be fairly thin but nevertheless regionally extensive. A new conodont zone, with Eoplacognathus crassus as the zonal fossil, is established to accommodate the precise dating of the Wuguixi and Puxi members. Microfacies data from the Guniutan Formation, available for the first time, show that its dominant component particles are sand-sized echinoderm and arthropod debris, as in the Baltoscandian ‘Orthoceratite Limestone’.  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphical analysis of remnants of high-level, poorly sorted gravel remnants in northeast Herefordshire has allowed the revision and expansion of the existing regional Middle Pleistocene stratigraphical sequence to incorporate two new formations. The oldest Pleistocene sediments in the region, the Humber Formation, represents part of a major, northerly derived, cold-stage fluvial system, which incorporated the ancestors of the rivers Lugg and Wye and tributaries of the Severn. The Risbury Formation consists of glacigenic sediments, which were deposited by a large ice-lobe emanating from a Welsh ice-cap. The Risbury Formation is correlated with glacigenic deposits in the Cradley Brook Valley on the west side of the Malvern Hills, which were formerly ascribed to a pre-Hoxnian, Severn Valley ice-sheet. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Small‐mammalian faunas enable the discrimination and correlation of uppermost Lower Miocene lacustrine sedimentary units in central western Anatolia. On the basis of sequential stratigraphic relationships, early Early Miocene and latest Early Miocene relative ages are suggested for the older lacustrine mass‐flow deposits and younger paper shale units, respectively, which are devoid of age‐diagnostic fossils. In central western Anatolia, the sequential differences between the uppermost Lower Miocene successions delineate a deformation zone of NE–SW‐trending fault blocks separated by vertical faults. This deformation zone, inherited from Late Oligocene tectonics, underwent an early Early Miocene sinistral transtension leading to pull‐aparts that were emplaced by granitoids. Limited extension caused the late Early Miocene repetitive up‐ and down‐wards motions of the fault blocks, with variable magnitudes. This led to contrasting subsidence histories in the relevant basinal system. During the latest Early Miocene, fault blocks coalesced into a regional body characterized by uniform slow subsidence and non‐extensional deformation facies. The general trend of the above tectonic events can be explained by lateral slab segmentation and progressive asthenospheric wedging, in response to NE‐directed and decelerated palaeosubduction in the Aegean. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of the Taman Peninsula is defined using the sections at Zelensky Hill ?? Panagia, Popov Kamen, Taman and Zheleznyi Rog. The stratigraphy is constructed from distribution of mollusks, foraminifers, nannofossils, diatoms, and organic-walled phytoplankton, as well as incorporating paleomagnetic data. The occurrence of oceanic diatom species in the Middle-Upper Sarmatian, Maeotian and Lower Pontian makes a direct correlation possible between the sections studied, the Mediterranean basin and oceanic zonation. The new data on planktonic and benthic biotic groups suggests a pulsating connection of the Eastern Paratethys with the open marine basins, especially during transitional intervals within constant environments. Comprehensive studies of the Chokrakian-Kimmerian microbiota provide evidence for several levels of marine microbiotic associations that are related to short-term marine invasions. The biotic and paleomagnetic data of the Taman Peninsula sections give a more comprehensive, but sometimes a controversial picture on the Eastern Paratethys history and the nature of its relationship with the adjacent marine basins.  相似文献   

Coastal Jameson Land is characterized by thick Quaternary deposits from the last interglacial/glacial cycle. The successions at the mouth of Langelandselv exhibit a key stratigraphy where sediments from the Langelandselv interglaciation (Eemian) are overlain by three till units interbedded with glacimarine and deltaic interstadial successions. Immediately after the retreat of glaciers after the extensive Scoresby Sund glaciation (Saalian). advection of warm Atlantic surface water surpassed what is known from the Holocene. The two lowermost Weichselian tills, deposited during the Aucellaelv and Jyllandselv stades (Early Weichselian), reflect short-lasting readvances of fjord glaciers. Luminescence dates and correlation with adjacent areas suggest ages of 110–80 ka and 70–60 ka for the Hugin Sø and the Møselv interstades, respectively.  相似文献   

A spinel lherzolite body outcrops as a fault block on the north coast of East Timor. The most common rock‐type in this body is a clinopyroxene‐poor lherzolite, but there are smaller proportions of clinopyroxene‐rich lherzolite and harzburgite. The dominant mineral assemblage is olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, spinel and calcic amphibole. Low‐temperature hydrous minerals are restricted in distribution.

The chemical composition of the peridotite is closely similar to mantle‐derived spinel lherzolite nodules and some alpine peridotites. The internal variation of the peridotite suggests variable depletion by some combination of partial melting and liquid contamination of the residua, in a CO2‐rich system at 10–15 kb (1000–1500 MPa).

Three solid‐state events are indicated by geothermometry. The earliest event is recorded by coarse exsolution lamellae of orthopyroxene in clinopyroxene porphyro‐clasts. These grains formed at 1250°C. A later granoblastic texture equilibrated at 1100°C, and finally the rocks were mylonitised at 800–1000°C and 8–20 kb (800–2000 MPa).

The peridotite is probably a sample of the oceanic mantle trapped between the Java Trench and the Inner Banda Arc. Its emplacement on Timor is not related to obduction, but may be due to transcurrent faulting between the Asian and Australian plates.  相似文献   

The microfacies assemblages and their distribution within the Middle Devonian Timor Limestone, exposed in the Timor Valley of northeastern New South Wales, Australia are described, and a depositional model for the carbonate buildup presented.Two broad lithological divisions are clearly recognizable within this thick (345 m) but lensoidal mass. Lime wackestones/packstones dominate the lower 200–215 m of the buildup while lime grainstones characterize the upper 130 m. Using cluster-sorting techniques on 697 modally analysed limestone samples, five microfacies and several subgroups each characterized by a unique combination of allochems have been recognized within this gross subdivision.The microfacies data and field observations suggest that carbonate sedimentation was initiated in an open marine shelf environment. It began simply because local conditions were favourable for calcareous organisms to become established. The benthos flourished ultimately spreading out over an area of 25 km2. Although reefal in outline, the limestone is a bedded deposit containing chiefly comminuted skeletal debris and never had the ecologic potential to form a wave-resistant mass.Lime mud sedimentation began in a sublittoral environment. Abundant calcareous algae throughout most of the lower two-thirds of the buildup suggest that deposition occurred within the photic zone. In succeeding horizons, pellet and intraclast lime grainstones gradually replace the lime mud dominated microfacies, indicating that carbonate deposition slowly outpaced basin subsidence and shoal-water conditions developed over the buildup. During the buildup's final stage, a transgression occurred resulting in quieter marine conditions and the deposition of coral lime wackestones in the former shoal area.Carbonate sedimentation was terminated by an extensive marine tuff killing the calcareous benthos. No further extensive carbonate sedimentation during the Middle Devonian is recorded in the Timor Valley.  相似文献   

Deposits of Late Pleistocene age were investigated near the Fynselv river on the southwestern coast of Jameson Land. East Greenland. The deposits are of fluvial, deltaic shallow marine and glacigenic origin. Four stratigraphic units are recorded. Unit I consists of deltaic and shallow marine deposits reflecting a relative sea level of at least 20 m above the present. Elevated fluvial deposits represent the subaerial part of the depositional system. The system existed during full interglacial and subarctic conditions as indicated by remains or flora and Fauna and unit I is correlated with the Langelandselv interglaciation (isotopic substage 5e). Unit II consists of a till deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the beginning of the Early Weichselian referred to as the Aucellaelv stade. The glacier probably melted in a marine environment. Unit III represents a marine delta system during the Hugin Sø interstade. and reveals a relative sea level of at least 62 m above the present. Unit IV consists of till and kame deposits assumed to be deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the Flakkerhuk stade. probably a Late Weichselian glacier advance.  相似文献   

The large block of metamorphic rocks along the north coast of East Timor is of special interest as it occurs at the boundary between continental and oceanic crust in an island arc-continent collision zone. A detailed study of the structure and metamorphic history of 400 km2 of this formation showed it has a complex history of penetrative deformation but the structure is coherent.Pelites, psammites and limestones interlayered with dolerites and amphibolites have been metamorphosed in a medium pressure environment. They now form a metamorphic province zoned from low greenschist facies in the southwest to upper amphibolite facies in the east. The earliest recognised deformation phase predated the metamorphism and produced a widespread layer—parallel schistosity but no recognisable folds. The second deformation phase post-dated the metamorphic maximum and micropetrological evidence indicates a gradual cooling during this event. This deformation produced tight folds with an axial plane schistosity and transposed the earlier structures. The progressively weaker third and fourth phases developed crenulation cleavages and related folds, under greenschist facies conditions. Open, fifth phase, macroscopic folds were probably synchronous with strike slip faulting parallel to the north coast. Later dip slip faulting juxtaposed the Aileu Formation with Permian and Mesozoic sediments of very low metamorphic grade.Reconnaissance K/Ar radiometric dating using hornblende and biotite showed the prograde metamorphic maximum occurred before 11 Ma ago and implies that the second, and strongest, deformation phase occurred in the late Miocene. This young age establishes the relationship of the deformation events to the collision between Australia and the Inner Banda Arc.The proposed models for the structure of Timor must be modified to fit the deformation history of the Aileu Formation. If Timor is essentially autochthonous, the Aileu Formation was probably deposited in a Palaeozoic graben and the metamorphic maximum may have occurred in the Jurassic. The overthrusting models must be modified in the light of the close correlation in time between penetrative deformation and emplacement of the proposed thrust sheets. The analogy proposed between Timor and ‘normal’ convergent margins is not supported but it may be possible to draw analogies with the Molucca Sea.  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphical and structural mapping of the Taff Gorge area, Glamorgan, has revealed a number of E-W trending folds and thrusts. These were developed during the early stages of the Hercynian deformation as a result of an approximately N-S principal compressive strain. Coeval with the folding, a conjugate set of sub-vertical wrench faults, symmetrical about the principal compressive strain, divided the area into tectonic blocks and to some extent controlled the progressive development of folds and thrusts within the individual blocks. Later Hercynian deformation gave rise firstly to oblique-slip and finally to dip-slip movement on the faults. The lithological transition between the Old Red Sandstone and Carboniferous Limestone is described in detail, including the diagenetic history of the limestones. Marine horizons are shown to be present within the dominantly fluviatile Old Red Sandstone, and the base of the Carboniferous Limestone is defined at the base of the lowest limestone of the continuous marine sequence. Studies of spores, macroplants, conodonts and brachiopods indicate that the whole of the Upper Old Red Sandstone and Lower Limestone Shale in the Taff Gorge are of Tournaisian age.  相似文献   

Field observations and petrographic analysis allow a sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of the intensely karstified Albian Mfamosing Limestone Formation in the Calabar Flank of the south-eastern Niger Delta. Main criteria for this interpretation are the presence of siliciclastic intercalations, of prominent hardgrounds, of characteristic microfacies including stromatolites and of phreatic and vadose diagenetic patterns. These criteria enable the recognition, from bottom to top in the type section of the Mfamosing Limestone, of a late phase in the formation of a highstand systems tract and of a flooding surface followed by a lowstand systems tract in which erosional features have been developed locally. The succession is topped by a transgressive systems tract. Some of these units and key sequence-stratigraphic boundaries have been traced into other outcrops in the area. In their identification within the heavily karstified outcrops, petrography overprints and vertical sequence patterns play a significant role. A sedimentation model explains the areal differences in development. Siliciclastic shedding influenced the carbonate system. Time-equivalent carbonate bodies occur on either side of the opening South Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Prismatine含义的变化及其在南极中山站区的产出   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
任留东  赵越 《岩石学报》2004,20(3):759-763
本文对prismatine(Prs)名称的来历作了简要介绍,指出kornerupine(Krn)系列中一个四面体位置上的B含量可变化于0和1之间(在22(O,OH,F)的分子式中),并伴随成分、晶体结构及矿物组合的变化。以 B=0.5为界划分可出两种不同的矿物:若B<0.5,为Krnss,包括两种情形:B=0,为无B之Krnss,0相似文献   

The rocks generally referred to the Kirkby Moor Flags have been mapped in the Kendal area, roughly bounded by Underbarrow, Sedbergh and Kirkby Lonsdale. The succession is divided into four units: the Lower Underbarrow Flags, the Upper Underbarrow Flags, the Kirkby Moor Flags and the Scout Hill Flags. These represent a redefined succession derived from what had been lumped together as ‘Kirkby Moor Flags’. These units correlate with the Upper Leintwardinian, the Whitcliffian and the Downtonian of the Welsh Borderland. Proof that rocks of Downtonian age occur is demonstrated in an unbroken succession of uniform lithology. Ostracodes form an invaluable part of the fauna in both subdivision and correlation of the succession. The fauna of the Kirkby Moor Flags and the Scout Hill Flags can be classified into assemblage groups which possibly represent communities of species.  相似文献   

纪占胜 《地质学报》2010,84(10):1379-1388
在鸭洼剖面新发现了珊瑚化石Procyclolites jomdaensis Deng et Zhang,Submargarosmilia cf.ri woqeensis Deng et Zhang,Distichophyllia zangdongensis sp.nov.,Distichophyllia tenuise(Deng et Zhang),Stylophyllopsis?sp.和牙形石Epigondolella postera,E.bidentata,E.abneptis,Paragondolella sp.。这些化石指示鸭洼剖面的地层时代不是原来认为的晚侏罗世-早白垩世,而是晚三叠世诺利期,因此将鸭洼剖面的"麻木下组"更名为麦龙岗组。鸭洼剖面的"麻木下组"不能再作为冈底斯南带隆格尔-南木林地层小区晚侏罗世-早白垩世岩石地层单位的代表。鸭洼剖面麦龙岗组的发现进一步增加了冈底斯地区在晚三叠世不是陆地,而是特提斯海洋的证据。  相似文献   

朱相水 《地层学杂志》1994,18(3):214-216
江西乐平早二叠世地层朱相水(江西师范大学地理系,江西南昌,330027)关键词地层,早二叠世,栖霞期,乐平,江西实测剖面位于江西乐平沿沟煤矿矿区东隅,3km无甲村附近,早M叠世地层发育于象鼻山与鲤鱼山之间。剖面系笔者与乐平矿务局沿沟煤矿的姚克敏、徐光...  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2005,173(1-4):233-275
The lacustrine Ermenek Basin evolved as a SE-trending intramontane graben affected by strike–slip deformation, with the initial two lakes merging into one and receiving sediment mainly through fan deltas sourced from the basin's southern margin. The northern margin was a high-relief rocky coast with a wave-dominated shoreline. The Early Miocene lacustrine sedimentation was terminated by a late Burdigalian marine invasion that drowned the basin and its surroundings. The lacustrine basin-fill succession is up to 300 m thick and best exposed along the southern margin, where it consists of four sequences bounded by surfaces of forced regression. The offshore architecture of each sequence shows a thin lowstand tract of shoreface sandstones overlain by a thick transgressive systems tract of mudstones interbedded with sandy tempestites and delta-derived turbidites, which form a set of coarsening-upward parasequences representing minor normal regressions. The corresponding nearshore sequence architecture includes a thick lowstand tract of alluvial-fan deposits overlain by either a well-developed transgressive systems tract (backstepping parasequence set or single fan-deltaic parasequence) and poorly preserved highstand tract; or a thin transgressive tract (commonly limited to flooding surface) and a well-developed highstand tract (thick fan-deltaic parasequence). The sequences are poorly recognizable along the northern margin, where steep shoreline trajectory rendered the nearshore system little responsive to lake-level changes. The resolution of local stratigraphic record thus depends strongly upon coastal morphology and the character of the depositional systems involved.The sequential organization of the basin-fill succession reflects syndepositional tectonics and climate fluctuations, whereas the lateral variation in sequence architecture is due to the localized sediment supply (deltaic vs. nondeltaic shoreline), varied coastal topography and differential subsidence. The study points to important differences in the sequence stratigraphy of lacustrine and marine basins, related to the controlling factors. A crucial role in lacustrine basin is played by climate, which controls both the lake water volume and the catchment sediment yield. Consequently, the effects of tectonics and the dynamics of changes in accommodation and sediment supply in a lacustrine basin are different than in marine basins.  相似文献   

Matthew Jardine 《GeoJournal》1996,39(4):397-404
Despite current United Nations-sponsored negotiations on East Timor between Indonesia and Portugal, there is little prospect for success given the overwhelming advantages Indonesia enjoys in the struggle for control over the territory. The territorialization of Indonesian power in East Timor over the last two decades has given Jakarta a level of dominance that has allowed it to avoid serious negotiations aimed at resolving the conflict. By interrogating social power in conjunction with Knight's (1994) three key components of statehood (territory, population, and sovereignty) on a variety of geographical scales, however, it becomes clear that East Timor is a far more contested terrain than it first appears. This paper illustrates that the peace process can succeed in a manner consistent with international law and human rights only by a strengthening of the forces of resistance, which necessarily entails the West's altering its relationship of criminal complicity with Indonesia.  相似文献   

Local developments of the Upper Ordovician Sholeshook Limestone are briefly described and inter-correlated on the basis of their trilobite faunas. The base of the formation is diachronous and overlies the Mydrim Shales unconformably. The base of the normally succeeding Slade and Redhill Mudstones is also diachronous and to the north and west of Haverfordwest this formation contains strata laterally equivalent to the main part of the Sholeshook Limestone. It is suggested that the Sholeshook Limestone falls within the Cautleyan Stage of the Ashgill Series. This extends the range of several trilobite species normally regarded as Middle Ashgill (Rawtheyan) indices.  相似文献   

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