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Summary In order to design roof bolting systems safely and economically, it is essential to understand the flexural behaviour of the immediate roof. Based on the strata sequence, the strata in the immediate roof are divided into three types. The flexural behaviour of the three strata types are investigated in terms of the following effects: roof span, horizontal stress, thickness and Young's modulus of the lowest strata.The suspension reinforcement mechanism is analysed using beam-column theory. The equations for the maximum bending stress, deflection and transferred bolt load for the bolted strata are derived. In the analysis, the bolt load is assumed to be a point load and a horizontal stress is uniformly applied to each stratum. The friction reinforcement mechanism is also investigated. The major function of roof bolting in this case is to create frictional resistance by tensioning the roof bolts so that the individual layers are combined into one single thick layer.A computer program and nomographs are developed for the determination of proper bolting pattern and bolt tension. It is hoped that this development can lead to maximum safety with minimum cost for the design of roof bolting systems in underground coal mines.  相似文献   

Summary A ground convergence-support reaction analysis is extended to the case of an opening excavated in horizontally layered strata. Simplifying assumptions include linear elastic behaviour and classical beam theory. The method is used to demonstrate the influence on bolt loads of a number of factors including the timing of support installation, failure of the roof, number, thicknesses and flexibilities of the rock layers, type of rock bolt, bolt spacings, bolt lengths, roof span, and roof beam thickness.  相似文献   

Roof bolting in underground mining: a state-of-the-art review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Conclusions With continuing investigations and developments, roof bolting today can in most cases successfully reinforce the mine roof in underground mining. In order to cope with the increasing use of roof bolts, efforts should be made to maximize the safety and minimize the cost. With regard to mechanical bolting, two important parameters need more advanced improvements and study, namely, optimum design of the shape and type of expansion shell and optimum bolt tension for a specific bolt pattern. For the fully grouted resin bolt, the most critical requirement is to develop a fast-setting, low-cost, intoxic, inflammable grouting material that can be used in the high speed mining cycle. It should be noted that geological conditions such as the strata type, rock properties,in situ stress, and planes of weakness play an important role in the successful application of any roof bolting system. These factors should be specified as accurately and quantitatively as possible in the design of any roof bolting system. Finally, proper and careful installation and continuous monitoring are imperative for the success of any roof bolting system.  相似文献   

Constitutive laws for rock joints should be able to reproduce the fundamental mechanical behaviour of real joints, such as dilation under shear and strain softening due to surface asperity degradation. In this work, we extend the model of Plesha to include hydraulic behaviour. During shearing, the joint can experience dilation, leading to an initial increase in its permeability. Experiments have shown that the rate of increase of the permeability slows down as shearing proceeds, and, at later stages, the permeability could decrease again. The above behaviour is attributed to gouge production. The stress–strain relationship of the joint is formulated by appeal to classical theories of interface plasticity. It is shown that the parameters of the model can be estimated from the Barton–Bandis empirical coefficients; the Joint Roughness Coefficient (JRC) and the Joint Compresive strength (JSC). We further assume that gouge production is also related to the plastic work of the shear stresses, which enables the derivation of a relationship between the permeability of the joint and its mechanical aperture. The model is implemented in a finite element code (FRACON) developed by the authors for the simulation of the coupled thermal–hydraulic–mechanical behaviour of jointed rock masses. Typical laboratory experiments are simulated with the FRACON code in order to illustrate the trends predicted in the proposed model. © 1998 by John Wiley & Sons. Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary The objective of this study is to determine the parameters which influence coal's mechanical behaviour. The two coals examined (HBL, Simon, France and Barro Banco, Brazil) structurally originated from different deposits. The differences are readily explained by the contrasting composition of vitrain, clarain, durain and fusain. Their mechanical behaviour is linked to their petrographical composition. The Lorrainain coal behavioural pattern was evaluated. It is elastobrittle or elastoplastic with progressive failure. Brazilian coal behaves according to a pattern of elastoplastic with progressive failure or perfect elastoplastic.  相似文献   

Shear failure is a common failure mechanism in underground coal mine roadways. This paper presents an innovative numerical approach to simulate shear failure of a coal mine roadway roof. The distinct element code, UDEC, incorporating a proposed Trigon logic is employed for the study. Using this approach, shear failure in the mine roof characterized by fractured initiation and propagation is successfully captured. The results suggest that shear failure of the roadway roof initiates at the roadway corners and then progressively propagates deeper into the roof, finally forming a large scale roof failure. The numerical results confirmed the time sequence of marked microseismic activity, significant stress changes and accelerated displacement during the process of a roof fall. The effect of rock bolting in the control of roof shear failure in a roadway is evaluated using the UDEC Trigon approach. It is found that the installation of rock bolts constrains rock dilation, reduces failure of rock bridges and maintains rock strength thereby leading to a significant decrease in roof sag.  相似文献   

Summary The selection of rock bolting lengths and spacings for a mine roof or back is relatively straightforward when wedges of rock bound by discrete discontinuities require support, or when the immediate roof can be anchored into a recognizably stable layer or rock mass. When neither of these situations is present the choice of bolt lengths and spacings is more difficult.In this paper a simplified conceptual model is presented which invokes the concept of an ellipticallyshaped zone of loosening above the opening, all, or a portion of which, may require support. The analysis includes the influence of opening span, height,in situ stress state, and rock mass quality as measured by the CSIR Rock Mass Classification.Validation of the model was sought by analysing a number of case histories in the literature.  相似文献   

The study of rock pillar failure mechanisms is an issue that is faced routinely in mining and civil industries. In mining operation, the establishment of several mining levels is often necessary to ensure adequate production. This result in the formation of pillars that must be recovered under often high stress conditions at later stages of excavation. It is, therefore, beneficial to develop guidelines that can be used in the design of rock pillars. The aim of this paper is to delve into the mechanisms involved in pillar failure as well as to investigate the non-linear behavior of rock pillars. An extensive numerical analysis was carried out to study the pillar deformation and failure process under natural loading conditions. Effects of pillar geometry and pillar strength parameters on pillar behavior were investigated for hard rock material typical of Canadian mining conditions. Numerical data were compared against field data recorded in Canadian mines. A fairly good match was achieved between numerical and field data and the conducted analysis can be used as a qualitative guideline in the design of rock pillars in underground structures.  相似文献   

SummaryRock Mass Mechanical Characteristics in an Opencut at Bor Copper Mine Preliminary testing for the design of the new opencut, which will go to a depth of about 300 m, included testing rock mechanical characteristics. The character of the preliminary testing demanded by an engineering undertaking of this scale and the fundamental structural and physical properties of rock masses (fissuring, anisotropy, heterogeneity, natural stresses) are discussed and it is emphatically concluded that priority should go to in situ testing. Results are presented of determinations of the velocity of propagation of longitudinal elastic waves, elasticity modulus, coefficient of damage and shear strength parameters.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

龚汉松  杜传杨 《地球科学进展》2008,23(12):1293-1298
岩体受压破坏是由于岩体内裂纹扩展及新的宏观裂纹产生不断积累的结果,大规模岩体受压破坏前会发生局部岩体的先前断裂破坏。裂纹起裂、快速扩展和止裂会产生声发射现象,局部岩体断裂破坏会产生强烈的声发射现象,通过对岩体声发射的监测分析可以预报受压岩体破坏的时间。因此,通过对地壳岩体声发射的监测分析,可以进行地震的短期和临震预报。通过对岩体受压应力分布规律的分析,得出通过监测地壳浅部地应力和地形变预报地震是没有实际意义的结论。  相似文献   

A DDM (displacement discontinuity method) program coupled with a modified energy criterion is used to simulate the development of cracks and chips by indentation tools. In our analysis a cavity model is applied to represent the expansion of crushed rock to the surrounding rock and the cracks are formedin two-dimensional and quasi-static conditions. The model parameters, rock properties and load magnitudes are varied in the numerical calculations. The results show that chips are formed by multiple mechanisms of either tension or shear, or their combinations. The cracks may either propagate to the free surface to form chips or rest in the rock subsurface. The crack development is dependent upon rock and fracture properties, loading force and tool characteristics. The DDM is a convenient tool in the study of rock fragmentation and cracks.  相似文献   

In this work, a new thermo‐mechanical model is developed, applicable to large‐scale, deep‐seated landslides consisting of a coherent mass sliding on a thin clayey layer. The considered time window is that of catastrophic acceleration, starting at incipient failure and ending when the acquired displacement and velocity are such that the sliding material begins to break up into pieces. The model accounts for temperature rise in the slip zone due to the heat produced by friction, leading to water expansion, thermoplastic collapse of the soil skeleton, and subsequent increase of pore water pressure. The model incorporates the processes of heat production and diffusion, pore pressure generation and diffusion, and an advanced constitutive law for the thermo‐mechanical behavior of soil. An analysis of the Vajont landslide is presented as an example. A sensitivity analysis shows that friction softening is the mechanism most affecting the timescale of the final collapse of a slide, but also that the mechanism of thermal pressurization alone can cause a comparably catastrophic dynamic evolution. It is also shown that, all other factors being equal, thermo‐mechanical collapse will cause thicker slides to accelerate faster than shallow ones. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

模拟岩石破裂过程的块体单元离散弹簧模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王杰  李世海  周东  张青波 《岩土力学》2013,34(8):2355-2362
在变形体离散元的基础上建立块体单元离散弹簧模型,并应用于岩石破裂过程的数值模拟研究。该模型以连续介质力学理论为基础,将块体单元离散为具有明确物理意义的弹簧系统,通过对弹簧系统的能量泛函求变分获得各弹簧的刚度系数,进而可以直接利用弹簧刚度求解单元的变形和应力,提高计算效率。以重力作用下的岩质边坡计算为例,通过与传统的有限元进行对比,验证该模型弹性计算结果的正确性。在该基础上,引入Mohr-Coulomb与最大拉应力的复合破坏准则,判断单元的破坏状态及破裂方向。当单元的内部破坏面确定后,则通过块体切割的方式实现单元破坏,并建立单元边界和单元内部的双重破裂机制,实现块体由连续到非连续的破裂过程,进而显示的模拟裂纹的形成和扩展。最后,以巴西圆盘劈裂、单轴压缩破裂以及三点弯曲梁等典型算例验证该方法,结果表明该方法可以较好地模拟拉伸、压剪等应力状态下裂纹的形成和扩展,从而可模拟岩石介质由连续到非连续的破裂过程。  相似文献   

泥页岩储层岩石力学特性及脆性评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刁海燕 《岩石学报》2013,29(9):3300-3306

泥页岩储层的岩石力学特性对油气开发影响极大,进行泥页岩力学特性和脆性评价方面的研究,可以为泥页岩油钻井和压裂设计工作提供技术支撑。实验研究表明,泥页岩抗压强度与围压、杨氏模量成正相关;体积应变量随杨氏模量减小而增大,随泊松比增加而增加;泥页岩破坏在低围压下以劈裂式破坏为主,高围压时多出现剪切式破坏。泥页岩的脆性与其弹性参数和矿物组成关系密切,通过数值模拟和实验测量,综合弹性参数和矿物组分两种方法提出了一种新的脆性评价方法-弹性参数与矿物成分组合法(EP &; MC Method),并实现了单井脆性评价,效果较好。脆性评价既是储层岩石力学特性分析的重要内容,也是压裂选层的重要依据。


通过对鄂尔多斯盆地致密油气储层的致密砂岩试样进行巴西劈裂实验,获取了岩石破坏过程中的时间-载荷曲线,以及声发射定位事件累计数、声发射定位事件能量随时间的变化曲线,观察岩石破裂的整个过程,分析在岩石破坏过程中声发射特征随加载载荷大小变化的关系。对比了两种不同钻孔状态下岩石声发射之间的差异。研究结果表明,采用声发射特征参数表征岩石受力状态及破坏过程具有良好的效果;声发射事件的空白区与岩石本身的结构有关,当岩石宏观破裂处比较完整时,一般能监测到声发射事件的空白区,当岩石在宏观裂缝贯通处存在有明显的缺陷时,可能无法监测到声发射的空白区,根据此特征,可以根据岩石破裂过程中的声发射判断岩石的在裂纹贯通处的完整性。从声发射事件的频谱可以看出,岩石破裂过程中主要存在两种不同性质的声发射,即初始原有裂隙缺陷闭合所产生的和岩石单元破裂所产生的声发射,两者区别明显。  相似文献   

板岩遇水软化的微观结构及力学特性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过偏光显微镜、电子扫描电镜、粉晶X射线衍射,测定板岩泡水过程中吸水率、润湿角的变化,不同浸泡时间下的矿物颗粒微观结构、孔隙度的变化,并通过三轴压缩实验,研究了板岩泡水后发生软化的过程与机理。研究表明:板岩在浸泡后吸水率受板岩内层理面的产状、密度等参数的影响而改变,随着泡水时间的增加,吸水率在最初两天内变化较大,后期变化不太明显;板岩内部矿物颗粒在浸泡过程中产生体积膨胀,胶结变得松散,颗粒膨胀的时间稍滞后于吸水率的变化过程;三轴压缩实验结果显示,板岩浸泡后发生软化,峰值抗压强度随着吸水率增加按负对数规律降低;微观结构分析及润湿角的降低趋势表明,随浸泡时间延长,矿物颗粒之间的毛细管力、表面张力降低,使得板岩内部黏结力降低,宏观上则体现为岩石发生软化;在垂直于层理面方向更易发生体积膨胀,因此岩石在浸泡后更易沿着层理面产生破坏。  相似文献   

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