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We present spectroscopic CCD observations of R Canis Majoris obtained in 1993. A total of 19 plates for Hα line were secured and reduced with the IRAF for radial velocities. A new radial velocity curve has been analyzed with collected light curves by the method of the Wilson and Devinney Differential Correction. The solution set including mass ratio q = 0.17 is determined as a unique solution by cross checking simultaneous adjustment of radial velocity and light curves, mass-luminosity relation, and distance. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

New spectroscopic elements of R Canis Majoris are given in this paper, computed from 17 plates secured at the Astronomical Observatory of Merate. A new orbit has also been computed with the program by Bertiau, from 81 observations covering a period of about 40 years.Two models of this binary system are proposed, based on two different assumptions and on a newly determined mass function. It is confirmed that the main peculiarity of this binary with regard to the mass-luminosity relation is real; there is also an evidence of mass loss from the Lagrangian pointL 2 as suggested by Kitamura.A suspected variation of the velocityV 0 of the center of mass seems to indicate the presence of a third body. The evidnece is, however, not yet conclusive.  相似文献   

The eclipsing binary AV Hya has been observed photoelectrically inU, B andV filters on 15 nights. The primary eclipse appeared to be total with a totality of 23 min duration. A modified period of 0d.6 834 062 has been obtained. Geometrical elements could only be determined for partial transit case.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of primary minimum inU, B, andV filters have been discussed. The amplitude of variation in all the three filters is 0 m .66. We do not find variations in the period and its revised value is 1d.0047115.  相似文献   

The new complete BV Rc Ic light curves and spectra of the short-period eclipsing binary XZ CMi are presented. The results from the combined analysis based on the photometric and spectroscopic data show that XZ CMi is a near contact binary with the secondary component filling its critical Roche lobe while the primary filling 91% of its Roche lobe. The investigation of the O-C diagram reveals that its orbital period is continuously increasing, which is consistent with the derived configuration and caused by the mass transfer from the less massive star to the more massive one. In addition, an obvious periodic modulation with the amplitude of0.0187(±0.0016) d and a high eccentric of 0.86(±0.04) is detected, which could be the results of the light time effect as a third star with the mass no less than 0.42(±0.09) M⊙orbiting around the central eclipsing binary once every 95.7(±2.1) yr. Furthermore, we found a visual companion star at 2.4′′ east by south of this system at a much greater distance by direct image. The large third light contribution found from the light curve analysis could be well explained by the existence of the third star and the fourth visual one.The similar parallax and proper motion imply that the components of this hierarchical quadruple system might be bounded by gravitation. Spectroscopic observations for two visual components were carried out by the LAMOST and 2.16 m telescopes, respectively. Their different values of [Fe/H] suggest that they were not born from the same origin. Thus, XZ CMi system is an interesting and important target to study the formation of the multiple stars.  相似文献   

We present a small sample of time-resolved optical spectroscopy of the dwarf nova HL CMa during an outburst state. By combining radial velocity measurements with published data we show that the previously quoted value is not the only candidate for the orbital period of this system. We reduce the significance of daily aliasing but cannot distinguish between two periods at 0.2146±0.0004 and 0.2212±0.0005 d. We show that the low-excitation emission lines are composites from an accretion disc and the companion star, and that high-excitation emission originates in the disc or outflowing material associated with the accreting white dwarf.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of spectroscopic observations of UUCas obtained with the highresolution (R = 15 000) fiber-fed echelle spectrometer of the 1.2-m telescope of Kourovka Astronomical Observatory of Ural Federal University. The radial velocities of the secondary, more massive and fainter component are measured for the first time. The component mass ratio is found to be q = M 1/M 2 = 0.54. The component masses, M 1 = 9.5M and M 2 = 17.7M , and the radius of the or bit, A = 52.7R , are computed for the published orbital inclination of i ~ 69°. Evidence is presented for a disk surrounding the more massive component and a common expanding envelope.  相似文献   

Depths and phases of both minima of AR Cas in six colors in 1959 are presented. Analysis leads to a color distribution for the secondary component which corresponds to spectral type A5–A7.  相似文献   

We present well-sampled uvby light curves, supplemented by a few β filter measurements, of the Algol binary VV UMa. The light curves are analysed using two different codes to derive the orbital and absolute stellar parameters of this binary. We find reasonably good fits to the light curves and determine the stellar effective temperatures T eff,1≃9000–9600 K , and T eff,2≃5300–5600 K with a mass ratio q ≃0.35 . From the light-curve fits we discard the possibility of an anomalous gravity-darkening exponent for the secondary star of this system, as previously suggested.
We find evidence of short-term, small-amplitude variations in the brightness of the system. Two periodicities of about 1.10 and 0.51 h seem to be present in the data for at least two different nights, even within the secondary eclipse. This suggests that VV UMa may be a new Algol binary with a low-amplitude variable primary star, but new data collected during longer observing runs are necessary to confirm the pulsating nature of the brightness variations.  相似文献   

M.R. Sanad 《New Astronomy》2010,15(1):113-118
We analyze both long and short high resolution ultraviolet spectrum of Beta Lyrae eclipsing binary system observed with the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) between 1980 and 1989. The main spectral features are P Cygni profiles originating from different environments of Beta Lyrae. A set of 23 Mg II k&h spectral lines at 2800 Å, originating from the extended envelope [Hack, M., 1980. IAUS, 88, 271H], have been identified and measured to determine their fluxes and widths. We found that there is spectral variability for these physical parameters with phase, similar to that found for the light curve [Kondo, Y., McCluskey, G.E., Jeffery, M.M.S., Ronald, S.P., Carolina, P.S. McCluskey, Joel, A.E., 1994. ApJ, 421, 787], which we attribute to the eclipse effects [Ak, H., Chadima, P., Harmanec, P., Demircan, O., Yang, S., Koubský, P., ?koda, P., ?lechta, M., Wolf, M., Bo?i?, H., 2007. A&A, 463, 233], in addition to the changes of density and temperature of the region from which these lines are coming, as a result of the variability of mass loss from the primary star to the secondary [Hoffman, J.L., Nordsieck, K.H., Fox, G.K., 1998. AJ, 115, 1576; Linnell, A.P., Hubeny, I., Harmanec, P., 1998. ApJ, 509, 379]. Also we present a study of Fe II spectral line at 2600 Å, originating from the atmosphere of the primary star [Hack, M., 1980. IAUS, 88, 271H]. We found spectral variability of line fluxes and line widths with phase similar to that found for Mg II k&h lines. Finally we present a study of Si IV spectral line at 1394 Å, originating from the extended envelope [Hack, M., 1980. IAUS, 88, 271H]. A set of 52 Si IV spectral line at 1394 Å have been identified and measured to determine their fluxes and widths. Also we found spectral variability of these physical parameters with phase similar to that found for Mg II k&h and Fe II spectral lines.  相似文献   

We present mid-infrared observations of the binary L5-Trojan system (617) Patroclus-Menoetius before, during, and after two shadowing events, using the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. For the first time, we effectively observe changes in asteroid surface temperature in real time, allowing the thermal inertia to be determined very directly. A new detailed binary thermophysical model is presented which accounts for the system’s known mutual orbit, arbitrary component shapes, and thermal conduction in the presence of eclipses.We obtain two local thermal-inertia values, representative of the respective shadowed areas: and . The average thermal inertia is estimated to be , potentially with significant surface heterogeneity. This first thermal-inertia measurement for a Trojan asteroid indicates a surface covered in fine regolith. Independently, we establish the presence of fine-grained (<a few μm) silicates on the surface, based on emissivity features near 10 and similar to those previously found on other Trojans.We also report V-band observations and report a lightcurve with complete rotational coverage. The lightcurve has a low amplitude of peak-to-peak, implying a roughly spherical shape for both components, and is single-periodic with a period equal to the period of the mutual orbit, indicating that the system is fully synchronized.The diameters of Patroclus and Menoetius are 106±11 and , respectively, in agreement with previous findings. Taken together with the system’s known total mass, this implies a bulk mass density of , significantly below the mass density of L4-Trojan asteroid (624) Hektor and suggesting a bulk composition dominated by water ice.All known physical properties of Patroclus, arguably the best studied Trojan asteroid, are consistent with those expected in icy objects with devolatilized surface (extinct comets), consistent with what might be implied by recent dynamical modeling in the framework of the Nice Model.  相似文献   

This paper presents charge-couple device (CCD) photometric observations for the eclipsing binary AW UMa. The V-band light curve in 2007 was analyzed using the 2003 version of the Wilson–Devinney code. It is confirmed that AW UMa is a total eclipsing binary with a higher degree of contact f=80.2% and a lower mass ratio of q=0.076. From the (OC) curve, the orbital period shows a continuous period decrease at a rate of dP/dt=−2.05×10−7 d yr−1. The long-term period decrease suggested that AW UMa is undergoing the mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary one, accompanied by angular momentum loss due to mass outflow L 2. Weak evidence indicates that there exists a cyclic variation with a period of 17.6 yr and a small amplitude of A=0. d 0019, which may be attributed to the light-time effect via the third body. If the existence of an additional body is true, it may remove a great amount of angular momentum from the central system. For this kind of contact binary, as the orbital period decreases, the shrinking of the inner and outer critical Roche lobes will cause the contact degree f to increase. Finally, this kind of binary will merge into a single rapid-rotation star.  相似文献   

The multicolor photometric observations of the neglected eclipsing binary FT Ursae Majoris (FT UMa) were obtained in 2010. The 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code was used to analyze the light curves in the B, V and R bands simultaneously. Based on the spectroscopic mass ratio q = 0.984 published by Pribulla et al., it is found that FT UMa is an evolved contact binary with a contact degree of 15.3%. The low amplitude of light variations, ~ 0.15 mag, arises mainly from a moderately low inclination angle...  相似文献   

The relation between the amplitude of light m and the amplitude of the radial velocity 2K for Canis Majoris stars is investigated. A linear relationship between m and 2K is found. However, the two stars BW Vul and Sco, which have the largest radial velocity variations, do not seem to share this relationship.  相似文献   

Eclipsing variables in visual binary and multiple stars are searched using data from GCVS, WDS, and CCDM catalogs. The list of 421 eclipsing variables is obtained. The masses of components of multiple systems from the list are estimated using the mass-luminosity relation for the main sequence stars. It is shown that, for 85% multiple systems from the list, the mass of visual components is smaller by a factor of 2 than the total mass of close binary systems. The distributions of orbital elements of visual binary systems are constructed and used for calculation of orbit semi-major axes for star from the list. The distributions of orbit semi-major axes and periods obtained from observations are approximated by Gaussian curves. The maxima of the curves correspond to a = 800 a.u. and P = 7600 years, respectively. The distribution of orbit semi-major axes larger than 800 a.u. is better described by Opik’s law; it is expected that this law describes the real a distribution in the region of small values as well. The frequency of eclipsing variables in multiple stars makes 12% of the total number of stars of this type in GCVS.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the first high-resolution spectroscopic observations of the Southern W UMa type system IS CMa. Spectroscopic observations of the system were made at Mt. John University Observatory using a HERCULES fibre-fed échelle spectrograph in September 2007. The first radial velocities of the component stars of the system were determined by using the spectral disentangling technique. The resulting orbital elements of IS CMa are: a1sini=0.0041±0.0001 AU, a2sini=0.0135±0.0001 AU, M1sin3i=1.48±0.01M, and M2sin3i=0.44±0.01M. The components were found to be in synchronous rotation taking into account the disentangled Hδ line profiles of both components of the system. The Hipparcos light curve was solved by means of the Wilson–Devinney method supplemented with a Monte Carlo type algorithm. The radial velocity curve solutions including the proximity effects give the mass ratio of the system as 0.297 ± 0.001. The combination of the Hipparcos light and radial velocity curve solutions give the following absolute parameters of the components: M1=1.68±0.04M,M2=0.50±0.02M,R1=2.00±0.02R,R2=1.18±0.03R,L1=7.65±0.60 L and L2=1.99±0.80L. The distance to IS CMa was calculated as 87±5 pc using the distance modulus with corrections for interstellar extinction. The position of the components of IS CMa in the HR diagram are also discussed: the system seems to have an age of 1.6 Gyr.  相似文献   

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