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Organic shales deposited in a continental environment are well developed in the Ordos Basin, NW China, which is rich in hydrocarbons. However, previous research concerning shales has predominantly focused on marine shales and barely on continental shales. In this study, geochemical and mineralogical analyses, high-pressure mercury intrusion and low-pressure adsorption were performed on 18 continental shale samples obtained from a currently active shale gas play, the Chang 7 member of Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin. A comparison of all these techniques is provided for characterizing the complex pore structure of continental shales.Geochemical analysis reveals total organic carbon (TOC) values ranging from 0.47% to 11.44%, indicating that there is abundant organic matter (OM) in the study area. Kerogen analysis shows vitrinite reflectance (Ro) of 0.68%–1.02%, indicating that kerogen is at a mature oil generation stage. X-ray diffraction mineralogy (XRD) analysis indicates that the dominant mineral constituents of shale samples are clay minerals (which mainly consist of illite, chlorite, kaolinite, and negligible amounts of montmorillonite), quartz and feldspar, followed by low carbonate content. All-scale pore size analysis indicates that the pore size distribution (PSD) of shale pores is mainly from 0.3 to 60 nm. Note that accuracy of all-scale PSD analysis decreases for pores less than 0.3 nm and more than 10 μm. Experimental analysis indicates that mesopores (2–50 nm) are dominant in continental shales, followed by micropores (<2 nm) and macropores (50 nm–10 μm). Mesopores have the largest contribution to pore volume (PV) and specific surface area (SSA). In addition, plate- and sheet-shaped pores are dominant with poor connectivity, followed by hybrid pores. Results of research on factors controlling pore structure development show that it is principally controlled by clay mineral contents and Ro, and this is different from marine systems. This study has important significance in gaining a comprehensive understanding of continental shale pore structure and the shale gas storage–seepage mechanism.  相似文献   

The paper takes the Upper Carboniferous Taiyuan shale in eastern uplift of Liaohe depression as an example to qualitatively and quantitatively characterize the transitional (coal-associated coastal swamp) shale reservoir. Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM), nano-CT, helium pycnometry, high-pressure mercury intrusion and low-pressure gas (N2 & CO2) adsorption for eight shale samples were taken to investigate the pore structures. Four types of pores, i.e., organic matter (OM) pores, interparticle (InterP) pores, intraparticle (IntraP) pores and micro-fractures are identified in the shale reservoir. Among them, intraP pores and micro-fractures are the major pore types. Slit-shaped pores are the major shape in the pore system, and the connectivity of the pore-throat system is interpreted to be moderate, which is subordinate to marine shale. The porosity from three dimension (3D) reconstruction of SEM images is lower than the porosity of helium pycnometry, while the porosity trend of the above two methods is the same. Combination of mercury intrusion and gas absorption reveals that nanometer-scale pores provide the main storage space, accounting for 87.16% of the pore volume and 99.85% of the surface area. Micropores contribute 34.74% of the total pore volume and 74.92% of the total pore surface area; and mesopores account for 48.27% of the total pore volume and 24.93% of the total pore surface area; and macropores contribute 16.99% of the total pore volume and 0.15% of the total pore surface area. Pores with a diameter of less than 10 nm contribute the most to the pore volume and the surface area, accounting for 70.29% and 97.70%, respectively. Based on single factor analysis, clay minerals are positively related to the volume and surface area of micropores, mesopores and macropores, which finally control the free gas in pores and adsorbed gas content on surface area. Unlike marine shale, TOC contributes little to the development of micropores. Brittle minerals inhibit pore development of Taiyuan shale, which proves the influence of clay minerals in the pore system.  相似文献   

Much attention have been recently paid to the upper Ordovician Wufeng shale (O3w) and lower Silurian Longmaxi shale (S1l) in the Jiaoshiba area of Sichuan Basin, which is now the largest producing shale gas field in China. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), low pressure gas (N2 and CO2) adsorption, helium pycnometry, X-ray diffraction and geochemical analyses were performed to investigate the pore structure and fractal dimension of the pores in O3w-S1l shale formation in the Jiaoshiba area. FE-SEM images show that organic matter (OM) pores are dominant in the organic-rich samples and these pores are often irregular, bubble-like, elliptical and faveolate in shape, while in organic-poor samples, limited and isolated interparticle (interP), intraparticle (intraP) and OM pores are observed. Reversed S-shaped isotherms obtained from nitrogen adsorption are type Ⅱ, and hysteresis loops indicate that the shape of micropore in the samples is slit-or plate-like. BET surface areas and total pore volume vary from 12.2 to 27.1 m2/g and from 1.8 × 10−2 to 2.9 × 10−2 cm3/g, with an average of 19.5 m2/g and 2.3 × 10−2 cm3/g, respectively. Adsorption volume from both N2 and CO2 adsorption increases with respect to TOC contents. Porosities obtained from helium porosimetry are comparable with these from gas (CO2 and N2) adsorption in O3w-S1l shale. However, porosity determined by quantitative FE-SEM analysis is much smaller, which is mainly related to limited resolution and the small areas of investigation.Based on the Frenkel-Halsey-Hill (FHH) model of low-pressure N2 adsorption, fractal dimensions of the pores varied from 2.737 to 2.823. Relationships between pore structure parameters and TOC content, mineral composition and fractal dimension reveal that the fractal dimension is mainly associated with micropores. Samples with higher TOC content, higher quartz content and lower clay content tend to contain more heterogeneous micropores, resulting in higher fractal dimensions and more complicated pore structure in shales. Therefore, fractal dimension is an effective parameter to reflect the complexity of pore structure and the degree of micropore development in O3w-S1l shale.  相似文献   

Shale adsorption and breakthrough pressure are important indicators of shale gas development and key factors in evaluating the reservoir capacities of shales. In this study, geochemical tests, pore-structure tests, methane adsorption tests, and breakthrough-pressure tests were conducted on shales from the Carboniferous Hurleg Formation in eastern Qaidam Basin. The effects of the shale compositions and pore structures on the adsorption and breakthrough pressures were studied, and the reservoir capacities of the shales were evaluated by analyzing the shale adsorptions and sealing effects. The results indicate that the organic carbon content was only one of factors in affecting the adsorption capacity of the shale samples while the effect of the clay minerals was limited. Based on the positive correlation between the adsorption capacity and specific surface area of the shale, the specific surface area of the micropores can be used as an indicator to determine the adsorption capacity of shale. The micro-fracturing of brittle minerals, such as quartz, create a primary path for shale gas breakthrough, whereas the expansion of clay minerals with water greatly increases the breakthrough pressure in the shale samples. Methane adsorption tests showed that maximum methane adsorption for shale samples Z045 and S039 WAS 0.107 and 0.09655 mmol/g, respectively. The breakthrough pressure was 39.36 MPa for sample S039, maintained for 13 days throughout the experiment; however, no breakthrough was observed in sample Z045 when subjected to an injected pressure of 40 MPa for 26 days. This indicates that sample Z045, corresponding to a depth of 846.24 m, exhibited higher adsorption capacity and a better reservoir-sealing effect than sample S039 (498.4 m depth). This study provides useful information for future studies of Qaidam Basin shale gas exploration and development and for evaluation of shale quality.  相似文献   

Shales from the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the Sichuan Basin are among the most important shale gas reservoirs in China, and have been investigated because of their great shale gas potential. To understand the pore structure and fractal characteristics of the shales, a series of experiments was conducted on core samples from the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the Sichuan Basin of China, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), total organic carbon (TOC) content and vitrinite reflectance (Ro) analysis, field emission-environmental scanning electron microscope (FE-ESEM) observation, and low-pressure N2 adsorption-desorption experiments. Frenkel-Halsey-Hill (FHH) method was applied to calculate fractal dimensions. In addition, the pore genesis, the relationships between composition and thermal maturity, the pore structure parameters, and the fractal dimensions are discussed. FE-ESEM observation results show that the Longmaxi Formation shales are dominated by organic-matter (OM) pores along with interparticle (interP) pores, intraparticle (intraP) pores and fracture pores. This study identified the fractal dimensions at relative pressures of 0–0.45 and 0.45–1 as D1 and D2 respectively. D1 ranged from 2.60 to 2.71 and D2 ranged from 2.71 to 2.82. D1 was typically smaller than D2, indicating that the smaller pores in shales were more homogeneous than the larger ones. The formation of these OM pores is owing to kerogen deformation during the thermal maturation, which results in a large number of nanopores. The pore structure of the Longmaxi Formation shales is primarily controlled by TOC content and thermal maturity. TOC content is a controlling factor on the fractal dimensions as it exhibited positive correlations with D1 and D2. Fractal dimensions are useful for the characterization of the pore structures complexity of the Longmaxi Formation shales because D1 and D2 correlate well with pore structure parameters as they both increase with the increase of surface area and the decrease of average pore diameter.  相似文献   

Nanoporosity of a shale gas reservoir provides essential information on the gas accumulation space and controls the gas reserves. The characteristics of heterogeneous nanoporosity of four shale samples are analyzed by combining quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electronic microscopy (QEMSCAN), focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM), and nano-CT. The representative elementary area (REA) is proposed by QEMSCAN to detect the imaging area that can represent the overall contents of minerals and organic matter. Combined with the statistics of pores in minerals and organic matter by FIB-SEM, the quantitative nanoporosity is obtained. The nano-CT is used to compare the total nanoporosity that was obtained by FIB-SEM. The results show that shale has distinct characteristics in nanoporosities due to the variation in organic matter and mineral content. The major pore sizes of the organic matter and clay minerals are smaller than 400 nanometers (nm), and the pore sizes of feldspar and pyrite are mainly 200–600 nm. The pore sizes for pores developed in quartz and carbonate minerals range from a few nanometers to 1000 nm. Furthermore, pores smaller than 400 nm mainly provide the total nanoporosity. The nanoporosities in the organic matter are approximately 17%–21%. Since the organic matter content (0.54%–6.98%) is low, the organic matter contributes approximately 5%–33% of the total nanoporosity in shale. Conversely, the nanoporosities in quartz and clay are generally lower than 3%. Since the mineral content (93.02%–99.46%) is obviously higher than the organic matter content, the minerals contribute approximately 67%–95% of the total nanoporosity in shale.  相似文献   

Four Haynesville Shale and four Bossier Shale samples were investigated using a combination of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Broad Ion Beam (BIB) polishing. This approach enables the microstructure and porosity to be studied down to the mesopore size (<50 nm) in representative areas at the scale of the BIB cross-sections. The samples vary in mineralogy, grain size and TOC and the maturity ranges from 2.42 to 2.58 VRr in the Haynesville Shale to 1.79–2.26 VRr in the Bossier Shale. This variety within the samples enabled us to study controls on the porosity distribution in these shales. Visible pores exist as intraparticle pores mainly in carbonate grains and pyrite framboids and as interparticle pores, mainly in the clay-rich matrix. Pores in organic matter show a characteristic porosity with respect to the type of organic matter, which mainly consists of mixtures of amorphous organic matter and minerals, organic laminae and discrete macerals. A clear positive trend of organic-matter porosity with maturity was found. Pore sizes are power law distributed in the range of 4.4 μm to at least 36 nm in equivalent diameter. The differences in power law exponents suggest that a more grain supported, coarse-grained matrix may prevent pores from mechanical compaction. Porosities measured in the BIB cross-sections were significantly lower in comparison to porosities obtained by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP). This difference is mainly attributed to the different resolution achieved with BIB-SEM and MIP and type of pore network. Extrapolation of pore size distributions (PSDs) enables the BIB-SEM porosity to be estimated down to the resolution of the MIP and thus to upscale microstructural observation at the confined space of the BIB-SEM method to bulk porosity measurement. These inferred porosities are in good agreement with the MIP determined porosities, which underpins the assumption that pores segmented in BIB-SEM mosaics are representative of the MIP methodology.  相似文献   

A combination of Broad-Ion-Beam (BIB) polishing and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) has been used to study qualitatively and quantitatively the microstructure of Opalinus Clay in 2D. High quality 2D cross-sections (ca. 1 mm2), belonging to the Shaly and Sandy facies of Opalinus Clay, were investigated down to the nanometre scale. In addition Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) and X-Ray powder Diffraction experiments have been used to extend characterization of the microstructure to the mm–cm scale on bulk volume sample material. Interestingly, both end-member samples of the Opalinus Clay show qualitatively similar mineralogy and pore characteristics as well as a comparable pore size distribution and pore morphology within the different mineral phases and mineral aggregates. Differences between the facies are mainly due to variations in mineral size and mineral amount present in the alternating layers of the different facies. Six different porous mineral phases have been identified and the pores have been subdivided into ten different pore types. Pores visible in the SEM images are most abundant in the clay matrix and these seem to follow a power law distribution with a power law exponent of ca. 2.25 independent of the sample location. Furthermore, all common mineral grains show characteristic porosity, pore shape and pore size distribution in 2D and are proposed to be considered as elementary building blocks for Opalinus Clay. Combined these homogeneous elementary building blocks make up the heterogeneous fabric of the different facies of Opalinus Clay. Based on extrapolation of the power law size distribution in the clay matrix below SEM resolution results in a porosity of 10–25% for clay rich layers (60–90% of clay matrix), whereas sand and carbonate layers show an extrapolated porosity of 6–14%. These extrapolated porosities are in agreement with water-loss and physical porosity measurements performed on bulk material of comparable samples.  相似文献   

As shale oil occurs primarily in micro–nano pores and fractures, research about the effect of pore structure on shale oil accumulation has great significance for shale oil exploration and development. The effect of pore structure on shale oil accumulation in the lower third member of the Shahejie formation (Es3l), Zhanhua Sag, eastern China was investigated using gas adsorption, soxhlet extraction, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis, and field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) observation. The results indicated that the samples contained a larger amount of ink-bottle-shaped and slit-shaped pores after extraction than before extraction. The pore volume and specific surface area of the samples were approximately 2.5 times larger after extraction than before extraction. Residual hydrocarbon occurred primarily in the free-state form in pores with diameters of 10–1000 nm, which can provide sufficient pore volume for free hydrocarbon accumulation. Therefore, pores with diameters of 10–1000 nm were regarded as “oil-enriched pores”, which are effective pores for shale oil exploration, whereas pores with diameters smaller than 10 nm were regarded as “oil-ineffective pores”. Samples with only well-developed small pores with diameters smaller than 1000 nm showed high oil saturation, whereas samples with both small pores and also relatively large pores and micro-fractures presented low oil saturation. As the minimum pore size allowing fluid expulsion is 1000 nm, pores with diameters greater than 1000 nm were considered as “oil-percolated pores”. Large pores and micro-fractures are generally interconnected and may even form a complex fracture mesh, which greatly improves the permeability of shale reservoirs and is beneficial to fluid discharge.  相似文献   

Shale samples collected from seven wells in the southeastern Ordos Basin were tested to investigate quantitatively the pore structure and fractal characteristics of the Lower Permian Shanxi Shale, which was deposited in a marine-continental transitional (hereinafter referred to as the transitional) environment. Low-pressure nitrogen adsorption data show that the Shanxi Shale exhibits considerably much lower surface area (SA) and pore volume (PV) in the range of 0.6–1.3 m2/g and 0.25–0.9 ml/100 g, respectively. Type III kerogen abundant in the transitional Shanxi Shale were observed to be poorly developed in the organic pores in spite of being highly mature, which resulted in a small contribution of organic matter (OM) to the SA and PV. Instead, I/S (illite-smectite mixed clay) together with illite jointly contributed mostly to the SA and PV as a result of the large amount of inter-layer pores associated with them, which were evident in broad-ion-beam (BIB) imaging and statistical analysis. Additionally, the Shanxi Shale has fractal geometries of both pore surface and pore structure, with the pore surface fractal dimension (D1) ranging from 2.16 to 2.42 and the pore structure fractal dimension (D2) ranging from 2.49 to 2.68, respectively. The D1 values denote a pore surface irregularity increase with an increase in I/S and illite content attributed to their more irregular pore surface compared with other mineralogical compositions and OM. The fractal dimension D2 characterizing the pore structure complexity is closely related to the pore arrangement and connectivity, and I/S and illite decrease the D2 when their contents increase due to the incremental ordering degree and connectivity of I/S- or illite-hosted pores. Meanwhile, other shale constituents (including kaolinite, chlorite, and OM) that possess few pores can significantly increase the pore structure complexity by way of pore-blocking.  相似文献   

The geochemical and petrographic characteristics of saline lacustrine shales from the Qianjiang Formation, Jianghan Basin were investigated by organic geochemical analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and low pressure nitrogen adsorption analysis. The results indicate that: the saline lacustrine shales of Eq3 member with high oil content are characterized by type I and type II oil-prone kerogen, variable TOC contents (1.0–10.0 wt%) and an early-maturity stage (Ro ranges between 0.41 and 0.76%). The mineral compositions of Eq3 saline shale show strong heterogeneity: brittle intervals with high contents of quartz and carbonate are frequently alternated with ductile intervals with high glauberite and clay contents. This combination might be beneficial for oil accumulation, but may cause significant challenges for the hydraulic stimulation strategy and long-term production of shale oil. The interparticle pores and intraparticle pores dominate the pore system of Eq3 shale, and organic matter hosted pores are absent. Widely distributed fractures, especially tectonic fractures, might play a key role in hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. The pore network is contributed to by both large size inorganic pores and abundant micro-factures, leading to a relatively high porosity (2.8–30.6%) and permeability (0.045–6.27 md) within the saline shale reservoir, which could enhance the flow ability and storage capacity of oil. The oil content (S1 × 100/TOC, mg HC/g TOC and S1, mg HC/g rock) and brittleness data demonstrate that the Eq33x section has both great potential for being a producible oil resource and hydraulic fracturing. Considering the hydrocarbon generation efficiency and properties of oil, the mature shale of Eq3 in the subsidence center of the Qianjiang Depression would be the most favorable zone for shale oil exploitation.  相似文献   

海岸带是受人类活动和全球海平面上升影响的敏感地带,海岸线的提取和监测是海岸带生态系统研究和社会管理的重要内容。本文在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,以修正的归一化水体指数(Modified Normalized Difference Water Index,MNDWI)为基础,结合遥感影像处理和直方图均衡化等技术,实现了大连市獐子岛1985—2016年海岸线的自动化提取。结果表明:(1)通过与三位专家目视解译的成果比对,本文提取海岸线的精度能满足后续研究的要求(相对误差分别为0.045%,0.032%和0.023%);(2)近30年来,獐子岛海岸线总体呈现蚀退趋势,岸线长度与岛屿面积分别呈现变短和变小的趋势,獐子岛(主岛)和大耗岛的岸线蚀退速率最大,褡裢岛次之,小耗岛最小;在人类活动较为密集的区域,海岸线呈现出较为强烈的增长趋势,海水养殖和圈海建坝是岸线增长的主要驱动力;(3)獐子岛海岸线具有显著的分形性质,分形维数随时间呈现增大的趋势,獐子岛(主岛)的分形维数最大,褡裢岛的分形维数最小。  相似文献   

The development of expulsion fractures in organic-rich shale is closely related to hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from kerogen. Organic-rich shales from the upper part of the fourth member and the lower part of the third member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, East China, are used as an example. Based on thin sections, SEM and thermal simulation experiments, the characteristics of hydrocarbon generation and the conditions supporting the development of expulsion fractures were explored. The key factors influencing these fractures include the presence of kerogens, their distribution along laminae and around particle boundaries, their exposure to heat and the build-up in pressure due to confinement by low permeability. The development of excess pore fluid pressures and intrinsic low rock fracture strength are the main influencing factors. Pressurization by rapid generation of hydrocarbon provides impetus for fracture initiation and cause bitumen to migrate quickly. The shale laminae results in distinctly lower fracture strength laminae-parallel than laminae-normal and this directs the formation of new fractures in the direction of weakness. When pore fluid pressure increases, maximum and minimum principal effective stresses decrease by different proportions with a larger reduction in the maximum principal effective stress. This increases the deviatoric stress and reduces the mean stress, thus driving the rock towards failure. Moreover, the tabular shape of the kerogen aids the generation of hydrocarbon and the initiation of expulsion fractures from the tip and edge. The resulting fractures extend along the laminae when the tensile strength is lower in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction. Particle contact boundaries are weak and allow fractures to expand around particles and to curve as the stress/strength regime changes. When pore fluid pressure fields at different fracture tips overlap, fractures will propagate and interconnect, forming a network. This paper could provide us more detailed understanding of the forming processes of expulsion fractures and better comprehension about hydrocarbon expulsion (primary migration) in source rocks.  相似文献   

To better understand reservoir quality and to produce accurate petrophysical interpretations, it is necessary to understand complex and heterogeneous pore throat structures in tight sands and to develop a technique to reveal the full range of pore and throat distributions. In this study, in order to characterize the features and evolutions of pore throat structures, nine samples from the Lower Cretaceous tight gas sandstone in the Songliao Basin of China are measured by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), rate-controlled porosimetry (RCP) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Throats with bifractal structures are found in these tight sands and can be divided into a backbone formation (BF) region and a percolation region using RCP data. Because (i) throats in the percolation region record treelike pore structures and are predominant in small pore spaces and (ii) a good correlation exists between NMR-derived T2 relaxation times and the RCP-derived radius of throats, the throat distribution obtained via RCP can be used to calibrate the NMR PSD and then to partition the PSD into distributions of pore bodies and throats. These data indicate that (i) throats are more common than pore bodies in pore spaces of tight sands with lower permeability, (ii) pore bodies are connected to throats from both the BF and percolation regions, in which the fluid mobility in pore bodies is mainly controlled by the pore to throat ratio (PTR), which is related to the intersection throat of these two regions, and (iii) compaction, dissolution, clay cementation and sediment properties (e.g., rock compositions) have different impacts on the evolutions of pore bodies and throats, in which larger PTR values in tight sands are mainly produced by compaction and pore-bridging clay cementation, and lower contents of pore bodies are commonly related to abundant plastic compositions and pore-bridging clay cementation.  相似文献   

Ever since a breakthrough of marine shales in China, lacustrine shales have been attracting by the policy makers and scientists. Organic-rich shales of the Middle Jurassic strata are widely distributed in the Yuqia Coalfield of northern Qaidam Basin. In this paper, a total of 42 shale samples with a burial depth ranging from 475.5 m to 658.5 m were collected from the Shimengou Formation in the YQ-1 shale gas borehole of the study area, including 16 samples from the Lower Member and 26 samples from the Upper Member. Geochemistry, reservoir characteristics and hydrocarbon generation potential of the lacustrine shales in YQ-1 well were preliminarily investigated using the experiments of vitrinite reflectance measurement, maceral identification, mineralogical composition, carbon stable isotope, low-temperature nitrogen adsorption, methane isothermal adsorption and rock eval pyrolysis. The results show that the Shimengou shales have rich organic carbon (averaged 3.83%), which belong to a low thermal maturity stage with a mean vitrinite reflectance (Ro) of 0.49% and an average pyrolytic temperature of the generated maximum remaining hydrocarbon (Tmax) of 432.8 °C. Relative to marine shales, the lacustrine shales show low brittleness index (averaged 34.9) but high clay contents (averaged 55.1%), high total porosities (averaged 13.71%) and great Langmuir volumes (averaged 4.73 cm−3 g). Unlike the marine and marine-transitional shales, the quartz contents and brittleness index (BI) values of the lacustrine shales first decrease then increase with the rising TOC contents. The kerogens from the Upper Member shales are dominant by the oil-prone types, whereas the kerogens from the Lower Member shales by the gas-prone types. The sedimentary environment of the shales influences the TOC contents, thus has a close connection with the hydrocarbon potential, mineralogical composition, kerogen types and pore structure. Additionally, in terms of the hydrocarbon generation potential, the Upper Member shales are regarded as very good and excellent rocks whereas the Lower Member shales mainly as poor and fair rocks. In overall, the shales in the top of the Upper Member can be explored for shale oil due to the higher free hydrocarbon amount (S1), whereas the shales in the Lower Member and the Upper Member, with the depths greater than 1000 m, can be suggested to explore shale gas.  相似文献   

Reservoirs where tectonic fractures significantly impact fluid flow are widespread. Industrial-level shale gas production has been established from the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in the Cen'gong block, South China; the practice of exploration and development of shale gas in the Cen'gong block shows that the abundance of gas in different layers and wells is closely related to the degree of development of fractures. In this study, the data obtained from outcrop, cores, and logs were used to determine the developmental characteristics of such tectonic fractures. By doing an analysis of structural evolution, acoustic emission, burial history, logging evaluation, seismic inversion, and rock mechanics tests, 3-D heterogeneous geomechanical models were established by using a finite element method (FEM) stress analysis approach to simulate paleotectonic stress fields during the Late Hercynian—Early Indo-Chinese and Middle-Late Yanshanian periods. The effects of faulting, folding, and variations of mechanical parameters on the development of fractures could then be identified. A fracture density calculation model was established to determine the quantitative development of fractures in different stages and layers. Favorable areas for shale gas exploration were determined by examining the relationship between fracture density and gas content of three wells. The simulation results indicate the magnitude of minimum principal stress during the Late Hercynian — Early Indo-Chinese period within the Cen'gong block is −100 ∼ −110 MPa with a direction of SE-NW (140°–320°), and the magnitude of the maximum principal stress during the Middle-Late Yanshanian period within the Cen'gong block is 150–170 MPa with a direction of NNW-SSE (345°–165°). During the Late Hercynian — Early Indo-Chinese period, the mechanical parameters and faults play an important role in the development of fractures, and fractures at the downthrown side of the fault are more developed than those at the uplifted side; folding plays an important role in the development of fractures in the Middle-Late Yanshanian period, and faulting is a secondary control. This 3-D heterogeneous geomechanical modelling method and fracture density calculation modelling are not only significant for prediction of shale fractures in complex structural areas, but also have a practical significance for the prediction of other reservoir fractures.  相似文献   

The Songliao Basin is a large-scale petroliferous basin in China. With a gradual decline in conventional oil production, the exploration and development of replacement resources in the basin is becoming increasingly important. Previous studies have shown that the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation (K2qn) has favorable geological conditions for the formation of shale oil. Thus, shale oil in the Qingshankou Formation represents a promising and practical replacement resource for conventional oil. In this study, geological field surveys, core observation, sample tests, and the analysis of well logs were applied to study the geochemical and reservoir characteristics of shales, identify shale oil beds, build shale oil enrichment models, and classify favorable exploration areas of shale oil from the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation. The organic matter content is high in shales from the first member of the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation (K2qn1), with average total organic carbon (TOC) content exceeding 2%. The organic matter is mainly derived from lower aquatic organisms in a reducing brackish to fresh water environment, resulting in mostly type I kerogen. The vitrinite reflectance (Ro) and the temperature at which the maximum is release of hydrocarbons from cracking of kerogen occurred during pyrolysis (Tmax) respectively range from 0.5% to 1.1% and from 430 °C to 450 °C, indicating that the K2qn1 shales are in the low-mature to mature stage (Ro ranges from 0.5% to 1.2%) and currently generating a large amount of oil. The favorable depth for oil generation and expulsion is 1800–2200 m and 1900–2500 m, respectively as determined by basin modeling. The reserving space of the K2qn1 shale oil includes micropores and mircofractures. The micropore reservoirs are developed in shales interbedded with siltstones exhibiting high gamma ray (GR), high resistivity (Rt), low density (DEN), and slightly abnormal spontaneous potential (SP) in the well-logging curves. The microfracture reservoirs are mainly thick shales with high Rt, high AC (acoustic transit time), high GR, low DEN, and abnormal SP. Based on the shale distribution, geochemical characteristics, reservoir types, fracture development, and the process of shale oil generation and enrichment, the southern Taikang and northern Da'an are classified as two favorable shale oil exploration areas in the Songliao Basin.  相似文献   

Shale reservoirs of the Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group provide an opportunity to study the influence of rock composition on permeability and pore throat size distribution in high maturity formations. Sedimentological, geochemical and petrophysical analyses reveal relationships between rock composition, pore throat size and matrix permeability.In our sample set, measured matrix permeability ranges between 1.69 and 42.81 nanodarcies and increases with increasing porosity. Total organic carbon (TOC) content positively correlates to permeability and exerts a stronger control on permeability than inorganic composition. A positive correlation between silica content and permeability, and abundant interparticle pores between quartz crystals, suggests that quartz may be another factor enhancing the permeability. Pore throat size distributions are strongly related to TOC content. In organic rich samples, the dominant pore throat size is less than 10 nm, whereas in organic lean samples, pore throat size distribution is dominantly greater than 20 nm. SEM images suggest that in organic rich samples, organic matter pores are the dominant pore type, whereas in quartz rich samples, the dominant type is interparticle pores between quartz grains. In clay rich and carbonate rich samples, the dominant pore type is intraparticle pores, which are fewer and smaller in size.High permeability shales are associated with specific depositional facies. Massive and pyritic mudstones, rich in TOC and quartz, have comparatively high permeability. Laminated mudstone, bioturbated mudstone and carbonate facies, which are relatively enriched in clay or carbonate, have fairly low permeability.  相似文献   

The Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale in the southeastern Upper Yangtze Region, which has been the main target for shale gas exploration and production in China, is black marine organic-rich shale and rich in graptolites. Graptolites, usually only periderms preserved in shales, are important organic component of the Longmaxi Shale. However, the pore structure of graptolite periderms and its contribution to gas storage has not yet been studied before. A combination of optical microscopy for identification and “mark” of graptolite and scanning electron microscope (SEM) for pore observations were conducted for the Longamxi Shale samples. Results show that pores are anisotropic developed in the Longmaxi graptolite periderms and greatly associated with their fine structure. Micrometer-sized fractures and spindle-shaped pores between cortical fibrils in the cortical bandage are greatly developed at section parallel to the bedding, while they are rare at section perpendicular to the bedding. Besides, numerous sapropel detritus rich in nanometer-sized pores are discretely distributed in the shale. Though graptolite periderms are low porosity from SEM image analysis, microfractures and elongated pores along the graptolite periderm wall may still make the graptolite an interconnected system. Together with the discrete porous sapropel detritus in shale, these graptolite-derived Organic Matter (OM) may form an interconnected organic pore system in the shale. The difference of pore development observed in graptolite periderms and sapropel detritus also give us new insight for the organic pore heterogeneity study. The OM composition, their fine structure and orientation in the rock may be important factors controlling OM pore development. The combination of identifying OM type under optical microscopy and pores observation under SEM for may be an effective method to study the OM pore development especially in shale that contain more OM.  相似文献   

Wrench motion is relatively common in basins but often goes undetected because of its subtle structural imprint. Even so wrench-related folding is of significance in petroleum exploration and development. Based on the Riedel shear nomenclature, we apply the model of wrench-related folding to deformation in the Bohai sea basin. The folding related to R-shears, T-tensional structural systems (T-systems) and C-compressive structural systems (C-systems) in a Riedel shear model are discussed. The R-system related folding results from differential movements between the two sides of fault blocks, in map view the fold is oriented (90°-φ/2) (in the initial deformation stage) or more than (90°-φ/2) from the principle displacement zone (PDZ), where φ is the angle of internal friction. The T-system related folding is related to the rollover of the hanging wall, and in map view the fold is initiated at 45° from the PDZ in the initial deformation stage. The C-system related folding is resulted from the compression induced by a wrench action, in map view the fold was oriented 45° from initial deformation in the PDZ. Bohai Sea basin fold orientations fit our models, and the wrench-related folds play important roles in oil and gas accumulation.  相似文献   

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