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There are two types of gas hydrate-bearing reservoirs in the permafrost area of Qilian Mountain. Most of the gas hydrates occur mainly in the fractured mudstone reservoirs and rarely in the pores of the sandstone reservoirs. In this study, for the acoustic velocity characterization of the fractured gas hydrate reservoirs of the Qilian Mountain permafrost area, some mudstone core samples were collected for physical rock experiments, such as the acoustic experiment and the porosity and permeability experiment. An acoustic velocity numerical simulation of gas hydrate reservoirs was performed according to the Biot theory and the differential effective medium theory, with the conditions of multiple gas hydrate occurrence models, including the suspension model, the semi-cementation model and the cementation model, and considering both infinite and penny-shaped cracks. Fracture porosity was added to the core samples that only contain matrix porosity. With fracture porosity ranging from 0.01% to 5%, the variation laws between acoustic velocity with fractured porosity and hydrate saturation are obtained: (1) In the case of an infinite crack, if the fractured porosity is 0.01%–1%, the P-wave velocity decreases rapidly in the case of the three occurrence models. If the fractured porosity is higher than 1%, the acoustic velocity decreases gradually. If the crack shape is a penny-shaped crack, the P-wave velocity decreases almost linearly with increasing fracture porosity. (2) If the hydrate occurrence model is the suspension model, the P-wave velocity increases slightly with increasing hydrate saturation. If the occurrence model is the semi-cementation model or the cementation model, when the gas hydrate saturation of the infinite crack ranges from 0 to 80%, the acoustic velocity increases approximately linearly, whereas when the gas hydrate saturation ranges from 80% to 100%, the velocity increases rapidly. If the crack is a penny-shaped crack, the velocity increases almost linearly with increasing gas hydrate saturation from 0 to 100%. (3) It is found that the fractured gas hydrate reservoirs of the Qilian Mountain permafrost area contain both penny-shaped and infinite cracks, of which the infinite crack is the main crack shape. The gas hydrate occurrence in the Qilian Mountain permafrost area mainly follows the suspension model. This has significance for the seismic exploration and log evaluation of gas hydrate-bearing fractured reservoirs in the permafrost area of the Qilian Mountain in studying the acoustic velocity characterization, the crack shapes and occurrence models of gas hydrate reservoirs in the study area.  相似文献   

The presence of a wedge of offshore permafrost on the shelf of the Canadian Beaufort Sea has been previously recognized and the consequence of a prolonged occurrence of such permafrost is the possibility of an underlying gas hydrate regime. We present the first evidence for wide-spread occurrences of gas hydrates across the shelf in water depths of 60–100 m using 3D and 2D multichannel seismic (MCS) data. A reflection with a polarity opposite to the seafloor was identified ∼1000 m below the seafloor that mimics some of the bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) in marine gas hydrate regimes. However, the reflection is not truly bottom-simulating, as its depth is controlled by offshore permafrost. The depth of the reflection decreases with increasing water depth, as predicted from thermal modeling of the late Wisconsin transgression. The reflection crosscuts strata and defines a zone of enhanced reflectivity beneath it, which originates from free gas accumulated at the phase boundary over time as permafrost and associated gas hydrate stability zones thin in response to the transgression. The wide-spread gas hydrate occurrence beneath permafrost has implications on the region including drilling hazards associated with the presence of free gas, possible overpressure, lateral migration of fluids and expulsion at the seafloor. In contrast to the permafrost-associated gas hydrates, a deep-water marine BSR was also identified on MCS profiles. The MCS data show a polarity-reversed seismic reflection associated with a low-velocity zone beneath it. The seismic data coverage in the southern Beaufort Sea shows that the deep-water marine BSR is not uniformly present across the entire region. The regional discrepancy of the BSR occurrence between the US Alaska portion and the Mackenzie Delta region may be a result of high sedimentation rates expected for the central Mackenzie delta and high abundance of mass-transport deposits that prohibit gas to accumulate within and beneath the gas hydrate stability zone.  相似文献   

The BPXA-DOE-USGS Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well was drilled and cored from 606.5 to 760.1 m on the North Slope of Alaska, to evaluate the occurrence, distribution and formation of gas hydrate in sediments below the base of the ice-bearing permafrost. Both the dissolved chloride and the isotopic composition of the water co-vary in the gas hydrate-bearing zones, consistent with gas hydrate dissociation during core recovery, and they provide independent indicators to constrain the zone of gas hydrate occurrence. Analyses of chloride and water isotope data indicate that an observed increase in salinity towards the top of the cored section reflects the presence of residual fluids from ion exclusion during ice formation at the base of the permafrost layer. These salinity changes are the main factor controlling major and minor ion distributions in the Mount Elbert Well. The resulting background chloride can be simulated with a one-dimensional diffusion model, and the results suggest that the ion exclusion at the top of the cored section reflects deepening of the permafrost layer following the last glaciation (∼100 kyr), consistent with published thermal models. Gas hydrate saturation values estimated from dissolved chloride agree with estimates based on logging data when the gas hydrate occupies more than 20% of the pore space; the correlation is less robust at lower saturation values. The highest gas hydrate concentrations at the Mount Elbert Well are clearly associated with coarse-grained sedimentary sections, as expected from theoretical calculations and field observations in marine and other arctic sediment cores.  相似文献   

Gases were analyzed from well cuttings, core, gas hydrate, and formation tests at the BPXA-DOE-USGS Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well, drilled within the Milne Point Unit, Alaska North Slope. The well penetrated a portion of the Eileen gas hydrate deposit, which overlies the more deeply buried Prudhoe Bay, Milne Point, West Sak, and Kuparuk River oil fields. Gas sources in the upper 200 m are predominantly from microbial sources (C1 isotopic compositions ranging from −86.4 to −80.6‰). The C1 isotopic composition becomes progressively enriched from 200 m to the top of the gas hydrate-bearing sands at 600 m. The tested gas hydrates occur in two primary intervals, units D and C, between 614.0 m and 664.7 m, containing a total of 29.3 m of gas hydrate-bearing sands. The hydrocarbon gases in cuttings and core samples from 604 to 914 m are composed of methane with very little ethane. The isotopic composition of the methane carbon ranges from −50.1 to −43.9‰ with several outliers, generally decreasing with depth. Gas samples collected by the Modular Formation Dynamics Testing (MDT) tool in the hydrate-bearing units were similarly composed mainly of methane, with up to 284 ppm ethane. The methane isotopic composition ranged from −48.2 to −48.0‰ in the C sand and from −48.4 to −46.6‰ in the D sand. Methane hydrogen isotopic composition ranged from −238 to −230‰, with slightly more depleted values in the deeper C sand. These results are consistent with the concept that the Eileen gas hydrates contain a mixture of deep-sourced, microbially biodegraded thermogenic gas, with lesser amounts of thermogenic oil-associated gas, and coal gas. Thermal gases are likely sourced from existing oil and gas accumulations that have migrated up-dip and/or up-fault and formed gas hydrate in response to climate cooling with permafrost formation.  相似文献   

It is the intent of this paper to explore a significant extent of an entire passive continental margin for hydrate occurrence to understand hydrate modes of occurrence, preferred geologic settings and estimate potential volumes of methane. The presence of gas hydrates offshore of eastern Canada has long been inferred from estimated stability zone calculations, but little physical evidence has been offered. An extensive set of 2-D and 3-D, single and multi-channel seismic reflection data comprising in excess of 140,000 line-km was analyzed. Bottom simulating reflections (BSR) were unequivocally identified at seven sites, ranging between 250 and 445 m below the seafloor and in water depths of 620-2850 m. The combined area of the BSRs is 9311 km2, which comprises a small proportion of the entire theoretical stability zone along the Canadian Atlantic margin (∼715,165 km2). The BSR within at least six of these sites lies in a sedimentary drift deposit or sediment wave field, indicating the likelihood of grain sorting and potential porosity and permeability (reservoir) development. Although there are a variety of conditions required to generate and recognize a BSR, one might assume that these sites offer the most potential for highest hydrate concentration and exploitation. Total hydrate in formation at the sites of recognized BSR’s is estimated at 17 to 190 × 109 m3 or 0.28 to 3.12 × 1013 m3 of methane gas at STP. Although it has been shown that hydrate can exist without a BSR, the results from this regional study argue that conservative estimates of the global reserve of hydrate along continental margins are necessary.  相似文献   

Gas hydrate was discovered in the Krishna–Godavari (KG) Basin during the India National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 1 at Site NGHP-01-10 within a fractured clay-dominated sedimentary system. Logging-while-drilling (LWD), coring, and wire-line logging confirmed gas hydrate dominantly in fractures at four borehole sites spanning a 500 m transect. Three-dimensional (3D) seismic data were subsequently used to image the fractured system and explain the occurrence of gas hydrate associated with the fractures. A system of two fault-sets was identified, part of a typical passive margin tectonic setting. The LWD-derived fracture network at Hole NGHP-01-10A is to some extent seen in the seismic data and was mapped using seismic coherency attributes. The fractured system around Site NGHP-01-10 extends over a triangular-shaped area of ∼2.5 km2 defined using seismic attributes of the seafloor reflection, as well as “seismic sweetness” at the base of the gas hydrate occurrence zone. The triangular shaped area is also showing a polygonal (nearly hexagonal) fault pattern, distinct from other more rectangular fault patterns observed in the study area. The occurrence of gas hydrate at Site NGHP-01-10 is the result of a specific combination of tectonic fault orientations and the abundance of free gas migration from a deeper gas source. The triangular-shaped area of enriched gas hydrate occurrence is bound by two faults acting as migration conduits. Additionally, the fault-associated sediment deformation provides a possible migration pathway for the free gas from the deeper gas source into the gas hydrate stability zone. It is proposed that there are additional locations in the KG Basin with possible gas hydrate accumulation of similar tectonic conditions, and one such location was identified from the 3D seismic data ˜6 km NW of Site NGHP-01-10.  相似文献   

We have implemented a 2-dimensional numerical model for simulating gas hydrate and free gas accumulation in marine sediments. The starting equations are those of the conservation of the transport of momentum, energy, and mass, as well as those of the thermodynamics of methane hydrate stability and methane solubility in the pore-fluid. These constitutive equations are then integrated into a finite element in space, finite-difference in time scheme. We are then able to examine the formation and distribution of methane hydrate and free gas in a simple geologic framework, with respect to the geothermal heat flow, fluid flow, the methane in-situ production and basal flux. Three simulations are performed, leading to the build up of hydrate emplacements largely linear through time. Models act primarily as free gas accumulators and are relatively inefficient with respect to hydrate emplacements: 26–33% of formed methane are converted to hydrate. Seepage of methane across the sea-floor is negligible for fluid flow below 2. 10−11 kg/m2/s. At 5.625 10−11 kg/m2/s however, 9.7% of the formed methane seeps out of the model. Moreover, along strike variation arising in the 2-dimensional model are outlined. In the absence of focused flow, the thermodynamics of hydrate accumulation are primarily one-dimensional. However, changes in free methane compressibility (density) and methane solubility (the intrinsic dissolved methane flux) subtlety impact on the formation of a free gas zone and the distribution of the hydrate emplacements in our 2-dimensional simulations.  相似文献   

During the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 01, a series of well logs were acquired at several sites across the Krishna–Godavari (KG) Basin. Electrical resistivity logs were used for gas hydrate saturation estimates using Archie’s method. The measured in situ pore-water salinity, seafloor temperature and geothermal gradients were used to determine the baseline pore-water resistivity. In the absence of core data, Arp’s law was used to estimate in situ pore-water resistivity. Uncertainties in the Archie’s approach are related to the calibration of Archie coefficient (a), cementation factor (m) and saturation exponent (n) values. We also have estimated gas hydrate saturation from sonic P-wave velocity logs considering the gas hydrate in-frame effective medium rock-physics model. Uncertainties in the effective medium modeling stem from the choice of mineral assemblage used in the model. In both methods we assume that gas hydrate forms in sediment pore space. Combined observations from these analyses show that gas hydrate saturations are relatively low (<5% of the pore space) at the sites of the KG Basin. However, several intervals of increased saturations were observed e.g. at Site NGHP-01-03 (Sh = 15–20%, in two zones between 168 and 198 mbsf), Site NGHP-01-05 (Sh = 35–38% in two discrete zone between 70 and 90 mbsf), and Site NGHP-01-07 shows the gas hydrate saturation more than 25% in two zones between 75 and 155 mbsf. A total of 10 drill sites and associated log data, regional occurrences of bottom-simulating reflectors from 2D and 3D seismic data, and thermal modeling of the gas hydrate stability zone, were used to estimate the total amount of gas hydrate within the KG Basin. Average gas hydrate saturations for the entire gas hydrate stability zone (seafloor to base of gas hydrate stability), sediment porosities, and statistically derived extreme values for these parameters were defined from the logs. The total area considered based on the BSR seismic data covers ∼720 km2. Using the statistical ranges in all parameters involved in the calculation, the total amount of gas from gas hydrate in the KG Basin study area varies from a minimum of ∼5.7 trillion-cubic feet (TCF) to ∼32.1 TCF.  相似文献   

Bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs), known as the base of gas hydrate stability zone, have been recognized and mapped using good quality three-dimensional (3D) pre-stack migration seismic data in Shenhu Area of northern South China Sea. Additionally, seismic attribute technique has been applied to better constrain on the distribution of gas hydrate. The results demonstrate that gas hydrate is characterized by “blank” zone (low amplitude) in instantaneous amplitude attribute. The thickness of gas hydrate stability zone inferred from BSR ranges from 125 to 355 m with an average of 240 m at sea water depth from 950 to 1,600 m in this new gas hydrate province. The volume of gas in-place bound in hydrate is estimated from 1.7 × 109 to 4.8 × 10m3, with the most likely value of around 3.3 × 10m3, using Monte Carlo simulation. Furthermore, geothermal gradient and heat flow are derived from the depths of BSRs using a conductive heat transfer model. The geothermal gradient varies from 35 to 95°C km−1 with an average of 54°C km−1. Corresponding heat flow values range from 43 to 105 mW m−2 with an average of 64 mW m−2. By comparison with geological characteristics, we suggest that the distribution of gas hydrate and heat flow are largely associated with gas chimneys and faults, which are extensively distributed in Shenhu Area, providing easy pathways for fluids migrating into the gas hydrate stability zone for the formation of gas hydrate. This study can place useful constraints for modeling gas hydrate stability zone from measured heat flow data and understanding the mechanism of gas hydrate formation in Shenhu Area.  相似文献   

An analysis of 3D seismic data from the Zhongjiannan Basin in the western margin of the South China Sea (SCS) reveals seismic evidence of gas hydrates and associated gases, including pockmarks, a bottom simulating reflector (BSR), enhanced reflection (ER), reverse polarity reflection (RPR), and a dim amplitude zone (DAZ). The BSR mainly surrounds Zhongjian Island, covering an area of 350 km2 in this 3D survey area. The BSR area and pockmark area do not match each other; where there is a pockmark developed, there is no BSR. The gas hydrate layer builds upward from the base of the stability zone with a thickness of less than 100 m. A mature pockmark usually consists of an outside trough, a middle ridge, and one or more central pits, with a diameter of several kilometers and a depth of several hundreds of meters. The process of pockmark creation entails methane consumption. Dense faults in the study area efficiently transport fluid from large depths to the shallow layer, supporting the formation of gas hydrate and ultimately the pockmark.  相似文献   

Drilling/coring activities onboard JOIDES Resolution for hydrate resource estimation have confirmed gas hydrate in the continental slope of Krishna-Godavari (KG) basin, Bay of Bengal and the expedition recovered fracture filled gas hydrate at the site NGHP-01-10. In this paper we analyze high resolution multi-channel seismic (MCS), high resolution sparker (HRS), bathymetry, and sub-bottom profiler data in the vicinity of site NGHP-01-10 to understand the fault system and thermal regime. We interpreted the large-scale fault system (>5 km) predominantly oriented in NNW-SSE direction near NGHP-01-10 site, which plays an important role in gas hydrate formation and its distribution. The increase in interval velocity from the baseline velocity of 1600 m/s to 1750–1800 m/s within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) is considered as a proxy for the gas hydrate occurrence, whereas the drop in interval velocity to 1400 m/s suggest the presence of free gas below the GHSZ. The analysis of interval velocity suggests that the high concentration of gas hydrate occurs close to the large-scale fault system. We conclude that the gas hydrate concentration near site NGHP-01-10, and likely in the entire KG Basin, is controlled primarily by the faults and therefore has high spatial variability.We also estimated the heat flow and geothermal gradient (GTG) in the vicinity of NGHP-01-10 site using depth and temperature of the seafloor and the BSR. We observed an abnormal GTG increase from 38 °C/km to 45 °C/km at the top of the mound, which remarkably agrees with the measured temperature gradient at the mound (NGHP-01-10) and away from the mound (NGHP-01-03). We analyze various geological scenarios such as topography, salinity, thermal non-equilibrium of BSR and fluid/gas advection along the fault system to explain the observed increase in GTG. The geophysical data along with the coring results suggest that the fluid advection along the fault system is the primary mechanism that explains the increase in GTG. The approximate advective fluid flux estimated based on the thermal measurement is of the order of few tenths of mm/yr (0.37–0.6 mm/yr).  相似文献   

The Gas Hydrate Research and Development Organization (GHDO) of Korea successfully accomplished both coring (hydraulic piston and pressure coring) and logging (logging-while-drilling, LWD, and wireline logging) to investigate the presence of gas hydrate during the first deep drilling expedition in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea (referred to as UBGH1) in 2007. The LWD data from two sites (UBGH1-9, UBGH1-10) showed elevated electrical resistivity (>80 Ω-m) and P-wave velocity (>2000 m/s) values indicating the presence of gas hydrate. During the coring period, the richest gas hydrate accumulation was discovered at these intervals. Based on log data, the occurrence of gas hydrate is primarily controlled by the presence of fractures. The gas hydrate saturation calculated using Archie’s relation shows greater than 60% (as high as ∼90%) of the pore space, although Archie’s equation typically overestimates gas hydrate saturation in near-vertical fractures. The saturation of gas hydrate is also estimated using the modified Biot-Gassmann theory (BGTL) by Lee and Collett (2006). The saturation values estimated rom BGTL are much lower than those calculated from Archie’s equation. Based on log data, the hydrate-bearing sediment section is approximately 70 m (UBGH1-9) to 130 m (UBGH1-10) in thickness at these two sites. This was further directly confirmed by the recovery of gas hydrate samples and pore water freshening collected from deep drilling core during the expedition. LWD data also strongly support the interpretation of the seismic gas hydrate indicators (e.g., vent or chimney structures and bottom-simulating reflectors), which imply the probability of widespread gas hydrate presence in the Ulleung Basin.  相似文献   

During the China’s first gas hydrate drilling expedition -1 (GMGS-1), gas hydrate was discovered in layers ranging from 10 to 25 m above the base of gas hydrate stability zone in the Shenhu area, South China Sea. Water chemistry, electrical resistivity logs, and acoustic impedance were used to estimate gas hydrate saturations. Gas hydrate saturations estimated from the chloride concentrations range from 0 to 43% of the pore space. The higher gas hydrate saturations were present in the depth from 152 to 177 m at site SH7 and from 190 to 225 m at site SH2, respectively. Gas hydrate saturations estimated from the resistivity using Archie equation have similar trends to those from chloride concentrations. To examine the variability of gas hydrate saturations away from the wells, acoustic impedances calculated from the 3 D seismic data using constrained sparse inversion method were used. Well logs acquired at site SH7 were incorporated into the inversion by establishing a relation between the water-filled porosity, calculated using gas hydrate saturations estimated from the resistivity logs, and the acoustic impedance, calculated from density and velocity logs. Gas hydrate saturations estimated from acoustic impedance of seismic data are ∼10-23% of the pore space and are comparable to those estimated from the well logs. The uncertainties in estimated gas hydrate saturations from seismic acoustic impedances were mainly from uncertainties associated with inverted acoustic impedance, the empirical relation between the water-filled porosities and acoustic impedances, and assumed background resistivity.  相似文献   

Methane can be released from the vast marine hydrate reservoirs that surround continents into oceans and perhaps the atmosphere. But how these pathways work within the global carbon cycle now and during a warmer world is only partially understood. Here we use 3-D seismic data to identify what we interpret to be a gas venting system that bypasses the hydrate stability zone (HSZ) offshore of Mauritania. This venting is manifested by the presence of the acoustic wipe-out (AWO) across a densely faulted succession above a salt diapir and a set of morphological features including a substantial, ∼260 m wide and ∼32 m deep, pockmark at the seabed. The base of the HSZ is marked by a bottom simulating reflector (BSR) which deflects upwards above the diapir, rather than mimicking the seabed. We use a numerical modelling to show that this deflection is caused by the underlying salt diapir. It creates a trapping geometry for gas sealed by hydrate-clogged sediment. After entering the HSZ, some methane accumulated as hydrate in the levees of a buried canyon. Venting in this locality probably reduces the flux of gas to the landward limit of feather edge of hydrate, reducing the volume of gas that would be susceptible for release during a warmer world.  相似文献   

A mound related to a cold vent in a columnar seismic blanking zone (CSBZ) was formed around site UBGH1-10 in the central Ulleung Basin (2077 m water depth), East Sea, Korea. The mound is 300–400 m wide and 2–3 m high according to multi-beam bathymetry, 2–7 kHz sub-bottom profiler data, and multi-channel reflection seismic data. Seafloor topography and characteristics were investigated using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) around site UBGH1-10, which is located near the northern part of the mound. The origin of the mound was investigated through lithology, mineralogy, hydrate occurrence, and sedimentary features using dive cores, piston cores, and a deep-drilling core. The CSBZ extends to ∼265 ms two-way traveltime (TWT) below the seafloor within a mass-transport deposit (MTD) unit. Gas hydrate was entirely contained 6–141 m below the seafloor (mbsf) within hemipelagic deposits intercalated with a fine-grained turbidite (HTD) unit, characteristically associated with high resistivity values at site UBGH1-10. The hydrate is commonly characterized by veins, nodules, and massive types, and is found within muddy sediments as a fracture-filling type. Methane has been produced by microbial reduction of CO2, as indicated by C1/C2+, δ13CCH4, and δD4CH analyses. The bowl-shaped hydrate cap revealed at 20–45 ms TWT below the seafloor has very high resistivity and high salinity, suggesting rapid and recent gas hydrate formation. The origin of the sediment mound is interpreted as a topographic high formed by the expansion associated with the formation of the gas hydrate cap above the CSBZ. The lower sedimentation rate of the mound sediments may be due to local enhancement of bottom currents by topographic effects. In addition, no evidence of gas bubbles, chemosynthetic communities, or bacterial mats was observed in the mound, suggesting an inactive cold vent.  相似文献   

Fossil methane from the large and dynamic marine gas hydrate reservoir has the potential to influence oceanic and atmospheric carbon pools. However, natural radiocarbon (14C) measurements of gas hydrate methane have been extremely limited, and their use as a source and process indicator has not yet been systematically established. In this study, gas hydrate-bound and dissolved methane recovered from six geologically and geographically distinct high-gas-flux cold seeps was found to be 98 to 100% fossil based on its 14C content. Given this prevalence of fossil methane and the small contribution of gas hydrate (≤ 1%) to the present-day atmospheric methane flux, non-fossil contributions of gas hydrate methane to the atmosphere are not likely to be quantitatively significant. This conclusion is consistent with contemporary atmospheric methane budget calculations.In combination with δ13C- and δD-methane measurements, we also determine the extent to which the low, but detectable, amounts of 14C (~ 1–2% modern carbon, pMC) in methane from two cold seeps might reflect in situ production from near-seafloor sediment organic carbon (SOC). A 14C mass balance approach using fossil methane and 14C-enriched SOC suggests that as much as 8 to 29% of hydrate-associated methane carbon may originate from SOC contained within the upper 6 m of sediment. These findings validate the assumption of a predominantly fossil carbon source for marine gas hydrate, but also indicate that structural gas hydrate from at least certain cold seeps contains a component of methane produced during decomposition of non-fossil organic matter in near-surface sediment.  相似文献   

Systematic analyses have been carried out on two gas hydrate-bearing sediment core samples, HYPV4, which was preserved by CH4 gas pressurization, and HYLN7, which was preserved in liquid-nitrogen, recovered from the BPXA-DOE-USGS Mount Elbert Stratigraphic Test Well. Gas hydrate in the studied core samples was found by observation to have developed in sediment pores, and the distribution of hydrate saturation in the cores imply that gas hydrate had experienced stepwise dissociation before it was stabilized by either liquid nitrogen or pressurizing gas. The gas hydrates were determined to be structure Type I hydrate with hydration numbers of approximately 6.1 by instrumentation methods such as powder X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and solid state 13C NMR. The hydrate gas composition was predominantly methane, and isotopic analysis showed that the methane was of thermogenic origin (mean δ13C = −48.6‰ and δD = −248‰ for sample HYLN7). Isotopic analysis of methane from sample HYPV4 revealed secondary hydrate formation from the pressurizing methane gas during storage.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary surveys were conducted to investigate gas seepage and gas hydrate accumulation on the northeastern Sakhalin continental slope (NESS), Sea of Okhotsk, during joint Korean–Russian–Japanese expeditions conducted from 2003 to 2007 (CHAOS and SSGH projects). One hundred sixty-one gas seeps were detected in a 2000 km2 area of the NESS (between 53°45′N and 54°45′N). Active gas seeps in a gas hydrate province on the NESS were evident from features in the water column, on the seafloor, and in the subsurface: well-defined hydroacoustic anomalies (gas flares), side-scan sonar structures with high backscatter intensity (seepage structures), bathymetric structures (pockmarks and mounds), gas- and gas-hydrate-related seismic features (bottom-simulating reflectors, gas chimneys, high-amplitude reflectors, and acoustic blanking), high methane concentrations in seawater, and gas hydrates in sediment near the seafloor. These expressions were generally spatially related; a gas flare would be associated with a seepage structure (mound), below which a gas chimney was present. The spatial distribution of gas seeps on the NESS is controlled by four types of geological structures: faults, the shelf break, seafloor canyons, and submarine slides. Gas chimneys that produced enhanced reflection on high-resolution seismic profiles are interpreted as active pathways for upward gas migration to the seafloor. The chimneys and gas flares are good indicators of active seepage.  相似文献   

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