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The identification of reservoir oil–gas–water layers is a fundamental task in petroleum exploration and exploitation, but is difficult, especially in cases of complex hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. In such cases, hydrocarbon remigration and dysmigration take place very commonly, leading to the presence of residual or paleo-oil accumulations and layers, which cannot be easily identified or misinterpreted as oil layers by conventional logging and geophysical data. In this paper, based on a case study in the Luxi area of the central Junggar Basin, NW China, we seek to characterize such layers in terms of organic geochemistry. We suggest specific indicator parameters of organic geochemistry such as the chloroform bitumen content of reservoir extracts, which is usually >1.0% in oil layers. We explore the application of grains containing oil inclusions (GOI) (the ratio of mineral grains containing oil inclusions to the total number of mineral grains) for the identification of oil–gas–water layers in the Junggar Basin for the first time; this method has been used elsewhere. The maximum GOI values for the oil layers, oil–water layers, water layers and dry layers are >11%, 7%–11%, 6%–7% and <6%, respectively. In addition, gas layers and heavy-oil layers that are difficult to identify by conventional organic geochemical parameters were identified using biomarkers. The typical characteristics of the soluble reservoir bitumen in the gas layers include a much greater abundance of tricyclic terpanes (two times in general) relative to pentacyclic terpanes and a tricyclic terpane distribution of C20 > C21 > C23. In contrast, the typical characteristic of the heavy-oil layers is the presence of 25-norhopanes in reservoir bitumen extracts. These specific indicators can be applied in the Junggar Basin and in similar settings elsewhere. 相似文献
Zang Jiaye 《海洋学报(英文版)》1995,(4)
The distribution of methane in the Tokyo-wanZangJiaye(ReceivedAugust8,1995;acceptedSeptember2,1995)Abstract:Elevenstationswer... 相似文献
Pore-throat size is a very crucial factor controlling the reservoir quality and oiliness of tight sandstones, which primarily affects rock-properties such as permeability and drainage capillary pressure. However, the wide range of size makes it difficult to understand their distribution characteristics as well as the specific controls on reservoir quality and oiliness. In order to better understand about pore-throat size distribution, petrographic, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), pressure-controlled mercury injection (PMI), rate-controlled mercury injection (RMI), quantitative grain fluorescence (QGF) and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) investigations under laboratory pressure conditions were performed on a suite of tight reservoir from the fourth member of the Lower Cretaceous Quantou Formation (K1q4) in the southern Songliao Basin, China. The sandstones in this study showed different types of pore structures: intergranular pores, dissolution pores, pores within clay aggregates and even some pores related to micro fractures. The pore-throat sizes vary from nano- to micro-scale. The PMI technique views the pore-throat size ranging from 0.001 μm to 63 μm and revealed that the pore-throats with radius larger than 1.0 μm are rare and the pore-throat size distribution curves show evident fluctuations. RMI measurements indicated that the pore size distribution characteristics of the samples with different porosity and permeability values look similar. The throat size and pore throat radius ratio distribution curves had however significant differences. The overall pore-throat size distribution of the K1q4 tight sandstones was obtained with the combination of the PMI and RMI methods. The permeability is mainly contributed by a small part of larger pore-throats (less than 30%) and the ratio of the smaller pore-throats in the samples increases with decreasing permeability. Although smaller pore-throats have negligible contribution on reservoir flow potential, they are very significant for the reservoir storage capacity. The pore-throats with average radius larger than 1.0 μm mainly exist in reservoirs with permeability higher than 0.1mD. When the permeability is lower than 0.1mD, the sandstones are mainly dominated by pore-throats with average radius from 0.1 μm to 1.0 μm. The ratio of different sized pore-throats controls the permeability of the tight sandstone reservoirs in different ways. We suggest that splitting or organizing key parameters defining permeability systematically into different classes or functions can enhance the ability of formulating predictive models about permeability in tight sandstone reservoirs. The PMI combined with QGF analyses indicate that oil emplacement mainly occurred in the pore-throats with radius larger than about 0.25–0.3 μm. This result is supported by the remnant oil micro-occurrence evidence observed by SEM and ESEM. 相似文献
A. A. Schreider E. L. Mazo A. A. Bulychev M. P. Kulikova D. A. Gilod Al. A. Schreider A. N. Boiko 《Oceanology》2010,50(6):961-970
An electronic databank including the results of seismic investigations and schemes of the sediment thickness’s distribution
patterns was built up for two seismostratigraphic complexes in the Falkland Basin. The interface’s border was dated, and the
sedimentation rates were estimated for each complex. An integrated map of the cumulative thickness of the deposits and sedimentation
rates was developed. The lowest limits of the parameters of the sedimentation process were characterized for the sedimentary
layers affected by compaction and erosion. 相似文献
S. A. Lapin 《Oceanology》2011,51(6):925-934
The assessment of the hydrological regime under the high- and low-water conditions in the Ob’ Inlet was based on the results of two comprehensive surveys performed by the VNIRO and IO RAS in the summer and autumn of 2010. The summer hydrological regime, which is associated with the peak of the biological activity, was compared with the late autumn one, which was closely followed by the freeze up. Special attention was paid to the assessment of the interseasonal variability of the hydrological state and the processes that continued in the area of the mixing of the riverine waters (the outflux from the Ob’ Inlet) and the water of the Kara Sea. We followed the transition of the hydrologic front from the summer stratification (high waters) into the autumn distortion driven by the intensive mixing of the waters under a sharp decrease in the river discharge. 相似文献
The Basque–Cantabrian Basin (NE Spain) has been considered one of the most interesting areas for hydrocarbon exploration in the Iberian Peninsula since the 60th to 70th of last century. This basin is characterized by the presence of numerous outcrops of tar sands closely associated with fractures and Triassic diapirs. The aims of this work is to establish the diagenetic evolution of the Upper Cretaceous reservoir rocks with special emphasis in the emplacement of oil and their impact on reservoir quality. The studied rocks are constituted of carbonates and sandstones that contain massive quantities of bitumen filling vugs and fractures.Petrographic results indicate that the carbonate rocks from Maestu outcrops are bioclastic grainstones and wackestones, whereas the tar sandstones from Atauri and Loza outcrops are dominated by quartzarenites and subordinated subarkoses. The paragenetic sequence of the main diagenetic phases and processes include, pyrite, bladed and drusy calcite cement, calcite overgrowths, silicification of bioclasts and microcrystalline rhombic dolomite cement, and first stage of oil emplacement, blocky calcite cement, coarse crystalline calcite cement, calcitized dolomite, calcite veins, saddle dolomite and stylolites filled by the second phase of oil entrance. Together with the above mentioned diagenetic alterations, the arenites are affected by early kaolinitization of feldspars and the scarce formation of clay rim and epimatrix of illite. All sandstones and dolomitized carbonate rocks show high intercrystalline and intergranular porosity which is full by biodegraded hydrocarbons (solid bitumen). The biodegradation affects alkanes, isoprenoids and partially hopanes and steranes saturated hydrocarbons. Aromatics hydrocarbons, like naphthalenes, phenanthrenes, dibenzothiophenes and triaromatics are also affected by biodegradation. Results indicate that the first HC emplacement corresponds to early stage of calcite and dolomite cementation, and the second and more important emplacement is related to fracturation processes resulting in the formation of excellent reservoirs. 相似文献
A. A. Schreider E. L. Mazo A. A. Bulychev Al. A. Schreider D. A. Gilod M. P. Kulikova 《Oceanology》2011,51(5):866-875
The peculiarities of the crustal structure within the Falkland Basin have been discussed. Maps of the free-air and Bouguer
(2.3 g/cm3) gravity anomalies and their transforms have been made. The complex analysis of the anomalous gravity field has allowed us
to confirm the continental origin of the crust. The zoning of the crust has been performed. The crust is thinned and is enriched
in basic and ultrabasic intrusions. A map demonstrating the distribution of the faults within the studied water area has been
made. A conclusion has been reached about the leading role played by tension processes throughout the evolution of the crust
within the studied water area. 相似文献
Late Eocene–early Miocene provenance evolution of the Crocker Fan in the southern South China Sea

There are many large-scale Cenozoic sedimentary basins with plentiful river deltas, deep-water fans and carbonate platforms in the southern South China Sea. The Crocker Fan was deposited as a typical submarine fan during the late Eocene–early Miocene, and stretches extensively across the entire Sarawak–Sabah of the northern Borneo area. However, systematic analyses are still lacking regarding its sediment composition and potential source suppliers. No consensus has been reached yet on the provenance evolution and sedimentary infilling processes, which seriously impeded the oil-and-gas exploration undertakings. By combining with sedimentary-facies identification, heavy mineral assemblages, elemental geochemistry and detrital zircon U-Pb dating, this paper aims to generalize an integrated analysis on the potential provenance terranes and restore source-to-sink pathways of the Crocker Fan. In general, the Crocker Fan was initially formed over the Cretaceous–lower/middle Eocene Rajang Group by an angular Rajang unconformity. The continual southward subduction of the proto-South China Sea resulted in magmatic activities and subsequent regional deformation and thrusting along the Lupar Line in the northern Borneo. The lowermost Crocker sequence is featured by a thick conglomerate layer sourced from in-situ or adjacent paleo-uplifts. From the late Eocene to the early Miocene, the Crocker Fan was constantly delivered with voluminous detritus from the Malay Peninsula of the western Sundaland. The Zengmu Basin was widely deposited with delta plain and neritic facies sediments, while the Brunei-Sabah Basin, to the farther east, was ubiquitously characterized by turbiditic sequences. The Crocker Fan successions are overall thick layers of modest-grained sandstones, which formed high-quality reservoirs in the southern South China Sea region. 相似文献
Understanding the temporal dynamics of seagrasses and the major influences on seagrass growth is critical for seagrass habitat conservation and administration. However, little work has been done regarding these issues in southern China. To examine inter-annual and seasonal variations of the intertidal Halophila ovalis community in southern China, we conducted quarterly sampling using the SeagrassNet methodology and assessed environmental conditions as well as direct anthropogenic impacts on the seagrass meadow from July 2008 to October 2014. Our study demonstrated strong inter-annual and seasonal dynamics of the intertidal seagrass meadow in the study area. Generally, the community performed best (highest seagrass cover, leaf area, shoot density, total biomass) in summer and worst in spring among the 4 seasons. The temporal variations in the seagrass community attributes (e.g. above-ground biomass) were significantly affected by precipitation, atmospheric visibility, and salinity, while leaf width was significantly negatively correlated with temperature, atmospheric visibility and salinity. Temperature was a major factor influencing the seagrass community (both macroalgae and seagrass), with temperature data showing an inverse relationship between seagrass and macroalgae. The above-ground: below-ground biomass ratio and leaf width of H. ovalis were the most sensitive plant parameters monitored when assessing environmental interactions. Human physical disturbances did not have a significant effect on seagrass dynamics in the study area. We concluded that long-term monitoring (like SeagrassNet) is valuable in understanding the relationship between environmental variables and seagrasses. 相似文献
Geochemical changes of the terrigenous sediments in the southern South China Sea and their paleoenvironmental implications during the last 31 ky 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Shuqing Fu Zhaoyu Zhu Tingping Ouyang Yan Qiu Zhenquan Wei 《Journal of Oceanography》2011,67(3):337-346
Fifty-six subsamples of the 86GC core were collected from the southern South China Sea continental slope. Major and trace
elements, including rare earth elements (REEs), of detrital matters in these sediments were measured. The patterns of chondrite
normalized REEs and the discrimination plots based on major and trace elements, respectively, indicate that the terrigenous
sediments around this area had been supplied with one dominating provenience during the last 31 ky. The co-operation of sea
level changes with the East Asian winter monsoon-related rainfall and sea water circulations should be the main mechanism
causing the geochemical characteristics variations. Higher ratios of Al/Ti and some other elements to Ti, except P/Ti and
Mn/Ti, are present during the last glacial sea-level low stand and the winter monsoon periods owing to increased fluvial input
of material with low Ti content from the Mekong River, followed by strengthened chemical weathering intensity, causing higher
Al2O3 and most other elements contents. The elemental patterns imply general warm and very humid climate in the tropical areas
during the last glacial times; however, the climate since the last deglaciation was very changeable, especially during the
Holocene. Even so, it can still be certain that the climate during the early part (29–24 ky B.P.) of the last glacial maximum
was much worse than during other stages. Additionally, it is very likely that the 8 k cold event and the Younger Dryas event
have been impressed in the geochemical record of this core. 相似文献
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The goal of this study is to identify the properties of the rock–fluid system in the subduction zone of lithospheric plates using the example of... 相似文献
The deep-water area of the Pearl River Mouth Basin in the South China Sea has received much scientific attention since the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 184 in 1999 due to its potential economic prospects and distinct tectono-sedimentary evolutionary processes. In this study, we present the composition of major and trace elements from two newly sampled deep-water boreholes (BY6 and LW3) in the Baiyun Sag of the southern Pearl River Mouth Basin. The geochemical evolution in the Oligocene–Middle Miocene, as well as potential controlling factors, are investigated based on a comparative study with previous data from ODP site 1148 and borehole PY33. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) and A–CN–K plot reveal that the observed weathering trends are not compatible for the four discussed boreholes. Sedimentary sorting is primarily observed in borehole PY33, where data trend away from the A apex to the feldspar join in the A–CN–K plot and show a spread of Al2O3/SiO2 and Nb/Zr ratios. Compared to chemical weathering and hydrodynamic sorting, provenance has a greater impact on sediment composition of the deep-water area. From the north, the Pearl River was the primary sediment supply. However, a positive Eu anomaly and the provenance discrimination diagrams (i.e., La/Th versus Th/Yb and Zr/Co versus Th/Co) reveal the mafic nature of borehole BY6 sediments in the Zhuhai–Lower Zhujiang (32.0–18.5 Ma) and Upper Hanjiang (13.8–10.5 Ma) formations. These compositions are unusual and differ from the well-defined felsic sources in the majority of the Baiyun Sag; these discrepancies are likely related to multistage magmatism. The sediments at site 1148 are characterized by slightly enriched heavy rare earth elements and relatively high Zr/Co ratios, which could possibly be caused by zircon enrichment from local sources. 相似文献
Oceanology - The paper examines the influence of the main mode of interannual variability of the North Atlantic climate system—the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)—on the hydrophysical... 相似文献
The North Yellow Sea Basin ( NYSB ), which was developed on the basement of North China (Huabei) continental block, is a typical continental Mesozoic Cenozoic sedimentary basin in the sea area. Its Mesozoic basin is a residual basin, below which there is probably a larger Paleozoic sedimentary basin. The North Yellow Sea Basin comprises four sags and three uplifts. Of them, the eastern sag is a Mesozoic Cenozoic sedimentary sag in NYSB and has the biggest sediment thickness; the current Korean drilling wells are concentrated in the eastern sag. This sag is comparatively rich in oil and gas resources and thus has a relatively good petroleum prospect in the sea. The central sag has also accommodated thick Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments. The latest research results show that there are three series of hydrocarbon source rocks in the North Yellow Sea Basin, namely, black shales of the Paleogene, Jurassic and Cretaceous. The principal hydrocarbon source rocks in NYSB are the Mesozoic black shale. According to the drilling data of Korea, the black shales of the Paleogene, Jurassic and Cretaceous have all come up to the standards of good and mature source rocks. The NYSB owns an intact system of oil generation, reservoir and capping rocks that can help hydrocarbon to form in the basin and thus it has the great potential of oil and gas. The vertical distribution of the hydrocarbon resources is mainly considered to be in the Cretaceous and then in the Jurassic. 相似文献
Reconstructing the evolution of paleofluid (over)pressure in sedimentary basins during deformation is a challenging problem, especially when no hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions are available to provide barometric constraints on the fluid system. This contribution reports the application to a natural case (the Bighorn Basin) of recent methodological advance to access fluid (over)pressure level prevailing in strata during sub-seismic fracture development. The fluid pressure evolution in the Mississippian-Permian Madison–Phosphoria limestone reservoir is tentatively reconstructed from the early Sevier Layer Parallel Shortening to the Laramide folding in two basement-cored folds: the Sheep Mountain Anticline and the Rattlesnake Mountain Anticline. Results point out that supra-hydrostatic pressure values prevail in the limestone reservoir during most of its whole Sevier–Laramide history. The comparison of the reconstructed fluid overpressure values within situ measurements in various overpressure reservoirs in other oil-producing basins highlights that the supra-hydrostatic fluid pressure gradually reaches the lithostatic value during the whole basin contraction and fold development. During most of the LPS history, however, overpressure level can be defined by a mean gradient. Among the factors that control the pressure evolution, the mechanical stratigraphy, the stress regime under which fractures developed and regional fluid flow are likely dominating in the case of the Bighorn Basin, rather than classical factors like disequilibrium compaction or fluid generation during burial. A coeval evolution between fluid overpressure and differential stress build-up is also emphasized. The approach presented in this paper also provides estimates of strata exhumation during folding. 相似文献
The Sergi Formation (Upper Jurassic) represents the main hydrocarbon reservoir of the Recôncavo Basin, Brazil. The basal vertical facies succession of the Sergi Formation comprises reservoirs formed by a complex fluvio–aeolian–lacustrine interaction. Facies architecture and detailed petrophysical analysis of these reservoirs have enhanced the understanding of heterogeneity at a variety of scales and has allowed the development of predictive models that describes the range of styles of mixed fluvial–aeolian reservoirs. At megascopic scale, the reservoirs are predominantly composed of sand bodies deposited by fluvial channel and aeolian facies associations. Regional flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries are their main flow barriers. The regional flooding surfaces are composed of fine-grained sediments deposited by lacustrine facies associations and the sequence boundaries act as flow barriers due to mechanically infiltrated clays. Based on its geometrical relations, reservoirs linked to fluvial–aeolian–lacustrine interaction formed two types of reservoirs at macroscopic scale: (i) with good lateral continuity of aeolian packages and relatively simple stratigraphic correlation and (ii) of highly compartmentalized aeolian packages with complex stratigraphic correlation and truncation by fluvial deposits. Mesoscopic heterogeneity reflects lithofacies, sedimentary structures, and lamina-scale variability within aeolian and fluvial facies associations. 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2017
The stalemate since 2012 over the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Southern Ocean has been a source of debate within and outside the Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). In 2015, China's support for the proposal for the establishment of a Ross Sea MPA was commended as a major step forward. As the newest Member of the CCAMLR, China refrained itself from commenting specifically on the issue of MPAs in the previous years, and had not articulated clearly its basic position until 2014. In light of its basic position and practices, China may become more active, maintain its basic position and take a case-by-case approach in relation to other MPA proposals. Moreover, bilateral interaction is helpful in finding practical solutions. 相似文献
In December–January of 2010 the spatial distribution of the phytoplankton production characteristics was studied along transects in the vicinity of the Greenwich meridian (I) and in the Drake Passage (II). On transect I, the surface chlorophyll a concentration and primary production varied from 0.11 up to 3.57 mg/m3 and from 4.38 up to 37.47 mgC/m3 per day, respectively. The chlorophyll a in the photosynthetic layer and the integrated primary production varied from 10.7 up to 66.1 mg/m2 and from 83 to 646 mgC/m2 per day, respectively. On transect II in the surface layer, the chlorophyll a concentration changed within the range of 0.09–1.02 mg/m3 and the primary production ranged from 2.08 to 9.49 mgC/m3. The integrated values ranged from 6.32 to 38.29 mg/m2 and from 41 to 221 mgC/m2 per day, respectively. The moderate means of themaximum quantum yield (F v/F m) on transects I and II (0.41 and 0.35, respectively) testify to the low activity of the phytoplankton’s photosynthetic apparatus. The studied water areas in the Southern Ocean differed both in the phytoplankton biomass expressed in the chlorophyll a concentration values and in the conditions of the primary production formation. 相似文献
As a conservative tracer, oxygen isotopes in seawater are widely used for water mass analysis, along with temperature and salinity. In this study, seawater oxygen-18 datasets in the Canada Basin during 1967–2010 were obtained from the four cruises of the Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(1999, 2003, 2008, and 2010) and the NASA database. Fractions of sea ice meltwater and river runoff were determined from the salinity-18O system. Our results showed that the river runoff decreased from the south to the north in the Canada Basin. The enhanced amount of river runoff observed in the southern Canada Basin may originate from the Mackenzie River, transported by the Beaufort Gyre. The river runoff component showed maximum fractions during 1967–1969, 1978–1979, 1984–1985, 1993–1994, and 2008–2010, indicating the refresh time of the river runoff was 5.0–16.0 a in the Canada Basin. The temporal variation of the river runoff was related to the change of the Arctic Oscillation(AO) index, suggesting the freshwater stored in the Canada Basin was affected by surface sea ice drift and water mass movement driven by atmospheric circulation. 相似文献