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S. Kwon  W.J. Cho 《Engineering Geology》2008,101(3-4):110-123
In Korea, a reference disposal system, KRS, was proposed in 2006 after 10 years of research and development. In the KRS, the high-level radioactive waste repository is considered to be located in a crystalline rock likes granite. For a validation of the feasibility, safety, and stability of the KRS, an underground research tunnel, KURT was constructed in Nov. 2006. During the construction of KURT by a controlled blasting, the size and characteristics of an excavation damaged zone(EDZ) were investigated by in situ as well as laboratory tests. The possible influences of an EDZ around a tunnel on the thermal, hydraulic and mechanical behaviors of the near field were investigated by using hydro-mechanical and thermo-mechanical coupling analyses. From this study, it was found that the existence of an EDZ can influence the thermal, hydraulic, and mechanical behaviors of the near field and it was recommended that an EDZ should be considered as an important parameter during the design of underground repositories.  相似文献   

We present microstructural analyses demonstrating how the geometrical distribution and interconnectivity of mica influences quartz crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) development in naturally deformed rocks. We use a polymineralic (Qtz + Pl + Kfs + Bt + Ms ± Grt ± Tur) mylonite from the Zanskar Shear Zone, a section of the South Tibetan Detachment (NW Himalaya), to demonstrate how quartz CPO intensity decreases from quartz-dominated domains to micaceous domains, independently of whether or not quartz grains are pinned by mica grains. We then use a bimineralic (Qtz + Ms) mylonite from the Main Central Thrust (NW Himalaya) to show how increasing mica grain connectivity is concomitant with a systematic weakening of quartz CPO. Our results draw distinctions between CPO weakening due to: (i) second phase drag, leading to ineffective recovery in quartz; and (ii) increased transmission and localisation of strain between interconnected mica grains. In the latter case, well-connected micaceous layers take up most of the strain, weakening the rock and preventing straining of the stronger quartz matrix. Our findings suggest that rock weakening in quartz-rich crustal rocks is influenced not only by the presence of mica-rich layers but also the degree of mica grain connectivity, which allows for more effective strain localization through the entire rock mass.  相似文献   

The Anita Peridotite, in southwestern New Zealand, is a ∼1 × 20 km ultramafic massif that was rapidly extruded from beneath a Cretaceous arc within the 4 km wide mylonitic Anita Shear Zone. The peridotitic body contains a spectacular array of textures that preserve evidence for changing temperature, stress, and deformation mechanisms during the exhumation process. Olivine and orthopyroxene microstructures and lattice-preferred orientations (LPO) record a three-phase deformation history. Dislocation glide on the C- and E-type slip systems is recorded by coarse pre-mylonitised olivine grains, and occurred under hydrous conditions at T ∼650 °C, stress ∼200–700 MPa and strain rate ∼10−15 s−1, probably within hydrated sub-arc mantle lithosphere. Rare protomylonite pods record deformation by dislocation creep in porphyroclasts and dislocation-accommodated grain boundary sliding in the matrix on {0kl}[100] in olivine and (100)[001] in orthopyroxene, under conditions of T ∼730–770 °C, stress ∼52–700 MPa and strain rate ∼10−15 s−1. The massif, however, is dominated by mylonite and ultramylonite that wrap the protomylonite pods, comprising mostly fine-grained olivine neoblasts that lack internal distortions and have uniform LPOs. These textures indicate deformation occurred by grain-size sensitive (GSS) creep at T ∼650 °C, stress ∼69–137 MPa and strain rate ∼10−15 s−1, and thus during conditions of cooling and decreasing stress. GSS creep became more dominant with time, as the proportion of randomly-oriented neoblasts increased and formed interlinked networks that accommodated much of the strain. Grain boundary pinning allowed GSS creep to be maintained in polyphase regions, following mixing of olivine and orthopyroxene, which may have occurred by grain boundary transport in a fluid phase during a “creep cavitation” process. The results indicate that the Anita Peridotite recrystallised and underwent rheological weakening at a constant strain rate, with strain distributed across the entire section. This widespread deformation caused rapid exhumation of the peridotite from the lithospheric mantle into the overlying arc crust. The massif therefore records multiple overprinting phases of deformation under mantle and crustal conditions associated with the rapid exhumation of a large orogenic peridotite.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the retrograde rheological and chemical evolution of quartz and the behaviour of quartzites during retrograde metamorphism following dry high grade metamorphism at 750°C, 7 kbar. SEM-CL and LA-HR-ICP-MS are applied to document quartz texture and chemistry, respectively. Four generations of quartz were distinguished by SEM-CL; Qz1, Qz2, Qz3 and Qz4. Qz1, brecciated and partly dissolved old grains, is enriched in B, Al and Ti when compared with the other types. Qz2, formed during brecciation and partial dissolution of Qz1, has low Al contents (<50 ppm) but, due to rutile inclusions, variable Ti contents when occurring in amphibolite (210–10 ppm) but more consistent values when occurring in quartzites (peak value 32 ppm). Qz3, dark grey luminescent quartz forming fluid migration channels (fluid pathways), has Ti < 5 ppm and Al contents below 10 ppm and B < 1 ppm. Qz4, comprises are group of quartz later than Qz3 filling micron thick cracks and pods with very low luminescent quartz, i.e. darker than Qz3. The textural and chemical evolution of quartz in our study is explained by two major influxes of aqueous fluids during regional uplift and retrogression. They facilitated rehydration and recrystallisation in the otherwise dry high grade quartzites. The first introduction of aqueous fluids was associated with brecciation of the high grade quartz (Qz1) and dissolution/precipitation of quartz (Qz2). Ti in quartz geothermometry (Wark and Watson, Contrib Mineral Petrol 152(6):637–652) gives 626°C in agreement with the retrograde PT-path deduced from phase diagrams. Later fluid influx associated with scapolitisation of amphibolite caused localised recrystallisation (Qz3) and alteration of biotite to muscovite along mm-wide fluid migration channels. During subsequent deformation, Qz3 deformed plastically and recovered by subgrain rotation recrystallisation (SGR), resulting in a reduction of grain size, whereas Qz1 quartz formed micro faults. Qz2 was plastic but did not experience SGR to the same degree as Qz3 quartz. Increased plasticity and recovery rates most likely relate to an increased H2O fugacity and the depletion in trace elements of the quartz lattice by promoting strain softening processes dislocation climb and recovery. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We investigate the internal deformation of orogenic wedges growing by frontal accretion with a two-dimensional numerical model. Our models are limited to crustal deformation and assume a horizontal detachment as observed for various natural orogens (e.g. Alaska and Costa Rica). The model wedges develop as a result of convergence of a brittle sediment layer in front of a strong backstop. We find that our reference model develops in-sequence forward-thrusts which propagate upward from the basal detachment. For this reference model we investigate the sensitivity of shear zone activity to surface processes and strain softening. Model results show that diffusive or slope dependent erosion enhances material transport across the wedge and slows down forward propagation of the deformation front. Frictional strain softening focuses deformation into narrow shear zones and enhances displacement along them. This has also been postulated for natural thrusts such as the Glarus thrust in the Swiss Alps and the Moine thrust in the Scottish Caledonides. A second series of models investigates the effects of regularly spaced weak inclusions within the sediment layer which simulate remnants of previous deformation phases. These inclusions facilitate and focus internal deformation, influence the thrust dip and thrust vergence and enable thrust reactivation in the internal part of the wedge. Our results show that inactive thrusts in the internal part of the wedges may be reactivated in models with diffusive surface processes, strain softening or weak inclusions. Thrust reactivation occurs as models seek to maintain their critical taper angle. First order characteristics of our numerical models agree well with natural orogenic wedges and results from other numerical and analogue models.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the settlement behaviour of a strip footing seating on the crest of an embankment and subjected to cyclic loading. The embankment fill is a dense sand and the issue is the gradual accumulation of settlement over a large number of load repetitions. Cyclic triaxial tests were first conducted to develop a consistent but simple material model for numerical implementation. Particular emphasis was placed on linking the stress-strain behaviour of an unload-reload cycle to the accumulation of permanent strain, with only five input parameters required to model the cyclic behaviour. The material model was implemented in a numerical analysis to compute the settlement behaviour obtained from model tests conducted by another researcher. It is pertinent to highlight that the same soil, compacted to same density at same moisture content, was used for both the cyclic triaxial tests and model tests. Reasonable to good agreement between the experimental and numerical results was achieved.  相似文献   

The rotational behaviour of a rigid particle embedded in a linear viscous matrix undergoing cylindrical simple shear (Couette) flow was studied in 2D rock-analogue experiments. The influence of particle shape (elliptical vs. monoclinic), aspect ratio and the nature of the matrix/particle interface (lubricated vs. unlubricated) was investigated. Both matrix (PDMS) and lubricant (liquid soap) were linear viscous, with a viscosity ratio of ca. 104. Without lubricant, the rotational behaviour of all particles closely approximates the Jeffery theory. Lubricated monoclinic particles with the long diagonal initially parallel to the shear direction show back rotation and approach a stable position. Lubricated elliptical particles initially parallel to the shear direction also show back rotation but only transiently stabilize. Weak planar zones in the matrix adjacent to unlubricated elliptical particles do not induce backward rotation. In general for elliptical particles, rotation rate as a function of orientation depends on axial ratio and thickness of the lubricant mantle. For thick mantles (initially >10% of the volume of the particle), rotation rates are faster than Jeffery theory. For very thin mantles they are markedly slower compared with thick mantles, particularly when the long axis is nearly parallel to the shear direction. Rotation rates are never strictly zero, so true stabilization does not occur. However, for more elongate particles (axial RATIO=6) rotation rates are so slow that a very strong shape preferred orientation would develop in a lubricated elliptical particle population. In experiments, the volume of lubricant is constant and the thickness adjacent to the long side of the particle progressively decreases with increasing strain. In natural examples of porphyroclast systems, the weak mantle continually develops by recrystallization and/or cataclasis of the rigid clast core and a steady state between production and thinning could be attained, potentially leading to true stabilization for particles with a high axial ratio.  相似文献   

The influence of vorticity and rheology of matrix material on the development of shape-preferred orientation (SPO) of populations of rigid objects was experimentally studied. Experiments in plane strain monoclinic flow were performed to model the fabric development of two populations of rectangular rigid objects with object aspect ratios (Rob) 2 and 3. The density of the rigid object populations was 14% of the total area. Objects were dispersed in a Newtonian and a non-Newtonian, power law matrix material with a power law exponent n of 1.2. The kinematic vorticity number (Wn) of the plane strain monoclinic flow was 1, 0.8 and 0.6 with finite simple shear strain of 4.6, 3.0 and 0.9, respectively. In experiments with Rob=3, the SPO is strongly influenced by Wn and the material properties of the matrix. Deformation of a power law matrix material and low Wn resulted in a stronger SPO than deformation of a linear viscous matrix and high Wn. Strain localization coupled with particle interaction plays a significant role in the development of a shape-preferred orientation. High strain simple shear zones separate trains of rigid objects that are surrounded by low strain zones with Wn lower than the bulk Wn. In fabrics involving populations of objects with Rob=2, rheology of the matrix materials does not systematically influence the intensity of the SPO.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of an environmentally friendly stabilising agent for soil, namely, lignosulfonate was examined through a series of laboratory tests. A simple bounding surface plasticity model was developed to capture the bonding effects induced by lignosulfonate. One of the appealing aspects of the model is that it can incorporate the mechanical behaviour of the bonded soil during shearing, including the brittle and ductile failure modes. Validity of the model was verified by experimental results of lignosulfonate-treated soils under different stress path conditions. The mechanical behaviour of chemically treated soil was adequately captured by the model.  相似文献   

Plane-strain coaxial deformation of a competent plasticine layer embedded in an incompetent plasticine matrix was carried out to improve our understanding about the evolution of folds and boudins if the layer is oriented perpendicular to the Y-axis of the finite strain ellipsoid. The rock analogues used were Beck’s green plasticine (matrix) and Beck’s black plasticine (competent layer), both of which are strain-rate softening modelling materials with a stress exponent n=ca. 8. The effective viscosity η of the matrix plasticine was changed by adding different amounts of oil to the original plasticine. At a strain rate of 10−3 s−1 and a finite strain e of 10%, the effective viscosity of the matrix ranges from 1.2×106 to 7.2×106 Pa s. The effective viscosity of the competent layer has been determined as 4.2×107 Pa s. If the viscosity ratio is large (ca. 20) and the initial thickness of the competent layer is small, both folds and boudins develop simultaneously. Although the growth rate of the folds seems to be higher than the growth rate of the boudins, the wavelength of both structures is approximately the same as is suggested by analytical solutions. A further unexpected, but characteristic, aspect of the deformed competent layer is a significant increase in thickness, which can be used to distinguish plane-strain folds and boudins from constrictional folds and boudins.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The paper investigates the effect of constitutive models on the predicted response of a simplified benchmark problem, an embankment on soft soil. The soft soil is assumed to have the properties of POKO clay from Finland and five different constitutive models are used to model the deposit. Two of the models are isotropic models, i.e. the Modified Cam Clay model and the Soft‐Soil model. The other models are recently proposed constitutive models that account for plastic anisotropy. The S‐CLAY1 and S‐CLAY1S models are embedded in a standard elasto‐plastic framework and account for anisotropy via a rotational hardening law. In addition, the S‐CLAY1S model accounts for bonding and destructuration. In contrast, the Multilaminate Model for Clay (MMC) accounts for plastic anisotropy by utilizing so‐called multilaminate framework. The results of numerical simulations show that accounting for anisotropy results in notable differences in the predicted settlements and horizontal movements compared to the predictions using the isotropic models. There are also significant differences in the K0 predictions by the different constitutive models and this has a significant impact on the results. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deformed conglomerates and ooidal/oncoidal packstones are commonly used to evaluate finite strain in deformed sedimentary successions. In order to obtain a correct estimate of finite strain, it is necessary to consider not only the different behaviour of matrix and objects, but also object concentration. The analysis of two-component rocks characterised by high values of packing commonly results in a substantial underestimate of bulk strain and of viscosity contrast between objects and matrix. In this study, the effects of the volumetric fraction of competent inclusions on both object and bulk measured finite strain, as well as on apparent viscosity contrast, have been investigated in naturally deformed packstones characterised by variable object concentration on the scale of the hand specimen (and hence for homogenous viscosity contrast). Object finite strain has been obtained by Rf/ analysis, whereas the Fry method provides a measure of whole-rock strain that is also a function of inclusion concentration. Therefore, the finite strain measured by the Fry method is better termed effective bulk strain. In order to investigate the role of object concentration, this parameter has been plotted against object and effective bulk strain, and also against viscosity contrast. These diagrams show that: (i) for high values of packing, measured object and effective bulk strain show values that are significantly lower with respect to the calculated maximum value (that would result in the ideal case of no particle interaction and represents therefore the real bulk strain of the samples); (ii) the viscosity contrast shows lower values with respect to the calculated maximum one (that is equal for the three principal sections of the finite strain ellipsoid), and as packing reaches the maximum value, the viscosity contrast approaches a unit value. Empirical equations have also been found that link object concentration with both object and effective bulk finite strain.  相似文献   

Strain energy concept has been employed by the researchers for the assessment of liquefaction phenomenon which is a disastrous type of earthquake-induced failure in saturated soils. The efficiency and predictability conditions of strain energy concept for liquefaction potential assessment are investigated herein using effective stress numerical analyses. Several earthquake ground motions were introduced to the base of a calibrated numerical model using an advanced fully coupled constitutive model. Results of the numerical analyses indicate that earthquake-induced excess pore pressure is more rigorously proportional to strain energy compared with the other examined intensity measures. Subsequently, a simple relationship was derived using the results of dynamic analyses to predict cumulative strain energy density in terms of magnitude, source to site distance, and effective overburden pressure. This relationship, which tries to guarantee the predictability condition of strain energy demand, has demonstrated a successful capability in discrimination between the liquefied and non-liquefied case histories recorded after several well-known earthquakes. This study has provided a practical linkage between numerical analysis and field observations. Finally, it is concluded that although strain energy approach possesses a great conceptual efficiency in liquefaction potential assessment, its precise prediction in actual field conditions involves some difficulties.  相似文献   

Most orogenic belts owe their development to oblique convergence and commonly have many orogen-parallel transpressional high-strain zones. To constrain the tectonic history of orogenic belts by structural and fabric analysis of rocks, it is desirable to understand quantitatively the relationship between the boundary conditions and the resulting strain distribution and kinematics in these zones. Most current models for transpression assume homogeneous deformation confined by boundaries that are fixed to material planes. This creates a strain compatibility problem at the margins of the active deforming zone and also requires that the strain rate normal to the zone boundaries increase to implausibly high values soon after the onset of oblique convergence (transpressional motion). The latter contradicts with the observation that transpressional motion can be sustained throughout an orogeny. The assumption that zone boundaries are fixed to material planes is unrealistic. The outstanding problems of current transpressional models are resolved in this paper by allowing the zone boundaries to migrate through the rock material. The consequence of zone boundary migration for the strain field and kinematics within a transpressional high-strain zone is investigated mathematically. The implications of the modeling for fabric interpretation are discussed. The modeling makes general predictions consistent with observed planar and linear fabric patterns in natural transpressional high-strain zones. It predicts that foliations in transpressional high-strain zones are subparallel to the zone boundaries regardless of variation in the imposed boundary conditions. Lineations cluster along the great circle girdle subparallel to the average foliation. The spread of the lineations may vary from point maxima to complete girdles.  相似文献   

A fully integrated ice‐sheet and glacio‐isostatic numerical model was run in order to investigate the crustal response to ice loading during the Late Weichselian glaciation of the Barents Sea. The model was used to examine the hypothesis that relative reductions in water depth, caused by glacio‐isostatic uplift, may have aided ice growth from Scandinavia and High Arctic island archipelagos into the Barents Sea during the last glacial. Two experiments were designed in which the bedrock response to ice loading was examined: (i) complete and rapid glaciation of the Barents Sea when iceberg calving is curtailed except at the continental margin, and (ii) staged growth of ice in which ice sheets are allowed to ground at different water depths. Model results predict that glacially generated isostatic uplift, caused by an isostatic forebulge from loads on Scandinavia, Svalbard and other island archipelagos, affected the central Barents Sea during the early phase of glaciation. Isostatic uplift, combined with global sea‐level fall, is predicted to have reduced sea level in parts of the central Barents Sea by up to 200 m. This reduction would have been sufficient to raise the sea floor of the Central Bank into a subaerial position. Such sea‐floor emergence is conducive to the initiation of grounded ice growth in the central Barents Sea. The model indicates that, prior to its glaciation, the depth of the Central Deep would have been reduced from around 400 m to 200 m. Such uplift aided the migration of grounded ice from the central Barents Sea and Scandinavia into the Central Deep. We conclude that ice loading over Scandinavia and Arctic island archipelagos during the first stages of the Late Weichselian may have caused uplift within the central Barents Sea and aided the growth of ice across the entire Barents Shelf. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study of the creation and evolution of the excavation disturbed zone (EDZ) in argillaceous rocks is a major issue for the safety of nuclear wastes underground repositories. In this context, the argillaceous Tournemire site has provided a unique opportunity to study the evolution of the EDZ with time thanks to the existence of three openings of different ages. A thorough characterization of the EDZ has been conducted by different means such as visual observation, analysis of samples extracted from drilled boreholes, EDZ permeability measurements, etc. On the basis of these measurements, a conceptual model of the EDZ initiation and propagation at the Tournemire site has been proposed. In order to validate this model, numerical simulations of increasing complexity have been carried out. In a first attempt, the response of the rock mass to the excavation phase, followed by seasonal cyclic variations of temperature and relative humidity inside the opening, has been simulated by means of a purely mechanical analysis, using a simple elastic material model. The EDZ has been estimated by post-processing the calculated stress states, using a Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion. The results obtained show that no EDZ could be predicted unless adopting a low cohesion value for the rock mass. Moreover, the deferred nature of the EDZ formation in Tournemire could not be reproduced. These limitations have then been suppressed by using a coupled viscoplastic-damaging mechanical model, the parameters of which have been identified from different laboratory experiments. With this model, a time evolution of the EDZ could be predicted, but the EDZ pattern could not match the one observed in situ. Finally, in view of the importance of the hydraulic couplings, unsaturated hydro-mechanical calculations have been carried out to investigate the effect of the numerous seasonal variations cycles and the resulting shrinkage.  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带位于青藏高原东缘,是中国大陆内部地震活动性最强的大型左行走滑断裂之一,揭示其深部应力状态与应变是认识孕震环境和评估断裂带地震危险性的重要依据。本文选择鲜水河断裂带未来强震危险性较高的康定段作为研究对象,聚焦雅拉河断裂带内的糜棱岩,通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜(SEM)的显微构造分析、粒度统计、石英组构和Ti含量测试,确定石英递进变形过程中差应力的变化和不同阶段的变形温度,构建鲜水河断裂带康定段的地壳强度剖面。观测结果显示,糜棱岩在抬升过程中石英发生颗粒边界迁移(GBM)、亚颗粒旋转(SGR)和膨凸重结晶(BLG)三种类型的变形机制。构建的地壳强度剖面显示,雅拉河断裂带应变速率约为6.08×10-13~1.62×10-11s-1,脆韧性转化带发生在~12.5±2.5km深度,该处岩石极限强度~145.5MPa。实际岩石强度(μ=0.383)小于理论破裂摩尔圆(μ=0.85)的岩石强度发育应变弱化。当韧性变形阶段由位错蠕变形成的应变局部化以及细粒化等机制降低岩石的强度至临界条件时,会导致破裂频次的增强,应力释放发生地震。同时,位错蠕变引起的应变弱化导致岩石强度降低,使高应力无法积累。  相似文献   

In order to demonstrate the feasibility of geological disposal of spent CANDU fuel in Canada, a safety assessment was performed for a hypothetical repository in the Canadian Shield. The assessment shows that the maximum long term radionuclide release from such repository would meet international criteria for dose rate; however, uncertainties in the assumed evolution of the repository were identified. Such uncertainties could be resolved by the consideration of coupled Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) processes. In Task A of the DECOVALEX-THMC project, THM models were developed within the framework of the theory of poroelasticity. Such model development was performed in an iterative manner, using experimental data from laboratory and field tests. The models were used to perform near-field simulations of the evolution of the repository in order to address the above-mentioned uncertainties. This paper presents the definition and rationale of task A and the results of the simulations. From a repository safety point of view, the simulations predict that the maximum temperature would be well below the design target of 100°C; however, the stress on the container can marginally exceed the design value of 15 MPa. However, the most important finding from the simulations is that a rock damage zone could form around the emplacement borehole. Such damage zone can extend a few metres from the walls of the emplacement holes, with permeability values that are orders of magnitude higher than the initial values. The damage zone has the potential to increase the radionuclide transport flux from the geosphere; the effect of such an increase should be taken into account in the safety assessment and mitigated if necessary by the provision of sealing systems. Prepared for publication in Environmental Geology. DECOVALEX-THMC Special Issue.  相似文献   

Conventional numerical predictions of deep excavations normally neglect the construction process of the retaining structure and choose the earth pressure at rest as initial condition at the beginning of the simulation. The presented results of simulation and measurements during the construction process of the Taipei National Enterprise Center show, that such an assumption leads to an underestimation of the horizontal wall deflection, the surface ground settlements as well as the loading of the struts in case of normally to slightly over‐consolidated clayey soil deposits. The stepwise installation process of the individual diaphragm wall panels results in a substantial modification of the lateral effective stresses in the adjacent ground. Especially the pouring process of the panel and the fresh concrete pressure causes a partial mobilization of the passive earth pressure and a distinct stress level increase in the upper half of the wall. As a consequence of the increased stresses prior to the pit excavation, up to 15% greater ground and wall movements are predicted. Moreover, the increased stress level due to the installation process of the diaphragm wall leads to substantial higher strut loadings during the excavation of the pit. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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