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Currently, the Upper Ordovician Wufeng (O3w) and Lower Silurian Longmaxi (S1l) Formations in southeast Sichuan Basin have been regarded as one of the most important target plays of shale gas in China. In this work, using a combination of low-pressure gas adsorption (N2 and CO2), mercury injection porosimetry (MIP) and high-pressure CH4 adsorption, we investigate the pore characteristics and methane sorption capacity of the over-mature shales, and discuss the main controlling factors for methane sorption capacity and distribution of methane gas in pore spaces.Low pressure CO2 gas adsorption shows that micropore volumes are characterized by three volumetric maxima (at about 0.35, 0.5 and 0.85 nm). The reversed S-shaped N2 adsorption isotherms are type Ⅱ with hysteresis being noticeable in all the samples. The shapes of hysteresis loop are similar to the H3 type, indicating the pores are slit- or plate-like. Mesopore size distributions are unimodal and pores with diameters of 2–16 nm account for the majority of mesopore volume, which is generally consistent with MIP results. The methane sorption capacities of O3w-S1l shales are in a range of 1.63–3.66 m3/t at 30 °C and 10 MPa. Methane sorption capacity increase with the TOC content, surface area and micropore volume, suggesting organic matter might provide abundant adsorption site and enhance the strong methane sorption capacity. Samples with higher quartz content and lower clay content have larger sorption capacity. Our data confirmed that the effects of temperature and pressure on methane sorption capacity of shale formation are opposite to some extent, suggesting that, during the burial or uplift stage, the gas sorption capacity of hydrocarbon reservoirs can be expressed as a function of burial depth. Based on the adsorption energy theory, when the pore diameter is larger than 2 nm, much methane molecular will be adsorbed in pores space with distance to pore wall less than 2 nm; while free gas is mainly stored in the pore space with distance to pore wall larger than 2 nm. Distributions of adsorption space decrease with the increasing pore size, while free gas volume increase gradually, assuming the pore are cylindrical or sphere. Particularly, when the pore size is larger than 30 nm, the content of adsorbed gas space volume is very low and its contribution to the all gas content is negligible.  相似文献   

This contribution presents results from a laboratory study investigating the fluid (gas/water) transport properties in the matrix system of the Scandinavian Alum Shale. The maturity of the organic matter of the shale samples ranged between 0.5 and 2.4% vitrinite reflectance (VRr). Gas (He, Ar, CH4) and water flow properties were determined at effective stresses ranging between 5 and 30 MPa and a temperature of 45 °C. The effects of different controlling factors/parameters on the fluid conductivity including permeating fluid, moisture content, anisotropy, heterogeneity, effective stress, pore pressure, and load cycling were analyzed and discussed. Pore volume measurements by helium expansion were conducted under controlled “in situ” effective stress conditions on a limited number of plugs drilled parallel and perpendicular to bedding.For Alum Shale the intrinsic permeability coefficients measured parallel and perpendicular to bedding (6·10−22–8·10−18 m2) were within the range previously reported for other shales and mudstones. Permeability coefficients were strongly dependent on permeating fluid, moisture content, anisotropy, effective stress and other sample-to-sample variations. The intrinsic/absolute permeabilities measured with helium were consistently, higher (up to five times) than those measured with argon and methane. Permeability coefficients (He, CH4) measured on a dry sample were up to six times higher than those measured on an “as-received” sample, depending on effective stress. The effect of moisture on measured permeability coefficients became more significant as effective stress increased. Permeability coefficients (He, CH4) measured parallel to bedding were up to more than one order of magnitude higher than those measured perpendicular to bedding. Parallel to bedding, all samples showed a nonlinear reduction in permeability with increasing effective stress (5–30 MPa). The stress dependence of permeability could be well described by an exponential relationship.  相似文献   

Shales from the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the Sichuan Basin are among the most important shale gas reservoirs in China, and have been investigated because of their great shale gas potential. To understand the pore structure and fractal characteristics of the shales, a series of experiments was conducted on core samples from the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the Sichuan Basin of China, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), total organic carbon (TOC) content and vitrinite reflectance (Ro) analysis, field emission-environmental scanning electron microscope (FE-ESEM) observation, and low-pressure N2 adsorption-desorption experiments. Frenkel-Halsey-Hill (FHH) method was applied to calculate fractal dimensions. In addition, the pore genesis, the relationships between composition and thermal maturity, the pore structure parameters, and the fractal dimensions are discussed. FE-ESEM observation results show that the Longmaxi Formation shales are dominated by organic-matter (OM) pores along with interparticle (interP) pores, intraparticle (intraP) pores and fracture pores. This study identified the fractal dimensions at relative pressures of 0–0.45 and 0.45–1 as D1 and D2 respectively. D1 ranged from 2.60 to 2.71 and D2 ranged from 2.71 to 2.82. D1 was typically smaller than D2, indicating that the smaller pores in shales were more homogeneous than the larger ones. The formation of these OM pores is owing to kerogen deformation during the thermal maturation, which results in a large number of nanopores. The pore structure of the Longmaxi Formation shales is primarily controlled by TOC content and thermal maturity. TOC content is a controlling factor on the fractal dimensions as it exhibited positive correlations with D1 and D2. Fractal dimensions are useful for the characterization of the pore structures complexity of the Longmaxi Formation shales because D1 and D2 correlate well with pore structure parameters as they both increase with the increase of surface area and the decrease of average pore diameter.  相似文献   

Low and high resolution petrographic studies have been combined with mineralogical, TOC, RockEval and porosity data to investigate controls on the evolution of porosity in stratigraphically equivalent immature, oil-window and gas-window samples from the Lower Toarcian Posidonia Shale formation. A series of 26 samples from three boreholes (Wickensen, Harderode and Haddessen) in the Hils syncline was investigated. The main primary components of the shales are microfossiferous calcite (30–50%), clay minerals (20–30%) and Type II organic matter (TOC = 7–15%, HI = 630–720 mg/gC in immature samples). Characteristic sub-centimetric light and dark lamination reflects rapid changes in the relative supply of these components. Total porosities decrease from 10 to 14% at Ro = 0.5% to 3–5% at Ro = 0.9% and then increase to 9–12% at Ro = 1.45%. These maturity-related porosity changes can be explained by (a) the primary composition of the shales, (b) carbonate diagenesis, (c) compaction and (d) the maturation, micro-migration, local trapping and gasification of heterogeneous organic phases. Calcite undergoes dissolution and reprecipitation reactions throughout the maturation sequence. Pores quantifiable in SEM (>ca. 50 nm) account for 14–25% of total porosity. At Ro = 0.5%, SEM-visible macropores1 are associated mainly with biogenic calcite. At this maturity, clays and organic matter are not visibly porous but nevertheless hold most of the shale porosity. Porosity loss into the oil window reflects (a) compaction, (b) carbonate cementation and (c) perhaps the swelling of kerogen by retained oil. In addition, porosity is occluded by a range of bituminous phases, especially in microfossil macropores and microfractures. In the gas window, mineral-hosted porosity is still the primary form of macroporosity, most commonly observed at the organic-inorganic interface. Increasing porosity into the gas window also coincides with the formation of isolated, spongy and complex meso- and macropores within organic particles, related to thermal cracking and gas generation. This intraorganic porosity is highly heterogeneous: point-counted macroporosity of individual organic particles ranges from 0 to 40%, with 65% of organic particles containing no macropores. We suggest that this reflects the physicochemical heterogeneity of the organic phases plus the variable mechanical protection afforded by the mineral matrix to allow macroporosity to be retained. The development of organic macroporosity cannot alone account for the porosity increase observed from oil to gas window; major contributions also come from the increased volume of organic micro- and meso-porosity, and perhaps by kerogen shrinkage.  相似文献   

Previous studies have determined many types of pores in shale, such as organic pores, inorganic pores and microfractures. In this study, pores are classified as intergranular, intraparticle, and organic pores based on the location of their occurrence. The heterogeneities of the three pore types and their effects on the occurrence of shale gas, which is of utmost practical importance for shale gas exploration and development, are discussed. In this study, the three types of pores are quantitatively characterized using fractal and multifractal methods. The mean fractal dimension and mean width of the multifractal spectrum of these pores are found to be different, i.e., 1.5985 and 1.665 for intraparticle pores, 1.5869 and 1.475 for intergranular pores, and 1.6 and 1.3725 for organic pores. Intraparticle pores have the highest heterogeneity, intergranular pores have intermediate heterogeneity, and organic pores have the lowest heterogeneity. SEM images show that organic pores have good connectivity, homogeneous distribution, and small range of aperture change but have the lowest heterogeneity even where pores are abundant; thus, they provide the largest shale gas occurrence space. In contrast, intergranular pores are less abundant, have lower connectivity, and have higher heterogeneity than organic pores, thereby providing a relatively smaller shale gas occurrence space. Finally, intraparticle pores are the least abundant and possess the poorest connectivity, largest range of aperture change, and highest heterogeneity of the three pore types, thereby providing the smallest shale gas occurrence space. We conclude that organic pores are crucial to the occurrence of shale gas and can provide a new index for the evaluation of shale gas exploration and development.  相似文献   

The Wufeng-Longmaxi organic-rich shales host the largest shale gas fields of China. This study examines sealed fractures within core samples of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shales in the Jiaoshiba shale gas field in order to understand the development of overpressures (in terms of magnitude, timing and burial) in Wufeng-Longmaxi shales and thus the causes of present-day overpressure in these Paleozoic shale formations as well as in all gas shales. Quartz and calcite fracture cements from the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale intervals in four wells at depth intervals between 2253.89 m and 3046.60 m were investigated, and the fluid composition, temperature, and pressure during natural fracture cementation determined using an integrated approach consisting of petrography, Raman spectroscopy and microthermometry. Many crystals in fracture cements were found to contain methane inclusions only, and aqueous two-phase inclusions were consistently observed alongside methane inclusions in all cement samples, indicating that fluid inclusions trapped during fracture cementation are saturated with a methane hydrocarbon fluid. Homogenization temperatures of methane-saturated aqueous inclusions provide trends in trapping temperatures that Th values concentrate in the range of 198.5 °C–229.9 °C, 196.2 °C-221.7 °C for quartz and calcite, respectively. Pore-fluid pressures of 91.8–139.4 MPa for methane inclusions, calculated using the Raman shift of C-H symmetric stretching (v1) band of methane and equations of state for supercritical methane, indicate fluid inclusions trapped at near-lithostatic pressures. High trapping temperature and overpressure conditions in fluid inclusions represent a state of temperature and overpressure of Wufeng-Longmaxi shales at maximum burial and the early stage of the Yanshanian uplift, which can provide a key evidence for understanding the formation and evolution of overpressure. Our results demonstrate that the main cause of present-day overpressure in shale gas deposits is actually the preservation of moderate-high overpressure developed as a result of gas generation at maximum burial depths.  相似文献   

To study the sedimentary environment of the Lower Cambrian organic-rich shales and isotopic geochemical characteristics of the residual shale gas, 20 black shale samples from the Niutitang Formation were collected from the Youyang section, located in southeastern Chongqing, China. A combination of geochemical, mineralogical, and trace element studies has been performed on the shale samples from the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, and the results were used to determine the paleoceanic sedimentary environment of this organic-rich shale. The relationships between total organic carbon (TOC) and total sulfur (TS) content, carbon isotope value (δ13Corg), trace element enrichment, and mineral composition suggest that the high-TOC Niutitang shale was deposited in an anoxic environment and that the organic matter was well preserved after burial. Stable carbon isotopes and biomarkers both indicate that the organic matter in the Niutitang black shales was mainly derived from both lower aquatic organisms and algaes and belong to type I kerogen. The oil-prone Niutitang black shales have limited residual hydrocarbons, with low values of S2, IH, and bitumen A. The carbon isotopic distribution of the residual gas indicate that the shale gas stored in the Niutitang black shale was mostly generated from the cracking of residual bitumen and wet gas during a stage of significantly high maturity. One of the more significant observations in this work involves the carbon isotope compositions of the residual gas (C1, C2, and C3) released by rock crushing. A conventional δ13C1–δ13C2 trend was observed, and most δ13C2 values of the residual gases are heavier than those of the organic matter (OM) in the corresponding samples, indicating the splitting of ethane bonds and the release of smaller molecules, leading to 13C enrichment in the residual ethane.  相似文献   

Shale reservoirs of the Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group provide an opportunity to study the influence of rock composition on permeability and pore throat size distribution in high maturity formations. Sedimentological, geochemical and petrophysical analyses reveal relationships between rock composition, pore throat size and matrix permeability.In our sample set, measured matrix permeability ranges between 1.69 and 42.81 nanodarcies and increases with increasing porosity. Total organic carbon (TOC) content positively correlates to permeability and exerts a stronger control on permeability than inorganic composition. A positive correlation between silica content and permeability, and abundant interparticle pores between quartz crystals, suggests that quartz may be another factor enhancing the permeability. Pore throat size distributions are strongly related to TOC content. In organic rich samples, the dominant pore throat size is less than 10 nm, whereas in organic lean samples, pore throat size distribution is dominantly greater than 20 nm. SEM images suggest that in organic rich samples, organic matter pores are the dominant pore type, whereas in quartz rich samples, the dominant type is interparticle pores between quartz grains. In clay rich and carbonate rich samples, the dominant pore type is intraparticle pores, which are fewer and smaller in size.High permeability shales are associated with specific depositional facies. Massive and pyritic mudstones, rich in TOC and quartz, have comparatively high permeability. Laminated mudstone, bioturbated mudstone and carbonate facies, which are relatively enriched in clay or carbonate, have fairly low permeability.  相似文献   

Mineral types (detrital and authigenic) and organic-matter components of the Ordovician-Silurian Wufeng and Longmaxi Shale (siliceous, silty, argillaceous, and calcareous/dolomitic shales) in the Sichuan Basin, China are used as a case study to understand the control of grain assemblages and organic matter on pores systems, diagenetic pathway, and reservoir quality in fine-grained sedimentary rocks. This study has been achieved using a combination of petrographic, geochemical, and mercury intrusion methods. The results reveal that siliceous shale comprises an abundant amount of diagenetic quartz (40–60% by volume), and authigenic microcrystalline quartz aggregates inhibit compaction and preserve internal primary pores as rigid framework for oil filling during oil window. Although silty shale contains a large number of detrital silt-size grains (30–50% by volume), which is beneficial to preserve interparticle pores, the volumetric contribution of interparticle pores (mainly macropores) is small. Argillaceous shale with abundant extrabasinal clay minerals (>50% by volume) undergoes mechanical and chemical compactions during burial, leading to a near-absence of primary interparticle pores, while pores preserved between clay platelets are dominant with more than 10 nm in pore size. Pore-filling calcite and dolomite precipitated during early diagenesis inhibit later compaction in calcareous/dolomitic shale, but the cementation significantly reduces the primary interparticle pores. Pore-throat size distributions of dolomitic shale show a similar trend with silty shale. Besides argillaceous shale, all of the other lithofacies are dominated by OM pores, which contribute more micropores and mesopores and is positively related to TOC and quartz contents. The relationship between pore-throat size and pore volume shows that most pore volumes are provided by pore throats with diameters <50 nm, with a proportion in the order of siliceous (80.3%) > calcareous/dolomitic (78.4%) > silty (74.9%) > argillaceous (61.3%) shales. In addition, development degree and pore size of OM pores in different diagenetic pathway with the same OM type and maturity show an obvious difference. Therefore, we suggest that the development of OM pores should take OM occurrence into account, which is related to physical interaction between OM and inorganic minerals during burial diagenesis. Migrated OM in siliceous shale with its large connected networks is beneficial for forming more and larger pores during gas window. The result of the present work implies that the study of mineral types (detrital and authigenic) and organic matter-pores are better understanding the reservoir quality in fine-grained sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

Nanoporosity of a shale gas reservoir provides essential information on the gas accumulation space and controls the gas reserves. The characteristics of heterogeneous nanoporosity of four shale samples are analyzed by combining quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electronic microscopy (QEMSCAN), focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM), and nano-CT. The representative elementary area (REA) is proposed by QEMSCAN to detect the imaging area that can represent the overall contents of minerals and organic matter. Combined with the statistics of pores in minerals and organic matter by FIB-SEM, the quantitative nanoporosity is obtained. The nano-CT is used to compare the total nanoporosity that was obtained by FIB-SEM. The results show that shale has distinct characteristics in nanoporosities due to the variation in organic matter and mineral content. The major pore sizes of the organic matter and clay minerals are smaller than 400 nanometers (nm), and the pore sizes of feldspar and pyrite are mainly 200–600 nm. The pore sizes for pores developed in quartz and carbonate minerals range from a few nanometers to 1000 nm. Furthermore, pores smaller than 400 nm mainly provide the total nanoporosity. The nanoporosities in the organic matter are approximately 17%–21%. Since the organic matter content (0.54%–6.98%) is low, the organic matter contributes approximately 5%–33% of the total nanoporosity in shale. Conversely, the nanoporosities in quartz and clay are generally lower than 3%. Since the mineral content (93.02%–99.46%) is obviously higher than the organic matter content, the minerals contribute approximately 67%–95% of the total nanoporosity in shale.  相似文献   

Deep-seated gas in seabed sediments migrates upwards from effect of external factors, which easily accumulates to form gasbags at interface of shallow coarse-fine sediments. Real-time monitoring of this process is important to predict disaster. However, there is still a lack of effective monitoring methods, so we attempt to apply multi-points pore water pressure monitoring technology when simulating forming and dissipation of gasbags in sediments through laboratory experiment. This study focuses...  相似文献   

Understanding the controls on coal seam distribution and geometry is fundamental for planning coal seam gas production. In the Jurassic Surat Basin of South East Queensland, Australia, the spatial continuity of coal seams in the Walloon Coal Measures is highly variable and often difficult to map and predict, even with closely spaced (<1000 m) drillings. This paper investigates the frequency and location of thick sandstone in relation to thick coal seams or plies across three broad stratigraphic divisions, Upper Juandah (UJ), Combined Lower Juandah-Taroom (CLJT) and Condamine Coal Measures (CCM), within the Walloon Coal Measures. Basic depositional facies, e.g. channel, floodplain, marginal mire, and coal mire, were interpreted from geophysical logs. An in-house code was used to count the number of coal plies thicker than 2 m, and channel sandstones thicker than 5 m for the UJ and CLJT and 3 m for the CCM at each borehole. Isopleth maps of the numbers of both coal plies and channel sandstones were generated across the basin for the three subdivisions. Results show that there is an upward stratigraphic trend from thick to thin, and then to thick stacked coal plies. This corresponds to a similar vertical thickness change in channel sandstones. The incidence of thick coal and thick sandstone is associated with rising base level within an early transgressive systems tract which was followed by a high stand prior to a regional erosive event above the UJ. Thick and stacked coal plies have a marked tendency to occur in belts adjacent to the thick channel thoroughfares in the basin.  相似文献   

Kimmeridgian organic-rich shales of the Madbi Formation from the Marib-Shabowah Basin in western Yemen were analysed to evaluate the type of organic matter, origin and depositional environments as well as their oil-generation potential. Results of the current study establishes the organic geochemical characteristics of the Kimmeridgian organic-rich shales and identifies the kerogen type based on their organic petrographic characteristics as observed under reflected white light and blue light excitation. Kerogen microscopy shows that the Kimmeridgian organic-rich shales contain a large amount of organic matter, consisting predominantly of yellow fluorescing alginite and amorphous organic matter with marine-microfossils (e.g., dinoflagellate cysts and micro-foraminiferal linings). Terrigenous organic matters (e.g., vitrinite, spores and pollen) are also present in low quantities. The high contributions of marine organic matter with minor terrigenous organic matter are also confirmed by carbon isotopic values. The organic richness of the Kimmeridgian shales is mainly due to good preservation under suboxic to relatively anoxic conditions, as indicated by the percent of numerous pyritized fragments associated with the organic matter. The biomarker parameters obtained from mass spectrometer data on m/z 191 and m/z 217 also indicate that these organic-rich shales contain mixed organic matter that were deposited in a marine environment and preserved under suboxic to relatively anoxic conditions.The Kimmeridgian organic-rich shales thus have high oil and low gas-generation potential due to oil window maturities and the nature of the organic matter, with high content of hydrogen-rich Type II and mixed Type II-III kerogens with minor contributions of Type III kerogen.  相似文献   

Naga fold thrust belt is an emerging destination for petroleum exploration in eastern India. It is a thin skinned FTB where new initiatives are being taken after a long gap of initial discoveries. In absence of sufficient drilling or quality seismic data in the southern part of the fold thrust belt, fluid pressure regimes remain largely speculative. Using the concept and the formulation for efficient coefficient of basal friction, we have revisited the method and concept of pressure-dependent Coulomb wedge theory for thin skinned thrust belts for deriving the fluid pressure ratio in Naga fold thrust belt. The efficient coefficient of basal friction on the decollement and the fluid ratio of Naga fold thrust belt are estimated to be 0.22 and 0.85 respectively. This indicates an overpressure situation in the wedge. This method of estimating basal friction and fluid pressure is more case-specific and can be obtained from the data of thrust initiation angle and thrust spacing.  相似文献   

通过对东海外陆坡–冲绳海槽GSW1孔沉积物孔隙水δ13C、δ18O、δ11B、δ37Cl同位素和Cl−、${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-} $、K+、Na+等离子指标的分析,探讨了沉积物早期成岩作用、流体来源、迁移和氧化环境的变化。研究发现,GSW1孔孔隙水溶解无机碳主要来自海水和有机质,${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-} $浓度随深度下降比较平缓,Cl−浓度远低于海水,该孔表层沉积物中硫酸盐消耗主要由有机质硫酸盐还原作用(OSR)所控制,甲烷厌氧氧化作用(AOM)发生在4 m以下更深的层位。OSR产生的H2S向上扩散富集并被氧化,是导致GSW1孔110~360 cm处 ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-} $浓度未明显下降的主要因素。孔隙水${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-} $浓度整体随着深度增加呈减小的趋势,表明GSW1孔沉积环境由氧化、次氧化环境逐渐转变为还原环境。δ11B、δ37Cl值垂向变化波动较大,一方面受到早期成岩阶段有机质降解的影响,也可能与孔隙流体扩散以及沉积物/孔隙水相互作用有关。  相似文献   

以2011年6月和8月在长江口邻近海域采集的沉积物和间隙水样品为研究对象,讨论了沉积物中生物硅(BSi)和间隙水中溶解硅(DSi)的分布情况和影响因素,并初步探讨了生物硅的循环和保存。结果表明,表层沉积物中BSi的含量较低,且均小于1%。柱状沉积物中BSi的含量范围为0.34%~0.52%。C3、D1站位柱状沉积物中BSi的记录主要是由早期成岩过程控制,33#站位的分布特征主要是由水动力等变化控制。沉积物间隙水中DSi的浓度范围为101.6~263.9 μmol/L,低于纯BSi的溶解度;间隙水的pH值越大,沉积物的含水率越低,还原性越强,间隙水中DSi的含量越高。3站位生物硅的埋藏效率均较高,表明长江口邻近海域是潜在的硅的汇。沉积通量的分布与沉积速率和埋藏效率的分布一致,均有近岸高于远海的趋势。  相似文献   

Shale adsorption and breakthrough pressure are important indicators of shale gas development and key factors in evaluating the reservoir capacities of shales. In this study, geochemical tests, pore-structure tests, methane adsorption tests, and breakthrough-pressure tests were conducted on shales from the Carboniferous Hurleg Formation in eastern Qaidam Basin. The effects of the shale compositions and pore structures on the adsorption and breakthrough pressures were studied, and the reservoir capacities of the shales were evaluated by analyzing the shale adsorptions and sealing effects. The results indicate that the organic carbon content was only one of factors in affecting the adsorption capacity of the shale samples while the effect of the clay minerals was limited. Based on the positive correlation between the adsorption capacity and specific surface area of the shale, the specific surface area of the micropores can be used as an indicator to determine the adsorption capacity of shale. The micro-fracturing of brittle minerals, such as quartz, create a primary path for shale gas breakthrough, whereas the expansion of clay minerals with water greatly increases the breakthrough pressure in the shale samples. Methane adsorption tests showed that maximum methane adsorption for shale samples Z045 and S039 WAS 0.107 and 0.09655 mmol/g, respectively. The breakthrough pressure was 39.36 MPa for sample S039, maintained for 13 days throughout the experiment; however, no breakthrough was observed in sample Z045 when subjected to an injected pressure of 40 MPa for 26 days. This indicates that sample Z045, corresponding to a depth of 846.24 m, exhibited higher adsorption capacity and a better reservoir-sealing effect than sample S039 (498.4 m depth). This study provides useful information for future studies of Qaidam Basin shale gas exploration and development and for evaluation of shale quality.  相似文献   

The planing trimaran possesses distinctive hybrid hydrodynamic and aerodynamic performance due to the presence of tunnel. The research described in this paper was carried out based on the observation of wave characteristics of a planing trimaran model in towing tests, in which the resistance drops as soon as the wave surface separates from tunnel roof. In order to gain a deeper insight into the relationship between wave flow and forces in tunnel region, a comprehensive series of viscous CFD simulations considering free-surface and 2-DOF motion of the hull (heave and pitch) have been performed for the tested model at the volume based Froude numbers ranging from 3.16 to 5.87. The calculated results were validated by comparison with experimental data and showed good agreement. Numerical results of wave contours, longitudinal wave cuts and lifting force distributions at the calculated speeds were presented for the analysis of ventilation process in tunnel region and the corresponding variation of tunnel forces. It is found that, for the speeds higher than Froude number of 4.52, the aerodynamic forces provide major tunnel lift and mainly act on the straight section of the tunnel. And, therefore, numerical simulations of two modified models have also been performed for the analysis of influence of straight section length on the hydrodynamic and aerodynamic performance of planing trimaran.  相似文献   

The Dongsha area is one of the most promising target areas for gas hydrate exploration in the South China Sea(SCS).The study of pore water geochemistry has played a key role in Chinese gas hydrate exploration.Br/Cl,I/Cl and δ37Cl in pore water were applied here in tracing gas hydrate occurrence,chemical evolution of pore fluids and water/rock interactions in low temperature sediment environments.The samples were collected from Sites HD255 PC and HD309 PC in the Dongsha area in 2004.At Site HD255 PC,we found the elevated Br/Cl,I/Cl and decreased SO_4/Cl at the depth of 4–5 m,suggestive of a laterally migrated fluid probably generated from the gas hydrate occurrence.The range of δ37Cl is –0.54‰ to +0.96‰,and positive δ~(37)Cl at 4–5 m interval should be related with different diffusion rates between ~(35)Cl and ~(37)Cl.At Site HD309 PC,a laterally migrated fluid was also found at the depth of 3–4 m,with the Br/Cl two times to that of the seawater and decreased I/Cl,indicating the fluid has no relationship with the gas hydrate.In this site,the chlorine isotopic composition varies from –0.7‰ to+1.9‰.Extra high Br/Cl might relate with the deep generated fluid.At higher temperature and pressure,the Br/Cl of the fluid is elevated during the hydrous silicate formation,while positive δ37Cl is also associated with the same mechanism.  相似文献   

利用室内周期循环加载试验 ,对黄河水下三角洲土体中孔隙水压力的变化加以测定 ,通过对波浪水槽试验和动三轴试验 2种方案所获数据分析认为黄河水下三角洲土体 (粉土、粘质粉土、粉质粘土 )存在一破坏的循环极限荷载。在小于此极限循环荷载作用情况下 ,土体中孔隙水压力总体呈现下降趋势 ,没有积累升高的过程 ,不同于砂土在循环荷载作用下孔隙水压力升高导致液化的情况。这一现象对判别黄河水下三角洲土体破坏机制的研究有重要意义。  相似文献   

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