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Chengdao is an offshore area in the Bohai Bay Basin that contains approximately 25.7 × 108 bbl of oil and gas reserves within the sandstone reservoirs in Neogene strata. However, previous predictions of hydrocarbon accumulation in Neogene traps are inaccurate, resulting in a current failure rate of 50% when drilling for hydrocarbons in this area. To build an improved exploration model for Neogene traps, we select 92 traps from Neogene strata in the Chengdao area to quantify the filling degree, which is an indicator of hydrocarbon accumulation efficiency. The quantified filling degree is based on actual geological and exploration data and differs significantly among various trap types. The filling degree of traps also varies significantly with their structural locations and decreases generally from the northwest to the southeast along the Chengbei Fault zone. Vertically, the filling degree is highly heterogeneous, initially increasing from the bottom to the middle of Neogene strata and then decreasing towards the top of the strata. These Neogene hydrocarbon reservoirs are sourced from the Paleogene, and as they lay vertically away from the source rocks, their hydrocarbon enrichment is constrained largely by hydrocarbon migration distance and vertical migration pathways. The sealing capacity of faults and cap rocks, sandbody orientation and reservoir sedimentary facies determine the maximum column height, which in turn affects the amount of hydrocarbon accumulation within these traps. A scatter plot analysis of individual controls and volumetric filling for each trap type is compiled using multivariate linear regression analysis to quantify controls and the dominant control of hydrocarbon accumulation is determined.  相似文献   

针对垦利A油田油气成藏条件和成藏模式认识不清的问题,结合研究区构造特征和沉积背景,综合运用钻井、测井、分析化验等资料,对垦利A油田油气成藏条件和富集规律进行深入剖析。结果表明:莱州湾凹陷北洼和南次洼沙河街组沙三中段、沙四段均发育优质烃源岩,油源供给充足;储集层储层物性好,盖层区域分布稳定,形成3套有利储盖组合;油源断层、渗透性砂体和不整合面构成良好的油气输导系统;油气富集层位具有“西浅东深”特征。基于上述认识,建立了3种油气成藏模式:构造东部为近源“侧向式”成藏模式,在古近系沙河街组和中生界潜山成藏;构造中部为远源“阶梯式”成藏模式,具复式成藏特征;构造西部为远源“网毯式”成藏模式,在新近系馆陶组成藏。  相似文献   

Massive mudrock refers to mudrock with internally homogeneous characteristics and an absence of laminae. Previous studies were primarily conducted in the marine environment, while notably few studies have investigated lacustrine massive mudrock. Based on core observation in the lacustrine environment of the Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, massive mudrock is a common deep water fine-grained sedimentary rock. There are two types of massive mudrock. Both types are sharply delineated at the bottom and top contacts, abundant in angular terrigenous debris, and associated with oxygen-rich (higher than 2 ml O2/L H2O) but lower water salinities in comparison to adjacent black shales. In addition, type 1 is laterally isolated and contains abundant sand injections and contorted layers formed in the depositional process, but type 2 exactly distributes in the distal part of deep water gravity-driven sandstone units, and shows scoured bases, high-angle mineral crytsals, and fining-upward trend. It is suggested that type 1 is a muddy mass transport deposit (MMTD) formed by slide, slump, and/or debris flow, and type 2 is a turbiditic mudrock deposited by settling from dilute turbidity currents. A warm and humid climate and high subsidence rate are two main triggering events. Because of its mass movement nature, MMTD preserves the mineralogic composition and organic matter characteristics of the source sediment. By contrast, dilute turbidity currents are able to greatly entrain biochemically-formed micrite and planktonic organisms from the water column, and deposit them in the turbiditic mudrock. Because of their different ability to deposit organic matter, MMTD have poor or fair source rock potential, but the turbiditic mudrock is able to be a potentially effective source rock. The minerals in the massive mudrock are disorganized and chaotic, which cause fractures to develop in various directions, thereby, enhancing the vertical migration of oil and gas molecules to horizontal wellbore in shale reservoir exploitation.  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷断裂控藏特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南堡凹陷为渤海湾盆地的一个新生代富生烃凹陷,内部断层十分发育,大量的油气藏都围绕断裂分布。根据断裂平面及剖面组合特征,断裂平面组合样式可分为4种:平行状、交织状、梳状和帚状;剖面组合分为3种:复“y”形组合、花状组合及阶梯式组合。根据断裂、砂体及油气藏的分布特征,发现二级和三级生长断层凹面储集厚度较大、且砂体孔渗性较好,是油气运移的主要方向。反向旋转断层组合的断层下盘和同向旋转断层组合的断层上盘是油气聚集的有利部位。但由于断层带的分带性,上诱导裂缝带相对下诱导裂缝带渗透性好。上诱导裂缝带利于油气运移,下诱导裂缝带利于封堵油气,油气的最有利聚集部位为反向旋转断层组合的下盘。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the reservoir potential of deeply-buried Eocene sublacustrine fan sandstones in the Bohai Bay Basin, China by evaluating the link between depositional lithofacies that controlled primary sediment compositions, and diagenetic processes that involved dissolution, precipitation and transformation of minerals. This petrographic, mineralogical, and geochemical study recognizes a complex diagenetic history which reflects both the depositional and burial history of the sandstones. Eogenetic alterations of the sandstones include: 1) mechanical compaction; and 2) partial to extensive non-ferroan carbonate and gypsum cementation. Typical mesogenetic alterations include: (1) dissolution of feldspar, non-ferroan carbonate cements, gypsum and anhydrite; (2) precipitation of quartz, kaolinite and ferroan carbonate cements; (3) transformation of smectite and kaolinite to illite and conversion of gypsum to anhydrite. This study demonstrates that: 1) depositional lithofacies critically influenced diagenesis, which resulted in good reservoir quality of the better-sorted, middle-fan, but poor reservoir quality in the inner- and outer-fan lithofacies; 2) formation of secondary porosity was spatially associated with other mineral reactions that caused precipitation of cements within sandstone reservoirs and did not greatly enhance reservoir quality; and 3) oil emplacement during early mesodiagenesis (temperatures > 70 °C) protected reservoirs from cementation and compaction.  相似文献   

The hydrocarbon migration and accumulation of the Suqiao deep buried-hill zone, in the Jizhong Subbasin, the Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China, was investigated from the perspective of paleo-fluid evidence by using fluid inclusions, quantitative fluorescence techniques (QGF), total scanning fluorescence method (TSF) and organic geochemical analysis. Results show that the current condensate oil-gas reservoirs in the study area once were paleo-oil reservoirs. In addition, the reservoirs have experienced at least two stages of hydrocarbon charge from different sources and/or maturities. During the deposition of the Oligocene Dongying Formation (Ed), the deep Ordovician reservoirs were first charged by mature oils sourced from the lacustrine shale source rocks in the fourth member of Shahejie and Kongdian Formations (Es4+Ek), and then adjusted at the end of Ed period subsequently by virtue of the tectonic movement. Since the deposition of the Neogene Minghuazhen Formation (Nm), the reservoirs were mainly charged by the gas that consisted of moderate to high-maturity condensate and wet gas sourced from the Es4+Ek lacustrine shale source rocks and mature coal-derived gas sourced from the Carboniferous-Permian (C-P) coal-bearing source rocks. Meanwhile, the early charged oil was subjected to gas flushing and deasphalting by the late intrusion of gas. The widely distributed hydrocarbon inclusions, the higher QGF Index, and FOI (the frequency of oil inclusions) values in both gas-oil and water zone, are indicative of early oil charge. In addition, combined with the homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions (<160 °C) and the existence of solid-bitumen bearing inclusions, significant loss of the n-alkanes with low carbon numbers, enrichments of heavier components in crude oils, and the precipitation of asphaltene in the residual pores suggest that gas flushing may have played an important role in the reservoir formation.  相似文献   

Although extensive studies have been conducted on unconventional mudstone (shales) reservoirs in recent years, little work has been performed on unconventional tight organic matter-rich, fine-grained carbonate reservoirs. The Shulu Sag is located in the southwestern corner of the Jizhong Depression in the Bohai Bay Basin and filled with 400–1000 m of Eocene lacustrine organic matter-rich carbonates. The study of the organic matter-rich calcilutite in the Shulu Sag will provide a good opportunity to improve our knowledge of unconventional tight oil in North China. The dominant minerals of calcilutite rocks in the Shulu Sag are carbonates (including calcite and dolomite), with an average of 61.5 wt.%. The carbonate particles are predominantly in the clay to silt size range. Three lithofacies were identified: laminated calcilutite, massive calcilutite, and calcisiltite–calcilutite. The calcilutite rocks (including all the three lithofacies) in the third unit of the Shahejie Formation in the Eocene (Es3) have total organic carbon (TOC) values ranging from 0.12 to 7.97 wt.%, with an average of 1.66 wt.%. Most of the analyzed samples have good, very good or excellent hydrocarbon potential. The organic matter in the Shulu samples is predominantly of Type I to Type II kerogen, with minor amounts of Type III kerogen. The temperature of maximum yield of pyrolysate (Tmax) values range from 424 to 452 °C (with an average of 444 °C) indicating most of samples are thermally mature with respect to oil generation. The calcilutite samples have the free hydrocarbons (S1) values from 0.03 to 2.32 mg HC/g rock, with an average of 0.5 mg HC/g rock, the hydrocarbons cracked from kerogen (S2) yield values in the range of 0.08–57.08 mg HC/g rock, with an average of 9.06 mg HC/g rock, and hydrogen index (HI) values in the range of 55–749 mg HC/g TOC, with an average of 464 mg HC/g TOC. The organic-rich calcilutite of the Shulu Sag has very good source rock generative potential and have obtained thermal maturity levels equivalent to the oil window. The pores in the Shulu calcilutite are of various types and sizes and were divided into three types: (1) pores within organic matter, (2) interparticle pores between detrital or authigenic particles, and (3) intraparticle pores within detrital grains or crystals. Fractures in the Shulu calcilutite are parallel to bedding, high angle, and vertical, having a significant effect on hydrocarbon migration and production. The organic matter and dolomite contents are the main factors that control calcilutite reservoir quality in the Shulu Sag.  相似文献   

The non-marine Fushun Basin in NE China is a fault-controlled basin filled with Eocene sediments. It hosts the largest opencast coal and oil shale mine in Asia. A single thick oil shale layer overlying sub-bituminous coal occurs within the Middle Eocene Jijuntun Formation. Based on mineralogy, inorganic and organic geochemistry, organic petrography, stable isotope geochemistry, and vitrinite reflectance measurements, the depositional environment and the oil shale potential of the oil shale-bearing succession were investigated. The Jijuntun Formation is subdivided into a lower and an upper unit characterized by a low and high quality oil shale, respectively. The thick oil shale layer of the Jijuntun Formation developed under long-lasting stable conditions in a deep freshwater lake, after drowning of a swamp. The organic matter in the lower unit is characterized by landplant-derived macerals. The sediments containing a type II kerogen (HI: ∼400 mgHC/gTOC) were deposited during warm and humid conditions. Lacustrine organisms predominant in the upper unit are forming kerogen type I (HI: ∼700 mgHC/gTOC). High bioproductivity and excellent preservation conditions resulted in high TOC contents up to 23.6 wt.% in the upper unit. The organic matter preservation was controlled by photic zone anoxia originating in a temperature stratified water column in the deep lake, without significant changes in bottom water salinity. Mid-Eocene cooling during deposition of the upper unit of the Jijuntun Formation is reflected by clay mineral composition. A hot and arid climate favoring brackish conditions in a shallow lake prevailed during accumulation of the overlying carbonate-rich Xilutian Formation. Individual geochemical parameters in the Fushun Basin have to be used with caution, e.g. the maturity proxy Tmax is affected by kerogen type, the redox proxy Pr/Ph ratio is probably biased by different sources of isoprenoids. This demonstrates the importance of multi-proxy studies.  相似文献   

The origin of the fourteen major oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin, Bohai Bay basin was studied based on the results of Rock-Eval pyrolysis on more than 700 samples and biomarker analysis on 61 source rock samples and 87 oil samples. The three possible source rock intervals have different biomarker assemblages and were deposited in different environments. The third member of the Oligocene Dongying Formation (E3d3, 32.8–30.3 Ma in age) is characterized mainly by high C19/C23 tricyclic terpane (>0.75), high C24 tetracyclic terpane/C26 tricyclic terpane (>2.5), low gammacerane/αβ C30 hopane (<0.15) and low 4-methyl steranes/ΣC29 steranes (<0.15) ratios, and was deposited in sub-oxic to anoxic environments with significant terrigenous organic matter input. The first (E2s1, 35.8–32.8 Ma) and third (E2s3, 43.0–38.0 Ma) members of the Eocene Shahejie Formation have low C19/C23 tricyclic terpane and low C24 tetracyclic terpane/C26 tricyclic terpane ratios and were deposited in anoxic environments with minor terrestrial organic matter input, but have different abundances of 4-methyl steranes and gammacerane. The hydrocarbon-generating potential and biomarker associations of these three source rock intervals were controlled by tectonic evolution of the sub-basin and climate changes. Three oil families derived from E2s3, E2s1 and E3d, respectively, and three types of mixed oils have been identified. All large oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin display considerable heterogeneities in biomarker compositions and originated from more than one source rock interval, which suggests that mixing of oils derived from multiple source rock intervals or multiple generative kitchens, and/or focusing of oils originated from a large area of a generative kitchen, is essential for the formation of large oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin. E2s3- and E2s1-derived oils experienced relatively long-distance lateral migration and accumulated in traps away from the generative kitchen. E3d3-derived oils had migrated short distances and accumulated in traps closer to the generative kitchen. Such a petroleum distribution pattern has important implications for future exploration. There is considerable exploration potential for Dongying-derived oils in the Bozhong sub-basin, and traps close to or within the generative kitchens have better chance to contain oils generated from the Dongying Formation.  相似文献   

Organic-rich black shale of the Upper Yangtze Basin from the Late Ordovician and Early Silurian is considered an excellent source rock in South China. The formation and preservation conditions of this resource are revealed by its geochemical characteristics in this study. Geochemical indices, including redox indices (V/(V + Ni), V/Cr, V/Sc, and Ni/Co) and primary productivity indices (P/Ti and Ba/Al), and paleoclimate, clastic flux and sedimentary rate analyses are presented to investigate the accumulation mechanism of organic matter. Redox indices suggest that a stagnant, anoxic environment predominated in the Upper Yangtze Basin during accumulation of Wufeng and Longmaxi formations. In contrast, ventilated and oxygenated marine conditions pervaded the Upper Yangtze Basin during deposition of Linxiang and Guanyinqiao formations. The concentrations of V and U demonstrate that accumulation of organic matter was mainly controlled by redox conditions. Besides, such factors as clastic fluxes, fresh water inflows or a mixed deposition with a rapid sedimentary rate cannot be ignored due to their influences on organic matter enrichment and preservation. However, weak co-variance relationship of TOC content and productivity proxies, including P/Ti and Ba/Al, demonstrates that the accumulation of organic matter was not controlled by primary productivity. Results of the present study suggest a depositional model that stresses the importance of tectonic movements and glacial events on the accumulation and preservation of organic matter. The model shows that the Upper Yangtze Basin was a semi-restricted basin system influenced by the isolation of Xuefeng, but also it implies that oxygen-depleted bottom water of the basin favored the accumulation and preservation of sedimentary organic matter, resulting in the formation of organic-rich black shale.  相似文献   

The Ordovician is the most important exploration target in the Tabei Uplift of the Tarim Basin, which contains a range of petroleum types including solid bitumen, heavy oil, light oil, condensate, wet gas and dry gas. The density of the black oils ranges from 0.81 g/cm3 to 1.01 g/cm3 (20 °C) and gas oil ratio (GOR) ranges from 4 m3/m3 to 9300 m3/m3. Oil-source correlations established that most of the oils were derived from the Mid-Upper Ordovician marine shale and carbonate and that the difference in oil properties is mainly attributed to hydrocarbon alteration and multi-stage accumulation. In the Tabei Uplift, there were three main periods of hydrocarbon accumulation in the late Caledonian stage (ca. 450–430 Ma), late Hercynian stage (ca. 293–255 Ma) and the late Himalayan stage (ca. 12–2 Ma). The oil charging events mainly occurred in the late Caledonian and late Hercynian stage, while gas charging occurred in the late Hercynian stage. During the late Caledonian stage, petroleum charged the reservoirs lying east of the uplift. However, due to a crustal uplifting episode in the early Hercynian (ca. 386–372 Ma), most of the hydrocarbons were transformed by processes such as biodegradation, resulting in residual solid bitumen in the fractures of the reservoirs. During the late Hercynian Stage, a major episode of oil charging into Ordovician reservoirs took place. Subsequent crustal uplift and severe alteration by biodegradation in the west-central Basin resulted in heavy oil formation. Since the late Himalayan stage when rapid subsidence of the crust occurred, the oil residing in reservoirs was exposed to high temperature cracking conditions resulting in the production of gas and charged from the southeast further altering the pre-existing oils in the eastern reservoirs. A suite of representative samples of various crude oils including condensates, lights oils and heavy oils have been collected for detailed analysis to investigate the mechanism of formation. Based on the research it was concluded that the diversity of hydrocarbon physical and chemical properties in the Tabei Uplift was mainly attributable to the processes of biodegradation and gas washing. The understanding of the processes is very helpful to predict the spatial distribution of hydrocarbon in the Tabei Uplift and provides a reference case study for other areas.  相似文献   

The Dongpu depression is located in the southern Bohai Bay Basin, North China, and it has abundant oil and gas reserves. There has been no systematic documentation of this depression's temperature field and thermal history. In this article, the present geothermal gradient and heat flow were calculated for 68 wells on the basis of 892 formation-testing data from 523 wells. Moreover, the Cenozoic thermal history was reconstructed using 466 vitrinite reflectance data from 105 wells. The results show that the Dongpu depression is characterized by a medium-temperature field between stable and active tectonic areas, with an average geothermal gradient of 34.8 °C/km and an average heat flow of 66.8 mW/m2. The temperature field in the Dongpu depression is significantly controlled by the Changyuan, Huanghe, and Lanliao basement faults and thin lithosphere thickness. The geothermal gradient twice experienced high peaks. One peak was during the Shahejie 3 Formation depositional period, ranging from 45 °C/km to 48 °C/km, and the second peak was in the middle and late of the Dongying Formation depositional period, ranging from 39 °C/km to 40 °C/km, revealing that the Dongpu depression experienced two strong tectonic rifts during the geothermal gradient high peak periods. The geothermal gradient began to decrease from the Neogene, and the geothermal gradient is 31–34 °C/km at the present day. In addition, these results reveal that source rock thermal evolution is controlled by the paleo temperature field of the Dongying Formation depositional period in the Dongpu depression. This study may provide a geothermal basis for deep oil and gas resource evaluation in the Dongpu depression.  相似文献   

Deep-water gravity-flow sandstones are important hydrocarbon exploration and production targets in the Bohai Bay Basin, a Paleogene intra-continental rift basin in eastern China. In this paper, the seismic-sedimentology techniques are used to characterize, in plan view, the temporal and spatial evolution of a gravity-flow-channel complex of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation (Es) on the Qinan faulted-monoslope (Qinan Slope), Bohai Bay Basin. The results show that two or three gravity-flow channels, 9–12 km long and 0.5–2 km wide, were successively developed in later Es (Es1z–Es1s). The channels initially experienced westward migration and then shifted eastward. The corresponding wireline logs of the channel-fill sequences mainly present blocky-shaped or bell-like configurations, whereas their seismic profile features are characterized by strong amplitude reflections, such as U-shaped, plate-like, spindle-shaped and lenticular configurations.The syndepositional activity of three normal faults, i.e., the Nandagang Fault to the northwest, the Zhangbei Fault to the northeast and the Zhaobei Fault to the east led to gradient changes of the Qinan Slope, which have controlled the plan morphology (width, curvature, and bifurcation) of the gravity-flow channels. In the medium-late period of Es1z, triggered by intensive faulting on the three faults, the gradient of the Qinan Slope was steepened abruptly, resulting in an increase of flow velocity and erosion amplitude to underlying deposits. As a result, channels exhibiting narrow and straight configurations in plan view were formed. During the stage of early Es1z and Es1s, tectonic activity intensity was relatively low and the gradient of the Qinan Slope was gentle, so channels with great width and curvature were bifurcated and merged downstream.Comparison of the faulting amplitude of the three syndepositional faults suggests that the Nandagang and Zhaobei faults were inversely strengthened in the Es1z and Es1s. The Nandagang Fault to the west was found to be more active than the Zhaobei Fault to the east in the Es1z stage. This condition was reversed in Es1s. For that reason, the channels migrated to the west in the Es1z stage and then went back to the east during Es1s.Core analysis shows that the channel fills are mainly composed of sandy-debrites, slumps and turbidites. Among them, sandy debrites dominate deposition in terms of reservoir volume and hydrocarbon potential. These units primarily consist of sandstones and gravel-bearing sandstones, with bed thicknesses ranging from 10 to 40 m, an average porosity of 11% and a permeability of 25 mD. Being mostly encased in organic-rich dark mudstones, these sandy debrites are significant hydrocarbon exploration targets.The results of this study are not only useful to the hydrocarbon exploration and development planning for the Qinan Slope, but also helpful when considering other faulted-depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin and other intra-continent rifted basins around the world, particularly in terms of gravity-flow hydrocarbon exploration and research.  相似文献   

The Qiongdongnan Basin and Zhujiang River(Pearl River) Mouth Basin, important petroliferous basins in the northern South China Sea, contain abundant oil and gas resource. In this study, on basis of discussing impact of oil-base mud on TOC content and Rock-Eval parameters of cutting shale samples, the authors did comprehensive analysis of source rock quality, thermal evolution and control effect of source rock in gas accumulation of the Qiongdongnan and the Zhujiang River Mouth Basins. The contrast analysis of TOC contents and Rock-Eval parameters before and after extraction for cutting shale samples indicates that except for a weaker impact on Rock-Eval parameter S_2, oil-base mud has certain impact on Rock-Eval S_1, Tmax and TOC contents. When concerning oil-base mud influence on source rock geochemistry parameters, the shales in the Yacheng/Enping,Lingshui/Zhuhai and Sanya/Zhuhai Formations have mainly Type Ⅱ and Ⅲ organic matter with better gas potential and oil potential. The thermal evolution analysis suggests that the depth interval of the oil window is between 3 000 m and 5 000 m. Source rocks in the deepwater area have generated abundant gas mainly due to the late stage of the oil window and the high-supper mature stage. Gas reservoir formation condition analysis made clear that the source rock is the primary factor and fault is a necessary condition for gas accumulation. Spatial coupling of source, fault and reservoir is essential for gas accumulation and the inside of hydrocarbon-generating sag is future potential gas exploration area.  相似文献   

Sequence stratigraphy and syndepositional structural slope-break zones define the architecture of the Paleogene syn-rift, lacustrine succession in eastern China's Bohai Bay Basin. Jiyang, Huanghua and Liaohe subbasins are of particular interest and were our primary research objectives. Interpretation of 3D seismic data, well logs and cores reveals: One first-order sequence, 4 second-order sequences, and ten to thirteen third-order sequences were identified on the basis of the tectonic evolution, lithologic assemblage and unconformities in the subbasins of Bohai Bay Basin. Three types of syndepositional paleo-structure styles are recognized in this basin. They are identified as fault controlled, slope-break zone; flexure controlled, slope-break zone; and gentle slope.The three active structural styles affect the sequence stratigraphy. Distinct third-order sequences, within second-order sequences, have variable systems tract architecture due to structuring effects during tectonic episodes. Second-order sequences 1 and 2 were formed during rifting episodes 1 and 2. The development of the third-order sequences within these 2 second-order sequences was controlled by the active NW and NE oriented fault controlled, slope-break zones. Second-order sequence 3 formed during rifting episode 3, the most intense extensional faulting of the basin. Two types of distinctive lacustrine depositional sequence were formed during rifting episode 3: one was developed in an active fault controlled, slope-break zone, the other in an active flexure controlled, slope-break zone. Second-order sequence 4 was formed during the fourth episode of rifting. Syndepositional, fault- and flexure-controlled slope-break zones developed in the subsidence center (shore to offshore areas) of the basin and controlled the architecture of third-order sequences in a way similar to that in second-order sequence 3. Sequences in the gentle slope and syndepositional, flexure controlled slope-break zones were developed in subaerial region.Distribution of lowstand sandbodies was controlled primarily by active structuring on the slope-break zones, and these sandbodies were deposited downdip of the slope-break zones. Sand bodies within lowstand systems tracts have good reservoir quality, and are usually sealed by the shale sediments of the subsequent transgressive systems tract. They are favorable plays for stratigraphic trap exploration.  相似文献   

Understanding the late Mesozoic tectonic origin and structural patterns of the Bohai Bay Basin (BBB) is of growing importance for its buried-hill petroleum exploration. This study revealed, based on 3D seismic and borehole data, that the Raoyang Sag in the Jizhong Depression, western BBB, was dominated by a crustal detachment system during the late Jurassic to the early Cretaceous. It was characterized by the WNW-dipping low-angle detachment fault F0 (namely Cangxi Fault), the structural dome cored by Archean Basement rocks at the footwall and supradetachment basins on the hanging wall. We suggested the late Mesozoic volcanic materials and coarse deposits accumulated in the supradetachment basins had locally diminished the petroleum prospect, but the syndetachment deformation and denudation had contributed to it by means of promoting petroleum migration from source rocks to reservoirs and improving porosity and permeability of the reservoir rocks by karstification and structural fracturing.  相似文献   

This paper discusses origin and charging directions of oil fields on the Shaleitian Uplift, Bohai Bay basin. The Shaleitian Uplift is a footwall uplift surrounded by three sags containing mature source rocks. The origins of the four oil fields on the Shaleitian Uplift, both in terms of source rock intervals and in terms of generative kitchens, were studied using biomarker distributions for 61 source rock samples and 27 oil samples. Hierarchical cluster analysis using 12 parameters known to be effective indicators of organic matter input and/or depositional conditions allowed the identification of six oil types or classes. These six oil classes could then be linked to three distinct source rock intervals ranging in age from 43.0 Ma to 30.3 Ma. The third member (43.0–38.0 Ma in age) and first member (35.8–32.8 Ma) of the Eocene Shahejie Formation, and the third member of the Oligocene Dongying Formation (32.8–30.3 Ma) each sourced one class of oil. The other three classes represent mixtures of oil generated from multiple source rock intervals. Traps on the Shaleitian Uplift were charged in the east by oil generated from the Eocene Shahejie Formation in the Bozhong Sag, in the southeast by oil generated from the Eocene Shahejie and then Oligocene Dongying formations in the southwestern part of the Bozhong Sag and/or in the eastern part of the Shanan Sag, and in the southwest by oil generated from the Eocene Shahejie Formation in the western part of the Shanan Sag. The estimated migration distances range from less than 5 km to about 20 km. The compositional heterogeneity within fields and multiple-parameter comparisons between oils from nearby wells in different fields have proven to be a powerful tool to determine the in-filling histories of oil fields in cases where multiple source rock intervals and multiple generative kitchens exist.  相似文献   

The lacustrine black shales in the Chang7 Member from the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation of the Ordos Basin in Central China are considered one of the most important hydrocarbon source rocks. However, the mechanism of organic accumulation in the black shales remains controversial. To resolve the controversy, with the former paleontological data of Yanchang Formation and sedimentation rate data of the Chang7 black shales, we investigated the typical intervals of the Chang7 black shales (TICBS) which were obtained by drilling in Yaowan at the southern margin of the Ordos Basin and performed various sedimentary, isotopic and geochemical analysis, including the sedimentary petrography, pyrite morphology, total organic carbon (TOC) and total sulfur (TS), the ratio of pyritic Fe to total Fe (DOPT), major and trace elements, together with pyritic sulfur isotopes (δ34Spy). The high sulfur content, enrichment of redox-sensitive trace metals, and the lower sedimentation rate of the TICBS in addition to the presence of marine spined acritarchs and coelacanth fossils indicate that the TICBS were deposited in a lacustrine environment possibly influenced by seawater. The petrographic observations show a thick layer of black shale with interlayers of thin layered siltstone (silty mudstone) and laminated tuff, which were related to the turbidity currents and volcanism, respectively. The U/Th, C-S, and Mo-U covariations, pyrite morphology, DOPT, combined with the δ34Spy, suggest that the deposition occurred beneath the anoxic-sulfidic bottom waters, which was intermittently influenced by the oxygen-containing turbidity. The Ni/Al and Cu/Al possibly show extremely high to high primary productivity in the water column, which might be connected with the substantial nutrients input from seawater or frequently erupted volcanic ash entering the lake. In addition, the coincidence of an increased abundance of TOC with increased P/Al, Ni/Al, Cu/Al and U/Th, as well as relatively consistent Ti/Al suggest that the accumulation of the organic matter might be irrelevant to the clastic influx, and was mainly controlled by the high primary productivity and anoxic-sulfidic conditions. Further, the covariations of TOC vs. P/Al and TOC vs. Ba/Al indicate that the high primary productivity led to the elevated accumulation and burial of organic matter, while the anoxic to sulfidic conditions were likely resulted from an intense degradation of the organic matter during the early diagenesis. In summary, the organic matter accumulation is ultimately attributed to the high primary productivity possibly resulted from seawater or volcanic ash entering the lake.  相似文献   

The effects of oil cracking on fluorescence color, homogenization temperature (Tho) and trapping pressure (Pt) of oil inclusions from deeply buried reservoirs (DBRs) (3672–4359 m) in the northern Dongying Depression were determined based on fluorescence spectroscopy and homogenization temperatures of oil inclusions, kinetic modeling of crude oil cracking, and petroleum inclusion thermodynamics modeling.The modeling results demonstrate that fluorescence color, Tho and predicted Pt have strong relationships with the transformation rate via cracking of oil to gas (Tr), and the formation temperature (Tf) that the inclusions experienced. The fluorescence color is hardly influenced at all during the initial stages of oil cracking (Tr < 13%, Tf < 160 °C), but fluorescence color begins to shift toward shorter wavelengths (blue shift) during progressive oil cracking (Tr < 24%, Tf < 190 °C). With further oil cracking, the fluorescence color may either experience no change or continue its blue shift. Eventually the fluorescence color will disappear as the aromatic compounds are completely cracked. The Tho increases at first (Tr < 24%, Tf < 190 °C), but then decreases or even becomes negative during major oil cracking. The reconstructed Pt values show a corresponding reverse trend.Oil inclusions from DBRs and other shallow reservoirs in the Dongying Depression show an obvious blue shift in fluorescence color at a depth of approximate 4000 m (Tf = 160 °C) and generally contain solid bitumen below 4000 m, supporting the effect of oil cracking on fluorescence variation, consistent with the modeling result. The Tho from DBRs in the Minfeng area increases with increasing burial depth (Tf < 190 °C), which is also consistent with the modeling results. However, the Tho of oil inclusions with blue-white fluorescence from DBRs in the Shengtuo area did not show such a trend. Recent trapping, high trapping pressure and higher-maturity oil may have led to a low-degree of oil cracking, and thus less modification of Tho in the Shengtuo area.Oil cracking results in consistent volume ratios of pyrobitumen to oil inclusions (Fvpy) in the same fluid inclusion assemblage, and the Fvpy value increases with oil cracking level, which can be used to recognize if oil cracking has occurred in oil inclusions and what level of oil cracking they have experienced.As the oil cracking model used in this study did not account for the role of pressure, it is more applicable for oil inclusions that were trapped under normally pressured conditions. Oil inclusions trapped under overpressured conditions will be less influenced by oil cracking.  相似文献   

Compared to conventional reservoirs, pore structure and diagenetic alterations of unconventional tight sand oil reservoirs are highly heterogeneous. The Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation is a major tight-oil-bearing formation in the Ordos Basin, providing an opportunity to study the factors that control reservoir heterogeneity and the heterogeneity of oil accumulation in tight oil sandstones.The Chang 8 tight oil sandstone in the study area is comprised of fine-to medium-grained, moderately to well-sorted lithic arkose and feldspathic litharenite. The reservoir quality is extremely heterogeneous due to large heterogeneities in the depositional facies, pore structures and diagenetic alterations. Small throat size is believed to be responsible for the ultra-low permeability in tight oil reservoirs. Most reservoirs with good reservoir quality, larger pore-throat size, lower pore-throat radius ratio and well pore connectivity were deposited in high-energy environments, such as distributary channels and mouth bars. For a given depositional facies, reservoir quality varies with the bedding structures. Massive- or parallel-bedded sandstones are more favorable for the development of porosity and permeability sweet zones for oil charging and accumulation than cross-bedded sandstones.Authigenic chlorite rim cementation and dissolution of unstable detrital grains are two major diagenetic processes that preserve porosity and permeability sweet zones in oil-bearing intervals. Nevertheless, chlorite rims cannot effectively preserve porosity-permeability when the chlorite content is greater than a threshold value of 7%, and compaction played a minor role in porosity destruction in the situation. Intensive cementation of pore-lining chlorites significantly reduces reservoir permeability by obstructing the pore-throats and reducing their connectivity. Stratigraphically, sandstones within 1 m from adjacent sandstone-mudstone contacts are usually tightly cemented (carbonate cement > 10%) with low porosity and permeability (lower than 10% and 0.1 mD, respectively). The carbonate cement most likely originates from external sources, probably derived from the surrounding mudstone. Most late carbonate cements filled the previously dissolved intra-feldspar pores and the residual intergranular pores, and finally formed the tight reservoirs.The petrophysical properties significantly control the fluid flow capability and the oil charging/accumulation capability of the Chang 8 tight sandstones. Oil layers usually have oil saturation greater than 40%. A pore-throat radius of less than 0.4 μm is not effective for producible oil to flow, and the cut off of porosity and permeability for the net pay are 7% and 0.1 mD, respectively.  相似文献   

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