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Pockmarks are observed worldwide along the continental margins and are inferred to be indicators of fluid expulsion. In the present study, we have analysed multibeam bathymetry and 2D/3D seismic data from the south-western Barents Sea, in relation to gas hydrate stability field and sediment type, to examine pockmark genesis. Seismic attributes of the sediments at and beneath the seafloor have been analysed to study the factors related to pockmark formation. The seabed depths in the study area are just outside the methane hydrate stability field, but the presence of higher order hydrocarbon gases such as ethane and/or propane in the expelled fluids may cause localised gas hydrate formation. The selective occurrence of pockmarks in regions of specific seabed sediment types indicates that their formation is more closely related to the type of seabed sediment than the source path of fluid venting such as faults. The presence of high acoustic backscatter amplitudes at the centre of the pockmarks indicates harder/coarser sediments, likely linked to removal of soft material. The pockmarks show high seismic reflection amplitudes along their fringes indicating deposition of carbonates precipitated from upwelling fluids. High seismic amplitude gas anomalies underlying the region away from the pockmarks indicate active fluid flow from hydrocarbon source rocks beneath, which is blocked by overlying less permeable formations. In areas of consolidated sediments, the upward flow is limited to open fault locations, while soft sediment areas allow diffused flow of fluids and hence formation of pockmarks over a wider region, through removal of fine-grained material.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous Knurr Sandstone deposited along the southern slope of Loppa High and overlain by the Kolje and Kolmule seals forms an attractive play in the Hammerfest Basin of the Barents Sea. Late Jurassic organic-rich Hekkingen shale directly underlies the Knurr Sandstone and acts as a source to provide effective charge. Three wells, 7120/2-2, 7122/2-1 and 7120/1-2, have proven the Knurr-Kolje play in structural traps, with an oil discovery in 7120/1-2. Prospectivity related to stratigraphic traps is, however, highly under-explored.In order to document and map the reservoir distribution and stratigraphic-trap fairway, the Lower Cretaceous sedimentary package containing the Knurr Sandstone is divided into a number of depositional sequences and systems tracts using key regional seismic profiles calibrated with logs. Mapping of the key surfaces bounding the Knurr sandstone has been carried out using all the seismic vintages available from Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).The thick massive nature of the sandstone (123 m in well 7122/2-1), sedimentary features characteristic of gravity flow deposits, high-resolution internal seismic reflections and stratal geometries (truncations and lapout patterns), and sequence stratigraphic position of the Knurr Sandstone on seismic profiles confirm that the lobes identified on the seismic section are gravity driven base of the slope lobes. These Knurr lobes and slope aprons were formed as a result of uplift of the Loppa paleo-high in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous times which caused subaerial exposure and incision. The characteristic mounded, lobate geometry evident on the seismic can be mapped along the toe-of-slope and records multiple stacked lobes fed by multiple feeder canyons. Lateral partitioning and separation of the lobes along the toe-of-slope could potentially create stratigraphic traps. The existing 2D seismic coverage is, however, not sufficient to capture lateral stratigraphic heterogeneity to identify stratigraphic traps. 3D seismic coverage with optimum acquisition parameters (high spatial and vertical resolution, appropriate seismic frequency and fold, long offsets and original amplitudes preserved) can allow for the reconstruction of 3D geomorphologic elements to de-risk potential stratigraphic traps prior to exploratory drilling.  相似文献   

Evolution of the western Barents Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Information from multichannel seismic reflection data complemented by seismic refraction, gravity and magnetics forms the basis for a regional structural and evolutionary model of the western Barents Sea during post-Caledonian times. The western Barents Sea contains a thick succession, locally > 10 km, of Upper Paleozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary rocks covering a basement of probably Caledonian origin. The area is divided into three regional geological provinces: (1) an east-west trending basinal province between 74°N and the coast of Norway; (2) an elevated platform area to the north towards Svalbard; and (3) the western continental margin. Several structural elements of different origin and age have been mapped within each of these provinces. The main stratigraphic sequence boundaries have been tentatively dated from available well information, correlation with the geology of adjacent areas, and correlation with the interregional unconformities caused by relative changes of sea level. The main structural elements were developed during three major post-Caledonian tectonic phases: the Svalbardian phase in Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous times, the Mid and Late Kimmerian phase in Mid Jurassic to Early Cretaceous times and Cenozoic tectonism related to the progressive northward opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The sediments are predicted to be of mainly clastic origin except for a thick sequence of Middle Carboniferous — Lower Permian carbonates and evaporites. Salt diapirs have developed in several sub-basins, especially in the Nordkapp Basin where they form continuous salt walls that have pierced through > 7 km of sediments.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed seismic analysis of a hitherto undescribed Permian succession interpreted to consist of interbedded anhydrite and carbonate from the northern flank of the Loppa High, western Barents Sea. The Fafner succession forms a locally restricted transgressive unit down-dip on the rotated Loppa High. It is subdivided into four seismic sequences each interpreted to be composed of a basal transgressive anhydrite overlain by highstand carbonates. Fafner seismic sequences 2 and 3 include well-developed buildup complexes which in map view form polygonal patterns.Analysis of attribute maps indicates that the Fafner succession is overprinted by two dissolution systems related to two prominent events of subaerial exposure, creating numerous paleo-sinkholes, breccia-pipes, and collapsed composite cavern systems.The stratigraphical position of the Fafner succession, below the Mid Sakmarian – Artinskian Bjarmeland Group and above the Top Ørn unconformity, resembles that of the Lower Permian Gipshuken Formation on Spitsbergen, and the Fafner succession is thus regarded as its offshore equivalent.  相似文献   

A sedimentary succession studied along three parallel seismic lines details a platform-edge progradation of 21–36 km in a northwesterly direction across the northwestern Barents Shelf. The intra-shelf clinoform succession is bounded at bottom and top by Base Olenekian and Early Ladinian seismic reflectors. The ca 800 m thick succession can be resolved into seven distinct clinothems. The system is characterized by an early sub-horizontal platform-edge trajectory with extensive progradation, limited relative sea level rise and restricted accommodation. Thereafter the system outlines a largely ascending trajectory, marking a major rise in relative sea level and creation of significant accommodation. The platform-edge appears to back-step along one line suggesting that relative sea level rise out-paced sediment influx and preserved a clinothem with a trajectory characterized by accretionary transgression. Thereafter the trajectory is overall ascending regressive, with some variation of the trajectory angle, culminating in a flat and finally descending trajectory with oblique clinoforms outlining extensive progradation and another period of limited accommodation. The clinoforms downlap onto a succession of basin-floor deposits which appear to comprise at least two separate periods of deposition, forming two separate units. The first five clinothems downlap onto the first basin-floor unit. The shift to downlap onto the second unit occurs around the second period of extensive platform-edge advance, suggesting limited accommodation promoted bypass of significant amounts of sediment to the basin floor.The Gardarbanken High has been considered an obstacle to Early Triassic sediment progradation in this part of the basin. This inference can be corroborated based on the seismic attributes, which show sediment infill and onlap near the High. The influence is also noticeable in the reduced slope relief near the High, indicating that the basin floor was topographically higher. However, other geometric attributes cannot provide any definitive measures of structural influence.The thickness of preserved topsets and the distance from the platform-edge to the toe pinch-out point of each clinothem is found to be inversely proportional. This relationship is most marked in the fully developed sigmoidal clinoforms, whereas the link appears weaker in the oblique clinoforms. A near-perfect correlation between clinothem average vertical thickness (the average sedimentary rock accumulation within the clinothem) and advance of the toe is found, with only a relatively close relationship between clinothem average vertical thickness and advance of the platform-edge. In the studied system it therefore appears the advance of the toe is governed solely by sediment influx while the advance of the platform-edge is also influenced by relative sea level.  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution of the Vienna Basin overlying the Alpine-Carpathian fold and thrust belt includes two stages of distinct basin subsidence and deformation. The earlier phase contemporaneous with thrusting of the Alpine-Carpathian floor thrust is related to the formation of a wedge-top basin (“piggy-back”), which was connected to the evolving foreland basin (Lower Miocene; c. 18.5–16 Ma). This stage is followed by the formation of a pull-apart basin (Middle to Upper Miocene; c. 16–8 Ma). Sediments of the latter unconformably overly wedge-top basin strata and protected them against erosion.  相似文献   

Analysis of multi-channel seismic data from the northern East China Sea Shelf Basin (ECSSB) reveals three sub-basins (Socotra, Domi, and Jeju basins), separated by structural highs (Hupijiao Rise) and faulted basement blocks. These sub-basins show a typical rift-basin development: faulted basement and syn-rift and post-rift sedimentation separated by unconformities. Four regional unconformities, including the top of acoustic basement, have been identified and mapped from multi-channel seismic data. Faults in the acoustic basement are generally trending NE, parallel to the regional structural trend of the area. The depths of the acoustic basement range from less than 1000 m in the northwestern part of the Domi Basin to more than 4500 m in the Socotra Basin and 5500 m in the Jeju Basin. The total sediment thicknesses range from less than 500 m to about 1500 m in the northwest where the acoustic basement is shallow and reach about more than 5500 m in the south.Interpretation of seismic reflection data and reconstruction of three depth-converted seismic profiles reveal that the northern ECSSB experienced two phases of rifting, followed by regional subsidence. The initial rifting in the Late Cretaceous was driven by the NW-SE crustal stretching of the Eurasian Plate, caused by the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian Plate. Extension was the greatest during the early phase of basin formation; estimated rates of extension during the initial rifting are 2%, 6.5%, and 3.5% in the Domi, Jeju, and Socotra basins, respectively. A regional uplift terminated the rifting in the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene. Rifting and extension, although mild, resumed in the Early Oligocene; while fluvio-lacustrine deposition continued to prevail. The estimated rates of extension during the second phase of rifting are 0.7%, 0.8%, and 0.5% in the Domi, Jeju, and Socotra basins, respectively. A second phase of uplift in the Early Miocene terminated the rifting, marking the transition to the post-rift phase of regional subsidence. Regional subsidence dominated the study area between the Early Miocene and the Late Miocene. An inversion in the Late Miocene interrupted the post-rift subsidence, resulting in an extensive thrust-fold belt in the eastern part of the area. Uplift and subsequent erosion were followed by regional subsidence.  相似文献   

The occurrence of shale diapirs in the Yinggehai-Song Hong (YGH-SH) Basin is well documented, as is their association with big petroleum fields. In order to better understand how and why the diapirs form we performed a detailed geophysical analysis using a new regional compilation of high-resolution two- and three-dimensional seismic reflection data, as well as drilling data that cover the diapirs in YGH-SH Basin. As many as 18 diapirs were identified and are arranged in six N-S-striking vertical en échelon zones. On seismic reflection sections gas chimney structures, diapiric faults and palaeo-craters are genetically linked with the process of diapirism. Here we use geophysical and geological observations to propose a three-stage model for diapirism: initiation, emplacement, and collapse. During these three stages, different diapiric structure styles are formed, which we describe in detail. These include buried diapirs, piercing diapirs and collapsed diapirs. We link the diapirism to activity on the offshore continuation of the Red River Fault, as shown on our high-resolution seismic reflection data, which is also related to a high paleogeothermal gradient caused by crustal thinning. We also recognize the role of loading by the very large volume of sediment eroded from the edges of the Tibetan Plateau and delivered by the Red River to the basin.  相似文献   

In this study we made a comparative interpretation of multibeam bathymetric and seismic reflection data with different resolutions and penetration properties collected in the Central Basin of the Marmara Sea. Our main objectives were (i) to investigate and compare the active tectonic deformation observed on the sea bottom and within the uppermost sedimentary layers to that of the deep-seated deformation within the limits of resolution and penetration of the available geophysical data and (ii) to build a three-dimensional (3D) block diagram of the active tectonic and buried features by means of a sliced mapping technique. In this approach, we produced slice maps of the active and buried structural features at selected depths and then combined them to form a 3D structural block diagram. Motivation for our work was to produce a 3D structural diagram to derive a more detailed image of the structural features in the Central Basin where there is no available 3D seismic data. The observations from the bathymetry and seismic data and developed 3D diagram support the presence of a through-going strike-slip fault that forms a rotational depression zone against a right-stepping strike-slip faulting causing a pull-apart basin in the Central Depression zone.  相似文献   

The potential for fluid leakage from sub-surface reservoirs has important implications for CO2 storage, hydrocarbon reservoirs and water resources. Understanding the genesis, morphology, fluid flow mechanisms and extent of fluid escape from reservoirs allows for better risking of geological resources and storage potential. Here we describe in detail the structures of fluid escape pipes from the Loyal Field, observed from a 3D full and partial stack seismic dataset. The seismic imagery suggests that the fluid escape pipes are rooted at least in the main Paleocene reservoir and by-pass the reservoir seal to cross the post Lista Formation overburden up to the intra-Neogene units. The pipes extend for a few hundred meters to a few kilometres and show varying shape and structure from blow-out structures to incipient mud volcanoes. A detailed analysis of the seismic characteristics observed both from main baseline and partial stack data allows a division of the pipes into two families: (1) seeps and pipes following structural discontinuities and (2) pipes unrelated to the pre-existing structural features. The pipes internal seismic response, the reflector termination of the main conduits and the distribution of stacked bright reflectors suggest an upward migration mechanism (during pipe birth and development), requiring a cyclic switching from non-Darcy hydrofracturing (during overpressure) to Darcy flow lateral migration (during low-pressure stage).  相似文献   

为了满足海洋研究以及海洋调查的需求,本文基于Argo剖面和海表面温度数据开发了一个新的拟合三维温度场的算法。选取西北太平洋区域作为验证算法有效的实验海区。该水域的经纬度范围设定为:30°~40°N, 140°~155°E, 水平分辨率为0.25°。深度方向为从海表到2 000 m水深,水域划分为29层。拟合算法首先将Argo温度剖面以5个深度划分为6层,分别为混合层、夹层、温跃层、过渡层、第一深层、第二深层,然后以第一猜想值和线性回归得到的海表面温度作为初始条件重构三维温度场。重构的三维温度场的剖面与原观测剖面的均方根误差较小,相关性较好,表明该算法是合理有效的。  相似文献   

为了明确东海陆架盆地西部瓯江凹陷的构造单元属性,指导下步油气勘探部署,本文在前人中生代构造单元划分和构造演化的研究基础上,开展了地震剖面解释、平衡剖面分析、海陆对比研究等工作。综合研究认为,瓯江凹陷为白垩纪断陷红盆,缺少侏罗纪地层,其断裂构造特征、白垩纪沉积建造和火山岩活动等类似于浙闽隆起带,而瓯江凹陷以东的闽江凹陷为白垩纪和侏罗纪的断坳转换盆地,沉积环境为海陆过渡相—海相。地震剖面上闽江凹陷与其东侧的基隆凹陷构成一个向东倾斜的整体。海陆对比显示,瓯江凹陷与浙闽隆起侏罗纪时均处于隆升剥蚀,白垩纪时均处于断裂拉张。因此,推测瓯江凹陷与浙闽隆起带具有相似的构造单元属性,属于浙闽隆起带的一部分,其中生代的油气资源潜力可能比闽江凹陷差。  相似文献   

On the basis of new geophysical data acquired by the Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) and the Polar Marine Geological Research Expedition (PMGRE) as well as existing data new geophysical maps were compiled for the Lazarev Sea and the Riiser-Larsen Sea between 10°W and 25°E. The new results are: – The drastic change in the strike direction of the volcanic Explora Wedge between longitudes 10°W and 5°W is accompanied with a gradual change from one major wedge, i.e. the Explora Wedge, into at least two wedge-shaped volcanic constructions, each manifested by a sequence of seaward-dipping reflectors in the seismic records. – The southern Lazarev Sea is best described as a continental margin affected by multiple rifting episodes accompanied with transient volcanism. – A distinct N80°E striking basement depression separates the volcanic-prone continental margin of the southern Lazarev Sea from oceanic crust upon which the Maud Rise rests. The southern scarp of the narrow depression was presumably aligned with the eastern scarp of the Mozambique Ridge during the Early Cretaceous. – The Astrid Ridge proper occupies the transition from the volcanic-prone continental margin of the Lazarev Sea to old oceanic crust of the Riiser -Larsen Sea, and it rests upon a large volcanic apron which covers the basement of the southwestern Riiser-Larsen Sea. – No evidence was found that prolific volcanism has affected the early opening of the Riiser-Larsen Sea. – The Lazarev Sea is a sediment-starved region.  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地丽水凹陷烃源岩埋深大、钻井少、油气发现少,至今对其生油气能力具有较大的争议。为明确烃源岩热演化史,从少量具备实测地层温度和镜质体反射率(Ro)资料的钻井出发,利用正演模拟方法,通过地温与地层深度相关性分析,将钻井地温研究结果外推到无井区。在恢复丽水凹陷探井岩石圈结构及其演化史的基础上,首次系统建立了丽水凹陷的区域地温场并分析其对烃源岩演化的作用。研究表明,古新统下段月桂峰组底界(T100)烃源岩大部分都已成熟,次洼中心局部过成熟;月桂峰组顶界(T90)烃源岩大部分处于低熟—成熟阶段,次洼中心局部高—过成熟;灵峰组顶界(T85)烃源岩处于未熟—低熟状态,西次洼中心有成熟烃源岩。烃源岩特征及演化分析表明,古新统下段月桂峰组烃源岩是丽水凹陷的主力生油气烃源岩。  相似文献   

The structural analysis of regional 3D seismic data shows evidence of long-term tectonic inheritance in Campos Basin, offshore Brazil. Main Lower Cretaceous rift structures controlled themselves by strike-slip deformation belts related to Proterozoic orogenic events, have been episodically reactivated during the divergent margin phase of Campos Basin, from the Albian to the Miocene. Balanced cross-sections of major salt structures indicate that such tectonic reactivations have been controlling thin-skinned salt tectonics, triggering pulses of gravitational gliding above the Aptian salt detachment. Additionally, major basin features like the Neogene progradation front and the salt tectonic domains are constrained by the main Proterozoic orogenic trends of the Ribeira Belt (NE–SW) and the Vitória-Colatina Belt (NNW–SSE). As the basement involved structures observed in Campos Basin can be attributed to general geodynamic processes, it is suggested that basement tectonic reactivation can be as relevant as isostatic adjustment and detached thin-skinned tectonics on the structural evolution of divergent margin settings.  相似文献   

The Adelaide Basin in Australia is a complex of late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian rift and sag basins which was inverted during the Cambro–Ordovician Delamerian Orogeny. The deposition of evaporitic sediments during the earliest stage of basin development in the late Neoproterozoic (Willouran age) played a major role in the subsequent tectonic evolution of the basin. Previous studies have shown that early mobilization, vertical transport and withdrawal of the evaporites influenced the sedimentation during the late Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian. The evaporites also influenced deformation during the inversion of the basin and the development of the Delamerian fold and thrust belt. However, the control exerted by basement structures in the deposition of the evaporitic beds and the role of these tectonic structures in the later inversion of the basin have been poorly constrained.  相似文献   

如何确定海底多金属硫化物的空间分布并对其进行资源量评价至关重要。瞬变电磁法是陆地金属矿床勘探的重要手段,但海底的崎岖地形、硫化物的复杂结构以及不稳定的近底观测条件为瞬变电磁在海洋中的应用提出了挑战。为验证瞬变电磁方法对热液区硫化物的勘探应用潜力,本文采用了有限元方法,结合大西洋洋中脊TAG热液区实测地形数据和硫化物深部剖面进行三维正演模拟,通过对比仪器在不同位置、姿态、离底高度的正演模拟结果发现:重叠回线探测装置在离底高度小于60 m时,可以有效探测到TAG丘体的高电导率异常。海底复杂地形以及仪器拖曳方式都会对二次场早期响应产生干扰,同时仪器姿态变化也会改变所探测到的响应,这表明,应结合研究区域的海底地形、仪器海底定位以及姿态数据才能更好的对实测瞬变电磁数据进行合理解释。  相似文献   

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