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有色可溶性有机物(chromophoric dissolved organic matter,CDOM)是水体中一类重要的光吸收物质,在水色遥感中,其光学特性主要以440 nm处的吸收系数和光谱斜率来表征,利用这些光学特性进行水环境要素遥感反演具有较广泛的应用前景.化学需氧量(chemical oxygen deman...  相似文献   

The age of hoki was determined by counting bands in otolith cross‐sections. The technique was validated using the progression of length modes in length‐frequency distributions (for age classes 0+ to 4+) and the progression of strong and weak year classes in age‐frequency distributions from commercial catches sampled off the west coast of the South Island, New Zealand, from 1988 to 1994. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters for the west coast and Cook Strait spawning populations are significantly different, providing further support for a two‐stock hypothesis. In both areas female hoki have a growth rate significantly faster than males, and also a greater life expectancy.  相似文献   

The optical characteristics of a black water river estuary from the north coast of Scotland were examined in the filtered (0.4 µm), ultrafiltered (5 kDa) and colloid-enriched fractions of estuarine samples. The samples were collected over the full salinity range during a period when the pH was relatively constant (8.2–8.5) throughout the estuary, allowing the influence of salinity on estuarine colloidal processes to be distinguished. The properties examined in the bulk, the low molecular weight (LMW) and the colloidal fraction (HMW) were UV–visible absorption, 3-D fluorescence excitation–emission matrix (EEM) spectrum, inorganic and organic carbon, mean size (by dynamic light scattering), and size distribution by flow field-flow fractionation analysis (FlFFF). The combined results of these analyses support the view that river-borne, humic-rich colloids underwent two types of transformation upon mixing with the seawater end member. The first one resulted in an apparent increase in the abundance of LMW constituents and may be explained by coiling of the individual humic macromolecules. The second one resulted in an increase in the mean size measured in both the lower and higher colloidal size ranges, and may be explained by aggregation of colloids to form entities that were still mostly colloidal i.e., smaller than 0.4 µm. The LMW contribution to the bulk optical properties increased with increasing salinity. Very similar findings were obtained from simulated mixing experiments using a Nordic Reference NOM extract as a source of freshwater colloids. This indicates that changes in the molecular architecture and molar mass of river-borne colloids—not changes in their chemical nature—were responsible for the observed variations in the spectral characteristics of CDOM in this estuary.  相似文献   

EU policy geared towards the sustainable development of European coastal areas has incorporated Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) as one of its primary mechanisms to achieve its goal. However, critical shortcomings in the ICZM paradigm have emerged. In particular, incoherence in the European Commission's ICZM principles with respect to local and strategic objectives remains an issue. Additionally, a lack of scientific certainty about environmental processes when determining the environmental pros and cons of alternative coastal-management decisions undermines environmentally protective decisions that may otherwise hinder local regional development. With these issues in mind, a Biodiversity Portfolio Analysis (BPA) is applied to Iarras Aithneach, a peninsula on the west coast of Ireland, to test its suitability as tool for ICZM. In addition, the paper uses the BPA methodology to explore the contrast between scientific/strategic and local attitudes towards the management of a coastal area of environmental importance. Pronounced differences between the two are found and the implications for both BPA and ICZM are discussed. The spatial and participatory nature of the BPA process and the explicit treatment of risk the framework exhibits suggest there is scope for it to become a useful tool for ICZM. It also has the potential to act as a routine way of quantifying the “attitude gap” between the scientific community and the local community when managing a unique coastal area.  相似文献   

With the development of aquaculture, there is an urgent demand for an alternative antibacterial agent to reduce the drug resistance and environmental pollution caused by the abuse of antibiotics. Recently, silver nanoparticles(Ag NPs) have been viewed as a novel type of antimicrobial agents due to their unique advantages. In this study,Ag NPs were biosynthesized with the ginger rhizomes extract. The biosynthesized Ag NPs were characterised by UV–visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Furthermore, the antimicrobial activities of the Ag NPs were fully analyzed against six typical aquatic pathogens. The results indicated that the components in ginger extract could function as the chemical reductant to synthesize Ag NPs. Moreover, compared with the Ag NPs synthesized by chemical methods, the biosynthesized Ag NPs were smaller, and had higher stability and antibacterial activity. Therefore, the biosynthesized Ag NPs using ginger extract may have prospective applications in aquaculture.  相似文献   

In the upper Schelde estuary in 2002, phytoplankton biomass and community composition were studied using microscopic and pigment analyses. Chlorophyll a concentration was a good predictor of phytoplankton biomass estimated from cell counts and biovolume measurements. The phytoplankton carbon to chlorophyll a ratio, however, was often unrealistically low (<10). CHEMTAX was used to estimate the contribution of the major algal groups to total chlorophyll a. The dominant algal groups were diatoms and chlorophytes. While diatom equivalents in chlorophyll a predicted diatom biomass relatively well, chlorophyte equivalents in chlorophyll a were only weakly related to chlorophyte biomass. The pigment-based approach to study phytoplankton overestimated phytoplankton biomass in general and chlorophyte biomass in particular in late autumn and winter, when phytoplankton biomass was low. A possible explanation for this overestimation may be the presence of large amounts of vascular plant detritus in the upper Schelde estuary. Residual chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and lutein in this detritus may result in an overestimation of total phytoplankton and chlorophyte biomass when the contribution of phytoplankton to total particulate organic matter is low.  相似文献   

This article extends work on the FMOC-Cl method of amino-acid analysis to determine its feasibility and shortcomings for marine research. Precolumn derivatization and separation by high performance liquid chromatography does not require error-inducing desalting steps or other time-consuming clean-up normally associated with ion-exchange type systems. The FMOC-Cl method was developed as an alternative to existing precolumn techniques because it is characterized by a very stable derivative formation, complete amino-acid reaction, low detection limit and good reproducibility. Problems encountered by this method, such as pH dependence of reaction, and reaction with water, are discussed and suitable solutions are proposed. The method can be applied to a wide range of marine samples.  相似文献   

赵健  刘展  张勇 《海洋科学》2008,32(3):6-12
采用BP(Back-Propagation Network)神经网络方法,根据试验区BTEX指标实测数据,结合油气化探、地质、地球物理等资料建立BTEX异常综合评价指标体系及评分标准,完成BTEX异常的BP神经网络综合评价模型并对试验区进行含油气远景评价,研究结果表明该技术具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The exploitation of different plant materials for the biosynthesis of nanoparticles is considered a green technology because it does not involve any harmful chemicals. In this study, iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4-NPs) were synthesized using a completely green biosynthetic method by reduction of ferric chloride solution using brown seaweed water extracts. The two seaweeds Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy and Sargassum acinarium (Linnaeus) Setchell 1933 were used in this study. The algae extract was used as a reductant of FeCl3 resulting in the phytosynthesis of Fe3O4-NPs. The phytogenic Fe3O4-NPs were characterized by surface plasmon band observed close to 402 nm and 415 nm; the obtained Fe3O4-NPs are in the particle sizes ranged from 10 to 19.5 nm and 21.6 to 27.4 nm for P. pavonica and S. acinarium, respectively. The strong signals of iron were reported in their corresponding EDX spectra. FTIR analyses revealed that sulphated polysaccharides are the main biomolecules in the algae extracts that do dual function of reducing the FeCl3 and stabilizing the phytogenic Fe3O4-NPs. The biosynthesized Fe3O4-NPs were entrapped in calcium alginates beads and used in Pb adsorption experiments. The biosynthesized Fe3O4-NPs alginate beads via P. pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy had high capacity for bioremoval of Pb (91%) while that of S. acinarium (Linnaeus) Setchell 1933 had a capacity of (78%) after 75 min. The values of the process parameters for the maximum Pb removal efficiency by Fe3O4-NPs alginate beads synthesized via P. pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy were also estimated.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of East to Southeast (E–SE) Asian waters is rapidly declining because of anthropogenic effects ranging from local environmental pressures to global warming. To improve marine biodiversity, the Aichi Biodiversity Targets were adopted in 2010. The recommendation of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), encourages application of the ecologically or biologically significant area (EBSA) process to identify areas for conservation. However, there are few examples of the use of EBSA criteria to evaluate entire oceans. In this article, seven criteria are numerically evaluated to identify important marine areas (EBSA candidates) in the E–SE Asia region. The discussion includes 1) the possibility of EBSA criteria quantification throughout the E–SE Asia oceans and the suitability of the indices selected; 2) optimal integration methods for criteria, and the relationships between the criteria and data robustness and completeness; and; 3) a comparison of the EBSA candidates identified and existing registered areas for the purpose of conservation, such as marine protected areas (MPAs). Most of the EBSA criteria could be quantitatively evaluated throughout the Asia-Pacific region. However, three criteria in particular showed a substantial lack of data. Our methodological comparison showed that complementarity analysis performed better than summation because it considered criteria that were evaluated only in limited areas. Most of the difference between present-day registered areas and our results for EBSAs resulted from a lack of data and differences in philosophy for the selection of indices.  相似文献   

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